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S01.E17: What Now?

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35 minutes ago, wilnil said:

IIRC, when Kevin was trying to persuade Sophie to give him another chance, we found out from their dialogue that while they were married, Kevin had gone out to L.A. to look for acting work while Sophie stayed in the NYC area for the time being -- and that's when he started cheating on her. So Ron's offer practically re-creates that situation, or so it might appear to Sophie.

 I don't believe that Jack is going to die of drunken driving. I think they're just setting us up and we won't get to find out how he died until next year. I especially believe it because I've been thinking that he would die in a car wreck from driving drunk many many months ago.  And that's just too predictable and the show likes to be surprising. I'm not saying that he doesn't have a close call and they realize something important about their marriage or their connection but I do think his death has got to surprise us not be predictable. I'm "dying" to know how Jack dies but I'm sure they are saving that for the next season.  

I'm calling it..... next season is in LA. Randall has quit his job and doesn't know what he's going to do so why not make every kind of change possible and join his family out in LA. Kevin has to go back for the movie, Kate is going to be needed as his assistant for a big movie. Her boyfriend has a job in LA; we don't know what it is but it's out in LA.  Beth........can she practice in LA?   A lot of lawyers use those skills in many other situations been practicing law. Perhaps she can represent Kevin as his agent. Not sure Have Rebecca and what's his name will fit in but I guess they can visit a lot they are retired right?   I think Sophie's gonna have a hard time regarding the movie even though it's the opportunity of a lifetime. But she wouldn't have slept with Kevin again if she knew how close he was to relocating back to LA. 

  • Love 8

Why wasn't Jesse invited to the fun-eral? That really bugged me. I figured Randall would have mentioned it on the phone. 

I absolutely don't blame Randall for feeling insulted over the deathly pears and bullshit card. He'd already built up a justified sense of resentment, with Sanjay thrown in his face, and that was the final straw. And his mental health will surely improve if he can find something a bit less stressful.

  • Love 7

I really feel like the season...the entire series, for that matter...could have and should have ended 2 weeks ago, cliffhangers notwithstanding. Every last thing about this episode felt trite and predictable. 
Of course Randall was going to have a midlife crisis and walk out the door uttering a bunch of cliches about the slow lane.
Of course Rebecca and Beth were going to turn on the waterworks and find a way to make William's death all about them. 
Of course Rebecca just ran out the damn door when Boner showed up. And OF COURSE he drives a creepy pedo van. Not pictured: leaky full-size air mattress with grimy patchwork-pattern comforter, 8-tracks of Bad Company and Gary Wright, stash compartment.
Of course Jesse barely got lip service. Srsly, Randall? All that conspicuous in-your-face money, and you can't spring for a plane ticket to the "fun-eral" for his own partner? Not even a half-hearted half-offer that you know he'll be too proud to accept? Ferreal?
Of course Kate was going to act like she put the drinks and the keys into Jack's hands.
Of course Toby was going to be pushy and obtuse about the subject of his death.
Of course the most boring couple ever had the most boring sex ever, and of course the most boring play ever might live to see another boring day.
Of course Jack still dresses like an extra from CHiPS, and of course no one on Earth had a freaking TV like that in 1990-Weezer unless it was kept as an artistic statement or a mantelpiece. 
Of course mailman postcard bat out of hell ritual walk yawn.
Tonight was anticlimactic, and I don't see how it's going to get better from here.

Edited by DayGlorious
  • Love 14
17 minutes ago, DayGlorious said:

I really feel like the season...the entire series, for that matter...could have and should have ended 2 weeks ago, cliffhangers notwithstanding. Every last thing about this episode felt trite and predictable. 
Of course Randall was going to have a midlife crisis and walk out the door uttering a bunch of cliches about the slow lane.
Of course Rebecca and Beth were going to turn on the waterworks and find a way to make William's death all about them. 
Of course Rebecca just ran out the damn door when Boner showed up. And OF COURSE he drives a creepy pedo van. Not pictured: leaky full-size air mattress with grimy patchwork-pattern comforter, 8-tracks of Bad Company and Gary Wright, stash compartment.
Of course Jesse barely got lip service. Srsly, Randall? All that conspicuous in-your-face money, and you can't spring for a plane ticket to the "fun-eral" for his own partner? Not even a half-hearted half-offer that you know he'll be too proud to accept? Ferreal?
Of course Kate was going to act like she put the drinks and the keys into Jack's hands.
Of course Toby was going to be pushy and obtuse about the subject of his death.
Of course the most boring couple ever had the most boring sex ever, and of course the most boring play ever might live to see another boring day.
Of course Jack still dresses like an extra from CHiPS, and of course no one on Earth had a freaking TV like that in 1990-Weezer unless it was kept as an artistic statement or a mantelpiece. 
Of course mailman postcard bat out of hell ritual walk yawn.
Tonight anticlimactic, and I don't see how it's going to get better from here.

Suddenly I have this image of a giant storybook closing and a voiceover saying.....

"And They All Lived Happily Ever After."

"The End."

  • Love 5

I don't think Jack died that night.  We see a bunch of beer cans in the car and I don't think that night was it.  It's going to happen later...it may be still while Rebecca  is away but there's more to this.  Jack called Kate but there's nothing in that conversation that would make Kate feel she caused her father's death.  There's more to the story.

On another note, why do they have a black and white TV from the sixties?  Isn't it supposed to be 1996?  WTF?  This is not a poverty stricken family.  Heck.  I can remember as a kid that our family got our first color TV (with a remote) in the late sixties.  I had cable in the eighties.  It wasn't the dark ages. 

I did love the memorial.  That's the way memorials should be.  However, I am getting tired of Saint William.  He wasn't.  And once again, we are subjected to the worst make up job on aging Rebecca.

Randall was a founder of the company.  Crap.  He deserved a hand written note  and more than a box of pears.  They were all happy to see him when he stopped by because they thought he was there to help.  Thanks....

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I didn't cry at this show when William died (but I did cry for two weeks of Nashville) but I cried the hell out of Beth's eulogy.  She's so amazing.

Unpopular opinion -- I thought it came out of the blue and was undeserved  What I remember most about Beth and William's interactions is her asking him how long he planned to stay.  I totally believe that she came to love him -- we just didn't see it on the show.  I also believe that she felt left out of the grieving, but her telling Randall that she missed him, and her reaction at the postcard -- that was enough.  The eulogy was Randall letting Beth have her moment, and I didn't like it.  I also hate it when someone starts a conversation with "Listen to me . . . "

  • Love 9

I love Teen Kate. She is so expressive. And I love Weezer too. 

I don't mind Sophie but I am more interested in her relationship with Kate than with Kevin. I don't know if it's possible, but I really dig the actress who plays Sloane. I think if she can somehow get into Randall's orbit, wouldn't Poems For my Sons make a great starting point for a play? An African American man with a talent for poetry succumbs to drugs, loses his son and in his grief, he writes poems that he hopes will be read by the boy he lost. 

I like that Randall likes his job. I don't mind him quitting but I have no real desire seeing Randall doing some stereotypical artistic venture. I would not know how it'd be possible, but maybe he and Kate can run a business together. 

  • Love 16
34 minutes ago, Autumn said:

I think everyone has that moment at a job where you realize that you have given far more that you are ever going to get and it's best to cut your losses.  

i call bullshit that Kevin came to NY for Sophie.  He came because he couldn't work in film or TV and theater was the only other option.  Yes, he did realize he wanted her back but only after chasing two other women.  However I think if you are in a relationship with an actor you have to know that they are gong to go where the work is.  Expecting him not to leave NY occasionally for work is unrealistic.  C'mon, it's Ron Howard.  

I'm not certain about Sophie but I believe Kevin came to New York for Randall. I agree that Kevin never leaving New York is unrealistic but I can also see that leaving right now might not be the best decision.

  • Love 3
On 3/7/2017 at 11:08 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I thought that he had just been watching an old black and white movie on TV. I wish I knew which movie it was, but that was just my assumption. I'll have to go back and rewatch that scene.

It was an old movie with Ingrid Bergman.  But still the set design for the time frame seems out of date to me.  Present day these kids are in their 30s.  When they were teens TVs were larger with a more modern design.  The set tonight did not smack of the 80s.  My kids are 38 and 40 so I have a good grip on this time frame. 

On 3/7/2017 at 10:43 PM, DayGlorious said:

I really feel like the season...the entire series, for that matter...could have and should have ended 2 weeks ago, cliffhangers notwithstanding. Every last thing about this episode felt trite and predictable. 
Of course Randall was going to have a midlife crisis and walk out the door uttering a bunch of cliches about the slow lane.
Of course Rebecca and Beth were going to turn on the waterworks and find a way to make William's death all about them. 
Of course Rebecca just ran out the damn door when Boner showed up. And OF COURSE he drives a creepy pedo van. Not pictured: leaky full-size air mattress with grimy patchwork-pattern comforter, 8-tracks of Bad Company and Gary Wright, stash compartment.
Of course Jesse barely got lip service. Srsly, Randall? All that conspicuous in-your-face money, and you can't spring for a plane ticket to the "fun-eral" for his own partner? Not even a half-hearted half-offer that you know he'll be too proud to accept? Ferreal?
Of course Kate was going to act like she put the drinks and the keys into Jack's hands.
Of course Toby was going to be pushy and obtuse about the subject of his death.
Of course the most boring couple ever had the most boring sex ever, and of course the most boring play ever might live to see another boring day.
Of course Jack still dresses like an extra from CHiPS, and of course no one on Earth had a freaking TV like that in 1990-Weezer unless it was kept as an artistic statement or a mantelpiece. 
Of course mailman postcard bat out of hell ritual walk yawn.
Tonight anticlimactic, and I don't see how it's going to get better from here.

Lol at so much. A special bow to, extra from CHiPS!   I agree with every word.  

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, msani19 said:

they were laying it on thick with how William touched all the lives of those around him.

when we cleaned out my Dad's place the UPS guy stopped my brother to tell him he and my Dad always talked. He shook my brother's hand and told him my Dad was a great guy and he'd miss him. Some people have that thing, that weird thing, that draws people to them--that and older folks tend to talk to delivery people.

This episode did me in. I clapped, cheered, hiccupped and started to boohoo all over again when Opie called. Well done Kevin! I thought they were gonna go the other way with the story and the play would become an off-Broadway hit. I like the "big break phone call" TV trope. I noticed adult Kevin has some of the same mannerisms as Jack. There's some kickass acting going on in this show.

Those girls are the cutest!

Prediction: Randall will start a business out of the house; Beth will throw herself into her career and we'll watch the Pearsons 2.0 play out minus the drinking. Although, as the son of an addict and the adopted son of an alcoholic; Randall may be predisposed to addiction, hope not. 

Edited by Drumpf1737
  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, Cardie said:

I have often complained about William's saintliness but you never know how much impact a person can have on those they see every day. My mom died of COPD (emphysema) and during her last years didn't get out a lot. She looked forward to the mail carrier bringing her the mail every day and she volunteered with our synagogue by calling the local hospitals to find out if any of our congregants had been admitted, so she could forward the info to the rabbi. Mom was in intensive care for a month before she died and I had repeated calls from the mail carrier and one of the hospital administrative assistants asking about her condition. Also beautiful flowers/plants from both when she died. (My office sent a fruit basket that I appreciated very much.)

I completely understand what you're saying. For me the problem wasn't that William made the connection with the mailman, because like you said making those connections in William's situation is realistic. The criticism I had of the scene is that we didn't get to see or hear about William's friendship with the mailman at all, prior to this scene, so it wasn't as effective for me as it could have been. Due to us not seeing any of the friendship they formed, it felt like an unearned tv moment to increase the audience's sadness imo. When I compare it to Jesse telling Randall the story of William connecting with the young man in their group, that scene got to me more because it was Jesse (someone we knew loved William) sharing a favorite memory of William (which took place in a group that we knew was important to William). 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Regarding Kevin being blackballed in Hollywood: that's true but only to a point.  He violated his contract, which would prevent him from getting a lot of roles BUT the power players can overrule that kind of thing if they want.  So, if a Ron Howard, Martin Scorsese, Clint Eastwood, or other big name director/producer wants Kevin in his project, then whichever studio owns The Manny could try to stop it but they also wouldn't want to risk the bad press that comes from pissing off said big name director/producer.  Ron's got a long history in the industry and he's well liked and respected.  Using him was a really smart choice for these very reasons and no studio is going to risk upsetting him over Kevin.

Didn't NBC get flack for years after ruining Pierce Brosnan's first chance at playing Bond?

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, wings707 said:

It was an old movie with Ingrid Bergman.  But still the set design for the time frame seems out of date to me.  Present day these kids are in their 30s.  When they were teens TVs were larger with a more modern design.  The set tonight did not smack of the 80s.  My kids are 38 and 40 so I have a good grip on this time frame. 

It definitely wasn't Ingrid Bergman. Susan Hayward, I think. 

  • Love 11

This episode is the first one that has made me cry. So many scenes that I could relate to. People coming up to me, and for a long time after each of my parents died, to tell me what my parent meant to them. Beth saying that now everything will be in the context of "before William or after William". When my dad died in 1995, that is exactly how I thought of events in my life - before dad and after dad. That is until my mom died in 2007. Then it was before mom and after mom. Still is. Also Randall quitting his job. I had already made plans to change jobs and cities when my dad died unexpectedly. After my mom died though I did change jobs again as I was not happy where I was, and had the opportunity to do something different.  Losing one or both parents really does have you take stock of where you life is, and where you want it to go. 

  • Love 13

With the basket of pears - I have some experience with what you get when a loved one dies.

When my grandfather (mom's dad) died in 2005, my mom (a town employee) got a basket of fruit (a whole assortment) from her department - my dad received a basket of fruit and candy.

When my step-grandmother (mom's step-mother) died in 2010, my mom got nothing from her department and my dad's work sent a basket of fruit.

When my dad's brother died in 2012, nothing from my mom's work and my dad got a gigantic basket of fruit, cheese, crackers, cookies, and chocolate.

None of them had signed cards, because they used one of those online sites to purchase a basket - I think for one of them, they called a florist near our house and made the purchase over the phone. They all had a semi-generic message, with an all-inclusive signature.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, pennben said:

Can someone remind me how long we've known Rebecca's tour was only two weeks long?  I feel like we've gone through some unnecessary drama hating on her for making this decision which seems completely ridiculous now. 

In the last episode she said she would be gone for a month. The show needs to be more consistent about stuff like that.

I'd also like more consistency about what exactly Randall's job is/was. At the beginning of the season, people at his office called him boss, and Beth was telling William he was a partner. But then during the Christmas episode Randall was an employee attending a party at the boss's house and having his bonus check thrown in the air. A few episodes after that, the boss essentially threatened to replace him with Sanjay. But now all of a sudden Randall is a cofounder and brought in 80% of the business? If the latter is the case, how can he just up and quit? He'd have an equity stake and would need to be bought out, no? Or is he just leaving all of that on the table (which would be insane and drive his family into financial ruin)?

I loved the sibling interactions, and loved that we got a brief scene of Kate in work mode, even if it was for the saccharine "fun-eral". Everything else was too manipulative and trite. I'm still not buying Kevin as a great actor, so Ron freaking Howard wanting to cast him in his movie (not having him audition or screen-test, but offering him the role outright) was completely ridiculous. And of course he's going to have to choose between filming the Ron Howard movie in LA - because naturally it will be a big part that will require him to be away for months - and his twu wuv Sophie in NYC. Give me a break.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 10

Wow, I must have really hit the jackpot with my coworkers.  Not only did I get multiple cards when my dad passed away but a beautiful rosebush from them all.  And this was from a department of 40 and presented by a boss I desisted (although I appreciated the gesture).  No fruit.


 ...maybe quitting the family's sole source of income is something you discuss with your wife before you do it and for another...do it privately.

I thought the same thing - that Beth was going to flip when she hears what he has done.  However, he's not the sole source of income, is he?  Isn't Beth and attorney or something?  

  • Love 2

Was the flashback scene of William getting the Memphis postcard aired on the last episode or did they just film it for this show? Either way, it was a nice touch for Beth to have something to hold on to. BTW! Why am I obessesed with her watch? It wraps around and it looks like an Apple watch. They dress her so chic and the watch is just so cool looking.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Emily Thrace said:

I'm not certain about Sophie but I believe Kevin came to New York for Randall. I agree that Kevin never leaving New York is unrealistic but I can also see that leaving right now might not be the best decision.

I think that Kevin went to NY for Randall also. He has money and could have stayed at a hotel, but instead decided to live in his brother's basement uninvited. I don't even think that he has moved out yet. 

I don't think that Kevin has any choice, but to meet with Ron Howard. He cannot turn this down. This is his chance to resurrect his career and break out in the film industry. Besides, movies take forever to develop, months even a year. It isn't going to start filming tomorrow. He will have more than enough time to finish the play's run and build something solid with Sophie. She will have to decide if she is willing to stick out the relationship.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Was the flashback scene of William getting the Memphis postcard aired on the last episode or did they just film it for this show? Either way, it was a nice touch for Beth to have something to hold on to. BTW! Why am I obessesed with her watch? It wraps around and it looks like an Apple watch. They dress her so chic and the watch is just so cool looking.

When Beth got the postcard, I did recall (at least I think so LOL), that this was shown on the last episode...I remember commenting at the time that he found a postcard for Beth because she said something like, "Send a postcard" when the guys left for the trip. 

  • Love 4

Beth finding the postcard is what got me.  The whole fun-eral was lovely, a sweet tribute to a man who briefly touched all their lives.  The daughters planning William's perfect day was a call back to Thanksgiving where routines and traditions were so important to Randall.  Like father, like daughters.

It seems pretty clear how Jack is going to die and why Kate feels she caused his death.  I wouldn't put it past the writers to throw in something unexpected though.

About Randall and the non-sympathy gift, I've worked for corporations that sent a token, but it was up to closer friends/associates to do something more personal.  Take up a collection for flowers, or at very least get a card for everyone to sign.  That no one thought to do this is sad.  I only hope his quitting doesn't mean he will uproot his family and move to LA to be near his siblings.

Kevin.  Taking up the offer for the movie would seem like deja vu to Sophie, but there would be no reason why Kevin can't continue to live in NY and travel for his movie career.  She doesn't seem like a character who will be around for the long haul anyway, so I bet he goes back to LA.  The critic didn't show up for the play which means it won't be a long running show.  Boom.  Now we have all 3 Pearson sibs together in CA.

Stocking up on Kleenex for next week.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, HollyG said:

My mom used to get a huge case of expensive gourmet apples from her company every Christmas. Granted, it was never sent for a loss of a loved one, but still.

I don't think the fruit itself was the main problem.  After all, you usually send flowers for a funeral, and fruit is right next door.  I think the bigger problem was that Randall is allergic, and he expected them to remember as he went into anaphalactic shock, he didn't just mention it in passing, and nobody actually signed the card.

29 minutes ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

I have yet to cry at this show,  but Kate's slow breakdown at the "fun"eral, and her and Randall make me leak a little.  As did the postcard.  

Why did Ron Howard call so late?  It couldn't wait until the morning?  

Good episode, looking forward to next week!

Ron Howard does all his casting in the middle of the night.  All of it.  Always.  Well known fact.  If you yell at him for waking your up, you lose the part.

  • Love 20
7 hours ago, memememe76 said:

wouldn't Poems For my Sons make a great starting point for a play?

Ding!  Ding!  Ding!  I think you are on to something.  It's not for nothing they showed the manuscript again.  I thought Randall was going to read from it at the memorial, but turning it into something else could happen.

6 hours ago, betweenthebanter said:

For me the problem wasn't that William made the connection with the mailman, because like you said making those connections in William's situation is realistic. The criticism I had of the scene is that we didn't get to see or hear about William's friendship with the mailman at all, prior to this scene, so it wasn't as effective for me as it could have been. Due to us not seeing any of the friendship they formed, it felt like an unearned tv moment to increase the audience's sadness imo

I don't know, I liked that William continued to surprise Randall.  There was still a lot to learn about him.

26 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Was the flashback scene of William getting the Memphis postcard aired on the last episode or did they just film it for this show?

They showed it last week.

28 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Why am I obessesed with her watch? It wraps around and it looks like an Apple watch.

I kept looking at it too.

  • Love 4

If Kevin doesn't at least strongly consider taking Ron Howard's offer (to send him a script! It's not even a firm commitment!), he's dumber than I thought he was based on his opening scene in the show.  And that's saying something.  He's 36 years old and up until this play, he's been known as just a pretty face whose big character tried to breastfeed a baby.  He's not going to get younger or better looking.  His play, which he was hoping would help him break in as a serious actor, isn't going to be reviewed by the NYT critic.  It will probably be a very short run.  He isn't going to be able to afford to keep self-financing plays hoping for success.

Setting Jack up to be this super jealous guy who turns to alcohol to drown his sorrows does not fit at all with the backstory we've been getting. A little more of a build up of this storyline would help to make his death more than just a cheap convenient trick. 

Randall's big FU you to his boss and evil Sanjay was epic. 

Shut up Toby. And you too Heather. Where did you come from anyway?

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Johnny Dollar said:

Setting Jack up to be this super jealous guy who turns to alcohol to drown his sorrows does not fit at all with the backstory we've been getting. A little more of a build up of this storyline would help to make his death more than just a cheap convenient trick. 

Randall's big FU you to his boss and evil Sanjay was epic. 

Shut up Toby. And you too Heather. Where did you come from anyway?

I wouldn't call it "super jealous" to not want your wife to tour with a guy that she hid being an ex-boyfriend.  Just typing that sends alarm bells all over the place to my brain.

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:


Drinking and driving?! Oh God, I so hope that no one else dies as a result of this. Poor Kate, no wonder she feels so guilty.

But at least Jack didn't screw the secretary. He had me worried til he told her off. That was awesome.

Wven more awesome? Randall telling his boss to take the job and shove it. Long overdue. That "gift" was so inconsiderate.

The fun-ral was so cute. And Ron Howard! What a surprise!

I kept saying pears?? PEARS?? My mom said well maybe they are from Harry and David. Then I noticed there wasn't even an office card signed by everyone. Tacky people. Glad he gave them the Peace and walked out.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Who says Kevin can't go to LA, shoot the movie and then come back to the NY area?  The movie can be shot in NY, too. 

Ron said it was being shot in L.A..  I doubt they would be willing to move the movie shooting locale, just for Kevin.  But, yes, he can fly back and forth, and come back for good when the movie is done.

  • Love 2

The beauty of a fruit basket is that you are bound to find a fruit you like in it. Sending a crate of one type of fruit doesn't work if you pick the wrong fruit - especially if it turns out the person is allergic.

On the one hand, it was very Martha Stewart. On the other hand, way to send something for a funeral that would kill the recipient. On the one hand, it was nice that they took the trouble to ensure that the card delivered was on the company letterhead (instead of just whatever generic card the fruit crate company had). On the other hand, why not actually sign the card if you are taking the trouble to deliver it to the fruit crate company?

Nobody noticed Ron Howard in the audience? Surely an usher would have been buzzing about that. I love how many doors the "Manny" opens for Kevin. You can see him wince every time it happens, but he knows he needs it.

I'm glad they had Jessie call (maybe the actor was working elsewhere?) so that thread didn't just get dropped.

  • Love 8

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