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S24.E12: After the Final Rose

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8 hours ago, DEL901 said:

And then there is his job.   Who would want to fly on a plane piloted by this spineless wuss?   His coworkers won’t be too happy either.  

He probably has to call Mommie Dearest and ask if it's okay to land.

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49 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Madison was right to say, basically, "Get over it and move on." Something Demon Mother can't do, obviously.

I don't  blame Barbara for wanting to explain why she favored Hannah after all the flack she got for it, and I don't think she was all that harsh.  "We started off wrong because of the three hour wait," even seemed like she was giving Madison a chance to explain.  Neither Madison, Peter or Chris Harrison said, "Actually the delay was production's fault. "  It wouldn't have taken any longer for Madison to say that than to say,  "It's in the past," which to me is the same as, "Yeah I did that.  Get over it." Which makes  her rude at the time and downright snotty on the show.

I actually think, and so does the Vulture recapper, that the editors saw they had the most boring season ever with no clear winner or engagement so they brought out Barbara hoping for some drama and got everything they could have wished for. 

I don't like Madison.  I think she was probably the most popular girl at Christian school, and was probably also a spoiled mean girl who was superior and  judgy about everyone else.  All season long she was  self-centered, kept people waiting, and at the end she was tactless with the other women.

I don't like Barbara either. She is a type of woman I can't stand, bragging about being super spiritual, saying that a woman's instinct is never wrong, not allowing anyone to say anything "negative" to her, making babies of her sons and fake crying and being overly emotional all day long.

 I still think she has every right to expect an apology from a self-centered girl who kept her waiting three hours.

As for free trip to Australia, you would have to put a gun to my head to make me get on one of those flights.  I almost went mad flying the seven hours back from England.

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6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Just because Barbara's a self-centered witch doesn't mean Madison isn't one too.

If I was jet lagged and production came and got me and my family up, did out make-up and hair and placed us on the couch with the cameras and cameramen in my face ... and then kept us there for three hours while my son sat outside with a whiny, indecisive girl who couldn't make up her mind whether she wanted to come in and meet me or not.  I would be inclined to dislike her, too. 

I don't know why anyone would assume it was production's fault, the Webers must have asked what the hold-up was a dozen times, and clearly they were told it was Madi not wanting to come it.  If it had been any other reason they would have found out in that time.  Then Madi breezes in and doesn't apologize, just starts telling them the ways in which their son didn't measure up to her standards and how she's not sure about him.

Madi's sneer and snotty winks while Barb was talking about the delay and the lack of apology said everything to me.  If it had been production's fault that would have been the time to say so, but no, Madi's was all "That was the past, I can't change it."

Evidently, apologizing when you're wrong isn't on Madi's list of Christian standards for herself, of forgiveness, or thoughtfulness of others, or respect for elders, in fact her standards are all about herself and how she expects others to treat her.

Final score for me:  Peter, Barbara and Madi all deserve each other.  Hannah Ann is no doubt happy with her performance and her escape.  Bring on the Clare show.

IT WOULD HAVE BEEN the gracious thing on national tv to say "Congrats you 2" and save gripes for later. PLUS Mommy dearest, Peter completely blew off Victoria F's parents. so ridiculous!!


Ok Wait--Hannah Ann was already engaged when she saw Peter asking Hannah Brown to come back to the show? and he wanted "closure" with her. what a dickhead.


Edited by nlkm9
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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Actually, he didn't say "Yes," he said "Yeah," which is not exactly the definitive answer that "yes" is.

Peter responded the same way I did when my parents asked if "the marijuana" was the only drug I had ever tried.


Edited by bosawks
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Ok, so this poor woman had to sit around for THREE STINKING HOURS, waiting on this snippet of a girl to make up her mind and come in!  Cry me a river.  Welcome to the world of TV, lady, where waiting around for cameras to roll is a major part of the job.  Aside from that, I give Madison a big pass on being reluctant to go inside and mix it up with that harridan.  

Hannah Ann is the big winner in this pathetic mess of a season.  She's the only one who came out of it with dignity in tact and spewed a few home truths at Peter the Lump on her way out.  Go and be happy Hannah Ann, you deserve it.

Madison, Madison, Madison.  This is never going to work, you know that, don't you?  I'm hoping this ending was a production-driven farce slapped together to salvage what is the absolute worst season ever, worst bachelor ever, worst everything ever.  Madison was not believable at all when expressing her love and how could any self-respecting woman watch that train wreck of a finale and go back headlong into that situation.  If it is genuine, I hope she dumps him and gets on with her life with a guy she can respect who can respect her in return.  It would also help if he has a mother who isn't a psychopath.

Peter is pathetic and I hope I never find myself on a plane he's piloting.  I swear, if I see him anywhere near the cockpit before takeoff, I'm going back into the airport.  

Edited by limecoke
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I think it says it all about this season when the Bachelor's MOM is the star of the show and neither of the F2 girls want to marry the Bachelor.  Not to mention the hand wringing from The Bachelor as he kept all the emotional nutcases along the way and was still conflicted by The last Bachelorette who also could not make up her mind!  

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I know I'm old, but was anyone else appalled at Peter's  little girly tight jeans rolled up above his booties.  Wow!  Not manly. At all.  That right there would have been a no go from the get go.  So fussy, so prissy.

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Reposting in this thread.

Not sure if this has already been discussed, since there are so many new posts since I last posted. But I remember someone asking last night whether Hannah Ann's comment about Peter's saying he needed closure with Hannah B. was after the engagement or she was referring to the start of the season when Hannah B. showed up.

Well Hannah Ann stated emphatically on Rachel and Becca's podcast show that it was after the engagement. She said it was the first red flag and coinky dinky, came right before the episode of Peter's boo-hooing with Hannah B. was about to air.

Hannah Ann stated that since she hadn't been on that group date, she had no clue of all that went down between Peter and Hannah B. that night. And so it's why she was even more baffled by his saying he needed closure with Hannah B. Because she had no clue where that was coming from. 

So yeah, Peter was a total tool and a hot mess who had no business proposing to anyone. And why Barb also looks even more ridiculous fuming over Madison. Because yeah she's right, they will likely fail but it won't be purely because Madison is so bad for her son but also because her son is weak-willed, wishy-washy man-child who's likely not ready to be serious or engaged to anyone. 

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I was listening to Rachel and Becca's podcast today, I wanted to hear what HannahAnn said. She did clear up that Peter did say in the beginning of January that he wanted to contact Hannah Brown. HA said that was her first red flag. Um, YEAH! I could not listen anymore. As she has been all season, Rachel really dislikes Madi and sticks up for Barb. So I stopped listening after the HA part.

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4 hours ago, waving feather said:

Why did Madison look more sure of their relationship than Peter during ATFR? When asked if he still loved Madison, he took a long pause before saying "yes". Like he had to really think about it. And when Chris asked him where does their relationship go from here, he took a long pause before saying they will see how it goes, step by step, etc. His answers are all reasonable by normal standards but this is Peter, who loves using hyperbole and grand declarations.

Because Harrison took it upon himself to fly out to Madison and tell her Peter broke up with Hannah, implying Peter was ready to commit to Madison instead when there was no indication that that’s what Peter wanted. Peter’s “heart was split” between Hannah Ann, Madison, and now we find out Hannah Brown. Madison shows up to meet Peter and they hug and say now what—NO declaration of feelings or intention of commitment. They don’t see each other again for the next month but apparently had some terse phone calls about how much they have to overcome IF they want to make it work. Mom piles on a whole bunch more problems and Peter’s all we’ll see how this goes. They’re trying to set it up like Peter pulled a Mesnick or an Arie and is proposing to Madison. That’s not happening here. For all we know Peter’s “heart is still split.” He hasn’t  told us otherwise. He didn’t say I’m fully in with Madison. He still seems wishy washy. He settled for Hannah Ann because Madison didn’t want him; now he’s with Madison because Hannah Ann doesn’t want him. If Madison changes her mind again and Harrison arranges a rendezvous, he’ll probably get back with Hannah Brown. Maybe Victoria. Sounds like mom is pushing for Kelly. His heart will be split in multiple parts!

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3 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

Rachel really dislikes Madi and sticks up for Barb.

This is beyond my comprehension, how anyone could like Barb after her craptastic self-centered display. I guess I was raised differently. You know, to be polite and compassionate.

I think the whole bringing-Maddie-back thing was producer driven to try and save The Worst Bachelor Season Ever, and I guess it worked since it's all the talk today, and check out how many pages are here.

It's my opinion Peter already has chosen his One True Love and nothing is going to ever change that: his mother. I can see a Norman Bates ending in his future.

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2 hours ago, SeeSee said:

I know I'm old, but was anyone else appalled at Peter's  little girly tight jeans rolled up above his booties.  Wow!  Not manly. At all.  That right there would have been a no go from the get go.  So fussy, so prissy.

Maybe that’s why he’s such a pussy because he’s lost circulation to his balls with those tight ass jeans. He must have some pretty bad swamp ass at thee d of the day. 

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I can't help but think after watching last night that the whole thing was set up.  Neither Madi or Peter are interested in getting back together.  It was obvious from their body language.  And after how his family treated her, no way she stays with him.  I have to assume her family is very, very upset seeing how their daughter was treated.

It is also obvious from about the 2 week of this stupid show that Peter had NO interest in settling down and getting married.  He was in it for the ego boost of all these women wanting him and seeing how many he can boink.  I seriously doubt it was just 2 in the Fantasy Suite.

It is also obvious Peter is in an arrested state of development....and is likely to stay there for the foreseeable future.  He hasn't grown up because his parents won't let him.  I've seen many on here refer to Barb as being Narcissistic, or having some behavioral disorder.  I'm no psychiatrist so take this with a grain of salt, but if I have to say she seems more like someone with Borderline Personality Disorder.  Has to be the center of attention, extreme emotions, manipulates everyone around her, has to control everyone around her, nothing is ever her fault, etc.  My mother has it and it is a nightmare to deal with someone with BPD.  Their world is centered around them and if you go against anything they say it is because you are trying to hurt them or purposely doing the opposite of what they want...not that you have a mind of your own.  They are exhausting.

Like I said above, I think the whole Madi and Peter reunion thing was all a set up by production.  I think they brought Madi there so Barb could go off on her and they could try and make some success out of an awful season.


Finally, does anyone know what Madi did to his family for them to hate her so much?  I mean they don't just dislike her, there is a visceral hatred of her.  The parents and the brother.  The brother was dumping on her on social media last night saying that she got a good edit but people didn't see what she is really like.  What could she have possibly done?  This has to be more than about being 3 hours late and not apologizing.  Anyone know?

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2 hours ago, limecoke said:

Ok, so this poor woman had to sit around for THREE STINKING HOURS, waiting on this snippet of a girl to make up her mind and come in!  Cry me a river.  Welcome to the world of TV, lady, where waiting around for cameras to roll is a major part of the job.  Aside from that, I give Madison a big pass on being reluctant to go inside and mix it up with that harridan.  





Today on Eonline Chris Harrison said this:

"Them being late was just as much on Peter as it was Madison," he explained. "The reason they were late [was that] they were having a discussion out front. They were having a discussion of, 'Are they going to do this? Are we even at the stage where we should meet your parents?' That discussion was between the two of them so it wasn't Madison throwing a fit. It wasn't Madison doing her makeup and being late. It was Peter as well." 

So of course it was on Peter, too, but we saw some of that and it was mainly Madison sniveling while he hovered.   They were both at fault, but it clearly had nothing to do with production or waiting for cameras.  All that was already set up so the crew as well as the Weber family were all waiting three hours for Madison to make up her mind if she wanted to meet Peter's family or not. Marilyn Monroe didn't hold up production that much.

I guess it's different for different people but just sitting on a couch waiting for something to happen for three hours would be a very long time to me.

There's an arrogance and air of entitlement in people who can keep others waiting like that.  I noticed that Madison's family spent a lot of time telling each other how special and wonderful they were and I think maybe they went too far with that.

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Thank you @butterbean1 for a thoughtful and insightful post. My sympathies on your mother, but good on you for understanding her disease and being able to cope.

My only thought as to why this family hates on Madison is that she has made it clear she won't have sex with Peter. His parents are the ones who gave cheers and fist pumps when it was revealed he effed Hannah Brown four times on her season, whereas if I were his mum, I'd be mortified. Seems bro is all in with the let's-have-sex thing too.

My thinking is, the dysfunction in the Weber family goes much deeper than BPD.

As for the waiting-three-hours BS, I was a movie extra and sat 18 hours in a ballpark stadium for the five-to-10 minutes of filming that included me. Who will Barb find to blame when she gets her own reality show and has to sit and wait and sit and wait and sit and wait ...

And "sitting on the couch for three hours" ... I hope she was released from her prison the couch to at least use the restroom. Doesn't sound like it though, which, of course, would add to her Madison-induced misery. Being full of ... "it" ... will do that to a person.

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Well, I think Fleiss & Company owe us all a HUGE apology.  How they could have even entertained Peter as The Bachelor for even a second was ridiculous just going by his performance during Hannah Brown's season.  But they knew even more inside information than we did about this ridiculous man-boy horndog and they still chose to Fleiss him on us anyway.  Granted, we all know the show is not really about finding "your person."   It's evolved into celebrity wannabes and trolling for Instagram followers so these stunted adults won't have find out what real life and working real jobs is all about.  But if we're going to invest weeks of our lives into watching this shitfest, at least give us somebody we can kind of root for to actually deserve good things to come their way.


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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Because Harrison took it upon himself to fly out to Madison and tell her Peter broke up with Hannah, implying Peter was ready to commit to Madison instead when there was no indication that that’s what Peter wanted. Peter’s “heart was split” between Hannah Ann, Madison, and now we find out Hannah Brown. Madison shows up to meet Peter and they hug and say now what—NO declaration of feelings or intention of commitment. They don’t see each other again for the next month but apparently had some terse phone calls about how much they have to overcome IF they want to make it work. Mom piles on a whole bunch more problems and Peter’s all we’ll see how this goes. They’re trying to set it up like Peter pulled a Mesnick or an Arie and is proposing to Madison. That’s not happening here. For all we know Peter’s “heart is still split.” He hasn’t  told us otherwise. He didn’t say I’m fully in with Madison. He still seems wishy washy. He settled for Hannah Ann because Madison didn’t want him; now he’s with Madison because Hannah Ann doesn’t want him. If Madison changes her mind again and Harrison arranges a rendezvous, he’ll probably get back with Hannah Brown. Maybe Victoria. Sounds like mom is pushing for Kelly. His heart will be split in multiple parts!

Sister wives- that would work for him!!( not that there’s anything wrong with that 😂)

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43 minutes ago, butterbean1 said:

Finally, does anyone know what Madi did to his family for them to hate her so much?  I mean they don't just dislike her, there is a visceral hatred of her.  The parents and the brother.  The brother was dumping on her on social media last night saying that she got a good edit but people didn't see what she is really like.  What could she have possibly done?  This has to be more than about being 3 hours late and not apologizing.  Anyone know?

I think it's because Madi stood up to Barb, plain and simple.  Likely, nobody in her house does that.  And since Barb hates her, husband and other son are required to also.  


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Haha at CH's sendoff to Peter.  There you have Madison and Peter sitting with arms crossed on the couch, looking miserable, and CH says, "Well, Peter, your journey is over.  Best of luck to each of you.  And now! Our Bachelorette!"  So awkward.

I saw a tweet from Lauren Zima to the effect that Maddy was not a good fit for Peter.  Something I think we all pretty much all agree with, but the tweet was harsh.  And I hear that CH also has been harsh towards Maddy.  But maybe this makes sense, because when he introduced Barb, he said they were neighbors and had become friends.

Edited by Just Carol
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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

This is beyond my comprehension, how anyone could like Barb after her craptastic self-centered display. I guess I was raised differently. You know, to be polite and compassionate.

In Rachel's defense, she said she didn't agree with how Barb handled herself and expressed her feelings but it was more so she understood why she may not be the biggest fan of Madison if everything she was saying is true. 

Basically Rachel's point was that Madison didn't exactly defend or challenge Barb's claims and so her opinion was that it's not so unreasonable that this woman would not be thrilled by someone who in her eyes couldn't give a crap about meeting them, said she didn't love her son, didn't see herself accepting a proposal. 

So basically Rachel was like some posters here who have said they were team no one. That yeah Barb didn't handle herself particularly well but Madison didn't come off too great either and some of her actions during the season were confusing. Do I agree, not necessarily. But just saying that's different to someone just hating Madison and loving nutty Barb. 

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It’s one thing to feel a certain way, but it’s freaking national tv!!! I really and truly thought to be nice , no matter how they felt, they would hug it out . My god that woman is ridiculous and nasty and she totally embarassed her family and actually made her husband agree with her. Sorry i don’t care what transpired her behavior was unacceptable , even if she was truly offended . Can’t defend that behavior .

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:


Today on Eonline Chris Harrison said this:

"Them being late was just as much on Peter as it was Madison," he explained. "The reason they were late [was that] they were having a discussion out front. They were having a discussion of, 'Are they going to do this? Are we even at the stage where we should meet your parents?' That discussion was between the two of them so it wasn't Madison throwing a fit. It wasn't Madison doing her makeup and being late. It was Peter as well." 

So of course it was on Peter, too, but we saw some of that and it was mainly Madison sniveling while he hovered.   They were both at fault, but it clearly had nothing to do with production or waiting for cameras.  All that was already set up so the crew as well as the Weber family were all waiting three hours for Madison to make up her mind if she wanted to meet Peter's family or not. Marilyn Monroe didn't hold up production that much.

I guess it's different for different people but just sitting on a couch waiting for something to happen for three hours would be a very long time to me.

There's an arrogance and air of entitlement in people who can keep others waiting like that.  I noticed that Madison's family spent a lot of time telling each other how special and wonderful they were and I think maybe they went too far with that.

I just can’t see how this one three hour issue needs to cause such hatred.  It sounds like they were focused on working on the relationship and it was probably needed before they stepped foot in the house to meet monster in law.  

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2 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I was listening to Rachel and Becca's podcast today, I wanted to hear what HannahAnn said. She did clear up that Peter did say in the beginning of January that he wanted to contact Hannah Brown. HA said that was her first red flag. Um, YEAH! I could not listen anymore. As she has been all season, Rachel really dislikes Madi and sticks up for Barb. So I stopped listening after the HA part.

Ugh!  Can't keep quite about this one!  Funny that, as I listened to Barb and her sharp, mean tongue last night, Rachel crossed my mind.  To me, that's how Rachel appeared on her ATFR with Peter.  She was not quite Batshit Barb harsh, but she was almost there.  But no surprise, Rachel is all about Rachel and Barb is all about Barb.  And don't you dare cross either one!  😬

And do you remember Brian's over-protective mother with the matching cheek implants?  Someone, Brian's cousin or something, told Rachel that Brian had a long-time girlfriend and they broke up because she did not get along with the mom. I thought Brian was definitely a mama's boy.  Maybe this hit a little too close to home for Rachel?  Maybe she envies Madi's self awareness and strength and her ability not to be bullied by a guy's mother.  

Edited by Recyclorette
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2 hours ago, butterbean1 said:

It is also obvious from about the 2 week of this stupid show that Peter had NO interest in settling down and getting married.  He was in it for the ego boost of all these women wanting him and seeing how many he can boink.  I seriously doubt it was just 2 in the Fantasy Suite.

It is also obvious Peter is in an arrested state of development....and is likely to stay there for the foreseeable future.  He hasn't grown up because his parents won't let him.  I've seen many on here refer to Barb as being Narcissistic, or having some behavioral disorder.  I'm no psychiatrist so take this with a grain of salt, but if I have to say she seems more like someone with Borderline Personality Disorder.  Has to be the center of attention, extreme emotions, manipulates everyone around her, has to control everyone around her, nothing is ever her fault, etc.  My mother has it and it is a nightmare to deal with someone with BPD.  Their world is centered around them and if you go against anything they say it is because you are trying to hurt them or purposely doing the opposite of what they want...not that you have a mind of your own.  They are exhausting.

My mother, too, had BPD (and I suspect NPD, lovely combo), which is why I recognize so many similarities in Ms. Manipulator Barb.  I was one of the ones who suggested she has NPD, but you're more on the mark with the BPD.  I lived with exactly what you describe, which is why she hit such a nerve with me.  There was nothing fun about growing up with a mother like this.  The only relief I got was when I moved far away, and even then, the guilt trips, the constant victimizations, the accusations, the eggshells.  Sheesh, I don't miss those eggshells.

Peter would do best to not only move out of his bedroom, but out of his house.  But his nightmare-mom will pitch such a hysterical, "why me" fit, he probably just leaves his things where they are.  Flies all over the country, comes home and goes straight to the line-dancing bars, brings home a chick to bang, wash rinse repeat.  He gets to block out as much as possible, all while keeping the "my family is so important" mantra going.

As for Peter never wanting to settle down, I agree completely.  He text-dumped his "love of his life" girlfriend the day he got the call to be on The Bachelorette, and he falls instantly in love with whoever is in front of him, only to fall instantly in love with the next, and the next. The reason he slowly said "y   e    a    h" to Chris Harrison's asking if he was in love with Madison is that, he's just not.  She's no longer in front of him.  She now requires effort, trips, lifestyle changes, and it's just easier to pick up a girl at a bar, or date willing Kelley, or one of any other women he's been spotted with.  

And Kelley better watch her back.  Barb is trying to play all nicey-nice, "let's shop & lunch", so that she can ingratiate herself to Kelley, while she further injects Madison-hatred into Kelley, so she can gain triangulation with Kelley against Madison.  This part is speculation on my part, but I can see it.  Any way you cut it, Kelley's a bang & gone girl, she's not going to last either.


Edited by Sterling
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Thinking back on the season  -  all the times Peter responded to the women's drama and arguments by trying to resolve things, paying attention to whomever was crying and carrying on.  He cancelled cocktail parties, bailed on group dates, ignored women who waited to talk to him,  in favor of any woman who was upset or in hysterics.  I take it this was how he was raised - when Mama gets upset, drop everything and go to her, respond to the hysterics.  Nothing else is as important.  I bet Peter, dad, and little brother have all been trained to jump through hoops when Mama cries, to make everything better (or at least quieter).  

Peter started the season off by responding to women who were acting like Mama does.  somewhere along the  way, he gave up on that and was able, maybe for the first time, to consider women who didn't play that game.  He's still got a ways to go before he recovers from a lifetime of mama/son enmeshment. 

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I think Hannah Ann is the real winner in all this. 

When she was walking away from him in the house (past the photo booth) my husband was like, "She's lost! Quick, someone give her a map so that she can find her way out of this shit!"

He also wondered why the gay guy was the bachelor. (To be fair, his first viewing of him was Peter in the house wearing the rolled up jeans and boots. We later agreed that none of OUR gay male friends would wear that combo so apologies all around.)

Mama Peter just butted out Lanny (Meredith's season) as Crazy Mama. Am I the only one who liked Meredith? Ian is still my favorite "winner."

Dude had NO business getting engaged. I'm not so sure he has any business walking around without an adult escort, to be honest. 

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This was a sad mess of a season.  Peter was not suitable as “The Bachelor”.  I suspect it was his upbringing (ya think?!).


The first couple of episodes were spent by him lamenting time (or lack thereof) with Hannah B.  The first group date was actually cancelled because of his interactions with HB.


Then he threw Sydney under the bus with demanding she name names of who wasn’t there for the right reasons.


He put himself in the middle of the drama between Alehia and Victoria P.  Eliminated Aleia (how does she spell her name anyway?), only to bring her back during a group date.  Then he gives Aleaia the group date rose!!!  How insulting to the girls in the group date who were battered and bruised from the soccer match.  A rejectee got THEIR rose!  Even though she was accepted as coming back - now she gets a free pass to the next level.  Only to be sent home because poor Peter didn’t like how the other girls were treating her.  Well, Peter, you put her in this position - own up to it!


A mopey pool party with Chris Harrison announcing, “Peter went home”.  It sounds like a child grabbing his toys and going home because the game didn’t go his way.


Another cancelled cocktail party. Then the 2-on-1 date with MacKenna and Tammy.  He kept MacKenna only to send her home at the Rose Ceremony 5 minutes later.  Why - what was the logic there?!!!


Victoria F there far longer than any logic would imply - other than he wanted to bang her.  She couldn’t even look him in the eye when she spoke.  And he didn’t even meet her family.


Then being so “conflicted” between two women.  Or was it 3, or 4?  Did he really reconnect with Hannah B after being engaged?  And can he really be a soulmate to anyone Barbara isn’t onboard with?


He was worse that Juan Pablo, or Jason Mesnick, or anyone else I can remember.

Edited by deSchenke
a rose ceremony is different than a cocktail party
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1 hour ago, alexa said:

I just can’t see how this one three hour issue needs to cause such hatred.  It sounds like they were focused on working on the relationship and it was probably needed before they stepped foot in the house to meet monster in law.  

Uh, didn’t Madi already meet mama bulldog at her “look at Meeeeee” vow renewal ceremony early in the season? what was the reason to fly the Weirdo Webers to Oz anyway? Have they ever done this before for any other family? I really am creeped out by this clan. 

Hey Babs, your widdle boy stood up Victoria’s family completely. How nice was that? 

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Peter is pranking his mother by drawing out his announcement. When he said he followed his heart, she thought he meant Madison and her face was getting grimmer and grimmer. Of course she might have realized she would no longer ne Peter's #1 woman.

OK, just saw the Barb-cam!

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No touching your face, Peter!! (As he wipes his nose with his hand) 

Peter's mom is turning into Medusa.

This scene is a replay of Arie and Becca. Hannah seems more upset about not being engaged than losing Peter. 

Hannah, having your first child might be more precious than an engagement?

And his mother claps at her baby boy's tears.

Hannah shows Peter's mother how to cry real tears.



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Yes, the parents of The Bachelor/ette are flown in, at least as long as I can remember. The Webers obviously would have no problem getting upgrades to first class due to Peter Sr. being a pilot. But even I would have told the producers that my ass is not getting on a 24+ hour flight unless it's in first class. It would be a real shame if they did not have the footage of meeting the parents and the anguished conversations with their son/daughter about howwww torn he/she is, so cough it up! 😼 

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Peter's growing some cojones with his mother. Ha - Madison is disagreeing with Peter's mother! Wow is she being negative! I guess Peter's going to move out of the family home. As a poster said, he can move to Atlanta to be closer to Madison, since he works for Delta.

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Couple weeks ago, Chris Harrison's girlfriend, Lauren Zima slipped and said that Peter had proposed to Hannah Ann.  Bachelor Nation went off on her; they said she was just trying to throw everyone off, because Reality Steve said that he had proposed to Madison.  Heh!

Edited by Adeejay
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3 hours ago, GracieK said:

While I understand your points about entitlement, if they really were having a serious discussion about their future and whether they wanted to pursue each other... that seems deserving of the time and seriousness it requires and shouldn’t be cut short because mom is sitting inside waiting.

Exactly!  And similarly, Barb complained that Madi didn't tell her that she was in love with Peter, like HA had.  I can't believe anybody's mother would actually resent someone taking this whole stupid process seriously, and neg her for not declaring she was in love.

And it can't be said enough:  No matter what your feelings are, if you're on national TV, you sit there with a pleasant look on your face, content that you're taking the high road for the benefit of your son's possible relationship.  You do not tell your husband, "Say something bad.  Help me!"

I'm just hoping that the vow renewal curse hits them hard.  Then they can fight over who the children will live with.


2 hours ago, Recyclorette said:

Maybe this hit a little too close to home for Rachel?  Maybe she envies Madi's self awareness and strength and her ability not to be bullied by a guy's mother.  

I actually thought of Rachel and Brian because his mother was so awful.  Apparently that's all been resolved, but I'm liking your conjecture about Rachel envying Madi's standing up to Peter's mother early in the game, especially since Madi is a 23-year-old punk and not some accomplished lawyer.

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7 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I actually think, and so does the Vulture recapper, that the editors saw they had the most boring season ever with no clear winner or engagement so they brought out Barbara hoping for some drama and got everything they could have wished for. 

As awful as Barbara is, she is the only person with personality on the show. This is like a "Peter coming of age" show, which, sadly, still hasn't happened for him. With his effeminate brother, and parents clutching on to each other's inner thigh, they will have to wait til the folks die to get married.  

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The show is irresponsible for trotting out two CHILDREN

- Hannah B at 24
- Peter at, it doesn't matter because he LIVES WITH HIS PARENTS

as the leads on this show.

I guess they finally saw the light which is why Clare is next.  They knew they fucked up even more badly than usual this time.  At least Arie is ACTUALLY MARRIED with a FAMILY.  

The show purely exploited Hannah B. and Peter, plain and simple.  They knew the experiment wouldn't work and the curtain is really pulled down, and they're trying to make up for it.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 hours ago, Recyclorette said:

And do you remember Brian's over-protective mother with the matching cheek implants?  Someone, Brian's cousin or something, told Rachel that Brian had a long-time girlfriend and they broke up because she did not get along with the mom. I thought Brian was definitely a mama's boy.  Maybe this hit a little too close to home for Rachel?  Maybe she envies Madi's self awareness and strength and her ability not to be bullied by a guy's mother.  

There is a lot of revisionist history that happens with Rachel's season. Rachel's family was the one that was rude and openly negative towards Bryan, to the point that Rachel snapped at her mother and got pissed at the lot of them. Yes, the show played up Bryan's talking about an ex who didn't get along with his mother and the relationship ending. 

And on his HTD, his mother stressed that he was her life because he's her only child. But she was never rude and disrespectful to Rachel. In fact she even told Rachel that she could tell she had a good heart. Rachel always maintained after her season that she loved Bryan's mother and in fact they got along great because they were similar in that they're the loud ones in the relationship, while Bryan, like his dad is more mellow and a lot more quiet. 

And again, it's probably fair that people listen to things for themselves before making sweeping judgments. Rachel didn't hate Madison or say Barb was right in how she spoke to Madison last night. All she said is that she could understand why Barb would not be happy about someone who in her eyes didn't even care to meet her family and basically told them that day that she wasn't in love with her son and didn't think she could accept a proposal. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I think Rachel showed her true colors when she tried as hard as she could on the ATFR (I think that was the episode) to keep Peter from being the next Bachelor. He had told her he didn't think he would be ready to propose by the end of the season.  I think she must have decided that if he wasn't going to propose to her, he wasn't going to get a chance to propose to anyone else, at least not as The Bachelor.  Bryan's mother, Rachel's family and Barb and Madison haven't crossed Rachel so no, she didn't bad mouth them and/or cut them dead.  Ask Raven about being completely dismissed by Rachel, despite being a close friend previously and professing not to know what she did to piss off Queen Rachel.

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7 hours ago, deSchenke said:

This was a sad mess of a season.  Peter was not suitable as “The Bachelor”.  I suspect it was his upbringing (ya think?!).


The first couple of episodes were spent by him lamenting time (or lack thereof) with Hannah B.  The first group date was actually cancelled because of his interactions with HB.


Then he threw Sydney under the bus with demanding she name names of who wasn’t there for the right reasons.


He put himself in the middle of the drama between Alehia and Victoria P.  Eliminated Aleia (how does she spell her name anyway?), only to bring her back during a group date.  Then he gives Aleaia the group date rose!!!  How insulting to the girls in the group date who were battered and bruised from the soccer match.  A rejectee got THEIR rose!  Even though she was accepted as coming back - now she gets a free pass to the next level.  Only to be sent home because poor Peter didn’t like how the other girls were treating her.  Well, Peter, you put her in this position - own up to it!


A mopey pool party with Chris Harrison announcing, “Peter went home”.  It sounds like a child grabbing his toys and going home because the game didn’t go his way.


Another cancelled cocktail party.  I can’t remember if this was before or after the 2-on-1 date with MacKenna and Tammy.  He kept MacKenna only to send her home at the cocktail party.  Why - what was the logic there?!!!


Victoria F there far longer than any logic would imply - other than he wanted to bang her.  She couldn’t even look him in the eye when she spoke.  And he didn’t even meet her family.


Then being so “conflicted” between two women.  Or was it 3, or 4?  Did he really reconnect with Hannah B after being engaged?  And can he really be a soulmate to anyone Barbara isn’t onboard with?


He was worse that Juan Pablo, or Jason Mesnick, or anyone else I can remember.

I've gained more respect for Jason over the years. At first I thought he was a total asshat to Melissa and I was legitimately angry on her behalf. I thought dumping her to ask out Molly was rude and a little insane (and even more insane that Molly took him back). But now that they're married and have a kid? I dunno, there must be something there. It was after that season that I really started paying attention to how manipulative the show could be not just to the viewers but to the "contestants" as well. I think he was continuously pushed towards Melissa and it wasn't until he had time out in the "real" world and got out of the Bachelor Bubble that he could process what was going on. 

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2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I've gained more respect for Jason over the years. At first I thought he was a total asshat to Melissa and I was legitimately angry on her behalf. I thought dumping her to ask out Molly was rude and a little insane (and even more insane that Molly took him back). But now that they're married and have a kid? I dunno, there must be something there. It was after that season that I really started paying attention to how manipulative the show could be not just to the viewers but to the "contestants" as well. I think he was continuously pushed towards Melissa and it wasn't until he had time out in the "real" world and got out of the Bachelor Bubble that he could process what was going on. 

Yes I agree. And at the time of the ATFR, Melissa already knew they were done. She didn’t know  they’d be trotting Molly out. 
It all worked out. They’re both happily married.  Jason and Molly have a lovely family and Melissa went back to her ex boyfriend and they have 3 or 4 kids. 

Edited by nutty1
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10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I think Hannah Ann is the real winner in all this. 

When she was walking away from him in the house (past the photo booth) my husband was like, "She's lost! Quick, someone give her a map so that she can find her way out of this shit!"

He also wondered why the gay guy was the bachelor. (To be fair, his first viewing of him was Peter in the house wearing the rolled up jeans and boots. We later agreed that none of OUR gay male friends would wear that combo so apologies all around.)

Mama Peter just butted out Lanny (Meredith's season) as Crazy Mama. Am I the only one who liked Meredith? Ian is still my favorite "winner."

Dude had NO business getting engaged. I'm not so sure he has any business walking around without an adult escort, to be honest. 

Yes!! I loved lanny so much !!! But Meredith had to let him go. Ian was great, but i loved lanny. Yeah barb makes lannys mom look like a sweetheart 🙂

2 hours ago, rebel2u said:

I think Rachel showed her true colors when she tried as hard as she could on the ATFR (I think that was the episode) to keep Peter from being the next Bachelor. He had told her he didn't think he would be ready to propose by the end of the season.  I think she must have decided that if he wasn't going to propose to her, he wasn't going to get a chance to propose to anyone else, at least not as The Bachelor.  Bryan's mother, Rachel's family and Barb and Madison haven't crossed Rachel so no, she didn't bad mouth them and/or cut them dead.  Ask Raven about being completely dismissed by Rachel, despite being a close friend previously and professing not to know what she did to piss off Queen Rachel.

She decries bullying but she is a bully .hypocrite!!!

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