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S08.E10: The Big Apple Bites

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LVP looks like she is tired trying to keep up and in pain from the HIGH heels she wears. Who the heck likes foot/toe/ leg cramps or lower back pain?

Goodness knows that I (in my early 50's) am drained sometimes after just 8 hours at the office and I long ago gave up on the HiGH heels.

Cute comfort shoes and a quick nap are good things.

  • Love 12

Poor Kyle! It was like watching one of those movies where one person is trying to tell everyone else who the killer is but they just won't listen. 

Whoever said it above is right...when LVP sees the footage she's gonna be pissed.

Erika trying to be neutral, peacemaker was fine, but right is right and wrong is wrong so Dorit should've been called out.

  • Love 17
55 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

The people in the meeting at the publisher's for Erika's book, looked totally unimpressed.  Coming to a bargain bin near you soon......

LVP doesn't really have friends in the cast; they are merely associates or co-workers.   Never bought she was real friends with any of them, even Kyle in season 1 or 2.  That was her hook to stay on the show.   I think she's the type to have very few close friends, and plays cordial with the fake Beverly Hills BS, oh dahhhling I adore you.  That whole set (majority) throw around shit like they're BFF's with everyone.  Maybe it's changed, but I have one BFF (or maybe a couple).  The rest are merely friends.  

Dorit is just a loud overdramatic gnat with a fake accent and poor fashion sense that will not shut up nor go away.

Maybe it’s because I used to work in publishing, but I was a little unimpressed by Erika’s awe over publishing people. They’re just business people, like a lot of us here, with stuff to sell, budgets to manage, and so on. Yes, there have been some fabled publishers, who helped make some of our favorite authors who they are/were, but these days publishing ain’t what it was. Don’t get me wrong; I would be excited to be published myself. ;) So I don’t blame her for that. But awe over being at Simon and Schuster? I dunno. Tom likely has more influence, in his own way, than the folks she met with. It was interesting to see her feel out of place in that way. 

And re: LVP: she’s my favorite “character” on the show, and for whatever reason her antics and attitude don’t bother me as much as some other housewives. (Though they’d probably bother me in real life.) BUT, tonight, I was shaking my head at her quite a bit. Primarily because she’s cool with the VPR kids acting like many of the RHOBH ladies did tonight, but she didn’t want to mix it up herself. I find that a little... I dunno. Hypocritical. I mean, she could have said SOMETHING while Kyle was talking, even if it was just along the lines of, “Kyle, I appreciate what you’re doing but can we talk about this later.” She doesn’t need to dive head first into the fights if she doesn’t want to, but at the same time, it really wasn’t good for her to just back up as she did. 

  • Love 12

I really like Teddy, I'd love to have her for a friend! Erika was a very decent human that night as well. I love how she got Dorit in the van. I don't understand the importance of taking a cab or not taking a cab but apparently it was a big deal. I just ff'd through Ericka's book deal scenes. She doesn't offend me (she used to) but I don't find her very interesting either.

I wish Lisa had respected Kyle's very reasonable boundaries and left Kyle alone in the limo. "Leave me alone", that's all she kept saying. Then when Kyle responds and "gets real" Lisa just up and leaves. It's a weak way to exert power but Lisa's done it twice this season. I don't like it. I usually like Lisa but that's just weak. And passive aggressive, which is weak too.

I still laughed out loud when they were walking in the rain with Lisa trying to pull the purse out from Kyle's legs. No one else can do that kind of funny. 

I think the idea that Dorit is high a lot of the time might have some credence. She is incomprehensible. She is completely un-self aware. She has no idea what she's said, how it comes across, how other's might feel, or that her perspective isn't the universal truth. She does seem to have a sweet connection with PK. I like him so much more this year!

As Dorit was telling us how that night of the Bella party was the highlight of her life, she was still a dour pill. I guess I don't like her even when she's very happy.

I did like the shade Lisa threw showing she'd been a cover girl too. Which reminds me, who says "This is my first cover!" It certainly sounds like she's expecting some more covers. I hope she never has to endure not liking the cover, what a weird thing for her to say. No self awareness at all.

I think LIsaR had an excellent show! I thought her daughter in the bathroom was funny, she has some comic timing. LisaR sharing that she's letting go of her kids with discomfort rings true. My kids are a little older but ... yeah. I enjoyed watching her crawl in and out of the couch, trying to nail down the point of the fight, etc. She was funny, real, and (for once) out of of the drama!

I skipped last week's episode. I started watching but Dorit just makes every get together unpleasant.

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, nexxie said:

Kyle is struggling with cognitive dissonance - Lisa says she is her good friend, but often doesn’t act like it. Run Kyle, run!

Kyle has some really weird maladaptive behaviors. She’s seems to feel most comfortable with her (TV) friendships when the other party owes her a favour, so she always ends up forgiving Lisa because Lisa will owe her, and despite Lisa never admitting to anything, she thinks Lisa understands this, but Lisa thinks nothing has changed. Then it comes to a head periodically in Puerto Rico and Dubai etc. 

  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

Kyle has some really weird maladaptive behaviors. She’s seems to feel most comfortable with her (TV) friendships when the other party owes her a favour, so she always ends up forgiving Lisa because Lisa will owe her, and despite Lisa never admitting to anything, she thinks Lisa understands this, but Lisa thinks nothing has changed. Then it comes to a head periodically in Puerto Rico and Dubai etc. 

Never particularly cared for Kyle going back years due to her rotten attitude of "you owe me!" Going back that comment about how much she and Mauricio were helping Kim was too much! She loves keeping her own problems private, but she'll throw others out there to make good TV! I still had a serious problem with how she allowed Lisa R to abuse her sister; even in her own home! She would just walk away not wanting to get involved! Kyle's just so "about herself" for the most part and I could never be bothered with her! ;-)

Aw, you guys. Erika had to wear her sunglasses inside because of allergies, or whatever the throwaway line was. 

I loved this episode. Dorit really brought it. I like a villain I can comfortably hate, and she's so delusional I feel no guilt for disliking everything about her. I enjoyed fights between the old school cast members. I loved Camille's enjoyment of Dorit getting yelled at. I'll tolerate Teddy attempting to defuse my drama because she's a good, neutral character. 

The only thing I found disappointing was that this wasn't a full-on housewives crossover. Enough of them across the cities are in "fashion," they could have had more fun with that. I'm glad there's at least one coming next week. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Poor Kyle! It was like watching one of those movies where one person is trying to tell everyone else who the killer is but they just won't listen. 

LOL - that's so funny  ("The call is coming from inside the house...wife!") 

2 hours ago, missyb said:

 I like Teddy. I like her temperament . I like her no nonsense attitude

Caveat up front: I do wonder if her accountability coaching is sketchy (sounds so, at least as described in her forum) but yeah, tonight she felt like she was reacting to everything in the moment, and not doing scripted unscripted tv by rote.  It's a bit like I'm watching a real person who woke up in their favourite hate-watch tv show, who has to hide who they really are from the cast ("Of course I'm a housewife! Here's my husband, Edward! I mean Edwin!") while trying to figure out the etiquette of the world she's been thrust into ("Weird is not a good word, here...") as she navigates the insane reality around her  ("I'm in the episode with the Bella cover, the one where Lisa and Kyle have that awful fight -- and almost ruin their friendship for the tenth time -- wait! I CAN STOP THE FIGHT!!") A mutant bastard cross between "Lost in Austen" (if Jane Austen were Andy Cohen and the housewives were charmingly pert Jane Austen heroines instead of desperate narcissists) crossed with The Final Girl Housewife -- and yes, Teddi likely has the face of a voracious raptor hiding under her freckles (which will be revealed down the road) but for now -- fake or real -- her energy is refreshing (a rare thing on these shows) so I'm glad she's been added to the cocktail.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 21

I feel like my perspective on Kyle both in general and with respect to this specific episode is in the minority but, wow, she is a really sick woman. 

This is the second week running during which she's berated Lisa while literally telling her what she's really thinking and feeling in an effort to ascribe all sorts of villainy ("you were upset that it wasn't about you for a minute!"; "I know for a fact that Lisa ...") to her while Lisa has, in comparison, remained relatively calm, indulged Kyle's screaming, and (at least at the beach house) offered an apology just to maintain equilibrium and peace. Talk about an abusive dynamic.* 

It was jaw-dropping to watch how Lisa was recast as the mustache-twirling ne'er do well over a dispute that erupted about Dorit supposedly maligning her (about which Kyle was shocked and concerned that "Lisa will be very hurt" upon hearing Teddi and Camille's account ... even though Dorit had already said the same things to Kyle directly) ... all because Lisa didn't attack Dorit maliciously enough to Kyle's liking. 

Haven't we spent seven season belaboring the point that Lisa holds a grudge and can't let conflict go? So, when she responds to a cast mate talking shit about her with displeasure but restraint, she's somehow offending Kyle because she's not holding a grudge and grinding the axe adequately enough? To the point of hysterically crying on the bus and chewing all the location scenery? I guess it may be attributable to her relationship with her sisters but Kyle is really warped. 

Then again, I've always thought that the overall arc definitively situated Lisa as more of the lap dog and whipping girl in their rapport. Lest we forget, while Lisa was thrusting herself into season one fights that didn't even involve her in order to declare, "Kyle is not a bully and I won't stand to hear that said about her," Kyle was taunting her for being "jelly" about Kyle's relationship with Taylor. Then, the next season, way before Lisa had ever lobbed her salvos against Mauricio, Kyle was working Taylor up against Lisa by declaring "maybe she preys on weak people," then uttering nary a defense* on Lisa's behalf regarding Adrienne's reunion accusations because Lisa got the spin-off and the Umansksys didn't.

Did Lisa perpetuate and escalate their feud in retaliation? Of course. But Kyle, from my vantage, has done the same since their ostensible reconciliation. In season six, she got to have her cake and eat it too once Rinna went after Lisa by literally declaring herself "an abused wife" in their friendship but magnanimously not ganging up on her with the rest of the cast. Last year, we had Kyle barking at her to shut up and "pick a lane," with Lisa meekly complying. 

I used to think Kyle was merely a lot better than Lisa at quietly jockeying herself into the best presentation possible but that unhinged display this week has me second guessing that. It's much less disciplined than her usual efforts to paint Lisa as the target. 

2 hours ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

I can't be the only one that thinks Teddy sucks, right?

My impression is that we're few and far between on this board but Teddi strikes me as insufferably pretentious and contradictory vis-a-vis many of her stated rules and values. 

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

I would have walked away ages ago on LVP! She's truly a fair weather friend and will punish you time and time again for little slights, but seems to kiss Dorit's arse for some reason! The woman has something wrong in her head! She was told what was said and can't fess up to it while LVP just sits there allowing that carnage to go on even though she's the center of it! If Kyle allows this $#!t to go on, she deserves what she gets from both Dorit and LVP! Next week Lisa does confront Dorit and clarifies their friendship saying it's mostly thru PK; sorta like her loyalty was more with Mohammad over Yolanda! The woman can't be trusted; she's phony, fake, and FOS! She's not fooling me with that ridiculous English accent! How many years has she been here? ;-)

She's an American; born in Connecticut.

I positively loathe Dorit.

6 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Artistic license


When I first started working at a major television network, I walked into a meeting with my boss and he was wearing sunglasses--indoors. I asked if we were having South American dictator-style meetings from now on and if I should bring my sunglasses with me for the next one.

  • Love 10

This show is becoming a little predictable and may I say, boring. I guess there are only a limited number of scenarios you can have with privileged, middle aged women and after so many seasons it's just mixing the personalities up and regurgitating the same stories but with different people. Only Kyle and Lisa remain and so we just keep reliving their so called " friendship" difficulties. I doubt they are friends off camera so I'm not terribly invested in saving it and all the yelling and histrionics is not very interesting.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Snappy said:

I thought the same exact thing. Designer? In that? Dorit is so full of herself! I cannot wait for her to get her comeuppance, right uppance the side of her head. Doesn't Dorit realize that other than hearing about it on this show, no one has heard of, nor cares, about Bella magazine? Oh wait, its Dorit; of course not. 

Also, the first word that popped into my head when Erika's TH came on was "pomeranian". Why does she need to embody "hooker style"?


BABY Hooker!!!style coming straight from her mouth. What a nasty bitch to even think those two words used together to explain the "look" she is portraying is edgy. She is totally fucked in the head. OTOH, she was more likeable than ever seen her this episode. She should get drunk more often.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Kyle was lying to herself.  She was getting worked up because she was defending LvP and LvP wasn't joining in.  But really, Kyle was still mad about the shit stirring with Erika and used talking behind LvP's back as a pattern of behavior to go after Dorit again over talking behind Kyle's back to Erika wthout saying as much.

Kyle seemed to feel persecuted because LvP cuts her no slack but gives the benefit of the doubt to Dorit.

I think part of that is because Dorit's existence on this show was originally to give LvP allies after a "bad edit" season.  LvP is probably less likely to turn on her until someone Dorit talked to directly is completely frank with her or she sees footage.  Dorit is a dead woman once LvP sees footage.

I'm trying to remember if LvP actually participates in this type of fracas.  Isn't it usually Ken that takes part in the group fights when they happen.  LvP is generally horrible in talking heads or via surrogates or when she can do it in a way she thinks she can do a PR spin on.  Someone will probably be able to remind me if I've forgotten something.

The other thing I notice is that Kyle keeps resorting to tears for way stupider reasons than I've seen before.  Its setting LvP off.  She is pissed about it.  I wonder if LvP thinks Kyle is faking for the cameras to make her look bad.

Probably the perimenopause. I have never been a crier. There have been stretches of years without a tear shed then I hit 45 and the last 4 years for 10 days I cry over everything and nothing from the depths of my soul. Then the flow starts I bleed like a stuck pig for 5 days and have a good couple of weeks with normal emotional responses. The glory of the twilight of my fertile term in life. 

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 5

I can't believe I waited all week for that.  What a disappointing hour.

Kyle, stay sober for filming.  You'll come off better, I promise. 

Erika, nicely done getting Dorit into the van.  Regardless of whether or not anyone agrees that it should have been an issue, had Dorit and LVP left together, it would have be a problem they might not be able to come back from.   I suspect there was also only one cameraman at that point and Erika was saving the show as well as a friendship, but whatever- kudos because it worked.

Other than that- I just have nothing to say.  I hope Bethenny makes next week worth it because this week was a bust.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

This show is becoming a little predictable and may I say, boring. I guess there are only a limited number of scenarios you can have with privileged, middle aged women and after so many seasons it's just mixing the personalities up and regurgitating the same stories but with different people.



Nothing tops these guys:


I was looking forward to seeing all the places they went in NYC but those identifying shots were cut short in order to have all the senseless and ridiculous squabbling. So -- what is the hotel where they stayed? Did they go anywhere of interest that we casual visitors to NYC might want to check out?  Thanks! 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, film noire said:

LOL - that's so funny  ("The call is coming from inside the house...wife!") 

Caveat up front: I do wonder if her accountability coaching is sketchy (sounds so, at least as described in her forum) but yeah, tonight she felt like she was reacting to everything in the moment, and not doing scripted unscripted tv by rote.  It's a bit like I'm watching a real person who woke up in their favourite hate-watch tv show, who has to hide who they really are from the cast ("Of course I'm a housewife! Here's my husband, Edward! I mean Edwin!") while trying to figure out the etiquette of the world she's been thrust into ("Weird is not a good word, here...") as she navigates the insane reality around her  ("I'm in the episode with the Bella cover, the one where Lisa and Kyle have that awful fight -- and almost ruin their friendship for the tenth time -- wait! I CAN STOP THE FIGHT!!") A mutant bastard cross between "Lost in Austen" (if Jane Austen were Andy Cohen and the housewives were charmingly pert Jane Austen heroines instead of desperate narcissists) crossed with The Final Girl Housewife -- and yes, Teddi likely has the face of a voracious raptor hiding under her freckles (which will be revealed down the road) but for now -- fake or real -- her energy is refreshing (a rare thing on these shows) so I'm glad she's been added to the cocktail.

Be still my beating heart... your wordsmithery, as always.... I love you! You express so eloquently what I also think that there is no need for me to post! 

Ps. In a cyber love, non creepy way! ?

  • Love 4

This season is really going downhill for me. I started out enjoying it, but the petty high school vibe is just really bumming me out. ONE silly, petty fight per season is fine. But it's non-stop with these girls. Stemware. Lategate. Periodgate. She said-she said. And on and on and on. Seeing Kyle crying in the back of the car and yelling, "Stay away from me!" was just so jarring. These women are in their 40s and upward!!! And I LIKE Kyle. But come on....

At the center of it all I see Dorit. I'm not saying everyone else is a pure, innocent angel. But Dorit is up to no good. She's dropping bombs and running away. She's pitting people against each other. She lies, lies, lies. And I really just can't figure out why LVP is so invested in her. It was clear that Kyle wasn't the only one saying that Dorit said those things. Hell, Kyle wasn't even there! But it was backed up by multiple people. And yet LVP just demurely says, "I love Dorit. I believe her". WHY??? You barely know her, really. It's PK you've known for years, not his wench of a wife. 

I just feel like I'm missing something in the whole dynamic. 


I'm back to liking Erika again. I love how she validated people's feelings without picking a side, and was really just trying to keep the peace. I also love how humble and self-deprecating she is. She knows her book is just a fluff piece; she doesn't need anyone trying to bolster her up with talks of a Pulitzer. She laughed that right off!  And she seemed totally over Double Tree Gate, so I wonder what supposedly set her off in her blog (I haven't read it myself)? 


The best moment of the show was Kyle and LVP toddling into the bar in the rain, trying to stay dry, and Kyle's got her purse wedged between her thighs!!!! I was dying. THAT'S the Kyle and LVP I know and love. I wish Dorit and her machinations would just take a long walk and never return. 

  • Love 22
10 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Both Kyle and Dorit were slagging Lisa Vanderpump at the dinner where Lisa V left.  Kyle kind of glosses over that part.  However, I feel Dorit was leading Kyle in that conversation.  Plus Dorit's taken every opportunity to slag both Kyle and Lisa V whenever they haven't been present.  I understand Kyle's hurt that Lisa V didn't back her up when Kyle confronted Dorit.  You would think that Lisa V would have some inkling what a sleaze bag Dorit really is.   Dorit 's really getting a different edit this year - she's being shown as  aggressive in the extreme and so, so slimy in her dealings with these women.  She's disgusting. 

I 100% think Dorit was leading Kyle in their after-talk. Plus, Dorit wasn't just venting about what just happened, she was bringing up stuff LVP had ostensibly told her in private - like, "She didn't get enough attention as a child, that's why she's feeling jealous when I give you attention". Kyle was just venting, as I'm sure Lisa did to Ken when she got home. Dorit was trying to psychoanalyze Lisa. And, beyond that, she brought it up again in front of EVERYONE, to "fill Rinna in", and I think that was the larger issue. Because two people who had been affected directly by the situation that just happened have reason to talk about it, but LVP wouldn't like it being brought up again and dissected, especially when she wasn't there. And I think THAT conversation was the one Kyle was really taking issue with. 


9 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I sympathize with Kyle on that note, but Kyle picked the wrong time to confront Dorit about the issue.  I don't think LVP wanted to get into it right there.  It was Dorit's night, after all.  Kyle wouldn't let it go either.  IMO, she ruined the evening for everybody else, then she made it all about herself, then everybody is running around comforting each other.  Ugh.  It was such 6th grade behavior.  It reminded me of that time in my life when all of us girls would gather around the pretty girl to comfort her because the cute boy didn't like her back.  Oh, the drama!

I agree. I like Kyle and I get why she was upset, but she was acting like such a juvenile brat! She really lets her emotions get the best of her, and LVP is a lot more controlled. Kyle just can't relate to that; she wants to solve it then and there. 


7 hours ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

I can't be the only one that thinks Teddy sucks, right?

I don't think she sucks, but she reminds me so much of Kate Gosselin I can't force myself to like her. 

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

I'm trying to think of a situation when a sighted person doesn't look like an asshole wearing sunglasses indoors.

I had to wear them indoors once when I had a horrible case of pink eye and the slightest little bit of light hurt my eyes.  But even then, with justification, I still felt like an asshole!

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Kyle was lying to herself.  She was getting worked up because she was defending LvP and LvP wasn't joining in.  But really, Kyle was still mad about the shit stirring with Erika and used talking behind LvP's back as a pattern of behavior to go after Dorit again over talking behind Kyle's back to Erika wthout saying as much.

Agree.  I think Kyle is the jelly one in this love triangle. She's still really annoyed at thinking LVP shares details about her life with Dorit rather than her. This is so elementary school in a "Lisa is MY best friend, not YOURS" kind of way, imo.

When Kyle got mad at LVP for not backing her up, all I could think of was LVP saying that to Kyle in at least 2 seasons where Kyle didn't defend LVP against attacks from other housewives.

Kyle was trying to get LVP angry with Dorit so Kyle reclaim her confidant and best friend title, imo. Is she afraid LVP is doing (with Dorit) to her what she did to LVP with her friendship with Taylor in season 1? 

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, film noire said:

Caveat up front: I do wonder if her accountability coaching is sketchy (sounds so, at least as described in her forum) but yeah, tonight she felt like she was reacting to everything in the moment, and not doing scripted unscripted tv by rote.  It's a bit like I'm watching a real person who woke up in their favourite hate-watch tv show, who has to hide who they really are from the cast ("Of course I'm a housewife! Here's my husband, Edward! I mean Edwin!") while trying to figure out the etiquette of the world she's been thrust into ("Weird is not a good word, here...") as she navigates the insane reality around her  ("I'm in the episode with the Bella cover, the one where Lisa and Kyle have that awful fight -- and almost ruin their friendship for the tenth time -- wait! I CAN STOP THE FIGHT!!")

Teddi was on WWHL a couple weeks ago and Andy asked her what was the most surprising thing for her since she had started filming/being on the show. She said that it was a surprise to her how real it was when you're in the actual moments. She thought, going in, that she'd be able to sort of have one foot in and one foot out and be able to just treat it as a job, but still have her "real" life. But that's not what happened. She discovered that she was really feeling all the things she's showing on screen. She said that none of it was acting (not on her part anyway), that as se experienced each scene/interaction that she was feeling all the feels.

Now this is Teddi's first season so this may all change - I certainly think that all the housewives become increasingly scripted/plotted/planned as they go from season to season. But for right now, I'm really liking Teddi and do believe she's being real here.

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, princelina said:

Dorit's outfit was ugly, but at least the gruesome boobs were locked down - under a blouse, a vest, a big ugly tie, a brooch AND a blazer!  (And a bra?  probably not!)

As for Teddi - so she does talk about others behind their back!  And seemed to have her own glam squad!  Hmmmmm . . .

I actually really liked her outfit, it was classy for a change.  I'm with you on Teddi.  Also was she really not wearing underwear with a mini skirt? 

What bugs me about the 'You told her I said that?' drama which takes up 90% of the show is that anything anyone ever said is going to be found out when they watch, so it's boring and pointless to me.

  • Love 5

Kyle is usually someone I can get behind but not after seeing that last night and not after how she's behaved concerning her issues with Lisa this season.  Look, either be her friend or don't.  I'm tired of the shade whenever Lisa does something Kyle doesn't like.  Kyle went after Dorit, but it wasn't to defend her good friend Lisa, at least not under the surface.  Kyle did it so she could show Lisa that SHE was the better friend.  It was a very desperate "LOOK!  I don't talk about you behind your back like this.  I found out and I'm defending you!" And when Lisa didn't act accordingly, that's when Kyle got pissed.  There was nothing about that entire scene that didn't serve Kyle in some way.  And when the masses didn't turn the attack on Dorit, she got mad.  Kyle has a script in her head.  She adheres to that script with the grip of a goddamn shark.  She sees everyone reacting a certain way and when they don't...she gets mad.  She expected to slam Dorit into the ground and that everyone would follow and no one did except for Teddi, whom she didn't care about.  

Lisa apologized to her....like 1400 times....but it wasn't the apology Kyle wanted to hear.  Kyle wanted Lisa to walk over to Dorit and say "Hey, you're an asshole and we're not friends anymore." because Kyle feels that's what's happened with Lisa towards her.  She needs to stop telling Lisa how to feel and not allowing her to speak.  Kyle is that typical woman who starts crying when she knows she's full of shit and has no argument.

I've never really seen Kyle as stupid until last night.  But she's stupid.  It's clear to me that Lisa cares about her but Kyle constantly has to test that and I don't get it.  Eventually Lisa will get sick of it.

She went down a few notches for me last night.  I found her behavior childish and extremely passive aggressive.  "LEAVE ME ALONE!!"  *Lisa apologizes*  "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!  I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!  LEAVE ME ALONE!"  *Lisa apologizes*  "I'm so tired of not being appreciated!  You don't appreciate me."  She's a baby and it's no shock to me her sister, Kathy, doesn't want shit to do with her.  

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, film noire said:


She was hilarious when she was trying to get back on the couch -- piss-drunk, legs crossed to hide the puss, almost sliding into Lisa V's crotch like a Russian hooker falling into Putin's lap  -- all with her friggin' Kristy McNichol bangs still perfectly fluffed. If only she would enter every scene like that.



 Scene of the night that was GREAT.

11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I am shocked that PK wouldn't be there for all the cameras.



Co Sign. PK you are no Simon Van Kempen! I was shocked he didn’t go. 

Dorit was fuuucked up in the park. Eyes everywhere, posturing, tweaking . She is def on something. I hate her. 

I feel like Kyle barely sees her husband and is stuck socially with girl time with her kids, her sisters, etc and is the equivalent of a teenaged girl one foot teenaged in 2018 the other one in 1977. She’s so immature and dammit wants LVP to choose sides. She’s infantile. 

Love Teddi marching out in the rain. It’s just rain people.

LVP only loves her pets, Ken, Pandora and her son. Everyone else is an empty vessel she can play with. She will destroy Kyle and Dorit for this and they won’t even see it coming. Ask LVP to feel something for you, and you do so at your own peril ! 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 11

Does Dorit ever share information without implicating someone else? It doesn't come across like her organically telling a story but always referencing other people to use a shield in case the conversation goes south, she's got someone else who will have to share the consequences with.

Rinna's make-up artists didn't look all that interested in her conversation or at least didn't know how much or little they should be involved. 

Dorit thinks everyone is making a big deal about her comments yet she's the one that's driven the whole 3 second conversation about Erika leaving Teddi's beach house as if it was a full blown issue and people were genuinely mad. I love the fact that Rinna was too smashed to even keep up wit hthe conversation and I loved it, lol.

On one hand, I can understand Kyle's hangup over LVP but not taking Dorit to task over what she said about her (the way she has Kyle) but on the other hand, being called needy or a bit jealous is not on the same plain as being called manipulative. But she's also right that LVP felt a certain way about what Dorit said about her and that how Dorit explained it and how the others perceived it are two different things. How much of LVP's quietness was really about wrong place, wrong time? After all, it was secondhand information that LVP hadn't had time to address with Dorit yet. Kyle's talking about Teddi taking her side - why wouldn't she? Kyle was repeating information that Teddi told her. Teddi speaking up was simply to be honest with what she heard and how she received Dorit's words. Kyle and LVP have such a strange relationship. Kyle is being too emotional and LVP is acting too confused about why Kyle is emotional - on some level, she must know and it's just easier for her to ignore and hope that it goes away. But in the end, I think Kyle definitely overreacted. She asked that LVP back her up - in the past, I don't recall LVP asking Kyle to speak up when LVP is addressing an issue with someone, I believe LVP was upset that Kyle didn't speak up when others were trash talking LVP in Kyle's presence. 

Seeing the way Teddi handled Kyle and LVP's meltdown and when talking about Dorit's comments, I'm going to go on record and say that I'm liking her (for now at least).

Edited by RHJunkie
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No offense, but context matters. Who the hell does Teddy Mellencamp think she is? These women have a decade plus of history. Why would you think it's appropriate to insert yourself in these discussions that are CLEARLY about more than one incident. The Kyle and Lisa stuff runs deep.

I don't know if editing was weird on that, but Teddy just watched Lisa attempt to console Kyle 5 different ways over a few hours. Kyle is dead set on being mad at LVP and making her slighted feelings known. This isn't about this evening - it's about years and years of frustration that Kyle has bottled up. It goes back to the Brandi friendship that nearly destroyed them. And it's obviously about the fact that Kyle has a struggling relationship with her sisters and feels like they and, now, LVP, do not love or appreciate her.

I know this because I've watched this stupid show for 8 years. Teddi has no idea. So, after watching Lisa make an honest attempt, she runs after Lisa, chiding her like a small child, keeps her from leaving in the elevator, and demands she do the same thing all over again. If I were Lisa, I'd have taken a Maloof hoof and hit her on the head to try to knock sense into her. 

Teddi is one of those people who thinks she's chill but she just forms stern opinions and expresses them in a low-energy way. She's about as low-maintenance as Dorit. 

If I were Dorit, I'd be hella pissed that Kyle turned my night into her bitchfest. Kyle is great at turning on tears when it benefits her. The amount of attention she was commanding and demanding over her tantrum about something monumentally stupid just proves to me how malleable these women are - and why LVP has been able to so easily manipulate them for the better part of a decade. 

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I watched last night's show with mixed emotions.  On one hand, I kind of understood where Kyle was coming from, being upset with LVP for not "backing her up" against Dorit.  On the other hand, I also understood LVP's point of view that the after-party for Dorit's magazine cover may not have been the best time or place for Kyle to express her feelings of anger and frustration at Dorit.  

I also think that LVP is not really comfortable with these types of confrontations, when all the ladies are present.  I think that she prefers a more one-on-one conversation with someone who has done her wrong. 

I wonder if LVP may have been thinking that Kyle was just recently complaining that she felt that LVP and Dorit had conspired or ganged up on her during their dinner at Palihouse, and now, Kyle is complaining that LVP didn't do the same thing to Dorit.  

I usually like both Kyle and LVP, and I think together, when they are getting along, they are hysterical.  Some of the scenes with them in the rain were very funny!  BTW - does it ever rain in Beverly Hills?  Some of these women acted like they were going to melt if a raindrop hit them!  What was up with Kyle's purse that it couldn't get wet?  Kudos to Teddi and Camille for just dealing with/dancing in the raindrops (and, also, extra kudos to Camille for wearing an ACTUAL raincoat/trenchcoat!!)  

I'm curious to see how the aftermath of all of this plays out....the previews for next week look interesting.

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Kyle just can't let this go. How many times did Erika say they were fine, and that she didn't want to talk about it anymore? And LVP can certainly stand up for herself and deal with Dorit. But no, Kyle goes on and on and the tears - stop! She seems to be super sensitive this season. Hormones? Trouble at home? IDK but enough.

And all this fuss about LVP not having  her back. How bout her hugging fest with Taylor and teasing Lisa that she was jelly? How bout believing Brandy over Lisa about the magazines, or the shit show in Dubai. The Bobby Fisher reference. Erika called it a leveraged friendship last season, but that goes both ways.

And speaking of Erika, despite that awful pink dress, I am liking her a lot more this season. She seems to be putting out more effort to be friendly. I think now that YOYO and the Soap queen are gone (thank God) she'd trying to relate to the others. And even Rhinna - who I still can't stand, has toned it down since soapy left.

Sorry - I guess some of this has already been said. Haven't had a chance to read all posts yet.

Edited by Lady of nod
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thesupremediva1, I agree with much of your post but I still like Teddi and actually don't mind the manner in which she tries to help. 

I also like Kyle a lot but agree with what you say about her. She appears the extremely jealous one and the gal who keeps score all the time. It makes me chuckle that she acts this way/ Maybe it does have something to do with the sisters . Especially when the two older have seen bonded against her, at times.

As for Dorit's night isn't every night a Dorit night. 

LVp wanting to walk out of childish spats. She is right. Too old to carry on like this. She does have a loving husband at home who does not make her feel bad. So does Kyle. Why does she care so much about who said what? She clarifies it and that should be the end of it. You don't need back up.

Next week looks pretty good. 

And finally, love Camilles blog and long her attitude this season ( as ing as it isn't against my favorite Kyle, LOL. I am so partisan).


Edited by missyb
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9 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Maybe it’s because I used to work in publishing, but I was a little unimpressed by Erika’s awe over publishing people. They’re just business people, like a lot of us here, with stuff to sell, budgets to manage, and so on. Yes, there have been some fabled publishers, who helped make some of our favorite authors who they are/were, but these days publishing ain’t what it was. Don’t get me wrong; I would be excited to be published myself. ;) So I don’t blame her for that. But awe over being at Simon and Schuster? I dunno. Tom likely has more influence, in his own way, than the folks she met with. It was interesting to see her feel out of place in that way.

Since this is first time Ericka thinks she has done something "academic" she probably thought they were all professors and PHDs from Harvard or something. At the prestigious research institution of Simon and Schuster!

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, rho said:



Lisa looks like Cinderella's evil stepmother flanked by a drunk stepsister on either side

Now I know why LVP said Dorit has beautiful decolletage. LVP's aren't so great but they are at least even compared to Dorit's horror show.

Erika & Rinna just didn't part any part of the fights - keep putting on lip gloss ladies.

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