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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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39 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'm pretty sure Ben said that Wilberforce was named for the father, William, not the son. 

eta: Checked out the video again. Ben clearly says that he was named for William. Henry came from another writer, Matthew Henry, whom Spurgeon (not the toddler) revered. 

But still ... his name is Henry Wilberforce. I don't think they did their homework. 

There's still time to pull a Bates - Heanry.

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Fact: 3 out of 4 of my parents' children have weird names.  My sister came along and got the name Ashley. 

None of us resent her, we just give my parents a hard time about it every now and then. ;-)  I tag my mother in every single "How An Ethnic Name Hinders Your Job Prospects" article that I can find! 

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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11 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

But still ... his name is Henry Wilberforce. I don't think they did their homework. 

There's still time to pull a Bates - Heanry.

Oh, I agree that they didn't do their homework. Ben was so fixated on the oh-so-wonderful feats of the father that he didn't look into his family tree. 

I love it when irony rears its head.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I'm kind of disappointed that they went with something halfway acceptable. Spurge is going to flip a table when he realizes what his idiot parents did to him sticking him with a hideous first name and decent middle name.

Also, wasn't Charles Spurgeon heavily anti-Catholic? And this Wilburforce guy was heavily pro-Catholic? I expect the next baby to be named Gandhi at this rate. 

As a person with a weird ethnic name that is hard to pronounce and not found in any American baby books, I suggest Spurgie change it as soon as he can. My mom's friend changed it for me when she helped my mom register me for first grade. I have never ever been called by my real name. Most of my friends had no clue that the name I use is not my birth name. So Spurgie, once your old enough, insist that everyone call you whatever you want to be called. NO way should you be made to suffer.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

I'm always pleased when a post takes me back to the old British comedy Are You Being Served. If you watched the show, you may remember that the very precious Mr. Humphries' first name was Wilberforce. Good choice, Benessa.

Yessssssss! OMG you beat me to it.  And Mr Humphries was gay  and he carried around a Paddington Bear.  How ironic...for both the Catholicism and another Wilberforce being a gay character on a Britcom.

  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Oh, I agree that they didn't do their homework. Ben was so fixated on the oh-so-wonderful feats of the father that he didn't look into his family tree. 

I love it when irony rears its head.

I laughed long and hard at that. I'm thisclose to getting on instagram to comment daily on Jessa's posts about her naming her son after an evil Catholic against Protestant missionaries. The inadvertent dig against Jill and Derrick makes this extra delicious. 

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

As a person with a weird ethnic name that is hard to pronounce and not found in any American baby books, I suggest Spurgie change it as soon as he can. My mom's friend changed it for me when she helped my mom register me for first grade. I have never ever been called by my real name. Most of my friends had no clue that the name I use is not my birth name. So Spurgie, once your old enough, insist that everyone call you whatever you want to be called. NO way should you be made to suffer.

I'm glad you were able to avoid the stigma of having an unusual name.  Unfortunately, none of the Duggar offspring know what it's like to be involved on a daily basis with peers outside of your siblings, so they have no idea how soul crushing kids can be to other kids.  They don't plan for any of their own children to attend formal schooling, so my guess is that even if they were aware of the problems a name can cause, they wouldn't think it applied to their child.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, MonicaM said:

I'm glad you were able to avoid the stigma of having an unusual name.  Unfortunately, none of the Duggar offspring know what it's like to be involved on a daily basis with peers outside of your siblings, so they have no idea how soul crushing kids can be to other kids.  They don't plan for any of their own children to attend formal schooling, so my guess is that even if they were aware of the problems a name can cause, they wouldn't think it applied to their child.

Exactly why thy think it's okay to name their children these dreadful names.

i like Henry fine for a name. Of course Henry VIII was a serial adulterer, multiple marrier..but I guess since he broke with the Catholic Church, it's all good?

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

They didn't name for Henry the VIII (I am, I am), although it would have been hilarious if they had. 

Yeah, I know they didn't, but they sure are ignorant for a pair of pseudo intellectuals..not to know about the most infamous Henry of them all.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Love2dance said:

Yeah, but pretty funny that baby Seewald has the same name as William's pro-Catholic son, Henry.

I immediately thought of the Duggars in the historic home of the founder of Planned Parenthood while living near Josie's hospital. Both that and this name can now amuse me. I do rather like the names Elliot and Henry though.

  • Love 4

I will bet good money that Ben wanted to name the kid Wilberforce but was vetoed.  Given the backlash with Spurgeon, I have a feeling he will not be allowed to give the kids their first names.  I find it interesting that they didn't stick with the same letter of the alphabet.  But then again, Jessa marches to the rhythm of her own drum.

  • Love 5

But Jessa "We aren't a TV family, we're just a family on TV" waited until the People exclusive / TLC episode day to announce her second kid's name like he's freakin' George of Cambridge. Honey, stop trying so hard. We might actually like you more if you'd be real for five seconds.

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Yessssssss! OMG you beat me to it.  And Mr Humphries was gay  and he carried around a Paddington Bear.  How ironic...for both the Catholicism and another Wilberforce being a gay character on a Britcom.


Thanks for the great clip. There was another thread somewhere on these boards about how cats used to be called pussies "a long time ago." Well, the elderly saleslady on the show, Mrs. Slocombe, always referred to her cat as her pussy, and that double entendre was a running gag on almost every episode through the 70's. Yes, it made me laugh every time. 

  • Love 1

*sigh* I broke my Britcom cherry with Are You Being Served (I saw Python first, but that was a different category of wacky Brit comedy). 

Topic? They did with Wilberforce what I had HOPED they'd do with Spurgeon: use it as a middle name. I am not the biggest fan of Henry either, although it's very trendy now, but HW certainly beats WH by a country mile. 

  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

Thanks for the great clip. There was another thread somewhere on these boards about how cats used to be called pussies "a long time ago." Well, the elderly saleslady on the show, Mrs. Slocombe, always referred to her cat as her pussy, and that double entendre was a running gag on almost every episode through the 70's. Yes, it made me laugh every time. 

I adored Mrs Slocombe, and I am unanimous in that..here's a special treat for you.

  • Love 7

Even if they HAD gone with Wilberforce Henry as a matter of consistency with the names, Wilberforce could, and probably would have been shortened to Will most of the time. Poor Spurge is stuck with a nickname pretty much tailor-made for abuse.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 4

I wonder if they wanted to name him Wilberforce and chickened out? 

I think that Jessa took Binjerman aside a sketched out a picture of how tightly closed her legs would be in the future if they named their kid "Wilberforce." The first time she let it slide because she mistakenly thought she had to listen to her new headship. Well, that won't happen again.

  • Love 11
42 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Well I am banned from her Instagram just because I congratulated her on her wonderful name. All I said was you picked a great name after a Roman Catholic hating king and a very famous gay/homosexual male. Now you have to find out which name fits each category ?



  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Rabbittron said:

Well I am banned from her Instagram just because I congratulated her on her wonderful name. All I said was you picked a great name after a Roman Catholic hating king and a very famous gay/homosexual male. Now you have to find out which name fits each category ?

That's a tad mean. 

  • Love 4

Here is another well wisher from Jessa's Instagram: "Oh, wow! I love that you named him after such an independent thinker. Henry Wilberforce defied his father William and became a Catholic who preached against the evil of Prostestant missionaries! Good for you, Jessa! I'm so proud of you for opening your mind in such a way!"

  • Love 23
12 hours ago, Portia said:

Imma name my next kid Alexander Hamilton, but tell everyone "Nonono he's not named after Alexander Hamilton! He's named after Linda Hamilton. And Alex Trebek."

OMG I almost snorted my drink after reading this. You owe me a box of tissues!

If Spurge and Henry are smart, they'll both go by initials-S.E. and H.W. 

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, Malvina said:

Here is another well wisher from Jessa's Instagram: "Oh, wow! I love that you named him after such an independent thinker. Henry Wilberforce defied his father William and became a Catholic who preached against the evil of Prostestant missionaries! Good for you, Jessa! I'm so proud of you for opening your mind in such a way!"

OMG, this is hilarious. And so true.

I can't believe they didn't spend a minute doing a Google search. OK, maybe I can believe it. I assume that William Wilberforce is discussed in some of Bin's online theology courses, but apparently they didn't mention his wayward son Henry's life story. And it wouldn't occur to either Bin or Jessa to research any further. Just make a big public splash about the "name with meaning." LOLz!!

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Malvina said:

Here is another well wisher from Jessa's Instagram: "Oh, wow! I love that you named him after such an independent thinker. Henry Wilberforce defied his father William and became a Catholic who preached against the evil of Prostestant missionaries! Good for you, Jessa! I'm so proud of you for opening your mind in such a way!"

Normally, I'd assume that person was trolling but leghumpers being what they are, who knows. It's hilarious either way, though...either she's mocking their ignorance and stupidity in not googling their baby's name, or she's so dim that she's sincerely complimenting Jessa. And I'm betting that Jessa thinks it's a compliment but is pissed about it because it's the complete opposite of what she and Ben intended with the name.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Emme said:

I like Henry. I really like Elliot and Henry together - poor Spurgeon.

I thought I'd read that they called Spurgeon Quincy? Did I imagine that? Henry and Quincy are cute together...

Quincy was the name they used during the pregnancy. After the announced Spurgeon's name, Jessa was asked if she would be calling the baby Spurgeon, Elliot, or Quincy, and she said all three and "joked" about Spurgeon being confused about what his name was. In the first few months she would always post pictures of Spurgeon with the caption #BabyQuincy or just not use a name at all. When the internet chatter got louder about the speculation that the name Spurgeon was all Ben's idea and that Jessa hated it, Jessa proceeded to used the name Spurgeon exclusively.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Well I am banned from her Instagram just because I congratulated her on her wonderful name. All I said was you picked a great name after a Roman Catholic hating king and a very famous gay/homosexual male. Now you have to find out which name fits each category ?

That was truly evil *insertGrinchGif*

  • Love 1

I'm sure the late John Inman (who played the delightful Mr. Wilberforce Humphries on Are You Being Served?) would be spinning in his grave knowing that these two homophobes used his best loved character's name.  Will this teach them tolerance? Probably not, since @Rabbittron was banned on the spot for pointing out the irony.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Jeeves said:

OMG, this is hilarious. And so true.

I can't believe they didn't spend a minute doing a Google search. OK, maybe I can believe it. I assume that William Wilberforce is discussed in some of Bin's online theology courses, but apparently they didn't mention his wayward son Henry's life story. And it wouldn't occur to either Bin or Jessa to research any further. Just make a big public splash about the "name with meaning." LOLz!!

Here's mother thing that will never happen--HWW received an Oxford education. We already know that Spurgie and Willlllburrrrrr won't even get an education at a public high school, let alone Oxford.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Emme said:

I like Henry. I really like Elliot and Henry together - poor Spurgeon.

I thought I'd read that they called Spurgeon Quincy? Did I imagine that? Henry and Quincy are cute together...

According to an article in the UK Daily Mail, some family members are calling Spurge - "Quincy".  Personally, I prefer the name "Elliot".  Jessa being the bitch that she is, doubled down on Spurgeon when she heard and read what others thought about the name.  I think it's the worst "celebrity's kid" name, ever.  It beats Apple, Banjo, Kal-el, North and Blue. 

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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