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Season 2 Discussion

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47 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

Didn't she do that on her original episode flying out to meet Jessie...wear comfy shoes on the plane then change to stilettos that immediately had the heel snap off when she ran to greet him.

Her stiletto heel got stuck in the escalator grate. Security and maintenance had to be called because she broke the escalator. It was one of those classic moments in this series!

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I was revolted by the way Spetzel bit her bottom lip in the water when she was professing her lurve for Topeka. It's like she watched some really sad porn and decided that guys dig a lot of lip biting...? WTF was that? She's basically monotone and pulseless for the entire season and suddenly a wee spot of rain and she's giddier than a piglet in a mudbath?! Really? And the lip biting "I love you" nonsense was so unenthusiastically said with an undercurrent of "this is what you want to hear so you can propose to me now, yes.....yes?" Uch, pathetic.

Darcey, I just cant. That train ride looked like she was about to board the overnight train from Beijing to Moscow FFS. She's going 90 minutes max to midtown Manhattan, not Timbuktu! All the clothes, all the bullshit. I hate Herr Commandant but how many times has he told her he prefers her without all the spackled on make up and yet she persists with the same spackled on clown face. Nothing says 'I hear you' to one's partner like nodding your head like a broken bobblehead doll and then continuing to do whatever the fuck your partner said they didn't like. Not that she has to change for this moron but, y'all get my point, right? And Jesse acting like he's some righteous, noble man by leading this nitwit to believe he's coming to see her for something good, when they've been fighting long distance constantly...And if I never hear her say again "we need to fight for our love" it'll be too soon. You shouldn't have to fight for your love when you've barely known someone you idiot!

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19 minutes ago, SabineElisabeth said:

I officially have a girl crush on Ximena.  Every time the girl opened her mouth and started going off again, I died.  <3

I lost it when she asked Ricky about Melissa, “you ate  together and then ate each other?” (paraphrased) and he said, “yes”.  

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So today in my city, the Executive Director of Public Housing was terminated. 

He's from Nigeria. A subordinate wired almost $500,000 to a 'scammer' a few months ago. She 'thought' she was dealing with a contractor who was requesting payment for a job. 'Red flags' were ignored and the system was mysteriously 'hacked' so it all looked legitimate to her. After it was discovered, the Executive Director let her retire and didn't report it to the Housing Board, rather it was discovered in an audit. 

To add insult to injury, the guy also paid $800,000 for work that didn't happen, among other things. He'd been on the job less than a year and the taxpayers are out about 1.2 million dollars. 

The tie in to the show is that the guy is 'unavailable for comment' because he's back in NIGERIA, his motherland, checking on his 'sick mother.'

Me thinks this dude is Muh-kuyl's real idol, not DJT ?

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10 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

But why was Pole racing to the clinic?  I always cringe when he runs as it looks so painful for him. She wasn't miscarrying or anything.  I'm completely lost in terms of timelines on this show. 

Me, too.

F’rinstance:  has Pole been there long enough for her to be four to five weeks along?   Did he go after her immediately upon arrival?

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9 hours ago, sconstant said:
9 hours ago, juicyfruit said:

I couldn't figure out what was going on under that mustard-yellow top.  I am assuming a lace bra maybe?  It looked all lumpy and like her breasts were squished in a weird way.

Yeah, there were some fancy undergarments, which are lovely I'm sure, but weren't doing great things as shapewear.  

I was puzzled by the double bubble two then I realized she was wearing a bra to small, probably made for lingerie type not under a shirt?

pauly wog and kringy have no love.. it used to seem they had an infatuation at least, but she hadn’t seen him in a few days and seemed annoyed to have to look at him, and even he says the words like he wants to work it out but I don’t feel it when he says it, and she doesn’t either, like he wants it to somehow work but he really has nothing good to say... he’s not good at shmoozing or flattering her or making up at all, if your gonna be a jack ass at least be good at sucking up and apologizing... he has no game he’s as dead on the inside as she is

Edited by Mainer
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7 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Did I miss this? Was there talk of a Japanese dude? Was it in the "Coming Up Next Week" segment (I fast forward through those).

Life for her married to Tarik isn't going to be great. But life in Japan would be hard for a young Filipina too. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting Japan. And a lot of Filipinos aspire to live and work there. But it's a pretty closed/racist society where she wouldn't speak the language and would be looked down upon as a darker skinned, inferior Asian/Filipina.  And any Japanese guy who marries a poor Filipina is probably going to have his own, um, "issues" that could make Tarik look like a wonderful catch. 

An uncomfortably high percentage of Filipinas who get a paper marriage for an employment contract in Japan end up leaving a child there before returning home. 

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21 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Normally I don't care for High Definition TV technology, but I'd wager that many viewers that have seen Georgia Ass' desiccated grimace in all her raisin glory have been inspired to stop smoking cold turkey.

I can't count the number of times I've thought about various people, "If she'd lay off the makeup, she'd look so much better--fresher and younger."  But damn if Angela isn't making me eat my words.


20 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Marta and Daya are useless.  Like.  Why?!  They can communicate even less than anyone on we've seen on the show so far. 

Seriously.  She writes something on her ipad and it translates it into Arabic and she holds it up to her computer for him to look at on his computer screen?  Why not just email each other?


10 hours ago, Cementhead said:

No maid service at the hotel that Michael & Angela were staying at?  Upon their return from the romantic resort, the unmade bed looked trashed.   

I noticed that, too.  It made me wonder if it was a staged scene.


8 hours ago, hookedontv said:

Angryla/Mykal: WTF is that boob tattoo? It may have started up on her chest but dry, sun damaged 65 year old (lol, 52 year old?) skin just sags.

The tit tat!  Classy.

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The "Black Guys" comments on this thread are killing me!  So hilarious. 

Is Hazel suffering from malnutrition and that's why her hair is that funky color red and so thin?  She is shady but I can't help but feel so sorry for this girl who looks like life has been so hard that she would be with numbnutz to escape her current living conditions.

Rachel.  Honey, life is't unfair.  You chose to be with a repeat violent offender.  And you're chosing to make him the father figure to your children without barely knowing him.  I did feel bad for her trying on dresses, but I find it hard to believe she was ever a size 0.  Her friend didn't seem to back her up much on her size 0ness.

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10 hours ago, Oldcrone said:

Good to know the way to tame the savage beast is with a giant scoop of cheap, lemon yellow frosting served off a serving spoon. 

This is great! Just had a laughing jag!! ???

  it made me think of one of those nature shows and I quote “in the wild we see the chlorox Tyrannosaurus grazing on the lemon cake, as it stalks the Nigerian he has no idea how dangerous she is, while going threw a nicotine fit, she attacks him viciously... she interrogates him and accusing him of lying, only to pull out her secret deadly weapons ... the sex later on he is forced to pretend he enjoys “ on and on.. like when there describing a wildabeast or a water buffalo..

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Hazel mentioned that she has never been on a boat before. Huh really?? Her country consist of over 7,000 small islands...Hard to believe she never did.

It seems like every US cast members in this show don't know how to swim... Is this a TLC requirement? lol

Edited by Eric
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11 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

I swear I don't understand these people. If you can't afford to change your flight, why would you threaten to go home? Who was going to pay for the fees, and more importantly, why are you travelling abroad if you don't have an exit strategy if things go south? Rachel was the same way. No additional funds if things took a turn for the worse. I don't understand why she would go to a bridal shop, not give a comfortable price point, and set herself up for disappointment by trying on a dress she knows she can't afford. Why not go to Macy's, Kohl's, TJ Maxx, Marshall's, or any department store. She looks to be the average size, so I'm pretty sure she could find something pretty and flattering. How is she able to afford a second trip a couple of months later? I'm sure she probably used whatever she got back in income tax instead of saving so she wouldn't have to live cheque to cheque. They do realise how expensive attorney's fees can get, and they're looking at a lengthy separation and endless expenses to even try to get him to the States. And it's no guarantee that he'll even get approved after investing however much money they clearly don't have.

Ang said that she was leaving and then didn’t.  I guess that makes her a, you know, LIAR.

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Just now, Eric said:

Hazel mentioned that she has never been on a boat before. Huh really?? Her country consist of over 7,000 small islands...Hard to believe she never did.

It seems like every US cast in this show don't know how to swim... Is this a TLC requirement? lol

She is from Manila, a big city girl. It would take travel to get to a boat for most. Available for the middle classes and those visiting family in the provinces. Her life could be little different from the "corner boys" on The Wire who never got out of range of a Baltimore radio station.

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On another note: Jesse omg... I actually feel bad for Darci, she’s dumb in a dumb way, she’s really lacking the intelligence to see him for what he is, she has her own issues and may never figure them out, but HE...HE, knows exactly what he’s doing and gets off on hurting woman and breaking down an already broken woman, he’s calculated and he knows how to hide his insecurities making her believe he really is something great! She is too dumb to realize just how rotten and ugly this man is, she sees the signs, feels something isn’t right but tries to hope for the best hoping he will see she’s worth something and hopes he really does have true feeling for her, and the he never has, he saw her weakness, he prayed on her and it and used her as a tool to lift him up, it feeds his EGO! It’s like giving him oxygen when she cries, or begs for love, he lives for it, and THATS WHY he HAD to fly out there for one more refill, he wanted to see her broken it makes him think he must be important and god like it fuels his fire, it’s sick!! He is as cold as ice on the inside and he plays it so well, I see him as one of those men running a religious cult breaking people down to worship his perfectness while he tears them to shreds and they worship him.! He sickens me!  And I’ll mention the forehead once again, it’s the size of a dry erase board! He will end up with some bad karma for this, Darci has issues but NO woman deserves what he dishes out... 

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33 minutes ago, Mainer said:

On another note: Jesse omg... I actually feel bad for Darci, she’s dumb in a dumb way, she’s really lacking the intelligence to see him for what he is, she has her own issues and may never figure them out, but HE...HE, knows exactly what he’s doing and gets off on hurting woman and breaking down an already broken woman, he’s calculated and he knows how to hide his insecurities making her believe he really is something great! She is too dumb to realize just how rotten and ugly this man is, she sees the signs, feels something isn’t right but tries to hope for the best hoping he will see she’s worth something and hopes he really does have true feeling for her, and the he never has, he saw her weakness, he prayed on her and it and used her as a tool to lift him up, it feeds his EGO! It’s like giving him oxygen when she cries, or begs for love, he lives for it, and THATS WHY he HAD to fly out there for one more refill, he wanted to see her broken it makes him think he must be important and god like it fuels his fire, it’s sick!! He is as cold as ice on the inside and he plays it so well, I see him as one of those men running a religious cult breaking people down to worship his perfectness while he tears them to shreds and they worship him.! He sickens me!  And I’ll mention the forehead once again, it’s the size of a dry erase board! He will end up with some bad karma for this, Darci has issues but NO woman deserves what he dishes out... 

Jesse is a classic narcissist. They build you up, make you feel like you are their soul mate. Then they pick you apart and break you down.  And eventually they discard you and move on. Being in a relationship with one can leave some serious scars.

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10 hours ago, eatsleep said:

Yeah. Anyone know how ethnically diverse Milwaukee is? I think many strippers are cynical and jaded about men, tho. Disgusted by, no longer sexually attracted, to, etc. She might want one from a place where she thinks they haven't been defouled...

Milwaukee is a big city and ethnically diverse. Marta either wants to be on TV, or like most of these people, wants someone hotter than she can get in real life. Of course the reason why the hot person is interested is a green card, but that doesn’t seem to matter. 

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4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

You guys are killing me with this thread.  Even more fun than the show, and a whole lot more logical.  

Yeah well it would seem all of the characters in the show are lacking in logical wisdom and practicality,  it must be the standard prerequisite.  With the exception of Lucy and possibly Noxema, I haven’t quite figured her out?  She couldn’t possibly be falling for Casanova Ricky she seems smarter than that.

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1 hour ago, Emmeline said:

Seriously, what happened from one season to the next?




I know, right? I swear I didn't even recognize her.

But, ya know, she just looks like she's dealing with a tough pregnancy with extra added stress; the bloated face, the skin issues...her constant exhaustion.

There is NO WAY she wasn't already well into her pregnancy when Pol showed up.  NO WAY.

And now the stress of Pol and her tough pregnancy...and who knows what the situation is with the actual father of the baby.

Oye.  No wonder she looks the way she does.  Poor girl.

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Pole is certainly the gif I mean gift that keeps on giving.  Those angry huge pus filled zits raging on my screen were gross....she didn’t even think to pop them with a warm compress before filming on national TV?   He’s sucked the life out of her...which is rather an ironic comment.   Pole inserteth......




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I think on top of it all, Karine is just depressed.  She got knocked up and has to marry Pol to explain it ; even though it's probably not his baby.  Her mother would accept her as a single mom, but her dad might not so Pol is the excuse that wanted to marry her.  I mean, wouldn't you be depressed and lethargic if you had to be shackled in marriage to Pol so your dad wouldn't kick you out of the family?  Sure, he's a "rich American" but he's Pol- a probably  angry verbally abusive  controlling arsonist that dresses and runs like he's 70 years old. 

Edited by doyouevengohere
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On 9/24/2018 at 12:48 AM, Spike said:

She gets her hair done by her “cousin.”  Did you notice all the trash in the street outside the dentist’s office?  Shame on you CT liitterbugs.  Then there was trash blowing across the parking lot of the Albuquerque bridal shop.  The Indian Chief is crying somewhere.

Karine will tell Paul babies inherit their mother’s skin color.


On 9/24/2018 at 12:48 AM, Spike said:

She gets her hair done by her “cousin.”  Did you notice all the trash in the street outside the dentist’s office?  Shame on you CT liitterbugs.  Then there was trash blowing across the parking lot of the Albuquerque bridal shop.  The Indian Chief is crying somewhere.

Karine will tell Paul babies inherit their mother’s skin color.

He wasn’t really an Indian...we were frauded. 

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4 hours ago, millennium said:

My biggest complaint about this show is that nothing ever seems to happen.   The editing, teasers and promos lead you to believe you're about to witness epic confrontations between (insert couple of your choice) but somehow the hyped moment just melts away into inconsequentiality.  Or gets put off to the next week.  And then the next.    Jesse and Darcey, for example .   Show hypes that Jesse's coming back to America to hand-deliver Darcey's walking papers, but all it amounted to was a spa day on-the-fly for Darcey that begins at a strip mall and ends in one of the handicapped seats on the train.   Arguments shown in the previews are always resolved by the aggrieved party passively agreeing to eat shit and soldier on.   Potential crises always turn out to be the product of bait-and-switch editing.   Big reveals consist of stuff we at home figured out episodes ago.  

I've been thinking a lot about why I keep coming back and all I can come up with is that this show is art, and the style is American grotesque.   Diane Arbus for the Instagram age.   I tend to remember the show in still frames.   Rachel examining her finger after she wipes her eye ...  The hideous pattern of the bridal shop's dressing room curtain ... The lumps multiplying on Karine's skin ... Darcey fellating her lipstick ...  Ricky pantomining how the burden was courageously lifted from his shoulders (omitting the part where he unloads it onto Ximena) ... Ximena's mouth pulled to the side as she tries not to cry  ...  Malibu Jesse, his skin pitted in the bleak light of the beach...  Angela in profile, her misshapen carcass crammed into Walmart beach wear ...  Michael's impassive, angelic expression, eyes on the road, never betraying a hint of the horror  ... That innocent cake, defiled ...   

When does the 90-Day Fiance coffee table book come out?

Your post...perfection!

If you got to get your book signed, who would you want to sign it?

5 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:


Pole is certainly the gif I mean gift that keeps on giving.  Those angry huge pus filled zits raging on my screen were gross....she didn’t even think to pop them with a warm compress before filming on national TV?   He’s sucked the life out of her...which is rather an ironic comment.   Pole inserteth......




Before and after, wow.

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7 hours ago, Raja said:

Her life could be little different from the "corner boys" on The Wire who never got out of range of a Baltimore radio station.

Picking on B'more are we? LOL.

In my previous job I dealt with dental practices from all over the US  and I cannot tell you how many times there were office staff that would tell me that they had never been on a airplane before and some office staff would not attend the meetings in our facility because they had never flown and did not want to.  Something I will never understand.

I thought if anything Hazel would have said she had never been in a plane before but she went with boat, never been on a boat.

Most of these seekers of love make me want to sneak up behind them, put a pillow case over their heads and throw them in an unmarked white van and smack them around a bit until they see for themselves how stupid they are being.

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21 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Your post...perfection!

If you got to get your book signed, who would you want to sign it?


Pao, Chantal and Pedro, and Nicole.  Darcey and Jesse, too, I think.   LOL.

Edited by millennium
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8 hours ago, Raja said:

She is from Manila, a big city girl. It would take travel to get to a boat for most. Available for the middle classes and those visiting family in the provinces. Her life could be little different from the "corner boys" on The Wire who never got out of range of a Baltimore radio station.

Anyone who can toss in a Bodie reference is alright by me.

If this show does anything for me it highlights how desperate some people can really get to change their circumstances. I struggle to think of Hazel as  a scammer when she's trying to do better for her family. Having to pretend to love Tariq is no easy thing.

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58 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:
5 hours ago, millennium said:

My biggest complaint about this show is that nothing ever seems to happen.   The editing, teasers and promos lead you to believe you're about to witness epic confrontations between (insert couple of your choice) but somehow the hyped moment just melts away into inconsequentiality.  Or gets put off to the next week.  And then the next.    Jesse and Darcey, for example .   Show hypes that Jesse's coming back to America to hand-deliver Darcey's walking papers, but all it amounted to was a spa day on-the-fly for Darcey that begins at a strip mall and ends in one of the handicapped seats on the train.   Arguments shown in the previews are always resolved by the aggrieved party passively agreeing to eat shit and soldier on.   Potential crises always turn out to be the product of bait-and-switch editing.   Big reveals consist of stuff we at home figured out episodes ago.  

I've been thinking a lot about why I keep coming back and all I can come up with is that this show is art, and the style is American grotesque.   Diane Arbus for the Instagram age.   I tend to remember the show in still frames.   Rachel examining her finger after she wipes her eye ...  The hideous pattern of the bridal shop's dressing room curtain ... The lumps multiplying on Karine's skin ... Darcey fellating her lipstick ...  Ricky pantomining how the burden was courageously lifted from his shoulders (omitting the part where he unloads it onto Ximena) ... Ximena's mouth pulled to the side as she tries not to cry  ...  Malibu Jesse, his skin pitted in the bleak light of the beach...  Angela in profile, her misshapen carcass crammed into Walmart beach wear ...  Michael's impassive, angelic expression, eyes on the road, never betraying a hint of the horror  ... That innocent cake, defiled ...   

When does the 90-Day Fiance coffee table book come out?

Your post...perfection!

I agree, perfection !

         I have always viewed TLC shows as the equivalent of the old carnival freak show/exhibits. We all can't stop looking at the colorful signage trying to lure us into paying and actually seeing what is inside.

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5 hours ago, millennium said:

My biggest complaint about this show is that nothing ever seems to happen.   The editing, teasers and promos lead you to believe you're about to witness epic confrontations between (insert couple of your choice) but somehow the hyped moment just melts away into inconsequentiality.  Or gets put off to the next week.  And then the next.    Jesse and Darcey, for example .   Show hypes that Jesse's coming back to America to hand-deliver Darcey's walking papers, but all it amounted to was a spa day on-the-fly for Darcey that begins at a strip mall and ends in one of the handicapped seats on the train.   Arguments shown in the previews are always resolved by the aggrieved party passively agreeing to eat shit and soldier on.   Potential crises always turn out to be the product of bait-and-switch editing.   Big reveals consist of stuff we at home figured out episodes ago.  

I've been thinking a lot about why I keep coming back and all I can come up with is that this show is art, and the style is American grotesque.   Diane Arbus for the Instagram age.   I tend to remember the show in still frames.   Rachel examining her finger after she wipes her eye ...  The hideous pattern of the bridal shop's dressing room curtain ... The lumps multiplying on Karine's skin ... Darcey fellating her lipstick ...  Ricky pantomining how the burden was courageously lifted from his shoulders (omitting the part where he unloads it onto Ximena) ... Ximena's mouth pulled to the side as she tries not to cry  ...  Malibu Jesse, his skin pitted in the bleak light of the beach...  Angela in profile, her misshapen carcass crammed into Walmart beach wear ...  Michael's impassive, angelic expression, eyes on the road, never betraying a hint of the horror  ... That innocent cake, defiled ...   

When does the 90-Day Fiance coffee table book come out?

I totally agree with the "nothing ever seems to happen" comment and am thinking I should follow the lead of at least one other poster who never watches the "Coming next time" clips.  In this last one there is supposedly some stunning revelation about Jon that sets Rachel back, and the clip even shows her saying "I loved you..." as if she no longer does. But the full quote is probably "I loved you...when your beard was longer" and so will be totally unclimactic (sp) and not worth waiting for.  But of course that doesn't mean my heart won't start racing as the new episode draws closer.  It's like being in an abusive relationship -- next week, it will really turn around and show me the love I deserve! 

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16 minutes ago, crabbygrrl said:

 In this last one there is supposedly some stunning revelation about Jon that sets Rachel back, and the clip even shows her saying "I loved you..." as if she no longer does. But the full quote is probably "I loved you...when your beard was longer" and so will be totally unclimactic (sp) and not worth waiting for.  

That's precisely what I was talking about!

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13 hours ago, alegtostandon said:


Did anyone else catch that after Karina called the Dr (can a blood test tell how many 'weeks' pregnant you are?) & Pole said via translator app that he wants to be involved in the baby's life, Mother Katrina, via translator app said:

'A son needs to be surrounded by love'

But the caption below said:

'A child needs to be surrounded by love'


I caught this I had to rewind it.... I think mom and Karine are working things retro- they know what's up and are covering it. I keep thinking back to when Karine took the PG test when he arrived and her first words were "I'm sorry". Something is off. I think she is PG by someone else not Paul. She is covering it to keep the $ train going for her baby and to stay alive. I understand that. 

7 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

I think on top of it all, Karine is just depressed.  She got knocked up and has to marry Pol to explain it ; even though it's probably not his baby.  Her mother would accept her as a single mom, but her dad might not so Pol is the excuse that wanted to marry her.  I mean, wouldn't you be depressed and lethargic if you had to be shackled in marriage to Pol so your dad wouldn't kick you out of the family?  Sure, he's a "rich American" but he's Pol- a probably  angry verbally abusive  controlling arsonist that dresses and runs like he's 70 years old. 

This 100%. I think she wants rid of Paul and has teenaged dreams of being with the real dad and Mom is driving the bus. Marry him, THEN divorce to keep the $ opportunity for your child in case this other baby daddy doesn't come through (which he won't). 

Is there a non corrupt way to get a DNA test in her area? IDK. Detective Paul must be on top of this. He's so paranoid I feel like he might have this covered.

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9 hours ago, usernameG said:

Jesse is a classic narcissist. They build you up, make you feel like you are their soul mate. Then they pick you apart and break you down.  And eventually they discard you and move on. Being in a relationship with one can leave some serious scars.

Jesse really is full of himself:  Promoting himself to be such the gentleman to fly over and break up in person while talking about his "ethics and morals" or some such junk.  Dude, you were less than a gentleman every time we saw you, just finish your run with a phone call, block her number and email, erase her from all social media, send back all cards and letters she may send.

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7 hours ago, millennium said:

The editing, teasers and promos lead you to believe you're about to witness epic confrontations between (insert couple of your choice) but somehow the hyped moment just melts away into inconsequentiality.

True.  They edit sound bites to stir up interest. Pole saying 'there won't be a wedding' was actually part of a different sentence.  There are so many other examples.

And the 'set up' arguments.  The cameras are in place - the participants are encouraged to argue or come clean about something stupid.  (Although I don't think the "Legend in his own mind" Jesse needs much prompting).

Even Pole running awkwardly into that building.  The cameras were set up on the street, I guess they couldn't get rid of the 3 fat ladies sitting outside.  Then 'action!' and Pole comes into view with his extra large boots and awkward gait as he runs up steps - to what?... the news that Kareeny might be pregnant? Duh!  What a surprise!  Then Darcy with the suitcase - of course there's lifts at all train stations. And Jesse gets a free air ticket to NYC courtesy of TSC, but raging Big Ang cannot leave early because TSC won't pay for that. The woman is TV gold.
So we're being seriously manipulated.  And clever editing encourages us to tune in again next week. 

But I honestly don't think they have to with this particular bunch of crazies. Big Ang needs no prompting or editing.  Her pupils literally dilated when she saw that cake.

Sometimes the expression on Baby Lucy's face says it all. :-)

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Dutch Boy *was* shaving back his hairline!  Did you see his widow's peak?  That preening asshole.  He was hoping to be "discovered" in the US, I bet the farm on it.  And was willing to put up with Darcey to get the exposure.  What a dick he is.  She's stupid and damaged, but he's vile.

How can Tardis be surprised that Hazel might prefer a rich Japanese husband?  She has shown him no affection so far.  Her "I love you" sounded like what I say to a good friend who's going through a tough time, not romantic at all.  Torgo is so fixated on fucking her--and that's creeping me out big time and has been for a while because she looks like a child, a goddam child--that her feelings about him are irrelevant except for the obligatory formal declaration of "love" which makes it all kosher.

In fact, I think Torgo's obsession with this waif-like person who is much younger than he, who has an underdeveloped body (maybe due to malnutrition), who does not communicate in any adult way, who behaves like a child who has been taught to avoid "bad touch" (the pillows in the bed) is really, really sick, and it might explain why Torgo, who appears to be successful in his work, who seems like a great dad to his daughter, who isn't ugly is not able to "find love" in the US.  I also think the shiftiness of his gaze, the way he has trouble looking people, even the camera, in the eye, is indicative of maybe a little guilty feeling, a fear of being found out doing something he shouldn't be,  Given the facts of his life, he seems like something of a catch, yet his choice for love is a child-woman who, like a child, will have to be totally dependent on him if she comes to the US.  I think he might have inclinations toward if not pedophilia, then at least ephebophilia.

These other guys who go for submissive especially Asian women tend to slaver over the big breasts and heavy makeup--I can't think of another American seeking love in Asia going for such a physically immature-looking woman--and while their wives would also be totally dependent on their husbands *at first* I can see them gradually learning to drive, getting a job, etc.  Hazel is so dead-eyed, so vacant, that it's hard to imagine her being able to care for herself in even the most basic ways.

And what a shit move to pull on his daughter, to bring in a "stepmother" who will need as much care as the child with special needs!

I think Torgo should be ashamed of himself, and maybe he is.  He certainly acts like he is.

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I was into this show at the beginning...but as I watched all the drama unfold it became clear that these people are are delusional and have no common sense...can they not see the train wreck!!  How can they believe all the BS that comes out of their "love's" mouth?? Are they really that stupid? I'm not the brightest in this world...but I can spot a scam and bold faced lies.....Jesse is a self absorbed idiot that is passive-aggressive...Paul has been "taken" by Karinne ..is so childish and immature....

All of these couples need therapy...to come back to reality...this is a gong show!!

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26 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Dutch Boy *was* shaving back his hairline!  Did you see his widow's peak?  That preening asshole.  He was hoping to be "discovered" in the US, I bet the farm on it.  And was willing to put up with Darcey to get the exposure.  What a dick he is.  She's stupid and damaged, but he's vile.

How can Tardis be surprised that Hazel might prefer a rich Japanese husband?  She has shown him no affection so far.  Her "I love you" sounded like what I say to a good friend who's going through a tough time, not romantic at all.  Torgo is so fixated on fucking her--and that's creeping me out big time and has been for a while because she looks like a child, a goddam child--that her feelings about him are irrelevant except for the obligatory formal declaration of "love" which makes it all kosher.

In fact, I think Torgo's obsession with this waif-like person who is much younger than he, who has an underdeveloped body (maybe due to malnutrition), who does not communicate in any adult way, who behaves like a child who has been taught to avoid "bad touch" (the pillows in the bed) is really, really sick, and it might explain why Torgo, who appears to be successful in his work, who seems like a great dad to his daughter, who isn't ugly is not able to "find love" in the US.  I also think the shiftiness of his gaze, the way he has trouble looking people, even the camera, in the eye, is indicative of maybe a little guilty feeling, a fear of being found out doing something he shouldn't be,  Given the facts of his life, he seems like something of a catch, yet his choice for love is a child-woman who, like a child, will have to be totally dependent on him if she comes to the US.  I think he might have inclinations toward if not pedophilia, then at least ephebophilia.

These other guys who go for submissive especially Asian women tend to slaver over the big breasts and heavy makeup--I can't think of another American seeking love in Asia going for such a physically immature-looking woman--and while their wives would also be totally dependent on their husbands *at first* I can see them gradually learning to drive, getting a job, etc.  Hazel is so dead-eyed, so vacant, that it's hard to imagine her being able to care for herself in even the most basic ways.

And what a shit move to pull on his daughter, to bring in a "stepmother" who will need as much care as the child with special needs!

I think Torgo should be ashamed of himself, and maybe he is.  He certainly acts like he is.

I don't see Hazel as submissive at all. If she were submissive she'd have had sex with Tarik and she would be smiling and trying to please him at every chance. If she's disappointed because  she thought she was  getting the  young slim Tarik in the photos he sent, he clearly thought he was getting the attractive, smiling bright eyed woman in the photos she sent. 

If she wants a ticket to the US, she better do a 180 cause no one is going to bring that sad sack back as a wife. It's depressing just looking at her. The only time she smiled was at the mention of the rich Japanese guy her sister told her about.

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14 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

There is a gif, god I love the internet.


There is an interview that Darcey did with Jenny McCarthy for Jenny’s talk show.  It is on YouTube.  Jenny even comments that she was afraid that Darcey’s extensions were going to end up getting stuck in there too.  Jenny pretty much calls Darcey’s relationship toxic.  Of course she ignores her.    I just noticed Darcey’s hairline.  It looks so high it almost looks  a wig slipping off. maybe Jesse was giving her hair styling advice.  


It was brought up first season that both of them were pushing for their own spin off.  After seeing Darcey’s list of skills on IMDb and her previous failed pilot with TLC I could see where Jesse thought she could help his career.  She probably told him just that.  I guess the spin off could be called “The Twin Life:  The Later Years”. 

BTW:  She was involved in another academy award winning movie, ”Crackula Goes To Hollywood” from 2015.   

Edited by WeeklyLaugh
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