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S06.E04: The M Word

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I feel like Shannon Beador wishes she was Erica Jayne, that she felt that sexy, that confident, and was much less codependent on her husband.


I wonder if Shannon would call her Erica Jayne or Erica Girardi, or if she would alternate, or if her head would just explode like Kim in Sharknado 3. I'm pretty certain it's against the law for Shannon to refer to someone without using their first and last name.


Something that bugs me about Kyle is that she doesn't shut people down when they talk about Kim, but complains about it later. I get the feeling she wants other people to voice her resentments for her so she can remain innocent. Then in TH's or blogs she says she was uncomfortable with people talking about Kim. I am generally ok with Kyle and I hate how she is treated by her family, but I do understand why Kim and Kathy would be upset that Kyle doesn't defend Kim. When someone brings up Mauricio in a negative light Kyle IMMEDIATELY cuts them off, and when LVP was going on about the wedding and alluding to the Hiltons' problems with Mauricio and Alexia she eventually put her foot down and said they'd talk about it later. Not so with Kim. Why can't she say "Kim is struggling but she's family" and be done with it?

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 8

I cringed with second-hand embarrassment when Yo was adoringly stroking King David's face out on the patio.  At least she didn't call him "my love" 15 times.  Awkward.


What I found interesting was the wives' discussion about social media, the things they post, and why they do it.  I find this whole topic interesting, as I myself have an Instagram account but never use it - I only have it to see what others post.  The thought of having to post pictures of yourself multiple times a day to stay relevant is so odd to me.  I suspect many use it to push the idea that they are happy, have it all together, have a wonderful life, when just the opposite is true.  Yo posting pictures of her personal health struggles is her way of staying relevant, and the housewives know this (and they do it as well), so they hesitate to bring it up, but it's still an interesting topic for gossip.


I have been a fan of Eileen's from way back in the day on Y&R.  That woman gets more gorgeous every year.


Why wasn't Rinna on vacay with her family?  Because she had to go to Lisa V's house to look at the ponies?


And I'm curious if Kim had to give any sort of permission for her Sharknado scene to be shown on the show last night.  Careful, Rinna, when you talk about actresses taking any job that comes their way....

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 6

I wonder if watching themselves ever results in a positive change.  Like when Vince and Eileen were bickering over lunch.  All he's saying is "don't come at me first thing in the morning".  Eileen heard it as "don't bother me with family shit".  If they both watch that, maybe it will sink in and they can work out a compromise. 


I like Eileen, but sensing something "in the air" at Lisa's, and then demanding to know what they were talking about -- when they were obviously not wanting to talk about it -- that was someone looking for air time.

I really like Eileen. The lunch annoyed me mainly because it reminded of my husband and I bickering and ugh I already have that IRL. I felt annoyed by proxy LOL! Can we stick to acting jobs fancy parties and mini horses?


Anyway, I love Erica and Erika Jayne. She doesn't seem to take herself to seriously ( kind of like Lisa V) at least on camera. I'm really enjoying this cast. Huge improvement.

I wonder if Shannon would call her Erica Jayne or Erica Girardi, or if she would alternate, or if her head would just explode like Kim in Sharknado 3. I'm pretty certain it's against the law for Shannon to refer to someone without using their first and last name.


Something that bugs me about Kyle is that she doesn't shut people down when people talk about Kim. She did to an extent at the dinner party when Lisa was going on about the wedding, but sometimes I get the feeling she wants other people to voice her resentments for her so she can remain innocent. Then in TH's or blogs she says she was uncomfortable with people talking about Kim. I am generally ok with Kyle and I hate how she is treated by her family, but I do understand why Kim and Kathy would be upset that Kyle doesn't defend Kim. When someone brings up Mauricio in a negative light Kyle IMMEDIATELY cuts them off. Why can't she say "Kim is struggling but she's family" and be done with it?

I think that is her passive aggressive way of dealing with it. She isn't an active participant but all the negative stuff about Kim is still able to be said. I feel bad for Kyle and it wouldn't surprise me that will all the years of abuse and mistreatment and stress from Kim, she is happy to let the others shit talk about her and then does the TH to save face.

  • Love 5

I literally spit out my drink last night when Yo came up with the "brilliant" idea of Erica performing w/ David in Italy.  He's doing a benefit for Andre Bocelli's foundation and the Pope is a surprise guest.  D-list Pussy Cat Doll impersonator Erica Jane is not the right act to feature in that venue (is there ever a proper venue for that?).  And David's nodding and saying it wasn't a bad idea...can anything be more scripted?  David wouldn't tolerate people (that he invited into his home) singing around his piano while he performed, so I highly doubt he'd be willing to share one sliver of a spotlight's ray with an over aged pole dancer. Apparently the producers (or Erica's rich sugar granddaddy) wants the audience to take Erica's "music career" seriously.  If Erica truly can sing, I'd be happy to listen- as long as the auto tune is turned off and she covers her cooch.


Eileen's interpretation of Vince's attitude re. family & schedules is pretty common IMO.  I love my husband and he is a great father and he helps around the house more than some husbands I know.  However, I am the sole owner of schedules and managing conflicts.  If he gets invited to go snowmobiling, or out to dinner after work, he accepts without checking with me.  It's not that he needs my permission to go but I may have an appointment of my own or need to get something done and it never enters his mind that I may have had other plans or how his sudden change affects me or the kids in some way. His time is his time, my time is everybody's time!


Kyle's girls were ridiculous at the ear piercing place.  Both girls asked to get their ears done.  Kyle didn't force them into the store.  I'd tell them not to ask me to take them ever again.


(edited b/c Botticelli was a painter; Bocelli is the singer)

Edited by BusyOctober
  • Love 17

And I'm curious if Kim had to give any sort of permission for her Sharknado scene to be shown on the show last night. Careful, Rinna, when you talk about actresses taking any job that comes their way....

This has already been discussed most of the last season that Lisa R would do anything for a buck. Remember she gloated about how she made 1M dollars for doing a Depends ad. So Lisa R has no shame bringing any level of attention to herself so as long the price is right. Kim, though at the reunion, acted too proud that she could never do the same type of work as Lisa R. Yet she did Sharknado 3.

  • Love 16

When I was in college an adult survivor of Munchaussen by proxy came to speak in one of my psychology classes. I'll never forget it. Her mom managed to get her scheduled for explorative heart surgery through a combination of fraudulent documentation and good acting. The woman had actually begun to believe she was sick because she was constantly weak and dizzy--come to find out mom had been poisoning her to induce symptoms (yes, this was well before The Sixth Sense came out, but apparently it's a common characteristic). While she was in the hospital she was fed food that was not poisoned and surprise she started to feel better. A nurse ended up figuring out she was being abused and the entire mysterious heart ailment was faked.

Anyway, IMO Yolanda is carried away with the idea of her own plight and being an activist, but I don't think she's faking sickness purely for atteuntion.

I wonder if you're talking about Julie Gregory who wrote about her experience in Sickened. That book was so good and included copies of her medical reports. The cardiologist told off the mother, but nothing was really done about it. Later on, the mother was receiving state funds to care for disabled people by taking them into her home. It's a horrifying thing.
  • Love 2


Not surprised that Portia was afraid of the piercing after the way her older sister behaved.  I suppose Kyle knows how to handle her own kids, but I would have said okay then, let's go.  Ya big baby. 

I agree. Whose bright idea was it to place a young child in the same room as the older sister while the piercing was happening? Of course, Portia freaked her. Her sister was damn near hyperventilating and needed mommy to sit on her. I just found that scene so ridiculous and I felt so bad for the piercer who had to stand there and watch everyone freak out. I understand fearing needles, but come on. No one forced them to go there - they wanted to.


You can tell Eileen was reading Lisa R's body language and eye contact when Lisa was filling her in. Lisa voice even didn't sound the same like usual. She tried to come off as innocent. Eileen wasnt buying it.

I just found it funny how quickly Eileen read the situation before Lisa even told her what was said. And I didn't like that Lisa backtracked and said that she now feels bad for talking about it and doubting Yolanda. Once she realized that she wasn't getting the reaction she expected, she got nervous.

  • Love 7

I really like Eileen. The lunch annoyed me mainly because it reminded of my husband and I bickering and ugh I already have that IRL. I felt annoyed by proxy LOL! Can we stick to acting jobs fancy parties and mini horses?


Anyway, I love Erica and Erika Jayne. She doesn't seem to take herself to seriously ( kind of like Lisa V) at least on camera. I'm really enjoying this cast. Huge improvement.

I think that is her passive aggressive way of dealing with it. She isn't an active participant but all the negative stuff about Kim is still able to be said. I feel bad for Kyle and it wouldn't surprise me that will all the years of abuse and mistreatment and stress from Kim, she is happy to let the others shit talk about her and then does the TH to save face.

This franchise is taking a whole different turn because of social media, Kim's arrests and the numerous off season adventures these women find themselves in.  I don't blame Lisa V for bringing up a still drunk Kim calling her a phony.  It was hurtful and unnecessary on Kim's part.  I loved they showed Kim's limited role in Sharknado 3.  As for Kyle she is not happy and really has no business shutting others down about Kim's behavior.  Kim was part of the cast, Kim went down in a very public way.  Had it been Brandi that crashed and burned like Kim, I don't think anyone but Yolanda would have hesitated to pile on her negative butt.  Those comments were very real comments directed to Lisa V, for Kyle to be called on to defend the indefensible once more is wrong and not doing Kim a bit of good.

  • Love 12


Kyles girls are gorgeous, but brats.



I don't think they're brats, so much as drama queens. Sophia was totally putting on an act about how scared she was and Kyle was happy to play along. She'd already gotten her ears pierced so if it was really that scary she'd hardly want to do it again. Portia watched and naturally imitated her sister. That was a better acting lesson scene than the one with the professional coach. I guess there's no harm in it--some mothers (mine, certainly) would have just said, "Look, if you don't want to do it we're leaving." With the Umanskys it's a chance to all spazz out together.


Kyle has never heard the word Munchhausen?



She had just said she'd heard of the by-proxy version so I think she was trying to say that this idea about Yolanda doing it to herself hadn't occurred to her before then. 



So the rest of the season is going to be "Team Empathy"(Yo and her acolytes)  versus "Team Selfish and Ignorant" (Lisa x2 and Kyle).  That's if the narrative arc follows Yo's plans. 

If it fails, then it will be "Team Malingering" versus "Team Real Life".



LOL! I can totally see this. I notice that Yolanda from the start has had this explicit agenda where she judges people based on whether they're attentive enough to her. Her friend in this ep has "shown up" and "proved" that she cared about Yolanda by giving her a ton of attention and coming to see her. Presumably Kyle and Lisa will prove they are not good friends since she hasn't seen them as much--even if she's the one keeping them away.


Whatever her actual medical condition I do think she's totally milking this as much as Sophia and Portia milked their ear-piercing. I have to admit that if I was in the position of somebody being told I hadn't proved myself as a friend because I hadn't seen her enough I'd probably happily own that. Because it doesn't even seem to be like her expecting a minimum of attention from people in her life--it's like a test she gives new people. If you're the type of person willing to start obsessing over the vague illnesses of someone you don't know that well right away, you're good enough to be her friend. Meanwhile her husband seems barely interested in the whole thing and she's making excuses for how she can't expect him to stop being David Foster because of her illness. And her kids aren't giving up everything to be by her side.

  • Love 16
Kyle has never heard the word Munchhausen?


Yeah, that was weird because she said that she'd heard of the "by proxy" version, which has the word Munchausen in it, but then had never heard the word? I'm guessing she just kind of misspoke in the talking-head part and meant to convey that she didn't realize that there was non-proxy illness as well. 

  • Love 4

Omg, Ken was so not on board with those 2 mini horses! I mean, I'm sure he's come around since then and is now attached to them, but his "W.T.EFFFFF" face told us his true initial feelings. 


I was so not here for Kyle's daughter's (Sofia?) ridiculous antics.  That girl is what? 15?  She has NO business acting like in public, let alone while being filmed.  Perhaps Portia isn't the only daughter who's interested in acting after all!  But seriously, even though Portia ended up not going through with the piercing, even she acted more mature than Sofia.


Like a few others mentioned, I don't mind Lisa R. bringing up the Munchhausen's issue because I am sure each and every one of those ladies (and many of us here!) have questioned Yolanda's illness to varying degrees. But, yeah, the backtracking and turning it around to make it out like she was a victim of believing idle gossip was kinda lame.  Stick to your original script Rinna! You are no Wayne Brady or Ryan Stiles or...{insert name of any other well known improviser here}. And speaking of her...


I don't think Lisa and Harry have sex. I think they are both gay. Just putting that out there. Weird that she is never with him and she seems star struck by him, like she doesn't really have him. She just seems like she is trying so hard to be this Hollywood star and she's just a weirdo with nasty lips.



Really..? So we're ramping up the gossip from just Harry being gay to BOTH of them being gay? Alrighty then.  As for the other bolded comment: in the world of soap operas, Lisa Rinna is a "star" and has been for a number of decades. 


QuoteQuoteI still don't get/like Erika. She calls her husband 4-5 times a day??? I thought he was a busy lawyer, how does he have time for that? My husband is a construction superintendent and he's very busy. We only talk on the phone when he's on the way home. If there's something I need to ask him I either text or email, depending on how urgent a response is. At any rate, I guess if they're both happy with the arrangement, it's none of my business, but it just seemed odd.



Thank you.  I was beginning to think I was weird because Mr. Duke and I only talk/text occasionally throughout the work day - and it's usually either something very important or related to something happening that evening. Of course, we both work during the day (me from home) whereas Erika's um "job" seems more active at night. Moreover, I don't think her job as being "Erika Jane" requires the same level of intellect or importance that her husband's does.


Silo, on 23 Dec 2015 - 12:53 AM, said:Silo, on 23 Dec 2015 - 12:53 AM, said:

Kyle: Don't these women have anything better to ask me about than my flippin sister?

NO, THEY DON'T. Because you're boring.


I think it's more so because they're all on a reality show together and need something interesting/slightly provocative to talk about while filming to keep their ratings up.


Lizzing, on 23 Dec 2015 - 07:42 AM, said:Lizzing, on 23 Dec 2015 - 07:42 AM, said:

The "M" for me in this episode is MIkey Minden.  That dude has bugged me since The Pussy Cat Dolls show ages ago.  For that reason, I'm not to thrilled with the addition of Erika.  Plus, she seems more OC than BH anyway.


OH.  So that is why that guy looked familiar.  Yes, he's ultra annoying and I've never liked him.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 6
Speaking of eating well, Lisa brought up something that has always bothered me on this show.  She invites the women over, has the most spectacular food prepared for them, beautifully presented on fine silver, and none of them ever eat a bite.  Tuna Tartare? Um, YES PLEASE.  If I were at that horse party I would be stuffing my face with everyone else's share while Lisa R. was helpfully educating everyone on Munchausen Syndrome.  And maybe it says more about me than them, but I've known about Munchausen and Munchausen by Proxy for many years, I've read loads of articles about it, so it seemed strange to me that none of them were familiar with the syndrome at all.


I laughed at the part where the ladies are all gabbing about Yo (or Kim maybe) and Lisa V. is in the background with the food and calling out "tuna tartare?"


Seriously, if she said, "Erika Jane" one more time, I was going to open my terrace doors and scream.


I am picturing a whole Suzanne Sugarbaker scenario here, complete with fancy nightgown and a gun!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 12

I need Kyle to have several seats. Your sister Kim terrorized most of the cast last season and then proceeded to get arrested a million times. She's going to be talked about and you know that as a reality show veteran.

And this is why Kyle gets the flak from her family. Who was invested in Kim Richards sobriety or lack there of before this show? Who really cares about it post BH besides her family? All anyone cares about is talking non stop shit about it and nothing else so exploiting her families dysfunction reaps these rewards for her. Kinda backfiring on her isn't it.  I'm just saying Kim and the family already live their own nightmares doesn't help to windex a window so strangers can join the mix and really have at it. I'm reminded of What's eating Gilbert Grape when he helped the kids peek into the window to see his mother and have a laugh as an outlet for his frustrations over the situation. SMH. Sad, sad, sad. I find the whole situation and dynamic of it all very heartbreaking.

She seems to have a need to expose people. The time for her to be talking about Kim is over. Kim is going to die if she doesn't straighten out. It's no longer about Lisa fucking Rinna and a limo ride from a year ago. I don't like the calculated way she brought up Yolanda and Munchassuen Syndrome because she's so very concerned. There's a blurb on Bravo's website wherein she criticizes Yolanda for not sharing her marital issues last year and insinuating that she shouldn't pick and choose what to be private about and what to share. Kim was deflecting when she said Lisa should worry about her own life, but she wasn't wrong. It was Lisa R last season who said insinuations were dangerous. Maybe it's time to take her own advice.


Also, she went about her investigation all wrong! She needed to call all the places Yolanda has been treated pretending she too has Lyme Disease. Perhaps the dentist who removed Yolanda's crowns is an impostor! Maybe the South Korean place doesn't even do stem cell treatments and she was just there for a bubble tea. Call Megan PI, Lisa. You're an amateur.

I swear before the season even started I knew at some point I would be using the phrase "Because, JUSTICE" in reference to Lisa R....

  • Love 3

All I know is Sophia better not get any tattoos or piercings beyond her ears, because that girl has a low pain tolerance!

At first, I thought it was funny when she did it S4 with her ears. Now I was like ffwd button be my friend.

If it's true York is trying to freeze out lisa V and kyle, she isn't doing a good job. Lisa v actually is getting so pretty good edit thus far this season.

I doubt Lisa V will never be shown in a bad light ever after S4. She barely came back after that season and Andy had to get on plane to beg her along with a nice pay raise to have her return.

  • Love 5

Boring show, for me.   If they are all going to refuse to talk about anyone, namely Kim and Yolanda at the moment, I don't know where the future is going to lead.  This franchise relies on drama created by back stabbing and gossip!  


Yolanda does NOT have Munchhausen.  I hope they drop it.  Stop wondering if she is sick, she is.  Attack her alternative health obsession, possible supplement interactions and her exaggerating.  


Those miniature horses were beautiful!  Highlight of the show for me.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

I like Erika Jayne. I have no idea who this Erica Jane is that so many of you have referenced.


This show started out with a whole bunch of Virgos: Lisa V., Kim, Adrienne and Camille all share the same zodiac sign. Now there are two Capricorns (Kyle and Yolanda) and two Cancers (Lisa R. and Erika). Those opposite signs are very underrepresented in this franchise. I believe were going to be in for something new as they pair up and face off with each other. Lisa R. and Porsha (another Cancer native) from Atlanta already share the propensity to overreact defensively when they feel threatened. I'm looking forward to more slapping.

Edited by dolphincorn
  • Love 1

Yolanda's self-created storyline about who "truly cares" and who "doesn't" bugs. In her blog, she says this:



Our tech-obsessed lifestyles have trained us to think quick, less words, faster is better and sometimes this doesn't resonate with me. Replacing face to face time with text messages - I prefer to stay connected to the true meaning of words, quality time, and old fashioned friendships.

Correct me if I'm wrong (please!), but didn't Lisa V say that she texted and Yolanda never answered? If you send a *text* and no one answers, and you know they're still alive and that you have the right number, would you even feel welcome attempting to call or visit? 


I'm not a big fan of text conversations either, but c'mon, Yolanda... If you don't respond to someone's initial gesture of kindness (however minimal), how can you expect them to extend themselves even further? Personally, if someone doesn't even bother to respond to a message that expresses kindness or concern, I think they're *not interested in talking with me* and back away.

  • Love 22

This has already been discussed most of the last season that Lisa R would do anything for a buck. Remember she gloated about how she made 1M dollars for doing a Depends ad. So Lisa R has no shame bringing any level of attention to herself so as long the price is right. Kim, though at the reunion, acted too proud that she could never do the same type of work as Lisa R. Yet she did Sharknado 3.

Except Sharknado is really popular and a ratings winner for SyFy. They got a lot of celeb cameos so if anything Rinna should be jealous.

  • Love 1

My take is that Yo got sick with something, Lyme or something else. Instead of recognizing that Lyme or CFS or whatever she has takes a long time to recover from, she embarked on the path of alternative treatments, thinking that each one was a fix and would make her "normal: again. Everyone who has ever suffered from Lyme knows that's just not in the cards. Along the way, two things happened. One, she got sicker, probably from all the crazy treatments and two, she started to realize, conciously or sub conciously that she was getting a payoff in extra attention because of her plight. My guess is that her marriage was falling apart at the same time, so her victimhood was something that protected her from bad stuff. Now she is so entrenched in being a victim she can't get out of the cycle.


As far as the bedridden for 18 months comment, I have known several people with Lyme and with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You have good days where you can get up, take a shower and go out for a while. Then the next day you are in bed all day. I consider that bedridden. Bedridden to me at least doesn't mean you never leave your bed,


Re: Lisa and the horses. Lisa is one of those people who loves to collect animals. Clearly it was she who wanted the horses, Ken's b-day was a convenient excuse to buy them, plus she figured it could be a storyline. Lisa's not stupid, I'll give her that. I think Ken likes his little dogs. It's Lisa that wanted the big dogs, swans, now horses. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 7

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz on this whole episode.  Kyle mentioned again that her trusting mother let her drive at 13. No Kyle, your mother wasn't trusting-- she had amazingly bad judgement.  AND, she had amazingly bad judgement because she was drunk often and couldn't drive.  Let's not act like she had supreme confidence in your abilities.  The bottom line is, it was more convenient for her to let you drive underage.  I can't even believe Kyle is letting Portia in the biz after everything they've been through.  Portia is a ham but let her act in school plays, dance class and other age-appropriate outlets.  Children deserve their privacy.  Keep her off of tv and she won't be on the National Enquirer cover the first time she screws up her life.


Lisa Rhinna looked painfully thin.  Not attractive.  She is a professional shit stirrer for sure.


Love Eileen but Vince is a loser and everyone knows it.  Of course he's not going to handle childcare or any of the thankless tasks of parenting. 


The horse storyline is also a snooze fest.  I wouldn't think you would be able to keep livestock in Beverly Hills.  I live in a Pittsburgh suburb and you have to own 10 acres for each livestock animal, even if it's a chicken.  Ken's right, these horses are going to be a pain.  Where is the manure going to be disposed?  I'd like to see the blacksmith who makes that house call.  I think Lisa is just giving Ken something she wants.  Sometimes I do that...


Yolanda's story line isn't that interesting.  I think a lot of her problems were from leaking implants.  However, Lyme disease is a legit thing with a blood test that accurately detects it.  Kyle saying it was a vague umbrella of symptoms that could be anything wasn't entirely accurate.


I believe Erika was a stripper and not a cocktail waitress.  She's got the right moves.


Totally looking forward to everyone hearing about Kim's five finger discount day at Target.  Kim still isn't sober, I don't care how many meetings she's attended--she's defensive and not humble at all.

Edited by MerryMary
  • Love 7

Eileen mentions in her blog that on  most days she had worked out, memorized her lines, made breakfast, taken her son to school and is on the road to work by 9 am.  So basically, if she waits to talk to Vince until after 9, she won't be able to do it face to face unless it's after work or on FaceTime.  I really think if you are both awake in the morning and moving about in the same space, it's fair game for conversation especially if you to figure things out for later in the day.  Of course not being able to find your ipad doesn't really qualify but I get her frustration at being told she can't discuss anything important before 9.  She's a busy lady, she's TCB all day long while Vince....gambles?  I don't know, she seems to really adore him and she's generally a pretty good judge of character so I'm going to assume he's redeemable.  

I actually love that she didn't let the ladies shut her down when she got to Lisa V's house.  It's really uncomfortable walking into a situation where you can feel in the air that something heavy is going on and people are pretending everything is fine.  I'd have pushed too and i'm glad she did.  She's a smart lady and can read a room.  

  • Love 12

What is WITH this show?  Or is it me?  I've been bored since Day One of this season.  I hate admitting it because I think I'm the only one in here who can't make sense of it.  It seems like it's going in ten different directions at once.


Two scenes were interesting to me.  I got a huge kick out of Erica, and I was appalled by Lisa taking in two miniature horses!  It seemed pretty obvious that Lisa got the horses for herself, not Ken, and she's a fool after living with him all these years if she couldn't read his disappointment.  All of that gorgeous property Ken and Lisa have, all landscaped and lovely, and she has two horses peeing on the lawn and sleeping in the yard!  I think we'd better forget about Yo's mental state and worry about Lisa's!  How true the show title is, "Vanderpump Rules."  She is certainly taking Ken for a ride.


Then, we have Yolanda, healthy as a ... as a horse!  She and David are cavorting on the water like old lovebirds, while in real life they've already planned to separate!  As I said after last week's show, the world has gone mad.

  • Love 2

Poor,poor Yo-Yo of the Lemons...she's just so sick she can barely crawl onto that yacht and she has to bravely hold onto the railing with the last of her remaining strength. She can barely croak out a yipee over the water. And how very,very sad she can't go out with hubby Croaking voice-"You always ask and I can't". Yep. So sad she's been so ill for the last however many seasons she could barely crawl up those stairs to her lemon grove....or fly overseas.....or host parties.....or get into arguments.....or hold grudges....or go to Holland.....or Korea.....SO SO SO SAD...........(Massive sarcasm) 

  • Love 21

Yolanda's self-created storyline about who "truly cares" and who "doesn't" bugs. In her blog, she says this:


Correct me if I'm wrong (please!), but didn't Lisa V say that she texted and Yolanda never answered? If you send a *text* and no one answers, and you know they're still alive and that you have the right number, would you even feel welcome attempting to call or visit? 


I'm not a big fan of text conversations either, but c'mon, Yolanda... If you don't respond to someone's initial gesture of kindness (however minimal), how can you expect them to extend themselves even further? Personally, if someone doesn't even bother to respond to a message that expresses kindness or concern, I think they're *not interested in talking with me* and back away.

Modern technology seems to work with Yolanda when she is Skyping with her daughters and mother.  I guess she makes exceptions.

  • Love 11

I wonder if Shannon would call her Erica Jayne or Erica Girardi, or if she would alternate, or if her head would just explode like Kim in Sharknado 3. I'm pretty certain it's against the law for Shannon to refer to someone without using their first and last name.


Something that bugs me about Kyle is that she doesn't shut people down when they talk about Kim, but complains about it later. I get the feeling she wants other people to voice her resentments for her so she can remain innocent. Then in TH's or blogs she says she was uncomfortable with people talking about Kim. I am generally ok with Kyle and I hate how she is treated by her family, but I do understand why Kim and Kathy would be upset that Kyle doesn't defend Kim. When someone brings up Mauricio in a negative light Kyle IMMEDIATELY cuts them off, and when LVP was going on about the wedding and alluding to the Hiltons' problems with Mauricio and Alexia she eventually put her foot down and said they'd talk about it later. Not so with Kim. Why can't she say "Kim is struggling but she's family" and be done with it?

See I agree. I understand Kim is the devil and is not deserving of any sort of empathy, sympathy etc. etc. but My God! your statement covers it beautifully at the end "Kim is struggling but she's family". End of story but alas end of story would mean end of storyline for our Kyle and also the end of what's even more important, her affliction of "Venting by proxy" now that's a condition  worth googling about lol.

  • Love 4

Except, I think Yolonda is poisoning herself. Maybe she's not doing it on purpose but she's putting a lot of crap in her body that doesn't belong there not to mention flushing out a lot of crap that should be there. Plus I noticed when she was talking to her "health advocate" she mentioned not eating and there there was a talking head where she said she would go without eating or drinking for three months if that would help. She's got twisted ideas about food. Humans are supposed to eat. Food is good for you! Your body needs fuel to function. I wondered if she's even considered the possibility that she would feel better and have more brain function if she stopped focusing on not eating things. Even if she isn't doing it on purpose I think she's making herself sick.


I don't understand where Yo got the idea that eating was bad for her and that food is what is making her sick.  No food + lots of baggies of pills that have who knows what in them, are what is making her sick.

  • Love 10
I can't come down too hard on Rinna for gossiping about Yolanda because I think it's human nature to gossip. I suppose there are individuals who never talk about anyone else but those people are few and far between. The rest of us spend our lives talking about other people.

I agree, PetuniaP.  After all, isn't that what all of us are doing in this forum, and we don't even know these people!


ghoulina said:

I still don't get/like Erika. She calls her husband 4-5 times a day??? I thought he was a busy lawyer, how does he have time for that?

That's one more reason that I think she has a l'il somethin' going on with David.  It's often an action adopted by cheaters so they can keep track of their spouse's whereabouts so they themselves are free to roam.  That scene with Yo, David, Erika and Tom was very telling...the look on Erika's face as David was speaking was damn near orgasmic, and I think they were passing some subliminal messages between them during the entire conversation.  Either he's already hitting it, or he's planning on it soon.

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 4

Good grief Kyle, I like you, but make those girls grow up!  As soon as Sophia started in I would have said "This is not for you" and marched her out of there and not offered to take her back.  She could take herself when she turned 18.  And if you know Portia is a drama queen, as you said you did, then help her NOT to be one!  Don't let her grow up to be that annoying.  "Portia!  You are fine!  Do you not want to get your ears pierced.  Okay then, let's go."

  • Love 5
Ken's right, these horses are going to be a pain.  Where is the manure going to be disposed?


You can use it to fertilize your gardens. I'm not even halfway joking. 


That's one more reason that I think she has a l'il somethin' going on with David.  It's often an action adopted by cheaters so they can keep track of their spouse's whereabouts so they themselves are free to roam.  That scene with Yo, David, Erika and Mikey was very telling...the look on Erika's face as David was speaking was damn near orgasmic, and I think they were passing some subliminal messages between them during the entire conversation.  Either he's already hitting it, or he's planning on it soon.


Oh my, these are fascinating observations. Now I want to watch that scene again and see if I pick up on anything. 


I will say this about Erika, which I neglected to in my original post - she is much prettier when she tones it down. In her THs, I find her garish and too overly done. But in that scene where she was calling Mr. Giardi for, perhaps, the first time that day? She looked really pretty. It amazes me that few of these women realize less is more. 

  • Love 6


Something that bugs me about Kyle is that she doesn't shut people down when they talk about Kim, but complains about it later. I get the feeling she wants other people to voice her resentments for her so she can remain innocent. Then in TH's or blogs she says she was uncomfortable with people talking about Kim. I am generally ok with Kyle and I hate how she is treated by her family, but I do understand why Kim and Kathy would be upset that Kyle doesn't defend Kim. When someone brings up Mauricio in a negative light Kyle IMMEDIATELY cuts them off, and when LVP was going on about the wedding and alluding to the Hiltons' problems with Mauricio and Alexia she eventually put her foot down and said they'd talk about it later. Not so with Kim. Why can't she say "Kim is struggling but she's family" and be done with it?


I'm not a fan of Kyle's, and I think you've hit on it. A big part of Kyle's identity is bound up in the idea that she is the long-suffering heroic caretaker of the family. And she passive-aggressively makes the point over and over. How many times has she mentioned that her mom asked her to take care of Kim? And she was the one in season one who made sure to get it out there that Kim was an alcoholic. She chased her out to the car after Kim had already left the party to have the fight and shout out that she was an alcoholic. And every season since then it has been her heroic burden to carry on in the face of Kim's addictions. She is the saintly Kyle.


In Kyle's defense, I think that this is also a big part of her identity in REAL life as well. Everyone takes on a role in a family and this it the one that Kyle has assumed (some against her will). Having an alcoholic sibling isn't a treat (I can speak from experience here) and their illness forces other family members into choices and decisions. But there also comes a point where you have to disconnect from who they are and this is something I don't think Kyle has ever been able to do with Kim. And I think being on the show has exaserbated the problem because it is now so wrapped up in the character she is playing on tv. It would be so easy to say exactly what you suggest, "Kim is struggling" and be done, but instead she has to keep the narrative going, all while hanging onto her mantle of goodness.


Erika for me is an interesting addition to the cast. On the one hand she's pretty straightforward about her marriage and I'm fine with that. I never get in a swivet about young women with older men because I figure everyone is getting what they want out of the relationship. Sure she may have married him for money/security, but he gets the hot young thing. And these two have been married for fifteen years, so clearly something is working. I will say that I was initially a bit squicked out by her resemblance to the real Erin Brokowich, which made me wonder about the relationship Erin may have had with Girardi (and that all ties into Albert Finney playing him in the film and how I would have been creeped out if I thought there was a sexual component to that relationship.) Confusing I know. 


What I think is interesting about Erika is that I do think she's smart (even if she puts on the baby doll voice sometimes) and I do think she has a successful business with "Erika Jayne". The smart to me was apparent in the interaction she had at the dinner with Yo and David - she was clearly completely on the ball there. Where she loses me is in her attempts to make it seem like the Erika Jayne persona is empowering or something to all women. It's not. She's in the business of being sexy and selling that to people in the form of music, videos and performances and that's fine. But she should be as straight about this as she is her marriage. She is selling eroticism. She's not making the world a better place for women who secretly long to be Erika Jayne.


And even though the previews for next week make it appear that LisaV takes a dislike to her, I kind of see her as being similar to LisaV in her canniness and ability to work the angles. The weird thing is that LisaV has long been one of my least favorites because I do see her as completely calculating at all times, so not sure why Erika is not yet bugging me in that way. I think, again, it comes down to Erika being a lot more up front about her priorities and choices. LisaV is smart and calculating (in a very powerful, business-like way) but she tries to make it seem like she's too classy for all of that. Or something like that. It was kind of funny to me that she was upset with how Kim had called her a phony on some tv interview, because that's just how I've always seen her.

Edited by Pop Tart
  • Love 7



I was so not here for Kyle's daughter's (Sofia?) ridiculous antics.  That girl is what? 15?  She has NO business acting like in public, let alone while being filmed.  Perhaps Portia isn't the only daughter who's interested in acting after all!  But seriously, even though Portia ended up not going through with the piercing, even she acted more mature than Sofia.



I have to let my mean girl out for a minute - oof that Sofia is not a good looking girl.  I think Kyle's daughter Farrah is gorgeous and I guess little Porsha is cute, but Sofia REALLY looks like Mauricio's mother and that is not a good look.  The severe black hair doesn't help her.  She looks a bit raccoon-like.

Edited by heatherchandler

OMG Kyle, just S.T.O.P already with your girls being so annoying.  That was not cute in the slightest as I just wanted to reach through my screen and knock each of them upside the head.  Such drama over an ear piercing.... you either want the piercing or you don't...PERIOD.  Why do you coddle them so much?  It only served to amp up their antics and extend the scene much too long. 


:/ Rant over..

  • Love 12


Something that bugs me about Kyle is that she doesn't shut people down when they talk about Kim, but complains about it later. I get the feeling she wants other people to voice her resentments for her so she can remain innocent. Then in TH's or blogs she says she was uncomfortable with people talking about Kim.



I do not fault her for not engaging in a discussion about Kim.  Nor do I think it is calculated to allow others to talk about her.  She is not their keeper.  She is wisely avoiding any more strife with Kathy by staying out of it.   Of course it makes her uncomfortable and okay that she says so!   

  • Love 8

I'm not a fan of Kyle's, and I think you've hit on it. A big part of Kyle's identity is bound up in the idea that she is the long-suffering heroic caretaker of the family. And she passive-aggressively makes the point over and over. How many times has she mentioned that her mom asked her to take care of Kim? And she was the one in season one who made sure to get it out there that Kim was an alcoholic. She chased her out to the car after Kim had already left the party to have the fight and shout out that she was an alcoholic. And every season since then it has been her heroic burden to carry on in the face of Kim's addictions. She is the saintly Kyle.


In Kyle's defense, I think that this is also a big part of her identity in REAL life as well. Everyone takes on a role in a family and this it the one that Kyle has assumed (some against her will). Having an alcoholic sibling isn't a treat (I can speak from experience here) and their illness forces other family members into choices and decisions. But there also comes a point where you have to disconnect from who they are and this is something I don't think Kyle has ever been able to do with Kim. And I think being on the show has exaserbated the problem because it is now so wrapped up in the character she is playing on tv. It would be so easy to say exactly what you suggest, "Kim is struggling" and be done, but instead she has to keep the narrative going, all while hanging onto her mantle of goodness.




See a lot of my defense of Kim had to do with the fact that there are a good amount of her grievances that are justified but because she's an alcoholic it all just goes in the "she has no right to complain" bin and "she's just so ungrateful" cause ya know it's so selfish to be an addict. I get that Kim has done bad things but I really feel that a part of this so called "monster" she's become isn't just of her own doing and I feel really sad that any sort of light she's tried to put on her side of things has always been received so callously with no intention of actually giving it any real relevance or thought. I find Kyle's contribution to the whole dynamic to be very damaging but deemed rather forgivable when I don't see that to be the case. I find it hard to see Kim being ridden so hard about being accountable all the while expecting and forcing her watch how easily Kyle gets off in her part of it all. I can actually see with a lot of clarity how a big part of that continues to affect her ability to move forward positively. I know, I know blah blah this blah blah that but I really do see Kyle and Kim as one big cause and affect that started out when the were both children. Kim's addictions started when she was a child that means something to me, I do take that into consideration. Kyle's been involved in Kim's struggles since day one and Kyle was a child as well so of course she's not going to have the most helpful or healthy reactions either. I just think that it's something they both share and I'm saddened that there is such a "good one" , "bad one" narrative with this particular story since they've both contributed to the good and the bad of the overall circumstances and it shouldn't be narrated in a way where it's one sided.  I think that, most of all, is the place Kim comes from when she takes that accusatory tone with Kyle over this that or the other.


I've always seen Kim's relationship and communication with Kyle as her trying to point out the two way street as in "you know the deal, we were both there, we've lived this story together. It hasn't been me against you or you against me or me as your jailer and you as my prisoner. It's been us for each other as family no matter who leaned on who more." I think Kim was actually surprised and hurt when she realized that Kyle allowed her resentments, justified or not, to manifest so publicly and so calculated. And as an outsider it almost looks as if Kyle actually planned it that way. I think that's the message Kim used to try and point out as well as Brandi in the last season. I know, the dreaded Brandi but again the message got lost because of the messengers but let me tell you that's how I saw the whole story play out season by season so despite Kim's heinous crimes and behaviors I still managed to drink in those details and that particular story regardless.  That why I say it's really so damn sad cause I truly believe that Kyle consciously or even unconsciously threw Kim under the bus because of basic animosity and I don't think she expected so much damage to come from it. 


Kyle's lack of conviction in any direction when it comes to dealing with her sisters is what has really bothered me. It's the hemming and hawing that has always bugged me. It's the hesitation of saying what she really feels but doesn't seem genuine to me. I feel like when she wants to she can get her point across, no problem but its that added frog crying, emotional reactions she inserts into certain situations that are over the top manipulative for the cameras. I  never believed that she couldn't shut something down or express an opinion easily. It the fear of public backlash that creates the "unsure", "wide eyed" Kyle and that's what I used to get from Kim's bold reactions to Kyle where Kim looked like she was attacking Kyle but in reality Kim was just trying to call Kyle on her bullshit. Made her look like a bully time and time again. I don't why I totally got it each and every time. Kyle acting scared all the time made Kim's reaction to Kyle seem more menacing and I think that's what Kim was really pissed about. I saw it all the time. Kyle's hemming and hawing just sensationlized everything so much unnecessarily all the time. I took it all in as Kim rolling her eyes at Kyle time and time again at Kyle's forced reactions to Kim. I always felt like, even though Kim's behavior was altered enough to warrant reactions and stuff I found Kim's reaction to Kyle's reaction very telling. Okay I get that Kim being an addict is terrible in it's own right but from day one I always felt like Kyle's over the top, panicked reaction was all for the cameras and was all to highlight Kim's behavior because let me tell you as a seasoned daughter of an alcoholic I wouldn't be acting like Kyle used to act. Kyle used to act like she was completely out of her element and unsure of what to do when we all know that's not the case especially if she's been dealing with Kim for years so I found all of the pearl clutching, panicked, oh no, I don't know what to do, I'm so embarassed performance to be just that. An exaggerated performance. After a while, if you are really concerned you get it, handle it, get out, keep it moving. You don't add to the dramatics by incorporating your own pained emotions to the public display. Either you handle the disruption or distance yourself from the display you don't play off of it for sympathy and it seems she's still doing just that. Leaves a bad taste in  my mouth.

Edited by Yours Truly
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