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S14.E09: Make It Sell

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"A disagreement between the judges leads to the most contentious runway yet." I smell The Tim Gunn Save in the offing.


It says something about the Tim Gunn Save that you can smell it from three days away.

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The designers must create ready-to-wear looks to be reproduced and sold online;

This is code for "the most boring runway show of the season where the dress with the fewest seams wins."  The results for these are usually so dull, I'm wondering what there will be to be contentious about.

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For me, often the most contentious things about these "ready-to-wear" episodes is usually my reaction where I'm asking "What? Why did they pick that one?" going all the way back to season 1's Wendy Pepper and her dark blue dress with capelet outfit if I'm remembering correctly. By now I'll consider it a partial win if they don't choose one with a peplum on it, because who wants that? Seriously, why are those still things?

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The judges might disagree, but the only real judge that really matters is the JustFab judge. 


I liked the lapel of Candice's. I thought it was neat that the lapel was also a scarf.

Edited by chitowngirl
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Bye-bye Laurie.  Ashley deserved the win.  I hated Edmund's dress.


And next week Tim says "What is the fucking point?"  Whoa.  Holy cow,

Edited by Honey
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I'm glad Laurie is gone. She has an incredibly annoying vocal fry and the manner of a backward 9 year-old. I just couldn't stand her or her clothes. 


Edmond deserved the win. I loved his original fabric, no matter what Candice said. But his design just didn't showcase it right. Much smarter to go with the red.  


Ashley just would NOT.SHUT.UP. about being overwhelmed.  I get a bit of self doubt, but just stop moaning & whining. Tim nailed the ugly fabric as hospitalish, though I saw a scrub top in a Dermatology practice. Gee, a box-pleat circle skirt & crop top, how unique. The judges constantly stroking her makes me REALLY dislike her, as her stuff is so freakin' ordinary.  At least she didn't win. 


Candice needed to step away from the peplums, but her outfit still sucked. I thought it was incredibly ugly.  


I absolutely love Kelly.  She never compromises who she is and makes no apologies for what she loves to make and wear.  I find her one of the most genuine people to ever be on this show. And I LOVED her Muppet vest!  But her outfit looked like Yoga Wear.  I think Nina hates her as much as she hated Lindsey. 


Swapnil keeps trying to scam people into thinking he's putting out his best effort, but everybody knows better.  His look sucked.


At least all the girls didn't have greasy looking slicked-back ponytails this week.

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What a truly hot mess of an episode, especially in terms of judging since they couldn't seem to figure out if they want something that can be mass produced OR innovation because those two things rarely ever happen at once. An innovative idea hits editorial and then eventually is simplified down to something that can be mass produced. That's how the fashion industry works.


Do any one catch one of Swapnil's talking heads when he's talking about Kelly's design aesthetic? And how he had a completely clean shaven face so it obviously it was something shot way after they filmed the initial set of competition? That feels like that may have given away some things from the future by inserting that. 


Plus the preview of the next episode shows both Swapnil with a clean face AND with his beard. So confused by this.

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I again did not like any of the designs tonight. Everything was weird, seen that already or boring.

Swapnil and Edmond, who I had such hopes for, are going downhill fast IMO. Yes, both dresses were bombshell but they didn't look well made and they did look a bit hooker-ish.

I'm surprised Edmond won but I guess there are customers at Just Fab that would buy that dress he made. I'm thinking young, skinny women.

I have to agree with the judges, Laurie needs to stop making see through tops where you can see her models nips pads. Candice's design was too much front scarf and the skirt was awful. Kelly's was just NO. Same for Merline, sloppy.

the only thing I liked was Ashley's jacket. Not the color, I think it would look better in black or white. I'm glad she's doing well, I've liked her from the beginning.

I liked my Chicago girl Laurie but it was time for her to go.

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Edmond won simply because his dress was cheap to produce. Period. I generally like Edmond, but there's always something just a little cheap looking about his garments. What a mess of a runway show. Quite frankly, I didn't think anyone deserved to win.

As much as I hate Nina, I was happy that she she called these designers out on whether or not they listened to the parameters of the challenge.

So judging by the previews for next week can we assume that Swapnil is the one Tim gets pissed at?

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I didn't like much on the runway tonight either. Edmond's dress was bombshell, yes, and I loved the detail at the neckline, but I just couldn't get excited about it. Ashley's was cute, but not for "every girl," as the judges kept insisting. Her jacket was great, though, and I'd have given her the win for that alone. I sort of agreed with Zac that Merline had some interesting ideas in her outfit, though it was a mess.

But everything else, ugh. I hated Candace's skirt so much--the way it stood out from the model's body was just awful. I can't stand Kelly's awful '90s aesthetic, and I thought tonight's outfit was just ridiculous. Even Swapnil's dress was bad--animal print and backless, really?

No disagreement with Laurie going home, though. I liked her personality, but her designs got worse over time, unfortunately. I don't think hers was the worst garment on the runway, but it was very far from the best.

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I'm super frustrated with Swapnil, much as I still love the guy. Tim told him it was a look that was already out there, and he basically said "So what?" The shrug thing was hideous and didn't go with the dress. I'm not as sick of him as Zac appears to be, but I do want to shake him out of his complacency.

I'm also tired of Ashley's...well, pretty much I'm just sick of her. I hate the little crop top and circle skirt (Ohhhh, but look! Pockets! Big deal.), her "Gee whiz"/Sally Field Oscar acceptance attitude (You like me! You really like me!), and the tongue bathing the judges give her every single week. Her jacket was cute, but I hate her fabric choices overall and I'm just over her.

Merline can go next, please. She missed the mark sooooo utterly and completely that I almost...almost...hoped Laurie would somehow be saved. Except that I think Laurie was in was over her head here, especially considering her performances in the past few weeks.

Kelly, I love you personality-wise. Never change, because Kelly from the deli seems like a totally cool, funny woman, and someone I would want to know. But ugh, her look this week was pretty awful.

Candace was right, she tried to set a few too many trends with her look, and Zac was right about the ruffle on the skirt being placed in an odd way. It wasn't perfect, but I liked it better than most.

Go, Edmond...I guess. I know if I had a model's figure I'd want that dress. And he's a very refreshing personality on this show...he just does what he does and you never see him complaining or whining, rather he seems thrilled with the entire experience. Was the dress especially fresh or innovative? Nope. But it'll sell.

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Have you ever heard Nina use the term "editorial" as a slam before? That was jarring.


Nina won't sleep at night til she gets Kelly auf'ed. She had to fight longer than she probably wanted to in order to get rid of Lindsey, now she's gunning for Kelly. I wasn't wild about Kelly's look, but I love HER.


Ashley's wasn't innovative enough, but Edmond's completely unoriginal look was a win. I liked the dress, but I think they didn't go with Ashley's simply because it would cost too much to mass produce, with a more limited market that might be willing to pay enough for it to meet the price point. I have to wonder though what she would have done if she hadn't gotten "girl next door", because I don't think she could have managed trendsetter or bombshell. Candice nailed that one, although she blew it giving Merline the soft feminine whatever.


The guest judge couldn't have been more useless. Sheesh!


I'm glad they auf'ed Laurie. Not a fan of her or her designs, and she was delusional enough to think a see through bra strap showing across the back would work? HELLO??? Although Heidi's shtick about selling a customer anything without the ability to wear something under it was silly. They constantly have clothes you can't wear a bra under. Usually they aren't sheer though. After last week, how could Laurie make basically the same mistake again? She should go just for being foolish.


Candice's skirt looked too much like the little pocket aprons that waitresses wear for their pad, pen and change. What the $#*( was that? And the judges liked the skirt but not the top? Are they high?


Swapnil is showing himself to be smug and cocky. He better step it up. I do sense a redemption arc coming. Either that or a deserved auf. He didn't want to do Jessica Rabbit, so he did Jessica Jaguar. Badly.

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Go, Edmond...I guess. I know if I had a model's figure I'd want that dress. And he's a very refreshing personality on this show...he just does what he does and you never see him complaining or whining, rather he seems thrilled with the entire experience. Was the dress especially fresh or innovative? Nope. But it'll sell.

I'd wear that dress if I had the body. I think a lot of women would wear it if they had the body, and a lot of women will TRY to wear it even though they don't have the body. Too bad red is cliche', but it was a "bombshell" category. It could have moved into a classier category if it had been navy or deep (even irriddescent) prussian blue.

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I am SO heartily sick of the motorcycle jacket. I know it's "on trend"....STILL....But it's boring to see it on every single runway.  Thank goodness the exposed back zipper seems to be gone for the moment. 


Nina didn't used to be so nasty & judgmental back in the Bravo days.  She's gotten so hard and unmovable with complete sarcasm and not a single shred of enjoyment in what she's doing.  I used to respect her, even when I didn't agree with her.  She's just dead to me now.  

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What in hell is happening to Swapnil??  He started out the season so strong, sending great looks down the runway every episode.  And now he's bouncing between safe and on the bottom, and he's getting this weird edit about how he has a problem giving 100% to the challenges.  I don't understand any of this, the weird narrative or why he's doing so badly lately.


I agree that was a generally ugly runway.  And ugly judging too, though they ended up auf'ing the right person.  Laurie's recent designs have been total crap, and even at her best she was never close to winning.  Though I kind of loved how even in her final post-auf TH, she was selling herself!  Remember that name and label, folks.


Edmond deserved the win.  He designed something that completely fulfilled the parameters of the challenge.  Zach should have recognized that instead of carping that it wasn't innovative.

Edited by EyesGlazed
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Meana seems to have an irrational hatred for Kelly.  Maybe she's too "low-class" for Meana.  What a bitch that woman is.


That's what I said to my TV screen - well, not that Nina's a bitch, but that she's definitely got a classist attitude when it comes to Kelly. No, I wouldn't wear Kelly's outfit and it was way too "crazy workout gear" for me, but she's definitely got a point of view and she made it well. And it was crazy enough to be "trendy" so I think she fulfilled the parameters of the challenge. Just not maybe the right age group.

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I think some blame is to be placed on Tim.  The initial description did not stress that this was ready to wear nor did he in the sewing room.  It was said but not all that clearly with any emphasis. He is usually the one to focus them on the goal.   I was yelling at him through the TV to tell Kelly that the cookie monster fabric was not a good idea for sale on the site.  And down the line nothing was good, not even the winner.  Sure they can sell that all day long to 6 foot models but how many really shop there.  

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I really didn't love any of them, but Edmond's was decent as was Ashley's jacket. I didn't love the rest of her outfit but it did seem to work as a girly girl next door point of view.


I like her but I do want to say, "Come on, Ashley, get it together!" because she's letting her self-doubt throw off her whole design process. (And I get it, because I've suffered from the same ridiculously defeating self-doubt over the years, but at some point you gotta find something good about yourself and what you can do in life. I think the judges were right to say, you need to SELL it more, it's got good details, quit treating it like it's all terrible the minute any of us challenge the design.)


Swapnil's had promise, but he messed up when he couldn't use his zipper, and I hated that sculpted cover-up. I understand that's his "thing," but some outfits don't need that! Less is better. Keep it simple. Especially as (I think) Ciera said, if you're using that bold animal print, you don't need anything else. It's already a lot with that print; anything else is overkill. He went overboard.


I didn't like Merline's but I think Laurie was the right choice to go home because hers was too predictable in style, while at least Merline went for something outside the box, even if it really didn't work for Just Fab. I may not have liked it, but Merline took chances. Laurie, on the other hand, made a basic top and a skirt you could probably find anywhere (except for the see-through element, although I imagine if you look in the right places you'd probably find that somewhere out there too, LOL).


Candice's had an interesting top, but I hated that skirt. All those white dots going right around the butt -- it looked like if the model tried to sit in it, she would sit on pins. That's what it looked like. A bunch of pins all around the hips. It didn't look good on her and it seemed uncomfortable. Not Candice's best work. But even if she didn't have immunity, I don't think she should have gone home for it. The outfit wasn't the worst thing up there.

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I have a little crush on Edmond. He seems like such a chill, good guy. I'm beginning to think Swapnil thinks he is above this contest so he puts in little effort. Too bad. I really liked Edmond's original fabric and was annoyed that Candice acted like he would disappoint her if he used it. He doesn't work for you Candice, you just handed out the description cards. I liked Edmond's dress well enough and though it should win. For me, Ashley makes the same outfit every time and the pattern did look like a hospital gown. The jacket was cute, but I'm sure JustFab already has motorcycle style jackets.


I agree with Nina that Kelly's look was awful. Maybe it would work as exercise clothes without the vest. Laurie and Merline sent unfinished messes down the runway but at least Merline's had some ideas behind it. Laurie seems like a nice person, but sending half nude models down the runway what do you expect.


I understood Heidi saying you can't sell an online garment that you cannot wear anything under. Of course, there are many tops that you can't wear a bra with, but your nipples are not visible in these tops. Very, very few women would actually want their breast exposed to that degree. 

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Edmond's was fine but boring. For once the model should have had her hair pulled back to show off the design in the back, but it was down loose covering it all. I don't get it.

I liked Ashley's jacket. Everything else was bad. I might have like Kelly's vest if it wasn't blue.

Add me to the list of people confused about the Swapnil edit. Again, Zac apparently hates him. Ok?

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My favorite part of the episode was when Tim was trying to get the designers' attention and finally said:  "Is anyone listening to me??"


My least favorite part was that I didn't see Swatch when the designers were at Mood.

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Wow. Most boring, ill made runway ever. The judges were even annoyed.

Little red dress won b/c everything else was so egregious.

Laurie yet again does not cover her model. I can't imagine her staying after that.

Ashley"s fabric was exactly like the bedspread s at the nursing home where I used to work.

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I've been questioning Edmond's taste level for quite some time now. After seeing his ugly first choice red, white and black print fabric which he raved about and called "classy" I am now firmly of the impression that prior glimpses of a trashy aesthetic (i.e. the fabric choice and hoochie straps he attached to the swimsuit for the cruise challenge ) were not flukes but rather indicative of a larger issue at hand.

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This is code for "the most boring runway show of the season where the dress with the fewest seams wins."  The results for these are usually so dull, I'm wondering what there will be to be contentious about.


Which turned out to be 100% true.  You nailed the winner before the show had even aired.  Edmond's is the easiest to reproduce, it's dull as dishwater, and it's the winner.  That's what happens every time on these mass-market challenges; I hate them.  PR circles the bottom of the barrel with these paid sponsors; I've always predicted the day will come soon when it's the K-Mart challenge and a plain polyester bathrobe will win, probably next season.


Nina didn't used to be so nasty & judgmental back in the Bravo days.  She's gotten so hard and unmovable with complete sarcasm and not a single shred of enjoyment in what she's doing.  I used to respect her, even when I didn't agree with her.  She's just dead to me now.


It would be nice to have a judge who wasn't so transparently sick of the show.  I keep expecting the camera to pan over to Nina during a runway show and she has her back turned typing into her phone.  It's like someone is forcing her at gunpoint to fulfill a contract and stay with the show; she seems eternally bored and hostile.   Really, Nina, you have our permission to go.  Please, let me hold the door for you.

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I thought for sure Kelly would win or go home with so much focus on her tonight. I was surprised!

Love swapnil but the white with tiger print did not go at all!

I can't believe no one has mentioned that candice's looked like a black sailor suit with the big striped scarfy lapels! Just like olive oyl or betty boop! Way too complicated and uncomfortable looking!

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She's gotten so hard and unmovable with complete sarcasm


Maybe it has something to do with whatever she's had done to her face.  Seriously, whoever she goes to is doing great work, but she doesn't seem able to move her face.


I can't believe none of the judges called Swapnil out for those ridiculous white straps all over the back of his dress.  They looked like exposed (weird) underwear.

Edited by magpye29
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Laurie really irritated me this episode so I'm glad she's gone. Her outfit was so half-assed and basic yet she acted like she created something amazing. It boggles my mind that she didn't even consider the bra situation for her model and then she tries to blame her model for not wearing this mythical bra that doesn't even exist.

I hated Ashley's printed fabric but the whole outfit turned out okay. I guess she figured that the judges liked her outfit the first two times she made it so why not make it a third time.

I think Kelly's outfit was butt ugly but I appreciate that she actually has a style and tries to win instead of playing it safe. I could actually see someone like Miley Cyress or Katey Perry wearing that crazy getup.

Who are all these women that could wear Edmond's dress? Only a small amount of women could successfully pull that dress off and not look lumpy and bumpy. I'm happy that Edmond won though, his outfit fit the challenge the best.

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I'm watching a runway show with truly terrible clothes. I'm watching the Queen of Mean who looks permanently displeased. I 'm watching Zac who looks like a sixth grader presented with awful choices in the cafeteria. i am especially watching Tim Gunn who does not look well, and seems to be completely off his game this season.

I am wondering why I am watching. At one point I turned off the sound so I could simply watch the work in progress. It helped, but not enough.

Edmond deserved the win...that dress in red or black will sell. His work met the parameters of the challenge. 

Merline has ideas but her skills are lacking..her work is badly fitted, often uneven or half sewn. The dart seams on her top were amateurish, and the back straps just ballooned pointlessly. She repeats the same structural effort, but it is never coherent or finished.

Laurie is worse...she can't sew or finish a garment either...even a simple top. And she repeats her mistakes...again with the model's breasts exposed. 

Swapnil...are you kidding me? If you use an animal print, then you need restraint. Otherwise it is a costume, not a design. I question his taste.

As for Candice, that skirt with studs was already overly fussy...would have loved to have seen it with the peplum as well...because I am evil and I so dislike the woman.

This show has had some seriously good designers in the past...now it seems to be limping along. 

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I hated everything tonight, seriously.


I love me some Edmond, but that red dress was boring, been done before and predictable. So it's perfect for JustFab!!! I knew when I saw it they would pick it as the winner, so in that case, Edmond did fulfill the brief of the challenge. It's a boring dress, though; I hated the little strappy puzzles in the front AND back and I almost blew beverage out my nostrils when Neenah Garceeah said it would work on so many sizes.


Listen, seriously, I don't know much about JustFab except that they have shoes that are all 39.99, right?


I could not stand Candice's and I am over her acting like she's Tim when Tim's not on hand to be Tim. No one wants to hear her advice. She's won one challenge on her own and that ridiculous win that she and Ashley shared. She's not exactly the front-runner.


I'm getting kind of tired of Ashley at this point. She DOES get enough praise that she shouldn't be doubting herself constantly AND how many circle skirts does that make? Oh, but they have pockets, so: INNOVATIVE! I liked the little mc jacket and thought it was just different enough because of the colour of the pleather (and it was matte gold, not shiny) and the little detail on the back. She does have fabric picking issues sometimes though.


Kelly's always true to her aesthetic. Having said that, I love her as a person and do not care for her clothes much at all. The Cookie Monster vest should have had googly eyes.


I can't figure out what is up with Swapnil. Even Tim called him out on last week's effort saying there is no way that was his "200%"... I guess they think he is completely blowing his potential by not working hard or smart enough? I really need him to pull out all the stops and soon or Tim will NOT use his save on him. I really am beginning to think Swappy will be a surprise elimination with no save from Tim. Tim's probably saving his save for Ashley anyway.


And finally, I am relieved Laurie is gone. I couldn't ever figure out who she was as a designer, and while that doesn't usually bother me, I didn't care for her personality either, so buh bye Laurie. We'll see ya on the reunion show, if there is one this year.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Second runway in a row where it was difficult to like anything or anybody.  Edmond was the clear winner, and although I wouldn't buy his dress as is (I'm too hippy), I had almost that identical dress about 15 years ago.  Mine, however, was in navy with an A line skirt, and I loved it. 


And Laurie was the clear choice to go home.  She seems intent on doing exactly what she wants to do even when wiser hears (Tim) warn her off.  And she's never done anything all that great.  I think she made it into the top 3 only once and that was in conjunction with Swatnil, and was in the bottom 3 at least 4 or 5 times.  I wasn't crazy about her personality, and found her voice rather oddly annoying, but when she blamed the model for not wearing a bra that no one could see on a bare back, just ....well, just go home. 


Adore Kelly, and love the friendship between Lindsey and Kelly, but her style just isn't for me.  One of my young nieces really likes her aesthetics though, and claims she would wear it all.  Note that I said claims. 


I don't like Candice.  Haven't since the very first day.  And it just keeps piling on.  And I know that Candice is considered the possible winner by so many people, including Nina Garcia who seems to adore her, but I haven't like anything she's designed.  I don't like leather clothing with the exception of shoes and coats and purses, and it seems she uses it all the time.  Her outfit tonight, while leather free, was hideous to me.  Hated the skirt above all, but the scarf lapels were just too much.


Swapnil is certainly asking to be auf"ed.  After the first two weeks, it's been all down hill for him.   He hasn't lost his cockiness though, and thinks that he should be awarded a win just for showing up. 


Meline is rather sweet, but I don't think even she knows what she is doing.


Just tired of Ashley, tired of her purple hair, and tired of her orangey-yellow and lime green foundations, both applied with a trowel.  Her jacket tonight was cute, but they are in every stored in the world right now, so not very innovative if that's what the judges are really looking for.  And the same goes for her skirt and crop top; they can be found anywhere and everywhere.  I was surprised that the judges didn't notice that the model's bra peeked out from the bottom of the crop top whenever she moved her arms upward.


Only Zac Posen seems to want to be there, and I thank him for that.  Nina has become meaner and less credible with her comments.  I'm not sure what most of the guest judges are there for.  Just because you made a movie doesn't make you a design critic, so what's their purpose?  Heidi seems to be working backwards with regard to maturity.  I sometimes think she thinks she a 20 something.  And my beloved Tim Gunn.  Does he care at all?  He seems so watered down, uninterested in the designers, and his advice is so often poor.  And then he doesn't back up what he told the designers when he's on the runway.  For instance, tonight he told Kelly that he thought the blue bath mat was kind of a good way to go.  Then when all the judges cut her up for it, he didn't raise a hand to accept some of the blame.   

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God help me, I loved Kelly's. Would I wear it or buy it? Fuck no. But it had a very distinct look, cohesive design, and was off the wall in a good way. I could totally see a young 20-something wearing the leggings or the crop top, though I dunno about the muppet vest.

Everyone else's? Big fat MEHs all around.

Bye, Laurie. One week too late.

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I was OK with Edmond & Ashley, but I didn't like any of the others. Any one of them could have been auf'd & I would have been OK with it. 


Swapnil isn't even trying at all, he's just coasting along thinking he can pull out a winning look at the end. It's really stupid to think that way, even if he manages to make it to the finale, the judges are going to think about all his past looks & not pick him as the winner. And the JustFab woman was right when she said that Swapnil should be doing the designing, & that they shouldn’t be talking about redesigning his work.

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I could not stand Candice's and I am over her acting like she's Tim when Tim's not on hand to be Tim.


That's why it annoys and cracks me up every time Candice has a strong opinion about how all the other designers need to "push themselves" and "really step it up a notch or two" and show more of themselves. When has Candice done that herself? She's stuck to the same box over and over again - black and leather and more black.


Week 1 - Black and white stripes

Week 2 - Silvery black 

Week 3 - Outfit with Ashley

Week 4 - Dominatrix Mary Kay gal, black leather look

Week 5 - Purple (only because that's all they had to work with, as part of the paintball challenge)

Week 6 - Black lingerie

Week 7 - Black wire outfit with blue wire definition and white breasts  (*sigh*)

Week 8 - Black leather pirate wench outfit

This week - Black and white


All of these were well made. But where is she stepping outside her comfort zone and showing more of what she can do? Where is she showing that she can work with color or be flirty or romantic or soft instead of hard-edged?

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Auria trashed her first top and came up with another see through design that has been done better before.  Edmond scrapped his first dress and created a design that has been seen before.  I’m pretty sure this has been sold in the Victoria’s Secret catalog.  Ashley scrapped her original design and made yet another circle skirt and cropped top.  I guess I’ll give the others credit for at least sticking with their designs. 


With that said, I totally saw a sailor suit in Candice’s top.  That was weird.  And the skirt was both unflattering and looked uncomfortable.  How thin would you have to be to wear an overskirt with details at that point on the hip. 


Kelly seems to be stuck in a rut.  She really likes the tight, cropped tops, reminiscent of workout gear and skin tight pants.  Add a bathroom rug and you have this week’s look. 


What a boring and confused runway.

Plus the preview of the next episode shows both Swapnil with a clean face AND with his beard. So confused by this.

Perhaps Swapnil is wearing a stick on beard.  Or he has the fastest growing facial hair ever.  He's not stepping out to smoke.  He's stepping out to groom his facial hair so he doesn't become a wookie. 

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I hate how they act shocked that the winner will have their look produced. Of course they probably are made to "oooh" and "aaah" with surprise. Also I really dislike Candice.

Ashley has no business talking about anyone else being all over the place or having time mgt. issues.

Also, hates how Candice felt it was her place to critique the others based on her assigning them. Oh well, just because I dislike her so. Also, I am starting to not like immunity this far along. Although it does sometimes receal a designer's true taste, as they are not concerned with getting sent home. That is what I was thinking with Candice's anyway...

Why did that awful fabrice speak to Edmund? Swatch, or someone, should have distracted him just before he saw it. This is why I love it when they choose their own fabrics, however. That is the one thing that shows their tatse and can't be blamed on any other factor, including running out of time. Hate Laurie's blue fabric. She seemed lost. The black top was a bit much, but looked better than I expect.

Ashley's looked good, but I really hated that print. But she does tend to that same shape. She gets so much help from her model though. Wish they were still doing the model competition. Her model totally sells everything.

Liked Kelly's for her, nothing I would ever wear.

Edmund's was better than I expected, it was a bombshell look. glad he won.

Hated the white on Swapnil's dress in the back. I think plain and low would have been more striking. Of course Heidi loved it.

Uh Murleen. What a mess.

Candice's was okay...kinda busy. Looked like an immunity look to me.

Laurie needed to be gone.

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This was confusing for everyone.  I think it was unfair of the judges to beat up the designers about understanding the priority of saleability.  Even the judges were tripping over themselves about what was boring, predictable --oops! oh yeah!..saleable!


Also..these designers have to be exhausted!  . No more 2 day challenges.with runway on the 3rd.  Now it's every 2 days they are off on a new challenge. One sewing day, one runway day.  


Obviously they are doing this to save production costs.  16 designers-- 12 or 13 eliminated before FW.  They can knock off a season in less than a month . .Less crew costs, less hotel cost. It has really hurt the show.  The execution sucks, the designs are dumbed-down.to meet the deadlines.  I think off-camera the designers are so done with it all.  All the fun of actually designing  and creating is sucked out of them..



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Can't say much about the clothes tonight that hasn't already been said. I pretty much hated Candice's top. Laurie just didn't seem to get it this season and Swapi I believe was right in saying that she doesn't take advice. I still like Edmond, a lot of his clothes and his attitude. I love Kelly; sometimes her clothes scare me. Not yet giving up on Swapi. I think Candice and Ashley are predictable.

The judges are really a concern to me this season. I like Heidi and always have, especially when I compare her to Alyssa Milano... I miss Michael Kors. Zac is like a schizophrenic clown up there. Nina shouldn't be allowed back there until she has either therapy or a lobotomy. She has to be the most miserable woman that has ever taken a breath of life. Where are they getting these guest judges from?? Each one is more of a venomous viper than the next with the exception of few. I would've never thought that Kelly Osbourne would be one of the better ones because I'm not a fan.

I agree with those who have mentioned that something is not quite right with Tim. Whether he is watered down or ill or distracted, he doesn't seem like his old self. I've always liked him and hope he's ok.

That said, I still look forward to the show every week. I think I keep waiting for a surprise, and not in a Nina goes postal kind of way.

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One really positive thing I will say is Candice was helpful and supportive of her fellow designers this week. When Laurie needed more fabric, she gave her all that black organza. When Swapnil realized he had bought the wrong zipper, she (very nicely) told him to focus on a solution.


You would think that designers would have already designed their logos (I imagine it's like the designer equivalent of doodling the name of your crush on your PeeChee folder, but most of them just wrote their names in a boring font and slapped it on a shirt. Ashley, Merline, and Candice were the only ones who looked like they had made any effort or put any thought into their shirts. I'm not saying that a logo has to be overly complicated, just that maybe it shouldn't look like you just typed your name in a Word document and then printed it.


Part of me understands why Swapnil made that dress. He specifically said very early in the episode that this design would be easy to produce, which is an important thing to consider in a ready to wear challenge. But he refuses to listen to other people's well intentioned advice, the most important of which was Tim Gunn pointing out that this dress has been done before (he also ignored the advice of Candice and other people who advised him to lose the old lady shawl). I guess if I want to be positive about it, at least Swapnil is staying true to his vision but it comes off as being really stubborn. I hated when he later said that he just wants to be safe. I guess we're back to that since his alleged 200% effort didn't result in a win last week.


Oh, Kelly. Faux fur always looks cheap and immature (as opposed to luxe and modern). The Muppet bathmat vest was something that you would see at a burner sale (it still puzzles me why people insist on wearing faux fur to the playa because that is exactly the kind of textile that traps every bit of dust). Ha, that patterned fabric was so Kelly though, as was mixing it with the stripes. I am glad she has become confident enough to go full Kelly on her designs (even if I don't always love them). And I was cracking up at her wearing a fanny pack on the runway.


Merline's was just awful. Aside from the terrible design, I hated that waffle mesh fabric. The front of the skirt was so stiff that it looked almost like she had a piece of white posterboard taped to her legs.


Candice's turned out much better than I thought it would. When she initially showed Tim what she was doing, I thought it would be terrible but I ended up liking what she made. If you are going to insist on all black, then I appreciate having different types of black (matte black, satin, and lace for the skirt) as well as using the striped material to break up the black. This look was much softer and more feminine than I expected from her. There were still a lot of problems but at least this looked less dominatrix and severe than her usual work.


I agree with Swapnil that Ashley is starting to repeat herself. While her look this week wasn't totally identical to something she made earlier, the crop top with a circle skirt was a little too similar for my taste. I do think that she made a cute outfit that could be easily made for ready to wear and it would sell well. I agree with the judges that when they were saying her outfit was not creative, she should have immediately had the model take off the jacket to show them the back of the top.


Laurie's ended up looking boring. Seriously, a pencil skirt? That's all you came up with? I almost wish her model hadn't pointed out that her bra was totally visible in the back, just so I could hear her try to justify it to the judges later. I really hated the ruffled high neckline of her top. It made me uncomfortable just seeing the model in it. I would never be able to wear that without it annoying the crap out of me. Ha, high five to Heidi for calling out Laurie's claim that the model was supposed to wear a see through strapless bra. Yup, call me too if they ever invent one of those. Who was the female judge who was always harping on the designers for designing outfits that wouldn't allow for wearing a bra? She needs to talk to Laurie.


Edmond's was too basic for me. He made a simple dress and then added some criss cross straps. He should have done something else with the model's hair because it totally covered the criss cross detail in the back. I knew that it was there so I was trying to see it on the runway but her hair was right on top of it. I totally rolled my eyes when Nina said that women of different sizes could wear that dress. Uh, no. It's skin tight and unforgiving. I had a very similar dress my freshman year in college (when I weighed 105 pounds and didn't give a crap how tight anything was) but once I was in my mid-20s, I would not have worn it just on principle.


When the judges had a four way tie for who should be eliminated because they couldn't agree, I really wished that Tim Gunn was still doing his vlogs because I wondered how long their deliberation went on and what the final vote was.

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Agree that this is such a tough challenge to figure out. Smart designers will keep in mind the mass produced angle. I do think Edmond, Kelly and Swapnil are very talented, and I actually love the drama-free work room. Very few, if any petty arguments, mostly kind words and helpful designers. The worst thing they say is " I don't understand their aesthetic". I don't need the cattiness prevalent so often on this show. And you know what, I found is refreshing that the judges could not come to a consensus, that is much more real world than always agreeing.

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I hated Ashley's printed fabric but the whole outfit turned out okay. I guess she figured that the judges liked her outfit the first two times she made it so why not make it a third time.

Amen. Take off the jacket and you have the Polaroid outfit, almost verbatim. Also HATED her Kmart spring sheet collection fabric for the bottom two pieces. Blech. I want to love Ashley, but she has her own frustrating limitations as a designer. Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Remember when the contestants would gasp and moan and flail around when they were handed a one-day challenge? It was a big deal. Now no one even comments on it. Tim says it very matter-of-factly and they just grimly push on.


I can't get interested in any of the designs because I know they are going to look like crap, regardless of a designer's talent.


The smart ones probably "practice" for the show by creating a lot of looks in advance, planning to reproduce them when they meet a challenge.


I think Swapnil may have given up. His business does very well in India, so he's not pressed for money like some of the other designers, and his brand has received US exposure. It's almost as if he thinks he knows how to play the game to win, and when he realized production is going with a story he doesn't like, he gave up. He may be content to call it a day and go home.


I think this thing is between Edmond and Candice.

Edited by pasdetrois
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