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  1. Agree. If she didn't have the implants to give the appearance of health and curves, we would think she looked emaciated. She looks great in clothes, but for some reason, when she runs around in those skimpy bikinis, I always get a plucked chicken vibe.
  2. I'm glad you said that because I was thinking the same thing. I hate looking at Tinsley's mouth when she talks. It looks like she's ready to take a bite out of something. Perhaps if I liked her more, I wouldn't care. Come to think of it, Carole's lips don't cover her big veneers and they bother me too. But I don't like Carole either.
  3. I find her very funny too. Did she say she gave Mario half or was I hearing things?
  4. No, it's been a few scenes, which is why so many of us roll our eyes when Carole starts up. Here we go again.
  5. She can have as many opinions as she wants -- but why devote whole scenes of her telling us, the viewing audience. It's her prattling that looks so bad.
  6. Beth can't speak about her divorce on the show because there is a court order that she can't, requested by Jason. So she gets around it by having Carole give the details. Carole has not once mentioned there is a court order -- just that Beth is so wonderful because she never says anything bad. Beth wants to be the victim in this and Carole, with nothing else going on and needing Beth's friendship, gives the audience the information that Beth wants to give.
  7. Beth is very much responsible for what Carole is spewing. That's her only job this season... to be a mouth piece for Beth, since Beth cannot do it herself.
  8. Rocco didn't look very concerned when Sonja was describing the situation with the French guy. He looked amused, not jealous.
  9. I think Dale looks far worse. Her smile is just a slightly open mouth, her face is that frozen.
  10. I think Bravo cast the guests, including Tinsley's mom and Harry. They are desperate for drama and the housewives are so far not bringing it. Not that it happened tonight, either.
  11. I also noticed there were few people there, try as the editors did, to keep everything in closeup so we wouldn't notice the empty room.
  12. It doesn't make me giggle -- it makes me roll my eyes. I wanted a better closeup of Dorinda siting next to Jill all those years ago. She wasn't as pretty as she is now and I would love to figure out why and what she did.
  13. The disappeared mom of the crying little boy in the parking lot picked up the baby who disappeared from the car seat. That's how I imagine it.
  14. As if the inventor of the machine was able to find enough pieces to put together another to send Nora back.
  15. What did Nora do for money on the other side? How did she travel around? I'm going with she saw taking things to its natural conclusion and using the made-up story to illustrate it.
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