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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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26 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Ok. I am shocked that the organization allowed this picture to stay up. Her nipples show right through! Not her fault, of course. Personally I would not have posted it, at least without some photoshopping.

Other thoughts: Her abs look awesome. She needs to control the hyperextension in her elbow, a common problem in pom. They should make her hair more red.

Those aren't her nipples. If you'll zoom in you'll notice there are little raised balls all over that top. Could they be mistaken for nipples...sure. Are most people looking that closely? I'd suspect not. Would a live audience or a jumbo tron have showed the raised balls everywhere? I suspect so. 

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1 hour ago, 5678Pixie said:

That is exactly what i was thinking that Victoria was not picked and then she took Jalyn's spot.  I want to know if Victoria went running to Tina and  tattled on Jalyn and then Tina went after Kelli.  What on earth does Tina have on Kelli that we need to know about?

I don't know but maybe part of the reason that Kelli picked VK for show group is that she just doesn't want hear Tina complain about her daughter not being picked for it again.

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I know "Stough" is Jalyn's last name, but I love that her profile reads "jalyns tough". Because if what we've heard is true and she was booted off show group for daring to try to help Vicky, than she's tougher than I could ever be.

I'm too old to remember if it was discussed but it's interesting they couldn't find another day anywhere during the summer when the whole team was available. Just odd to me. Wonder if the conversation between KaShara and K&J about point was in reference to the promo and not TS which is why Amy and Maddie weren't mentioned?  

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5 hours ago, Law Mom said:

Hey, we all have opinions. I think Jalyn is a very good technical dancer but also dull. The opposite of KaShara, if you will. She has a nice figure but so do lots of girls. I personally find her unattractive--her eyes are off and I think she is masculine looking. I don't know what she is like as a person but she gives off an unfriendly vibe to me. Purely subjective of course. I know many disagree but I don't give a hoot. My opinions are mine, yours are yours. Anyway, the people who hire SG don't care who is on it and neither do I, as long they do the job.

Have any of the insiders heard distasteful comments about Jalyn? I thought I read somewhere she's not a great teammate, somewhat full of herself/ no really concerned about anyone else.  Could that be a reason for her not making SG? 

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10 hours ago, ClosetBachJunkie said:

IMO, the only reason they featured Savannah was so they could contrast her reaction to not making SG with Jalyn. "Oh, but poor Savannah wanted it SO BAD but is still congratulating her teammates..."

Well, Savannah is delusional if she thinks she’s one of their best dancers, even in this weaker team.

7 hours ago, kerrieway said:

Absolutely is a VIC...wtheck...also Jalyn's name is circled which mean she was a pick for SG or in close contention! As far as I concerned the theories about her being replaced by VK are true...disgusting and disgraceful.

Yeah it looks like Jalyn was picked for SG and then was replaced with the almighty VK. So I guess we were spot on when we were saying that vk got Jalyn’s spot, not one of the new to sg vets.

long shot, but maybe @ShellyB can confirm?

6 hours ago, Law Mom said:

 Anyway, the people who hire SG don't care who is on it and neither do I, as long they do the job.

I’m sure they would rather look at Jalyn instead of VK’s horsemouth and spastic dancing, but they won’t know someone like Jalyn was an option.

5 hours ago, omgtv said:

  I don't expect Kelli to be a robot, but don't try to fool everyone into thinking there is anything fair about this whole process.  Just own it!

Oh, I do. Since she expects her cheerleaders to be robots, then she should be their prime example. She’s the one who gets the big paycheck after all, so i have bigger expectations.

32 minutes ago, dccdancefan said:

Have any of the insiders heard distasteful comments about Jalyn? I thought I read somewhere she's not a great teammate, somewhat full of herself/ no really concerned about anyone else.  Could that be a reason for her not making SG? 

That would be VK, not Jalyn. Jalyn actually has experience in another team (as all the other girls except for VK), so they’d have heard about it from her former coach.

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13 hours ago, Lily80 said:

Also just want to say that if Kelli cut Jalyn from Show Group because of some nonsense with VK, it's completely passive aggressive not to tell her why. If it's a punishment for some 'supposed' bad behavior (like Jenna being pulled as point and made to sit out for the HOF game), then freaking TELL her that. Otherwise, you're just creating an atmosphere of anxiety and distrust.

Classic abusive behavior. Kelli controls the squad by abuse.

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On 9/14/2019 at 3:47 AM, DCCFan197605 said:

It looks like Rachel A got Jalyn’s spot.  It’s amazing what a haircut and new makeup can do for a person.

I think that's unfair. I love Jalyn but Rachel A has definitely improved since her rookie year. Yes, she looks great with chopped hair but her dance technique and power/style are great now. She was a blender to begin with but I think she's one of their strongest dancers now. Jayln should also have a SG spot though! 

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This pic from yesterday has been circulating on numerous girls’ a ocial media.  The only rookies are Meredith and Lily, but I’m particularly interested that Julia is in it.  I wonder if that means she’ll be trying out again next year?  


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10 hours ago, Muckypup61 said:

The other heart breaker: Alexandra's small, desperate, "No, please, not again!"😭

I didn’t quite understand that since, while she’s auditioned several times before, this was the first time she’d ever even made it into training camp.  

Also, I didn’t care for her pleading for more time.  I cant exactly put my finger on it, but I felt this weird “privileged entitlement” meets Malena meltdown flashback.  She ultimately pulled it together which was good, but something rubbed me the wrong way there.  

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27 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

This pic from yesterday has been circulating on numerous girls’ a ocial media.  The only rookies are Meredith and Lily, but I’m particularly interested that Julia is in it.  I wonder if that means she’ll be trying out again next year?  


Julia also went out with Some of the ladies for ambers birthday 

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When Alexandra started with her oh no, I was concerned we were going down the Meleana road but there also seemed to be an edit there too.

They will never do the show group announcement there the same night as long as they use Gilley’s since the judges are in close proximity to the girls.  At auditions & finals, I imagine J & K use the bathroom, freshen makeup & hair thus giving the judges time to get to their cars which are physically in a different locale from the girls I would imagine plus it would be a long day for them.  For SG, the judges have been there only perhaps 3 hours, Park in same lot, go past girls to leave & perhaps stay to watch announcement.  K&J don’t wan them sticking around to see why someone they said yes to got cut & someone like VK got added.

i understand about Melissa R saying how VK had improved which was true.  I said that once about a student who was significantly weaker when she demonstrated improvement.  I had a moment of clarity when another faculty member asked me if she was performing at the level of her peers & of what I expected of all students at this level & she was NOT.

I worked for 4 years for a passive aggressive boss, waiting for her to retire.  She would ask you for what courses you did & did not want to teach.  We ended up having to lie to her as she would stick you with the courses you hated.  She was this way as she was an angry person who believe this anger helped propel her through life.  I was so happy to quit & she didn’t retire until she was 75!

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10 hours ago, omgtv said:

Off topic re: SG/Jalyn

I am seriously confused about VK.   I mean, TK comes across on this show, even in just the few times she has been shown, as a horrible mean girl.  When she said that about Chandler I wanted to go through my TV and slap her. Maybe all of this is TK's doing and not VK???  VK just seems kinda goofy and immature??? 🤷‍♀️

I chuckled when I read this, because I agree that VK does seem goofy and immature. I also think Kelli looks at her as one of her own, so let’s her get away with a lot more than others. 

That said, sweet Chandler was the least HD friendly candidate they’ve had to my memory. Even on the earlier days when they didn’t have to be on the HD screen. I was shocked she made it into camp. 

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17 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

This is a recent pix of her and this is one of the comments on this pix


You dance circles around the #illigetimatedcc. Don't forget that. This isn't a real situation, it's staged for the benefit of a tv show. You are far more worthy than you're being given credit for. Chin up.

Um, wow, she looks amazing here

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14 hours ago, go4luca said:

Add me as being another hard disagree on this assessment. 

Jalyn is a very strong dancer and that is what SG is all about: the elite technical dancers of the squad (as has been mentioned on the show numerous times).

That may be absolutely true, but the average viewer doesn’t care.

Its like when Kelli is watching one of her mediocre favorites dance.  While the poor girl stumbles, falls out of turns, forgets choreo, or just blends into the background completely, that’s Kelli’s cue to SAVE HER FAVE:  

Without fail, and in the most incredibly contrived way ever, she puts on her big-eyed face and turns to Judy, gasping in a reverent stage whisper about “those feet!”

Who the hell is looking at any of these girls’ FEET?


If their FEET were so damn important, the girls would be dancing on the field wearing full body leotards and ballet shoes.

Even Stevie Wonder can see what parts of the dancer we’re supposed to appreciate, considering how much time they spend getting fitted for the “iconic” (ultra-skimpy) uniform:

1). Boobs.

2) Butt.

3). Boobs.  

But we’re supposed to suddenly appreciate her all-important feet, which are ironically covered up in big clunky boots.

Clearly, Kelli’s breathless raptures over a girl’s feet is her way of justifying to the audience why she’s still keeping an obviously mediocre-looking, minimally-talented, big-horsey-faced TCC in camp, while true cuties like Gabby are given the shaft.

Edited by nancy444
Subject/verb disagreement
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1 hour ago, kalibean said:

I chuckled when I read this, because I agree that VK does seem goofy and immature. I also think Kelli looks at her as one of her own, so let’s her get away with a lot more than others. 

That said, sweet Chandler was the least HD friendly candidate they’ve had to my memory. Even on the earlier days when they didn’t have to be on the HD screen. I was shocked she made it into camp. 

I agree, poor Chandler just wasn’t anyone’s idea of a calendar girl.  But every once in a while they’re able to somehow glam-up a girl who’s not quite ready for her close up.  That’s how I first felt about Jinelle when she first tried out: pleasantly surprised.

I still do kinda feel that way about Caroline (and her big, staring eyes), Selena (who was just bleh), and of course the Nose Job Twins.

Truly beautiful girls like Brittany Shram, Abigail Klein, or MaKenzie Lee have all but vanished. 

Poor little Chandler just couldn’t be helped, I’m afraid.  

Yet they let VK and her big chompers and over-processed hair on the team.

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1 hour ago, cherryblossom said:

I worked for 4 years for a passive aggressive boss, waiting for her to retire.  She would ask you for what courses you did & did not want to teach.  We ended up having to lie to her as she would stick you with the courses you hated.  She was this way as she was an angry person who believe this anger helped propel her through life.  I was so happy to quit & she didn’t retire until she was 75!

You should have told "Please never retire. We want you to stay here forever." Maybe she would have left sooner!

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In the category of Kelli being a poor manager ... does it bother anyone else that Kelli arranged for Meredith to get one on one help from Kashara and Melissa, and other girls are lucky if they get a single note from Kelli in an entire training camp?  I would think that would be hugely demoralizing for the other girls.    I’m not a huge Lily fan, but examples like this make me understand her a little more.  

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DCC is not a democracy it is a Cheer-ocracy with Kelli at the head. She has favorites and they have lots of wiggle room.  That's life. It stinks but it is in every work/school environment. Just wish she wouldn't sell us on this sisterhood mentality when she can be the worst offender when it comes to toxicity. 

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8 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

In the category of Kelli being a poor manager ... does it bother anyone else that Kelli arranged for Meredith to get one on one help from Kashara and Melissa, and other girls are lucky if they get a single note from Kelli in an entire training camp?  I would think that would be hugely demoralizing for the other girls.    I’m not a huge Lily fan, but examples like this make me understand her a little more.  

Meredith is a crying mess. She reminds me of Maddie her first year in camp. It seemed like all she did was mess up and cry about it, and she rightly got sent home. I hope we see some drastic improvement from Meredith because right now I can’t believe she made the team.

Edited by Jennv
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6 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

long shot, but maybe @ShellyB can confirm?

Doubt it. Here’s what Shelly said when it first happened:

“I will add that the field was strong, and the new (Vets and TCCs) came with a mission. There were several that were very strong, but in the end, it’s the voting. There are considerations for the previous year(s), but just because your on SG the previous year doesn’t mean your are safe. They are always expected to keep pushing, moving up”

i can’t imagine it would be smart or professional for her to say more now. 

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1 minute ago, heckkitty said:

Doubt it. Here’s what Shelly said when it first happened:

“I will add that the field was strong, and the new (Vets and TCCs) came with a mission. There were several that were very strong, but in the end, it’s the voting. There are considerations for the previous year(s), but just because your on SG the previous year doesn’t mean your are safe. They are always expected to keep pushing, moving up”

i can’t imagine it would be smart or professional for her to say more now. 

Agree, it would not be wise for her to say more. 

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I think it would be inappropriate for Shelly to say any more.  I'm often asked during my off-work hours to reveal things like who is getting hired for a certain position and I know I can't say anything if I want to keep my job.

Even if Shelly witnesses blatant favoritism toward Kelli's "Wish she were MY daughter" Victoria she won't say it, and rightfully so.

Bottom line, as another poster said, the general public who attends the games aren't looking at dance technique.  They want to see pretty young ladies in skimpy costumes dancing around.  If it were all about dance technique they wouldn't be wearing almost nothing. 

Now Show Group, that should be about dance technique but I'm not even sure where Show Group performs or if the audience they perform in front of will care about their technique or if they just expect to see pretty girls dancing.

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1 hour ago, heckkitty said:

Doubt it. Here’s what Shelly said when it first happened:

“I will add that the field was strong, and the new (Vets and TCCs) came with a mission. There were several that were very strong, but in the end, it’s the voting. There are considerations for the previous year(s), but just because your on SG the previous year doesn’t mean your are safe. They are always expected to keep pushing, moving up”

i can’t imagine it would be smart or professional for her to say more now. 

Oh, I wasn’t really expecting her to answer. Isn’t it interesting though that she referred to the voting when we saw that the judges actually voted Jalyn in? Unless that was her way of telling us that it was all Kelli.

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I hate to say it, but after watching this week's episode, I think Rachel W. will be the point next year. 😱 She has improved so much from last season (watch her in the hip hop halftime when she's in the second row of the pyramid behind Maddie). There are so many talented 2nd years who would absolutely kill it at point (Caroline and Bridget come to mind) but you know how Kelli loves the pretty girls and she's always had a giant girl crush on Rachel W.

Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying I want her at point. But after watching the montage of pictures they took of Rachel during show group auditions, I was like ohhhh shit it's gonna be her next year.

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5 minutes ago, Isolabella said:

I hate to say it, but after watching this week's episode, I think Rachel W. will be the point next year. 😱 She has improved so much from last season (watch her in the hip hop halftime when she's in the second row of the pyramid behind Maddie). There are so many talented 2nd years who would absolutely kill it at point (Caroline and Bridget come to mind) but you know how Kelli loves the pretty girls and she's always had a giant girl crush on Rachel W.

Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying I want her at point. But after watching the montage of pictures they took of Rachel during show group auditions, I was like ohhhh shit it's gonna be her next year.

Only if Maddie retires 

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1 hour ago, heckkitty said:

Doubt it. Here’s what Shelly said when it first happened:

“I will add that the field was strong, and the new (Vets and TCCs) came with a mission. There were several that were very strong, but in the end, it’s the voting. There are considerations for the previous year(s), but just because your on SG the previous year doesn’t mean your are safe. They are always expected to keep pushing, moving up”

i can’t imagine it would be smart or professional for her to say more now. 

As much as she says it was about how the judges voted, we've also seen Kelli (and to a degree Judy and Charlotte) override or ignore that voting if it doesn't go the way she wants it to.  Given how petty Kelli can be, and who was shown to be on Judy's (?) list, I wouldn't be surprised that Victoria wasn't originally going to be on Show Group, but that her confrontation with Jalyn just gave them the person to cut to give Victoria her spot.  Shelly either can't or won't say anything different because it could bring her legal, ethical and moral problems she doesn't, and shouldn't, have to deal with because she keeps her lips sealed on what happens/happened.  Also, if she told what REALLY occurred, especially if it meant exposing the fact that Kelli lied, ignored the votes/opinions of the other judges or any number of things that aren't exactly moral or ethical even if they are technically legal, she could be terminated from her position because the organization could say, among other things, that she is using her platform as a recognized member of the organization to state her personal opinion and that she is biased against it because of how her daughter was treated.

22 minutes ago, rhofmovalley said:

I think it would be inappropriate for Shelly to say any more.  I'm often asked during my off-work hours to reveal things like who is getting hired for a certain position and I know I can't say anything if I want to keep my job.

Even if Shelly witnesses blatant favoritism toward Kelli's "Wish she were MY daughter" Victoria she won't say it, and rightfully so.

While we want someone officially recognized to spill the tea about what has REALLY happened, it would be inappropriate for Shelly to say more because of the ramifications, legal and otherwise, no matter HOW much I want to know what really happened.  But, suffice to say, there are enough hints and clues shown during the course of the past three seasons that, should some bored person in the legal field gets curious enough to do some digging, they could possibly find enough provable actions (that can't be dismissed as some girl got her feelings hurt by being cut or dismissed) to cause some trouble for the organization, but also for Kelli personally, especially if she can't hide behind the organization.  That is, if they chose to do so and actually had some free time, of which there is little in many cases.

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3 hours ago, Isolabella said:

I hate to say it, but after watching this week's episode, I think Rachel W. will be the point next year. 😱 She has improved so much from last season. There are so many talented 2nd years who would absolutely kill it at point (Caroline and Bridget come to mind) but you know how Kelli loves the pretty girls and she's always had a giant girl crush on Rachel W.

3 hours ago, Jennv said:

Only if Maddie retires 

I think Rachel W., Bridget or Caroline could carry point.  Although my personal fav is Bridget.  Her energy is infectious and girl can dance.

Re: Maddie

Not being mean, but I hope she retires.  She's come a long way but she will never be point material to me.

Edited by go4luca
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Just now, go4luca said:

I think Rachel W., Bridget or Caroline could carry point.  Although my personal fav is Bridget.  Her energy is infectious and girl can dance.

Re: Maddie

Not being mean, but I hope she retires.  She's come a long way and is cute, but she will never be point material to me.

I’m with you. I hate her at point and I hate to see a worthy point like Bridget passed over again for another year of Maddie 

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I wonder how long it will be before Victoria spins right off the stage during a show group performance? I actually would feel sorry for Victoria, but it would serve Kelli right for putting a clumsy mess on her “elite” show group 

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1 hour ago, Jennv said:

Only if Maddie retires 

I don’t see any way that Maddie doesn’t stay all five years. I think she deserves Jinelle’s old spot (and that Jinelle deserved much better) but heaven knows the ladies in leadership are showing their blindness this year.  And why is Rycroft so obsessed with her?? 

Plus, Amy is so off in everything I see her in now...my eye goes straight to her. 

Anyone else for point(s) please! 

Edited by kalibean
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47 minutes ago, Jennv said:

I’m with you. I hate her at point and I hate to see a worthy point like Bridget passed over again for another year of Maddie 

Please make Maddie retire. I wouldn’t mind her staying for all 5 years if she wasn’t always in the spotlight. She doesn’t look good as point, she doesn’t seem confident as a leader, she isn’t strong in interviews, just stop promoting her please. And I can’t stand her trying to do sexy/flirty faces this year (she does that in EVERY SINGLE clip i’ve seen of her). I feel like a pervert looking at this kid playing dress up.

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11 minutes ago, kalibean said:

I don’t see any way that Maddie doesn’t stay all five years. I think she deserves Jinelle’s old spot (and that Jinelle deserved much better) but heaven knows the ladies in leadership are showing their blindness this year.  And why is Rycroft so obsessed with her?? 

Plus, Amy is so off in everything I see her in now...my eye goes straight to her. 

Anyone else for point(s) please! 

I swear, I think they are telling Rycroft to talk Maddie up. It’s the theory that if you tell a lie enough times people will believe it. Kelli and Co. want us to think Maddie is the greatest, so they keep harping on it. Same with Veruca.

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3 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

I wouldn’t mind her staying for all 5 years if she wasn’t always in the spotlight.

I wonder if they've started sending strong signals to the ladies to retire BEFORE they're a 5th year anymore unless they're a phenomenal dancer?

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On 9/14/2019 at 12:36 PM, MrsEVH said:

I remember that choreographer Bree calling out Angela when she didn't make SG.

That choreographer was full of herself and a bitch.  One of my least favorite people they’ve ever had on the show along w/ the nutritionist who said the stuff about diet soda causing cellulite.

I don’t think they should announce show group at the beginning of a practice like that either.  If they don’t want to do it during off hours so everyone can process without being on the spot, at least wait till the very end.   Oh, and a compassionate leader who wanted to avoid any drama/disruption would talk to someone in Jaylen’s situation ahead of time, along w/ giving the reasons for decision, so she wasn’t blindsided in front of everyone.   But cause this is a reality show drama is almost encouraged, no way they’d ever do that 

Edited by MyFavShows
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On 9/14/2019 at 2:46 PM, ATLGirl said:

I haven't watched the episode yet because I was visiting my best friend who was in town last night but I'm afraid if I do watch it, I'll break the TV by throwing something at it when Kelli starts in on Jaylyn. It's taking everything I have not to tweet something on Kelli's account stating I know who was being toxic in that meeting and it wasn't Jaylyn.

I echo what CrazyinAlabama said. Jaylyn needs to keep her head down, finish her year and vamoose. There's no way Kelli will keep her another season anyway and Charlotte will likely chime in with talk of "She needs to be GREAT!". Who wants to stick around for that nightmare when they are still getting paid peanuts?

Same. I’ve been in, “Don’t tweet Kelli. Don’t tweet Kelli.” Mode since the episode aired. 😡

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