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S06.E04: The M Word

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The M word? Should have been the B word as in BORING! I guess the only juicy drama (sort of) is Yo's illness. I don't pay attention to the scenes with the king knowing they might be fake or scripted considering she's getting divorced.

The little horses were so cute but I had the same thoughts as Ken that that will be a lot of horse shit to clean up. And I don't believe for a minute that Ken cleans up after all their animals. I would also be very careful walking around her yard since it looks like those little horses run around free.

Kyle's daughter should not have gotten her ears pierced. What a big baby! My four year old daughter didn't act like that when I got her ears pierced.

  • Love 12

Yolandas illness is slowly hijacking the show..brandi taught her well.

Lisa r is correct, her lips are doing the talking..and not in a good way.

Erika is so not madonna lol. She's like an Anna Nicole Smith only sober.

A mini horse party??? Only in Beverly Hills :)


  • Love 5

I can't believe there's not an ordinance in Beverly Hills to restrict mini-horses in a residential setting.

Except Lisa and Ken's home is not so much in a residential area like in the suburbs where houses are right next to one another. Los Angeles County has different zones for different areas that allow a horse on a property.  I believe the amount of acres or the size of the lot is one factor.

  • Love 9

Oh man...

Lisa Lisa Lisa

You sure got suckered to by the production, didnt you.

I bet good damn money Lisa R has never heard "Munchausen" until someone slipped her the bone via production.

This is the same woman last week who felt weird and uncomfortable by Taylor asking about YoLemons. Now here she is, the friend of YoLemons, doing her best Nancy Drew investigation reporting.

This is going to make her one big ass hypocrite no matter how much she feels bad or acts like she does.

I love Eileen will be snitching next week. I wonder will this be the start of blondes vs brunettes.

  • Love 19

I need Kyle to have several seats. Your sister Kim terrorized most of the cast last season and then proceeded to get arrested a million times. She's going to be talked about and you know that as a reality show veteran.

Kyle is in a s$itty position. She's damned if she doesn't respond or doesn't want to talk about it and damned if she answers questions

  • Love 21

There goes Rinna inserting herself into someone else's drama. First Kim, now Yolanda. Does she have nothing else to flap those enormous, hideous lips about? Now we're guaranteed a whole season of, is Yolanda really sick or not. Just what I wanted. Ugh.

She seems to have a need to expose people. The time for her to be talking about Kim is over. Kim is going to die if she doesn't straighten out. It's no longer about Lisa fucking Rinna and a limo ride from a year ago. I don't like the calculated way she brought up Yolanda and Munchassuen Syndrome because she's so very concerned. There's a blurb on Bravo's website wherein she criticizes Yolanda for not sharing her marital issues last year and insinuating that she shouldn't pick and choose what to be private about and what to share. Kim was deflecting when she said Lisa should worry about her own life, but she wasn't wrong. It was Lisa R last season who said insinuations were dangerous. Maybe it's time to take her own advice.


Also, she went about her investigation all wrong! She needed to call all the places Yolanda has been treated pretending she too has Lyme Disease. Perhaps the dentist who removed Yolanda's crowns is an impostor! Maybe the South Korean place doesn't even do stem cell treatments and she was just there for a bubble tea. Call Megan PI, Lisa. You're an amateur.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 20

Before I watched this episode, the only "M" word I could think of that would apply to BH Housewives was menopause. Thanks Brandi.

That would be the "double M word"  for menopause mamas. That is how Brandi referred to the others.



I'm so happy they're finally questioning Yolanda. She's had no problem attacking, judging and belittling others every season. Then used her "illness" as a shield from criticism in a very Kim Richards type of way. 


  • Love 4

Didn't Kyle's daughters already get their ears pierced in a previous season? And, Portia went thru with it? I swear that already happened.

The older daughter, Alexia?, was getting a second set of piercings. Portia only got one ear pierced a couple of seasons ago and was too upset to let the woman do the other ear. Someone on Twitter told Kyle she should look into clip on earrings!

Random thoughts: The mini horses are too cute. Lisa R shit stirring yet again. Last week she was horrified at Taylor's comments about Yolanda. Now she's turning into Beverly Hills version of Meagan King Edmunds. Since OC ended not that long ago really didn't want another season of is that person really sick.

Still loving Eileen. Erica Jane? Not so much.

Edited by parrotlover
  • Love 8

Horses schmorses. Gimme Rinna's Lola to love on, that's my type of pet ! ( still feel sad about Rosebud though. The whole thing seemed wrong and off)

Erica Jane? Of all the name choices to tag on, she picks JANE? Zzz Wake me when she leaves.

Kyles girls are gorgeous, but brats.

Ditto for Rinna's

Yolanda is fucked up, I don't know what's wrong with that woman.

I want to look exactly like Eileen. She's stunning.

  • Love 9

I'm calling it now: Rinna will prostrate herself with a mea culpa before Yolanda at some point and just conveniently exaggerate or out and out fabricate the extent to which Lisa and Kyle participated in her speculation (because, from what I saw, their contributions to LisaR's soliloquy were negligible). Lisa will accurately deny any substantive vocal hypothesizing about Yolanda's illness and Rinna will be shocked, offended, and ultimately make a fool of herself and/or get dragged by Lisa.


Is anyone surprised? This was Rinna's MO last season with her game of telephone about Brandi's suggestion for a Kimtervention and her subsequent refusal to support Kyle's account. The only unexpected element is that anyone - let alone Kyle - regards her with any degree of credibility.


I doubt that anyone will hold Yo's feet to the fire at the reunion but just maybe her split makes her fair game for the bag-of-oranges treatment from Andy.


I was thinking to myself, "you know, Erika is kind of dope." She knows the score with respect to her marriage, keeps her husband happy, maintains her own interests, and, unlike so many of the cast members on this franchise, doesn't seem determined to find something about which to be disgruntled. And then she broke out the charming "eat a dick" line.

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 10

Yolanda's blog is up and she has a very extensive list of medical diagnoses and tests as well as the names of her two main doctors. I've had doubts about Yolanda, but I think I believe her (though I admit I could be swayed by fancy language about blot tests and titers).


IMO Lisa R totally faked her distress after Eileen got there. Her idea didn't really fly and instead of dropping it she became JUST SO SAD that she even engaged in such a horrific conversation. Bullshit.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 14

Lisar is so full of crap. She's sitting there suggesting to Lisav and Kyle that Yolonda might have Munchhausen but then she cries to Eileen that she felt bed for engaging with someone who said Yolonda might be faking. She's trying to play it both ways and it's making her look ridiculous. If you think she's faking just say she's faking. It's not that hard! I think Yolonda is the fakest fake that ever faked. See?


Kyle has never heard the word Munchhausen?

  • Love 11

I think the Lisa munchausen scene was totally scripted. You could kind of tell by Kyle's pained grimace, bad acting expression. That's the thing about this franchise. 4 of them are actresses, one of them an awarding winning actress.

Ding ding.

The production must told Lisa R before hand she needed to be the best actress as she was going for a Soap Opera Digest Award.

She killed me "I feel so bad. I shouldn't had." WTH. Lisa R knew good and damn well what she was doing. She owned it but the fact she needed a layer sympathy for investigating is bs. Thats why I didn't get mad or annoyed at Taylor last week for asking. Sure her delivery isn't the greatest but she sure didn't feel bad for opening conversation about the elephant in the room and thats Yolanda's illness.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 11

 IMO Lisa R totally faked her distress after Eileen got there. Her idea didn't really fly and instead of dropping it she became JUST SO SAD that she even engaged in such a horrific conversation. Bullshit.

Exactly. Her fake weepy face reminded me of when she got all teary at the reunion when she felt like people were shushing her. Because her dad shushed her when she was a kid - causing deep emotional scarring. Or some such bullshit. She shed some fake tears and threw her dad way under the bus. The dad who is in the nursing home that she never goes to visit.....

  • Love 21

Judging by Yo's blog, she apparently has hired a PR person or her lawyers have someone.  That blog was not written by Yo.  Period.  She was interviewed....note the condescension about people who dare to question her.  Also notice how it glazes over all the ridiculous treatments she's had.




Thank you LisaR for the questioning of Yo's convention medical health.  Yeah, she backtracked but you know they've all questioned it.  They just don't want to do it on camera. 


I don't care about Erika or Erika Jane.  Booooring....  Too bad cause I think her husband is probably quite interesting given his career.


Is it me or didn't seem like Ken wasn't all that overjoyed with the ponies?


Thanks ZM for pointing out last week that Yo, does indeed wear make up in her TH's....in total contradiction to her claim that she hasn't worn makeup in a year.  Yep, noticed that this episode.


My daughter and I laughed at the pierced earring package.  She knows girls like that.  And it brought back memories of when she had her ears pierced at age seven.  She sat there stoically and it was 'done'.  It really doesn't hurt all that much.  But then again I have husband who totally freaks out about getting a shot.  I just roll my eyes and bite my tongue....um, want to try natural childbirth?  I can tell you all about real pain.

  • Love 16

I take back every nice thing I ever said about Lisa R.  So what if people are asking her about Yolanda?  Someone asks you about something that's none of their business, the only correct response is  "Why do you want to know?" 


Not surprised that Portia was afraid of the piercing after the way her older sister behaved.  I suppose Kyle knows how to handle her own kids, but I would have said okay then, let's go.  Ya big baby. 

  • Love 13

Omg yessss. This has been bugging me. She does look like Melody.

To me, Erica is a chameleon. When wearing a little make-up, casual clothes and her hair straight - like when she showed up to try on her stage costumes, she looks 30ish and fresh. But during the scene on Yolanda's patio, she looks like a middle-aged, proper, attorney's wife. Once she gets into her sequined netting and starts dropping it, like it's hot - she becomes something else altogether.

  • Love 12

That whole convo about muchausen was utter BS. Rinna loves stirring the shit. I think Yo is sick physically and is depressed and hanging on to her fairy tale marriage for deal life. 


Those horses idk how I feel about that. At least they looked healthy. 


So Vince is a grown ass man child. I don't know how Eileen puts up with that shit. 


Erika is correct. Erika Jayne should not be performing with Bocelli or for the pope.


What a boring episode!

  • Love 7

I wonder if watching themselves ever results in a positive change.  Like when Vince and Eileen were bickering over lunch.  All he's saying is "don't come at me first thing in the morning".  Eileen heard it as "don't bother me with family shit".  If they both watch that, maybe it will sink in and they can work out a compromise. 


I like Eileen, but sensing something "in the air" at Lisa's, and then demanding to know what they were talking about -- when they were obviously not wanting to talk about it -- that was someone looking for air time.

  • Love 7

I'm not sure what you do with 2 mini ponies. You can't ride them, they can't live in the house with you, you just take care of them, I guess.

Mini horses as pets aren't all that different from dogs.  They can actually be house broken/trained just like dogs, and fairly quickly too, so can be given the run of the house as you would Fido.  They're also known to be rather affectionate.

Edited by Tunia
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