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S19.E06: Week 6

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Chris is a real ass. He had those girls waiting there for an hour, anticipating a rose when he had already decided it was going to Britt and they enjoyed themselves at a nice concert. The fact that not one of them realized he wasn't worth the time or effort after that moment shows how low their self-esteem is.

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"You say a lot of mean, sly, hurtful comments," say Whitney and Carly. "I get it. I've been blessed with eloquence," Kelsey responds. This must be one of her paradoxes she's created by expanding her horizons beyond reality.


*Snort*. I love you guys.


It was almost sad to see the girls wait for Chris and Britt to return. I would have just left. But then again I'm pretty normal and not a mentally unstable famewhore.  At least he didn't take her into a jacuzzi to have sex um I mean "make out" unlike Juan Pablo and Claire.


I dislike Chris intensely but I felt sorry for him during the 2-on-1 date. I couldn't decide who was crazier in her own way. Kardashley (great name!) with the muddy streaks on her face and ratty weave and spider clumpy lashes, or Kelsey who I was actually fearful would stab Kardashley during the date.

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Best Bachelor show evah! 


First, I loved that Chris didn't give a rose to either Ashley or Kelsey.  Both so wrong albeit on two different levels.  Also, fun to see the girls celebrating after Kelsey's suitcase was picked up.  Man, Kelsey must've been a piece of work if they were hoping the very immature Ashley made it through the date.  I'll give it to Chris, Ashley was so painfully obvious not made for the Iowa lifestyle.  How do you want to be a Kardashian and not know Iowa may not be the place to make that happen?  Did she expect Chris to go to the  State Fair and call out Farmer Jones' pig not fit to collect the blue ribbon (little Grammy humor there).  FYI...native Minnesotan who was born to make fun of Iowa (but I do also understand the beauty of the Midwest so it's only kinda half of a dig :)!


I'm warming up to Kaitlyn, feel like Becca is pretty genuine, actually liking Carly (although the self-esteem, or lack thereof, is showng), and am getting the crazy vibe from Whitney now.  For a while I was ignoring the chipmunk voice and seeing a connection, now I'm seeing the scary intensity.  Megan is as dumb as a post but harmless.  And I actually like Jade.  With the previews, I'm gonna be upset if she's painted as the "whore" because she posed for Playboy.  I could go on a feminist rant on this one but I'll stick with this...how hypocritical is it of a man to look down at a woman that poses nude in a magazine...one that he probably buys and enjoys?! Unless Chris is a paragon of virtue and a virgin, I say "judge not lest ye be judged".  It's a naked photograph of the human body, people. It's not like she's screwing on film (Kardashian?).


As for Britt.  It appears that although the rest of the women were hurt on that group date, they like her.  They see the connection between the two that would make anyone feel uneasy and upset if they have feeliings for the guy (Stockholm related or not).  But they aren't dissing on her like they did Kelsey.  I think she's very attractive and a fairly good actress.  But as for the "right reasons"?  Hell, no!  And I'm going with producer-driven or that scenario was assholey of Chris.


Sadly, I'm almost enjoying this Bachelor season as much as Downton Abbey and Brooklyn 99! 

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The evil witch in me was hoping that Chris would put Kelsey and Ashley in the helicopter and aim a rocket missile at it. Never was I more ecstatic to see two sorry excuses for women leave a season of The Bachelor. Good riddance to two "ladies" who set feminism back 50 years. Betty Friedan and Susan B. Anthony are turning over in their graves over these two.


I don't drink, but I wanted to join the remaining B-rettes in that champagne toast so bad.


So with Sob Sisters out of the running, it's now time for "Let's Make Britt the Bad Girl" after the Big & Rich concert date? Ah, editing! Pardon my French, but Chris had a boner for Britt since the first m&g. Didn't the other girls see this? It still doesn't mean she is The One though. As a matter of fact, I still don't see a final one out of these ladies.


So Fleiss & Co. aren't scheduling any international dates? All the dates are domestic? The budget must be slim and none I guess.

Edited by Nedsdag
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I like Britt, mostly because she is very friendly with the other girls. I don't see her on a farm, but I don't see the rest of them either. I actually think Chris' best bet is to find someone who really loves living in the country, and does some kind of work online. None of these girls really fit the bill. I also find Jade very pretty and she seems nice. Whitney seems kind of mean to me, and then there is the voice.


Did Ashley really think she would fit into Chris' country life with her foot long eyelashes and five weaves? I pretty much knew he would send both of them home. Those little suitcases sure must hold a lot if they contain all of the dresses, swimsuits etc (Joke).


All of the group dates have been strange. In previous seasons, there would be a daytime outing followed by an evening dinner or cocktail thing with each girl having time with the bachelor. This time around, they all end abruptly. Why would the producers or Chris, think it's a good idea to leave the girls sitting around for an hour not doing anything and not knowing where or when Chris would return?  I think I would just go home.


I really hope we have seen the last of Kelsey, but she is aiming for some kind of stardom. And having a Master's degree doesn't mean you have to be articulate. Some people just can't think of what to say in all situations (I'm one of them), it doesn't mean they are dumb. Not talking about Ashley, who came across as not too bright, but Kelsey's comments that being articulate means someone is bright. 

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I'm only as far as the song writing date, but already Chris is looking like both a jerk and a fool. What kind of guy (especially the lead on TB) is so dumb (and inconsiderate) as to stand making out with Britt, wrapped up together while the other women are standing around--trying to write love songs about him--while he's only paying attention to Britt? What an idiot.


When Jade said, "It's really hard to write a love song to someone who only pays attention to someone else" I was cheering her on, "Yes! Write THAT one!" I was so hoping she'd write a song like the old standard, "The One I Love Belongs to Someone Else", but more pointed, really zing the whole situation with some down-home honesty. Alas, not going to happen.


Jade's insecurity and quietness is puzzling. I can't help wondering if she's being set up for the next TBette.


As for Chris, someone should have told him to sing in his normal voice without a fake accent. It sounded like he wasn't even trying.

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"It was almost sad to see the girls wait for Chris and Britt to return. I would have just left. But then again I'm pretty normal and not a mentally unstable famewhore."

At first glance, I misread the last word as "farmwhore" and then I realized it's the perfect term for these women.

I LOVED the scene of mass celebration when Kelsey's bags were taken out. I think there's really a huge amount of genuine friendship and affection in this group.

BTW, Ashley I was on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. She had her act together and came across very well. She said she and Kelsey were taken out of the Badlands in separate vans, and haven't seen each other since. The WTA is gonna be great!

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But I have to admit, that 2 on 1 was every man's worst nightmare. Catty, crying, hysterical women? I was cringing so hard for him.



And nothing to do but sit on a blanket and let the wind blow your hair everywhere! What a dud! Why did they land them in the middle of nowhere? It was so awkward having to watch the unoccupied girl sit on the bed with nothing to do. I do not know how Chris could stand to be around Ashleigh and her constant crying. Truly a producer pick.


I did enjoy Kelsey comforting Chris about Ashleigh's dismissa. "It's a loss." Yup, and you're next!


I am enjoying Carly. Last week I didn't notice her eyebrows but this week I did. Yeah, they are weird but not unfixable. She would be a very cute Bachelorette.  Frankly I can't see any of these girls making it to the altar with Chris. I'm looking forward to next week's expose on the horrors of Arlington IA, which is how they are couching the preview. Do any of Chris' sisters still live in IA?   

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I think there's really a huge amount of genuine friendship and affection in this group.


At least among those who happen to be in the same room at the same time. Otherwise, not so much. 


I know it is rather late in the season to be making celebrity lookalike observations, but when Whitney was giving the stink eye, she was really looking like a pissed off Faith Hill. So she went up a few points in my book. 


And I was really hoping that the producers would leave Kelsey and Ashley in the Badlands, handcuffed together, with just a skeleton camera crew so they could film a Bachelor Nation re-imagining of The Defiant Ones. 

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I really hope they sent separate choppers to pick the girls up after that 2-on-1.  Can you imagine the trip if they went together?  <shudder>


Gotta admit I did love the shot of them both standing abandoned in the Badlands, though.  It only would have been better with someone calling out "Chris! Come back, Chris!" with it echoing all around them, followed up by a vulture screech.  LOL

This post made me imagine that as the girls yell, "Chris!" and he flies off in the chopper, suddenly a giant "THE END" appears in the sky and the helicopter runs into it - THUD - and plummets to the ground. Then Ashley says "Chris?"


All Chris had to do after the group date was to say that the prize for best song was going to the concert and getting the rose and Britt was the winner. No one would have been happy but at least they would have known what was going on.


Ashley was kind of growing on me. I think she's be fun to be around in real life without all the Bachelor nonsense going on. Whitney has a fine-tuned bullshit detector. She gets they squinty, pointy look to her when she smells the manure. I call it her Miss Marple look. She smells the bull which makes the wheels start spinning in her head.

Edited by Lamb18
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Ashley I was incredibly immature and grating, and I couldn't wait for her to leave, but I love, love, loved the fact that she zinged Kelsey with the masters degree comment. Of course, five minutes later, she was proving Kelsey's immaturity comment to be completely correct by storming around the Badlands crying. I've seen more maturity from a 13 year old.


Not to excuse Chris, because his swift exit on the group date after bringing back Britt was awkward and rude, but I wonder if the producers told him it would only be take a short time to run over to the concert, get the rose and come back? Maybe he didn't think he'd be gone an entire hour?


I'm kind of liking the US based, no fuss locations for these women, because life in Arlington, IA, is going to be very, very unglamorous.

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Sir, you are no gentleman! Kissing in front of other girls and disappearing for an hour with one girl while the rest waits is so NOT cool. I really wish all the girls had gotten up and left the show right then and there.

I said the same thing. They should have had a revolt and told the producers they were walking off the show. 


Why didn't Chris address ALL of them and say he had a special treat for one, and then name Britt, like is generally done when the bachelor presents a rose on a group date? So, so poorly handled! I would have dumped his ass right there. What a crappy date he is. That, and making out with Britt in front of the other women, while expecting them to write him love songs... Ugh. What a stinker he's turned out to be.


Loved the 2 on 1, so glad he ditched both of them. I was marginally on Ashley's side, because--while really immature and ridiculous with her crying--I believe she's honestly feeling what she's feeling. The other chick is a stone-cold psycho bitch. I also have a large vocabulary. What the HELL does that have to do with talking down to the women and making snippy comments? Oh, right, nothing.


Carly is growing on me. I think she's cute and fun, and genuine. And she knows how to pour champagne in a row of glasses! Carly for the next Bachelorette!!


So funny that Ashley's response to "You wouldn't be happy in Arlington" was "neither would Britt!" Which is SO true, but wasn't going to endear her to Chris. Britt is Chris's last fling before settling down -- which is why he can't keep his hands off of her. She's gorgeous, but never, ever will she marry Chris and settle for being his wife. I think she's fake, but friendly -- not nearly as weirdly fake and strange as Kelsey turned out to be (to think I once was rooting for her, when she ragged on the muddy lake date.) Kelsey acting so concerned and solicitous of Chris's feelings after he ditched Ashley really took the cake. You know she really wanted to jump around and cheer. It was a big ball of awesome to watch Chris dump her in turn.


I can only see Becca and Whitney as possible matches for Chris at this point.

Edited by Andromeda
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...Whitney has a fine-tuned bullwhip detector. She gets they squinty, pointy look to her when she smells the manure. I call it her Miss Marple look. She smells the bull which makes the wheels start spinning in her head.


  Am I the only one who thinks Cate Blanchett could play Whitney?  Especially those glares... 

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At the beginning of the episode did I mishear, or did Kelsey claim that she'd both had a panic attack AND fainted? Total BS. I used to faint a lot as a kid/teenager due to low blood pressure, and fainting is NOTHING like a panic attack. You're just a bit dazed for a little while after you come to and then you're fine; there's certainly no howling or other dramatics.


I hated that Chris disappeared with Britt for an hour on the group date and left the other girls sitting there like idiots, whether it was his choice or the producers'. Like they don't humiliate those girls enough already.


I thought it was really weird that so much of the 2-on-1 date seemed to be just Ashley and Kelsey, with Chris far off in the distance. It was more of a Kelsey-on-Ashley date than a 2-on-1 date.


As for master's degrees, according to Ashley's LinkedIn she got hers from Syracuse University and according to Kelsey's creepy obituary for her husband, she got hers at UT Austin, which is shocking to me because both are really good schools. Of course, as Ashley would say, we haven't actually seen the paperwork.

Edited by chocolatine
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My post is amazing.  It's tragic, and it's inspiring, and it's beautiful.  My post is immeasurably blessed.  I have no regrets because I posted exactly what I came here to post... and that's just to challenge myself to the adventure of posting.  I'm going to be okay, because I've posted before and I've survived.  I'm here.  I post above it.



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Ashley I didn't get a very good edit, but compared with Kelsey, she came across as a mismatch for Chris, but entertaining for this show and apparently perfectly nice to be around in the house, delusional or not.


Kelsey was delusional, too, but not nice. The celebration of the other women was so OTT it was hilarious and obviously genuine. I felt a little bad for her (okay, not really. She is so arrogant and condescending, just as CH said in his interview today. She really did have that dismissal coming and it was glorious.)  I did feel sorry for Ashley I because, yes, he did throw her under the bus and should have known Kelsey would be angry and confrontational about it.


Whitney seems so sincere in her feelings for him and ITA that she's got a great bs detector but tries to keep a lot of suspicions and reservations to herself (Miss Marple indeed!)  It must be horrible for the women who are really beginning to care for him and hope he might be the one for them (Becca, Carly, Kaitlyn, Whitney) to be so disrespected by the way he acts with Britt. It is really inexcusably inconsiderate, particularly as he has been in their situation before (though probably not with half the feelings for Andi that these women are building up for him). When he acts like that, though, it doesn't help the fantasy this show goes for--it's a dash of cold, cold water to anyone thinking, "I'm the one for him" rather than "If I have any self-respect left, I'm outta here now." I'm surprised production staff inc. CH is apparently not giving him tips on how to behave for maximum Stockholm Syndrome effect. He -clearly- didn't get that memo.

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My post is amazing.  It's tragic, and it's inspiring, and it's beautiful.  My post is immeasurably blessed.  I have no regrets because I posted exactly what I came here to post... and that's just to challenge myself to the adventure of posting.  I'm going to be okay, because I've posted before and I've survived.  I'm here.  I post above it.

You are so eloquent.   I'm impressed and intimidated by your obvious intelligence and ability to articulate your tragic story in what is clearly one of the greatest posts of all times.  

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I can't remember Mackenzie or Samantha at all. Did they even speak?


EDIT: Kelsey fucking scares me. I'm not watching it if she ends up being the Bachelorette.


Wasn't Mackenzie the one who was depressed she had a child so she couldn't pretend to be a virgin, then later depressed that she didn't have a former husband die a tragic death so she could use that story?  Or am I mixing her up with someone else?  I remember sarcastically thinking to myself that next she'd be depressed she didn't have some horrible life threatening illness or parents who died in a horrific crash, because it would make such a better STORY.


Samantha I don't remember at all. I really tried and I couldn't even picture her from previous episodes.

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Wasn't Mackenzie the one who was depressed she had a child so she couldn't pretend to be a virgin, then later depressed that she didn't have a former husband die a tragic death so she could use that story?



That's the one. She also believes in aliens and named her child Kale.


Samantha I don't remember at all.



She's the stunning blue-eyed brunette that never spoke.

Edited by chocolatine
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My post is amazing.  It's tragic, and it's inspiring, and it's beautiful.  My post is immeasurably blessed.  I have no regrets because I posted exactly what I came here to post... and that's just to challenge myself to the adventure of posting.  I'm going to be okay, because I've posted before and I've survived.  I'm here.  I post above it.

You smart. Use many big word. Grunt...

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I'm not giving Chris a pass on his rude actions and blaming it on producers. He is an adult. They can't physically make him go across the street to the concert, for crying out loud. He didn't have to give the rose there. He could have told the other girls the date was over first. 

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Chris, you suck as the Bachelor.  I just had to say that.  It should be so obvious to him about how to treat women respectfully.  He has many women in his family that he would never want treated like that.  The fact that he has no gentleman qualities to know that it is completely inappropriate to be kissing someone in front of everyone else on a group date, the fact that he leaves all of his dates behind while he runs off with another (they are all on the date together after all) for over an hour, the way he comes back in holding her hand and she has a rose noone even knew existed, the list goes on.  I agree with others that say despite what production set up, he has some choices.  We have seen choices play out more than once on this show, and it is clear he is a big wimp with no common sense.  I honestly feel sorry for whoever ends up with him.


And this is coming from someone that thought he would be a good Bachelor.  He is giving Iowa a bad name, and it makes me sad.


As for Kelsey, after seeing the last 2 episodes it is so annoying to read what she and her sister have to say about her experience.  Seriously, Kelsey, you have the edit you do because you did those things.  I don't care if you did them in a different order or some things are a little out of context.  You had enough crazy behavior to make it clear you are crazy.

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I do start to giggle when Chris gets the open mouth panic blinking going.


"OMG, I'm supposed to say something, think dammit, think!"


It's like he's trying to communicate in Morse Code by panting and blinking.

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I want to play devil's advocate and give Kelsey the benefit of the doubt since this show thrives in manufactured drama, so I am going to think she wants to come across so well on the show that she in turn looks really bad and crazy. For her sake, I hope she isn't this...intense in real life.


Ashley going on about how Kelsey is fake while wearing the whole Sephora store on her face is the ultimate irony. She really does act like a child. The way Kelsey handled the situation was actually pretty mature. She called Ashley out and told her she didn't appreciate it yet Ashley had to go stomping like a child and have a nervous breakdown. Good luck to whoever gets to deal with that in the future. Also, she is totally going to be on BiP, I can feel it.


I like Britt. Yes she's an actress but so have a lot of the women who come on this show. She seems pretty chill and easy going which is why the other women hate her. I have noticed that she isn't really around for much of the drama which to me means she doesn't want to be a part of the pettiness.


Leading the pack every week is Carly. She talks shit about every one and it's not cute. She really needs therapy and to gain some self esteem.


Whitney has crazy eyes. Her glare of death towards Britt was chilling. Scarier than anything Kelsey has done.


Becca is too normal. Someone compared her to Chantal O. and while Chantal was pretty normal she would cry all the time about the whole situation. Becca seems more level headed about it. How did she ever make it past the casting people?!?


Chris continues to be the dullest Bachelor ever. He really has 0 personality. Zzzzzzz.

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FAKE, FAKE, FAKE! Where and what was Chris doing the times those two batshit crazies were sitting on that maharai bed? AND WTF with that maharai bed! What? Nothing to eat? No elaborate lunch set up? Ashley was WAAY too self confidant the whole time before the date with her thinking Kelsey was for sure going home! And what's with her crying, laughing fits? There is NOT ONE girl there that dosn't have an issue! Well, I didn't know who Becca was before last night, but aside from her daddy seeing her kiss issue she seems very "normal" and kinda sweet for Chris, but Chris certainly went down a couple notches after watching last night. I guess I am the only one that truly cannot STAND Britt! From the min. she got out of the limmo, I saw phoney written all over her! Yes she's OTT gorgeous, but sadly, she really, really knows it and is using it for everything she can. When I see her with Chris , all I see is her thinking what she can do to make him go ga ga over her, like she took a course in b.s. 101. Like, looking in his eyes while stars are are shooting out of them, or flashing that big wide grin at all the right times. There's not one real emotion coming from her. Whitney? I try but. I just can't. Jade is very pretty but too shy and insecure. The one that poured the champlain is cute (except for her fixable eyebrows). ,but she has issues and on they're one on one date last week she turned me off with her "likes" every other word. This is a funny bachelor this season though. When the girls all celebrated after seeing Kelsey's bag being picked up, well, that was great! I love seeing girls unite like that. Too bad it was over another of one of our own, but oh well. She was a NUT!

Edited by kathybgd
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It seemed weird that Chris was having an old-timey photo shoot there in Deadwood...alone. But hey, that means there's no one crying, creating drama, backstabbing the other women to ruin his fun--you know, those things that men generally hate to be involved in with women, yet they continue to do. I kinda shuddered at his naked-except-for-boots look, limbs sprouting from the tub at various angles.


I got a kick out of the sign on the wall - no cell phone use, no personal photos, etc.  Because a free snap you can edit to make B&W or sepia-toned and share in minutes cuts into their business model of $19.95 for a single pose!  I've hated price-gouging tourist traps all my life and disruptive technology is obviously disrupting them.


As for the upcoming Iowa visit, my suspicions and those of others here were confirmed when the girls made a brave show of exploring Arlington, IA but a) it took 30 seconds to walk the two blocks and b) they remarked openly - and forebodingly - that it was small.  Tiny.  The realization that Chris has fallen well short of the mark as a romantic partner, even a friend, to say nothing of a spouse is creeping into their consciousness and the isolated hometown setting will only reinforce this belief.


Cattiness is part of the fun of this show but the girls - with the exception of Britt - completely lost the plot with their hatred of Kelsey.  Chris was an afterthought in that pathetic roomful of jealousy and groupthink.  Carly, in particular, demonstrates that she is emotionally about 12 years old....filling up with tears at the merest perceived slight.  Suddenly her chequered romantic past is easily understood with her as the common denominator.

Edited by Rainsong
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What would have been funny is if the women, instead of waiting for Chris and Britt, had all walked down to the nearest bar w/a dance floor, met some nice guys, danced and had a good time. Production would have had fits trying to herd cats, then Chris and Britt would have walked back in and wondered where everyone went.

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It's interesting the order in which they took the suitcases and why they didnt take them both at the same time. I mean both girls were left in the badlands, so essentially they both left the show at the same time. The producers are so mean. They really try to stir things up. Taking Ashleys suitcase first and making them think he picked Kelsey.

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Kelsey's viewing party was a fundraiser for a police officer who also died unexpectedly, though you'd never know from the promotions for it, which were all about Kelsey. Someone live blogged it, and apparently Kelsey said at the party that she has already left her school counseling job and is planning to move to Paris to become a writer. Barf.

If someone has to tell you how smart they are, they aren't that smart. And I hire teachers and counselors for K-12 jobs regularly, and a Master's Degree is only as good as the person that earned it.

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I can't get over the weirdness of that badlands date. A canopied bed, a rose, some cocktail-hour snacks, and a blanket in the middle of an otherwise desolate, windy wasteland. The whole thing seemed straight out of a post-apocalyptic movie, especially with Ashley dressed like she was about to grab a bazooka and defend the bed from the zombies/aliens/uber-intelligent monkeys on the other side of the ridge. Well, at least until she started sobbing hysterically. She'd given in the zombies, at that point.


I really wish they hadn't shown Kelsey in the preview and therefore given us just the tiniest glimmer of hope that the two of them had been permanently left out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a bottle of wine to fend for themselves. Of course, Kelsey would snapped Ashley's neck within minutes, all the while laughing hysterically like a loon.

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Well. That was a great show. I have to hand it to the producers, editors, everyone. It was the first time I probably genuinely laughed while watching the show...not laugh as in 'this is so crazy, haha' or 'she's nuts, haha' or 'this is the most boring bachelor ever, haha' or 'that's so awkward, haha' But really laughed, laughed. The stare down Kelsey gave Ashley I was hiliarious. Ashley was trying her best to avoid Kelsey's stare and the look on her face was just priceless. And then when Ashley reached for her wine and took a sip...I busted out laughing.


And the celebration after Kelsey's bags were taken away was hiliarious. Carly's face when she said 'lets get drunk' and pouring the champane...so cute.


Anyway, Kelsey is a nut job. I agree with whoever said that she wants to come across so well but the editors are making sure she ends up looking crazy. Although I have to admit, she handled it really well when Carly and Whitney kind of ganged up on her. I would of been really defensive, especially with a camera in my face.


I thought it was really rude of Chris to be all over Britt while on the group date and give her loud, smacking kisses in front of the other girls..while they are writing a love song for him. Just no class, that one. He's a big handsome dull dud! And if I were there, I would get a little sick of him at this point in the process. And then pulling Britt away for over an hour? I would of been in tears, especially as I'm sure the producers are handing out the wine bottles like they are candy. They were probably behind the scenes, telling the girls that they have no idea where Chris is. Where do you think he is, Kaitlyn? Looks like Chris really likes Britt, Carly. Here is a bottle of wine while we are at it. Ugh. The girls probably couldn't of left that awkward scene if they wanted to.


I'm sure Chris will write some excuse in his blog as to why he treated the women like that on the group date. He did the same thing when he claimed that he never shushed Carly. Whatever, I still dislike him. Even Ben Flapjack Tread Lightly treated the women better than him.

Edited by SugarJones
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Leading the pack every week is Carly. She talks shit about every one and it's not cute. She really needs therapy and to gain some self esteem.



This. I thought I was alone in feeling that way, seeing all the Carly love. Last week was the eye-opener for me. She and Britt seemed very friendly to each other when Britt was waiting for her date card, even if Carly was making fun of Britt about the not showering but it didn't seem mean-spirited. Then Chris comes to get Britt for their date and supposedly "shushed" her and macked on Britt and her feelings are all hurt.


Okay fair enough, but then she immediately turns her bitterness onto Britt saying how she wanted nothing more than for her to not get the rose and bitterly added that she just wanted Britt gone period. She clearly has major self-esteem issues and this show is not the one for someone like that where everything is already so heightened and manipulated for maximum drama.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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She is from my hometown, she is at a viewing party here. She is definitely delusional because most people in their right mind would be embarrassed for people to see them act this way, let alone at a public viewing party.


Her sister is live blogging defending her, but I am not buying it. The crazy is too strong in that one.


Are you in Austin? Or Michigan (where the lakes are better than L.A.)? I'm in the 210...

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I can't get over the weirdness of that badlands date. A canopied bed, a rose, some cocktail-hour snacks, and a blanket in the middle of an otherwise desolate, windy wasteland. .


Yes, and I really wonder, if the date had gone well in any way (which is really hard to imagine), was there supposed to be more to it?  Like if he kept one of the girls was there more planned like an activity or a dinner?  It looked totally dreadful, I mean that bed in the middle of nowhere, all that wind, nothing to do but take seperate walks around the rocks and sit on a blanket.  ??


And what was with the producer manipulation of giving the two girls so much alone time?  When Kelsey came back, she and Ashley had lots of time just the two of them sitting together, where was Chris that whole time?  Why did he not walk back to the bed area with Kelsey?  Did the producers tell him to hang back and let the girls have time to be filmed alone (for the staredown)?    When Ashley jumped up and ran off to him grabbing his hand - like what was he doing over there alone? That came off very staged and planned to me.

Edited by FamilyVan
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You know Kelsey it's not just using big words that makes you articulate, part of it is knowing what they mean.


Becca is  great..  She's funny without trying too hard over it (pay attention Kaitlyn,) natural, easy conversationalist, and  good looking.  She shouldn't worry about being a virgin because she's clearly a quick learner with lots of beginners luck.  Far too good for Chris. 


Chris is a gormless lout.  Juan Pablo had a smoother way with words.  How hard would it have been to explain to the group that he needed to chose a girl for the concert and that he was sorry, wished he could take them all, but he chose Britt?  I could not believe my ears when Chris bluntly told Kelsey, "Ashley says you're a big fake,"  What? I  think it should be a life rule that when one person is spreading criticism about another they should be required to come up with examples.  Because "fake," could be anything from gigantic false eye-lashes to telling the medics you're definitely going to get a rose in the middle of your panic attack.  Chris didn't know this and yet just took crazy Ashley at her word.  He then proceeded to watch the vainest girl in the world  (Ashley) cry for ages with her nose running all over her makeup job and never offered her a handkerchief.  He knew he was going to be sending at least one girl home, he should have had one.


I hope Chris chooses Britt and she turns him down with a prepared speech about different paths in life.

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Sir, you are no gentleman! Kissing in front of other girls and disappearing for an hour with one girl while the rest waits is so NOT cool. I really wish all the girls had gotten up and left the show right then and there.



Seriously, how rude can you be.  I don't care if the producers were behind some of it....it was just plain disrespectful.  He could have still given Britt the rose in private and brought all the girls to the concert. Plus, I am assuming his "fiance" could be among those girls left behind. Wonder how she is feeling seeing herself so disrespected.


Of course I am totally unspoiled...he may just follow his lust and pick Britt for all I know.  One thing Ashley was right about was there is no way Britt would be happy on the farm.  That said, I do give kudos to Chris for getting rid of the immature Ashley and cray cray Kelsey who IMO has been auditioning to be the next Bachelorette all along.


Bullshit.  Every single one of them would have done the same thing Britt did.



Oh I agree.  This is totally on Chris, not Britt.


Edited by Palomar
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I agree with the posters that said Chris disappearing with Britt was production driven, because I don't believe this is something he would have done on his own accord.  They purposely pull these stunts for the drama and it worked.  I don't buy that any of these ladies would be willing to live on a farm in the middle of small town, Iowa. 

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Ashley I. is a moron and I'm ashamed that she's from NJ. That said, she made the most valid point of the show last night when she challenged Chris and commented "Oh, and you think Britt is going to be happy on the farm?!" 


Oh and I don't for a second buy that she's got her v-card.


If I'd been left sitting on a couch for over an hour with no explanation, I would have just left the show. It was incredibly rude and disrespectful, whether the producers drove it or not. Any of the girls would have taken the opportunity, so I don't envy Britt walking into that awkward situation, but I can see why the other women were upset. Whitney's death glares are always entertaining.


Kelsey is a loon of the highest order. She makes an excellent point about Ashley I's insane cake makeup, but no makeup scheme can cover ugly on the inside. 


The amount of sobbing last night was just pathetic. Dry up, ladies. 


Looks like "reality" takes on a whole new meaning next week. Welcome to the farm life! Britt's about to crack and I LOVE it. We're definitely seeing a Des/Brooks situation here. I bet she bails and Chris has to move forward with also-rans. 


Loved the tableau in last night's ending shot... Kelsey on top of the bluff, Ashley below - just like Kelsey explained! Ashley I. must have really angered the production folks or just annoyed them to no end. Her edit has been nothing short of horrific.  

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Lounging around a bed alone in the middle of Bumfuck -- or sitting on a blanket with Chris a few yards away -- is not my idea of an epic date.


Someone identifying himself as Kelsey's Dad wrote a long diatribe in her defense in a comment here


Looks like next week in Iowa is when reality hits Britt.

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My post is amazing. It's tragic, and it's inspiring, and it's beautiful. My post is immeasurably blessed. I have no regrets because I posted exactly what I came here to post... and that's just to challenge myself to the adventure of posting. I'm going to be okay, because I've posted before and I've survived. I'm here. I post above it.

Slow clap. When's the website launch? I know I'm inspired.

Wow the women were really shivering during the rose ceremony. This year seems like torture.

Did Chris dress up as a Confederate soldier when he was doing the old-timey portraits? Oy. This show. I'm so happy the one black woman is gone.

When Brit found herself at the concert, I just knew she was gonna be ticked that Chris hadn't told her they were performing in front of a live audience so she could fix her hair. Sure enough, cut away and camera roll right and all of a sudden Britt has her luxurious long hair free and bouncing. She's the best kind of fake. She's not even trying to be genuine. Although it does appear that next week she gets a conscience. Bummer.

I've seen some bad dates and even I have to admit that 2-on-1 date was the worst I've ever seen. Chris:"I'm going to take you aside and ask you questions and then repeat what you said to the other woman." That pretty much was the whole date. And someone asked where Chris was while Ashley and Kelsey were on the bed. I'm pretty sure he was shooting standups -his interviews about how he's determining who to keep.

I loved seeing Kelsey interview from the Badlands that she was immeasurably blessed only to cut to the women in the hotel room toasting to being immeasurably blessed by Kelsey's absence. Good job editors.

On Britt's fakeness. She was the main one supporting Kelsey in the previous episode, but I think she was there cheering and toasting Kelsey's dismissal this week. It's so hard to tell which girls really like each other. They turn on each other every week.

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Well. That was a great show. I have to hand it to the producers, editors, everyone. It was the first time I probably genuinely laughed while watching the show...not laugh as in 'this is so crazy, haha' or 'she's nuts, haha' or 'this is the most boring bachelor ever, haha' or 'that's so awkward, haha' But really laughed, laughed. The stare down Kelsey gave Ashley I was hiliarious. Ashley was trying her best to avoid Kelsey's stare and the look on her face was just priceless. And then when Ashley reached for her wine and took a sip...I busted out laughing.

THAT scene was a classic, scripted and rehearsed scene, directed by someone who works on a soap opera.  It was campy and hilariously awkward.   Did it happen while Chris went off to pee behind a rock?  The two women sitting on what was supposed to be some romantic canopy bed type thing, set up to have their dramatic scene.  I  was picturing the  camera operators filming the scene, and the director giving the girls  lines, telling them what to say, getting the right angles for camera, making them play the scene a few different times to get everything perfect.  


Cut to Chris standing on some rock, staring pensively at the horizon, you can see how tortured he is, wondering: should he believe that Ashley said Kelsey is fake?  Or believe Kelsey that Ashley lies?  Is there anything to eat in this desert?  Does sand get caught on those 3-inch long eyelashes and doesn't that hurt?  Why are there two women on a bed in the desert - is this some weird three-way porn stuff?  

Edited by backformore
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I know it is rather late in the season to be making celebrity lookalike observations, but when Whitney was giving the stink eye, she was really looking like a pissed off Faith Hill. So she went up a few points in my book.



Another one...not sure if it has been mentioned but Jade reminds me so much of Jennifer Connelly.  So far I really like her.  I know little about her "scandalous past" except what was shown in the preview last night.


Btw, on Chris' blog (I believe it was on the People site) he said something about that he didn't think Britt would tell the others about the concert...that he thought it was something they could keep between themselves.  I guess he doesn't know much about women.  He also mentioned that he picked Kelsey and Ashley for the 2-1 date because those were the two that he was the must unsure about.  So, not surprising that both would go.  Of course who even knows who writes these blogs!

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Someone identifying himself as Kelsey's Dad wrote a long diatribe in her defense in a comment here.

According to her alleged father, she graduated "summa kum laude". Okay. Apparently "eloquence" isn't genetic. Or is that another "paradox"? So many big words, so little time...

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