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S16.E07: Choosing Kids Over Kody

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15 hours ago, Kbo said:

And then he goes on to say that if a child dies, he doesn't want a wife hating him and wanting a divorce.  I guess when you have 19 kids it doesn't matter if you lose one here or there, as long as the wife isn't mad at you?!?  I

but didn't he actually say HE wouldn't want to hate family members?   Wow, that's nasty.  

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2 hours ago, lilysmom said:

Agree to disagree. I have a few friends who have adopted children and they never use the term adoptive children. They are their children, period. Kody made such a big deal out of the adoption process, i hope it wasn't just for the show! 

All4 mom, I do get your point. What is legally a definition of a child and what a parent feels about a child (bio or adopted) can be two very different things. I think Kody's real part in his children's lives ends when they mature enough to see through the facade and start questioning him.

People can use whatever terms they like; my point is that a) they're not his actual children, b) only one is male, and he's "compromised" so not as much of a threat, and c) Robyn calls the shots, as we all know -- especially where her children are concerned, hence the move to Flagstaff for Day'un in the first place. 🤷‍♂️ Kicking out boys when they reach legal age is part of their polygamist culture; Kody's dad did it to him.

When did they show Meri at Robyn's Thanksgiving dinner; did I miss something???

Edited by all4mom2
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6 minutes ago, Pegasaurus said:

But his divorce from Meri and marriage to Robyn was real, wasn't it?  I thought the reason for the divorce in the first place was so he could legally adopt Robyns kids?

Was Meri being played? 

Are WE being played by TLC and these carnival clowns?  (no offense to carnival clowns)

In my home state, being married is not a condition of adoption. And quick Google search looks like it’s also not required in Nevada, so unless Kody being married to another woman who is not the mother of the children was an issue, I don’t see why divorcing Meri was part of the process. I mean, I do see why, Robin is a terrible person and so Kody. Obviously her goal was to be legal wife. But in this particular case, if divorce wasn’t an actual requirement, wouldn’t Meri have been aware or made aware by the attorney? 

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29 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

I love seeing Janelle get some level of backbone with Kodumbass.

To think this episode started with Janelle unnecessarily trying to apologize to Kody (which still ended in an argument) and ended with her saying "fuck off" to him in front of all the wives was perfect!

Questions I would love to have answered and likely never will are all concerning the Brown family financials. Who works, how much does TLC pay, and how the income and bills are divided? Also, what work does Kody do outside the show paycheck? I really find it hard to believe that TLC pays well enough to sustain such a huge family, especially that million dollar home with Robyn, several rentals and the mortgage on Coyote pass. 

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I'm not following something. Robyn said she only see's Kody 1 or 2 times a week. The other wives say they hardly see him at all. He spends no time at Meri's. So what is he doing? I always felt Kody had his own house off camera and it wasn't to be discussed. 

Also, Janelle, if you like your freedom and privacy then go be single. You don't need polygamy for that. Or be single and just date a man that has his own home. Millions of people do it and you don't need to share a man. Then there's contradictory Robyn who just said she wants the polygamist lifestyle, told all her boyfriends that (ha) yet we all know she has custody of Kody most of the time and soon to be all of the time. 

Those poor kids. I found it very sad to watch the breakdown of the family last night and Janelle's kids suffering because of their asshole dad. When they see this episode and the convo between Kody and Janelle I bet it will break their hearts. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, JayDub1987 said:

Kody is truly amazed that these women love their children more than they love him. It shouldn't be that hard to get. First of all, most of these women probably prefer strangers to Kody. Secondly, (maybe my family is weird in this case), but I think my wife would pick our kids over me. I'm not ever going to put her in a position where she needs to make that choice, but if I did, I would expect her to pick the kids. 

Nope, not weird, and I would hope that if push came to shove, you'd pick your kids over you wife as well.  My view; one's children should ALWAYS come before anyone else... period, full stop.  (w/ the extremely unusual caveat that they are not a serial axe murder and even then a parent should do their level best to forgive and support their child while still holding them accountable)

1 hour ago, Awfarmington said:

I would hope that maternal instincts are strong all over the world, not just in America. I won’t ever apologize, be guilted, or socially conditioned that I’m selfish (as those who use the term ‘Murica in a derogatory way to describe a country and a citizen’s viewpoint) because I support the mental health of my children. Keeping them socially isolated increases risks for suicide, depression, and drug use.

If allowing my kids to work outside the home, go to in person school, and yes, see their friends socially, and even hug outside family members makes me some sort of person (insert label), than I guess that’s what I am. 

Standing Meryl Streep GIF by The Academy Awards

Edited by sharkerbaby
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I think a few things are true about this family at the same time:

  • No matter how closely Christine and Janelle followed the rules, Robyn and Kody would find an excuse not to have Thanksgiving together. Kody seems to have trust issues with both wives and his kids.
  • Even if Kody and Robyn lifted all the rules, Christine would have still gone to Utah, unless all her kids were able to make it to Flagstaff for the holiday. Christine didn't want to be there, and it would be nice to hear her admit that she's done with the family instead of playing games and pretending the kids really chose the plan. She's supposed to be the adult. 
  • Janelle is right to advocate for her kids, but Janelle is also a lazy-ass passive parent who lets her sons run right over her and talk shit however they want. 
  • The rules I saw were not bad. They were actually no different than what I was doing at the time, except the endless wiping of things and changing clothes. Janelle and Christine blew off Covid while trying to pretend they weren't blowing off Covid. 
  • Kody and Gabe both have anger issues about the current situation, but for different reasons. 
  • Kody and Robyn have become a unit who think together and act together. And that alliance has pushed the other wives and kids away. 
  • This show has more alliances than Survivor and that's the real problem.
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16 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

The jerk has to out down his wives at every turn even criticizing their Christmas gifts of Nut crackers and Angels. How much money do they have to spend with 18 kids and 5 adults?

And then when he says the kids want to be with Christine, its because she has no rules. No dumbass, its because she is a loving mother to all of YOUR childrenl

That comment enraged me. Does Christine allow her kids a little more freedom to do dumb stuff (Christmas Tree incident), yes. But that doesn’t not diminish the fact that she really loves those children as her own and was the primary caregiver during their early years. Kody is so blinded by his disdain for her that he can’t even give her credit for loving HIS kids. It just kills him that they have more loyalty to Christine. So he has to minimize why they might choose her, to build himself up. 

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Can someone please explain what Robyn's problem was with Kody saying he "appreciates" the reasons given in the holiday conversation. She seemed overly offended by that word. Does she not know what it means? I honestly didn't get that and it stuck with me.

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2 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:


Secondly, (maybe my family is weird in this case), but I think my wife would pick our kids over me. I'm not ever going to put her in a position where she needs to make that choice, but if I did, I would expect her to pick the kids. 


To me, a big question is who has a spouse that would ever put them in the position of picking between the spouse and the children? 

I used to think Kody was a harmless dolt, but no more. He is evil. 

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12 minutes ago, spacefly said:

Can someone please explain what Robyn's problem was with Kody saying he "appreciates" the reasons given in the holiday conversation. She seemed overly offended by that word. Does she not know what it means? I honestly didn't get that and it stuck with me.

Robyn is stupid. She thinks “appreciate” only means “be thankful for”. She doesn’t understand the other meanings.  She thinks Wyoming begins with a Y. 

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I just can't believe Kody. I ended up getting COVID right before Christmas in 2020, but you know how I ended up getting it? My husband and I both work full time, and unfortunately cannot afford the outrageous prices of daycare. My parents so graciously babysit my children. My parents both work at a hospital. My dad ended up getting COVID by getting a patient who was dying of COVID off of life flight wearing PPE, two face masks, a face shield, gloves, and also spraying himself down with Lysol, he had 3 people that night he had to transport. We work and wore masks all of 2020, sanitized, and were cautious, even when we all worked. Being a frontline worker comes with a price.

People don't have the luxury like you Kody, to quit our jobs and hide away in our million dollar mansions. We have to work to feed our children, and rely on others to help watch our children. 

The difference? Kody you are CHOOSING not to come up with a way to see your other children. Your family can mask up, and distance and still see each other. We had a Christmas party in 2020 where we rented a bigger space so the extended family could finally see each other. Families that lived together sat at one table with no one else and everything was prepackaged and had to wear gloves and masks. We socially distanced. We didn't have to quarantine two weeks before (well, I did because I had COVID and tested before we saw anyone) but we took precautions because we knew how important it was to be a family even if we couldn't hug, but seeing each other and being able to talk and skype in the rest of the family who couldn't be in there was so amazing! When we weren't eating, we wore masks! 

There are ways Kody, and your family knows it but instead you want to come up with ridiculous rules instead of being logical and actually listening to the experts. Man I can't imagine what it would've been like had they actually lived in 1 house like Kody wanted! Would he and Sobyn be quarantined to their bedrooms away from the other wives?? hmm??? His rules are stupid and idiotic, but can't really expect more than that from someone who has less than a brain cell. 

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12 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t believe ANYTHING that Robyn says….. if her pie hole is moving “she’s lying!!!” 🤥

she’s frustrated because she thought that all the wives would be as easy to control as poor, old pathetic Meri who scrambles around gobbling every crumb that falls off Robyns table.

Christine, Janelle and all the older kids are onto her and even more importantly we’re all on to her crocodile tears and the foaming bullshit that pours out of her mouth.

so Robyn wants us to believe that she had multiple suitors vying for her attention but she chose Kody because she wanted a polygamous marriage soooooo badly… *EYEROLL* “please bitch don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining!!”… she latched on to Kodouche because there was a tv show and a lucrative book deal in the mix… plain and simple!

she needs to keep her yap shut and go get a rat to gnaw that goiter off her neck.

Robyn and the Ramen haired psychopath deserve each other… hope they rot in hell 👎🏻
seriously when Kody grinned after his rant it sent a chill down my spine… what a FREAK!!! 😬

♥️ you, @Joan of Argh!  I'm just reading your golden comment and laughing like a hyena!  


"don't piss on me and tell me it's raining."  I'm gonna steal that one.  😂



Yes, that shit-eating grin was truly scary.  He has lost it, and his HBIC gets him 24/7.  



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2 hours ago, MsMalin said:

The jerk has to out down his wives at every turn even criticizing their Christmas gifts of Nut crackers and Angels. 

Kody’s little tangent rant over this had me going WTH? Was he saying the wives give each other great gifts, and he only gets nutcrackers and angels, of which he already has too many?  It was so petty and mean spirited.

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2 hours ago, Kbo said:

Remember in the early days when they said things like “oh my heck” because they didn’t curse?  Kody said something last night about the family abandoning his religious standards.  I don’t think their actions (premarital sex, etc.) bother him nearly as much as the loss of control. 

So true!  @LilyD gave a description of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and it looks to me like Kootie has a textbook case of it.  He's become unhinged more than ever.

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13 hours ago, goofygirl said:

I'm still confused why Meri stubbornly hangs onto her "relationship" with Kodouchecanoe.  Is it because that's the only way she'll get into heaven?

Or what?  Otherwise, since she's ALREADY divorced, she could just go ahead and move into the B & B.  Let Mariah get a "paying" job preferably what she studied in college.  Social Work?  I can't remember but seriously;  I've seen turds on a shoe that got more attention than Meri does from CurlyTop.

1/4th of the $ is why I hope is why she stays.  

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13 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t believe ANYTHING that Robyn says….. if her pie hole is moving “she’s lying!!!” 🤥

she’s frustrated because she thought that all the wives would be as easy to control as poor, old pathetic Meri who scrambles around gobbling every crumb that falls off Robyns table.

Christine, Janelle and all the older kids are onto her and even more importantly we’re all on to her crocodile tears and the foaming bullshit that pours out of her mouth.

so Robyn wants us to believe that she had multiple suitors vying for her attention but she chose Kody because she wanted a polygamous marriage soooooo badly… *EYEROLL* “please bitch don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining!!”… she latched on to Kodouche because there was a tv show and a lucrative book deal in the mix… plain and simple!

she needs to keep her yap shut and go get a rat to gnaw that goiter off her neck.

Robyn and the Ramen haired psychopath deserve each other… hope they rot in hell 👎🏻
seriously when Kody grinned after his rant it sent a chill down my spine… what a FREAK!!! 😬

If this were true about all these men, why did her mom have to tell her to get her scent out there?  It creeps me out to type that.  She really expects us to believe a polyg with 3 young children was a hot commodity with monogamists in Utah?  Sure Jan.

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3 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

What is wrong with Day'um or damn or durum or redrum or whatever his name I'd? Has anything ever been said or is it just Robyn said?

If I recall correctly, she said on one of the episodes that although she had not had him evaluated by professionals, she had done a lot of reading and come to the conclusion that he had Asperger's Syndrome.

Kody dismissed her findings by saying that Dayton was just "quirky".

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6 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

What is wrong with Day'um or damn or durum or redrum or whatever his name I'd? Has anything ever been said or is it just Robyn said?

Here is a short excerpt from her blog on Sister Wive's Closet. It's easy to find just don't want  send her clicks:

"Little did I know that this would be the dichotomy that is Dayton his whole life.  When Dayton was in 2nd grade, the school counselor and psychologist brought me in and told me that he wanted to do some tests on Dayton.  I said yes and we started the long process.  This was when I was told that Dayton has Asperger Syndrome.  I was told it is a high functioning form of Autism.  Dayton had a lot of the behaviors.  It made sense to me because although he was amazing he also struggled with some things quite a bit.  He was artistic, intelligent, had an amazing memory and a sweet disposition, but he also really struggled in school, didn’t understand how to make friends, or how to deal with stress and didn’t have mind-body connection.  The more I learned and researched the more I started to understand what challenges were ahead for him and what I had to do as a mom to support him and advocate for him.  It was my job as his mother to help the world open their eyes to the amazing person before them, help fight for him to get the support he needed and help eliminate stress for him as much as I could.  You see, when someone with Autism or Asperger Syndrome is stressed out, the behaviors that make them stand out are more prevalent.  It has been a long journey but I have been determined to make sure he has every opportunity to be successful and happy.  I have been accused of being a helicopter parent but unless you have been in my shoes you don’t get it."

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I don’t know if Christine or Janelle have come right out and said it yet, but between Robyn saying lately it’s been constant that Kodys stays with her and Gabe making the comment about Kody being only with Robyn for 9 months, it appears Christine and Janelle are not in the “rotation” that Kody spoke of in the last episode, at all. This is probably one of the major causes of resentment they both have, but they are expressing it by showing frustration at the COVID safety rules instead. It’s obvious Robyn and Kody are the only united couple in this bunch, and Robyn knows full well what she’s doing. Her dislike of Kodouche’s use of “appreciate” was just her trying hard to appear on the side of the wives, IMO, by sending the message that he should have said he would “support” or “understand” the wives’ decisions to visit their older kids for Thanksgiving.  

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Kody needs to be reminded there is no "I" in polygamy.  This episode was so full of "I made so many sacrifices;" "I followed all the rules;" "She is giving up being with ME for her kids;" "I want you to..."

My impressions:

Kody: malignant anger and resentment of everyone

Meri: drunk/on something (to blunt the misery of being in this family- but Meri, stop groveling for Kody's affection and acting like wanting to be sloppy 4ths is okay. It's super uncomfortable and I'm embarrassed for you watching)

Robyn: lying liar.

Janelle: sees things for what they are. Kody is a hypocrite and she knows it.

Christine: done, done, done.

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46 minutes ago, Cancun said:

Kody’s little tangent rant over this had me going WTH? Was he saying the wives give each other great gifts, and he only gets nutcrackers and angels, of which he already has too many?  It was so petty and mean spirited.

Many seasons ago, I recall his wives getting together to buy him a new laptop.  I think he threw a hissy fit because he said the computer reminded him of work and he wanted a fun gift, and wah wah wahhhhhhhh.  I didn't get the nutcracker thing either, unless he was referring to Robyn.

Kody's rules, make no mistake, are meant only as a tool that he can use to keep away the undesirable members of his family.  I can see him crafting Rule #17, subsection C: "You must wipe each piece of mail with a Lysol Sanitizing Wipe."  When everyone says "Okay," he secretly amends it to "You must wipe each piece of mail with a Lysol Lemon Scented Sanitizing Wipe in a counter-clockwise direction, only after 3:30pm PST, using your non-dominant hand."  So none of them can win....unless they leave that jerk, get therapy for themselves and their kids, and let Kody and Robyn live happily ever after amongst her 1,450 Precious Moments figurines and his boxes of Toni Home Perms and hair gel.

13 minutes ago, magemaud said:

like Ysabel? 

Robyn probably thinks that Ysabel starts with a Z.

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It was Christine that specifically requested a set of standards to be followed so they could gather for Thanksgiving. At that time, medical professionals were still warning about large gatherings and a holiday surge (which did happen). So it's not unreasonable to take extra thought and precautions when preparing to mix multiple families together for the holidays in 2020.

Kody's rules were that requested set of standards. He was asking for an extra cautious two week period prior to the holiday. Agreed- wiping down packages was over the top. Also agreed- he's an ass who doesn't know how to communicate. He's an overbearing ass. But distancing and stopping travel for two weeks (and they could still work) doesn't seem all that unreasonable given the context of the time.

Christine's kids said they couldn't do it. Janelle's kids said they could " only if Christine did" (never mind if Janelle, their mother, wanted them to).

I am not talking about their rules for 8 months here. Why was that so difficult to do for 2 weeks if it meant the larger family would be working to reduce the chances of spreading the virus throughout the family?

And why is their choice to not exercise caution prior to thanksgiving for two weeks - "choosing kids over kody?" I mean Mykelti was pregnant at the time and at a known higher risk of covid complications. That doesn't seem like Christine was "choosing kids." She was choosing to not implement some extra precautions. She was really just choosing to escape to Utah.  The adults chose to not communicate properly. They chose to dig in their heels - all of them like whiny toddlers. None of them chose the kids here. The kids lost.

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20 hours ago, Kbo said:

And then he goes on to say that if a child dies, he doesn't want a wife hating him and wanting a divorce.  I guess when you have 19 kids it doesn't matter if you lose one here or there, as long as the wife isn't mad at you?!?  If he'd said something like what happened to Truely scared me so much, I want to take every precaution because I couldn't live with myself if something happened to a child and it was my fault, I could sympathize with that.  However, he only cares insomuch as it effects him.  

I think what he said was that if a child dies (of COVID), he doesn't want to end up hating the wife / other children that weren't following his rules and therefore in his mind to blame for the child's death.

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I am enjoying this season more than any other that I can recall. Kody is coming unhinged because his harem and spawn refuse to be directed by him any longer.

Christine has had her fill, and no longer looks at Kody with adoring eyes. About time.

Janelle has chosen her children over Kody, which must really gall him because she was quite clear in the early years that she preferred working and leaving the raising of her kids to Christine.

Robyn, who played her cards in order to become the only legal wife, is now stuck with KoDouche 24/7. I don't think she ever wanted him 24/7 -who would? -  she wanted him at her beck and call whenever she summoned him.

Meri is my fav wife this season. I don't think she gives a flying f that Kody has rejected her, but she is playing the lovesick puppy to the hilt in order to earn those TLC dollars. Though I do think that Meri genuinely misses the rest of the fambly.

That is what I have learned this season from The Learning Channel. That, and that Kody is scared shitless that with half of his wives and many of his kids rebelling, TLC will dump his sorry azz. 

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Meri is sitting at the Thanksgiving table just to the right of Kody. Robyn is to his left. The children around the table. 

I believe the scene was at the very end when Christine and Janelle were saying what they were doing on thanksgiving.

Christine with her family and Janelle alone with her kids!

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2 hours ago, spacefly said:

Can someone please explain what Robyn's problem was with Kody saying he "appreciates" the reasons given in the holiday conversation. She seemed overly offended by that word. Does she not know what it means? I honestly didn't get that and it stuck with me.

Micromanagement compulsion.

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