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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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I had that hard or red measles as a 4 year old, in the late 50's, before vaccine was available.  I can still remember lying in a room with a blanket over the window, and being too sick to play with a new doll my mom got me (and I loved dolls.)  Measles has resurged and is killing people, it's all over the news.  

Not much doubt Kendra will follow her mother's example and not vaccinate her own kids.  Why take a chance like that?  These anti-vaxxers are causing harm to vulnerable children and adults, too.  German measles is devastating to pregnant women, especially.  It's just so misguided and selfish, IMO, to not vaccinate.

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23 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I had that hard or red measles as a 4 year old, in the late 50's, before vaccine was available.  I can still remember lying in a room with a blanket over the window, and being too sick to play with a new doll my mom got me (and I loved dolls.)  Measles has resurged and is killing people, it's all over the news.  

Not much doubt Kendra will follow her mother's example and not vaccinate her own kids.  Why take a chance like that?  These anti-vaxxers are causing harm to vulnerable children and adults, too.  German measles is devastating to pregnant women, especially.  It's just so misguided and selfish, IMO, to not vaccinate.

I'm pretty sure you are right about Kendra not vaccinating her kids.  On the Caldwell Instagram, there is a picture of Garrett playing with his sick cousin, who just returned from his hospital visit!  And isn't Kendra's new baby too young to be vaccinated so she should keep her kids  away from sick, unvaccinated kids!

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14 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I had that hard or red measles as a 4 year old, in the late 50's, before vaccine was available.  I can still remember lying in a room with a blanket over the window, and being too sick to play with a new doll my mom got me (and I loved dolls.)  Measles has resurged and is killing people, it's all over the news.  

Not much doubt Kendra will follow her mother's example and not vaccinate her own kids.  Why take a chance like that?  These anti-vaxxers are causing harm to vulnerable children and adults, too.  German measles is devastating to pregnant women, especially.  It's just so misguided and selfish, IMO, to not vaccinate.

I am also old enough to have had those nasty childhood illnesses and I was happy beyond words that vaccinations were available so that my own children didn't have to suffer through them.  I remember the dark room with the measles, but the worst for me was mumps.  I cried many days from the fever and pain, and missed three weeks of school. 

The anti-vax crowd must have had vaccinations themselves?  Not having suffered through childhood diseases is the only reason I can come up with that explains their willingness to leave their children vulnerable.  Maybe you can keep your child cloistered enough that they aren't exposed in childhood, but what happens when they grow up and are around other people as adults?  My understanding is that typical childhood diseases are ten times worse if contracted as an adult.

I don't get it.  I read several dog related forums and there are also people there who refuse to follow standard veterinary guidelines for canine vaccinations, but that's a different discussion for a different time and place.

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I had chicken pox as a kid. Whole daycare probably had it. A kid got her mom sick too. Kid survived chicken pox. Her mom who was under 30 passed away. I don’t think people realize your kid CAN die and unvaccinated parent CAN die. 

Edited by galaxychaser
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IF they read a newspaper or listen or watch the news (yea I know this IS the Duggars and their ilk) they would have heard that kids are dying from the measles. Kids die from chicken pox, and pertussis, and Hepatitis B and every disease for which there is a vaccine.

Measles also has the lovely benefit of lowering your immunity for up to 3 years after infection. So yay measles- sets you up for lots of other infections.


Edited by Chicklet
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I think most of them feel that childhood diseases just make you feel bad for a short time then you have your own built in immunity. Also very few children have a bad reaction so they have no problem " playing the odds". The fact they are possibly gambling with their child's life does not occur to them.

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15 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

IF they read a newspaper or listen or watch the news (yea I know this IS the Duggars and their ilk) they would have heard that kids are dying from the measles. Kids die from chicken pox, and pertussis, and Hepatitis B and every disease for which there is a vaccine.

Measles also has the lovely benefit of lowering your immunity for up to 3 years after infection. So yay measles- sets you up for lots of other infections.


Yeah if they're following the local news any, there was a really bad mumps outbreak at u of a campus back in November. There's also been whooping cough outbreaks in the local communities in recent years. Not sure if this year, but I remember one last year. And I think there's also been measles outbreaks locally.

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I had measles when I was 5, 1964-65. I was really sick and I remember the doctor actually coming to the house.  I think the vaccine came out a year later.

My husband spent his early childhood in Italy, and he got Pertussis.  His grandmother was taking care of him and she took him to the train station because she thought the steam from the trains would help him breathe.  Old wives' tales at their best.  It's a wonder he survived.

I also had chicken pox as a kid, luckily a mild case, but my youngest brother got it in his 20's and he was really sick.  My own kids got it in the early 90's just as the vaccine was being introduced.

I don't get it.  Why would anyone not protect their children from a possibly fatal illness?  It just boggles the mind.  And Kendra allowing Garrett to be around his sick uncle when she has a new baby is sheer lunacy.

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6 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

I had measles when I was 5, 1964-65. I was really sick and I remember the doctor actually coming to the house.  I think the vaccine came out a year later.

My husband spent his early childhood in Italy, and he got Pertussis.  His grandmother was taking care of him and she took him to the train station because she thought the steam from the trains would help him breathe.  Old wives' tales at their best.  It's a wonder he survived.

I also had chicken pox as a kid, luckily a mild case, but my youngest brother got it in his 20's and he was really sick.  My own kids got it in the early 90's just as the vaccine was being introduced.

I don't get it.  Why would anyone not protect their children from a possibly fatal illness?  It just boggles the mind.  And Kendra allowing Garrett to be around his sick uncle when she has a new baby is sheer lunacy.

Because Jesus. Apparently the Duggar’s are way too special for silly vaccines. 

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9 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

Because Jesus. Apparently the Duggar’s are way too special for silly vaccines. 

Except no Duggar has ever made an antivax statement. The Caldwells are the family whose post sparked this discussion. I am adamantly in favor of vaccines because of facts, and the fact is that the only record we have of the Duggars and vaccines is that they DID vaccinate Josie, and likely her siblings as well based on context.

Edited by sleepysuzy
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3 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I think mumps make boys sterile. Or maybe I’m mistaken.

I think only if they get it as teens (after puberty).  My grandmother's sister was married to a man who was sterile because of mumps. They were both widowed at a young age, and when he proposed he told her he could not give her children.  She told me years later that she was thrilled because she was 36 and did not want to start a family at her age.  She was ahead of her time. 😉

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2 minutes ago, sleepysuzy said:

Except no Duggar has ever made an antivax statement. The Caldwells are the family whose post sparked this discussion. I am adamantly in favor of vaccines because of facts, and the fact is that the only record we have of the Duggars and vaccines is that they DID vaccinate Josie, and likely her siblings as well based on context.

True, but I think so many of them getting chickenpox at a time (12, I think, around the time Josie was born) suggests they weren't vaccinated for that at least. 

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2 minutes ago, sleepysuzy said:

Except no Duggar has ever made an antivax statement. The Caldwells are the family whose post sparked this discussion. I am adamantly in favor of vaccines because of facts, and the fact is that the only record we have of the Duggars and vaccines is that they DID vaccinate Josie, and likely her siblings as well based on context.

I agree. I will clarify that I was commenting on Kendra’s parents choosing not to vaccinate their baby. Since Kendra is now a Duggar, I assumed. My apologies. 

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3 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Not much doubt Kendra will follow her mother's example and not vaccinate her own kids.  Why take a chance like that?  These anti-vaxxers are causing harm to vulnerable children and adults, too.  German measles is devastating to pregnant women, especially.  It's just so misguided and selfish, IMO, to not vaccinate.

I think this could go either way. If the Duggars don't believe in vaccines, I'm sure that Kendra won't vaccinate, but if they do, Joe will want his kids vaccinated and he is, after all, the headship. I don't think the Duggars are big on any kind of healthcare, though, and I don't think they're vaccinated because it would have cost JB money, and J'chelle would have had to take the time to take them to the doctor.

I do think that this could end up being a big issue at the TTH.  I could easily see Derick, Jeremy, and Abbie not wanting their kids around unvaccinated kids and refusing to come to the TTH with their infants.

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50 minutes ago, Zella said:

True, but I think so many of them getting chickenpox at a time (12, I think, around the time Josie was born) suggests they weren't vaccinated for that at least. 

There are a lot of people who think the chicken pox vaccine is unnecessary because generations of children have had chicken pox without lasting harm. Those people don't realize what chicken pox can do to an adult. I'm guessing that's why the Duggar kids weren't vaccinated for CP. 

I know of a "doctor" (she's a homeopath, so it's offensive that she calls herself a doctor) who is antivax. There was a massive measles outbreak IN HER CITY last year, but of course she thinks she knows everything. That's a topic for a different day. (I know someone who works for her -- the "doctor" and her kids don't do a damn thing for themselves.) 

Back on topic: Mumps and measles can both render men sterile. I'm guessing that risk would be enough for the Duggars and their ilk to vaccinate. 

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49 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

I think this could go either way. If the Duggars don't believe in vaccines, I'm sure that Kendra won't vaccinate, but if they do, Joe will want his kids vaccinated and he is, after all, the headship. I don't think the Duggars are big on any kind of healthcare, though, and I don't think they're vaccinated because it would have cost JB money, and J'chelle would have had to take the time to take them to the doctor.

I do think that this could end up being a big issue at the TTH.  I could easily see Derick, Jeremy, and Abbie not wanting their kids around unvaccinated kids and refusing to come to the TTH with their infants.

I think Lauren is a wildcard. Her family appears to be very similar to the Caldwells, but she has also had some nursing courses even though she did not pursue it to the degree Abbie did.

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1 hour ago, galaxychaser said:

I think mumps make boys sterile. Or maybe I’m mistaken.

I don't know about mumps, but I know my uncle was born sterile because my grandma got german measles while she was pregnant with him. He was born with gangrene on his testicles. And yet, same grandma was super pissed when my sister wouldn't come to Christmas the year she was pregnant and one of our cousins had chicken pox. Yes, my sister and I had had it as younger kids, but my sister was 16 (yeah, I know), but even at 16 and pregnant she was smart enough to stay away from it. My sister also infected our entire elementary school when she got it. She had a single pox for weeks, my mom thought it was a pimple since it was literally 1 spot for weeks. Her teacher saw her scratching at it one day and sent her to the nurse. Like 2 days later she was completely covered, head to toe, had a raging case, they got infected and turned green, missed 3 weeks of school. Meanwhile, I ended up with like 12 spots, missed 4 days of school, and to this day live in fear I'm going to either get it again or get shingles. 

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14 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

How old do you have to be to get the shingles vaccine? That's one disease I want no part of!

I got mine at 59 and it was covered by my insurance.  I had a very mild case at 17 (just the rash on my shoulder), and again in my early 50's.  I got to the doctor quickly enough to get an antiviral medicine and it stopped the progression. But given my history the doctor recommended getting the vaccine.  You can get it more than once.

Remember Jim Bob saying that allowing the kids to get chicken pox would prevent them from getting shingles down the road?  That caused a lot of uproar on the forums as I recall.

Edited by 3 is enough
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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yeah, Boob had it bass ackwards! I guess I need to call my doctor to find out how old I have to be to be covered. I think 60 is the cutoff for most, and I'm several years away. 

That was the age I was, when I got it.  My insurance paid (and I believe it was over $200 at that time.)

No surprise Boob had anything ass backwards.  He's not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed.

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1 hour ago, Chicklet said:

Shingles vaccine is very worth getting, though it makes your arm hurt for a freaking week.

Ages 50 and up should get it. Even if you have had the previous vaccine or shingles.

 Sadly, there are a lot more cases of people getting shingles in their 20s 30s and 40s, probably due to increased stress we can immune system. It’s sad and I’m glad it’s totally preventable by vaccine given in childhood. 

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13 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

 Sadly, there are a lot more cases of people getting shingles in their 20s 30s and 40s, probably due to increased stress we can immune system. It’s sad and I’m glad it’s totally preventable by vaccine given in childhood. 

I got shingles at 16. I'm in my 30s now, and I can't get the vaccine even with history of having an outbreak. 

I know many parents my age who vaccinate their kids for most things, but skip chicken pox vaccines because "we had it and it was no big deal." Having shingles young gave me a different perspective. 

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2 minutes ago, sleepysuzy said:

I got shingles at 16. I'm in my 30s now, and I can't get the vaccine even with history of having an outbreak. 

I know many parents my age who vaccinate their kids for most things, but skip chicken pox vaccines because "we had it and it was no big deal." Having shingles young gave me a different perspective. 

Jesus, I’m sorry. It’s also possible to get shingles more than once. I had a coworker get it twice in six months. I can’t even imagine.  She was in her mid 40s at the time. 

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1 hour ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

The kids weren't vaccinated for chicken pox. They got it just before Josie came home from the NICU. I hope the second generation of Duggars are vaccinated, but I doubt that'll happen. 

Do we know if Anna and Josh vaccinate? I think Jill and Derrick will vaccinate, as will Jeremy and Jinger. Both Derick and Jeremy have an actual education and probably learned some science, and Derick probably remembers when Cathy was immunocompromised from her cancer treatments. Plus those two couples seem to be trending more mainstream than the rest. I’m waffling on Lauren and Si/Joy and Austin (just not enough info to tell) and JD and Abbie (nurse, but from an anti vaccine family). Kendra and Joe aren’t going to vaccinate. She’s practically still living in her parents’ pocket and probably drank the Koolaid. 

9 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Jesus, I’m sorry. It’s also possible to get shingles more than once. I had a coworker get it twice in six months. I can’t even imagine.  She was in her mid 40s at the time. 

I had it two weeks after my daughter was born. My doctor wouldn’t give me any pain medication because I was breastfeeding. Shingles is excruciating. It sucked.

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It's also a myth that you only get shingles on one side of your body. My birth grandmother had it across the bridge of her nose. My grandmother had it across her chest and back. Guess who got to help her put her prescribed cream on it twice a day? With gloves on. She had scarring from it, too. 

Back on topic: I hope Random Caldwell Kid recovers quickly and his parents buy an effing clue and have their kids vaccinated. And that Joe and Kendra have theirs vaccinated. 

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2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

How old do you have to be to get the shingles vaccine? That's one disease I want no part of!

I've been told at least 50, but I just turned 43, so I have a while. I do have MS though, so maybe it's possible I could get it early, I haven't checked. 

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yeah, Boob had it bass ackwards! I guess I need to call my doctor to find out how old I have to be to be covered. I think 60 is the cutoff for most, and I'm several years away. 

I had the vaccine at 60, which is when my insurance would pay.  I had shingles at 59.  My doctor got in my face (not yelling, just emphasis) and said I WOULD get the vaccine 6 months after my shingles had gone.  My shingles weren't too bad because I immediately got on meds.  But I had a terrible backache for a couple of weeks before I broke out.  Mine were "mild" as shingles goes, but the pain was terrible.  Mine were on my hip, and I could not pull up my pants for several weeks.  Think of your worst sunburn ever, and then multiply by 20.  This is what these "parents" want for their children?  Unbelievable.

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I hadn't realized shingles was so prevalent, and I'm sorry for all of you who have dealt with it. My grandmother had a bout in the 90s and said it was the worse pain of her life. 😞

I just cannot fathom people like Kendra's family who think these diseases are no big deal. I am lucky that I grew up in the 90s when a lot of vaccines were already in place. I am fortunate that I never had to see the aftereffects of polio and some of these other diseases up-close-and-personal (I had the chicken pox in the early 90s, probably a year or two before the vaccine came out), but I've heard enough horror stories about it from older relatives that there is no way I'd be so cavalier about my own child's health. 😞

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2 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

I've been told at least 50, but I just turned 43, so I have a while. I do have MS though, so maybe it's possible I could get it early, I haven't checked. 

I am not in any way a medical professional, but I'm pretty sure you're considered immuocompromised if you have MS. That makes me think perhaps yes, you get approval for an early shingles vaccine. I'd definitely ask your physician and/or do some research.

Im 55 and was so pleased to be able two get my two shingles injections recently. It's a nasty disease that preys on the vulnerable. My husband's brother had an awful case while he was dying of cancer. 

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8 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

I think mumps make boys sterile. Or maybe I’m mistaken.

It definitely can cause male sterility.

Re: shingles.....had the earlier vaccine, got shingles. Now on dose #2 of the Shingrix vaccine. There are some shortages. In my area, it is available to people over 50. 

Edited by Quickbeam
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17 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

ike 2 days later she was completely covered, head to toe, had a raging case, they got infected and turned green, missed 3 weeks of school. Meanwhile, I ended up with like 12 spots, missed 4 days of school, and to this day live in fear I'm going to either get it again or get shingles. 

I had a light case at 11 and infected all my sisters and cousins who were born at that point. The youngest cousin was just a month old and the doctor as very worried about how it would affect him-thankfully he was fine. 

I had another case at 30-something-I had no idea it could be chicken pox until I went to the doctor-no itching just lots of spots and some bad scarring mostly on my legs.

Now I scared to death about shingles. You have to be 50 (I think) for the vaccination.  I asked my doctor and they said I shoI’ll be fine, the whole thing was just a fluke. 

Thankfully my kids had been vaccinated when I had my second case and were fine. I hope the Duggar men insist their kids be vaccinated too. 


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FWIW,  i’ve read journal articles that indicate that doing tai chi, or other comparable physical activity work just as well as taking the shingles vaccine, likely due to exercises improvement of the immune system. So if you can’t get the shot for whatever reason try some exercise. 

 Not that these fundamentalist douche bags do too much exercise either. 

(Adding - I did a quick Google search and some of the studies look OK but I didn’t really do much reading them. I’m trying to save as much in my brain as I can while I’m off of school. If anyone finds any real firm evidence about tai chi helping or harming I would be interested in reading it.)

Edited by JoanArc
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It is a wonder I am still around, I was a sickly child growing up, living in middle eastern countries due to my fathers postings...I had German measles (Rubella), Mumps, Chicken pox, bronchial phenomena.  I obviously survived 🙂 however there are lasting affects, my immune system is compromised, I am susceptible to every bug going, and it hits me hard, my digestion system sucks, I get lung infections every winter, and I have lasting memories of the hallucinations I had as a child when I had the mumps, and being segregated from male family members for two months.

Immunization needs to be done to protect the herd, for those that cannot get the shots.........ugh it makes me so mad!

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My mom had the shingles a few weeks before she passed. She had them one other time, but this time with the dementia she was not able to articulate how she felt. My dad also had it one time. I'm 54 and so far nothing. I had chicken pox when I was 19. I always thought the same as JB. I know different now. I should really check into the vaccination. 

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2 hours ago, JoanArc said:

FWIW,  i’ve read journal articles that indicate that doing tai chi, or other comparable physical activity work just as well as taking the shingles vaccine, likely due to exercises improvement of the immune system. So if you can’t get the shot for whatever reason try some exercise. 

 Not that these fundamentalist douche bags do too much exercise either. 

(Adding - I did a quick Google search and some of the studies look OK but I didn’t really do much reading them. I’m trying to save as much in my brain as I can while I’m off of school. If anyone finds any real firm evidence about tai chi helping or harming I would be interested in reading it.)

Maybe, but my mom was a rabid gardener all her life until spinal problems in the past couple of years left her too unsteady. She'd be out there every day she possibly could, weeding, clipping, trimming, planting, moving rocks and bushes, but she got shingles twice - once at about 27 and again about six or seven years ago when she was pushing 80.

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There's a video of Joe singing with the lonely J boys as well as the still-minor Duggar boys in the lonely J thread. He's the only married one in the group. 

What does Joe do for a living? We've given the sons-in-law a hard time on can they support the family, but how will Joe support his growing family? Especially since his wife seems like the next Michelle. 

Edited by Temperance
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