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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Looking at it again; I kind of love the barefoot and pregnant trio picture, mainly because of Jessa's expression. I definitely think she's making fake crazy eyes and exaggerating her "bump." I think she's more aware of the public's impression of her family than we think, and that is her defiant little way of saying, "that's right, bitches, another pregnant Duggar! Say what you want, but I'm making money just for being myself and living my life." Whereas Anna and Jill seem much more deluded by the leghumpers that the world wants to be them.

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I don't know why people were thinking Jill or Jessa would be the ones to break the mold.  Not using birth control is the cornerstone of their faith. It's what their entire lives are built around.  Nobody is going against that, at least not while the show is running and Jim Bob is still in his right mind.  Josie might have a shot.

As one of those who was not entirely convinced about Jessa being pregnant even though I knew better, I will say that denial is a very effective coping mechanism. I didn't really believe that she would go against the grain, but the more optimistic part thought that maybe she was spirited enough to delay it. But I was wrong, just as I deep down I knew I would be.

Hoping for a healthy pregnancy for her.

I may start calling it Poor Baby Of Idiot Parents Who Signed Away Its Birth To TLC and Magazines.  


Okay, not really, that might be too cruel.  At any rate...I want to know where my People magazine spread is.  I gave birth too!  In the summer of 1995 when we had record and near record heat in the Chicago area.  And then my delivery room at the hospital didn't have the best air conditioning.  I just don't get any of this.  People fuck and have a baby.  It happens.  At some point this has got to be not such a great moneymaker for the various parties involved and they'll back away and cut the program down to specials once a blue moon.  One can hope anyway. 

I too survived the heat in Chicago in 1995 and my twins were born in the fall. HA! I had twins Boob, they were buy one get one free and no fanfaire either. :(

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For someone who claims to like doing things more uniquely, Jessa's pregnancy announcement photo with the baby onsie isn't very original. It comes straight from Pinterest. And how special, more kissing, we haven't seen enough -- thanks.

I kinda like the announcement, but moreso without the context of the Dad still being a teenager.

I believe they only waited to announce because of Israel's impending birth and Josiah's courtship news. They didn't wait out of some desire for privacy; they waited because there was other Duggar news to report first. This way the Duggar family has dominated People magazine for three full weeks. That's some amazing free media coverage they generated by spacing out the timing of these announcements.

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Oh, goodie!  Now we get to hear Michelle, in her best baby voice, go on and on about how wonderful it will be to have these new blessings in the family, even though she shows absolutely no interest in them once they get here.  Most grandmas can't wait to hold and babysit their grandbabies, and love playing with them when they're toddlers, but not our Michelle.  I think I can remember seeing her holding Michael once in all the episodes I've watched, which I have to admit haven't been all that many lately.  I'm about babied out when it comes to this bunch of fools.  I can only watch stupidity and ignorance in small doses.

Edited by parisprincess
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"The Duggars: We're barefoot and backyard people, populating the earth since 1988!"

Holy shit she looks like Amy.

I'm actually laughing at the face she's making, like someone else said, it looks like she's making fun of herself and her family with it.

eh, I was hopeful she wasn't pregnant, but it is her only job.

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*rolls eyes* I sure didn't see this coming..


I just wonder if somehow they planned on the due date being the same as their anniversary. Probably not (neither seems that smart, honestly) but it does feel a little too cutesy and coincidental. At least Jessa waited longer than 2 seconds after the pee stick dried to announce it....which I am pretty sure is tradition to start sharing around the second trimester. But that was probably not her choice, considering there was other "Duggar news" that needed to be shared first.


Makes me wonder how long this family and their ability to reproduce will be relevant. Hopefully by the time Josie's old enough to marry their 15mins will be long gone.

Not as creepy as Jeesa looks with her sisters. She looks certifiably nuts. 

To me, she looks like she thinks the picture is stupid.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's twins, and wouldn't THAT piss Miss Jill off.

So, as for names -- what's their political agenda? They're anti-Catholic, so maybe they'll pick things like Calvin and Luther. They're anti-choice. Concepción? Chaya, maybe, or Vida? They both mean life. Or they could do a "theological virtues" theme: Hope, Faith, Charity, Patience, Constance, Joy, Grace... why are all the virtues female names, btw? Why am I spending this much energy on this dumb question?!? lol

If it's a boy, I vote for Seymour.

Well, that'd go well with Israel in the "names that belong on old Jewish men" category... :-)

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Leave Jessa and Ben A Message of Congratulations

April 21, 2015

By Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

Exciting news! Jessa and Ben are expecting a baby! Jim Bob and I are so excited for them and we know Jessa and Ben will make great parents! Please join us in wishing them a message of congratulations by posting a comment below!


Edited by springtime

Let's just say the show is cancelled next month.


Who the hell is going to feed this unemployed bunch?  Was any thought at all given to that???

You really have to wonder. Even with all his bluster about providing for yourself, I read that a supermarket clerk claimed way back before the show that Boob and family were heavily dependent on food stamps.

BAE B. Jesus Seewald


And WeeWald, LOL.


I think the elder Seewalds are likely thrilled. Bin's dad posted that thing about marrying young, I'm sure he wants them breeding young too.

Yes, didn't Guinn get pregnant with Bin not long after she was married?

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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