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S04.E01: Week 1, Night 1

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4 hours ago, TomGirl said:

I'm not on the Dean love train.  He's ok, but not all that attractive to me.  I'm distracted by the way he talks through that constant grin without moving his lips.  It's like watching a ventriloquist.

Even though I love Dean I know exactly what you're talking about.  He speaks so quickly and it's all in the exact same tone that it's very hard to distinguish what he's talking about.  The voice doesn't go up or down to convey emotion.  

Still can't believe how much Derek looks like Jim Halpert.

I follow Wells on Twitter and I'm pretty sure I remember him moaning about still being single.

To me, Kristina is totally normal looking.  Maybe because I like a bit of weirdness or flaw or something, or quirkiness.  I don't know.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 9
37 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Demario said he was here to "find the next Mrs. Jackson"

Was he married before? I'm too lazy to google it.

Well, he told Chris Harrison he didn't have a girlfriend, but he didn't say he had no wife.

Speaking of, I loved that Chris also asked him if there was anyone who thought they were DeMario's girlfriend. I've been asking prospective dates that for years - Do you have a girlfriend, or does anyone currently think they are your girlfriend?

  • Love 19

Not that anyone was surprised, but BIP Season 4 (!) dumped a truckload of cynicism in everyone’s laps as barefooted Chris Harrison walked a lonely beach to tell us how upset and concerned they were ‘after only two days’ and that it was ‘stressful’ (as his hairline will attest).  Given that CH has a significant financial stake in this tawdry franchise it never be anything else.  According to the end credits there are a total of 10 (ten!) executive producers, all of whom have already cashed ABC checks and have to deliver a product.  Short of a felony being committed the show was always going to go on.

And when, exactly, did ‘finding a soulmate’ and ‘get married’ become the goals of this drunken gropefest?  For the fourth year running it should be pointed out that the late lamented Bachelor Pad was the ultimate hedonistic no-strings hookup show with spectacular results.  Bachelor In Paradise is like the opening sequence of ‘2001:  A Space Odyssey’ with little groups of irascible primates sitting idle occupied with mutual grooming, nursing grudges and plotting the next attack on the other primates.

And then, the cast credit sequence and a long exasperated string of ‘Oh God it’s her (or him) again.’  Some sort of gateway arrival arch has been cobbled together with a few Mexican street market blankets draped over for local flavor (?).  If you’re a set dresser on this show you get by with doing 5-10 minutes of work per day.

Raven’s physique is impressive, it must be said.  Her inch-thick layer of foundation has either been eliminated in favor of professional production makeup help or perhaps Mexican customs confiscated the five gallon bucket of Max Factor at the airport.  Her signature mane is still intact, however.

Disclaimer:  I skipped Rachel’s Bachelorette season.  A glance at her forum before I posted this confirmed my worst fears about the boring sameness of the show’s content and discussion thereof.  So the Rachel blokes are strangers to me.  Dean seems nice but dim.

Lovely Kristina (I want to spell her name in Cyrillic!  Кристина!) arrives with a lighter shade of hair and more modest floral drape rather than the usual bikini top & shorts.  In true Russian fashion she heads for the bar first.

Danielle M is next.  Has she had some help along the bustline?  To be fair there was nowhere to go but up.  Or perhaps out.

Return of Ben.  He quickly alpha-males Dean into submission and singles out Raven to bore her to death with stories of his…dogs as the producers mock him with circus background music.

Next up – the New Zealand national rugby team’s tight-head prop arrives.  Oh wait - this is an American named Iggy who is sweating profusely through his shirt.

Perpetually angry Jasmine arrives, followed by Jack Stone.  It’s already obvious that Rachel’s rejects seem mutually ecstatic that they escaped her season.

Alexis of Joisey then arrives.  Alexis-as-shark was a rather obvious entrance from the ocean setup.  Hot tip:  if your costume is the most interesting thing about you then you are boring indeed even with your ridiculous false lashes.

DeMario actually says he’s on BIP for THE RIGHT REASONS but what, pray tell, are those?  He has an annoying lifeguard whistle.  He also has an unbroken string of clichés (wingman, homey, etc.).

Derek and Alex arrive and are roundly ignored.  Corinne (one R – must remember that) is two-fisting the champers courtesy of the prop department.  Her hair is in a state as usual.  ‘If you want this you have to work REEEEEAL hard.’  Does working hard mean breathing and blinking one’s eyes?  Those seem to be her only criteria.  ‘I am doing me’ she intones repeatedly.  Has this cosseted princess ever done otherwise?  Corinne’s toast is more of a speech with no spaces between the words:  ‘Ithinkit’sgoingtobereallyfuninterestingsummer…..’

Dark horse Dean wastes no time in pulling Kristina aside.  Her ‘flawed gem’ backstory is irresistible to the lads especially when combined with her physical attributes and exotic accent.  Both of them play with their (own) hair furiously – mirrored body language is usually a good sign.

Lacey says she would rather be known as Camel Girl than to be anonymous.  But many of us remember Lacey mostly for her nagging and jealousy. Lacey and Corinne haven’t read the memo:  center-parted hair went out in 2015.  Is she sporting a Star of David necklace?

Matt the Penguin arrives in another costume in an attempt to conceal his male pattern baldness.  Rachel, Dean and Alex get points for their nonplussed reaction.  Semi-Santa Nick stages a beach landing…Objective:  Jasmine.  Cue 7th grade spin the bottle mash session with immature Lacey leering at them.

Amanda.  Ugh.  Over the last 10 years OJ Simpson has seen more of his children than Amanda has of hers.  Amanda pretends giving the ring back is her idea rather than the insurance underwriters’ contractual demand.

Taylor.  Even more ugh especially as she talks exclusively through her nose.  Honk!  People weren’t nice to her?  Maybe it’s because she is abhorrent and full of herself.  Taylor appears to have a long scar probably from spinal surgery between her shoulder blades.  Did we know about this?  Can’t recall.

The fourth wall is well and truly broken as DeMario and Corinne march through Alex's on-camera interview.  Spare a thought for the crew who are wearing long sleeves in the tropics.  ‘Reality’ TV comes courtesy of lights, rigging, power, cables – in other words, it’s the same as a scripted show.  Probably because it is, right down to the crabs edited in.

Is Jorge really leaving a cushy sure-thing job to drive tourists around in a van in the stifling inland heat?  Aren’t there about 5,302 outfits doing the exact same thing in Mexico?  The appearance of Wells COULD be a case of standing NAFTA on its head or, more likely, a lame reenactment of Lady Chatterly’s Lover will soon take place with one of the cast.

Raven is stress eating.  Danielle is overthinking.  Kristina, unsurprisingly, wields the first date card and, unsurprisingly, chooses Dean.  More stress eating and overthinking from Raven & Danielle.  Wells playing agony aunt is unconvincing…it’s not in the male DNA.

Iggy grabs Lacey by the scruff of the neck.  This is what passes for seduction in his world.  Sadly, she must take compassionate leave.

Kristina looks stunning.  Dean can’t be fussed to change out of his stretched-out T-shirt.  Dean, my man, when you’re locking lips there’s no need to gild the lily with more conversation.

Speaking of latching on, Jasmine is already onto a second suitor in the pool.  Robby arrives and makes some questionable choices in female chat partners.  Raven’s next bikini top will be no top at all, apparently.  All the girls risk a serious case of beard stubble rash.  Raven is spared from resorting to nudity by getting Robby’s date card.

Of all the non-jobs in the world to claim, ‘social media influencer’ might be bottom of the barrel.  What happened to the Bachelor tradition of bartenders claiming to be personal trainers?

The producers have cooked up a new angle:  the dog edit.  Ben won’t shut up about dogs.  But fair play to him for dogging Robby right under Robby’s muzzle.

Robby has a wheel house.  We know this because he says it a dozen times.  But Raven plans to stick a wrench in the gears.

What’s the opposite of false humility?  It might be the ‘I’m a princess so treat me like one.’  It’s meant to be a playful, facetious ego-boost for the insecure but it is a MAJOR turn-off for the lads.  Of course, Jasmine has chosen the path of the foolish.  Gentlemen and boot-lickers are not the same thing so make up your mind please.

The less said about drag queens and shows the better.  Why any sad individual would find this 5-second, one-punchline routine capable of constituting an evening’s entertainment is a complete mystery.

The entire crew downs tools.  Panic ensues.  Previews show CH scolding the cast the way summer camp counselors tut-tut after their campers misbehave.

As first episodes go it was an absolute dud thanks mostly to the timidity and elliptical approaches of the Sensitive New Age Guys and the decidedly average contingent of females.  Many of us can recall the long string of confident, curvaceous, photogenic party-hearty lasses from the Bachelor Pad days who put these pouty insecure also-rans in the shade.

In my view it’s a huge mistake to sacrifice a bit of Carnal Knowledge for yet more Commitment and effectively convert BIP into just another simultaneous combined season of The Bachelor & The Bachelorette but obviously the producers’ belief – possibly based on lonely-hearts audience demographics & research – is that Harlequin romance dates are more interesting than dirty drunken dalliances under the duvet.  There are also ‘residuals’ in the form of engagements, weddings, etc. that the producers love to exploit.  Evan, you poor bastard.

It’s just as well because their lasting-relationship track record with the flagship B programs has been abysmal for quite some time no matter how many PR reps they have planting stories in supermarket glossies.

Edited by Rainsong
  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Suzysite said:

Daniel?  Yep, he'd be good for some running commentary.

All these people are so ordinary . And/or walking cliches. We NEED  Daniel. He so entertaining. And I still want him as the Bachelor. I'm sure there are other sides of him we haven't seen and I'm intrigued. 

2 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

Did anyone notice that Amanda said she tried to join an online dating site just for "celebrities", but she was turned down? LOL  I'm glad to see that even a website so shallow as to focus on dating celebrities has some type of minimum standards!

But she also said she's on the WAITING LIST!!! hahahahahaha  she is so pathetic

Edited by Losemynumber
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

i can't handle a second more of Taylor. That talking head scene where she's upset that she likes whatshisface because she came here to be alone?! Just shut up. If they stay coupled up for the whole show and never leave my screen...! Ugh!


Taylor is so screamingly awkward. What was she even talking about most of the time? She's afraid because what's his name likes her and she might like him...what show did she think this was? Interesting that she acknowledged how unpopular she was on and after her season.


I don't understand people like Taylor who think they know everything, but don't know the basic rules of etiquette, such as don't correct other people unless you're their mother or teacher.

That end tag was painful to watch. Aside from the rudeness of repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly correcting someone's pronunciation in a casual conversation, has she never heard of accents? Alexis has a thick NJ accent that was causing the difference in how they pronounced the word. 


LOL to Robby referring to himself as an "influencer" and bragging about how well things went with Raven while she was telling the girls that she's not that into him. I hope she doesn't pull a Carly and sticks to her first instinct.

Also, he actually came out and said that something he'd just said "was beautifully stated" or something. I can't stand this cheeseball, never could. I was so looking forward to him and his ridiculous hair getting bounced in favor of boring Ben and his dog, but it looks like the shutdown put a stop to the rose ceremony. 

I noticed that Raven specifically referenced the Carly/Evan relationship and its rocky start, I hope that wasn't a clue that she and Robby will eventually get together because I don't want to watch a whole season of him. 


I don't know. I didn't notice a big difference from when she was on the Bachelor but I wasn't paying close attention. Possibly? I do know Danielle has had one. You could tell and she admitted it by saying in one of her TM that she couldn't get used to them.

Danielle might have gotten the smallest boob job I've ever seen, it looks like she paid all that money for an A cup and yet she still has that stretched skin boob job look. 


Also random , but I noticed none of them wear sunglasses . I guess that's a rule so u can see who's who and they can catch eye rolls . 

Ben Z was wearing sunglasses. The only reason I noticed is because they looked like the 3D glasses from the movie theater, lol. 


In what world is Corinne the cream of the crop?

I just want to know why someone so rich looks so consistently sloppy. And I mean BEFORE she started drinking, she looked a mess walking in the door. Her hair doesn't look stylishly different colored, it always looks like an inch of black roots on top of unbrushed blonde hair and that outfit looked like a 5-year-old's. 


Kristina and Dean's date got weird when the Mariachis interrupted a serious conversation and the confetti was too much.

Kristina could not have been less into that band and the dancing or else she just couldn't figure out exactly how to dance to that style of music, the awkward swaying had me rolling.

I feel like there's an inordinate amount of screen time for Raven, either she's one who gets engaged at the end or they're screen testing her for the Bachelorette in case there are no standouts from the upcoming Bachelor season.  

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

And, Ben, shut up about your dog. It's obvious he's trying to play up to dog lover chicks who would find that endearing, but for anyone else not obsessed with dogs, it just makes you seem like you have nothing else of interest in your life. Boring.

I am obsessed with dogs and found it obnoxious and seemed like he was trying too hard. Totally put me off.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, TiredMe said:

Was Ben that dog obsessed and boring on Kaitlin's season?

I just GOTTA think this is a put-on . . . seemed they were winkingly making fun of people who always talk about their kids and how "heartbroken" they are to have left them behind (like they had no other choice in life). Especially when he said something like "I gave up a lot to do this . . . I left my dog behind." Just seemed like a 'thing' to me.

13 hours ago, chocolatine said:

LOL to Robby referring to himself as an "influencer" and bragging about how well things went with Raven while she was telling the girls that she's not that into him. I hope she doesn't pull a Carly and sticks to her first instinct.

Seemed very Grease . . ."Tell me more, tell me more" LOL

  • Love 7

I noticed some sort of scar on her spine too so maybe it's because of that but Taylor has an absurdly long torso.  She is very socially awkward.  I say "entrepreneur" the way Alexis does.  Is that a Jersey thing?

Amanda looks very rough this season.  I thought she was really pretty last season so I don't know what happened.

I love Dean and Kristina, although I liked her hair darker.  I know it's mean to say because Raven seems very nice personality wise but I find her whole look (hair/makeup/clothes) totally classless and very cheap.  I didn't even notice if Danielle had a boob job, I think she's gorgeous.

Corinne's outfit, what was that??  And that awful hair.  She and DeMario seemed perfectly fine after whatever their encounter was, so I am hoping all the hoopla was just producer driven and not as horrible as some reports had claimed. 

I was happy to see Matt, I find him interesting and we didn't get to see enough of him on Rachel's season.  I thought Ben Z's dog love was cute if a bit boring, kind of how I would describe Ben himself.  I think he misses his dog more than Amanda misses her kids.

What season was the Santa Clause guy on?  They didn't even say and I don't remember him at all.  I am happy Vinny was back, I really liked him last season.

Ugh, I do not like Evan AT ALL so not looking forward to seeing his and Carly's wedding.  All the pictures I saw everyone was sweaty and unkempt.  I'm glad they are making it work though.  Carly is already preggers so good on them I guess.  Bachelor is Paradise seems to be having more love success stories than the actual Bachelor(ette) shows!

Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

What season was the Santa Clause guy on?  They didn't even say and I don't remember him at all.  I am happy Vinny was back, I really liked him last season.

He was on JoJo's season. I only remember him because he showed up as Santa Claus (St. Nick - get it, do you get it?? shoot me, show) and greeted her with a jolly "Jo Jo Jo!", and JoJo graciously pretended to find it funny.

  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, vendredi3 said:

He was on JoJo's season. I only remember him because he showed up as Santa Claus (St. Nick - get it, do you get it?? shoot me, show) and greeted her with a jolly "Jo Jo Jo!", and JoJo graciously pretended to find it funny.


Nick's other claim to fame is that he went to college with Wells but they never talked about that on JoJo's season and I'm not sure how friendly they are now.   I thought he was cute but like Jasmine, I would have been annoyed when he got hammered that first night. Glad for her that she moved on to Matt.

So quite a few things made me laugh in awesome ways that probably weren't supposed to be that funny, one was the intro where Chris dramatically did his quarter interval turns as the camera moved. For some reason I couldn't stop laughing, and then when Nick showed up in the Santa hat and that one guy was like "don't show up with just the hat ! You gotta commit to it or you look stupid".

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Rainsong said:

Amanda.  Ugh.  Over the last 10 years OJ Simpson has seen more of his children than Amanda has of hers.

Hah! Agreed. Even with her lonnnng time on these shows she always talks about 'finding love' like she's the important one and her kids are somewhere down her 'importance' list, in the teens maybe. I feel sorry for them having to had pretend like Josh was their new daddy for as long as they did. I hope those kids are in therapy.

  • Love 7

I don't know how to make this sound less crass, but it looked like Jasmine was giving a handy to Matt in the pool. Did anyone else see that? 

It seems like TPTB want to make it clear that Corinne wasn't the only one getting it on the first day.

I was irritated by the switching back and forth between night and day. Crap editing on this first episode. 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Robby is so creepy looking and that hair has to be a toupee 

Robby doesn't do a thing for me. He does think quite highly of himself, and the vanity? It's off the charts! I liked Raven talking about him fixing his hair the entire time they were on their date. I wouldn't be interested in any guy that uses more hair products than I use - especially the shellac stuff that keeps his in place, for the most part, but the paradise humidity got the best of it. Because they focused on him so much once he made his entrance, I could only look at his hair because it was so weird, stiff and not attractive and ended up deciding his poof is a big ol' comb-over to cover his receding hairline that's running to the back of his neck. That little section that broke away from the poof and hung over his face was llllloooonnnnnggggggg! Hence my thought of it being an awful comb-over.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, thejuicer said:

Looks like Raven is this year's It Girl, the one all the guys wanna date. To me she's nothing special, like others have said sleazy/greasy describes her perfectly. She's like a third rate Jade who to me is nothing special either. OK seeing my bitchy self out now...

I'm right there with ya. I never understood how she got so far on Nick's season.

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, Jaded said:

I was about to turn the show off because it felt like they weren't going to get to the C/D stuff until the second episode tonight. Just as I went for the remote they started with the couple minute tease to get us to tune in again.

Yeah, they showed next to nothing of substance last night so I wonder what the over/under is for time spent on it tonight? I'm guessing in the 30-45 minute range? It's the "hot story" so I doubt they'll just gloss it over and move on.

Every time someone new shows up Dean says "who is that?"  The guy did no homework. Also, noticed that Corinne did not get a corny filmed intro ... they must have done them during filming and she must have been gone by then. 

ETA: I take that back. He seemed to know all about Kristina. 

Edited by TheFinalRose
  • Love 3

I just want to know why someone so rich looks so consistently sloppy.

YES! If she has so much money why does she not spend it at a fantastic hair salon? Her hair always looks horrible. Also, she lives in Miami, has a Spanish-speaking nanny and the only Spanish word she knows is "map" from watching Dora the Explorer? This girl. I hate how the show is so "Ohhhh this horrible thing happened and it's so horrible that we have to give it a two-episode arc PLUS an exclusive post-interview" a la everything Chad. 

I swear Iggy was telling others that Lacey's grandMA died, not grandPA. And could he have cared less about her? It was all about him staying, it was as sick as his armpit stains.

I do not care about Jasmine at all.

Raven's comments on Robby's 12 pack and "stop working out" and that he was prettier than her were great.

  • Love 8

I was doing fine until Corinne showed up.

I didn't even recognize most of these people so I had to go to the ABC website to look them over. 

Much has been said about Robby's hair but I think it's Dean's hair that gets on my nerves the most.  I know they both have that hipster hair, but they both need to grow it out on the sides, especially Dean.  His hairstyle is alt-rightish to me.

I hope Raven doesn't continue to be the main female in the spotlight. 

  • Love 4

Have Raven and Alexis gotten recent implants?  Alexis's look hard enough to bounce quarters off of.

3 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Taylor is so screamingly awkward. What was she even talking about most of the time? She's afraid because what's his name likes her and she might like him...what show did she think this was? Interesting that she acknowledged how unpopular she was on and after her season.

That end tag was painful to watch. Aside from the rudeness of repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly correcting someone's pronunciation in a casual conversation, has she never heard of accents? Alexis has a thick NJ accent that was causing the difference in how they pronounced the word. 

Also, he actually came out and said that something he'd just said "was beautifully stated" or something. I can't stand this cheeseball, never could. I was so looking forward to him and his ridiculous hair getting bounced in favor of boring Ben and his dog, but it looks like the shutdown put a stop to the rose ceremony. 

I noticed that Raven specifically referenced the Carly/Evan relationship and its rocky start, I hope that wasn't a clue that she and Robby will eventually get together because I don't want to watch a whole season of him. 

Danielle might have gotten the smallest boob job I've ever seen, it looks like she paid all that money for an A cup and yet she still has that stretched skin boob job look. 

Ben Z was wearing sunglasses. The only reason I noticed is because they looked like the 3D glasses from the movie theater, lol. 

I just want to know why someone so rich looks so consistently sloppy. And I mean BEFORE she started drinking, she looked a mess walking in the door. Her hair doesn't look stylishly different colored, it always looks like an inch of black roots on top of unbrushed blonde hair and that outfit looked like a 5-year-old's. 

Kristina could not have been less into that band and the dancing or else she just couldn't figure out exactly how to dance to that style of music, the awkward swaying had me rolling.

I feel like there's an inordinate amount of screen time for Raven, either she's one who gets engaged at the end or they're screen testing her for the Bachelorette in case there are no standouts from the upcoming Bachelor season.  

I actually thought Amanda's hair looked the most unkempt.  I think she's been reduced to bleaching it herself.  The front and sides had relatively little roots showing, but the back had a good five inches of dark outgrowth.  If she paid for that, she needs to find a new colorist.

Having said the above, Corinne did look like she just dragged herself out of the gutter.  She was clearly inebriated when she entered "paradise", and I don't think I buy that producers pushed her towards DeMario (?).  She was on him in a flash. 

I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary with Danielle's bosom.  It's kind of refreshing to see non-enhanced breasts.

I don't "get" what everyone sees in Raven's beauty.  In profile, her forehead is distended, while the rest of her face recedes into the back of the head.  She's cute, and this is an extremely shallow comment.  But all bets are off when people sign up for this bottom-dwelling show, IMO.

  • Love 5
40 minutes ago, vendredi3 said:

I'm right there with ya. I never understood how she got so far on Nick's season.

I always thought it was because she was so firmly friend-zoned, and wouldn't be a threat to Vanessa as she watched the season air. It actually seemed like a pretty smart choice for Nick. Raven seems like someone that guys love to hang around with. Fun, easy-going, easy to friend-zone if they want because she doesn't seem like she'd push for more.

  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Corinne did look like she just dragged herself out of the gutter. 

This cracked me up!


29 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I don't "get" what everyone sees in Raven's beauty.  In profile, her forehead is distended, while the rest of her face recedes into the back of the head.  She's cute, and this is an extremely shallow comment.  But all bets are off when people sign up for this bottom-dwelling show, IMO.

I don't either.  Granted, I think she has beautiful, long, black hair (I'm assuming it's all natural, but who knows?) but that's the only thing I find attractive about her.  

I do remember Vinny the barber and I liked him on his season of the Bachelorette.

  • Love 2

I love Vinny.

So Robby decides he has a funny quip or a saying like "It's in my wheelhouse", or "hot minute", but he doesn't just want to say it only once because what if his clever words get left on the cutting room floor, right?  A savvy influencer like himself would not take that chance.  So he says it a few times figuring at least one of those mentions will make it in the show, and then the editors have the last laugh because they put in ALL the times he says it.  LOL

  • Love 8

When they all first got there, I thought Raven had improved greatly, skin cleared up, needed less make-up, but that was before the heat did it's damage and all the make-up melted and all the oiliness came out. I feel sorry for all these fame whores trying to look good while the humidity frizzes their hair and the sweatiness ruins their clothes and make-up. 

6 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

In profile, her forehead is distended, while the rest of her face recedes into the back of the head.

Yes, I think she's very pretty, but I always saw the bad profile. [treading on sacred ground now]  I think Kristina's profile shows a receding chin that doesn't live up to her beautiful eyes.

1 hour ago, Kbilly said:

I swear Iggy was telling others that Lacey's grandMA died, not grandPA. And could he have cared less about her? It was all about him staying, it was as sick as his armpit stains.

I heard that too!! It was like he couldn't really concentrate on what she was saying because the famewhore in his head was saying DANGER!! DANGER!! NO ROSE FOR YOU!!

1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

Have Raven and Alexis gotten recent implants?  Alexis's look hard enough to bounce quarters off of.

Alexis celebrated the anniversary of her boob job with Nick during her time on his season so hers were already known. Raven was always pretty 'chesty' but I wouldn't rule it out. I just boggle at the thought of Danielle having gotten hers done?? From flat as a board to 'beaten out by many teens just developing' I guess?

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 1

Raven is okay pretty to me, but then her voice. I can't. 

And amanda is really pretty but he's the fact that she's left her kids three times to do these and never even really mentions them discredits any of her beauty. 

Here's the thing I love BIP more than their original shows. I used to love BP because to me that was the first time where Chris Harrison sometimes broke out of his stupid hosting duties and was really over the contestants. 

  • Love 2

The "entrepreneur" debate was quite a waste of time. As a cunning linguist myself, I know the finish to that word basically rhymes with "tour." So people who pronounce tour like "tore" will say it like Taylor did ("-nore"). There are pockets of that pronunciation all over the country. Alexis' "-newer" is probably more widespread in the US. The entire Midwest says it that way, at least.

Raven's boobs looked WAY better pre-job. That is true of most young women who think they need fake boobs, though.

Iggy is very unattractive to me.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

Did anyone notice that Amanda said she tried to join an online dating site just for "celebrities", but she was turned down? LOL  I'm glad to see that even a website so shallow as to focus on dating celebrities has some type of minimum standards!

The site must be Raya of the "Jordan still has a Raya profile" controversy during JoJo's season. Poor Amanda desperately looking for another "celebrity" to date, so she can stay IG relevant. How dare they cockblock her?!

Raven already had fake boobs during Nick's season. I think she said on Twitter that she got them at 21. I think they're too big for her frame.

I find it a bit sad that Danielle got implants, especially since her chest is still barely there. I guess she just didn't want to be completely flat but not chesty either. Or maybe she's planning to go up a size once her skin streches a bit. I don't think you can have very big implants if you basically had nothing before. She's probably the prettiest woman there, just so timid.

Robby is a joke. I don't think he's gay though, just someone who's mostly turned on by himself. I bet he wants to have sex near mirrors, and if not, keeps picturing himself while at it. Any smart woman will stay away from that.

I hope Derek's adoration will make Taylor more tolerable. Perhaps she'll focus less on people's pronunciation and emotional intelligence once she gets some.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, JenE4 said:

it was cute to see how enamoured all of the guys were to see each other. Even funnier when Raven, I think it was, was saying how the guys are all complimenting each other and the girls were just sitting there like, um...

For the ones from Rachel's season, it hadn't been long since they'd been in the mansion together so I think the bromance was still fresh.

6 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

Amanda looks very rough this season.  I thought she was really pretty last season so I don't know what happened.

Josh Murray happened!

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Am I the only one who heard CH welcomed Corinne "back" to BIP? So much of this was filmed out-of-order, including the CH barefoot beach monologue. I've watched every season of TB and B-ette, yet some of these people were new to me. I'll bet TPTB had HOURS of BenZ talking about everything, then pulled out five lines of dialogue about his dog to make him look the fool (to non-dog lovers), get people talking on SM/this site and get some video coverage on Kimmel. Well, TPTB, it worked. Meanwhile, I'm not invested in any of these players, don't find any of them more or less attractive/appealing than anyone else, so I'm going to be a non-partial wrong-reasons viewer. Although Jasmine did remind me that on Nick's season I thought her stunningly beautiful ... until she spoke. She hasn't changed, except her bad personality ruins her physical attractiveness IMO. I do sorta like Cristina, but we'll see how long that lasts.

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4 hours ago, Kbilly said:

YES! If she has so much money why does she not spend it at a fantastic hair salon? Her hair always looks horrible. Also, she lives in Miami, has a Spanish-speaking nanny and the only Spanish word she knows is "map" from watching Dora the Explorer? This girl. I hate how the show is so "Ohhhh this horrible thing happened and it's so horrible that we have to give it a two-episode arc PLUS an exclusive post-interview" a la everything Chad. 

I swear Iggy was telling others that Lacey's grandMA died, not grandPA. And could he have cared less about her? It was all about him staying, it was as sick as his armpit stains.

I do not care about Jasmine at all.

Raven's comments on Robby's 12 pack and "stop working out" and that he was prettier than her were great.

I had to rewind this scene because I couldn't believe that just after Lacey tells him her grandfather died, he tells the others that her grandmother died. I sounds like she thinks she will be back, and if so I hope she finds out how much he cared about her and her loss. If a guy is that insensitive/tuned out when he is trying to impress you, it is downhill from there. But I agree that he only cared about getting her rose. 

I don't know many of the people on this season, but rolled my eyes at Amanda being back. Third time is the charm? Seems like she has scared most of the guys off by this point. Her poor kids - guess being in the spotlight is way more important to her than they are. Mind you that was obvious from her first shot at the Bachelor. 

Love the idea someone had upthread that Daniel should  bartend with Wells. That would be a hoot - he gives the best advice. Lol. 

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