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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I've never been on the SM site, Parler, but I've read articles and I've seen Tweets regarding it. My impression of it is its like a dark web version of FB. Touting all kinds of conspiracy theories that some mainstream folks see as credible. I won't even Google it because I feel its that shady.

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38 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I've never been on the SM site, Parler, but I've read articles and I've seen Tweets regarding it. My impression of it is its like a dark web version of FB. Touting all kinds of conspiracy theories that some mainstream folks see as credible. I won't even Google it because I feel its that shady.

It has a wikipedia page and reading that was enough for me.  

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I've never been on the SM site, Parler, but I've read articles and I've seen Tweets regarding it. My impression of it is its like a dark web version of FB. Touting all kinds of conspiracy theories that some mainstream folks see as credible. I won't even Google it because I feel its that shady.

People have joined under fake names to watch the Duggars and friends. Kristen Nicole Young (a Duggar adjacent) straight up used the hashtag #whitesupremacy on one of her posts. 

This isn't "tee hee hee get off my Facebook" stuff. This is straight up "You're probably on an FBI list now".

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15 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

My state has had a huge increase in covid cases, to the point where our metro area hospitals have issued warnings that they are at capacity. My particular county is close to 23% for positive cases at the moment. I have been proctoring kindergarten and 2nd grade regular classroom instruction for my children as well as their specials like art, music, etc all through various apps. And I have 7 different alarms set on my phone to keep track of their various Zoom meetings. With hospitals and cases where they are, the girls won't be going back to school regardless of what the superintendent decides (he mentioned in his initial announcement that being above 20% wasn't a guarantee we'd stay virtual- he's been trying to do away with the virtual option entirely unless there's a medical reason). So this is how it is for the foreseeable future. My husband still has to go to the building every day to teach from his classroom rather than from home.

Simultaneously, my workplace is going through a massive restructuring and our jobs are completely changing. Some people are leaving our team, lots of people are joining, they're automating processes left and right...and no one seems to truly have any idea what's happening or how it's all going to work. I'm incredibly lucky that my team lead, supervisor, and manager will stay the same. They're not always my favorite people, but they're all mothers who understand that right now I am struggling to be the best mom and the best employee I can be, and falling short in both areas. They've never made me feel guilty for needing to be a mom first, and compared to my old job (technically with the system but different area), it's a relief. 

I talked with my sister and my mom about upcoming holidays, and we decided no to Thanksgiving this year, but have decided to do a late Christmas at the end of school breaks. We figure this gives us all a chance to quarantine ourselves before getting together. Without knowing what her school and my school will do, it seemed safest to plan for January. At least we have that to look forward to. 

I agree with all of you that it is SO HARD to see others living their lives like nothing is happening. I start to almost gaslight myself- "am I overreacting? Maybe it would be ok to go/do XYZ?" but then the hospitals announce we're at capacity and I snap out of it. Sadly I think some people aren't going to take it seriously until they or someone very close to them experiences how terrible it can be.

Sounds like our school districts are of similar minds - my first grader is enrolled in our school's virtual option, and last week I got a call from the principal pressuring me to switch her back to in person school. Apparently they wanted to combine two virtual first grade classes into one, and were hoping to push enough families to go in person to make that happen. I told him cases are skyrocketing in our area and under no circumstances will I be sending her back to school right now. He was stammering awkwardly and the whole thing was just odd. Considering our hospitals are nearing capacity right now, cutting down on the district's ability to provide virtual learning seems like a very shortsighted path to go down. Then yesterday the school announced they are keeping both virtual classes and just switching the teacher for one of them. Apparently they couldn't convince enough people sending their kids back to in person was a good idea. 😒

And boy, do I hear you on the whole "gaslighting of yourself" part...I feel like that often, but thankfully I usually get hit with a sign I'm not overreacting at all before I start relaxing my rules (in laws getting Covid, hospitals nearing capacity, cases reported at my child's school or my work). But it is an exhausting way to live. 😔

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My Boomer mother commented the other day that many of her Boomer Facebook friends are moving on over to Parler.  She asked me about it, and I gave her a quick rundown and also told her I would not be helping her create an account there.  She works selling cellphones and some of her customers have told her about it, and again I mentioned that it is not a place for us.  She gave me a few names of her friends who were moving on over and my initial reaction was "yep, Qanon supporters, not surprised."  I did keep that to myself because I have no desire to explain Q to my mother. 

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I made an anonymous account just so I can see what a few people I know post. It's a fascinating, and depressing, insight into a class of people who look normal but apparently have spit for brains.

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43 minutes ago, Nysha said:

I made an anonymous account just so I can see what a few people I know post. It's a fascinating, and depressing, insight into a class of people who look normal but apparently have spit for brains.

Did you have to provide ID?  I thought about making an account, but I've read you need to provide state issued ID, and/or a phone number.  Several of my FB friends are making a big deal about a "mass exit" on the 13th.  After reading the Reddit posts about the place, I seriously hope law enforcement monitors the site, but I also think ordinary citizens need to keep up with what the fanatics are promoting.  Forewarned is forearmed. 

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5 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

Think anyone is letting TLC know what their wholesome religious whacky-fun “just doin’ things differently” is now espousing?


TLC may not care that some of their talent is on a fringe social media site.  Parler is not Twitter or Facebook, the network is not on it, and they can easily pretend it does not exist.  

Now if someone were to go onto Parler and screenshot offensive posts by a Duggar, and then share those screenshots over on Twitter, then maybe TLC would care.  Of course, that someone would have to have enough followers for those pics to go viral.  

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2 hours ago, thehorseofpower said:

And boy, do I hear you on the whole "gaslighting of yourself" part...I feel like that often, but thankfully I usually get hit with a sign I'm not overreacting at all before I start relaxing my rules (in laws getting Covid, hospitals nearing capacity, cases reported at my child's school or my work). But it is an exhausting way to live. 😔

It is utterly exhausting. I absolutely feel that. Hugs to you! ❤

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John MacArthur's lawyer, Jenna Ellis, has been one of the big names pushing Parler for quite a while. So I expect it permeates the TLC TeeVee family's milieu pretty thoroughly, in all corners.

But if nobody actually joins it and promotes it but Joy, TLC will probably be able to happily ignore it, since many of the others may be more aware of the connection between retaining some mainstream followers and not endangering your chance to monetize your social media. 

The Joy-Parler connection has popped up on some of the lesser-known celebrity gossip sites, and it'll be interesting to see whether it ever makes it into any bigger-name celeb sites and tabloids. But I doubt it will, since I expect them to totally ignore Parler too, unless some news about it happens that's too big for anyone to ignore.

 Those media outlets know that right now, at least, a whole lot of conservative Christians are on there, and they won't want to lose their clicks by publishing anything that might sound skeptical of this new "conservative" fad. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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Just when I think I've seen it all.....my parent's church is having special traveling singers (they are from another state) that consist of a couple and their FIVE children sing at a special Sunday service this week! (It normally involves a large meal for all, too. Not sure if they are going to cram 300 people in their social hall to eat or not.)  Their website says they are traveling and trying to win souls for Jesus.   Oh, did I mention that hardly anyone in the church services wear masks?  My parent's don't attend. They haven't been there since March, but, a lot of our family friends do.  I'm no expert, but, I would think that God might get a little angry with you when you endanger lives that way.   

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Just when I think I've seen it all.....my parent's church is having special traveling singers (they are from another state) that consist of a couple and their FIVE children sing at a special Sunday service this week! (It normally involves a large meal for all, too. Not sure if they are going to cram 300 people in their social hall to eat or not.)  Their website says they are traveling and trying to win souls for Jesus.   Oh, did I mention that hardly anyone in the church services wear masks?  My parent's don't attend. They haven't been there since March, but, a lot of our family friends do.  I'm no expert, but, I would think that God might get a little angry with you when you endanger lives that way.   

Ok, serious question - where are these people trying to win souls for Jesus when they travel? Not at the church, where presumably the folks are already Christian. Are they going to a random town to stand on the street corner and proselytize? The Rodrigues family also travels to various churches for ostensibly the same reason but frankly, it seems more like it’s so they can grift meals, “love offerings” and whatever else they can while taking a road trip. 

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9 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

Ok, serious question - where are these people trying to win souls for Jesus when they travel? Not at the church, where presumably the folks are already Christian. Are they going to a random town to stand on the street corner and proselytize? The Rodrigues family also travels to various churches for ostensibly the same reason but frankly, it seems more like it’s so they can grift meals, “love offerings” and whatever else they can while taking a road trip. 

Yes. That’s it. That’s how they make their living. It’s really about money. They could appear by video on a big screen in the church. Personal appearance isn’t really required. With their traveling schedule....they’ll have exposed thousands before they realize one is a spreader.  

Rearranged my court appearance for today and my client cancelled his appointment. So, I’m super relieved things worked out so well. We had torrential rains today. Three lives lost:(

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29 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yes. That’s it. That’s how they make their living. It’s really about money. They could appear by video on a big screen in the church. Personal appearance isn’t really required. With their traveling schedule....they’ll have exposed thousands before they realize one is a spreader.  

Rearranged my court appearance for today and my client cancelled his appointment. So, I’m super relieved things worked out so well. We had torrential rains today. Three lives lost:(

I’m working under the assumption you were raised much as I was (Southern Baptist).  We were the ones at church for any and every kind of meeting - most times my mom volunteered me to babysit for meetings when I was a teenager.  We never missed.  Ever.  

I’ma just throw this out there:  they are praying a HEDGE OF PROTECTION AROUND THEIR FAMILIES.  If you’ve been there, can I get an AMEN!?!?  Furthermore, if they’ve been regularly attending services since the mandatory “gathering” restrictions were lifted, they are fully convinced that GOD provided that hedge of protection around them.  And oh... those people who got Covid at church... well, I’m sure there’s an answer for that.  There always is.  
sort of like when the football players take a knee, thump their heart and point skyward, thanking God for the touchdown.  Because, you know, nobody on the other team was praying fervently for a victory.  

also, believe me, I drank enough koolaid to be thoroughly eloquent in all things Baptist, Bible or Holy Ghost.  The thing about families or just groups traveling to churches to save souls for Christ is exactly what @MargeGunderson threw out.  Especially if this group came into a Sunday morning service.  The only people getting up and attending church on a Sunday morning are already BELIEVERS.  Otherwise, they’re sleeping in. The chances of a non believer on a Sunday morning a year ago were slim.   Chances of a non believer during Covid on a Sunday morning are probably below zero.  As for that group coming, I guarantee they held hands and prayed before singing (speaking, begging,, whatever they came for) and asked the Lord to bless them, to open hearts and minds to the message, Lord, let them hear Your message through US, Lord, use us as your vessels.  Make us invisible.  Sing [speak, beg, etc] through us, Lord.  Show yourself here today Lord.  To God be the Glory, Amen.  

I’m telling you, I could be a Baptist preacher any day of the week.  
ps: the hedge of protection is a real, hard core thing.  If you pray the hedge around your family, attend church and the Covid gets you, welllllll.  You didn’t get it at church, you probably got it at the Walmart when you ran out to get your pantyhose Saturday night, from one of them sinners at the checkout.  PREACH!!

that was fun!

Edited by Happyfatchick
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Is it awful that I'm lonely tonight? Usually I love being, but tonight I'm sick and have so much going through my mind. Mostly how to get money quickly so that I don't lose my place.

I miss my puppy. Hubby is in jail until the second week of January. I'm going to be alone for the holidays.  Beginning of December last year, my dad went into the hospital for the last time before he passed in January.  

I just can't with it all right now.  I guess loneliness is the least of my problems. 

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On 11/11/2020 at 7:09 PM, DangerousMinds said:

Ohio is a mess and starting to shut down again, too.

Things are getting worse very quickly.  The governor issued a stronger mask mandate, businesses must post signs and enforce mask wearing amongst employees and customers or they can be fined or even shut down.  Our numbers are such that we should've been put at the highest level, purple, last week; but the governor has been procrastinating.  Meanwhile, my employer has now cancelled all elective inpatient surgeries for most of its hospitals for at least the next week or so because the bed situation is getting very tight.  We may well end up canceling all but emergency surgeries soon.  I don't know that we'll be back to doing only essential office visits, but that could come soon, too.

I have two sisters planning a big get together for Thanksgiving in a nearby state along with one sister's in laws who are notorious for their insistence that wearing a mask is a political issue.  Even now, after all this time, they refuse to use common sense.  And these are college educated people with successful careers!  The particular in-laws who are participating live in Chicago and I'm sure are blatantly ignoring the mayor's recommendation that they stay home.  I've already let them know that I think it is a very bad idea, they don't seem to care.

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53 minutes ago, beckie said:

Is it awful that I'm lonely tonight? Usually I love being, but tonight I'm sick and have so much going through my mind. Mostly how to get money quickly so that I don't lose my place.

I miss my puppy. Hubby is in jail until the second week of January. I'm going to be alone for the holidays.  Beginning of December last year, my dad went into the hospital for the last time before he passed in January.  

I just can't with it all right now.  I guess loneliness is the least of my problems. 

No, it isn't awful.  Been there, done that.  And if you find that you still care about the person who abused you, that's not awful either.  It's normal.  It's all a part of why it's so difficult to get out of an abusive situation.  Sending you positive thoughts and hoping you find a way to get the money you need for living expenses.  If your husband has anything of value, my suggestion is that you sell it and use the proceeds to start a new life.

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58 minutes ago, beckie said:

Is it awful that I'm lonely tonight? Usually I love being, but tonight I'm sick and have so much going through my mind. Mostly how to get money quickly so that I don't lose my place.

I miss my puppy. Hubby is in jail until the second week of January. I'm going to be alone for the holidays.  Beginning of December last year, my dad went into the hospital for the last time before he passed in January.  

I just can't with it all right now.  I guess loneliness is the least of my problems. 

@beckie, I feel sure that all those feelings you are dealing with are to be expected considering all you have been through.  I hope you have been in contact with the domestic violence helpline. The people there will have the expertise to help you sort through all you are feeling. You have been in my prayers. 

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1 hour ago, beckie said:

Is it awful that I'm lonely tonight? Usually I love being, but tonight I'm sick and have so much going through my mind. Mostly how to get money quickly so that I don't lose my place.

I miss my puppy. Hubby is in jail until the second week of January. I'm going to be alone for the holidays.  Beginning of December last year, my dad went into the hospital for the last time before he passed in January.  

I just can't with it all right now.  I guess loneliness is the least of my problems. 

Big hug, sweetie. Have you called any of the Domestic Violence help lines?

You are not alone. There are so many people who have been where you are and they can help you find the path out. But you have to let them know where you are.

Better times await. I promise.

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Just when I think I've seen it all.....my parent's church is having special traveling singers (they are from another state) that consist of a couple and their FIVE children sing at a special Sunday service this week! (It normally involves a large meal for all, too. Not sure if they are going to cram 300 people in their social hall to eat or not.)  Their website says they are traveling and trying to win souls for Jesus.   Oh, did I mention that hardly anyone in the church services wear masks?  My parent's don't attend. They haven't been there since March, but, a lot of our family friends do.  I'm no expert, but, I would think that God might get a little angry with you when you endanger lives that way.   

Are the Rods coming? 

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@beckie I am so sorry you are lonely.  I wish I lived near you we could do something...while still social distancing of course.. Is there an organization that may be able to help with the rent? Have you talked with anyone who works with abused women?  They may be able to point you in the right  direction for help. If things were normal I would suggest finding a place to volunteer. Around the holidays most cities have a big meal for the homeless and look for people to help serve.  I don’t know what will happen this year. I will be alone on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I will be checking in here during the day. We can chat if you want to.

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@beckie, your feelings are all perfectly normal. But it’s a LOT that you are going through now, and you really do need some professional guidance and support. You have already taken the most important first step, but please call one of the numbers to get further advice. Many hugs to you.

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A week ago,  my youngest daughter S (my middle child) got the news that someone her husband had worked with  in close contact , had tested Covid-positive.

  Shortly after that, my daughter S and sil E and two of their kids started feeling run down. Covid-tests confirmed their fears that four out of five members of their family were Covid-positive.   

   The kids had more mild symptoms (headache, fever, etc.). Their oldest daughter who had tested negative, quickly packed and went to stay at my son's house (her uncle) until they all test negative.

At first my daughter S also just had mild symptoms but she now has lost all sense of taste and smell and just this morning she reports feeling worse than the previous days, with a high fever and bad headache that no medicine seems to touch.,

 So far, my sil E has had the worst of it. What started with being rundown and with a headache and fever quickly took a turn for the worse with serious breathing problems. (The only preexisting condition he had before this was well-controlled high blood pressure.)

Four days ago he had to go to the hospital where they gave him antibiotics and sent him home with a pulse oxymeter to measure his oxygen levels. 

Unfortunately yesterday his levels were way too low and he had to go back to the hospital. 

They took X-rays while my daughter sat in her car waiting for hours.She couldn't

go in with him because of covid precautions, of course. 

They said he now has covid induced pneumonia, but they sent him home anyway, but with steroids added now.

They are monitoring his oxygen levels frequently at home with the finger thing they gave him on discharge.

 I am so scared. All I can think of is how Flaco died from it, (and my sil works at O'Hare Airport, just like Flaco did) it's like a bad omen to me.

. I can't stop thinking about how fast Flaco went downhill.

Ps I am going to wake up to a very  pissed-off husband, because I hid our car keys

 Illinois is BAD again, and I can't get him to keep his butt HOME.

Edited by ChiCricket
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4 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

A week ago,  my youngest daughter S (my middle child) got the news that someone her husband had worked with  in close contact , had tested Covid-positive.

  Shortly after that, my daughter S and sil E and two of their kids started feeling run down. Covid-tests confirmed their fears that four out of five members of their family were Covid-positive.   

   The kids had more mild symptoms (headache, fever, etc.). Their oldest daughter who had tested negative, quickly packed and went to stay at my son's house (her uncle) until they all test negative.

At first my daughter S also just had mild symptoms but she now has lost all sense of taste and smell and just this morning she reports feeling worse than the previous days, with a high fever and bad headache that no medicine seems to touch.,

 So far, my sil E has had the worst of it. What started with being rundown and with a headache and fever quickly took a turn for the worse with serious breathing problems. (The only preexisting condition he had before this was well-controlled high blood pressure.)

Four days ago he had to go to the hospital where they gave him antibiotics and sent him home with a pulse oxymeter to measure his oxygen levels. 

Unfortunately yesterday his levels were way too low and he had to go back to the hospital. 

They took X-rays while my daughter sat in her car waiting for hours.She couldn't

go in with him because of covid precautions, of course. 

They said he now has covid induced pneumonia, but they sent him home anyway, but with steroids added now.

They are monitoring his oxygen levels frequently at home with the finger thing they gave him on discharge.

 I am so scared. All I can think of is how Flaco died from it, (and my sil works at O'Hare Airport, just like Flaco did) it's like a bad omen to me.

. I can't stop thinking about how fast Flaco went downhill.

Ps I am going to wake up to a very  pissed-off husband, because I hid our car keys

 Illinois is BAD again, and I can't get him to keep his butt HOME.

I know this must be so scary for you and your family.  Adding you all to my prayer list.

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So sorry for what you are going through. Unfortunately, we see numbers and get almost numb to it. We must remember all those numbers are people and add on those around them that are suffering.  This is all so scary.

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1 hour ago, jacourt said:

So sorry for what you are going through. Unfortunately, we see numbers and get almost numb to it. We must remember all those numbers are people and add on those around them that are suffering.  This is all so scary.

From your keyboard to God's ears. It's damn scary, and you are so right that we can get numb to this even as we watch the case numbers - and numbers of hospitalized patients - keep climbing. 

@ChiCricket, sending prayers and virtual hugs to you and yours. I wish you peace and comfort, but being scared in that situation is, well, normal. If you're not bouncing off the walls screaming, give yourself credit for being strong. Well, actually if you're only bouncing off the walls screaming occasionally, STILL give yourself credit for being strong. Sorry about your husband's need to roam around town and good for you about the car keys. 

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@ChiCricket.... terrifying!!!  I don’t have anything to make this better for you, it’s scary as shkt!!!  
We are (always have been) so intertwined here on the compound, it’s so scary.  We haven’t even decided about thanksgiving yet . (Split decision about having it outdoors at the river. I loved that idea).  
Back to you, @ChiCricket, I’m scared with you.  I told someone the other day - this whole stupid thing is like there’s this big BUCKET of symptoms.  I don’t know any 2 people who’ve had it that had the same exact symptoms.  My daughter had it and lost taste and smell for the longest (probably still not right), but had a fever and some nausea.  Her daughter currently has it (on compound as well) and had the excruciating headache, low fever for a couple days and seems fine.  Neither experienced breathing issues.  My huaband has a head cold and is convinced he’s Covid (he’s not).  But with that big bucket of symptoms, I guess he could be right.  He went to be tested yesterday but I’m confident he’s just got a cold.  He’s that guy who gets a cold if you say it out loud in the room.  

with the onset of his man-cold (and yes, there IS A DIFFERENCE), I was down the hall and heard him coughing like a 3 year old - brace yourself, open your mouth and volcano your germs into the atmosphere.  I went in and said “hon, you need to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze”.  

his answer:  I DOOOO when I’m around people.  I mean, I do at work, you know.


I said “well.  Just for the sake of you know... this discussion... let’s pretend that I, too, am ‘people’ “.  I mean!!!!!!

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Oh, @ChiCricket, I'm so sorry. Your family is in my thoughts. Hoping those steroids work well for him, and that your daughter also recovers easily too. 

2 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

this whole stupid thing is like there’s this big BUCKET of symptoms.  I don’t know any 2 people who’ve had it that had the same exact symptoms.

Me, too, and I'm even seeing some slight regional differences between where I am in NW AR and where my dad and stepmom are in SW MO. They and the people in their community don't have any respiratory symptoms at all and reported a lot of gastrointestinal issues and just generally feeling blah. But she had a fever and he didn't. Down here, I'm not hearing about stomach issues so much as respiratory symptoms. It's weird. I assume there are slightly different strains accounting for it. 

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A friend went to a wedding on Halloween. These people are not known for wearing masks. I’ve been putting off seeing her for awhile “in case”.  Sure enough I got a call from her that the bride has Covid. She thinks that she is fine because she has no symptoms. I still, knowing that people can not show or feel any symptoms, am refusing to get together with her. She thinks I’m being a pain. I think I’m going to live as long as my natural life allows me to. 

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Yes to those who guessed the singers. 

Happyfatchick, I would have welcomed a southern Baptist upbringing. That’s what my mom had. My dad Methodist, so, it’s shocking they got caught up in the fundie church. Independent Baptist. Very strange...frightening. I call it the cult church.  As a child, I knew it was scary and was horrified my parents liked it. Still, can’t tolerate it, though most of them have evolved some. It really makes me sad when I recall the degree of obsession they had with it as I was growing up.....disturbing.  The only positive thing about it, is it taught me what I did not want to associate with and to have endurance.  Neither side of their families liked it. Friends and family would get me aside and ask worryingly if I was ok. They wanted to intervene, but, afraid of becoming estranged. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

A friend went to a wedding on Halloween. These people are not known for wearing masks. I’ve been putting off seeing her for awhile “in case”.  Sure enough I got a call from her that the bride has Covid. She thinks that she is fine because she has no symptoms. I still, knowing that people can not show or feel any symptoms, am refusing to get together with her. She thinks I’m being a pain. I think I’m going to live as long as my natural life allows me to. 

I was invited to a wedding last weekend. It's one of my best friends, but I made my excuses. When I saw the pictures on FB, nobody was wearing a mask! So, I was glad I didn't attend. My friend hasn't said anything to me, but I know she is disappointed I wasn't there. But I just cannot fathom doing that right now. 

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10 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

A week ago,  my youngest daughter S (my middle child) got the news that someone her husband had worked with  in close contact , had tested Covid-positive.

  Shortly after that, my daughter S and sil E and two of their kids started feeling run down. Covid-tests confirmed their fears that four out of five members of their family were Covid-positive.   

   The kids had more mild symptoms (headache, fever, etc.). Their oldest daughter who had tested negative, quickly packed and went to stay at my son's house (her uncle) until they all test negative.

At first my daughter S also just had mild symptoms but she now has lost all sense of taste and smell and just this morning she reports feeling worse than the previous days, with a high fever and bad headache that no medicine seems to touch.,

 So far, my sil E has had the worst of it. What started with being rundown and with a headache and fever quickly took a turn for the worse with serious breathing problems. (The only preexisting condition he had before this was well-controlled high blood pressure.)

Four days ago he had to go to the hospital where they gave him antibiotics and sent him home with a pulse oxymeter to measure his oxygen levels. 

Unfortunately yesterday his levels were way too low and he had to go back to the hospital. 

They took X-rays while my daughter sat in her car waiting for hours.She couldn't

go in with him because of covid precautions, of course. 

They said he now has covid induced pneumonia, but they sent him home anyway, but with steroids added now.

They are monitoring his oxygen levels frequently at home with the finger thing they gave him on discharge.

 I am so scared. All I can think of is how Flaco died from it, (and my sil works at O'Hare Airport, just like Flaco did) it's like a bad omen to me.

. I can't stop thinking about how fast Flaco went downhill.

Ps I am going to wake up to a very  pissed-off husband, because I hid our car keys

 Illinois is BAD again, and I can't get him to keep his butt HOME.

I compulsively check the new covid-19 cases and deaths in each state, on worldofmeters.  I cannot believe the numbers coming from Illinois, day after day.

I'm glad you took his keys!  I hope your family recovers fully and quickly.

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26 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yes to those who guessed the singers. 

Happyfatchick, I would have welcomed a southern Baptist upbringing. That’s what my mom had. My dad Methodist, so, it’s shocking they got caught up in the fundie church. Independent Baptist. Very strange...frightening. I call it the cult church.  As a child, I knew it was scary and was horrified my parents liked it. Still, can’t tolerate it, though most of them have evolved some. It really makes me sad when I recall the degree of obsession they had with it as I was growing up.....disturbing.  The only positive thing about it, is it taught me what I did not want to associate with and to have endurance. 

We were southern baptist on paper, but fundie lite in reality.  many many of our beliefs were rigid.  We had revival once when I was a teenager, and were also (away from church) getting ready for softball season.  I had practice every night that week.  My mom picked me up with a change of clothes in the car and we went straight to church.  

But I know what you’re sayjng.  My brother is independent (he graduated from Bob Jones - need I say more??).  I have had to go to their church for random things and I get the creepiest get-me-out-if-here vibes in there.  I just do!!!  They speak of their pastor like cult followers.  I just want to say sometime “do you HAVE some idea how creepy you’re sounding?”  Whole dang church full of stepford wives.  It’s just cringey.

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My dad went through a "revival" phase when I was in high school and we started visiting a new Baptist church for a while. It was very different from the traditional Methodist services I was used to (think large chapel with stained glass windows, a full choir, organ, etc.)--it had a relaxed feel with the pastor in jeans, a full band with drums, etc.--but the craziness was right under the surface. People would throw their hands up and shout during the service, they encouraged people to come up and witness at the altar during part of the service (a girl dragged me up to the altar one time and as a shy teen, it was the height of discomfort and embarrassment for me), people would pass out in the aisles, and they constantly had meetings and guest speakers and services outside of the normal Sunday service.

My brother skipped service one time to hang out with friends behind the church and my dad found out and punished him by making him attend three services one Sunday and buying these CDs of some crazy preacher that had been a guest speaker for him to listen to. That's when my mom put her foot down and we never went back. She didn't believe forcing someone to attend church should be a punishment for not attending church (imagine that, lol). I love my dad, but he's the type to get interested in something and then just fall into it 100% and expect everyone else to follow along. I'm going to have to keep an eye out as he gets older because he's the perfect target for charity scams. 

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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

Our infection prevention team investigates every caregiver diagnosis of COVID-19. Community spread is almost always the cause. Members of households who attend gatherings are unknowingly spreading this disease to their loved ones.

None of this is intentional, except for the choices we make to be safe. So I am asking you to make perhaps the greatest sacrifice of all during this time. Please reconsider your holiday gatherings for 2020.




I got a similar email from my CEO yesterday.  We were instructed no potlucks or celebrations on the unit.  Northern Virginia has seen a spike in the last week but we are not even close to where we were in April/May.  At this point, we are trying to prevent what is happening in the midwest from coming back to the DMV but I don't know how well it will work.  

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@Emma675 yiur post reminds me of the WOOOOOOOORST thing for me, at church.  For 35 years I played piano for church.  It’s a thing.  I did it with gusto and probably sounded like I played with my feet - but that’s a different story.  I digressed (shocking, I know!)  We were attending a mid sized church.  Not small, not mega.  I was considered staff and also worked with the youth and obviously the choir.  Things worked out so that our pastor had decided to submit his resignation on a Sunday morning.  He had 3 youth daughters and a slightly younger son, the whole family was well liked.  I was told with the other staff members ahead of time what was going to happen.  It was just timing and some serious suckiness for him that his mother had cancer and had been in hospital a few days, and on Saturday (the day before his resignation), she actually died.  AND on the Friday, the day BEFORE his mother died the day before his resignation, his WIFE fell down some steps at the hospital and broke BOTH ankles.  I kid you not.  And required surgery on one (maybe both, I forget).

so the sermon was very brief and a brief alter call, and we’ve (the musicians) all gone back to sit with our respective families.  This poor man who is certainly a finalist for the worst week in the history of mankind starts to talk.  He was every bit of 6’4 - HUGE in the pulpit - he’s crying and trying to talk, everybody in the entire congregation is bawling - it just could NOT get any worse.  nightmarish.  

And then

my stepson (13 at the time) got the church giggles.   I know good and well he wasn’t listening, and I don’t have a clue what set him off - but off he went.  He snorted.  I DIED.  I snapped my head toward him with the MOM eyes 00.  He couldn’t stop.  He held his breath, he spewed it out and laughed some more.  I have never been so embarrassed in all my life.  I grabbed his arm and took him out the back, shoved the keys at him - “GO GET IN THE CAR AND YOU BETTER HIDE FROM ME THE REST OF THE DAY!!!!!”  it took another 20 minutes for us to get outside and go home - but when I got to the car, he was boiling sweat, hair plastered to his head, face like a beet; I said OMG!!!  Why did you stay in the car???  He goes “you SAID go to the car”.  I was like “I didn’t MEAN for you to come suffocate!!!  Didn’t it occur to you I might think you needed to get out???”  So now he’s crying, I’m crying. The other kids are all crying.  

Happy Fun Day at Church, God Bless Us All!!!

my Daddy used to do a parody of getting all of us ready for church (back in the days that meant crinolines and the good bra) waking us all, getting us fed, dressed and in the car (which he participated in exactly NONE of), him blowing the horn and tapping his timex.  And he’d end his little skit with “and we’re going to worship JEEEESUS, praise the LORD”

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