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S03.E02: Week 2, Night 1

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One bachelor is forced to exit paradise early and insults Chris Harrison and his cast mates on his way out. Back at the house, everyone celebrates his departure as they get back to finding love.

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I didn't watch the "Andi" season,  can anyone provide a short summary of what's in her book (in regards to Nick & Josh)

And on another topic, I still don't get why the twins are linked together as a pair. Shouldn't they be trying to find their own dates?  if one gets selected why does the other automatically get to stay,  you'd think they'd want to be individuals.

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I read that Evan gets together with Carly, but when it happens is starting to be a bit of a mystery.   I mean, wtf?  I can't imagine his reaction if they're watching this together at home. 

I think my decision to watch Bachelor in Paradise instead of the Olympics was a good one.  Who cares who swims faster than someone else by a tenth of second when you can watch Josh steal a woman away from Nick, again?  Not to mention Lace's reaction when she realized that blanket had fallen off the camera.  Or the endless amusement that is Daniel.   "Maybe you're an orange." 

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I haven't read Andi's book but basically she trashes Josh and to a lesser extent Nick and Juan Pablo.  She doesn't call them by name, gives them numbers but you could tell who was who.  She described Josh as controlling with a bad temper.  But that's just her side to the story so who knows what happened.

But the fact that he's on this redemption tour but openly making out in front of Nick with Amanda is well for me is a shitty thing to do and I'm no fan of Nick's.

As for the Evan/Carly story, I have zero comment on that except my poor brain will never be the same watching them make out!

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Had to laugh at Leah showing up looking for Chad!  Maybe we saw his true self when he realized that now he would never get to be the Bachelor . . . I do think he was truly shocked at that realization!  I will always remember him passed out with a crab nesting in his hair, muttering about murdering everyone!  BIP gold!

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Now, I'm no fan of Carly's, but I have to give the girl credit.  Had I been in her place on that horrific date with Evan,  I would not have gone along with the habanero/record-breaking kiss with that weasel.  The girl's got guts.  That whole scene reminded me of one of those nightmarish stunts they make contestants do on Fear Factor.  I think FF should put Evan on their show and have one of the disqualifying events be kissing him for 90 seconds.

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These people are some of the shallowest individuals I have ever seen collectively in one place.  Like worse than prior seasons.  Yet I keep watching.  I admit, some of the draw is seeing the lovely Mexican scenery, but I feel like I can't look away from the train wreck happening there as well.

First off, you can't tell me any of these guys fawning over Amanda are after her for her personality or intelligence or even charm.  She is a pretty blonde woman, and they all want her because they want a pretty woman.  When she talks, it's all in a baby voice and up-speak.  Nothing very deep comes from her mouth.  She mentions her kids and speaks to them, yet spends her time on an island making out with various guys rather than be with her children. 

I could see where maybe she was a sweet person, but she didn't come off very sweet when she went out with one guy the day before and knew he liked her, then made out with his nemesis right in front of the guy she just went out with.  She didn't give a shit that he was right there.  But really Nick?  sitting there watching them?  Just walk away dude!  Oh and Evan, you're really going to try for her too?

Speaking of Evan...what an odd and awkward guy?  He rally can't read Carly's disinterest in him at all.  I don't really like Carly, but I was feeling bad for her having to go out and make out with him.  He's another one who is ditching his children for several weeks for this blather,  He seems so awkward, like the only thing he knew how to do was obsess over Chad and follow him around.  Now that he's gone, he has no game.

Another one is Jared...  I just don't get the allure of him.  All I see is a poor man's Scott Baio, and while I may have crushed on Chachi as a kid, I got over him pretty fast.  All these women seem to love him.  He seems so dull and lacking of charm.  Yet they all want him.  Jubilee liked him but nailed it when she said he would rather pick a twin he likely can't tell apart from her sister.  Truth.  But they all want a pretty blonde.  Frankly, I think Jubilee was much prettier than the twins there. 

Not getting the twins coming as a package deal, nor do I get them holding hands on the beach.

Weirdly I miss Chad.  I think most of his stuff is an act for the camera.  They put him up to it.  Only when they over-plied him with alcohol did it get out of hand.  I think that's why he was so pissed off.  He was doing what they wanted, he just got too drunk and took it too far.  Way too far.  Sadly, I found him to be the most attractive guy of the bunch...

Oh and Lace is totally Cecily Strong and any number of characters she plays on SNL!  Laughed when Lace and Grant were getting it on and they show crabs on the beach.  No doubt there are crabs elsewhere than the beach with this group of people...

Edited by LadyJaney
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I don't like it when the girl or guy pretends interest in someone to get a rose, and then acts all offended at being in their presence. Carly is not all that attractive and if she has other prospects she should just tell Evan and move on. I'm no fan of Evan either, but I don't think he did anything wrong by just asking her for a date; she could have said no.

I find Josh to be way more handsome than all the other guys combined and I don't believe a word Andi says so I would give him a chance. There is a reason Nick keeps showing up in the Bachelor world and never gets a relationship out of it. Sorry no one gave Jublilee a chance, she is pretty, smart and nice person. Probably too nice for this show. Jared continues to show zero interest in women and has no personality; yet women fall all over themselves for him. I don't get the twin thing; is the one that doesn't get picked supposed to just hang around and watch? Leah looked way too over processed. 

Edited by Madding crowd
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I never thought I'd say this, but I like Nick. It only took Josh being a dick and Amanda not having the guts to walk up and say "sorry, dude, I'm in love with today's date now." 

Best part of the show was Evan lying in bed while fireworks went off in the background while Carly "bubbles" popped up.  Love these editors!

Am I shallow for wanting prettier people on this show? Izzy's mouth is huge, Vinnie looks busted, and Leah was just a pile of makeup and bleach. Pick.

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2 hours ago, Real4real said:

 will always remember him passed out with a crab nesting in his hair, muttering about murdering everyone!

Actually I believe it was un-murdering everyone. C'mon and get unmurdered with me! Let's get un-murdered!! *shakes head*

What kind of open hellmouth did I get into with this show? 'Cause like others I can't look away.  However, I definitely am wondering why it's so hot and what I'm doing in a handbasket.

So yeah, it must suck to be Nick. But then it seems like it kinda always sucks to be Leah, so I'm not sure who to cringe over more.

The almost literal face eating on this show especially around/for other people is heinous. I mean really Amanda?? At the bar with everyone around? She a classy broad for sure, though that should probably be spelled with a k instead. Hey look, there's mommy on national tv playing tonsil hockey at a bar full of people with a guy she's know for an afternoon or so. What amazing, special memories this will create for her family. It's really touching.

I too am baffled with this two-for-the-price-of-one thing with the twins. I mean I know, you're an eagle I get it. And also a romantic apparently since he used the phrase "If I had to bang someone tonight..."

I love that people just wander in every now and then. I slightly wish I knew this particular pool of reality famewhores better, then I'd have seen the drama coming and had popcorn ready.

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I don't know why Carly keeps coming on this show - she has to know she's the show butt monkey, but why she'd want to be baffles me. I felt bad for Evan having to hear her talk about him the way she did.

The two for one twins deal is so stupid. I'm sure they knew that one twin would go early so they'd have to do a package deal to keep the "twins" theme alive.

I'm no Nick fan, but I find Josh Murray ten kinds of gross.

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3 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

The almost literal face eating on this show especially around/for other people is heinous. I mean really Amanda?? At the bar with everyone around? She a classy broad for sure, though that should probably be spelled with a k instead. Hey look, there's mommy on national tv playing tonsil hockey at a bar full of people with a guy she's know for an afternoon or so. What amazing, special memories this will create for her family. It's really touching.

I know, right? She didn't even seem that sad to be away from her daughters when she skyped with them. "Look, I'm in a really pretty place" - as if the four- and two-year-old are going to say "oh that's great, mom, you just stay there as long as you can and have fun". Idiot.

It still baffles me how Evan got to be on this franchise. He's the male equivalent of Jaclyn Swartz in terms of attractiveness. I'm not a fan of Carly's, but even she deserves better.

I'm pleasantly surprised that, after all his talk about the women's attractiveness, Daniel gave his rose to Sarah. He also pegged Leah correctly as "an orange, only one layer", after she tried to claim the onion (that vegetable forever belongs to Ashley S, as far as I'm concerned). He's a lot funnier than Chad, with none of the violent tendencies - the show should use him for comic relief instead of Chad.

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Leah got a lot of plastic surgery.  I'm glad the other women were allowed to talk about it, and the show actually aired it.

Carly is just mean, mean, straight up mean.  How would she feel if somebody talked about her like that on this show?  

Grant is attractive but acts really teenagery.  Maybe he's younger than I thought.  

Amanda's use of "like" at Nick's first date.  Haha.

This "Josh" character is reallllllllllllllllllllly not my type.  He reminds me of any typical arrogant douchebro in my city!  I don't get it.  

If not for his speech thing, Nick seems on a shallow level to be almost perfect, but then he had to go and make out with Leah.  WTF?  I think I'm over him.

Poor Jubilee, but she's not trashy enough for the show anyway.

I'm Canadian but the twins at the end made me laugh.  Until they ran their joke straight into the ground.

Jared acts like the most depressed person on Earth

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Carly started to strain my like of her tonight. I feel bad for Evan now. I thought they were kind of cute together. I like her as show narrator toward the others much more than her acting so put off by kissing Evan. And who else does she think will be gifting her with roses?

Josh is gross. (And stupid. A "fictional novel?" Find me a novel that isn't fictitious.) I never understood why Andi picked him, especially when he was the guy who was just like all the guys she usually dated and failed at relationships with (what she said back on her season). I didn't know about her tell-all -- interesting. Knowing an ex hated him enough to write about him should be a huge red flag for any woman, though there are two sides to every dating story. Amanda doesn't even seem curious about his possible aim to steal her from Nick, either. Does she not know the history, or just not care?

I had just gotten done telling my hubby that Amanda seemed very nice and more reserved/classy than some of the other women (besides being prettier than many), which is why the guys were fighting over her. Until she dumped Nick like a hot potato and stuck her tongue in Josh's mouth in front of everyone. Not so nice or classy anymore.

I wish Jubilee would have been able to stay. Jared is kind of odd. I think he's just killing time, and feels the twins are an easy bet because they're not that serious about finding love, either.

Edited by Andromeda
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35 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Carly is just mean, mean, straight up mean.  How would she feel if somebody talked about her like that on this show?  

Yeah, that's the one thing that stood out to me.  some of the others are flawed, but her comments were mean and humiliating. 

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My thoughts on this episode:

Carly: she's a bitch.  I don't like Evan, but she really should not have humiliated him on national tv regarding his kissing.  That's just messed up.  She would go on a rampage if a man did that to her.

Jared: he's just...there.  He's bland and is physically unattractive...at least on screen.  Maybe he looks hot in person?  

Lace: I love the look on Lace's face when she realized the blanket was no longer covering the camera. Ha!

Izzy: she's bland and doesn't look remotely familiar.  She's seems like a decent person I guess from what I've seen.  

Vinny: He looks much better here than on The Bachelorette, though he seems like a bit of a player.

Grant: he seems very sweet about Lace's fling with Chad.  Of course, he may have simply agreed to let bygones be bygones since it's the ladies' turn to hand out the roses.

The twins: they remind me of 16 year old girls even though they are 23.  I don't expect 23 year olds to be the definition of "maturity," but the twins just seem unusually young for their age.  

Daniel:  He has a smokin' body and an interesting face.  His personality is just odd, but he makes good tv!  He's naturally funny.

Nick:  Ok, I'll admit it.  I like Nick.  He looks 10x better with his current haircut and is reasonably attractive.  

Amanda and Evan: Sorry, I just don't understand how parents can leave their kids to go on these silly shows in order to find them a stepdad/stepmom.  You need to be very picky about who you date and bring home to your kids.  Bachelor in Paradise is all about hooking up.  It isn't likely that any of them will marry each other.  

Josh: Where do I begin?  He is definitely attractive, but his face just looks evil.  He looks like one of those mustache-twirling villains in cartoons (if he had a mustache).  I haven't read Andi's tell-all book, so I don't know what went on between them during their relationship, but there is nothing about Josh that screams "nice guy."  He seems shady.  

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The twins are also mean girls, I was hoping they wouldn't get a rose. Jared doesn't even seem interested in dating anyone so I guess he figured that one of the twins would be easier to play off than the other girls.

How can any of those guys stand to listen to Amanda talk? I am already cringing thinking about Evan embarrassing himself trying to get with her.

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Oh this show is comedy gold.  Started the Olympics, then switched over to BIP so I could go back to Olympics later and fast forward through all the fluff.  The editing and maneuvering on this show is tight and somebody is doing a stellar job.

Leah goes on a date with Nick and is gushing.  Then lo and behold, Nick gets a date card immediately.  Whaaatt?  And there she is talking about how she can't believe she is going to get to go on yet another date, only to hear Amanda's name come out of Nick's mouth.  Leah's mouth drops.  Hilarious.

Evan and Carly.  Oh where to begin?  Evan giving an awkward kiss to Carly, he thinks there were fireworks, she says worst kiss ever and wonders how Evan has two children.  So hilarious.  I don't like Evan, as he is the answer to the multiple choice question "Which of these does not belong?", and it was so obvious that he wouldn't survive the first women-have-the-power rose ceremony.  But Carly should have declined going on the date.  Here she was telling the others that she didn't like him and there was no chemistry, yet when he asks her on the date, she goes?  Only to then interview about how unexcited she is and how she so much doesn't want to go on a date?  Then why not just be upfront with him?  Sure, it might have hurt his feelings, but clearly she didn't care about that as she told all of America what a terrible kisser he is.  She should have given him the opportunity to use his date card on somebody else who might actually give him a rose.  Now he is toast.

Jared and Twin 1.  What is with Jared?  And why do all the women like him?  As Twin 1 said, she's not bad looking.  And she is turning on her side, head on his shoulder, leg draped over his, and he doesn't make a move?  WTF?

Amanda and Nick/Josh.  For once, I actually feel bad for Nick.  Only because of my hatred for Josh.  I didn't watch much of Andi's season because I couldn't stand her, but this Josh guy is a true piece of work.  Sure, he's better looking than any of the guys there.  But what is with his cocky attitude?  Why not try to be friends with the guys in the house instead of acting like they are all beneath you?  Surprised that Amanda would go for him.  Can't see Josh wanting to have two young stepchildren.  Really classless of both Amanda and Josh to make out right in front of Nick.

Lace and Grant.  First BIP sex of the season.  Loved the look when she realized the blanket had fallen off the camera.  Wondering if production kind of snuck up to the window and silently removed the blanket.

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I truly feel like Chad is totally trolling everyone. Seems to me like a pretty normal person (with the exception of drinking way too much) who knows how to get a reaction (good or bad). He knows getting the "bad" reaction will give him the most screen time. The villain always gets more attention than the hero in relaity tv. You stand out much more by being the villain and are more likely to be talked about and remembered than being one of the 20 "good guys". Dude is totally trolling fans and other contestants, he just takes it a little too far.

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I'd like to meet some of these people in person. Because they all look a little busted on TV (except the twins, they're really cute) so there must be something I'm missing. Maybe they all have amazing charisma? I can see that in Nick on TV at least. 

Carly used to be the moderately amusing snarky commentator but she was kind of awful to Evan. She obviously decided to be into him to stay on the show, so her running him down was unnecessary. 

So far, there has been far too little Jorge.

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I wish Chad could have stayed, maybe with limits on his daily (or nightly) alcohol consumption.  

I hereby vote for and petition Mike Fleiss for a Chad spin-off.  (With Daniel making occasional cameos.)  

Please refrain from the "he's a dangerous man" scenarios.  I get it.  And I still want to watch. 

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Amanda: "I'm like, nice, like, but I'm like, not a like, doormat."

Cut to Amanda acting like Josh Murray's tongue receptacle. It was like watching a dog pee all over its territory and she went right along with it.

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Ugh, Josh is a creeper.  He talks so much, and with so much pressure no one can get a word in.  I guess that's how he wears down his intended. 

So like Amanda is like so like, hot?  Like all the guys? Can't like resist her?  Go home and take care of your kids you Klingon looking carpetbagger.

i don't like Carly, but she does end up doing fear factor shit.  And then she ate a habanero.   Yep, kissing  Evan was some fear factor shit.  Go home and take care of your kids you weasel looking carpetbagger.

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How old are these people?  Carly let Evan kiss her and then went, "ewwww," to the cameras. Now,  Evan thinks that because a girl let him kiss her he is a big stud and is going to go after the head pom-pom girl that is Amanda.  Meanwhile Amanda drops popular boy, Nick, when the hot jock shows up.  They proceed to make out in front of everyone. Shy Jared and Emily talk about favorite colors until the date completely founders and Emily pulls out the "how to get a boy to kiss" you stuff she read in a magazine.

I wonder if Andi is going to give Josh part of the proceeds if her book sales pick up?  I don't know if it's an autobiography or "fictional novel," but she gets no sympathy from me.  Andi had some very nice guys to choose from and she picked the arrogant, brainless douche for his looks. 

I sort of like Daniel and the twins together.  I don't think they're quite as dumb as they act but they're at least a little bit funny.  Last night I remembered the visit to their mother's  house and the pack of little dachshunds -- lets go there again, show! 

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But what is with his cocky attitude?  Why not try to be friends with the guys in the house instead of acting like they are all beneath you?

Because he thinks they're beneath him? After all "once upon a time he played baseball". Not to mention that he still believes he is too classy for BIP - yes he tweeted that last night - even after being on the show. So like whatever dude. Btw, speaking of twitter, he was getting dragged and just about every cast member from this season felt the need to announce they were #teamNick and even Jade from last season, tweeted about him only going after Amanda because Nick had gone a date with her. He of course used the editing excuse, telling her that as someone who's been on the show she knows how it works sometimes. Amanda used the same excuse when people called out her not even at the least having a conversation with Nick. She played the "not all conversations and moments are shown."


Ugh, Josh is a creeper.  He talks so much, and with so much pressure no one can get a word in.  I guess that's how he wears down his intended. 

Manic. It's exactly how I thought he was in Andi's season and why I always thought there were so many red flags with him. Someone above described him as "oily" and that's it. Honestly, I don't even see the amazing looks many have mentioned then but then again overly tanned, too blinding white teeth and way too much time in a gym bodies, do nothing for me. 


I wonder if Andi is going to give Josh part of the proceeds if her book sales pick up?  I don't know if it's an autobiography or "fictional novel," but she gets no sympathy from me.  Andi had some very nice guys to choose from and she picked the arrogant, brainless douche for his looks. 

Believe me I have no love for Andi and I don't buy for one second she wasn't as much the problem in the relationship but with what I have seen of Josh, I absolutely believe her about the name calling (whore, bitch) and that he used her having sex with Nick as a weapon against her for every argument they ever had. I think Josh is looking for some standard of perfection, which is why he's barely ever had a relationship in his life despite being 30. There is no way a guy that arrogant would ever get over the fact that yeah, he "won" but his fiancé banged another guy two days before him and a few days before accepting a proposal from him. 

I like Jubilee but this franchise will never work for her until she stops being so awkward around guys she likes. Also, I know editing manipulates stuff on this show but it almost looked like she didn't even bother trying to get to know any other guys after her date with Jared and seemed to just hang out with the twins and Amanda. I guess it's possible she was really confident Jared would give her his rose. 

Poor Leah. Whatever the hell she did to her face was bad enough but wow these producers don't care for her. There's the fact that they show the women openly talking about the work she's done, then she shows up talking about all the people she's friends with or friendly with and you basically have them flat out saying they can't stand her. Then they give Nick a date card right after his date with Leah because they knew for a fact he would likely ask Amanda out. Yeah she seems a little nutty and her conversation with Nick before the rose ceremony was hilarious because of his facial expressions but she's sort of become a punching bag on this franchise. Best to stay away. Another butt of jokes - Evan. Poor guy. Evan seems nice enough, save for his Chad obsession but the producers clearly had a ball making him seem as clueless and lame as possible. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Amanda's stressing me out. Like like like like. Like like like like. Shut up Bozo! I really don't get the attraction. Her child voice is grating, she's inarticulate and looks just average to me.  How could Nick ever want to be with that kind of woman is beyond me. I kind of root for him, even if I could watch Nick's heart being crushed three times a year because the jokes gets better each time, but it's hard when I see the empty head that's attractive to him. 


Anyway, couldn't stand Josh on his season, couldn't stand his controlling "high standards" ass on Famously Single and nothing I saw for now makes me change my mind. Go away asshole, take the bus to mainland with Rageychad please and thank you. And take Amanda with you. She's bland enough, I'm sure he can puppet master her in the perfect mannequin/mouse/housewife he wants despite her "bagage"©Kalon.

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Leah can not read men.  Nick had no interest in her.  He never moved to touch her on their date.  Even when she tripped he didn't reach out to help her.  She kissed him.  His arm hung loosely by his side.  He acted like he didn't want to touch her.  But all she saw was the amazing chemistry she thought they had.

I didn't like Josh on Andi's season.  I still don't see the attraction.  Amanda acted awful when she openly made out with Josh in front of Nick.  Does Amanda not think Josh was using her to hurt Nick? 

Carly and Evan.  They are the least attractive in Paradise.  They deserve each other.  They both think very highly of themselves. 

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I like Jubilee but this franchise will never work for her until she stops being so awkward around guys she likes. Also, I know editing manipulates stuff on this show but it almost looked like she didn't even bother trying to get to know any other guys after her date with Jared and seemed to just hang out with the twins and Amanda. I guess it's possible she was really confident Jared would give her his rose. 

To me, all of this stuff about Jubilee, I just find endearing.  She's awkward around guys.  Yes, she's not a smooth operator - so?  That's okay.  She doesn't bother to get to know other guys besides Jared - right. She focused on one guy, tried it, he didn't like her.  That's okay too.  She's not a player.  I don't think she was confident about Jared; I think she was hopeful.  She seems like a one-man woman. She tried it. This show's not for her.

Seriously has Jared ever smiled on this show or showed making a connection with anyone?  (Since Kaitlyn).  I guess I missed it.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I find Josh utterly disgusting. I will never understand what women see in him. Everytime I look at him, I'm just like "Really?! People find him handsome?!" He's also a total asshat who only cares about winning, preferably with Nick as the loser. I got a kick out of him repeatedly referring to Andi's book as fiction while looking as disingenous as ever. Sure, Josh, I'm sure it's allll fiction in your own head. The day I see Josh taking any responsibility for his actions is the day hell freezes over.

Amanda is such a bimbo. I doubt Nick had any real interest in her. I mean what man with half a brain would want to listen to her for any length of time?

Leah is still a bitch. Thanks for confirming people's opinion after Ben's season was correct.

Carly was laying it on thick with the nasty comments. She really should think before she speaks, especially in front of a camera. I can't believe she made me feel sorry for Evan.

Lace and Grant having sex on camera is just eww.

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27 minutes ago, The Hound Lives said:

I don't know if it's been said but Josh has the most f'd up hairline ever. I am sure it's his but that perfectly straight line that cuts his forehead in half screams toupee. 

Yes!! I was coming here to post this.  I thought his hair was a joke at first, like a costume of some sort.  He has that ridiculous hairline but then that high patch of hair on top that looks like the bushes that separate your yard from your neighbor's yard.  What is he thinking?  I thought he was the ugliest guy there, even uglier than Evan which is really saying something because Evan is repulsive.  I didn't watch Andi's season...did Josh look different then?  I was shocked that the women were saying how attractive he was!

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I don't know why Carly keeps coming on this show

The real question is why did the producers ask her again? She doesn't add much to the show. Couldn't they find enough people?


Amanda and Evan: Sorry, I just don't understand how parents can leave their kids to go on these silly shows in order to find them a stepdad/stepmom.  You need to be very picky about who you date and bring home to your kids.  Bachelor in Paradise is all about hooking up.  It isn't likely that any of them will marry each other.  

They should keep kids out of all these Bach shows. And why are they allowed cell phones on the show?

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9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I'm pleasantly surprised that, after all his talk about the women's attractiveness, Daniel gave his rose to Sarah. He also pegged Leah correctly as "an orange, only one layer", after she tried to claim the onion (that vegetable forever belongs to Ashley S, as far as I'm concerned). He's a lot funnier than Chad, with none of the violent tendencies - the show should use him for comic relief instead of Chad.

I agree I was also surprised Daniel went with Sarah. He made it clear at the beginning that he didn't find the ladies attractive, because they were worn or not fresh or something? So, then he goes and picks Sarah, arguably the least "fresh" woman there after being around the franchise for awhile. But I assume he's using her (as one does to play the game and stick around until a woman appears that he likes) and he may think she's less likely to attract another guy in the next go around, so if he continues to show interest through the next round she'll choose him and he's good for another round. If he had chosen Leah, I'm pretty sure she would've dropped him in the next round. She was in full-on strategy mode.

With this group I wonder if ANY of them really want to find someone to date outside of the show? It's boring if they're not into it.

Edited by Meraji
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Hey Carly, when a gross creepy guy asks you out, you can SAY NO. When people tell you to kiss the gross creepy guy, you can also SAY NO. 

I wanted to throw up after witnessing that kiss too *hork*


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I cant beleive Amanda, who is adult enough to have been married before and has 2 children, couldnt be grown up enough to pull Nick aside and tell him she had fallen for Josh--that whole PDA in front of everyone (which Josh was so obviously was doing it to hurt Nick), is something I wrote off in high school. I'm just disgusted, but lol cant wait for tonites installment:).

I just hate that her kids will see her making out with 2 dudes in a few hours on tv some day. sheesh.

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13 hours ago, bmacknz said:

And on another topic, I still don't get why the twins are linked together as a pair. Shouldn't they be trying to find their own dates?  if one gets selected why does the other automatically get to stay,  you'd think they'd want to be individuals.

I don't get it either and doesn't it slant things in favor of the guys when it's the women's turn? Or do the twins only get one rose between them. It's just so weird, why have this extra person hanging around who as far as I can see, isn't even trying to meet anyone. Has Haley done ANYTHING but sit next to her sister talking shit about everyone else? Though I have to admit that I do find the twins shit-talking a little bit funny. Emily's "here's a LYING BITCH" talking head, followed by their rundown of Leah's various "enhancements" made me laugh. 

If I had to hazard a guess as to why it's set up this way, I would say that show is desperately hoping to catch a threesome at some point, or at least enough footage of them both hanging all over some guy to allude to one, which the twins seem likely to provide. 


Jared continues to show zero interest in women and has no personality; yet women fall all over themselves for him.

Maybe that's the hook, that he's never been interested in anyone in particular, so it makes the others competitive to try to be the one to catch his eye? He seems like a very nice guy and a good guy to be friends with, but I'm not seeing the romantic appeal. 


Josh is gross. (And stupid. A "fictional novel?" Find me a novel that isn't fictitious.) I never understood why Andi picked him, especially when he was the guy who was just like all the guys she usually dated and failed at relationships with (what she said back on her season). I didn't know about her tell-all -- interesting. Knowing an ex hated him enough to write about him should be a huge red flag for any woman, though there are two sides to every dating story. Amanda doesn't even seem curious about his possible aim to steal her from Nick, either. Does she not know the history, or just not care?

Josh is pure smarm...and yet I kinda get why the women are falling for it. I'm not sure what Amanda of all people is thinking as she seems hell bent on finding a "father" for her kids and that guy is definitely NOT the one for that. If she's just looking for a fun fling in Mexico, good choice, but that's not what she's been saying. 


Evan and Carly.  Oh where to begin?  Evan giving an awkward kiss to Carly, he thinks there were fireworks, she says worst kiss ever and wonders how Evan has two children.  So hilarious.  I don't like Evan, as he is the answer to the multiple choice question "Which of these does not belong?", and it was so obvious that he wouldn't survive the first women-have-the-power rose ceremony.  But Carly should have declined going on the date.  Here she was telling the others that she didn't like him and there was no chemistry, yet when he asks her on the date, she goes?  

I literally have to turn away from the tv when Evan kisses someone so I can't even imagine being on the receiving end of that. So in that vein, I understand Carly's reaction (though she was over the top mean about it) and I even understand why she went on the date, it seemed like because he asked her in front of everyone and she didn't feel like she could turn him down without embarrassing him. Which yes, she'd already done behind his back, but that's kind of her thing, she's nice to everyone's face and talks all her shit to the cameras. 

Edited by ljenkins782
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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


I sort of like Daniel and the twins together.  I don't think they're quite as dumb as they act but they're at least a little bit funny.  Last night I remembered the visit to their mother's  house and the pack of little dachshunds -- lets go there again, show! 

I have to say I was just thinking that I would pay to see a reality show based on the adventures of these three, much more so than Ben and Lauren. They are really funny together. The one twin's (let's just call her Hamily) lesson in how to get a guy to pay attention to you in bed was comedy gold on so many levels. They can set the show in Vegas where the twins live--Daniel in Vegas would be hysterical.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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While I do find Amanda to be the prettiest girl there, her voice and personality are terrible. that voice would drive me nuts within seconds and shes sooooo boring. She looks like the type of girl who just stares at herself in the mirror all day with the duck lips pouting. How does this girl have kids? She seems like such a bimbo and I really question any parent who goes on these shows and leaves their kids for a long period of time. It's not like she just left them for this show, she was also gone for a couple of months on the bachelor. That annoys me that reality "fame" is more important to her than being with her kids so I already can't stand her.

Josh is hot in the "perfect looking guy with not a hair out of place" type.. but I personally wouldn't want him. I like more of the cute guy rather than the hot guy. The hot guy just doesn't do it for me. Also, he has one of the phoniest personalities I've ever seen. He just comes off so disingenuous.

Jared looks like hes just there for the paycheck and free vacation. Granted, If I were on the show, he'd be the guy I'd probably go for too though. I'm not into the loud, flirty with everyone guy. I like the laid back, genuine guy who doesn't flirt with everyone with a pulse.

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I felt bad for Nick.  Amanda is not the type of girl Josh would date or marry.  None of these famewhores want to be tied down with kids  Not even the kids mother!  I don't understand how Amanda can leave such young children at home.  Josh's family seemed pretty demanding I think they followed his brother around to all his games.  I don't think they'd accept someone's  children.  They would want Josh to have his own.  I found Josh to be annoying.  He's almost manic talking way too much.  And he looks like a villian cartoon character.  

Carly is very unfortunate looking.  I think she was so mean talking about Evan. The way she described him.. Honey that's how  the majority of guys, feel about you.  No one else has even considered dating u.  Evan is very awkward and unappealing in every way.  He acts like he's a Virgin. Lace looks like crap with extensions. Jared is not into women lol he seems bored I understand Emily's frustration 

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54 minutes ago, olivia1 said:

It was really bugging me as to who Josh reminded me of until I remembered this guy:



This is EXACTLY what I was saying all last night!!  I couldn't believe it when all the ladies were talking about how hot he was.  *shudder*

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

To me, all of this stuff about Jubilee, I just find endearing.  She's awkward around guys.  Yes, she's not a smooth operator - so?  That's okay.  She doesn't bother to get to know other guys besides Jared - right. She focused on one guy, tried it, he didn't like her.  That's okay too.  She's not a player.  I don't think she was confident about Jared; I think she was hopeful.  She seems like a one-man woman. She tried it. This show's not for her.

Seriously has Jared ever smiled on this show or showed making a connection with anyone?  (Since Kaitlyn).  I guess I missed it.

Yes, which is why as I said, I like her and always have, even when others were dragging her needlessly I thought during Ben's season. And yes, these things are endearing but on this hot mess franchise, not going to work for her and that is probably a good thing. Because the best thing most of these people can do is walk away from the camera and go live their lives in the real world. 

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Can someone refresh my memory as to how the show ends?  There are the people who get engaged but what does everyone else do? It's all people coupled up right?  What are they going to do with an extra twin if they make it to the end?  Maybe I'm just forgetting how it works but it doesn't make any sense.

Can both the twins even get roses?  Last night Jared said something like "Emily (and Haley) will you accept this rose?"  What if after Jared went another man wanted to choose the other twin?  The way Jared phrased it made it sound like she became off limits once the other twin got a rose.

This is so stupid.

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It just boggles my mind that people want to be famous so badly that they willingly reveal the worst elements of themselves on national television, all for my entertainment! (well, all of our entertainment...).  It is hilarious that all Amanda, the Twins, and whoever else is around do is sit in that one area and talk about everyone else.  They certainly think highly of themselves and are quick to call others out.  I thought Amanda was overrated on Ben's season and I think the same thing here.  It's so interesting that so many of the participants keep trying to sell the idea that there is no other conceivable, available, way to meet someone other than the Bachelor franchise.  Yeah, not so much.  No matter how hard they try to sell it, they just want to be famous and think this is the way to do it.  

I agree with others that Carly really is mean.  She's been on several incarnations of this show and knows that her comments will be aired.  Evan saved her from elimination and she really doesn't seem to appreciate it or acknowledge it.  I don't know who she thinks will be interested in her, but she could be kinder in her statements about Evan.  Oh, that's right-I forgot for a moment that if she had been kinder she wouldn't get as much exposure on the show in order to further her quest to be famous.

I kind of felt bad for Leah, she just seems too out of touch.  She acted like it was a betrayal that Chad was gone (he was probably on her 'list' of Bachelor celebs she wanted to meet), but also seems like a deer caught in the headlights.  She may think that because she got fillers, bleached her hair, looks like Amanda (really?  why did Leah go on and on about how they use the same make-up and look alike?), and is vapid that she would be on everyone's list of with whom they want to hook up.

Chad really seemed to not understand where he went wrong.  Oh well, go sell some luxury real estate...

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Y'all. What is going on? I'm rooting for Nick! NICK! Out of all the guys there he is killing it with a smoking hot body, intelligence and a sense of humor! Add to that some semblance of self awareness and I'm like "Whaaaaaaaaaaa? What is happening here?" 

He seems like he could actually have a discussion involving books, music, current events or politics. (Well, not with Amanda, but still)

What is he DOING THERE? 

Seriously.  Free Nick! He's too good for this show -- and who in the F**k saw that coming? 

Olivia1 you are spot on with your Josh photo! Right down to the chompers! 

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