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S24.E10: The Women Tell All


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At the beginning when all the women were shouting over each other and you couldn’t understand what anyone was saying I thought: “another Democratic debate already?” And then I thought “oh,no, it’s a real housewives reunion”. 

All of these things could have used better moderators, strict instructions for who can speak and when, and being banished if you interrupted more than 5 times 

1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

Forget the music.   If only they would also maroon them on a South Pacific island and they could vote off the rejects and send them all to live together at the Edge of Extinction as they vie for a second chance to win.  Bachelor: Survivor Edition. 

to this show !!!!!

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Well that was a big nothing burger. Nobody was really taken to task. At the very least the two Victorias should have been challenged more. Victoria P on her blatant lie about how well she knew Alayah. And Victoria F for.... well... everything. 

Whoever upthread said Mykenna is a Pinterest inspirational quote was spot on. Tammy is a little sour, but I’d be rolling my eyes hard at these betches too. 

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5 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

Also, was it just me, or did Ashley I look different?

No, it wasn't just you.  I thought so too.  Couldn't put my finger on it, although she looked a little larger.  I'm not one to talk, but I do remember she had one of the hottest bodies I'd ever recalled, but she looked like she had put on a few happy-engagement lbs. maybe?

She just looked different overall.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Sterling said:

No, it wasn't just you.  I thought so too.  Couldn't put my finger on it, although she looked a little larger.  I'm not one to talk, but I do remember she had one of the hottest bodies I'd ever recalled, but she looked like she had put on a few happy-engagement lbs. maybe?

She just looked different overall.

Too much honeymooning! Actually, I thought her face looked different. Hey, if she turns up pregnant, we can say we noticed first! (No rumors please!)

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I wondered if Peter was hoping that Madison wouldn't show up and he wouldn't have to make a decision to cut it down to three.  He was legitimately shaking during the rose ceremony.  Once she made her entrance, he knew he was in trouble.  He had to pick her since he pretty much begged her to stay, but if she turned him down, Vic F would always know she wasn't in his top two.

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I do find it frustrating that this show in no way encourages good behavior, but then has to have a lecture segment.

Didn't Kelsey just admit to calling someone (I'm too lazy to look up who) a f-ing dramatic bitch on the same show? Didn't Tammy just accuse Mykenna of spreading her legs every time the camera turned her way? And then we get the lecture? 

Couldn't Rachel have just shown us an update on her successful life post Bachelorette? Why is Rachel just put in the lecturer box?  

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I was just waiting for someone to respond to the "Will Maddie show?" question with "What with the ironclad contracts we signed prior to our involvement with the show, she'd better be here until officially dismissed! Now can we just get ON with this!?!"

Lastly what will stay with me maybe forever is that I'm still trying to get over the fact that there was a studio audience shot that was wall to wall guys!! That to me was the most dramatic moment ever. It was like TEN guys! Usually I play my 'pick out the guy in the crowd' (nope, they got him...) game and my mind was blown.


Edited by Wandering Snark
tpyos r my frenz
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2 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Lastly what will stay with me maybe forever is that I'm still trying to get over the fact that there was a studio audience short that was wall to wall guys!!

LOL!  I actually paused the show to take a pic of that shot to send to a friend.  I know they explained at some point who they were, but that first out of context shot made it look like they stumbled into the wrong studio and wished they were anywhere else.


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I always regret watching The Bachelor but every year I come back.  This season, however, seems to have finally cured me. The whole thing was such utter bullshit and had almost no participants I could actually stand, with the added hysterical famewhoredom of Peter's mom --- I can't take this shit any more. The Women Tell All was just an assembly of internet-driven dingdongs trying to upstage each other. The whole Madison storyline is being played out to the nth degree for maximum 'impact' and has little to do with actual feelings or thoughts (IMHO).  Even the bloopers were a stretch. Two hours I'll never get back and am embarrassed to admit I tuned in for.

I think I'm finally free at last!

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6 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:


Didn't Kelsey just admit to calling someone (I'm too lazy to look up who) a f-ing dramatic bitch on the same show? Didn't Tammy just accuse Mykenna of spreading her legs every time the camera turned her way? And then we get the lecture? 

Couldn't Rachel have just shown us an update on her successful life post Bachelorette? Why is Rachel just put in the lecturer box?  

Social media is brutal. Every person on that stage who has a social media account received hate and racist comments. Every Youtuber does. Trisha Paytas is a troll, and pretty gross. The comments she gets put anything Rachel gets to shame. But it’s a choice to be on social media. When you let the public in, you take the good bad and ugly. You can’t  tell trolls not to be trolls. Attention is what they seek. So Rachel just told her followers, most of them positive, that the haterz were more important. Don’t feed the trolls!  It’s like a dog. Ignore bad behavior and reward good. 

So hypocritical that these hags were playing the victim and bullying Alayah. Holy moly but she is gorgeous. Who cares if she does pageants? Gives a lot of girls the thicker skin they need in the world, and discipline. 

We really need to institute 2 years of military service like Israel does for every young person who is able to serve. These women, and Peter, are socially stunted. It’s painful to watch. Poor things were brought up in a bubble. At least outward bound or something. 


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I don’t understand why the producers think we want to watch a bunch of women yell over each other to the point where you have no idea what anyone s saying. It’s not satisfying or entertaining. It’s actually somewhat stressful. As mentioned upthread, the people I was watching with also made democratic debate jokes. They pretape this and edit it; there’s no reason to keep those sections in. I still have no idea what Victoria P’s justification was for lying, because I couldn’t hear her over the six people yelling at her trying to get screentime.

For a season with so much controversy and fighting, I don’t think they really held anyone very accountable. I would have liked to see Chris take more of a lead in questioning people, including Victoria F, about the vitriol they hurled at Alayah. I would have liked to see Chris play the clip of Sydney using her one on one time to bring up women who were being fake followed by her telling Tami that Peter is the one who brought up Alayah. Show the Victoria P/Alayah conversation where it’s clear one of them isn’t being truthful and pretty apparent who it is. When they all just yell it seems like no one is any better than anyone else, which means no one is actually held accountable for poor behavior. 

I was annoyed that the show felt the need to try to spin Victoria F back to someone we should like and someone who in any way had a functional relationship with Peter.  She has had so much awfulness come out about her offscreen that they should just cut their losses. I’m sure they want her for BiP, but they have so many candidates. 

Lexi seems like one of those perpetually bitter people who couldn’t say something nice about someone who isn’t in her direct friend circle if you paid her. 

Edited by Jillibean
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I will say that I appreciated that even they knew the women tell all wasn't enough good content for 2 hours, so there were other things on.  That said, I always have felt this episode just makes the show lose momentum for the final episodes.  You finally get down to two people and then have to wait 2 weeks.  There is rarely anything interesting in the women tell all, and they could easily skip it--I doubt many would miss it.  

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9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It should be in the finale, because we saw that preview at the end of this episode.

they pretty much telegraphed what will happen--my guess--Madi leaves after meeting the parents again, leaving hannah Anne alone, and his pitiful sorrys are that he cant gve her the rose. and off he goes looking for Madi. a "coltonesque" end to this season. Peters Mom plea is to bring madi home. I dont even feel sorry for Hanna ann if my theory is correct because in my opinion, she set this up by pretty much telling him that no matter what he does she is there waiting for him <gag>

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3 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

they pretty much telegraphed what will happen--my guess--Madi leaves after meeting the parents again, leaving hannah Anne alone, and his pitiful sorrys are that he cant gve her the rose. and off he goes looking for Madi. a "coltonesque" end to this season. Peters Mom plea is to bring madi home. I dont even feel sorry for Hanna ann if my theory is correct because in my opinion, she set this up by pretty much telling him that no matter what he does she is there waiting for him <gag>

I agree with your guess. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Sterling said:

No, it wasn't just you.  I thought so too.  Couldn't put my finger on it, although she looked a little larger.  I'm not one to talk, but I do remember she had one of the hottest bodies I'd ever recalled, but she looked like she had put on a few happy-engagement lbs. maybe?

She just looked different overall.

I still remained shocked that they are married because she was a super secret stalker.

oh god i just had a thought--its a 2 hour 2 day finale. that means more filler and more bs. Ugh bring back the days of just showing the finale and dissecting it later!!

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

This Rachel thing is lame. Focusing on the negative. 

It was terrible.  She came off like a victim and a whiny diva. Rachel, thanks for the lesson about bullying wannabe  Instagram influencers.  I feel humbled and ashamed.

Everyone in the public eye deals with criticism, but she acted like this is a new phenomenon.  I don't know why Harrison gave her this platform.

I thought Peter came off like a jerk in his interview talking about how hard things were on the show.  I kind of liked him before, but now I think that he's a wimp.

Edited by nittanycougar
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19 minutes ago, nittanycougar said:

Everyone in the public eye deals with criticism, but she acted like this is a new phenomenon.  I don't know why Harrison gave her this platform.

Didn't your hear?  The Bachelor franchise is now branching out into music and PSA development.  You, too, can have all your worries sorted out by the experts. And coming soon to a TV near you.....Bachelor Training Camp -- run exclusively by former pageant queens.  They'll be divided up into teams.  And very much like The Voice, if a Queen's protegee lands the bachelor, she gets her very own Bachelor sash.  And it will be awarded in a very special edition of Bachelor...Pageant Queen.

....That old lady at the end swigging down the champagne like a pro was kind of funny, though.

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My, Tammy certainly had some really unfortunate-looking expressions... 

Passing on the music version. I gagged over the getting to sing with the Plain White T's. I think that's why the only music competition show I've ever watched was Rock Star because it wasn't all boring Top 40/commercial pablum. I'm 56, and most of my explanations about what bands I'm into starts with, "Gawd, I sound like a damn hipster but you won't have heard of them."

Do people really get together and have huge Bachelor viewing parties? Especially to the point of dressing up in airline personnel garb?

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5 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Do people really get together and have huge Bachelor viewing parties? Especially to the point of dressing up in airline personnel garb?

I find it hard to believe, too, but I guess if some rich woman, living close to the bachelor mansion, wanted to get all her friends over for a theme party and a chance to be on TV, it might pass an evening for them.  I would have thought that one woman would draw the line at throwing pop corn in her own face, though. 

Edited by JudyObscure
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31 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

My, Tammy certainly had some really unfortunate-looking expressions... 

Passing on the music version. I gagged over the getting to sing with the Plain White T's. I think that's why the only music competition show I've ever watched was Rock Star because it wasn't all boring Top 40/commercial pablum. I'm 56, and most of my explanations about what bands I'm into starts with, "Gawd, I sound like a damn hipster but you won't have heard of them."

Do people really get together and have huge Bachelor viewing parties? Especially to the point of dressing up in airline personnel garb?

yeah, tammy sure does have some unattractive facial expressions, goes well with her personality

surely these viewing parties are arranged after being selected by the show to visit.  and their excitement about petey was overboard

do his parents want a show-biz career now?  




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Ugh.  I was just reading the Vulture recap and they mentioned the scene where Peter's parents are pretending to have sex in the car.  I had completely blanked that from my memory bank for very good reason and now I can't stop thinking about it.  WTF?  Who's idea was that? Why was it thought of a funny idea? Why did they agree to debase themselves?  What son wants to actively think of his parents banging?  

It was fun watching Kelsey audition for the Bachelorette knowing that Clare got the role.  Bless her heart, she tried really hard.   The crescendo of the screeching voices at the beginning actually made me put my hands over my ears.   The collective age of that group is over-tired toddler melting down in the ball pit of Chuckee Cheese. 

And I thought it was rich of the show to bring out Rachel to discuss racism and bullying and then NEVER bringing up Victoria F's "White Marlin Matters" modeling career.   

And will I watch next week?  Yes because dammit I can't quit this show.

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I didn't like Rachel's "The Evils of the Internet" segment of the show.  There are some terrible people out there, saying awful things to people they only know from watching them on TV.  I get the feeling, however, that these crazies are very few in number, and are the same people who spew venom at politicians, sports stars, musicians, actors, AND reality show "stars".  These nuts spend a LOT of their day sending these texts/e-mails to many, many people.  99% of Internet users are normal (or at least, people like us on this site! haha).  I wasn't sure, while watching Rachel, what the "call to action" was supposed to be.  What are we, the public, supposed to do with this new-found knowledge of Internet crazies?  The segment just seemed a little pointless (but definitely sad for the receivers of these messages).

Beyond that, the show was a bit bland.  None of the women had anything negative to say to Peter at all.  No one even asked him any pointed questions.  All I heard was, "You did such a great job, following your heart.  Dating you has made me a better person!"  Really?????????

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I usually skip the Tell All episodes, and this one was no exception.  But thanks to all of you awesome watchers and Reality Steve's tweets, I feel like I was right there with you!!!!!  *LOL*  

Did everybody do the "Spot the Upcoming Paradise Contestants"?  Usually the ones with the most camera time, the most skin exposed and the most Chris Harrison attention.  We know Victoria the Ho is DEFINITELY going to be there, plus plenty of the girlies that "hate" each other.  And a few that are literally unidentifiable sprinkled in for good measure.  Good times!


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2 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I think the show should practice what they preach and stop airing all the nastiness each season. The show makes it the center of attraction. 

THIS^  What do these people think is going to happen when they go on national TV and act the way they do?  The comments featured were awful, but I blame the producers; all they go for these days is nasty drama. 

And I'm sorry, Rachel, but you were really nasty towards Peter on your ATFR and then continued to diss him afterwards every chance you got to make sure he wasn't the next bachelor.  Not to mention the fact that you just had to say publicly that you won't speak to Raven anymore but won't say why.  Your attempt to just make her look bad, maybe?  You've added to the negativity, too, with your comments and constant need for attention to try and stay relevant.  Think about going back to practicing law and trying to genuinely help some people.

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23 minutes ago, leighdear said:

I usually skip the Tell All episodes, and this one was no exception.  But thanks to all of you awesome watchers and Reality Steve's tweets, I feel like I was right there with you!!!!!  *LOL*  

Did everybody do the "Spot the Upcoming Paradise Contestants"?  Usually the ones with the most camera time, the most skin exposed and the most Chris Harrison attention.  We know Victoria the Ho is DEFINITELY going to be there, plus plenty of the girlies that "hate" each other.  And a few that are literally unidentifiable sprinkled in for good measure.  Good times!


Tammy and McKenna will have to both be there!! Together! And Sydney too. 

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So, it’s come out that Kelley wasn’t asked was because she had wanted to call out production on unfairly editing.   Specifically, in her last segment, she said a lot of unkind things, but apparently, it was all spliced together to make it look like she said it all at once.  Yes, she did say those things, and yes, she knew what she signed up for, but she was going to call out production.

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52 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Did everybody do the "Spot the Upcoming Paradise Contestants"?  Usually the ones with the most camera time, the most skin exposed and the most Chris Harrison attention.  We know Victoria the Ho is DEFINITELY going to be there, plus plenty of the girlies that "hate" each other.  And a few that are literally unidentifiable sprinkled in for good measure.  Good times

HAHA! I made my husband listen the Bachelor Party podcast "Bachelor in Paradise' Fantasy Draft' and the only reason he watched the WTA is to put the faces to the draft picks.  It's a fun and funny episode with Bill Simmons and Mallory Rubin guest hosting with Juliet Litman.


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13 minutes ago, Sterling said:

So, it’s come out that Kelley wasn’t asked was because she had wanted to call out production on unfairly editing.   Specifically, in her last segment, she said a lot of unkind things, but apparently, it was all spliced together to make it look like she said it all at once.  Yes, she did say those things, and yes, she knew what she signed up for, but she was going to call out production.

That would have been great to see!  I also read that Natasha said she was invited but couldn't make it.  I missed her.  Natasha is adorable, funny and spunky.  She would have made a great bachelorette!

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2 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Do people really get together and have huge Bachelor viewing parties? Especially to the point of dressing up in airline personnel garb?

Yes, especially when they find out that the show will be coming to visit and to leave the front door unlocked! I'm sure that the reality of Peter "sneaking" into your party is more like "Wait why are there five crew people and cameras in my living room suddenly?"

1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Why do I feel like Peter's mom is going to divorce the dad and join the cast of "The Bachelor, Senior addition"

I was actually waiting for that old woman who chugged the champagne to be announced as the next Bachelor Granny.

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1 hour ago, Sterling said:

So, it’s come out that Kelley wasn’t asked was because she had wanted to call out production on unfairly editing.   Specifically, in her last segment, she said a lot of unkind things, but apparently, it was all spliced together to make it look like she said it all at once.  Yes, she did say those things, and yes, she knew what she signed up for, but she was going to call out production.

That’s a shame imo. I know you take the risk of a bad edit, but I don’t think this is fair. If you go on the show and are bitchy, rude, catty, dramatic, emotional, don’t expect to be portrayed as a sweet, even-keeled young woman. But if you are pretty cool and mature like Kelly appeared to be most of the time, it’s not right for the producers to try to make you look bad. 

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