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  1. Tell me how much a subscription would cost to block nonsense repetitive pop up video ads that detract from site. If that an option, I will consider it. If not, site is exhausting now & not enjoyable.
  2. I’m replying to a recent post so I can salute you 30 Helens. Your service to us all must be acknowledged. 🫡🫡🫡
  3. How weird was it that season ended when Cirie secret revealed & she indicated Jared is going to woodshed.😀. I Literally don’t know who won, even now. Realized o truly do not care. I guess I’ll figure it out before morning. So much potential lost.
  4. Christ. On one hand, Jag deserves to lose for not cutting Matt. On other hand, Jag deserves to win because he explained his game just now & Matt sucked in jury questions. Congrats, Jag, I think. Good luck pivoting Reilly to build most clout moving forward. 🤷‍♀️ I’ll apologize soon enough if my read wrong ps: CORY KNOWS!!
  5. Wow. Just read Felicia learned her brother died in week 9. She apparently talked to her family & they wanted her to stay in the game. She was not just a helluva character on the show, but also a very strong woman. Best to her & her family.
  6. I’m guessing Reilly has had a very updown day about whose clout she’s been chasing!
  7. Yes. They are all just playing this game for 100 days to make friends. Sigh. ETA: it amuses me that they think they are going to be thought of as an iconic duo/trio. That’s all I have left……
  8. So, feeds back. Sounds like Jag keeping Matt. Not sure that’s a mistake by him. But, sigh.
  9. Here’s what I’m trying to suss out now for endgame. Does Bowie think she’s drawing dead no matter who she sits next to at final two? Next question I’m noodling on, is this the one time Jag should actually be “loyall” and keep Matt. Bowie wouldn't take Matt to end game, Jag neither. Is Felicia being there as easy option worse for Jag?
  10. It is always such fun to watch Jag victimize himself every week to justify a game move. Suck it up dude!! Still rooting for him to make this move & Bowie Jane to win & cut him next week.
  11. Bowie v Felicia final two….I’d be delighted! Let’s go mustard seeds!
  12. Yep. Can you even imagine them putting out a pic like this when roles were reversed &, as has happened, there was this age difference where the man was older? I guess I’m in my cranky old lady phase but big ole nope from me on this nonsense.
  13. Well, a few nights ago, they tried with icing out Felicia when the four were at the kitchen table & the three were ignoring her. She shut that down & Bowie Jane & Matt fled, the she confronted Jag with what he was doing, he stammered, denied & shriveled and ultimately shut the plan down but for their repeated drunken fantasies:). Farewell Cirie, I’ve loved watching you maneuver on the feeds.
  14. Uhoh. Jag is saying that he/Matt are better than the Hitmen. No more slurping from Derrick/Cody. And apparently fact they didn’t control the entire game (cough, entire first half), makes them better!
  15. Apparently Jag & Bowie have now devised a plan to make sure Felicia gets no sleep this week so she’s weak & can’t win comps. I fucking hate the final weeks of this game and they can go fuck right off with this nonsense.
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