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S10.E19: Life Is a Cabaret

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8 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I don’t think I understand cabaret. You talk to the audience and tell only mildly amusing anecdotes. And change outfits 17 times. And in Lu’s case, sing two horrible songs, which are horrible in two ways: horrible lyrics and horrible melodies. 

I'm with you.  It seemed very amateurish.  The audience was more fun to watch than what was going on on stage - which was actually quite boring. 

Dorinda is scary.  Especially with that clownish makeup - she could star in another remake of IT. 

And the hairstylists and makeup people that worked on Bethany should be fired.  Her hair was a mess and she looked washed out and tired. Both her and Carol are too gaunt. As we age we need a little bit of fat.   

I still don't understand the missing ticket for John.  These housewives talk and text in riddles - no wonder they're always so angry with each other.

I'm upset about the fur on this show. If it's real then it's not cool.   Not cool at all.

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From the last episode, I was under the impression that Dorinda had taken some time away from John and her meet up with in the last episode seemed to have been the start of them rekindling their relationship in a way. He certainly seemed to be sucking up to her to get back in her good graces.  I think that may have been the reason why Dorinda only spoke to Luann the day of the event regarding John's invitation - before that meet up with John, he wasn't really a thought in her mind to have made sure in advance that he would have a seat at the show. On one hand, just because Dorinda suddenly cares to have him there doesn't mean that everyone else has to go out of their way to accommodate her, BUT I can see why learning of Scott's invite just that day would hurt her feelings because of Luann's relationship with both her and John compared to her non-existent relationship with Scott. That said, I do believe Luann when she said that she invited Scott last minute because she assumed Dorinda was going to bring John but I think Luann needs to take the blame for the communication breakdown between her and Dorinda regarding the matter. Luann felt like Dorinda was blaming her for not inviting John so instead of saying ‘of course I would love to have him there but I have no seats at the table but bring him, you guys can squeeze together’, she got defensive and tried to shift the blame right back at Dorinda saying ‘if you wanted him there, why didn’t you get him a ticket or tell me sooner’. Dorinda even admits that Luann did not say that John couldn’t come, but by both accounts, I think it’s fair to say that regardless of what Luann assumed would happen, there was nothing said that made it obvious to Dorinda that John would be welcome to join.

I can understand why Tinsley felt uncomfortable about Scott’s invitation after learning from Dorinda how hurt she was that John wasn’t invited. Tinsley has her moments but for the most part, I think she’s harmless and generally a sweet person who just wants to enjoy life and the company she’s with. She may have catty/gossip-y moments but she doesn’t seem to go out of her way to manufacture drama or try hard to insert herself into the drama. I thought her gift to Luann was sweet as was her many attempts at using her own arrest as a way to ease the embarrassment for Luann.

I don’t think Carole had good intentions with telling Tinsley to tell Dorinda. I think the better advice would have been to talk to Luann first to ask her about it. If she felt Luann was being malicious than, then you tell Dorinda. If she felt Luann was just happened to handle the situation really poorly, then you tell Luann to enjoy her night but it would be a good idea to talk to Dorinda about the situation and be honest about inviting Scott, thinking that John would show up.

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12 hours ago, njbchlover said:

So, we all now know that the whole "wardrobe malfunction" was pre-planned by Sonja - Luann should have been super pissed at Sonja for trying to upstage her at her cabaret premier night.  

Sonja did what she does best--take her clothes off.  It's her talent.  *skank*

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If I were Lu, why would I invite John? Dorinda seems to hate him most days.  And although Scott was invited, no one else brought dates.  

Dorinda's probably is really that she's pissed Lu basically commented on her nasty drunkness without actually saying it.  And she expects some sort of apology from Lu and didn't get it.  So she's trying to find anything to go off on Lu again.

Lu's cabaret act looked like a good time actually.

Meanwhile, Tinsley has GOT to tone down the makeup and stop with the braids and those awful tacky thick gold hoop earrings.  I loved her outfit, but the hair, makeup and jewelry was bad.  Dorinda's makeup also awful.  Didn't like her outfit either.

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3 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Of course not but you’re not supposed to notice that.  Carole has been nothing but supportive and a good friend.  She tells us that every chance she gets.  Pay no attention to what you see her do and hear her say.

I was conflicted about this.  I personally would not have advised Tinsley to tell Dorinda however I do understand Carole's new philosophy of getting everything out on the table so you know who your friends are.  Obviously Dorinda would have eventually found out when the show aired so maybe it's better it all got out in the open early so new resentments didn't happen later.  I don't know. Motives could be suspect, I can admit to that but they also COULD have been genuine. I do agree that John should have been invited though, that seems like a no-brainer to me. 

5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know where the Cabaret venue is? I've been to NYC and to a few shows, but, not lately.  Just wondering where it's located. 

The awning said Feinstein's 54 which is on 54th between 7th and 8th.

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I think the whole Tins bringing up the invite and Carole encouraging her is all producer-driven to create the drama.  And of course in every RHO franchise, there's the invitation drama. 

On the invites, I don't get the problem.  NONE of the HWs brought dates.  If there was a plus one for all, I'm sure they all would've brought dates.  Again, this seems very producer-driven to me and b/c Dorinda is a drunk firecracker, Bravo knows drama will ensue.

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13 hours ago, bosawks said:

I’m trying to explain these people to my mother, since she’s staying with me and watching the finale was a nonnegotiable, and she’s looking at me with the “where have I gone wrong” eyes....

I used to get that from my mom but the last time I stayed with her I found out she'd gotten hooked on 90-Day Fiance. She tried to explain how it happened, but I just told her "hey, no judgement". You do you mom.

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10 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Usually when a couple tries to live together as an experiment and it fails, that's pretty much the end of the road. I'm beginning to wonder if Scott isn't the actual Operator and is only with Tinsley when the show is filming/airing to promote his company. Maybe she's playing along with it, or maybe he's using her as a pawn. Moving in together, showing up to surprise her -- that was really her only story line this season. She either needs to bring

They have been together all summer when not filming first in Europe and then she’s been in Chicago. He threw her a big birthday party last week.

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8 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know where the Cabaret venue is? I've been to NYC and to a few shows, but, not lately.  Just wondering where it's located. 

It was Feinstein's/54 Below, which is no joke in the Cabaret world of NYC.

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Luann really isn't very nice, is she. She's the one who should have bought a ticket for John. I could see not having him at the table because it was obviously for the girls on the show, and I don't get why Dorinda waited until day of to ask about it. She's quite the volcano, though. Can't wait for the reunion although she's going to totally deny that she has any issue with the drink. But more important, what the fuckety fuck is up with that hair? Longer hair is not a good look for her at all and she looks like a man in a wig. What was she thinking? She used to be so stylish but has lost it. I'm still pining for her Missoni cape.

Not a fan of Ramona, but her hair looked fabulous last night. I like it with the bit of a curl at the ends and she should wear her hair like that every single day.

I also like how Bethenny doesn't fake it with Ramona. They are not friends and if she had her daughter that night, which I don't know is the case, she definitely would not have left her to go to Ramona's skin thing.

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4 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

A talent of which Luann is fully aware.  I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that the flashing was planned, and known to Luann.

Yep. Luann did not come across the least bit upset over it.  It certainly has given the cabaret act way more attention than it would have received otherwise. Sonja's stunt brought a LOT of media attention to Luann's act.

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7 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

A talent of which Luann is fully aware.  I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that the flashing was planned, and known to Luann.

Sonja specified that Lu asked her not to do it because her mom and Noel were there but Sonja felt her audience demanded it.

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9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

They have been together all summer when not filming first in Europe and then she’s been in Chicago. He threw her a big birthday party last week.

So what is it that keeps making them get on and off the merry-go-round?

I actually came away this season liking Tinsley (I didn't really have any thoughts about her last season or much of this season), maybe because of her gift giving lol? I'm not one who really likes receiving gifts (I get awkward, like, "Am I overdoing the 'thank you so much!'?"), but I love that Tinsley is into bringing kitschy things to celebrate.

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1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

And that previewed fight with Bethenny standing up and shouting at Carole...the look of absolute glee on Andy's face is just disgusting

Andy is a famewhore plain and simple.  I don't understand how he and Anderson Cooper are actually friends. 

As far as Dorinda/Luanne/John go, enh I kinda see both sides.  Lu invited Scott and not John ok, I get it that is low BUT I was under the impression that Dorinda and John were on a brake and maybe Lu just didn't consider it.  And to say something so late in is understandable why she couldn't squeeze him in at the last minute.  Dorinda really went bananas over that, I would be bummed but holy cow I thought she overacted a bit. 

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4 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

As far as Dorinda/Luanne/John go, enh I kinda see both sides.  Lu invited Scott and not John ok, I get it that is low BUT I was under the impression that Dorinda and John were on a brake and maybe Lu just didn't consider it.  And to say something so late in is understandable why she couldn't squeeze him in at the last minute.  Dorinda really went bananas over that, I would be bummed but holy cow I thought she overacted a bit. 

I might understand that if Lu was remotely apologetic and said "I didn't realize you guys were back together" but she said nothing like that. She also invited Scott AFTER she said no to John so she can't squeeze John in but she can squeeze Scott in? I mean if we're talking literal size, sure, John is not a small guy but it doesn't seem like that comes into play at all.  It makes less sense to me to invite Scott though if she though John was coming because now you need room for two people in an already packed house. So yeah, it seems super shady of Lu to me but over course Dorinda takes things to 11. 


Edited by esco1822
My GIF post backfired.
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9 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Tinsley could develop a whole line of pillows based on  RHoNY. Should could have ones made for the cast to commemorate their Colombia trip embroidered with "Shit Happens In Cartagena". So many possibilities. 

And...she could have Craig from Southern Charm sew them - although, then, the orders would probably never get filled.  (those that watch Southern Charm will understand!!)


ETA:  I see that other brilliant posters have already come up with the same idea before I posted....GMTA!!  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
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I think Dorinda's mood escalated (besides the drinks) was because of the vacation fight where besides Luann not (ever) taking responsibility for her part, but also having the nerve to say what has Dorinda ever done for her?

Dorinda reminded her more than once that she was the only one who loyally supported her before, during and after Tom.  So, what has she ever done for her? ALOT in my opinion and she did it nice.

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1 minute ago, Cherrio said:

I think Dorinda's mood escalated (besides the drinks) was because of the vacation fight where besides Luann not (ever) taking responsibility for her part, but also having the nerve to say what has Dorinda ever done for her?

Dorinda reminded her more than once that she was the only one who loyally supported her before, during and after Tom.  So, what has she ever done for her? ALOT in my opinion and she did it nice.

Plus, Lu's arrogance about the whole thing. It's one thing to have self-confidence, but she was VERY full of herself, The Star.

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4 hours ago, Mozelle said:

Bethenny wouldn’t know irony if it texted her back to back to back. 

She bitches about Carole and IG selfies, all the while making sure to post selfie after selfie or have people take a picture of her in a bikini doing the Barbie toe point or in a bikini while on the hood of a Jeep. Bethenny bitches about Carole being superficial as she has a hair and makeup team getting her ready.

Man, she can shut it.

Love love love your post, Mozelle!  

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8 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

I didn't think it was just for sport. I thought Bethenny was perfectly calm and polite to Ramona when she first walked up to Beth and Carole. Bethenny asked Ramona to give them a few minutes so they could finish their private conversation. And Ramona rudely decided to stay put. Beth asked her several times, again politely, to please just give them a moment to finish up and Ramona's like, "what, one minute? two minutes?" and then started in on her rant about how Bethenny didn't go to her anti-skin care pre-launch and doesn't support women, yada, yada, yada. 

I think Ramona came up on their conversation for two reasons: First she was determined to make sure that Carole and Bethenny didn't have any type of rapprochement in their relationship at that point. She has loved it all season that the two of them have been on the outs. And secondly because she needed to have a moment in this final episode to once again go off on Bethenny with her pre-rehearsed lines. Bethenny's dry, quiet "noted" was the perfect response. She knew that Ramona was trying to gin up the moment - perhaps laying the groundwork for a storyline next season and Bethenny just wasn't going to help her in any way. Nicely done, I thought.

edited to add: I was very pleasantly surprised by Luann's show. I was really dreading seeing her show within the show because I thought it was going to be 90% Luann singing and just a bit of the other "and Friends". And though I like Luann, always have, she is not a singer. But instead her Cabaret show looked like a blast. Broadway performers singing and dancing, that female comic (who I find very funny), Rachel Dratch, etc. and Luann bantering and singing just a little bit? I'd pay $100 for that show.

Such a good post, Pop Tart. 

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Sonja did what she does best--take her clothes off.  It's her talent.  *skank*

Regrettably, this is how Sonja views her own worth. She said something like "this is my thing - I take my clothes off."  She's headed to Sally Kirkland territory.

I bet the townhouse rental was a temporary short-term thing.

Luann's dark gray dress was divine. The show? Not so much. (Elaine Stritch spins in her grave.) I think a lot of the energy came from a cherry-picked audience and the guest stars. I wonder if she's been able to sustain filling the seats over time. I'm wagering that she's going to show up on a low-rent talk show. Her ego tells her she can do better than the Bravo paycheck.

The blonde comedian Bridget Everett is a talented actress. I noticed her in the independent film Patti Cake$.

Dorinda's face was the very picture of simmering, drunken rage. Does anyone remember the TV commercial (car rental?) that she did with another housewife a year or two ago? I think I saw it twice. She looked incredible and happy in it. Now she's devolved into a hot mess.

I love how Bethenny shut camera-hog Ramona down. In real life that's how I deal with assholes. Don't feed their tirades.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Ugh, I was so disappointed in Luann's talking head where she was inferring all Dorinda did was give her the address to a shop and all of the dresses fit her like a glove but it was HER (Luann) that had "all this" and was inferring Dorinda was jealous.

Luann, you moron, Dorinda did you a HUGE favor with that hook up.  Those dresses were indeed amazing and you looked sublime, but damn...a little humility is a good thing.  

That being said, I don't think the JOVANI (!!!) hook up and the lack of an invitation to John are the same battle.

It looked like only the women were invited, and there's nothing wrong with that.  I suspect when Luann got wind that Dorinda was pissed because John wasn't officially invited, she tried to cover her ass by inviting Scott (the only other significant other in the group) so as not to piss of Tinsley.  

Personally, I don't think Luann should have invited any of the men to the event itself, but the ladies should have been encouraged to bring a +1 to the after party.  

Loved that Bethenny's "noted" and the way she left Ramona standing there babbling like a fool.  

Ramona looked fabulous, though, standing there prattling away about her (nonexistent as of yet) "anti-skincare" line.  

Too bad she didn't fix Bethenny's errant strand of hair whilst standing there trying to shit stir.  That knotty looking piece of hair was dreadful and ruined an otherwise great look.

She's kind of become a nonentity on the show, though, and even her blatant attempt to bait Bethenny failed...well, she ain't bringing much to the housewives' table this season.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she found herself a "friend of" next season.  

Loved the pillows Tinsley had made for Luann.  To all of you who posted about her and Craig starting a pillow biz based on RH shenanigans, I agree.  Hell, if I could get pillows that had housewives phrases on them, I'd probably snatch up a set just for the entertainment value.

The preview for the reunion had me positively drooling over Bethenny's dress.  The hair, not so much, but that dress looked all sorts of amazing.

And anyone who saw that tawdry little red frock Sonja was wearing should have known it's her "stunt dress."  I could have sworn I saw her fumbling with the tie in the back when she got up to go on stage, like she had loosened the tie to make it look like an accident on stage.  

I enjoyed this season finale.  Just enough drama, nothing over the top or too dark before next week's reunion. 

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13 hours ago, scoobie1 said:

Okay here's another question re: Dorinda and her drinking.  Why are these ladies always have before party drinks?  There were plenty of drinks at the actual show why do we have to drink before as well.  These women know how she is when she drinks too much yet they are constantly supplying her with alcohol. 

I don't for one minute believe that Dorinda isn't already drinking before she gets to the set to film.

Even the morning in the Berkeshires when Ramona and Carole stayed over. I remember the scene where Ramona comes down and Dorinda shows all the stuff she got for breakfast and then she says she has to go put some makeup on - I think she already had a few,

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44 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

Plus, Lu's arrogance about the whole thing. It's one thing to have self-confidence, but she was VERY full of herself, The Star.

Yes, that perhaps is her only act she pulls off for some. Always talking about how strong she is, blah blah blah. The Star.   Like your post, at this point I do believe she has started to believe she is a singer and a star. Without booze she has no life. So, she will do her act at 7-Elevens cross country for free until she is trespassed and taken away via Live PD, her final curtain call.

I have always seen an extremely insecure person with a life built upon a foundation of lies and pretending, both of which she performs poorly. She more often than not repeats what someone has just said, hijacking it to make it her own. Last night she spoke mostly in cliches.

There is not a genuine bone in her body, absolutely no awareness of other people's feeling, even her childrens.  

She drinks and screws losers who have had too much to drink to run from her.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

On the invites, I don't get the problem.  NONE of the HWs brought dates.  If there was a plus one for all, I'm sure they all would've brought dates.  Again, this seems very producer-driven to me and b/c Dorinda is a drunk firecracker, Bravo knows drama will ensue.

Then why did Lu invite Scott? 

19 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Ugh, I was so disappointed in Luann's talking head where she was inferring all Dorinda did was give her the address to a shop and all of the dresses fit her like a glove but it was HER (Luann) that had "all this" and was inferring Dorinda was jealous.

That was disgusting. Calm down, Lu. You ain't all that. 

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:
7 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Then why did Lu invite Scott? 

Then why did Lu invite Scott? 

Again, I think this is producer driven.  Dorinda goes to meet Tinsley before the show.  Tinsley doesn't mention the Scott invite then.  Then suddenly, it's brought up during the Cabaret.  Me thinks the producers saw that Dorinda was ticked about the lack of invite and then had Lu invite Scott to create more drama at the show.  

Or maybe Lu didn't make it a plus one for anyone because none of them seem to be in a steady relationship at the time and Tinsley was the only one that may have been seeing someone at the time of the show?

I don't know. But EVERY season there's a drama on EVERY Bravo show about who didn't get invited to what.  It's formulaic.

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3 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Of course Carole should NOT have encouraged Tinsley to tell Dorinda about Scott getting an invite.  What was the point in that? 

Production was trying to give a bit of OOMPH to a boring cabaret show?  (Sorry, Sasha, didn't see your comment until this was published)

Edited by Former Nun
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28 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Honestly while I totally think Dorinda was drunk and picking a fight... Luann showed her ass and the reasons why I can't stand Luann. 

She's an arrogant bitch who slaps you in the face with how she's special. Yeah Luann, the important thing isn't that someone did you a major favor in getting you designer dresses, the important thing is that you fill those dresses like a champ... unlike your pal who you gleefully shit on.

But when Luann gets smacked in the face with her own reality - that she's a drunk who got arrested because she can't handle her booze after fucking up her life by marrying the cheating bozo that EVERYONE told her was a cheating bozo, does she own any of that? Nope, the second anyone does anything other than smile and support her thru her rehabilitation, she starts crying how cruel it is that someone (in this case Dorinda) dare point out that she was arrested and off to rehab for the alcohol and sure enough, Luann is the victim. 

She pulled this on the Megyn Kelly show - her kids are selfish little brats who don't want her to sell the family home so now she's their victim too. 

THIS ^^^

I don't understand how she leaped to her proclamation that Dorinda was jealous because of how fantastic she (Luann) looked in those dresses.

I'm pretty damned sure Dorinda's intent when she referred Luann to Jovani was so that Luann would be hooked up with gorgeous dresses and look her very best on stage.

Her attempt at rationalizing Dorinda's anger about a lack of invitation to John for the show with some bullshit "she's just jealous because I'm ALL THAT" really left me all sorts of confused.

Too bad there wasn't a thought bubble above Dorinda's head with exactly what she was thinking at the exact moment when Luann walked on stage.  

Talk about shooting daggers and if looks could kill.  DAMN.  

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11 hours ago, beesknees said:

Incredibly disgusted and disappointed in the Countess.  Usually I am team Lu Anne but NOT INVITING Dorinda's significant other, John, was height of de classe, Countess.  Etiquette that you expouse to others on a regular basis (whether or not they asked for it or not) should be slapping right back in your face...  


Okay, let me just get this straight.  Dorinda hooked you up with thousands of dollars in amazing, tailored made for you outfits - I mean hooked you up beyond, and you couldn't even give Dorinda a free $15 dollar ticket for her signifcant other, John?  WTF?   Daaahling, EVERBODY knows this is the height of incredibly bad manners...  Guuuurl.  You didn't know this Lu Anne?  I doubt if your show, no matter how incredible it was (and, I actually would have bought a ticket if I lived localy, sounded super fun!) was sooo overbooked that you could not invite Dorinda's partner John yet invite Tinsley's significant other Scott at the literal last minute yet?  GTFOH. For real.

Haven't posted but maybe twice or 3 times this past calendar year but damn, today I dusted off the keyboard to rant.  LU ANNE??!!?  So fucking disappointed in you, always loved you. but this was a HUUUGEEE miss. Publically apologize to Dorinda who was the greatest friend.  Apologize to John as well.  He will understand.

Here is my take, FWIW. I don't think it was wrong for John not to be invited because it was only the ladies. That said, what was wrong was for Lu to then invite Scott.

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I love that Luann is getting her big head back and thinking she can treat people like shit again (season 1 Luann dont have the driver call me by my name) and forgets her mug shot her busting out of handcuffs and her just not being that high class ...Girl thinks shes Beyonce with that act and singing ability when shes more florence foster jenkins

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

Ugh, I was so disappointed in Luann's talking head where she was inferring all Dorinda did was give her the address to a shop and all of the dresses fit her like a glove but it was HER (Luann) that had "all this" and was inferring Dorinda was jealous.

She must have forgotten that the cameras were there. Dorinda met her at the shop and even helped her pick out dresses. Wasn't it in last week's episode? Oh, Luann, Luann, Luann,...

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3 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Tinsley, suprisingly, could school Craig on how to actually finish a pillow, complete with a ruffle and an actual pillow form in it.  When Tinsley is more accomplished at pillow construction, Craig needs to really examine his life choices. LOL!

Yes, pay someone to make it for you! :-D (not snarking at you -- just laughing at the idea of Tinsley sitting down and making a pillow!)

Am I the only one who LOVED Tinsley's look last night? Her hair was styled in a way that really tied in with the outfit, which was completely age appropriate, and she wore it beautifully!   I know I'm at a small table when I say I really like Tinsley overall, and I liked those boxer braids on her, but I have to say, I think she looked better last night than she looked all season. . .  

A few weeks ago, one of my girlfriends and I spent the weekend in Palm Beach and stayed at the Colony. I was keeping an eye out, believe me -- god did I want to see Tom making out with some rando or some drunken HOwife shenanigans, but no luck . . . There were some higher-age demographic couples making out at the bar, but wow, if that's the world these people live in all the time, the whole cheesy cabaret thing makes sense -- to them it isn't cheesy -- its reality. For those of us who live in the real world, it was cringe-worthy -- I'm still trying to figure out how to explain it. It was definitely like stepping back in time -- lots of people in higher age brackets (and tax brackets) still living in the world of their past -- down to the guy in the tux playing piano, the cheesy band playing "hip" music while serious white man overbite dancing was going on . . . and NO diversity . . . its mind-boggling that this is some people's reality -- its just so out-of-touch. Lots of one-percenters, one-percenter wanna-bes and hangers-on, and lots of really blatant 401K chasing.  It was like being on a movie set of an idealized neighborhood -- SPOTLESS streets and sidewalks, no junky cars (they probably parked my Kia Sorento in some hidden swarthy back alley no one talks about), etc. 

And I will back Tinsley up on this -- West Palm Beach is NOT Palm Beach. You cross that bridge and it is a different world. West Palm isn't a slum by any means, but there is a clear difference. Someone like Luann trying to be a poseur and imply she lived in Palm Beach versus West Palm? Makes total sense now, and Tinsley was absolutely right in calling her out on it. 

I realize it is the highest concentration of billionaires in the country and Mar-A-Lago is close by, but . . . .wow. And that is not an impressed wow. That is a "wow. . . really?" Money may not buy you class, but man does it allow you to insulate yourself in a manufactured reality that has no basis in the way the world has evolved. 

I totally get Bethenny mocking (especially) Ramona, Sonja, and Luann about that world. Even though she lives in it too, she's also experienced more of what the world is like for the majority of us, and she's been boots on the ground in some not-great places. After seeing what I saw in Palm Beach, the whole Luann in Texas was a total poseur move for someone living in that world who wanted to look like they were doing the dirty work. 

That whole throw-back to the 1950s, cabaret ideal--the "high-class" woman on stage in a sparkly dress pretending to humbly mock herself? That wasn't just a stage show. That is their reality. 

If I can ever figure out how better to contextualize it, I will post it in small talk. 

Edited by SailorGirl
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55 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

However, Beth's reaction was utter gold. "Noted" will be my comeback of choice in life. Also, "I don't feel I owe you an explanation" is a laser-point burn. That was B's best moment all season.

Yep...her demeanor was perfect for that convo.  Ending an argument before it begins 101.

56 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Anyone can see it's only going down like that cuz B is out of allies

 Bethenny doesn't need allies...doesn't matter if she has no storyline....Andy loves her

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13 hours ago, bagger said:

I would kill for her cross necklace just loved it

I have to rewatch - I didn't notice it.

Was it the same one that Harry Dubin made a comment about when he leered at her chest at Ramona's NYC apartment renovation party?

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24 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

She must have forgotten that the cameras were there. Dorinda met her at the shop and even helped her pick out dresses. Wasn't it in last week's episode? Oh, Luann, Luann, Luann,...

At the very least, Lu should have thanked Jovani for the dress during her cabaret show, esp. since she showed off her dress.  

Nevertheless, I get this impression that no amount of thanks is enough for Dorinda.  Remember her being all pissed at Bethenny b/c she didn't feel she got enough credit for the nutcracker?  And Beth had actually thanked her.  I would be willing to bet that if Lu had credited Jovani, Dorinda would be pissed she didn't thank her during the show for being the middleman to make it all happen.

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12 hours ago, beesknees said:

Incredibly disgusted and disappointed in the Countess.  Usually I am team Lu Anne but NOT INVITING Dorinda's significant other, John, was height of de classe, Countess.  Etiquette that you expouse to others on a regular basis (whether or not they asked for it or not) should be slapping right back in your face...  


Okay, let me just get this straight.  Dorinda hooked you up with thousands of dollars in amazing, tailored made for you outfits - I mean hooked you up beyond, and you couldn't even give Dorinda a free $15 dollar ticket for her signifcant other, John?  WTF?   Daaahling, EVERBODY knows this is the height of incredibly bad manners...  Guuuurl.  You didn't know this Lu Anne?  I doubt if your show, no matter how incredible it was (and, I actually would have bought a ticket if I lived localy, sounded super fun!) was sooo overbooked that you could not invite Dorinda's partner John yet invite Tinsley's significant other Scott at the literal last minute yet?  GTFOH. For real.

Haven't posted but maybe twice or 3 times this past calendar year but damn, today I dusted off the keyboard to rant.  LU ANNE??!!?  So fucking disappointed in you, always loved you. but this was a HUUUGEEE miss. Publically apologize to Dorinda who was the greatest friend.  Apologize to John as well.  He will understand.

I just had to come on here about your post   I agree with you 1000 per cent.  I don’t care for Dorinda at all, but Luann can jibber jabber all she wants.  She was dead wrong not to ask Dorinda and John personally to come to the show and after party.  In fact, they should have been the first ones she asked after her family.  Inviting Scott was a joke. Scott who?  Furthermore, I’ve always loved the Countess and still do, BUT, I think all this hype over this cabaret act is overrated.  She can’t sing, she needs Broadway stars to help her out, she needs Sonja for laughs, and the three songs she sings are horrible.  People only go for curiosity and pay $100.00.  (My daughter did.). She came out of that show like she was Bette Midler.  No, no girl.  Here is a woman who’s in and out of rehab, gets arrested, assaults a cop and is celebrating?  She’s thinking too much of herself and her fabulous show.  It already went to her head.  Bravo gave her most of their air time between her broken marriage, her arrest and now this new cabaret new singing career.  There are more important things to celebrate on t.v.   Right is right and wrong is wrong and this is my opinion.

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