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S01.E05: Episode 5

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Did Christy and Zack talk to each other at all after Clare left, considering how high they were on each other's list of people to meet in Paradise...?

God knows with these people. It's like once someone puts their stamp on them, they forget about that person entirely.


Do you all really like Christy, though?  Too soon to say, I guess, but she is not good looking by this show's standards.  She's probably the youngest one currently in the house, but she has little shape to her body and her hair looks fake. Claire, AshLee, Michelle - all over 30 and all better looking than Christy, imho.  There's more to a person than appearance of course, but this a superficial show so that's got to count for something.

Ugh, no, I don’t like her. She looks like a burned out party girl to me. Did anyone else catch what she said when she first arrived and met Zack? “It’s nice to meet you sober.” Which really doesn't say much good about either one of them because he’s the one she wanted to hook up with initially. Also, wasn't she the one complaining that no one was drinking?

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 2

Poor Zach. He's just a guy, in paradise, who met a girl and hung out with her for a few days. Then she's waking him up from a deep sleep, talking about red flags and eggs in baskets and sugarcoating, and he is confused and sleepy, having no idea what he did wrong or maybe right, and please, can he just go back to sleep.

Lucy looked to be naked, they put black boxes over her boobs and but. But the others referred to her as ,"topless". I'm thinking that people don't say topless when somebody is naked, so did production add the black box over her bottom half to give the impression she was nude?

Edited by backformore
  • Love 4

Sarah said she and Robert can't keep their hands off each other. Heh.


Where was the big AshLee meltdown I was anxiously awaiting? Is Graham just waiting until he's on home turf so that he can grab his pets before going into hiding? Because you know that she's not going to take that inevitable dumping well. Not at all.


I think someone forgot to deprogram Marcus and Cody on their way out of the Bachelorette bubble. These guys are way too quick to fall in love. I didn't realize the franchise Stockholm Syndrome could take the form of a chronic condition.

Edited by Jodio
  • Love 8

Oh good lord... I am just now watching the second part of the "to be continued" BiP episode so I know I'm a little bit behind but the girl (was it Lacy?) getting hauled off in the ambulance for throwing up?  Really?!?  I have some sort of stomach/GI issue - have had it for around 4-5 years now - as yet undiagnosed but I think my "record" so far was getting sick every 15-20 minutes for about 30 straight hours and my doctor barely cared (and that's with good insurance in the US).  Sorry if TMI... I guess for show purposes maybe it's a good time to show how awesome you are at supporting her but ugh, I just thought it was way overblown.


I may officially be over this show.  Of course, it's still on my DVR so maybe not.  <sigh> I'm embarrassed that I'm even finishing the episode.


Clare's from my hometown, I like her, and want to see her happy in the long run. That's my excuse. :)

  • Love 1

I hear ya, NikSac. There was no need for hospitalization, except production wanted the visual of the ambulance. Most all cases of Montezuma's Revenge (stomach flu) resolve themselves within a day or so. We've all been there, barfing our guts out, maybe with fever and certainly diarrhea, but most of us don't go to the hospital within 15 minutes of coming down with it, if it all.


Lucy really was grossing me out. I liked her OK on her season, but here she was too much. I felt like I needed to see someone give her a good hose down.


Too bad Clare once again went too far emotionally, too fast. I'll miss her, but she really made me roll my eyes when she was going on about not wanting the drama, when from where I sat, she was the one creating the drama.


I've been to Chichen Itza, so it was cool seeing it on TV. But what a different experience! When we went, there were vendors everywhere, and they weren't shy about chasing you down to make a sale, either. Plus crowds of people, tour groups, tourists everywhere. And a group all in white doing some Mayan Sun ceremony (hey, it was 2012, remember when the world was supposed to end in December, because of Mayan prophecy?) So for their private viewing opportunity, I'm jealous of these hamsters! I hope they appreciate it.

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 5
I love the raccoon & his impressive listening skills!

He does make an excellent therapist, but I'm afraid this group has proved too stressful for him.  I noticed he was losing his hair in big patches.


Poor Clare.  She may end up joining the religious order by that name if her man-skills don't improve.  Zach, the human sand dune, was never that into her.  This show makes a good case for my theory that it's best to let the men do the initial choosing, simply because how the woman looks means so darn much to most visually powered dudes. I think Clare's hour glass figure is the bomb, but Zach was most attracted to wiry, little Jackie, a totally opposite type.  If only Clare had talked to me instead of the raccoon, I would have steered her toward Cody who absolutely loved what he saw.  They're so well suited!  Both want a whirlwind courtship, both have a sunny disposition most of the time, she's a hair dresser, he's a physical trainer, they could open a spa... I had dreams.


Michelle Money looked so gorgeous during the photo shoot and she looked so completely wrong with Cody.  I'm so bored with her though.  She  spent so much time whining about not having anyone and now gets equal time saying, "I'm freaking out," over Cody's attentions.  Not only does she get far too many talking heads, we always have to wait while she licks her lips before saying anything.


Jesse's a hound dog but I don't see why he gets all the scorn and the two drunken idiots who crawled in bed with him get off Scot free.  In the end, I think he chose Christy because he can call her "the blonde." He can't remember either of their names.


Lacey and Marcus continue to make me feel smothered. The last thing I would want if I was sick and nauseated would be a big sweaty man all over me.


Sarah sure turned into a sparkly princess after Robert kissed her.  I though for a minute we had a whole new happy, confident, beautiful girl, but then she was back into her judgey ways by the end of the show.


All in all I was mighty disappointed that Graham didn't refuse Ashley's rose and she  didn't run into the woods screaming that all the other girls weren't even pretty while tripping over a lizard and spraining her ankle.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 10

This episode was pretty boring. I don't care about any of these new skanks. Just wondering if they had an actual threesome or two separate hookups. It's pretty disgusting to think that TPTB have it all on tape. How many times do you think the editors watched it? Ewww. 


I'm gonna miss Clare, but she only has herself to blame for that relationship going sour. No one wants to constantly feel like shit for simply being honest. She already made Zack feel bad twice for no reason, and then after he declines a date with another girl he was interested in, unlike Clare who actually considered going on a date with Cody, she totally freaks out because he says he wants to figure out their relationship? He wasn't breaking up with her, just telling her where he stands. No need to have a panic attack over it and leave. Sheesh. It seems like she really expects to have a perfect love where both are totally into it from day one and nothing can come between them, though she makes sure to test that every now and then. Well good luck with that, Clare. Even someone like Marcus would be turned off by all that drama.


Speaking of Marcus, what a show-off! I loved everyone's reactions to that speech and the looooooong kiss. I was yawning too. He creeps me out. It almost felt like he wanted something more to be wrong with Lacy, just so he could be her knight in shining armour.


So Graham's turning a blind eye for now? Something must've happened off camera with those two, since he seems more into her now, even after Michelle told him what a fake bitch she is. Weird.


Cody is still overexcited. I could not deal with that either.


I thought Christy was really pretty when she first walked in, but all that booze and humidity sure got to her fast. She looked like a zombie by the rose ceremony.




Lacey and Marcus continue to make me feel smothered. The last thing I would want if I was sick and nauseated would be a big sweaty man all over me.


Heh, my thoughts exactly! When they were shown in the hospital, all I could think about was "Marcus, there's a chair right there. Use it!".

Edited by MsPH
  • Love 3
I thought Christy was really pretty when she first walked in, but all that booze and humidity sure got to her fast. She looked like a zombie by the rose ceremony.

I didn't remember her until the rose ceremony when I thought, "Oh yeah, I recognize that bitch face."  I never knew if it was a fair representation of her attitude or she just had an unfortunate resting face.  Now there's a third option -- chronic hangover.

  • Love 1

Clare needs some intensive counseling.  She wants a real, in depth, lasting and loving relationship so badly.  But she's so afraid it won't work out she's sabotaging herself. 


It's like the overweight person who wants to lose weight, but won't actually try to lose it.  They think about how great it would be to weigh less, they fantasize about how great it will be when they're thin and fit, they compose plans to make it happen.  But they never follow through.  If they don't try, they can't fail and they can always say that it's not the right time yet.


On second thought, Clare might be one step ahead of the previous scenario.  She's got a plan and starts to put it into action, but the second things go off script she panics and runs.  Maybe if she continues to get help, she can work out her issues.

Jesse is a total dog and all, but (knowing nothing of any of the three of them until now) Lucy is the one I disliked more.  So I enjoyed her rejected face when he picked Christy.  And does anyone buy her "concern" for Christy in her exit interview?  I laughed thinking of her reaction watching last night when he couldn't even remember her name.  


I'm totally confused as to what happened with the three of them after seeing the previews for next week.  It definitely seemed like there was a threesome, but Christy telling him in the preview that she knows what he did with Lucy makes me think that the Lucy hook up happened apart from the one with Christy, and she's pissed to find out that he slept with both of them in the same 24 hour span of time.  


Side note:  Is Jesse really the only guy there just trying to hook up with as many women as he can?  All these other guys are slipping into couples ASAP.  Kind of surprising.  


Graham, honey, that was your body's fight or flight response kicking in.  Trust it! 


I cracked up when even Chris (who was initially beaming like a proud papa when Marcus delivered his speech to Lacy) looked like "can we wrap this up now?" as that kiss dragged on and on.  


Michelle needs to get the hell out of her own head.  It's just a silly photo shoot, no need to bring in the raccoon for a quick therapy session before putting on the damn wedding dress.  Lighten up! 

  • Love 5

Michelle's freaking out over the wedding dress/photo op was ridiculous.  I just wanted her to shut up and walk out of the room.  Really, would it be that hard to do if the situation was throwing you into such hysterics? Big whooping deal.  And then for some reason, it highly bugged me that when she came out in the wedding gown, it so obviously wasn't the same one that was hanging in the room! 


Christy's blonde hair was lovingly referred to at least 50 times upon her appearance.....which was highly amusing since her hair is so fried, stringy and ugly.....but I guess the fake color is all that matters in terms of "hotness".

  • Love 3

iirc from Andi's lie detector group date in Italy, Marcus (age 25) has been with 20+ women...how many bolted from his coming on strong so soon with the I love you's? What's the rush? He and Lacy are so icky sweet. Cody's laying it on thick with Michelle too. The wedding attire and photos seemed a bit ridiculous for a first date, yet again show. Funny that Cody was more into it, then Michelle came around with a f*ck it attitude and had fun with it--they are humorously playful together, also at the end when she lost the game and had to kiss Marcus' left nipple. haha. Poor Michelle goes from having "no connection with anyone" to having someone all over her...what's a girl to do? Great massages, painting your toe nails--how long will it last?


That was actually Dylan with the 20+ girls, not Marcus.

Clare's lines were priceless!

"I have to blow my nose"

"this is why I wanted to do DWTS"

"Do I have snot on my nose?"


Jesse saying "What's her nuts"


The ominous background music was perfect!


The raccoon, as before, was great.


Everyone's faces during Marcus's speech (though I am sure quite edited to look like they all happened then) were so funny.


This show is such a train wreck, that it makes for awesome, mindless entertainment!!

Edited by nutty1
  • Love 1

I'm totally confused as to what happened with the three of them after seeing the previews for next week.  It definitely seemed like there was a threesome, but Christy telling him in the preview that she knows what he did with Lucy makes me think that the Lucy hook up happened apart from the one with Christy, and she's pissed to find out that he slept with both of them in the same 24 hour span of time.  


Lucy and Jesse did some sort of hooking up while they were on their date together. I didn't catch exactly what they did, but she was grabbing his package or something at some point, then she was like "don't tell anyone about this" before they went back to join the other people. So I think that must be what Christy is referring to in the preview for next week.

Ugh.  "What's her nuts."  That bothered me more than it should have.  And he said it TWICE.  He reminds me of Jason Bateman, unfortunately.  And that's 'unfortunately' for Jason Bateman bc I love him.  Jesse, blech.  


These girls are so fucking dumb believing all the shit that is said to them by the guys.  I'd be embarrassed for them if I cared enough :)


I don't know anyone who owns enough bathing suits to be on this show (and I grew up in Miami).  I don't think I've seen someone wearing the same suit twice.

Lucy looked to be naked, they put black boxes over her boobs and but. But the others referred to her as ,"topless". I'm thinking that people don't say topless when somebody is naked, so did production add the black box over her bottom half to give the impression she was nude?


She was probably wearing a tiny thong.


Christy's blonde hair was lovingly referred to at least 50 times upon her appearance.....which was highly amusing since her hair is so fried, stringy and ugly.....but I guess the fake color is all that matters in terms of "hotness".


I found that amusing as well.  The obsession with blonde hair - even when it's limp dead hair, died within an inch of falling out, completed by black roots - continues to amaze me.

  • Love 2
Lucy really was grossing me out. I liked her OK on her season, but here she was too much. I felt like I needed to see someone give her a good hose down.

WORD!  She just reeked of desperation.  The flower crown, titties out, the overtly sexual behavior it was just so....bleech.  Was Lucy this way on Juan Pablo's season?  I can't remember; I thought Lucy was the one that had the spaniel dog Molly with her, wasn't she?  Can we have Molly come on the show?


Sarah is still my favorite but holy CORN was that a boring date with her & Robert.  Hurah they finally kissed but I don't know it still seemed so forced to me.  Kinda get the vibe that Robert was either pressured into that kiss by Sarah or one of the producers.  And Sarah, enough with these awful one pieces!  She has a great body and I see her layin' out (like a sun lizard tee hee hee) with the other girls in a two piece, why can't she wear one of those?  Lord knows it looks like these girls packed 20 damn bathing suites.

  • Love 1
WORD!  She just reeked of desperation.  The flower crown, titties out, the overtly sexual behavior it was just so....bleech.  Was Lucy this way on Juan Pablo's season?  I can't remember; I thought Lucy was the one that had the spaniel dog Molly with her, wasn't she?  Can we have Molly come on the show?



She was like that in her intro package, but toned it down a little on the actual show because JP said he was looking for stepmother material. Except when they had that naked "charity" photo shoot, where the other girls struggled but she whipped her tits out faster than you can say "faux hippie". 


The one with the dog was Kellie. 

  • Love 3

I see Clare as a teenaged girl who reads romance novels and has her own romantic fantasy written in her head. She picks a guy, and then tries to play out the fantasy with him. Every guy lets her down, because he's not reading from the script. She's looking for a guy who will say the things she wants to hear. When he veers off her script, she sees him as not measuring up. Because he's not meeting her fantasy. The thing is , she will never find a guy who is good enough until she throws out her script and accepts a relationship with a real person.

Yes, I'm a raccoon in real life.

  • Love 13

Ugh, this is the episode where it all just got bad for me.  Which is annoying, since I freaking loved the first four episodes!!  It was such fun, enjoyable, craptastic fare.  But this episode just confirmed for me how gross and stupid a lot of these people are.  I wish Kalon had stayed over Jesse.  Jesse just looks like walking herpes to me.  I feel blech just seeing him on my screen.  He's not even charming or funny to make up for it.  Lucy = pointless idiot.

  • Love 1


This show is such a train wreck, that it makes for awesome, mindless entertainment!!

I keep hoping for something as awesomely awful as Paradise Hotel, which was my intro to reality tv and sets the standard for how low a show really needs to be to keep my attention.  BiP is not it sadly.  Perhaps I need to book an appointment with my own  raccoon to explore why I repeatedly start watching new shows with the expectation that they'll be as mesmerizingly horrible as PH and am always disappointed...

  • Love 2

I'm loving this show so much, I question... well, kind of everything about myself. 


This episode was awesome, but I'm very bummed that Clare is gone.  I couldn't stand her for most of JP's Bachelor, but kind of fell in love with her here, raccoon and all.  Some recapper (TWOP? EW?) pointed out that when she's happy, her face looks exactly like this  :-D and I have loved her more and more ever since.


Re: Lucy.  Is "free spirit" code for "raging beeyotch"? 


Something I just didn't understand:  If Christy (who I think is fantastically pretty, although also possibly alcoholic) came there seeking Zach, and he was available once Clare was gone, why didn't she seek him out when she had doubts about Jesse?


Seems to me Robert is really not so into Sarah.  She was asking for that kiss in the clearest possible ways, and he didn't come up with it until there was pretty much no choice.  And still lackluster then... I find him confusing.  Also, Sarah's eye makeup is hideous.  Staahp with the pale blue!


Cody and MMoney are horribly mismatched.  Cody, like Marcus, will latch onto anyone who'll take him with the full barrage of "true love."  MM is wary, as she should be.  The sad thing is that Cody and Clare may have been the perfect match -- he'd never be ambivalent or do anything but commit fully to an exclusive relationship, and that's what she wants.


And... I can't believe I spent this much time thinking/posting about this!

  • Love 5

I think Lucy is disgusting and not attractive at all. And as much as she says she is a free spirit, like every other free spirit before her, she really wants some guy to pick her and goes about it the wrong way. Prancing around naked, grabbing Jesse's junk and crawling in bed with a couple is just desperation. A real free spirit would seek out experiences and relationships in a more natural way.

Sad to see Clare leave, she was my favorite of the girls. I wonder if something more was said or done because it looked like she was pretty upset. Don't think I will be a fan of Christy either; she is another one trying too hard and looking desperate. And then their is Aunt Michelle (as someone else said); she is in everyone's business, gets more than half of all TH's and now we are supposed to think she cares about Cody moving too fast? I also don't want to hear about her daughter since she continues to leave her for weeks at a time, so mother of the year she isn't.

Sarah and Lacey seem a little dim to me and AshLee is well, Ashlee. I don't understand if Graham really cares about her, or if he is getting something out of this experience, it is weird. Robert and Cody seem like nice guys (although I don't think Robert really cares about Sara), Zac and Jesse seem like dirt balls.


I kind of wish Kalon had stayed on. I think he is 100%producer made up, so I wonder what he is really like. He is too shiny and sweaty for my tastes though.So what happens at the end of this thing? No one wins anything? Seems like it will be an odd way to end.

I agree with all of the above (except maybe Kalon. The way everyone hates him off-camera makes me think he really is just obnoxious).


I was sad to see Clare (and probably the raccoon) leave. She was my favorite in JP's season and I loved her here. Sad to hear her worry about coming across badly "again". Personally, I liked it that she and JP (imo) "did it" in the ocean. She thought they were in love and it was a magical moment for them (then, of course, he spoiled it as men have been able to since time began by saying, basically, "We had sex. What's your point?" I thought she came across very well then--and on BIP, too.. Sorry she doesn't realize that (or that she should be glad to leave this mess earlier rather than later).


It'd be nice to have an older b-ette, but I think she's been rejected too often now for them to want to do that. (Plus, the way these producers are--kind of mean!--they'd probably cast lots of Bentley's--guys who thought TB-ette was Christy and are angry its not.)


Do they really go home? I thought they just went to a different hotel where there were new chances (off camera) for hook-ups.


As for Lucy and Ashlee I don't know who is more fake. At least Lucy is just all about drawing attention to herself whereas Ashlee was a full-on biatch. Seeing her freak-out over being caught as her real self on camera was kind of amusing though. She's pretty, but boring and a mean girl. I think Graham would like to drop her, but realizes its probably the best way to get through whatever time is left of this show, as a couple ("with as little drama as possible" seems to be where he's coming from).


I don't understand his appeal except that he seems older, not fake (Jesse) and not desperate (Cody). I'm sorry Clare never took the chance (out of deference to Ashlee!) to see if she and Graham could have something. Zack seemed so boring and disinterested--I really didn't understand how she could read so much into his silences. (I won't be surprised if she finds someone at one of TB alum get-togethers. You'd think someone other than Cody--better looking, smarter--would be very interested).

  • Love 2

KIKI620, ON 27 AUG 2014 - 07:34 AM, SAID:

Christy's blonde hair was lovingly referred to at least 50 times upon her appearance.....which was highly amusing since her hair is so fried, stringy and ugly.....but I guess the fake color is all that matters in terms of "hotness".

I found that amusing as well.  The obsession with blonde hair - even when it's limp dead hair, died within an inch of falling out, completed by black roots - continues to amaze me.

Me, three. It's a head-scratcher. She looked horrible, a party girl who doesn't take care of herself, but because she's blonde (fake, brittle, overdyed, unnatural blonde), it's considered an asset? So silly. I feel the same about some women who are fake blonde being considered attractive, but who really have average at best faces. It's like the bottle blond dye is a magic potion that obscures facial flaws and elevates the appearance -- if you're not looking past the color.


Something I just didn't understand:  If Christy (who I think is fantastically pretty, although also possibly alcoholic) came there seeking Zach, and he was available once Clare was gone, why didn't she seek him out when she had doubts about Jesse?

It's the Great Mystery about this show, isn't it? It doesn't make any sense to me, either, and the show doesn't really address it. Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 2
When Christy was talking to ugly Jason Bateman on the beach, the wind was blowng and CLEARLY exposed her tracks.  They looked like they were attched by white clips.

I saw that and wasn't sure what I was looking at.  I thought, if that means she has extensions, her own hair must be thinner than Marcus's.  I hope Michelle takes charge of Cody's fluffy top knot before next week. With his pink skin and  that tuft of blonde hair, he looks like a troll doll.

  • Love 6
If only Clare had talked to me instead of the raccoon, I would have steered her toward Cody who absolutely loved what he saw.  They're so well suited!  Both want a whirlwind courtship, both have a sunny disposition most of the time, she's a hair dresser, he's a physical trainer, they could open a spa... I had dreams.


So very true! The spa would've been amazing. 


The show doesn't honestly think we give a crap about Marcus/Lacey right? They are so boring, I completely tune out their everything. Lacey pontificating that Cody needed to pump the brakes after Marcus said "I love you" after like a week was rich.


The lead in to Robert and Sarah's first kiss was: Robert: "So...what else?" Sarah: "I don't know." then awkward sitting on his lap thing (???) then the kiss. I couldn't even watch it was so uncomfortable!! I could've sworn he was not into her but then the kissing? I'm not sure! He's definitely confusing.


The "to be continued" was a huge letdown. Graham didn't seem to be having any reservations about AshLee at all and once Clare was gone it was like nothing had happened.


The bridal shoot photos were extremely crappy! Half of them were their backs or Michelle's hand blocking her face. Production took the time to stamp every single one with "Michelle and Cody, Mexico 2014" but not find non-blurry, non-crappy stills?

  • Love 2
If only Clare had talked to me instead of the raccoon, I would have steered her toward Cody who absolutely loved what he saw.  They're so well suited!

Yes but by this time Cody was already into Michelle so enh it would have looked kinda desperate on Clare's part to go to him after she had turned him down.  And the obvious problem would be that she was only going to him because she had no one in the house.  Personally I would have stayed for the free booze but I'm she was thinking that she would have to watch Zack flirt with other women and the fact that someone new was coming into the house must have been too much for her.  Poor gal, I liked her alot myself. 


And Sarah, enough with these awful one pieces!  She has a great body and I see her layin' out (like a sun lizard tee hee hee) with the other girls in a two piece, why can't she wear one of those?  Lord knows it looks like these girls packed 20 damn bathing suites.


She's probably doesn't want to ask for help tying/securing the top piece

  • Love 4

Claire totally thought she was getting a tall, dark, and handsome man who was quiet and thoughtful, or something. But it's not a harlequin romance, so it just turns out he's a standard lunkhead. I'm kind of glad she left because I was getting sick of the look on Zach's face every time his brain short-circuited in response to Claire's statements. She totally should have gone for Cody, he looks like one of those full speed, all-in type individuals. 


Sarah is so awkward it's hilarious. I think she both desperately wanted to makeout, and didn't want to be seen macking on camera. I'm pretty sure she (or he, can't recall) pointed out the direction of the main camera and then tried to rotate herself away from it. I can't tell if Robert likes her, and is simply riling her up, or is biding his time until an appropriate woman shows up.


Lucy's approach was all wrong. This is not an open-minded group of guys that can accept a woman could be as sexually unbridled as they are. These are the guys who will pressure/ cajole a chic into taking her skivvies off, then turn around and call her a slut the next day. They somehow want a freak, but don't want anyone to have hit that before them. 


Michelle seems like she would actually be the best pairing for most of these dudes. She seems to want the physical intimacy, but with an appropriate emotional distance for people who've known each other for a few days. 


The guys seriously need to step up. Group huddling on the couch in fear of the female drama is not good television! Get out there and instigate some shit, honestly. The women are doing all the heavy lifting of making this a proper soap opera.

Edited by rozen
  • Love 7

I think I might be done with this show now that Clare is gone. Clare, Michelle Money and Elise brought all the drama and now 2/3 are gone!


I've never seen the Bachelor, and I only started watching this show because of Grantland's hilarious recaps about it, but I really grew to like Claire. She knows what she wants, and I really liked the way she handled the conflict with Ashlee. Plus I thought she was sooo cute, she'll be sorely missed!

  • Love 3

Grudging credit to the editors who strung together a series of unrelated, out-of-sequence clips and made many (admittedly, including me) believe that AshLee had some over-the-top emotional reaction to her duel with Clare that she wound up running into the wilderness and ultimately ending up in an ambulance.  Obviously, nothing of the sort happened and AshLee got her man (again), much to the consternation of a legion of detractors.


The casts have been quite vocal about the long hours on the RC set and the hot lights day and night.  Headaches and a generally foul mood are blamed on them but last night we saw a male and female both break down from the grind.


Some intrepid viewer should calculate Michelle's on-screen minutes but whatever the figure it's far too high even if you find her entertaining.  Which I do not.

  • Love 2

Do you all really like Christy, though?  Too soon to say, I guess, but she is not good looking by this show's standards.  She's probably the youngest one currently in the house, but she has little shape to her body and her hair looks fake.  

As the wind was blowing from behind her in one scene, you could see the extensions.


Why was everyone referring to Lucy being "topless" when the censors also had a black strip over her nether regions?  No one referred to her as "nude".  Or, maybe she was only topless and the censors were having a little fun.



Edited to say that Backformore said this above and I missed it.

Edited by deSchenke

That's why it's unfortunate we never get to know anything about how these people see the world (politics, religion, etc). For some people that's not important and for others I know they'd be happy with Chris' views. For me, finding out on Day One that he supported Rick Perry would have me begging to go home ASAP (he'd probably happily oblige, too.)


I'm sure, as usual, they'll edit out anything that would be polarizing. It'll be interesting if Chris turns out to be more like Sean or more like Bob G. as far as how he interacts with the women when suddenly finding himself "the most amazing and desirable man on the planet" (as every TB becomes within 10 minutes of the first meeting).



I think raccoonsulations have to be face-to-face or you don't get the full benefit of the therapy.

We actually have a neighborhood raccoon that wanders into the yard every night to eat the cat's food. Last night he poked his head in the back door while this show was on. My first thought was, "The doctor is in."


This show can really mess with one's mind. :)

  • Love 10

So much was exposed this episode.  How people got invited (they were on someone else's list), unreal romantic relationship devotion after just meeting someone (Clare, Marquel, Christy, etc.) and what the real carrot is that the producers dangle in front of these contestants in order to get them to sign on...Dancing with the Stars!!!  I couldn't believe it when Claire said that.  Do they really think DWTS want just anyone from this show?  Things that make you go "hmmmmmm."

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Yes Lucy has a disgusting personality and "persona"...but I can't be the only one who also thinks she is extremely, extremely unattractive physically, right?  Large nose, overhanging brows, and very large chin...but she seems to think she is just wildly beautiful and deserves all the attention on her.  It confounds me because no one mentions otherwise and maybe I'm just seeing things.

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