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S12.E09: Hurricane Leah

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3 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

There was nothing enjoyable about this episode. I couldn't wait for it to be over. I hope Leah isn't back next season. 

Maybe she will go to rehab instead of filming, fingers crossed.  

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Now I see why Leah’s Mother doesn’t want to talk with her.  Elise was the only one who made sense and they didn’t like that.  Anyone else notice that in daylight they all looked old?  Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda and Elise.  Can’t hide Father Time.  This episode made me sick.  Everyone kissy kissy.  What phonies.  If alcohol makes them all crazy like this, why drink from morning until night?  It’s gotten very boring and went down the toilet.  A complete rehaul is needed, minus a few.

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21 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Well I'm going to judge Leah, she's a fucking drunk and she needs to go to AA/rehab, because if you drink THAT much and can't remember what you did the night before and that shit happens more than once, there just MIGHT be a problem. 

How would Leah feel if her daughter got blackout drunk as a teenager?  Maybe she'd go out drinking with her.  And Leah plenty of 12 year olds drink and take drugs, so STFU.

But what you need to do with people like Leah and Dorinda is just let them hit their bottoms.

i think leah was that age when got into drugs

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1 minute ago, 65mickey said:

I thought I heard her say 51 states but then I was like no I must be mistaken she didn't really say that. 

She said 51 states, dumbass.

I think Dorinda, Sonja, Luann and Leah are very sad.  I think they all have drinking problems.  I think they are all in denial but I understand why.  This society doesn't really understand the difference between alcoholism and normal drinking. 

People still believe that alcoholics are people who have lost EVERYTHING, who wake up in the morning and have to have a drink; that's final stages.  You can still be an alcoholic and have your apartment/job/relationship. 

I also think the show itself is to blame.  I've noticed in a lot of Bravo shows, alcohol is flowing freely and I'm sure that's done to increase the drama.  But if people have issues with alcohol, it will make the situation worse. 


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Just now, ChitChat said:

Seriously.  I travel with my own pillow because it's comfortable for me.  Most hotel pillows are way to soft.  Besides, who cares?  What's it to these bitches that Tinsley prefers her own pillow?  Why is that even an issue for them?   They can be so ridiculous.

Leah is in serious need of professional help.  That was disturbing.

Plus, who wants to sleep on other people’s drool?

(Leah has bipolar II disorder - see my post above.)

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1 hour ago, Chicklet said:

I take my pillow with me, so I don't know why these witches were giving her problems over it. 

I also take my pillow everywhere.  Even the best hotels have very hard pillows.  I make my own as I like them squishy and don’t want to wake up with a stiff neck.

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30 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Me too. And I had liked her better than the newbie, Sutton, on Bev Hills. And I’m amazed Leah is not majorly hung over.  

Probably because she was still drunk or buzzed.  

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I'm still impressed that LuAnn managed to stay sober!  It appears that she is managing it well.  I hope she can continue on that path.  Seeing Dorinda & Leah get plastered should be enough of a deterrent for her!  Tinsley looked stoned throughout the whole dinner.  What a waste of an hour though.

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4 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

I also take my pillow everywhere.  Even the best hotels have very hard pillows.  I make my own as I like them squishy and don’t want to wake up with a stiff neck.

Or they’re the size of throw pillows.

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I think I'd marry Ramona over Bethenny, honestly.

My favourite part of the episode was when they were all making fun of Elyse.  This episode was kind of good , but this season's been dismal.  Someone convince Bethenny to come back.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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29 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Leah’s mom is a therapist who helped her cope with bipolar II disorder diagnosis - it’s sad that Leah is doing this for a TV show.


So, Leah is bi-polar??  Well, that explains everything!!  

I'm guessing she's not taking her meds.  

This also sheds a big light onto why her Mom wouldn't talk to her after she found out that Leah was drinking again.

If we are going to see more of this as Leah's storyline, I don't know if I can watch.  I watch the Housewives for mindless, snarky entertainment, not deep, serious topics like that.

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53 minutes ago, Steph J said:

They could show the clip of Luann falling into the bushes every single episode and I would not complain.

Hard agree

I always complain that I can't watch RHOBH because every scene of that show seems scripted.  Do you think anyone could script Leah acting like that?  LOL HELL NOOO that's real Baby

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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36 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I actually miss Bethenny, I’d rather have her back than watch this shitshow with Leah. 

I feel the same. 

I was actually wondering how Bethenny would have reacted to seeing Leah's craziness.  Would it have triggered some memories for Bethenny about her own childhood?  Would she have been able to calm Leah down? 

I wasn't always a fan of Bethenny's, but, for all her faults and her disagreements with Sonja, she always seemed to look out for Sonja when she would get shit-faced drunk.  She was very good at dealing with Sonja (most of the time).  She even dealt with drunken Dorinda a time or two, and handled that very well, also.

Edited by njbchlover
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3 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

So, Leah is bi-polar??  Well, that explains everything!!  

I'm guessing she's not taking her meds.  

This also sheds a big light onto why her Mom wouldn't talk to her after she found out that Leah was drinking again.

If we are going to see more of this as Leah's storyline, I don't know if I can watch.  I watch the Housewives for mindless, snarky entertainment, not deep, serious topics like that.

Yes.  Enough of that in real life!

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57 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Oh, for God's sake, Tinsley saying "I'm sorry" to Dorinda is infuriating.  And Dorinda claiming she just wants Tinsley to be her best is such incredible bs. 

That’s it!  I no longer have respect or feel sorry for Tinsley.  She bowed down to Dorinda and made a fool of herself.  She has no guts or respect for herself after Dorinda made mince meat out of her.  Lots of luck Tins .. you blew it.  Now go kiss her ass again, you fool.  Dorinda is not your friend.

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38 minutes ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

I’m an unapologetic Tinsley defender, so therefore: why does Leah get a break for being “so young” but Tinsley is a gold digger who acts like a child? Nuts. 

Dorinda defended Jules to the death too, because Jules was a lot younger and Carole and Bethenny were total assholes to her.  But she HATES Tinsley for some reason.  Tinsley is only a few years older than Leah and Jules.

38 minutes ago, Rhetorica said:

OMGoodness, Dorinda giving Ramona lessons on how to treat someone. This just isn't enjoyable anymore. I like when they used to get silly and fall into bushes and screw pirates.


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16 minutes ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

Leah is 37 years old with a child. Not some young girl like Luann and Dorinda were trying to imply. Her behavior was disturbing. When is bravo going to learn we enjoy catty and messy but not belligerent? I don’t want to see a mental breakdown on my screen. 

The problem is that everything is progressive.  Things start out messy and catty but soon become nasty and belligerent because that's a natural progression and everybody eventually ups the ante.

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Many drunks I've known go either belligerent or maudlin when drinking, but not both and not at the same time.  That was one hell of a performance by Leah.  If it was for real, she needs help.  If she was putting it on for the cameras she is simply an asshole.  At 37, while around two decades younger than the rest of the cast, she is far too old to be behaving the way she did in this episode.  

Luann and Sonja are the type of people I would quickly cut out of my life.  Both of them instigated Ramona about not welcoming Leah's sister and then when Ramona rescinded the coerced invitation they act like they were never against the idea themselves.  Not for anything, to claim that Ramona has put on a drunken spectacle equaling anything that Sonja, and Dorinda have put on in front of the cameras at any time during the run of this series is ridiculous.  Luann, other than falling, hasn't been too raucous on the show.  She saved that for hiatus and performed it for the police instead.  Ramona may have displayed some bad behaviors but she hasn't been out of control drunk and made a spectacle of herself in public as far as I can remember.  





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18 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

This season has been more challenging to watch than usual, perhaps because there hasn't been much fun amidst the madness.  I know the editing monkeys were pointing out LuAnn's hypocrisy by showing her falling in the bushes but that was hilarious, one of the funniest moments of the series, and there wasn't anything funny about how Leah behaved at that dinner.  

Luann is a happy drunk, clearly.

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First of all..... 51 STATES DODORINDA???? REALLY???  Did the memory of Richard become the 51st state for you?

Second, I actually loved seeing Newport!  Looks GORGEOUS!! Next time, can we just have a better look at that scenery instead of all that BS Leah started spewing at  dinner?? 

Good Gawd Almighty. 

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

She said 51 states, dumbass.

I think Dorinda, Sonja, Luann and Leah are very sad.  I think they all have drinking problems.  I think they are all in denial but I understand why.  This society doesn't really understand the difference between alcoholism and normal drinking. 

People still believe that alcoholics are people who have lost EVERYTHING, who wake up in the morning and have to have a drink; that's final stages.  You can still be an alcoholic and have your apartment/job/relationship. 

I also think the show itself is to blame.  I've noticed in a lot of Bravo shows, alcohol is flowing freely and I'm sure that's done to increase the drama.  But if people have issues with alcohol, it will make the situation worse. 


Heather Thomson said in an interview that alcohol was a problem on this show. She said Bravo supplies it and encourages the women to drink and if they run our Bravo brings more in. Heather didn't like the amount of drinking that went on and it was mild when she was on the show compared to how it is now. Leah, Dorinda and Sonja cannot drink without getting rip roaring drunk. They are not  embarrassed at all for their behavior.  

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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:





But, I honestly think that Leah was over-acting a lot of it, and over-acting badly.  Her histrionics and acting out seemed staged to me.  Crying with  no tears, doing very nice somersaults in the grass (keeping her balance, not stumbling or rolling from one side or the other), not falling while taking off her shoes (while walking) when supposedly sooo drunk, running to attempt to rip the fabric draping, but then, stepping back.  To me, it seemed like several times, Leah appeared to be ready to burst out laughing at her own actions because they were even too unbelievable to herself. 


I agree, I think Leah was pretending to be more drunk than she actually was. She was throwing a tantrum, and as soon as Ramona told her (once again) that her sister could come, she appeared to sober up right away. Leah was also so transparent when she was buttering up Ramona on the drive there, so that Ramona would agree to let her sister come. 

It bugs me when howives act like nothing that they do on camera is ever going to be seen by or get back to their kids. Leah was so concerned about Elise bringing up her child, but not concerned enough for her child not to act like a drunk, complete with a meltdown that could compete with any two year old's. 

Dorinda of course loves Leah because she can be Dorinda's new drinking partner, and is so out of control that Dorinda's usual meanness takes a back seat. Leah has already worn out her welcome with me. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I’m pretty sure that Dorinda said, “the other 51 states,” which means she thinks there are actually 52 states. 

Drunk Leah is exhausting and a mess. 

Edited by SimonSeymour
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I visited Newport two years ago just at this time. It was a lot of fun.  Even had a drink at the same place - The Black Pearl.  It’s only a 45-60 minute drive from the Providence Airport and the flight was really cheap.  We stayed 3 miles outside the town and it was extremely reasonable.  Cute shops, good restaurants and visiting the mansions was really fun.  

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I was excited to watch this show because I love Newport and have stayed at Castle Hill; however that was not enjoyable.  Leah is taking up way too much airtime.  That was ridiculous and not in the mindfuck way that Scary Island was ridiculous because me thinks Miss Leah is going to do whatever it takes to stay on the show.  

i know that Luanne sounds like she’s smoked a pack a day since conception, but I think she is such a gorgeous lady.  

Dorinda can go scratch.  She’s overwhelmed because she doesn’t have a man to take care of her flooded house.  Bat shit crazy she may be, but you know Ramona would handle that situation like a boss.  

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I couldn't be friends with any of these women, with exception of perhaps Tinsley.

Leah has not been a good substitute for Bethenny thus far. Her drunken histrionics are not amusing to watch, and she may be suffering from histrionic personality disorder.

I felt awful for the driver tasked with driving the ladies to Newport, who was visibly frustrated--as long as all the staff who had to interact with these "women" this particular weekend.

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1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

That’s it!  I no longer have respect or feel sorry for Tinsley.  She bowed down to Dorinda and made a fool of herself.  She has no guts or respect for herself after Dorinda made mince meat out of her.  Lots of luck Tins .. you blew it.  Now go kiss her ass again, you fool.  Dorinda is not your friend.

I don't fault her. She want's it over. As we've seen with the Jovanni crap Drunken D-bag won't ever admit she's wrong. Literally every other woman on the show, except Leah and it's just a matter of time, has placated Drunken D-bag, more than once and Dorinda won't listen.

Forget that noise. Make it nice and move on 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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How is Leah younger than Tinsley yet looks firmly in her mid 40s who acts like a rowdy teenager who hasn't yet learned how to hold their liquor? Just learned that she has bipolar Il. All the more reason, she shouldn't be drinking especially if she's on medication. I actually started out liking her but I should have remembered I should give a housewife at least a season or 2 before their true colors come out. Leah wasted no time. And of course, every guy who is not that into her MUST be gay. 🙄

Sonja and Luann sure love to add fuel to the fire. Elyse was making sense.

To absolutely nobody's surprise, Dorinda loves Leah. Compared to Leah, she looks as sober as a judge. She must think we are grading on a curve. 

Next week's previews hint Dorinda will go after Tinsley and her on/off again relationship again. Can't wait./s.

Even with all the shenanigans, I enjoyed this episode way more than Rhobh. That show gives me anxiety with all the passive aggression and nasty, mean girl behavior. These ladies at least enjoy each other for the most part and are up front. 

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33 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I don't fault her. She want's it over. As we've seen with the Jovanni crap Drunken D-bag won't ever admit she's wrong. Literally every other woman on the show, except Leah and it's just a matter of time, has placated Drunken D-bag, more than once and Dorinda won't listen.

Not to mention even after her apology Dorinda is still trashing her on SM.

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3 hours ago, Chicklet said:

I take my pillow with me, so I don't know why these witches were giving her problems over it. 

I take my pillow too. Most hotels have pillows that are too thick for me.  I only like them really flat.  

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Leah’s voice is really grating and there’s nothing even remotely interesting about her.  She’s almost 40 years old and she’s acting like a 16 year old who just had her first drink.   She said she was diagnosed with bipolar and at her age she should know by now what she can and cannot tolerate with regard to alcohol and drugs.  She’s going to react differently than someone without the illness and her history shows it’s not good. 

And she dresses horribly!  Tacky, everything tight, unflattering hats, unflattering hair.  Just nasty.

and Dorinda, hypocrite, claiming they should give her a break because she’s 20 years younger than them.  Ok, they are all well into adulthood.  It’s not like she’s 20 and they’re 40.  

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2 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Yeah, she says her daughter is only 12, but didn't she say that she started getting into substances at the age of 13-ish? I mean, I am sure her daughter is much more stable than Leah herself is, but I don't think that Elyse is wrong in pointing out what a bad example Leah is for her daughter right now. 

Bipolar has genetic components to it and it usually shows up in the teen years.  A kid can go from an angel at 12 to out of control at 14.   Why would Leah get so upset about just discussing it. 

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