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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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44 minutes ago, Stee said:

This episode was particularly unflattering for Kelli. I hope she watches this in retrospect and recognizes her strange defensiveness and accusatory behavior towards Jalyn. You’d think she just lied to her about a doctors appointment or something!

I agree with this. It was strange. There's definitely something we don't know--more to the story. And Jalyn comported herself well in the office too.

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1 hour ago, CourtneyLoveNJ said:

This show has lost everything that got me watching it in the first place and now it’s become this sad reality show and not a real dance audition.  I mean, if CMT drops it, you know it would fit right in in the Bravo line up.

I think you hit on something we keep forgetting. That this is still a reality show. It's not just about dance ability anymore. Making the Team focuses on the same general characters and storylines every season. You've got your Underdogs (Meredith/Alexandria), Class clown (Kat), Ingenue (Chandi), Comeback kids (Victoria/Lily/Kristin), Heartbreak vets (Gabby/Jalyn), etc. TPTB decide each girl's edit to advance and support these storylines. If you aren't featured a lot on the show, it's because you don't have anything dramatic to add. I think TPTB more or less have already chosen the team before training camp, with enough wriggle room to handle any surprises that pop up. I wouldn't be surprised to find out cuts are mapped out and story boarded even before training camp has started. This would explain why some things feel so weird and forced; like they didn't just happen organically.

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9 hours ago, Tootie said:

I enjoyed the part where KaShara picked who she thought would be a good point:  Amy! No, wait.... Maddie!  No, wrong again!  Caroline!  😄

Quite surprising that she didn’t choose her former roommate “best friend” Heather.  

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On 9/5/2019 at 9:46 PM, scorpio1031 said:

I don't blame them.  Kelli make a big deal about earning your boots and your vet status, and it should be a big deal if you can come back year after year and work hard to regain your spot.  And I feel sorry for the other rookies getting pushed aside or made to look bad for VK's sake.

I'd be curious to know what the alumni think.

Agreed agreed agreed!

just wanted to add on that it will be VERY interesting to see how many girls retire after this season!!! 

Just now, njcate said:

Agreed agreed agreed!

just wanted to add on that it will be VERY interesting to see how many girls retire after this season!!! 

Sorry - disregard my comment - it's actually a duplicate from something I posted a couple weeks ago - I spazzed out trying to post my actual comment. 

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2 hours ago, kalibean said:

I’m still so mad for Jaylyn. Has anyone ever been on show group then dropped the next year? And she was SG as a rookie! Editing was insanely choppy, but still. So upsetting. 

I think @LaurenBrook posted a while back that this happened to Emma.

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OK, not many posts yet about the continuation of "The Meredith Show."  I just would like to know which Cowboy big-wig's wife's second cousin twice removed best friend's daughter's next-door neighbors's uncle she is related?!?  😂   Certainly tongue-in-cheek, but really, even among all the Jalyn disappointment, CMT and TPTB cannot give us a break from Meredith.  Whyyyyyyyyy?

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2 minutes ago, DCCdazzle said:

OK, not many posts yet about the continuation of "The Meredith Show."  I just would like to know which Cowboy big-wig's wife's second cousin twice removed best friend's daughter's next-door neighbors's uncle she is related?!?  😂   Certainly tongue-in-cheek, but really, even among all the Jalyn disappointment, CMT and TPTB cannot give us a break from Meredith.  Whyyyyyyyyy?

I guess they plan to annoy us each week by alternating between the Kat Show and the Meredith Show.

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5 minutes ago, DCCdazzle said:

OK, not many posts yet about the continuation of "The Meredith Show."  I just would like to know which Cowboy big-wig's wife's second cousin twice removed best friend's daughter's next-door neighbors's uncle she is related?!?  😂   Certainly tongue-in-cheek, but really, even among all the Jalyn disappointment, CMT and TPTB cannot give us a break from Meredith.  Whyyyyyyyyy?

It's definitely weird to think that Kelli is an executive producer of the show, meaning she must have input into editing and what's shown or not. Meredith is terrible. There have been tons of girls cut in the past [Rachel Buckmaster comes to mind] who were trained technical dancers in lyrical or ballet who were unable to pick up the DCC power pom style. Meredith can not, and they're not showing anything by way of positive attitude or showmanship. There have been an infinite number of times where a girl makes a mistake and Kelli, Judy, or a guest teacher says "You made a mistake but you sold it", indicating she didn't cry or freak out or fall apart. Meredith is just a mess.

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12 hours ago, Erinbridget said:


Maybe because Kelly doesn't know her name.  She called her Carolyn not Caroline.  Oh, but she's still calling Jalyn Jay-Lynn even after being corrected last season.  Out of touch much, Kells?

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12 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

Kelli is there to manage the team, NOT to live out her emotions on innocent girls, who are subject to the worst BS and nepotism I have seen on TV.

I wish I could like this statement 1,000 times. Beautifully said!

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1 minute ago, DAthene said:

I hate that they announce show group at practice now. They used to do it that night and it gave the girls a chance to process their disappointment before having to perform.  This is just heartless.


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7 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

Kelli is a toxic mean girl. This isn't a secret and I stopped giving her the benefit of the doubt ages ago. 

I did appreciate Judy standing up for her, but to be frank, Judy was in the room when SG positions were chosen and Judy made the choice not to call her name. She could have added her as the 19th position just like we got a 37 person triangle. Judy's lack of integrity and ability to stand up to Kelli is appalling and it's on Judy to stand up to that. I lost all respect for her last year---not just with the editing for the show, but her rant at the fans for not 'understanding'. Hello, I understand---you work for a mean girl, now grow a back bone.

Jalyn's words were measured and anxious. She knows why she was cut from SG and she knows she can't call Kelli out for it. The sad part is that she stayed

I hate to compare anything to domestic violence because domestic violence is gross; but watching Jalyn essentially beg for her uniform reminded me of a battered wife begging her abusive husband to take her back and how sorry she is for upsetting him in the first place. The DCC system is, at it's core, toxic and unfortunately, the root cause is the director.

I understand the 'best of the best' mentality---unfortunately, when you have that style of mentality, abusive tendencies tend to get overlooked and excused as 'this is what it takes.' There is not a single sport that hasn't had this type of situation happen whether it was a single team or the entire federal (*cough* USAG *cough*). 

It is going to take the girls standing up, much like they did when Jones took over, to see any real progress and I just don't see that happening. The smart and educated leave because they see through the bullshit quicker and the others don't have the perspective in the moment.

I'm not a Cowboys fan, and frankly, I've only been a fan of this show because I love dance---and while I continue to sometimes remember to watch, I'm mostly over it. I'll hate watch when I'm bored, but continuing to watch these women get beat down and abused over and over again, season after season (though it used to be way more subtle) is just...not entertaining.  

Kelli is more than a mean girl she is a bully.  Last year she was so mean to  Heather and she stayed too.  

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4 minutes ago, 5678Pixie said:

Kelli is more than a mean girl she is a bully.  Last year she was so mean to  Heather and she stayed too.  

I know what happened in Heather's situation and I'm not sure I agree. What Kelli did to Heather, imo, was justified because she was protecting the brand should the issue blow up. Where Kelli failed is in not telling Heather that is what she was doing or why she did it. 

And that is Kelli's consistent MO. It's like, if she tells the girls why they're in trouble she is worried that they'll come at her with facts and evidence that she's wrong so instead of giving them the ability to challenge her; she just gives them that look like they should know and refuses to elaborate. 

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On 9/7/2019 at 1:23 PM, MTTFan said:

Ummm I am not sure why dancers like Meredith or Kat made the team especially if there were so many quality dancers coming through that K&J could take their pic.  Meredith and Kat would have never made the team even as alternates. They are medicore at best.  After Charmin again, I have to agree with her assessment that the last three groups she looked at were awful and should have been cut -- my only disagreement with her - Kat, I never would have given her a sticker much less two.

On the other hand, given the obviously shrinking numbers showing up to try out means mathematically that fewer rock star dancers are showing up.  Shrinking numbers means less rock stars are auditioning and making the squad.  This explains, IMHO, why dancers like Kat and Meredith made the squad, why dancers like Christina are still on the squad and why Maddie is point.

Yes, exactly my point.  Perhaps because I'm not a dancer, I don't know how to discern the "technical" dancers from the others.  However, I do know what I enjoy watching, and up until recently, I thought the DCC had been very clear on the mission of its "brand". 

 Not so much anymore.

Let's face it: we're not tuning in to see the Bolshoi Ballet perform Swan Lake here, guys.  Presumably, we're all here to 1) see rock star performers who are very beautiful and fit dance around a stadium, 2) remember fondly how long its been since any of us had enough self-esteem to leave the house wearing a bikini, and 3) speculate what kind of dark magic allows their hair and makeup to look just as pristine in double-overtime as it did when they first pranced out of the tunnel 5 hours earlier.

If this latest mediocre iteration of the DCC is a deliberate a result (as some posters suggested) of "only the truly good dancers trying out anymore", then I say, "Bring back the 'sub-par' dancers like Kelsi Reich, Ashton Torres, and Brooke Sorensen!"  My eyes can do without staring at the "excellence" of Amy, Gina, and VK.

This is why "So You Think You Can Dance" has been such a hit.  The judges help the audience along by weeding out the worst dancers, but when it gets to the Top 10 or so, they let America decide who they enjoy watching the most, NOT who is the most advanced technical dancer.  Did less "technically capable" dancers win in past seasons? You betcha.  But the title they win is "America's Favorite Dancer", NOT "America's Most Technically Trained and Talented Dancer".

Kelly, Inc. should take that to heart.

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Let's not forget that TPTB took more girls this year in Show Group.  So no reason for Jalyn's cut from show group this year.  She actually had a better chance making it because they took more girls. 

I wouldn't like it if Jalyn retired after this year, but I understand why she would.  She is one of my top 3 rookies from last year and one of my favorite veterans this year.  

And WHY couldn't we get Caroline at point this year? 🙄

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11 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

I think a lot of ladies will retire after this season on being jalyn 

I don't think we are going to see the mass exodus we want or that the Dallas Cowboys Organization deserves to deal with. 

Sadly, herd mentality wins 99% of the time and if the leaders couldn't come together and stand up to Kelli & Co during training camp, no one is leading the charge out over the summer. Without a rally leader, it'll be all talk and no walk. 

Now, whomever (and it's likely 1 or 2 senior vets) are gluing this team together right now, makes a 180* shift in position, then we may see some fall out. 

Edited by Loves2Dance
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4 minutes ago, Griffin said:

Isn't Meridith just Kelsey L. 2.0? Isn't that why she made the team at least as an alternate?

Kelsey was vapid, but she could dance. Blender for sure, but she wasn't anywhere near as rough in training camp. Kelsey's issue was that she's dense. 

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15 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

I don't think we are going to see the mass exodus we want or that the Dallas Cowboys Organization deserves to deal with. 

Sadly, herd mentality wins 99% of the time and if the leaders couldn't come together and stand up to Kelli & Co during training camp, no one is leading the charge out over the summer. Without a rally leader, it'll be all talk and no walk. 

Now, whomever (and it's likely 1 or 2 senior vets) are gluing this team together right now, makes a 180* shift in position, then we may see some fall out. 

I think the two senior vets holding the team together are Amy and Maddie, and that’s why they’re sharing point.  

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6 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:

I think the two senior vets holding the team together are Amy and Maddie, and that’s why they’re sharing point.  

I don't think it's Maddie. I don't think she has the maturity or life experience to pull it off. She's also not a very effective public speaker. I could see Amy because she is an animated/happy person with wisdom. I think the other Vet is likely someone who's not even on our radar and honestly may not even be one of the leaders but likely hopes to be one. 

We saw how fragile Miranda was last year so she doesn't have the mental fortitude. Gina has been kicked in the gut and, while she seems to have stepped up in the teammate category, is a little too selfish to care. Alexis and Lexie are known mean girls, they don't have the personality for it. It might be Heather, because she has seen the wrath of Kelli and come out better on the other side so she can speak from that angle of experience. I honestly don't know enough about Tess to tell you if she could do it. 

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1 hour ago, DAthene said:

I hate that they announce show group at practice now. They used to do it that night and it gave the girls a chance to process their disappointment before having to perform.  This is just heartless.

I remember that choreographer Bree calling out Angela when she didn't make SG.

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