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S15.E10: Polygamy Hell

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27 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Well, Janelle, sometimes we don’t get everything we want. Better to be in a subdivision (doubtful that is the only option) and have money to travel to see Maddie, to put Savanah through college, etc. It’s a trade off. Hell, I doubt she has enough money to get her through next year’s basic finances.

Exactly!   She’s also the one that said she’d be happy in an RV traveling around seeing her kids. She is delusional. 

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Coming back to ask a question about Janelle’s granddaughter who needs surgery for FATCO because she’s “missing a few bones.” Janelle went on to say Evie was going to be fitted for a prosthetic because one leg is “six or seven inches shorter” than the other one. This discrepancy would be significant enough in an adult, but in an infant wouldn’t that be at least half of her leg?

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10 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Coming back to ask a question about Janelle’s granddaughter who needs surgery for FATCO because she’s “missing a few bones.” Janelle went on to say Evie was going to be fitted for a prosthetic because one leg is “six or seven inches shorter” than the other one. This discrepancy would be significant enough in an adult, but in an infant wouldn’t that be at least half of her leg?

I wonder if the condition might be more serious.  At the time of the filming the granddaughter would have been a toddler, right?

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2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I too suspect there must be a financial aspect to it, otherwise why bother?  I read while "watching" this show so I didn't catch details.  Did I hear that they had just gotten the kids health insurance after X amount of months?  So to me, that seems like a state funded plan for minors.   So once again, I don't understand the need for going to NJ.  

I thought that I heard Christine say that she just got insurance coverage for Ysabel 6 months earlier.  There seemed to be a 3-month lead time, somehow too.  

Did the storyline jump to June?  The last episode was in April.  Janelle was in North Carolina in July.  Ysabel's surgery was in September.  Thus, Kody's suggestion that she hold off for 6 months is even more heartless and nonsensical, since he may have been negotiating three months ahead already.

Also: Janelle got Kody's permission to travel to be a support player for a grandchild post-surgery, but he was pulling out all stops to prevent his own daughter and Christine from traveling for a serious medical need.

Edited by Grifter Lives
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I've been hate-watching this show for many seasons, so I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I sort of agree with Kody and his frustration with some of his family and their cavalier attitudes toward pandemic protocols. He seems legit terrified of getting COVID or someone in his family getting it. I feel awful for his daughter Ysabel and her pain, but why the heck did they have to fly to NJ to have the surgery? That makes no sense at all, do they not have doctors in Arizona?!? As far as Christine goes, she's one of those "I want to see my fambly, rules be damned, they shouldn't apply to me because I should be able to do whatever I want" kind of pandemic people, and I am over that selfish nonsense. I don't blame Kody one bit for being annoyed with her. (Okay, shoot me now, I'm siding with Kody!)


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Any The Walking Dead fans in here?

Meri to Christine:  "Look at the mountain"

Carole to Lizzie:  "Look at the flowers."  

STFU with your bullshit Meri.  She's hurt because she's unhappy.  

I couldn't help but wonder if this double-speak fuckery is what she placates her Lularot recruits with when they get discouraged and want to quit.  

"You're not unhappy selling Lularot.  You're just hurting.  You need to try harder.  You didn't spend all this time trying to sell the product just to quit.  You're not a quitter."  

Ugh.  I just wanted to smack Meri in the back of the head so hard that her chin would be in another zip code.  

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10 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

And on another note, Hunter needs to go burn those shorts.

Dear gawd, that was way too much upper thigh/lower buttock flesh to witness.  

And Janelle made salmon patties for the picnic?  I love salmon patties but never thought of them as a picnic food.

I'm just glad she didn't post up any pictures on her Instagram of her bastardization of salmon patties.  I'd probably not be able to eat them ever again. 

To both Hunter's atrocious shorts *and* Janelle's choice of picnic fare = 🤢

Oh I know- it’s so weird how my eyes only focused on the thighs. I was transfixed and repulsed and couldn’t stop. 

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14 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:

For me those questions weren’t asked or answered on the show. What we were shown was for whatever reason the surgery will be in NJ.  To me it’s less the details and more the reaction. He suggested postponing her pain for an arbitrary six months and if not that then she go alone. 

He could have said “why New Jersey!”  I would have liked to hear the answer. But his words were mean. Hell at a minimum say “Christine let’s have this conversation among the two of us and figure out the best plan for Y”. That’s not what he did. It’s not his take on COVID-which I too took and take seriously -it’s disregard for compassion. 

That's what a decent parent would have said. But Kody most ikely had his marching orders from Robyn and he wanted to shut this issue down before Christine could give a reasonable argument why he needed to be with his child who was facing a major and scary surgery. 

Edited by 65mickey
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52 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Any The Walking Dead fans in here?

Meri to Christine:  "Look at the mountain"

Carole to Lizzie:  "Look at the flowers."  

I thought of that, too. At least Christine didn’t get shot in the back of the head. 


55 minutes ago, gabyzee said:

As far as Christine goes, she's one of those "I want to see my fambly, rules be damned, they shouldn't apply to me because I should be able to do whatever I want" kind of pandemic people, and I am over that selfish nonsense. I don't blame Kody one bit for being annoyed with her. (Okay, shoot me now, I'm siding with Kody!)

I’ve been thinking along the same lines. Kody appears to be the only one demonstrating a healthy respect for pandemic protocols. Christine and Janelle are both determined to do whatever they want. 

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5 hours ago, brewgirl said:

It's particularly hypocritical of Meri, since she was ready to bolt when she thought she was deep in a relationship with another man. Where was all of this "never quit, we've put 30 years into this, I'm never leaving" thoughtline when she was close enough to leaving that she probably had a bag packed? I guess she is feeling that misery loves company so if she has to stay, everyone has to stay. 

In reality Meri probably knows that "everyone has to stay" to get another season of TLC money.

4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Not a clue, but a thought. Perhaps Christine’s sister helped her find a hospital/surgeon where her financial situation would be accommodated.

Christine needed a supportive family and she didn't have one in Flagstaff.

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27 minutes ago, magemaud said:


'I've been thinking along the same lines. Kody appears to be the only one demonstrating a healthy respect for pandemic protocols. Christine and Janelle are both determined to do whatever they want. 

He talks about it, but is he actually putting it into practice? we don't see any masks, no gloves, no talk of what they are doing to keep themselves safe.  Hunter was the only one who mentioned he had been tested. He is still traveling amongst the family, and shacked up with Robyn.  Robyn claims that she and Sol are have health issues.  Maybe he should be with Mary whose place would be safer and pose less risk.   Kody is just mad that people are disagreeing with him.   And what social distancing is he doing? we all know he is going somewhere to get his hair permed.

The questions he was posing over the surgery...why can't WE wait???  he wasn't the one in pain, that's why.  And realistically, at that time, planes were pretty much empty.  it was much safer to travel in the fall.

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39 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Her convo with Kody was painful. He was mocking her and had a sly grin on his face when she was talking about leaving for a few weeks. Will we be ok? Will this damage our relationship? I don't want to ruin what we have. Oh, girl. He could care less about you.

Janelle tells Kootie they'll be apart for 5 weeks, after being mostly apart for 5 months, and Kootie says with a big smile "I'm fine with it".  Of course he is; one less household to dill with and he thinks his opinion is the only one that matters.

Edited by deirdra
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58 minutes ago, SuzWhat said:

Another example of how stupid Kody is - renting a goddam Uhaul to take that stuff to the dump when he has a pickup.

Didn't we just hear kody say he "wants a truck and a tractor" during the car stuck in the mud scene? Looks like he danced right to the dealership and got himself one, lol. Wonder where he parks the tractor. . . Liar. 

11 minutes ago, crimson23 said:

we don't see any masks

kody's to vain to wear a mask, at least on camera

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1 minute ago, Kellyee said:

I don't know why Janelle wimps out and didn't back up Christine. I can't figure out if she's really happy living this way or not. 

Her dream of polygamy seems to have centered around her mother's having had a good relationship with her sister wives. That's what friends are for.  You don't need to share a dick or have 6 kids to have people to hang out with and support you.

1 minute ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Janelle has always been my favorite wife, she always seemed logical and practical and non-dramatic, but my opinion of her is really changing this season.  I'm shocked she's not following the proper COVID protocols

I was wondering how many days Hunter quarantined before sitting/touching his morbidly obese mother at the picnic.

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Kody's problem is...wait for it...communication. 

Questions like "why there and why now" do seem reasonable to get all the information in the midst of a misunderstood global pandemic. I also wondered why the surgery needed to be in New Jersey. That was never answered. And I would have also asked many more questions as you weigh out the risks and benefits of having this intensive surgery across the country during a pandemic.

Last summer many surgeries were indeed postponed in order to free up space and staff for COVID patients. Visitors were drastically limited. Stringent rules for quarantine and testing before and after were in place. My husband is still on a waiting list to get into California for a medial procedure. Its been months and thats in 2021. 

Now that all being said  - the way Kody went about asking these questions was completely awful and dismissive and heartbreaking. Certainly Ysabel should not delay surgery when in pain. And certainly he could have gone with her by arranging it with Robyn.

We don't know how this was all edited also. To sum up. Kody's a jerk but people are so quick to judge without all the information.



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13 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

Using Meri's logic that Christine can't make a decision to leave the marriage that has been causing her pain for years because she is hurting, no one would ever get divorced. 

Meri, who was ready to disappear into the night with some "guy" she met on the internet.

These women must bite their tongues so much it's amazing they can speak at all.  Robbin' not wanting to disrupt her children's education, when the move to Flagstaff was all about her son Cincinnati and disrupting the last and later years of Janelle's kids' high school, where they had things going on that would have an impact on their future lives.

Robbin' talking about co-morbidities but deciding it's "not her place" to mention them <smirk>.

And Christine not saying "but Krusty, you told me you thought moving back to Utah would be a good idea, if the other wives would agree to it, and now you've given me absolutely no backup.  Which is it--do you want to return to Utah or not?"

And how could *every one* of these women not jump down Krusty's throat over his treatment of Isobel or however the fuck plygs spell that name?  Christ, we watched that poor child endure quackery for at least a year because I assume Krusty can't pay for the surgery; does she never get relief?  And *of course* he should go.  With that kind of major surgery, Isobel is going to need someone with her all the time for the first few days, and Christine is going to need support, too.  Did Christine not immediately get on the horn to the other wives and tell them about this?

Isobel's objection, which I don't think either parent heard, that the doctor wouldn't schedule the operation during covid if he felt it would be unsafe, seems to me a legitimate one.  And I wondered if there isn't some other facility, closer than NJ, that could perform this surgery--someplace within driving distance.  I don't think it's all that rare an operation (but I might be wrong).

But something happened in this episode that really shocked me:  I agreed with Krusty about their covid behavior.  I wanted to punch Janelle's son who had just graduated in his fucking throat for his wise-ass response to Krusty's warning that side effects from covid could last a lifetime--we *know* that there are physical, mental, and psychological problems that endure after the acute illness is over, sometimes long after.   And Janelle is insane not to insist that her two boys that go out every day at least wear masks at home.  They ought to quarantine themselves.  Christine, who is, unfortunately, bat-shit crazy due to living as a polygamist, also doesn't seem to get it about covid safety.  But Krusty does.


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11 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

don't know why Janelle wimps out and didn't back up Christine. I can't figure out if she's really happy living this way or not. 

Janelle isn't happy. Look at her, she's humongous and half-comatose.

Changing the way they communicate won't change diddly, unless they say what they really mean and feel, instead of dancing around the hard truths all the dang time.


Forgive me if my typing is bad, but I think my eyes rolled out into the street when The Chin said she and Sol were high risk to once having pneumonia and rsv respectively. Chile, neither of you are high risk.


I had to inject some humor during the absolutely horrible scenes of Christine's. (It was too much and made me rage with how uncaring and dismissive her 'family' was! Her entire heart breaking in front of all of them, and us, to watch. I also didn't believe it was possible for me to loathe Kootie even more.) All I could think was she needed to stand up and do the Citizen's Divorce like in the movie Man With Two Brains.


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On 4/19/2021 at 10:01 AM, magemaud said:

Coming back to ask a question about Janelle’s granddaughter who needs surgery for FATCO because she’s “missing a few bones.” Janelle went on to say Evie was going to be fitted for a prosthetic because one leg is “six or seven inches shorter” than the other one. This discrepancy would be significant enough in an adult, but in an infant wouldn’t that be at least half of her leg?

I wondered about what the plan was, too.  Is Evie getting old enough to pull herself to standing, or to walk?  I have no sense of how old she is.  I worked at a rehab hospital for years, running the prosthetic/orthotics clinic, and although we didn't treat infants, in teenagers or young adults who were not done growing, sometimes a temporary pylon-type prosthetic was prescribed so that posture and general physical ability would not be impeded by the missing or shortened limb.

I'm wondering--suspecting--that they will need to amputate her foot on the shorter leg; in fact, back when I was involved, amputating only the foot was never a good idea because it was harder to get a good fit from the socket of the prosthetic.  The important thing to preserve, if possible, is the knee joint because a prosthetic knee complicates everything.  But if her leg is so much shorter, they may need to amputate her leg to above the knee because otherwise she'd be left with one knee at mid-thigh level.

On the bright side, modern prostheses are wonderful and usually undetectable, and since she would be wearing one practically since birth, Evie should do very, very well with hers, able to participate in sports, etc.  I've known young men who played basketball for their school teams and a 90-year-old lady who lived in a third-floor walkup.

Edited to add:  Those people were amputees, not just young men who played basketball and old ladies who could get upstairs.  The 90-year-old was a double amputee, btw.

Edited by Mothra
Salient information added.
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