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S40.E06: Quick on the Draw


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Wow, Sandra got played ! I must not have been in a scheming mood tonight, because I never saw that coming. Of course, I know it's always possible for a double cross, but I thought Denise was so glad to have a life preserver thrown her way, that she would repay the favor ( and not turn on Sandra !). And Sandra must have thought the same. 

I really didn't see them voting out Parvati either. I guess these people are smarter than I gave them credit for-- when the game started, it looked like they might just let the big name players coast thru the game. I, for one, am glad they haven't !

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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Tonight’s episode of Survivor was brought to you by Peanut butter. Worth a fire token and good enough for a reward!

Oh for the days when you could find peanut butter at the store. Anyhting with a shelf-life around my local stores is gone... but when forced to self-quarantine having entertaining teevee like this really does help! Thanks Survivor, I needed that.

I still can't believe how Denise played that, talk about biting (off) the hand that feeds you! Nicely done.

Wendell is NOT a good communicator/person to work or live with. We got a sense of what being in a relationship with him would be like and why Michelle seems like she regrets it...

My favorite line(s):

'Whatcha got there Tyson?'

"It's a log, with a note on it."

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1 hour ago, tracyscott76 said:

I agree that from the relationship standpoint, Michele seems to be more "in it" but neither of them are covering themselves in glory for me. And I can't believe Parvati gave all those frickin' fire tokens to Michele. I mean, I get why she did it because who else was she going to give them to, but still...bleh.

Seriously. I mean, this has been brutal. Can we resurrect the Outcasts twist from Pearl Islands, please?

This makes me think this will be another Michelle win. Blaaahhhh. 

48 minutes ago, Jextella said:

I would be really surprised if Michelle were to win.

So, why did Denise protect Jeremy? 



I‘m guessing in case it was a split vote, that way there wouldn’t somehow be a tie or he’d leave.  I do think she wanted to rub the move in, too.  I don’t know if it was smart, because I never got the impression Jeremy and Denise were aligned on their old tribe.  And Jeremy is all about keeping shields around.  Denise isn’t a shield like Tony.  So we’ll see if that move screws her over or not.

ETA: also agree about Michele.  I feel like her edit has so far been invisible, Jeremy’s sidekick, Parvati’s sidekick, Wendell’s bitter ex.  She couldn’t even give Wendell a convincing argument tonight.  “Hey agree to let us write your name down so I can get Parvati’s tokens.”

Edited by LadyChatts
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That's another two boots of players I didn't want gone. Was hoping for Wendell and Tony to go, but of course, they stay. Bummed to see Parvati go, but it's nothing to get so upset over. Another reason I don't do social media. Sorry to hear about Nick and his fiancé getting bashed. It's all just a game that they are playing.

Why is Wendell acting like such a jerk this season? He didn't seem this bad in Ghost Island. Not liking him this go round.

Sandra going sucked, too. Impressed with Denise's move, but I don't have to like it, and I don't.

Oh, yeah, and Parvati gave Michele her fire tokens!

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14 minutes ago, TVFan1 said:

That's another two boots of players I didn't want gone. Was hoping for Wendell and Tony to go, but of course, they stay. Bummed to see Parvati go, but it's nothing to get so upset over. Another reason I don't do social media. Sorry to hear about Nick and his fiancé getting bashed. It's all just a game that they are playing.

Why is Wendell acting like such a jerk this season? He didn't seem this bad in Ghost Island. Not liking him this go round.

Sandra going sucked, too. Impressed with Denise's move, but I don't have to like it, and I don't.

Oh, yeah, and Parvati gave Michele her fire tokens!

I feel like Denise did that to rub it in.  I don’t know what her point was in getting rid of Sandra, unless she felt Sandra would hold it over her head or she didn’t want to work with her.  But I just thought it was unnecessary.  She could have voted Tony.  This was a case of big move-itis.  She was more concerned about having some mark.  And if Denise makes it to the final 3, will anyone care?  It’s not like she convinced Sandra to give her the idol.  Sandra came to her first.  And as long as a man wins this season, Sandra still stays the queen.

And whether Parvati’s die hard groupies realize it or not, she was doomed no matter what.  Even without a tribe swap she was a goner.   I’m sad she’s gone (I would have preferred Michele), but I knew she was going to have an uphill battle.

Edited by LadyChatts
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A month into the pandemic and it seems Fire Tokens are the most valued currency in the world. I, for one, welcome our Survivor overlords.

First time this season one of my faves [Sandra] gets taken out by another of my faves. It's an unsettling feeling.

But thankfully my fave fave is still in the game. Long live Yul.

Edited by Fake Jan Brady
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4 minutes ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

A month into the pandemic and it seems Fire Tokens are the most valued currency in the world. I, for one, welcome our Survivor overlords.

First time this season one of my faves [Sandra] gets taken out by another of my faves. It's an unsettling feeling.

But thankfully my fave fave is still in the game. Long live Yul.

Will both idols get replanted at Dakal beach?


I don’t know how I feel about the fire tokens yet, but I have a feeling this isn’t the last we’ve seen of them.  They seem to be pretty hot property on here, especially that Sandra was willing to give up her idol to get one.

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Of course the Survivor  gods couldn't bless me with Parvati  and Tony going in consecutive councils thanks a lot Denise. Fools better wake up and get him out. Michelle looked pathetic  playing for overrated Parvati. And Denise looked stupid keeping Tony around. Yes Sandra was a huge target but I can't stand him.  

41 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I don’t remember Wendall being this big of a douche his first season. Fame went to his head. 

He's not a douche JMO cause he isn't kissing Parvati 's overrated ass like Michelle and others do 

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I love Sandra so this was painful even as I knew it was coming the second she gave it to Denise. Good for you. Denise! Now I'm sad I won't hear Tony call her SON-dra anymore which I always got a kick out of.

I was hoping Yara would be one of the losing teams just because I wanted Ben or Adam out. Also, I really love the Sarah and Sophie team and hope they stay together for a while even if Sarah's closer to Tony and Sophie's closer to Yul. Oh Yul. I'm really rooting for a woman (not Michele) to win the game because it's been so long, but if Yul wins I will be more than fine with that. Because Yul. And Penners. And Yul.

The Michele/Wendell scenes are not fun. I'm just going to assume they broke up because Michele tried to rap at one point.


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We'll have to hear it from Denise herself, I suppose, but I'm speculating that saving Jeremy wasn't so much about saving Jeremy but rather 1) making sure Sandra goes home no matter what and 2) enjoying a bit of power in the game. 

As Sandra says in her tweet, go big or go home. 

Just guessing, of course, but I think this was Denise's opportunity to go big - and she went for it and maybe built a little trust a long the way with Jeremy, and she evened the numbers.  It was risky to use an idol on Jeremy, but I see why she did it.

She also recognized that Sandra must have ulterior motives with her generosity which might not have been in her favor upon a merge. 



Edited by Jextella
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     Well, I don't understand. 

     There's a player who contributes nothing to help her team win any of the challenges.  One time she looked at the layout and said, "Oh.  Yeah, I can't do that" before heading over to the bench.  Nobody blinks twice that she sits out every challenge and the sideline bench is now named in her honor.   

     I don't notice her doing anything special helping out around camp to take up some of the slack. ***

     She refers to herself "The Queen" and beams at anyone else who calls her that as well.

     She's already won twice, for $2M, and the bookies gave her pretty good odds of winning again.

     Can someone please tell me why it took six episodes and a big strategic blindside to oust this player?  The rest of the people all want that $2M prize and Sandra was a pretty big threat to any one of them winning it, even though she didn't contribute anything, teamwork-wise.

***I forgot she caught that shark!  That was excellent.

Edited by candall
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I missed the first 10 minutes, but who put a bug in these people's ear about fire tokens? First, they were only being used on Edge of Extinction, then to buy advantages, now suddenly they're being swapped for votes? It was like a producer said, "hey guys, remember fire tokens exist. They're our big new thing this season, don't forget." Parvati I can see it being top of mind, as she just received two tokens, but since when does Sandra care about them?

Tyson being the first person not to bank his fire tokens, but to spend them immediately on food is both shocking and completely not surprising.

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3 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

 And Jeremy is all about keeping shields around.  Denise isn’t a shield like Tony.  So we’ll see if that move screws her over or not.

Speaking of this...

Could someone please explain to me why Tony is considered such a threat that he's a shield?

I've even seen him referred to on boards as a challenge beast.  That's some revisionist history right there. I don't recall Tony winning a single individual challenge, and it was not because he wasn't trying. He's terrible at them.  He's strong, but that's about it. His record in tribe challenges is only so-so, and I'd mostly attribute that to other members.

So Tony won one season where he had 5,000 idols (including the Tyler Perry idol) and a couple village idiots, then got himself voted off first the second time he played when he should have been secure.

I do recognize that Tony is fun to have around (if unpredictable) and in his first season displayed an ability to read some people as well as intimidate and manipulate others.

But it seems to me like the respect he gets is somewhat inflated simply because he's muscled and in-your-face compared to, say, a Sophie or Denise or Adam. 

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6 hours ago, Jextella said:

Based on the handwriting, I think it was a woman who wrote down Jeremy's name and I'm guessing it was Kim.  She and Tony may have conspired to do that just in case Denise had an idol, and Denise was smart enough to plan for such a thing.


I didn't think there were any votes for Jeremy. Wasn't it 4 votes Denise, 1 vote for Sandra?

Sandra definitely got played.  I can almost forgive her for underestimating Denise but I am surprised she didn't even write another person's name down as an insurance just in case Denise betrays her, at least it will be a tie.  Even Denise use the idol on Jeremy just in case Sandra does this to make sure she goes home.  

I feel bad for Parv.  She really has no options and her boot didn't get to have its own episode!   This is why I hate these 5 persons tribe swap.  You barely have time to build any connections.  Sandra got screwed like this too in Game Changers. 

All the old schoolers are dropping like flies.  I will be really bummed if Yul goes next...

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During the challenge someone speculated that Sandra was sitting out as many as she could to rest so she'd be a little stronger than the others and to fake them out as a non-threat so they wouldn't bother getting rid of her before the merge.

Well that all became moot anyway - When Denise made her deal with Sandra at camp I turned to the family and said wouldn't it be funny if Denise used this to vote out Sandra and she'd still get to keep one fire token.  But I never thought she'd actually do it, I wasn't even sure she'd think of it.  That was definitely a move - good for the game and good for her outwit resume if she makes it to the end.

I can't decide about Tyson and the peanut butter.  He has a point about keeping strength up and using it as a bit of a morale boost; but at the same time the fire token could have bought him and advantage in the challenge where they compete to return to the game.  I can see reasons to buy both I just can't decide from an outsider perspective which is the better choice.  I can say though I can see where he has matured and changed a bit (his pretend to make pee pee was a great Dad phrase) and I at least don't mind having him on my screen like I thought I would.

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I'm surprised there is so much hate out there for Wendell and Denise.  They both did the absolute right thing in getting rid of a huge obstacle.  As much as I enjoy watching Parvati and Sandra (and Rob), they had all proven themselves to be the most adept players of this game.  They are icons.  It was about time someone realized that any (or all) of them were on their way to sliding back onto the F3 bench.  Bravo to both Wendell and Denise for making a bold move!

7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

 I don’t know what her point was in getting rid of Sandra,

She wants to win.

8 hours ago, TVFan1 said:

Why is Wendell acting like such a jerk this season?

I think lately it is the strain of having Michele constantly buzzing around him being a jerk herself.

Thank goodness the idol nullifier is void.  That's the worst Survivor device ever imo.

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Ever since some promo interviews where Sandra seemed down, I had this feeling she got blindsided or made a dumb move or something. So whenever reviewers kept writing about how safe Sandra is with her idol, I didn’t believe it and there was this niggling feeling that something would go wrong. So when she started getting fancy, I knew this was it…Should’ve stuck to “as long as it ain’t me!” Sandra. If it ain’t broke…

On the other hand, I think this big move was too early for Denise…She put a huge target on herself and wasted an idol I suspect she’ll need desperately later. It might have been better for her to just play the idol, survive a vote with an idol in her pocket and Sandra’s loyalty.

I’m pissed that Wendell stole Parvati’s turn, screwed it up by being cocky and she got voted out. I knew the Nick thing was too good to be true because it just didn’t make sense with the position he’s in and would have made him too high profile for an under the radar guy. Parvati could have tried something with the nullifier, but those guys were too tight so I doubt bargaining it would have worked. She needed Jeremy’s get out of jail free card to survive.

Poetic that the who should have won/who is the real queen, Parvati or Sandra debate was settled with both getting voted out the same night.

I feel bad for Michele and find myself rooting for her. I also like Sophie and Sarah (who seems to be working her magic on Ben…doesn’t he remember her screwing over all her friends for her previous win). The only players I didn't care about getting voted out are Wendell, Ben, Adam and Kim.

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11 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

And to this day, I'll never understand why these people orgasm over peanut butter. All the way back to Jenna and Heidi in Amazon. I mean, it's just...peanut butter. It's not that big a deal and it doesn't taste that good. Slow your roll, Tyson.

I love peanut butter but I don't think I could eat big scoops of it without an ice-cold glass of milk to wash it down.  Boiled well-water just wouldn't suffice.  But, I swear, Tyson makes me laugh.  Pretending to take a whiz, sticking the advantage in his "man-panties."  Never change, Tyson.

Wendall is an arrogant fuck this time around isn't he?  But if he continues to savagely disregard groveling Michelle, then I am all for his fuckery.  He is really proving her to be the Underserving Winner that she's been labeled---she's a mess this season.  And I absolutely love how Parvarti could gain no traction with Wendell or Yul.  You could tell she was unnerved by how immune they were to her charms.  Heh.  'Bout time.  

Denise.  BOSS gameplay.  Serves every one of them right for underestimating her.  SO pleased that Jeremy is still in the game (with his advantage!) and Yul got a token.  


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12 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

ETA: oh, and I'd be cool if Jeremy won.  I don't know why I keep forgetting he's there.


I think you've just fallen for his game plan. Or his edit, given how he was very energetic in this ep at TC and it seemed out of place compared to what we've seen. I'm just getting paranoid about edit vs. game this season, I guess. 


Like how I think the TCs were played out of order for dramatic purposes. (based on spoilers of future events.)

I hate cringe stuff, but I'm actually liking the Michele/Wendell thing because everyone else is always guarded this season and they've either lost the ability to play with composure or they are (esp. her) playing a long con. 

I know it's all editing monkeys, but Denise cited as not being a threat and then making a power move...well done.  Using the second idol was unnecessary from our POV but 1) she might have expected a vote split between her and J and 2) she declared she's a gamer and in this thing which, imho, makes her safer because she's not a simple pick-off-the-weak vote and will require them to strategize about her, which may push other people into view. 


Edited by AncientNewbie
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2 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

I at least don't mind having him on my screen like I thought I would.

That's about the best I can say about Tyson myself XD. Faint praise, but praise nonetheless, considering going into this season, he was the only one for whom I had a negative reaction to being there.

Now that we're well underway, of course, my negative reactions are being spread around a bit more...

11 hours ago, princelina said:

Did my ears deceive me or did Jeff finally say "Parvati" rather than "Poverty" as he snuffed her torch?

I thought I heard him say "ParvaRti" and I thought, he still can't get it right.

Wendell's "Watch this, Jeff" and then bombing at the challenge was, I thought, for sure enough to get Nick to join with Parv and Michele and vote him out.  But now Michele has - what - four fire tokens?  And it takes three to buy an idol?

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I'm a broken record with this but fucking hell this season is boring. I just don't care about any of it lol.

Denise's move was pretty awesome though. Although, it really felt like she played her other idol just to really drive home how awesome her move was and to really fuck over Sandra and I think she'll regret that. It would be pretty funny if that tribe lost next week and Jeremy just voted her out/took himself out of TC with his advantage.

I thought Wendell was an asshole in Ghost Island so I'm having fun with people sorta turning on him now. Just as I wanted someone to knock that stupid toothpick out of his mouth in GI, I really want someone to do that this season.

I'm very surprised they didn't show Rob and Amber reuniting. Very odd choice.

The best part of this ep was Tony. As long as he's shown to be a hapless doof and he doesn't then win, he's just so fun to watch.

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For people wondering why Denise chose to vote out Sandra, she said it at the tribal council; she wants to keep the tribe strong so they don't go to the tribal council again. If we remember her season, her tribe was the only one going to tribal councils until only two people were left, her and Malcolm, and the merge happened. It's only normal that she doesn't want to see another tribal council again.

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49 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I thought I heard him say "ParvaRti" and I thought, he still can't get it right.

Wendell's "Watch this, Jeff" and then bombing at the challenge was, I thought, for sure enough to get Nick to join with Parv and Michele and vote him out.  But now Michele has - what - four fire tokens?  And it takes three to buy an idol?

I think that's only an option on the EoE. Otherwise Parvati would have bought one.

I don't get why people harass Wendell and Nick but not Yul. It took 3 people to vote Parvati out. Some fans are such hypocrites. (I don't get why anyone would harass the players on SM period. It just strikes me as curious that only 2 players are getting backlash...).

Just because someone is popular doesn't mean they are bigger threat. IMHO someone who needed just one try to win is much better player than someone who needed 2-4 tries (Yes, I'm talking about you Amber, Tyson, Jeremy, Sarah and Rob).

Edited by Asha124
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12 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

And to this day, I'll never understand why these people orgasm over peanut butter. All the way back to Jenna and Heidi in Amazon. I mean, it's just...peanut butter. It's not that big a deal and it doesn't taste that good. Slow your roll, Tyson

The menu showed he could buy a return challenge advantage for 1 token. I would have taken that. Maybe he thought he doesn't need one?

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I think Tyson bought the PB purely because he knew he would get more screen time.  After all, he told us that Survivor is his living now, so he needs to make sure he is as visible as possible.

Edited by seacliffsal
edited to add that I would have bought a bottle of wine if available, relaxed on the beach, and not worry about re-entering the game.
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37 minutes ago, Asha124 said:

I don't get why people harass Wendell and Nick but not Yul. It took 3 people to vote Parvati out. Some fans are such hypocrites. (I don't get why anyone would harass the players on SM period. It just strikes me as curious that only 2 players are getting backlash...).

If I had to guess (not that I want to spend a lot of time trying to analyze the motives of trolls), it's that Wendell and Nick were more visible this episode. Yul was barely there except for one comment at tribal council, whereas they showed Wendell and Nick many times, both talking to Parvati and in confessionals. So the simple minds that do such things think "I see Wendell and Nick, so they are the ones who did this horrible thing to the person I am unhealthily attached to, and therefore are deserving of my venom."

It could also just be that they are predisposed to dislike certain people, for whatever reason, so they see what they want to see to justify their harassment.

For all those who felt robbed out of not seeing the Rob and Amber reunion at EoE.  Here you go. Figured they'd put it up as a secret scene online.

Rob cracks me up - "he's just taking some time to hang out with his wife and his friends before winning the game". Don't see that happening but at least he was in good spirits. 


Edited by truthaboutluv
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1 hour ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

The menu showed he could buy a return challenge advantage for 1 token. I would have taken that. Maybe he thought he doesn't need one?


Being the best fed, with a high fat/high energy food, is a challenge advantage of a sort, and it tastes better than fake parchment. Or a log with a note on it. 

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Just now, DallasGypsy said:

Sandra's idol wasn't valid past this tribal council.  She couldn't play it for herself because no one was actively targeting her and playing it would be really suspicious.

So, she did the next best thing ... bargained it away for two fire tokens (even though she only got the one up front).   It made sense from her point of view ... the token wasn't wasted and she was "buying" a potential ally in Denise.

Too bad it backfired on her.

I like this analysis a lot better than "Sandra's a fool" XD

1 hour ago, Asha124 said:

I think that's only an option on the EoE. Otherwise Parvati would have bought one.

I don't get why people harass Wendell and Nick but not Yul. It took 3 people to vote Parvati out. Some fans are such hypocrites. (I don't get why anyone would harass the players on SM period. It just strikes me as curious that only 2 players are getting backlash...).

Just because someone is popular doesn't mean they are bigger threat. IMHO someone who needed just one try to win is much better player than someone who needed 2-4 tries (Yes, I'm talking about you Amber, Tyson, Jeremy, Sarah and Rob).


I'm not condoing it (at all). but.. Yul was never going to work with Parv, never said he wanted to (That i can recall), and Parv said that Yul shut down anything about working with her. (not to mention that this was kind of consistent from Cook Islands. 

vs. Nick who was all "swoon, mah crush." and Wendell "well give me something" and wanted to try and then "screwed her".  but ultimately, I say Parv screwed herself by not trying to work something with the fire tokens not like it really mattered because Wendell could have pulled a Denise and screwed her over anyway. 


14 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

This episode was incredibly boring until the last three minutes.

And to this day, I'll never understand why these people orgasm over peanut butter. All the way back to Jenna and Heidi in Amazon. I mean, it's just...peanut butter. It's not that big a deal and it doesn't taste that good. Slow your roll, Tyson.

I mean I like peanut butter, but... it needs to be with something. Jam. a smoothie. but the fact that people literally get voted off for it... I once told my best friend it must be some kind of American thing like Apple Pie because it ain't that good. 


thanks @truthaboutluv for that clip. i agree. all the good people are on EoE minus Sophie and Yul. 


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