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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

9 or 10 days old maybe. I bet they went, if quiverfull folk stayed home every time they had a newborn they'd practically miss every event happening.

Pshaw that’s nothing.  Friend of mine gave birth Tuesday, went home Friday, and had that kid dressed to the nines for church today.  I’m sure Joe, Kendra, and Garrett made an appearance.

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, BitterApple said:

That's the vibe I'm getting as well. And for as blonde and pretty and freakishly youthful as Christina Caldwell is, her firm, calm demeanor was giving me whiffs of "don't fuck with my kid." She was 100% focused on Kendra and not mugging for the cameras or using them as an opportunity to wax poetic on her own labor experiences (looking at you, J'Chelle). I'm sure she's fully aware of the previous Duggar birth debacles and was advising her daughter before the pee stick dried.

Bitter Apple, your comments are always the best.  From the way you compose your posts, you are obviously a very intelligent person.

I still remember the hilarious thing you wrote about somebody's wedding reception food as "pickles and powdered lemonade".   Keep the great comments coming!

  • Love 16
7 hours ago, graefin said:

He was born June 8, so he'd be three weeks one day, since they got married yesterday. 

Kendra probably has a wrap or sling, so a three week old baby would be easy to take places, especially a wedding. You just need a quiet place to nurse.  Otherwise, the baby sleeps the whole time in the wrap.  Plus, when they’re wrapped like that, it’s harder for people to touch (or lick) the baby. 

  • Love 13
8 hours ago, The Ascension said:

Oh man. That was hard to watch and yet beautiful. I can't imagine how hard it must be for a mom to watch her daughter go through that. You know exactly what she's going through and that at some point it's over but it's still got to be so hard.  Women are badasses. 

My daughter has had 4 children (including one in a car...).  This kid gives birth like a BEAST.  No fuss, no bother, done.  Just like that.  I was there, I held her hand, I encouraged her...  But lemme tell you, Ms. Caldwell’s steadfast demeanor makes me ashamed of the way I had to slink away to cry when my daughter was laboring - especially the first one.  Kendra’s mom has a very soothing and calming effect.  It was (for me) TORTURE to see my daughter go through delivery.  I’d (obviously!) BTDT, but it was just hard to watch MY baby go thru that labor process.  However, I’ve also been fortunate enough to be in the room with my DIL giving birth, and I was (I’m told) a very good cheerleader.  The difference in my daughter or the DIL:  the daughter - are you ok, let me wipe your face, waaaa, she’s beautiful, I love you, you are amazing, you did great, are you ok.......the DIL -   PUUUUUSH!!!  MOVE!  No, I mean YOU, Doc, I can’t see!  Oh! Oh! Oh!  Gimme that baby!!!

Dang.  Now that I think about it, I may have as much experience in a delivery room as Jill.  

And yup.  Women are badass.  

  • Love 20
13 hours ago, irisheyes said:

Kendra probably has a wrap or sling, so a three week old baby would be easy to take places, especially a wedding. You just need a quiet place to nurse.  Otherwise, the baby sleeps the whole time in the wrap.  Plus, when they’re wrapped like that, it’s harder for people to touch (or lick) the baby. 

Thank you for that info. I don't have kids, but the thought of a thousand strangers breathing their germs over my newborn and assorted Fundie children reaching out their sticky paws to touch him gives me hives. I'm glad there's a way to avoid that.

  • Love 7
On 6/30/2018 at 12:32 PM, Pingaponga said:

This would be the first Duggar grandbaby born (a) intentionally in a hospital and (b) without a horde of Duggar women around.  Even Anna had Michelle and a bunch of the sisters there when she had her first several kids, if not all of them.  I'm guessing there was less enthusiasm from the Duggar clan when Garrett was born because they were shut out of the proceedings as they happened. 

And clearly, Joe and/or Kendra decided they were going to handle the birth their own way and not the Duggar-sibling-way.  More power to Joe and Kendra. But I'm guessing Joe's sisters' noses were out of joint because what was good enough for them obviously wasn't good enough for Kendra.  Even though Kendra's way was infinitely more sensible and safe.

I'm kind of loving Kendra's mother.  I have a tendency to stop breathing when I'm in pain too, and her advice regarding Kendra's breathing was spot-on.  You know Michelle would have been there with her camera to take a photo/video of Kendra fainting rather than calmly helping her through her contractions. 

I was impressed.  Joe seems like a good partner and her mother was so calm and seemingly helpful.  In a Nike sort of way I was eyeballing Joe's arms.  He has nice ones.   I was stunned how much her sister looked like Joy when they got called to the hospital.  

  • Love 7
On 6/30/2018 at 4:30 PM, Mojitogirl said:

ETA: If she has a tendency to stop breathing and pass out when I’m pain, why didn’t she just get an epidural?

The one thing I was most terrified of before having my kid was having an epidural.  The idea of a needle being stuck in my spine?  Omg, I'm trying not to have an anxiety attack as I write about it.  I was completely freaked out at the idea of having an IV as well.  The idea of pushing a baby out of me didn't freak me out nearly as much.  I was fortunate in that by the time I was seen in maternity triage, I had gone through transition and was ready to push, so I never had an IV or drugs of any kind.  (Apparently I'm good at birthing babies. At least, the one I had.) 

Like Kendra, I have a tendency to faint when I'm experiencing pain because I hold my breath.  Knowing that, I learned through my prenatal courses to focus on my breathing during contractions.  But I was so terrified of an epidural that I was worried I'd faint if I had one.  Breathing through pain is one thing.  Breathing through something that freaks you out is a whole other kettle of fish.  From the videos, it doesn't look as though Kendra had an IV through most of, if not all of, her labour. So maybe she's a lot like me? 

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Thank you for that info. I don't have kids, but the thought of a thousand strangers breathing their germs over my newborn and assorted Fundie children reaching out their sticky paws to touch him gives me hives. I'm glad there's a way to avoid that.

I thought this when the Duggar clan barged in to hang that sign and leave the cookies. Maybe it's because I'm an only child and used to boundaries, but I would absolutely hate it if a bunch of my in-laws came to my home when I wasn't there. It didn't even look like they were gracious enough to leave a casserole in the freezer (oh, I forgot, it's the Duggars. That they didn't leave a Stouffer's frozen lasagna, more like).

As a side note, aren't these people tired of their lives? Someone has a baby, they make a sign. Rinse and repeat. I kept wondering why Jill's martyred ass didn't chime in with her own birth stories, then remembered she and her bigoted husband were kicked off the show and felt better.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 17
8 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I thought this when the Duggar clan barged in to hang that sign and leave the cookies. Maybe it's because I'm an only child and used to boundaries, but I would absolutely hate it if a bunch of my in-laws came to my home when I wasn't there.

It's the only snark I have for the whole video.  I don't think I'd mind that they dropped in if it weren't intrusive and I think Jessa was really trying to do that.  But the one thing we did see was, yet again, Josie's immaturity.  Jessa had to specifically say not to touch or move anything and it was sort of impressive she specified don't even move a cup on the counter.  But she singled Josie out to remind her and even then as they left the house you could clearly see Josie playing with the couch cushions switching them around and throwing them back randomly.

For the rest I'd say...that's how it's done and Jinger and the other and future wives take note, don't feel the need to have a home birth or "try" for one and fail forcing an emergency ride. Leave a reasonable amount of time to get to the hospital. Don't turn the birth into a family viewing event with 20 witnesses just a few good supporters. And of those supporters have people who can actually help, keep calm and keep you calm.  And most important one of those supporters, the main one, should be your husband.  Kendra got all of that and I suspect a large amount of credit for it goes to her Mom.  Except for some last minute packing they seemed to be fully prepared.  I'll give credit to Joe too, he stuck with her, counted with her and actually cared from start to finish.

There's my little complaint/snark and my little compliment, one thing left..........the curiosity.  If there's any negativity it will never be on the show or published in the official story but - MeChelle was not there at all.  By the timeline those pre-contractions were around 6/7/8pm, plenty early in the night for her to have popped down to Joe's house to see what was going on but no sign of her, not at 2am when they left, not at the hospital, not even at the house when Jessa was doing the banner and baking and handling all the updates.  If she and JB were away why no mention of it?  And if she was home that's even more interesting, was she told to stay away, is there bad blood, was she just being nice and letting Kendra's Mom have the moment?  It's interesting because Michelle has shown time and again she has no boundaries when it comes to things like this so with her absence now inquiring minds want to know!

  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

There's my little complaint/snark and my little compliment, one thing left..........the curiosity.  If there's any negativity it will never be on the show or published in the official story but - MeChelle was not there at all.  By the timeline those pre-contractions were around 6/7/8pm, plenty early in the night for her to have popped down to Joe's house to see what was going on but no sign of her, not at 2am when they left, not at the hospital, not even at the house when Jessa was doing the banner and baking and handling all the updates.  If she and JB were away why no mention of it?  And if she was home that's even more interesting, was she told to stay away, is there bad blood, was she just being nice and letting Kendra's Mom have the moment?  It's interesting because Michelle has shown time and again she has no boundaries when it comes to things like this so with her absence now inquiring minds want to know!

There's no doubt in my mind that Michelle was there at the hospital when Kendra was in labor for two hours before the baby came.  She would have made a mad dash there as soon as the call came in that Kendra and Joe were on their way.  This is why she wasn't in the Duggar living room with the kids when the call came in that the baby had been born. 

So this is what happened: When Michelle got to the hospital, they locked her out of Kendra's room.

  • Love 10

Was the birth professionally filmed by TLC? I know there have been issued about this in the past, with some hospitals and doctors refusing to let them film. Maybe the compromise with the doctor was to limit the number of spectators in the delivery room in exchange for allowing the birth to be filmed. Or, maybe Joe & Kendra have decided to establish reasonable boundaries, right there in JB's backyard. That would explain the lack of Duggar enthusiasm over Baby Garrett. 

  • Love 4

Did Kendra's obstetrician appear onscreen? I'd have to watch the clips again, but I thought that Kendra was only shown from the chest up and that her doctor and nurse(s) weren't shown, only heard. 

3 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

After watching Joy throw some major shade at Nostrils in the birth video, I almost felt bad for her.  Having a new baby is hard as everyone has to learn, even though she’s been around babies her whole life.  But she’s never had to do it by herself.  Growing up there were always sister moms to pitch in, but now they all have their own families. Being younger than Jill, Jessa and Jinger meant she was more available to help them than they are to help her.  I’m the youngest and stuck in that crappy position now.  It kind of stinks.  Kendra has her sister, mom and the novelty of the first grandchild to get her through.  Perhaps Nostrils can’t be bothered with women's work like changing diapers or giving baths.

I say almost felt bad because then I think of their repugnant, narrow-minded, bigoted beliefs and then I don’t feel so bad.  

I have a feeling Joy set herself up for a very rough life by choosing to marry Nostrils. Here's hoping that by needing caesareans, at least she will end up with a manageable number of kids. 

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

After watching Joy throw some major shade at Nostrils in the birth video, I almost felt bad for her.  Having a new baby is hard as everyone has to learn, even though she’s been around babies her whole life.  

I feel bad for Joy. I remember reading that her house is about 45 minutes away from the TTH, so it's not a quick hop to swing by and visit or drop the baby off for a few hours so she can catch up on chores and rest. The Forsyths run that Concentration Family Camp, so Austin's family may not be available to help much either. That would be tough for any new mom, let alone one that's so young.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

After watching Joy throw some major shade at Nostrils in the birth video, I almost felt bad for her. . . .  Perhaps Nostrils can’t be bothered with women's work like changing diapers or giving baths.

I say almost felt bad because then I think of their repugnant, narrow-minded, bigoted beliefs and then I don’t feel so bad.  

IMO, there's no "perhaps" about it. He strikes me as a no-nonsense, by-the-book Gothard-flavored fundie to the core. He'll be fine as long as Joy toes the line. He added another set of hands to the family workforce when he married her. As long as she gets that, everything will be fine. She needs to pump out some girl babies as fast as she can so that ten years from now she'll have some help around the house.

  • Love 15

I forgot how far away she was.  My sympathy meter went up a little.  Seeing Kendra’s awesome support system probably doesn’t help either,  but maybe Joe will be a good influence on Nostrils since they’re all close in age.  Joe seems like he wouldn’t but in unnecessarily, but might mention something to Nostrils about offering support in passing.  

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Did Kendra's obstetrician appear onscreen? I'd have to watch the clips again, but I thought that Kendra was only shown from the chest up and that her doctor and nurse(s) weren't shown, only heard. 

I have a feeling Joy set herself up for a very rough life by choosing to marry Nostrils. Here's hoping that by needing caesareans, at least she will end up with a manageable number of kids. 

Austin didn't smile or even look at the camera or at Joy in that video clip.  He looked like he was ready to punch someone.



Counting On 2.png

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, Heathen said:

I doubt Nostrils would listen to any advice, however well-founded. He seems like a humorless, compassionless, domineering bully. I bet he tells Joy what to order in restaurants. 

I have an uncle who's just like him, although not a GotHardite. 

I get the same vibe.  I think one of the best qualities in a couple is the ability to make each other laugh.  I don't see that in JoyNos at all.  He scares me, actually.  

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

After watching Joy throw some major shade at Nostrils in the birth video, I almost felt bad for her.  Having a new baby is hard as everyone has to learn, even though she’s been around babies her whole life.  But she’s never had to do it by herself.  Growing up there were always sister moms to pitch in, but now they all have their own families. Being younger than Jill, Jessa and Jinger meant she was more available to help them than they are to help her.  I’m the youngest and stuck in that crappy position now.  It kind of stinks.  Kendra has her sister, mom and the novelty of the first grandchild to get her through.  Perhaps Nostrils can’t be bothered with women's work like changing diapers or giving baths.

I say almost felt bad because then I think of their repugnant, narrow-minded, bigoted beliefs and then I don’t feel so bad.  

Kendra has her mom and sister for now. Her mom is pregnant and will give birth sooner than later to her own baby. Her sister will helping with the children, and may leave to pursue her own life or get married and start having her own children. By the time Garrett is two, she'll have a toddler and a baby/pregnancy and not as much help.

7 hours ago, Temperance said:

Kendra has her mom and sister for now. Her mom is pregnant and will give birth sooner than later to her own baby. Her sister will helping with the children, and may leave to pursue her own life or get married and start having her own children. By the time Garrett is two, she'll have a toddler and a baby/pregnancy and not as much help.

This is all very true, and Joy might know that intellectually but still feel emotionally over looked after having her first child. I cannot imagine being in the middle of that brood of Duggars is easy. The older kids had positions of authority as well as actual parenting from Jb& Michelle, the youngest only know TLC life and have few responsibilities- Joy is SMACK DAB in the middle. Joe through James will have an interesting perspective on the family relationships. 

  • Love 7
On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 8:12 AM, Mollie said:

There's no doubt in my mind that Michelle was there at the hospital when Kendra was in labor for two hours before the baby came.  She would have made a mad dash there as soon as the call came in that Kendra and Joe were on their way.  This is why she wasn't in the Duggar living room with the kids when the call came in that the baby had been born. 

So this is what happened: When Michelle got to the hospital, they locked her out of Kendra's room.

Most hospitals have a policy about how many people are allowed in the delivery room. So once Joe & Mrs Caldwell were there, nope, no more. Michelle would absolutely be in the way, even if she was the only person with Kendra.

  • Love 6

Labor nurses are also really skilled at keeping unwanted people out. With my first, my MIL and my husband’s aunt seemed to think they’d be able to wander in and out of my room.  During the childbirth classes at the hospital, the instructor gave us a form where we could list who we wanted in the room.  Since I’m not a ...friendly person when I’m in pain, I just put my husband.  (Plus, my relationship with both of them wasn’t the best). As soon as they found out they’d be cooling their heels in the waiting room until we decided we wanted visitors, they made the reasonable choice to stay at home and wait for a phone call. ?

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, irisheyes said:

Labor nurses are also really skilled at keeping unwanted people out. With my first, my MIL and my husband’s aunt seemed to think they’d be able to wander in and out of my room.  During the childbirth classes at the hospital, the instructor gave us a form where we could list who we wanted in the room.  Since I’m not a ...friendly person when I’m in pain, I just put my husband.  (Plus, my relationship with both of them wasn’t the best). As soon as they found out they’d be cooling their heels in the waiting room until we decided we wanted visitors, they made the reasonable choice to stay at home and wait for a phone call. ?

My L&D nurses put up the mother-in-law net to keep mine out.  Still grateful eighteen years later!

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Normades said:

Even if Kendra's mom and sister can't provide physical support, they provide emotional support. I believe Kendra could pick up the phone and have a good cry with one of them if she felt the need. I know there were times I needed that kind of support after giving birth with all of my hormones out of whack. I don't believe Joy has that kind of support at all. None of the Duggar kids have had emotional support and basic human understanding. It's so sad. I think Joe has found it with Kendra which is why he seems so happy. Poor Joy is more isolated than ever. I really worry for her and little Giddy up.

I'm not sure she can though. Just because her mother is sympathetic in labor (which is physically painful) doesn't mean that they would be sympathetic if nothing was really going on. I mean some people are really empathetic when there's a reason to be upset and not empathetic when nothing is wrong. I tend to think her family is more like the Duggars, since they married their teenage daughter to a Duggar.  

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Temperance said:

I'm not sure she can though. Just because her mother is sympathetic in labor (which is physically painful) doesn't mean that they would be sympathetic if nothing was really going on. I mean some people are really empathetic when there's a reason to be upset and not empathetic when nothing is wrong. I tend to think her family is more like the Duggars, since they married their teenage daughter to a Duggar.  

I do think Kendra’s family is a lot like the Duggars, but Kendra is the eldest and a girl- as the eldest girl in a large (but not super large) family like the Caldwells, I can see her being emotionally close to her mother, as she was her mother’s “helper” growing up. And while her Mom had a lot of kids she didn’t have so many that she could barely say “hi” to them all. Kendra and the next sister in line are probably close in a normal sibling way.

Compare that to Joy....who was probably closest to Jill of all her sisters but Jill has a husband who’s gone off the deep end. Family structure and social rules being what they are I can see Kendra having a more emotionally fulfilling relationship with her family post marriage than I see Joy having. Especially since Josiah was her partner in crime and he’s now married as well as being male- gender roles and all. 

Edited by Scarlett45
  • Love 11
On 7/1/2018 at 5:44 AM, floridamom said:

When I realized that I was beginning labor, my husband called the doctor for me at 1:00 in the morning. He gave us the instructions of what to look out for; then the doc said once that was apparent go to the hospital. The staff checked me out and informed the doc. We walked the hospital hallways for an hour then I was admitted. Why would Kendra be so far in labor and NOT have informed her physician that her labor had started and listened to his/her instructions? These people contact medical personnel waaayyyy too far in to things. Not good calls IMO.

IDk, I just had a baby and was told not to call my midwife ( who works out of the hospital) until water broke or my contractions where 4-1-1 which is active labor. In all my childbirth classes they encouraged laboring at home as long as possible if you are trying to avoid pain meds. I was only in the hospital for 3 hours before my baby was born.

My water broke before my contractions ogt that close and she still told me to wait until they where closer together

And props to Kendra for being in that wedding so soon after baby. I would have been miserable, especially with nursing. Ugh. I hope she genuinely wanted to do it and didn't feel obligated.

  • Love 5

I guess TLC had some time to fill last night. My DVR picked up the Kendra birth webisode at 10:30. Nothing new was added; they spent the extra time on commercials and previewing the upcoming season. We'll learn that Kendra is pregnant. They also filmed the Colorado ski trip, which is about the only footage I saw that was filmed this calendar year, aside from Josiah's hay bale proposal. 

Edited by Sew Sumi

 Sorry to be late to the party but I just happened to catch the birth episode last night while scanning for something to watch. Odd for Counting on to be on a friday night,.

Anyway, I would say this is the most pleasant birth episode, I've seen from this crew. Even Joe seemed to be a great help in keeping her breathing and driving in pitch blackness to the hospital. I think he is a natural calm person.

The only oddie for me was Mrs. Caldwell holding a manual and never leaving her chair - but then I guess who would remember all of the multitude of breathing exercises.

I appreciated her calmness and being in control of the situation. Even the younger sister seemed very patient and helpful.

If it was me (as the younger sis) - I would be keeping my legs closed for a long, long, long time.. witnessing a natural birth can be a little traumatic..

  • Love 5

I just noticed today that this episode was recorded on my DVR.  Glad they had planned a hospital birth and that her mother and sister were there to help. Even though I still think they are too young, they seem to be a good couple and sincerely love each other. Joe seems like a very nice and kind guy.

Not sure when the full series starts again but looks like it will be all about babies and Si and Lauren's engagement. Wonder if it will be another where they show the big events then go back in time the the rest of the season and rerun the big even again for the finale.  

  • Love 4
On 6/30/2018 at 6:44 PM, SMama said:

I didn’t mention Jill having a male doctor because she didn’t have a choice. I could be wrong but obviously Kendra planned a hospital birth. But what do I know. 

That may or may not have been her doctor. When I had my eldest, the hospital had doctor teams and you got whoever was on call. I saw the same OB for my entire pregnancy, but I was delivered by her team doctor because she was off. With my younger, I had the same person the entire time from start to delivery. It really depends on how the hospital is set up. 

On 6/30/2018 at 6:37 PM, Mollie said:

Jill had a male doctor for the birth of Israel.  Remember, she just showed up at the hospital emergency room after her failed homebirth and in that scenario you are given the doctor who is there at the time.  I don't think she was seeing any personal doctor for prenatal care.  If she had been, she would have been informed that the baby was not in a correct position for a homebirth.


Counting On.jpg

That is the nastiest of nastiest I have ever seen....no shoes, in a hospital? I hope they bleached themselves afterwards. 

  • Love 3
On 7/1/2018 at 4:23 PM, The Ascension said:

Oh man. That was hard to watch and yet beautiful. I felt guilty watching her writhing around in so much pain, haha, like I was the one doing it to her! Haha. Christina, Lauren and Joe made an excellent support team. I can't imagine how hard it must be for a mom to watch her daughter go through that. You know exactly what she's going through and that at some point it's over but it's still got to be so hard.

Also I've seen countless births on TV and I still don't understand pushing. Ten seconds is a long freaking time to hold your breath and push when you're in that much pain! Also labor just looks like the woman is trapped in her body and there's no way out (well, there is. have the baby). Women are badasses. 

Not pushing, when your body is naturally pushing, is more painful than the act of pushing. And really, pushing is extra---your body is doing it whether you try or not. 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

Not pushing, when your body is naturally pushing, is more painful than the act of pushing. And really, pushing is extra---your body is doing it whether you try or not. 

I didn't actually experience that sensation until I had my third. Maybe because that was my least-medicated birth. I had an epidural with the first and some sort of injected pain-killer with the second (which wore off before it was time to push, but it made me feel so loopy I didn't want any more). With my third, who was born in Scotland, I only had some nitrous oxide. But whatever the reasons, my first took almost two hours of pushing hoping I was doing it right because I had so little sensation below the waist, the second took three hefty pushes which I felt were completely in my control, and with the third, my body just naturally engaged those pushing muscles, and there was nothing I could do but go with it. That took about half an hour of pushing. Though all three were in the same general ballpark, size-wise, my daughter (middle child) has a much smaller head than my boys do. Maybe that's what made it so easy to push her out.

  • Love 2
On 7/10/2018 at 9:30 PM, Loves2Dance said:

Not pushing, when your body is naturally pushing, is more painful than the act of pushing. And really, pushing is extra---your body is doing it whether you try or not. 

sooo true. my body started pushing involuntarily when I was only 8 cm. I had to fight it as my midwife ( a real one- CNM) said my cervix was getting puffy or something and it sucked to fight that sensation and still breath through contractions. When I finally got to ten and could push it actually felt good!!! best part of labor! 

I'm glad Kendra had a hospital birth. You can have the unmedicated crunchy experience that Jill and jessa seem to want in a safe setting. Hopefully the other Duggars will follow suit. I had an unmedicated birth in a hospital with a midwife and it went great until after when I lost tons of blood (like Jessa) and needed pitocin so I was very glad to be there. My hospital even had water birth as an option. ( I labored in the tub but didn't deliver in it. It was awesome) 

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

I'm glad Kendra had a hospital birth. You can have the unmedicated crunchy experience that Jill and jessa seem to want in a safe setting. Hopefully the other Duggars will follow suit. I had an unmedicated birth in a hospital with a midwife and it went great until after when I lost tons of blood (like Jessa) and needed pitocin so I was very glad to be there. My hospital even had water birth as an option. ( I labored in the tub but didn't deliver in it. It was awesome) 

I hope so too, but I wouldn't be surprised if Anna, Jessa and Lauren have their babies at home. I wonder if Kendra would have had a home birth if she hadn't had the previous history of passing out from pain.  I hope these women (and all women) get the safest possible births they can have. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Temperance said:

I hope so too, but I wouldn't be surprised if Anna, Jessa and Lauren have their babies at home. I wonder if Kendra would have had a home birth if she hadn't had the previous history of passing out from pain.  I hope these women (and all women) get the safest possible births they can have. 

I suspect Anna will keep having homebirths until she has complications.  Jessa is a toss up, but she’ll probably lean homebirth.  Lauren will depend on her mother’s views.  She’ll likely give birth in a hospital if that’s what her mom did.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, saylubee said:

I suspect Anna will keep having homebirths until she has complications.  Jessa is a toss up, but she’ll probably lean homebirth.  Lauren will depend on her mother’s views.  She’ll likely give birth in a hospital if that’s what her mom did.

I would like Anna to be done at 5, especially since Smugger seems to have no source of income to support a family of 7, but I think unless Smugger sneaks off and has a snip, she'll be happy to just keep birthing babies.  I think Jessa will probably continue a homebirth unless something happens during the pregnancy.  Of course with her and Ben and the kids in that small mold house, I think she's going to have to start looking at what happens after kid number 3 is out of the baby stage and where they are going to put 3 kids.  I don't see her stacking the kids like cordwood as her parents did.  I'm hoping that Joy, being close in age to Kendra and Lauren, will take a page out of Kendra's book and go with a planned hospital birth and prenatal care after the fiasco that was Giddyup's birth.  Hopefully Austin will never want to see Joy go through that again and pull for prenatal care for his wife. Plus there's the ease, as far as we know, of Jinger's birthing process of Felicity.  Hopefully Lauren and Joy will get a clue.  Unless Jill really had major complications from Sammy's birth and possibly a hysterectomy, I see no hope in her rubbing together 2 brain cells and getting pre-natal care and a planned hospital birth for her next child.  Jill's the one I'm most worried about when it comes to a pregnancy death of either the mom or the baby.  

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