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S06.E15: Miguel

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I was kind of mixed on the episode.  I liked seeing Miguel's dedication to Rebecca, even in the face of his own declining health.  That was love. 

I thought his backstory was kind of predictable, and the dream sequence where he was in a literal game of keep away with the random wealthy white guy and his father to show his divided loyalties was a little much.  I was also a little surprised that his boss at the construction company had no real reaction when Miguel told him he submitted two resumes to them, and they only called him back when he used the more Anglo-sounding name.          

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Rest well, Miguel. We love ya.

Mike Rivers' part really made me laugh. (Because he told them his real name seconds after he was given the job. He outsmarted them and kept the job)

Edited by BoogieBurns
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7 minutes ago, weightyghost said:

The one thing that is getting me is that the triplets never look like they are aging. They turned 40 last year... then 6ish years later (last season plus the 5 year time jump) Kate got married. So near the end there, they should be 50ish and look the exact same. I am bad at remembering but also, didn't Rebecca look 100 years old during the flashfoward but looked older, but fine during Miguel's funeral? But one of the twins was a teen, so she doesn't live for many more years beyond that I don't think. This show and it's timelines... 

Kate's wedding takes place in 2026, and Rebecca's deathbed scene takes place in 2030.

This episode gave me the impression that Miguel's death was closer to 2030 than 2026, but nothing was definitive.

The lack of aging for the big three is especially odd considering that in the initial deathbed flashforward, Randall looked like he was 65!

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This was beautiful, yet so hard to watch. I lost my elderly parents in 2020, my dad 4 months after my mom. My mom’s physical health declined over the years with my dad being her caregiver, and then my dad got dementia. They kept trying to make it work in their own home, with my brother being their caregiver, but they ended up in assisted living, which alleviated a lot of stress. My dad went downhill pretty fast after my mom passed and we put him in a larger private facility with a memory unit until he passed

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2 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

The lack of aging for the big three is especially odd considering that in the initial deathbed flashforward, Randall looked like he was 65!

Being a senator is stressful, I guess.

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It took us too long to get a Miguel episode. My dad died last year for reasons including heart failure and falls, so this one hit hard. Just a little too real.

I do not like the way they are rushing through these years without showing 2022 anymore. I miss Annie, she's clearly the best, most well-adjusted Pearson and deserved to say goodbye to her grandpa!

We got a hint of a Big Three hug!

Also, I'm always glad that to see David DeLuise getting work. And I'm also glad nothing bad happened when Little Miguel went exploring in the rich white boss's house; I was worried. 

Edited by bettername2come
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Another slight silver lining is that there was time when Miguel was still alive for Rebecca to get used to (as much as she could) the full-time nurse aid. It would have been so much more confusing for her to have a full-time nurse with no warning. 

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49 minutes ago, Rootbeer said:

It was a really beautiful tribute to a deep and lasting love.  I did like the fact that Beth saw it all before the Big 3 did and was totally on the Miguel/Rebecca bandwagon.

Her common sense prevented Randall from voicing any doubts.  And more evidence of Beth's detective skills!  

46 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

Of course it was Kevin that reached out to Miguel's son. He's good about reaching out to forgotten family members like Nicky. That was pretty wonderful of him. Miguel got to reconnect with his son and hang with his grandkids, which I liked to see. But didn't Miguel have children, plural? Did they erase his other kid?

 There was a woman with Miguel's son in a few scenes, but it wasn't clear if that was his sister or his wife.  I think wife.

32 minutes ago, weightyghost said:

I am bad at remembering but also, didn't Rebecca look 100 years old during the flashfoward but looked older, but fine during Miguel's funeral? But one of the twins was a teen, so she doesn't live for many more years beyond that I don't think. This show and it's timelines... 

The twins aren't teens yet at Rebecca's deathbed, so they are even younger when Miguel is still alive.  Any teen was probably Miguel's grandchild.

46 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I guess the silver lining to Rebecca's Alzheimer's is that she won't have to grieve Miguel as much as if she were fully aware. I feel so sad typing that though. :(

Miguel might have lived longer if he hadn't devoted so much energy to Rebecca, though.  If she were of sound mind, she probably would have insisted he see his doctors sooner and more frequently.  The best argument for Miguel getting help would have been that if he continued to wear himself out, he wouldn't be around for Rebecca.

20 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

And I'm also glad nothing bad happened when Little Miguel went exploring in the rich white boss's house; I was worried. 

Me too.  I hope he got to use the bathroom!

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14 minutes ago, Evie said:

That was a really beautiful episode. I liked Rebecca and Jack but I liked Rebecca and Miguel too. Rebecca and Miguel might not have worked in their 20's and 30's but were right for each other at that stage of life. I'm glad Miguel finally found somewhere he fit. 

Agreed. I don’t think the love between Miguel and Rebecca love was better or worse than what she had with Jack. I think both were beautiful.

This was one of the best episodes of the series. Miguel deserved so much better. Between him, William, Nicky and even Jack in some ways - all that lost time and wasted potential 😢😢😢 I sobbed through the last 15 minutes. 

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44 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Rebecca dies about 5 years after Kate's wedding, so at least a 1 or 2 so since the wedding.

Speaking of the timeline, the Big Three (especially Kevin) did not look like they were heading into their 50s. No attempt at trying to age them.

But Kate appeared to have a bit of a "waistline" between her breasts and belly.  That's a first for the adult Kate.

44 minutes ago, debraran said:

That’s true especially with Kevin but I did see he had a ring on and the hallway pictures went by too fast to see if his wedding pictures were up there but I did see Kate’s. I’m sure she just wasn’t in this episode but I wondered where Sophie was and if they were going to mention her helping at all with Rebecca

EDiT. Someone told me Sophie was there in future scene. I’ll watch end again with less tears 

Sophie was in the Christmas scene when Miguel's kids and grandkids were there.  If you blinked, you would have missed her.

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This show hasn’t made me cry in years, but tonight really got me. I started ugly crying when “And So it Goes” started playing, and I honestly haven’t recovered yet. Such a beautiful episode. 

I don’t think Miguel had a sad life. He had a happy marriage to the love of his life, he was embraced by her family, he ultimately reconciled with his children.

I hope the show doesn’t erase him in the few remaining episodes. I think they will want to focus on Jack and Rebecca’s great love story; I have always been more interested and invested in her relationship with Miguel.

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That ending montage made me cry. At the start of this series 6 years ago I remember not liking Miguel, now they have me crying over his death.

Really sweet of Kevin to go to Miguel's son and reach out to him on Miguel's behalf. I didn't get why his own kids hated him when he tried to call them all when he moved close to them in Texas.  He wasn't with Rebecca then, so it had nothing to do with her really. The rift was there before.

I also didn't get the timeline. Randall and Kevin look so old when Rebecca's dying. Yet they look like present day Randall and Kevin when Miguel is dying.



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That was one of the best episodes of the series. We needed Miguel backstory before this.

Also, I was so expecting Miguel to have a heart attack - either fatal (to totally crush us) or nonfatal (to show Miguel that he needed more help for Rebecca)

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It wasn't until Kevin went to track down Miguel's son that it dawned on me that the Big Three have stepsiblings and have had step-sibs for twenty-plus years. Rebecca/Miguel didn't marry until both sets of kids were fully grown adults so I wouldn't expect them to act like siblings but the irony of ironies is they could have bonded for at least one evening over that time frame because neither the Pearson kids nor the Rivas ones wanted their parents to be together.

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3 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

It wasn't until Kevin went to track down Miguel's son that it dawned on me that the Big Three have stepsiblings and have had step-sibs for twenty-plus years. Rebecca/Miguel didn't marry until both sets of kids were fully grown adults so I wouldn't expect them to act like siblings but the irony of ironies is they could have bonded for at least one evening over that time frame because neither the Pearson kids nor the Rivas ones wanted their parents to be together.

now i'm picturing them conspiring to break up their parents, but their whacky plans just lead to their parents falling even more in love with each other, and the step-siblings starting to like each other.

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Haven't read the comments yet, but greatly enjoyed this episode. It was long overdue. I wouldn't have pegged Miguel as an immigrant because of his flawless, unaccented English, but I guess he moved from PR early enough to lose it. His parents had a difficult life but his mother was such a devoted sister and caring person. I wish we had seen more of his marriage to Shelly and why they divorced. I felt so sad that he was estranged, more or less, from his family. He moved to be closer and his son still couldn't be bothered. Was it a situation of a bitter ex-wife who bad- mouthed Miguel to their kids? He's so loving towards Rebecca that I can't imagine him being a bad father.

Someone remind me again of how he and Jack met. Was it in the clothing store where Miguel worked? How would that lead to a friendship?The scenes of him aging and ailing made me so sad, as did his death. 


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4 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Haven't read the comments yet, but greatly enjoyed this episode. It was long overdue. I wouldn't have pegged Miguel as an immigrant because of his flawless, unaccented English, but I guess he moved from PR early enough to lose it. His parents had a difficult life but his mother was such a devoted sister and caring person. I wish we had seen more of his marriage to Shelly and why they divorced. I felt so sad that he was estranged, more or less, from his family. He moved to be closer and his son still couldn't be bothered. Was it a situation of a bitter ex-wife who bad- mouthed Miguel to their kids? He's so loving towards Rebecca that I can't imagine him being a bad father.

Someone remind me again of how he and Jack met. Was it in the clothing store where Miguel worked? How would that lead to a friendship?The scenes of him aging and ailing made me so sad, as did his death. 


iirc it was the tlothing store, Jack didn't have the money to buy a suit jacket, so he "rented" it, got a stain on it - and they become friends over that or something like that?

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That was my favorite episode.  Beautifully done. I can’t help but feel a bit cheated that we had to wait so long for this, and there were so many “filler” episodes.  
Anxious to see how everything wraps up, but a little hesitant at the same time.  It’s only been 6 months since I lost my mother to dementia and it is difficult to watch.

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I have to watch this episode again, because I live in a state where the primary elections results were at the bottom of the screen, nullifying the subtitles 

Did anyone notice Rebecca in the fast forward montages with the blended family?  On Miguel's arm,but pretty much unaware of others.  Done subtlety but accurately 

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One of the best episodes of all the seasons. I knew he was going to die in this episode you could tell it was going that way but that didn’t stop me from crying like a baby. I can’t believe when I first started watching this show I kind of hated Miguel. This was season 1 when we didn’t know everything but he turned out to be such an amazing character. Him and Rebecca together was just so beautiful. 

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4 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

All along the show tried to make it a Jack and Rebecca love story but in my opinion the Miguel and Rebecca love story is so much better and the best one in the show . It wasn’t thrown at us like all the other ones . It was a slow burn and you can actually see their love keep growing throughout the series . 


4 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:

One episode about Miguel’s rather sad life was more emotionally affecting than several seasons of obnoxious Pearson whining.

I’d take Miguel over St. Jack as a husband and friend any day. And honestly, I find Rebecca and Miguel’s love story so much more real, mature, and romantic.

Thanks for keeping all of this from us for 6 seasons, show!

If there is anything to be learned from this last season, and what I think the show is doing on purpose, is showing that there isn't always ONE great love story for everybody. Jack wasn't THE great love. He was a great love all the same.

It's also easy to take a dump on Jack for Miguel when we've basically seen every facet of Jack's life. Pretty much everyone comes off much worse if you saw so much of the good and bad about them. 

I'm glad Miguel got his moment to shine. 

I love how this show has been able to highlight so many cultures. So many lives. 

What wonderful show this is. It's literally the last network show I still love. 911 I  enjoy but this is pretty much it.

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I haven't watched this show in a bit - I checked out randomly in the middle of season five and I can't even tell you why - but I check in on threads here to see what's happening and this is the first episode since I stopped watching that I'd want to watch. It sounds like it was really well done. Shame it took until practically the 11th hour for it to happen.

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A great moment was in the pillow talk scene with Rebecca and Miguel. He's so content, comfortable. Happiness radiates from his face, and then Rebecca says, "we have to tell the kids" and his expression goes from delight to abject terror! 😄 

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It’s interesting to look back and realize that Jon Huertas has, to me, always played Miguel as if he doesn’t quite feel comfortable. And now we know why. And he was a bit much when young, which rubbed some of us wrong, but we grew to appreciate him just as Rebecca did. So very subtle and well done. This episode was heartbreaking but thank god we got to see them happy together - and know they both really fell hard for each other and that they had even more than just a friendly, comfy marriage and old age.

it was also a relief to see the Pearson kids finally grew up, appreciated Miguel (or MIGS, per Beth LOL), and were finally glad for their mom’s happiness. And a relief that Kevin orchestrated a reconciliation with Miguel’s kids 

Having not seen young Miguel in so long, I’d kind of forgotten what Jon Huertas really looks like. So handsome, with those beautiful expressive eyes. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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1 hour ago, ProudMary said:

A great moment was in the pillow talk scene with Rebecca and Miguel. He's so content, comfortable. Happiness radiates from his face, and then Rebecca says, "we have to tell the kids" and his expression goes from delight to abject terror! 😄 

I loved this so much I kept rewinding it to watch….so much to focus on in his face, including the smallest of eyebrow raises. 

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7 hours ago, CdrJanny said:

But Kate appeared to have a bit of a "waistline" between her breasts and belly.  That's a first for the adult Kate.

Sophie was in the Christmas scene when Miguel's kids and grandkids were there.  If you blinked, you would have missed her.

Thanks, actually re watching the end scene before work, she was in kitchen with Kevin smiling at Xmas and then on porch scene with group with arms around each other. I saw Philip too with Kate. I think I was too emotional to focus that much first time around and now I can freeze screen to take it in more.

tiu porch 5.png

Edited by debraran
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6 hours ago, Artsda said:

That ending montage made me cry. At the start of this series 6 years ago I remember not liking Miguel, now they have me crying over his death.

Really sweet of Kevin to go to Miguel's son and reach out to him on Miguel's behalf. I didn't get why his own kids hated him when he tried to call them all when he moved close to them in Texas.  He wasn't with Rebecca then, so it had nothing to do with her really. The rift was there before.

I also didn't get the timeline. Randall and Kevin look so old when Rebecca's dying. Yet they look like present day Randall and Kevin when Miguel is dying.



Haven't seen it yet, but i watched the promo for Family Meeting and was confused because the Big 3 look so young. Especially Kevin. Like, he seriously looks like he does in 2022. I assume Family Meeting takes place after Miguel's death. 

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8 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Oh God, are the kids going to have to explain what happened to Miguel to Rebecca every time she asks? She freaked out when he just left the room, now what will they do? Just pretend he’s getting groceries until she forgets to ask? My heart y’all. And so it goes. 

My uncle, by marriage, passed April 2012 at 69 from a sudden heart attack. His mom had had Alzheimers for years and was 90. Her other son debated telling her. He did, but she consistently forgot he passed. She lived until 2021. People hold onto this disease for so long, like Rebecca.

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26 minutes ago, debraran said:

Thanks, actually re watching the end scene before work, she was in kitchen with Kevin smiling at Xmas and then on porch scene with group with arms around each other. I saw Philip too with Kate. I think I was too emotional to focus that much first time around and now I can freeze screen to take it in more.

tiu porch 5.png

I get that Randall and Beth’s kids are significantly older than the rest of the Pearson cousins, and when you’re college aged, you naturally stop showing up to extended family events, because you live elsewhere, but it annoys me that they’ve seemingly disappeared since the last time jump, like in these group scenes. Hopefully now that we’re closer to the deathbed scenes, they’ll show up again. 

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12 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

I get that Randall and Beth’s kids are significantly older than the rest of the Pearson cousins, and when you’re college aged, you naturally stop showing up to extended family events, because you live elsewhere, but it annoys me that they’ve seemingly disappeared since the last time jump, like in these group scenes. Hopefully now that we’re closer to the deathbed scenes, they’ll show up again. 

We saw pic that they are there for that.  We saw them show up. I don't think TIU wanted to age them for a few moments. It might have been issues with them and filming too....maybe got Covid or had something important outside of work. I know the pic shown was filmed 2 years ago and maybe trying to match up things to filming now is too hard, IDK

this is us set.jpg

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9 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

it makes the shitty treatment from their children even shittier.

A lot has been said, but during the scene Big3 finds out, the actors really seemed to have fun with the scenario :)
Kevin going over the top bratty, Randall trying to reason it, Kate just sitting there with no words to say!

Edited by Kreegah
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1 minute ago, Kreegah said:

A lot has been said, but during the scene Big3 finds out, the actors really seemed to have fun with the scenario :)
Kevin going over the top bratty, Randall trying to reason it, Kate just sitting there with no words to say!

And Susan/Beth. After Beth crows something like, "I told him! Didn't I tell you?" Sterling's hollow delivery of the line, "She did..." 

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9 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I can't remember the last time I had to reach for the tissues while watching.

Me too.  A lot of episodes made me sad, but this one actually made me cry.  Pouring his ashes at their favorite tree and then on the ballfield in Puerto Rico.  Bawling.

Funny, in the first season people (including me) were on the fence about Miguel, but I think a lot of us have grown to love him and see him as the stabilizing factor within the overly dramatic Pearson clan.  What a sweet man.  I'm happy he found happiness with Rebecca.  He may not have done the big gestures that Jack did, but he was what Rebecca needed - someone grounded.

Now I'm tearing up again.  (Snap out of it, Haleth, he's a fictional character.)

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When the big three confronted Miguel about the need to hire a full-time nurse, Randall said a lot of nice things, but I hated the way he said them. He sounded like he was talking to a child.

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10 hours ago, Crs97 said:

Beth always for the win.  

I started crying when they took some of his ashes back to the baseball field.

I am so happy that clearly he lived much longer after reconciling with his son, and he could finally find a home with a family who loved him, even if it took them way too long to figure how what a gem he was.  I am so happy Kevin made sure he had the help without breaking his vow to Rebecca.

I can’t believe we spent so many episodes on the stupid wedding when there was so much more they could have added to this.  Miguel has always been my favorite character; both grateful he finally got his due and angry it’s not more.

Exactly . 3 stupid episodes and an incredibly improbable romance fir kate, and we needed a whole season of miguel. Love how miguel got his job applying as someone else. The best character on the show .

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57 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

When the big three confronted Miguel about the need to hire a full-time nurse, Randall said a lot of nice things, but I hated the way he said them. He sounded like he was talking to a child.

There was a tone that sounded like a parent speaking to a child.  It was a little surprising to me that it was Randall taking charge given this was Kevin's house, and I'd have to think he presumably had a much better idea of the day to day with Miguel and Rebecca (and was with them more than Randall).  After all, it was Kevin we saw stepping in for Miguel with helping Rebecca out of bed, etc., not Randall.

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33 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

There was a tone that sounded like a parent speaking to a child.  It was a little surprising to me that it was Randall taking charge given this was Kevin's house, and I'd have to think he presumably had a much better idea of the day to day with Miguel and Rebecca (and was with them more than Randall).  After all, it was Kevin we saw stepping in for Miguel with helping Rebecca out of bed, etc., not Randall.

It's Randall, he cannot help himself.  I was also a bit miffed that Randall had to interrupt Kate and be the one to speak to Miguel.  She was about ready to say the same thing in hopefully a less patronizing tone, but Randall is going to Randall.  I wonder if we will see in the next episode that Randall is feeling guilty he is not doing more for Rebecca due to his commitments as a senator.

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I had been thinking I was a cold hearted bitch because people were making comments about crying so much in earlier episodes and I never really even teared up.  This episode got me.  From seeing young Migeul playing baseball (and then Kevin and Miguel's son spreading Miguel's ashes on the field) and FINALLY seeing how Miguel and Rebecca reconnected after all the years apart and seeing how much they love each other.  They had a grown up love and respect for each other even while dealing with their kids and Jack's ghost.   I've been wanting a Miguel episode since season 2, but I guess this is a case where good things come to those who wait. 

I've said before that I would love to find a guy like Miguel, but last night just gutted me seeing how much he gave of himself taking care of Rebecca.  My dad died of glioblastoma. He had symptoms of Alzheimer's but as mean and cold as this sounds, luckily it was only 10 months from when we thought he had a stroke until his death.  My mom was always with him. I lived in a different state so I couldn't be there every day, but I was there as often as I could.  But knowing how long a person can live with Alzheimer's / dementia because their body is healthy can be so hard for everyone, but especially on the caregiver.  

Seeing Miguel showing Kevin how to help take care of Rebecca in the morning.  Miguel knew he didn't have long and needed to show someone else his routine with Rebecca.  From the previews we know that Randall is going to try to take over everything but both Kevin and Kate tell him no makes me feel good.  

I'm glad Kevin went to talk to Miguel's son and said he never talked to Miguel about Miguel and for Miguel's son not to leave things unfinished with his dad.  Then seeing his son at Christmas with everyone.   The music in this show has always been great, but Billy Joel singing "And So It Goes" was perfect for that final montage.  

Edited by Lisa418722
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andall said a lot of nice things, but I hated the way he said them. He sounded like he was talking to a child.

And that's Randall to a T. I despise "think I know besters" because there are a few too many in my family.

Playing devil's advocate on the topic of Miguel's kids shuttng him out, I believe if we saw the story from their POV, it would be about a mostly absent father who was so focused on getting ahead in the world he didn't forge important bonds when they were young. He improved as he aged, but they did not witness it, nor did they have a history with him that would make it at all easy to forgive those lost years. And it sounds as if he let the situation fester rather than really reaching out and trying to make amends. 

Miguel and Rebecca= a mature, adult relationship. That's why they're the best.

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