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S17.E06: Telling Truely

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11 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Even though Kody refused to accompany Ysabel for her surgery, she graciously shared her college acceptance letter with him.  So, I was surprised when he said that she wasn’t speaking to him. 

Kody accused Christine of being “rushed and hostile”, but he is the one that appeared stressed.  The fact that he can’t get her to change her mind, seemed to be eating him alive.  He hasn’t said anything about how he feels about her and what she means to him.  It’s been about how spiteful Christine is being and what it says about the message they were conveying about polygamy.  What I find exasperating is that he doesn’t seem to think he deserves this, because in his mind he hasn’t done anything wrong.

I am glad they didn’t do a reenactment of Christine telling Truely about the divorce. 

I'm glad they didn't do actually telling Truely live. 

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Kody just makes assumptions about Ysabel.  If he wants to know why she doesn't open up to him, he should ask her.   It might have something to do with not wanting to visit her because it was too cold outside.  He should possibly consider being more polite to and about her mother too. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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The idea that its all on the wives to facilitate a relationship between Kody and his children is such nonsense. Up until this point hes been able to have whatever access he wants to his kids that still live at home no ones stopped him at any point or told him he can't see them.

Of course you have to spend lots of time bringing Ysabel out of her shell, she barely knows you. Kody was giving out about how Christine wasn't facilitating a relationship between Kody and Ysabel and then when she offers to make whatever accomodations he needs so he can travel with them to drop her off at college, he refuses. Hes blaming covid but then will travel with Janelle to pick up the trailer and stay overnight at Meri's.
No one would deny its important for a parent to be around their young children and I can see how in normal circumstances it would be difficult to leave and go on a cross country trip but hes been living with Robin full time the whole pandemic and has admitted he'd rather pay a nanny to watch the kids than do it himself, so what real difference will it make if hes gone a few days. Its obvious to everyone that he just doesn't want to go.

Anyone else who would see how weak the relationship between him and Ysabel is would be like "I must not make this same mistake with the rest of my children".  Whereas Kody's attitude is, I don't want to stay in Janelle's trailer. Guarantee you that not wanting to stay in the trailer will mean he barely sees Savannah before she finishes high school.

Fair enough that Janelle was able to recognise that the others will likely never build on Coyote Pass. I admire her sticking to her guns about building out there. Although if it was me I think I'd just take the easy way out and get a house/apartment. Its not as if she has a huge amount of children living with her anymore and needs accomodation that would be extremely expensive to buy or would need to be custom.

Kody claiming to have a good relationship with Meri now is so laughable, the two have nothing but disdain for each other. Kody thinking that Christine might change her mind when shes seen how Meri has been treated by Kody since the catfish incident. If she did have a change of heart and call off the move, he would make her suffer so much.

I felt so sorry for Truely, they should have told her rather than her having to find out like that. I wonder how Kody will react when he finds out she knows. I was glad when Christine told her that they were already divorced she didn't string it out. Kody is such a coward, face up to your responsibilties, have the hard conversations.  Wonder if taking Truely for 3-4 days at a time will actually happen much before they move, I would say it will happen once and she'll barely see Kody or he'll make a major effort the first time and then not again.


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Yikes, I wonder what Kody thinks as he watches himself on these episodes? He makes himself look worse than anybody else does.

IMO, this episode was all performance by everyone but Meri. Christine was right up there with Kody. Everything she says in the THs is for Kody's ears and to garner support from viewers. Janelle talks in circles trying to convince herself and others that she has it all together, but has little slips revealing herself to be the airhead she really is. Robyn must have realized viewers have her figured out so she's trying to keep her mouth shut. And then there's Meri still waiting around for Kody to have her back.

Its not often an asshole like Kody openly digs their own hole to the point their gaslighting becomes completely ineffective, but then again Kody is as stupid as he his arrogant.

My heart does break for Truely as her world crumbles around her. Fortunately I think she's the kind of kid who doesn't pay too much attention to 'grown up' stuff. I hope Christine gets out of her own way enough to encourage Truly to call Kody, and behind the scenes, encourages Kody to at least call Truely, or even better encourages him and Robyn to have Truely visit. Let Truely feel loved by her dad while she's young - she doesn't need to know he's a jerk yet.

Edited by GeeGolly
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I cheered at Christine's firm assertion that Truely would need her own room. Yes, she absolutely would so as not to be the poor relation sleeping on a pull-out with 0 privacy. I bet it never happens and Truely never stays.

If they went to court, the judge would likely say that Truely needs her own room, or they may consider it acceptable for her to share with Ariella or Breanna. But they would definitely say she needs a real bed in a real bedroom. Christine would win on that count. Where Christine would lose is that the judge would also likely say that Christine can't take Truely to Utah without Kody's consent. They are both screwed, which is likely why neither Kody nor Christine appears to have gotten a lawyer to file anything legally. 

Truely has been moved from Utah to Nevada to Arizona and now back to Utah (but not in the same place in Utah). And she's only 11 years old. I hope she doesn't end up completely screwed up as an adult. Christine is as responsible for all this as Kody. She let her kids keep getting yanked around by their father's whims. 

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Gosh, Kody just reveals more each episode about what a jerk he is. He thinks he is above living in the 5th wheel and will just be miserable. What an insult to Janelle. It is so obvious that he only considers  his home to be Robyns house. He has to rush back to it and everyone else gets short shrift. I never noticed him fawning all over his other kids. Truly was never a priority and she is still young enough to warrant his attention. He is full of ish when he talks about wanting her around 3 or4 days at a time. And how sad is it that Ysabel has to come out of her shell around him. My God, if you can't be out of your shell around your own father, who can you be natural around? 

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I laughed at how Meri "graciously" let Janelle and Kody stay at the B&B "no charge", but NO BREAKFAST FOR YOU!!!  What a lovely hostess.  Not.  Gawd, when I have overnight guests, not only do I NOT CHARGE THEM, but I also make sure they have meals, snacks, etc.   And, although I know the answer, I couldn't help but wonder if Janelle and Kody slept in separate rooms.

I wonder if the producers are purposely editing Kody to make him look as horrible as possible, or if that's just what he gives them to work with.  He's coming across as a bitter, contradictory monster. 

Edited by suzeecat
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Christine may remember it as the day she broke Truely's heart but Kody has been putting hairline cracks in it for years.

He is such an arrogant knob-end that he is baffled that Christine wouldn't want to be married to him. He views himself as a prize, when he's a shitty husband and an even shittier father. All of his grown children see him for exactly who he is.

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A podcast that I listen to has an interesting theory.

They think that Kody is up to something bad during the day. They think that he has a gambling addiction, or is having an affair, or something else that he's keeping secret from the family and us.

Kody is always talking about how busy he is. Robyn says that he's out all day and believes that he spends a lot more time with the other wives than he does. Janelle and Christine say he doesn't show up until dinnertime and assume he's at Robyn's until he shows up.

The podcast people were wondering where Kody is all day and what has him so busy? It's an interesting theory. It may be right. It could be that Robyn is lying and he is with her, but if Robyn is telling the truth, it does leave Kody with a lot of unaccounted for time.

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I laughed at how Meri "graciously" let Janelle and Kody stay at the B&B "no charge", but NO BREAKFAST FOR YOU!!!  What a lovely hostess.  Not.  Gawd, when I have overnight guests, not only do I NOT CHARGE THEM, but I also make sure they have meals, snacks, etc.   And, although I know the answer, I couldn't help but wonder if Janelle and Kody slept in separate rooms.

I think Janelle slept in the RV. She says the B&B is haunted and she "doesn't do haunted." I believe Kody slept inside the B&B, in his favorite room (because it has an exterior door for quick escapes) - the one Meri will reserve for him permanently if he agrees to starting  having sex with her again.

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4 hours ago, Kellyee said:

If they went to court, the judge would likely say that Truely needs her own room, or they may consider it acceptable for her to share with Ariella or Breanna. But they would definitely say she needs a real bed in a real bedroom. Christine would win on that count. Where Christine would lose is that the judge would also likely say that Christine can't take Truely to Utah without Kody's consent. They are both screwed, which is likely why neither Kody nor Christine appears to have gotten a lawyer to file anything legally.

Truely has been moved from Utah to Nevada to Arizona and now back to Utah (but not in the same place in Utah). And she's only 11 years old. I hope she doesn't end up completely screwed up as an adult. Christine is as responsible for all this as Kody. She let her kids keep getting yanked around by their father's whims. 

I agree with your post. So many moves in so few years deems a child "at risk."

The producers and Kody are going to spin this to look like she is so upset because she will be moving away from HIM. (That suits his ego of course!) In reality, I think she is most upset because, once again, she will be leaving everything familiar and moving into the unknown. 

As far as Kody's increasingly nasty personality showing through so much, I think this is this year's hook. In past years it has been the catfishing, weddings, births, the (ever popular and never settled) property lines. If they don't introduce some new aspect, viewership will cease as quickly as the older children are moving across the country.

Edited by lilysmom
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Kody seems to really suffer from some disorder that prevents him from having any empathy for others and their feelings. Narcissist….idk. Maybe.   I’ve watched this show since day one and while Kody has always had a certain annoying flare, he used to have at least some common sense about things.  He used to listen to the wives and kids about things and show support.  I won’t list them here, but there are many times we saw it.  However, that isn’t happening now.  Kody should realize that a thoughtful and kind girl like Ysabel needs a kind and gentle approach.  He seems incapable of sensitivity right now.  A part of me wonders if any part of this bullish behavior is being scripted by TLC…..idk.  I’m not sure which is worse…Is it accurate or he’s allowing it be portrayed as accurate?  Either way…..horrible.  

I think that if Christine agreed to wait on telling Truely about the split and move, then she had an obligation to use caution and safeguarding her from overhearing the news accidentally.  I get why she felt bad about it happening that way.  She should have been more careful.  And, all the talk about it, the name of the episode, the close up photos of Truely, the details about how she responded………..SO terribly inappropriate!  It made me very uncomfortable.  I don’t agree that kids will be ok with things, though I’m not insinuating the split from Kody is a bad thing.  If kids are so resilient, then why are there so many screwed up adults?  

I thought all the negativity about the RV was really over the top.  It’s not a forever home for goodness sake.  Those critics sounded like some pretty privileged brats, imo. The trailer must have triggered some big insecurities.  I’m glad Janelle gave them a big F off about it.  

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The trailer is lovely. Everyone needs to sit the fuck down. The excitement the kids had when they were showing it off just shows how Janelle has done a great job instilling family values in HER family and how much of a dickhead outsider (TO HIS WIFE AND KIDS) by shitting all over it.

I officially hate Meri. I don't follow her IG but I see her posts reshared on Reddit and all the clickbait about all her "watch me now" bullshit is for nothing. She was foaming at the mouth about the idea of Kody staying at the BnB with her. I used to feel sorry for her that she was so emotionally and physically gaslighted and neglected that she hung on for crumbs. But not anymore. She sees the kids going out and living their own lives and lifestyles and she now sees Christine choosing mental health over Kody. Meri, don't post how great your life is when you have no life. Leggings can only bring you so much satisfaction.  

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4 hours ago, dariafan said:

Kody complaining about the rv so much.

I think he doth protest too much.  "Oh, darn.  Now I guess I just have to spend every night with Rubbing.  Well, shit."

He's delighted that he has a legit reason to cut Janelle out of the Kotex goodies.

Now wait a minnit.  If he wanted to continue to sleep at Christine's, given that they haven't been having sex in forever, why isn't he sleeping at Merry's?  They haven't had sex forever, either.  And I bet Merry's bathroom is nice and big.  Baby-birthin' big, I bet.

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Truely has really only moved twice in 11 years, from NV to AZ, then AZ to UT, as she was too young to remember UT the first time around - so less than an 'Army Brat' typically moves.

Divorces themselves don't typically screw up kids - its how the parents behave during a divorce that screws them up. Kody's poor behavior is obvious, but Christine's subtle behavior is not much better. By trying to be the good parent, the hero parent, she is alienating her kids from their father. Telling Ysabel something to the effect of, Well I told dad I would accommodate him in any way possible so he could come with us to drop you at school, knowing full well Kody was not going to come, is totally not cool. Dropping the "we are divorced" in an 11 year old's lap wasn't cool either. How about saying they were moving because her parents were separating and then in a month or two telling Truely they were making it final - you know like give the kid more than a hot minute to process it all. Christine said her concern was that every time Kody came by Truely would be "watching them" and hoping they'd get back together. Well first of all, Kody never comes by, and second of all having divorced parents doesn't stop kids from occasionally hoping their parents will reconcile. 

Kids really do need to hear that both parents love them and I haven't heard either parent support the other parent to the kids.

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12 hours ago, maggiegil said:

The idea that its all on the wives to facilitate a relationship between Kody and his children is such nonsense. Up until this point hes been able to have whatever access he wants to his kids that still live at home no ones stopped him at any point or told him he can't see them.

Of course you have to spend lots of time bringing Ysabel out of her shell, she barely knows you. Kody was giving out about how Christine wasn't facilitating a relationship between Kody and Ysabel and then when she offers to make whatever accomodations he needs so he can travel with them to drop her off at college, he refuses. Hes blaming covid but then will travel with Janelle to pick up the trailer and stay overnight at Meri's.
No one would deny its important for a parent to be around their young children and I can see how in normal circumstances it would be difficult to leave and go on a cross country trip but hes been living with Robin full time the whole pandemic and has admitted he'd rather pay a nanny to watch the kids than do it himself, so what real difference will it make if hes gone a few days. Its obvious to everyone that he just doesn't want to go.

Anyone else who would see how weak the relationship between him and Ysabel is would be like "I must not make this same mistake with the rest of my children".  Whereas Kody's attitude is, I don't want to stay in Janelle's trailer. Guarantee you that not wanting to stay in the trailer will mean he barely sees Savannah before she finishes high school.

Fair enough that Janelle was able to recognise that the others will likely never build on Coyote Pass. I admire her sticking to her guns about building out there. Although if it was me I think I'd just take the easy way out and get a house/apartment. Its not as if she has a huge amount of children living with her anymore and needs accomodation that would be extremely expensive to buy or would need to be custom.

Kody claiming to have a good relationship with Meri now is so laughable, the two have nothing but disdain for each other. Kody thinking that Christine might change her mind when shes seen how Meri has been treated by Kody since the catfish incident. If she did have a change of heart and call off the move, he would make her suffer so much.

I felt so sorry for Truely, they should have told her rather than her having to find out like that. I wonder how Kody will react when he finds out she knows. I was glad when Christine told her that they were already divorced she didn't string it out. Kody is such a coward, face up to your responsibilties, have the hard conversations.  Wonder if taking Truely for 3-4 days at a time will actually happen much before they move, I would say it will happen once and she'll barely see Kody or he'll make a major effort the first time and then not again.


Kody ain't gonna care if Truly knows now! Now he doesn't have it on his list to do.  Just something else he doesn't have to worry about now.  No big deal to him. 

Edited by Sweetpea4Utoo
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12 hours ago, maggiegil said:

Guarantee you that not wanting to stay in the trailer will mean he barely sees Savannah before she finishes high school.

I've noticed Savanah near Kootie 3 times this season and he didn't even acknowledge her existence - at Meri's with the 5th wheel, at the family gathering where she sat next to him at the picnic table elbow-to-elbow and a similar scene in a flashback to a picnic table on Plague Pass.

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4 hours ago, suzeecat said:

And, although I know the answer, I couldn't help but wonder if Janelle and Kody slept in separate rooms.

I noticed in one shot that Savanah was with them, so likely she and Janelle shared a bed for their one night at the BnB. 

Interesting that there was a shot of Meri's "Fridays with Friends" friend Jenn in reference to her possibly moving into the BnB (which she ultimately did, with her kids).

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Loved Janelle throwing a little shade saying they have to rush everything they do so Kody isn’t away from Sol and Arie too long.  He also needs to get tested for C apparently every time he is away from Robyn and co.   Boy that Sol and Arie certainly are very special.  This won’t be very popular but if Christine thinks she broke Truely’s heart and it will stay with her forever then she should just stay in Flagstaff. Truely won’t notice the difference about the marriage till she is older anyway.  Coyote Pass is a bust, all the kids are basically on their own with the exception of  Savannah.  I don’t think they need  big houses on all that land for one wife with a few kids and two non wives with one other teenager.  Poor Savannah always seems like she isn’t that involved with the rest of the siblings. Kody has clearly lost his mind thinking Christine should give the money from the sale of the home.  Can’t wait to see that conversation next week.   It’s funny how Robyn seems to be a problem for Christine and two of her children lived with Robyn for a time.  Mykelti and Aspyn lived there for a while too.

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