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S13.E01: The Judges Decide

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From TV Guide:


The designers face one final audition before landing a spot on the series in the Season 13 opener. The remaining clothiers then create a look that represents their spring collection. Julie Bowen is the guest judge



Because if there's a name synonymous with high fashion it's Julie Bowen.  Ok, sure.

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From TV Guide:



Because if there's a name synonymous with high fashion it's Julie Bowen.  Ok, sure.



are you sure?  I can't believe you would suggest this is anything other than high fashion

Edited by RealityGal
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I think Korina is going to be the critical bitch, along with Carrie.  Already their talking heads are condescending and snotty towards everybody. And Korina is gonna drag Mitchell right smack into the center of the mean girls club, then he's going to turn around & stab her in the back.  Karma, baby. 


Could Mitchell possibly use the word "edgy" a few thousand more times? He's annoying without even trying. I thought his look was ridiculous. He lucked out


The snark sharks are already circling Angela, targeting her as the weak and nervous one.  She needs to get it together, or she's bait. 


Loving Char.  You can see her mature, yet positive attitude.  And she seemed to listen very closely to Tim, which is usually pretty valuable. Her outfit was great.


Good for Sandhya, I like her attitude and the judges were very supportive.  In your FACE Korina! 


Also good for Amanda.  I liked her in her season & still like her now. Those pants were kick-ass.   In your FACE, again Korina!  *LOL*

Edited by leighdear
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Sorry, I'm just floored. Sandhya's was so depressing - she made ugly fabric even uglier. I wanted Char to win.

I do have to say it was nice to see everyone finished and mostly good.

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judging from the previews for the rest of the season...it looks like people are going to get meaner towards sandhya.


i will say this, it is very difficult to figure out what the judges are going to like and what they are not.

Sorry, I'm just floored. Sandhya's was so depressing - she made ugly fabric even uglier. I wanted Char to win.

I do have to say it was nice to see everyone finished and mostly good.


especially considering it was supposed to be a spring line.

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I don't understand how Sandhya won.  I'm glad she wasn't auf'd (because I loved the garments she showed during her audition) but that dress was seriously hideous.  I was very disappointed.  Loved both Char's and Amanda's garments and would have been happy with either of them winning.  As for the bottom three, while I agree they all did belong in the bottom, I wish the judges had decided to keep Jefferson and let Mitchell go.

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I thought the judging sucked! Sandhya's dress looked like it got assaulted.

Amanda's design did not look Spring to me. Someone made a really cute floral dress with black jacket I really liked. That was just safe.

I do agree with them voting off the guy who made those super high waisted booty shorts.

Can't stand Mitchell!

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My favorite moment of the night was, when Julie Bowen was going on and on in the deliberation, Nina pretty much threw her shade and rolled her eyes.  I don't care if that was just editing monkeys or if it really happened.  I hated her as the guest judge; she has no fashion credentials that I know of and she pontificated louder and longer than any actress guest judge that I can remember.

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"This is nothing if not the season of the vagina."

Tim Gunn, ladies and gentlemen.


I found myself wishing that despite the horrid high-waisted pantaloons, the judges would have sent Mitchell and his Wet Seal shorts ensemble home and kept Jefferson because he's pleasant and seems like he would learn from each experience.

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I'm happy that Amanda was chosen to return. She seems like a lovely person and is a very talented designer. Of the three people who were considered for Runway Redemption, I think she has the highest chance of succeeding on this show.


This episode reminded me of why I really dislike Zac Posen as a judge. He's all about bold, distinctive clothes that make a statement, even if they happen to be hideous. Notice how he was unimpressed by Amanda's chic ensemble...not enough embellishments! 


For someone who never should have been invited to guest judge, Julie Bowen had no qualms about opining loudly and frequently. Her "geisha hooker" comment about Angela's garment was awful. 

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I loved how much Sandihya bothered Korina.  You didn't "get" her dress?  Make another fucking jumpsuit, then.  Seriously, how many jumpsuits have we been subjected to on this show?  I love Sandihya's attitude and love of color.  I also love Char already.


I like the little avant garde guy from Chicago, I thought his look was pretty cool.  


I want to see more of Fade, since PR has seen fit to rob me of any crazy hilarious Russians and their syntax this season.


Her "geisha hooker" comment about Angela's garment was awful.



Right???  MIchael Kors called, he wants his bitchy mean girl act back.

Edited by larapu2000
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Someone made a really cute floral dress with black jacket I really liked. 


I"m pretty sure it was Kino - the Hawaiian dude. He's got great construction skills, as far as we have seen.


I'm starting a Korina-haters club. Anyone care to join? Lets face it, Korina's designs and construction skills aren't all that special, really. Boxy, "Seinfeld" era Elaine Bennis pieced coats. (Hey! Color-blocked, like in the 90's!)



And don't even get me started on her Special Snow Flake Pretty Princess vibe. Puh-Leeze...


Can you tell I don't like her?



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So I watched the casting special and thought "hmmm, looks like there's a decent amount of potential talent; should be a good season."


And then the regular show started.  And that hope for a good season starts to pretty quickly start to die.  Because here come all the idiotic producer shenanigans we've had to put up with the last several years:


The modern-day version of endless sourpuss Nina Garcia.  The way-too-many talking heads where contstants say nasty things about other contestants.  Nina Garcia. The objectively terrible designer (this year: Mitchell) who the producers are in love with because they think he's drama, so he keeps putting out absolute 100% unmitigated crappy garbage from Hell but never gets eliminated until late in the season and gets 800 million talking head segments.  Nina Garcia. The viewers' polls that take up a quarter of the freakin' screen.  Nina Garcia. The producer-driven "pick the controversy" rather than "pick the best designed" wins.  Nina Garcia.


Did I mention Nina Garcia?  You know, the judge who constantly worries about "taste level" but when they have to elimiante 3 contestants chooses a contestant (Mitchell) whose entire output looks like the costume closet for Weird Al Yankovic's "Tacky" video-- over Emmanuel Tobias, who Nina makes a "yuck face" for and elimiantes (seriously, check out Emmanuel's past work compared to Mitchell's and tell me there's not major shenangins here).


No. You do not get to keep Mitchell in the competition and ever, ever, ever make another peep about "taste"-- never, ever again.


I don't know if Project Runway can ever have a truly good season again.  It's sooooooo producer-driven these days (instead of trusting viewers to actually be interested in genuine talent rather than manufactured drama), that even with a batch of contestants that look genuinely talented, all these stupid, repetitive production devices start to drown out what's good about the show.


I'm so naive-- it's like when in the old "Peanuts" comic strip when Lucy tells Charlie Brown she'll hold the football for him when he kicks it but every single time he trusts her she yanks it away at the last minute.  The PR producers are Lucy.

Edited by bobbyjoe
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I'm glad Sandhya won even if I was pulling for Char to win. Too many mean and entitled ones already. I happy Angela moved ahead too. 

I, too, wish the judges had decided to keep Jefferson and let Mitchell go. I'm already tired of his tale of woe. I'm not interested in your life story. Just show me the clothes! I hope I have all the names correct; that would be interesting if I don't. 

I guess Face Off has spoiled me due to the total absence of drama on that show. 

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Angela is such a sad sack. Korina was kind of bitchy but at least she had self-confidence (and the talent to back it up; that jumpsuit was so strong on the runway!).


Sandhya's garment was clearly the ugliest by any reasonable standard. I will be mad that she won until the end of the season/time.

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My favorite look was Fade's. Very surprised when it came out because it didn't seem to be his aesthetic, but I thought that was a fabulous dress.


I don't even remember Amanda, but I hated her outfit. Because nothing says spring like black, gray and gray. However it seemed like the judges felt obligated to put her in the top 3 (anonymous runway show, my ass). 

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I'm not a Julie Bowen fan and usually find her completely unwatchable, but I thought she was ok and kinda funny...then she actually said "geisha hooker." Wow. Please disappear.

I loved Char's outfit on the runway, but was very skeptical before that. Amanda's was well done. I didn't mind Sandhya's but there was a lot going on. She's true to her vision and kinda fearless, which I respect, but I don't get giving her the win. I feel like the stories behind her designs will always be more interesting than the designs themselves. Mitchell stays? Does not compute!

-edited to correct Sandhya's name.

Edited by hieronymous0no
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I was so surprised when Sandhya's garment was in the top, let alone won. I thought it looked like it was blood stained curtains from the Bates Motel. 


That said, my dislike of her first garment doesn't mean I like the previews showing she's possibly picked on. I know reality shows seem to thrive on that sort of thing, but I don't find it fun or entertaining.

Edited by I-Kare
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I get what Sandhya was going for in that dye job.  In Holi Festival, everyone throws colored powders and colored water around, so your clothes get smeared with color.  But it was too literal, and the dye job was ugly.  I think it was an odd choice for the win, but I really didn't like any of the top 3.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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I'm also surprised they didn't auf Mitchell and was surprised the weird guy (don't know his name) who made the dress that was white w prints wasn't a top look. I loved it.

I really liked Sandhya's, sure it wasn't ready to wear, but it was interesting

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Every season there's a bully that becomes the ringleader, and all the weaker willed and less confident lemmings flock towards them.  Obviously Korina is it. 


And that trout-pout she's smeared with blood red lipstick does her no favors.  Why are so many women these days wearing the most garish and hideous lip shades? 

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Sandhya seems sweet,  but I thought her dress was beyond horrible. Torn sleeves and a little bit of dye do not make edgy. I really liked the outfits of Korina (though I don't like her), Char and Fade. The worst outfit was the shorts and tee shirt made by the guy with the little ugly shorts himself. Amanda's was not spring like at all and she seems full of herself now. I never mind Nina because Heidi and Zac usually balance her out. I actually liked Michael Kors better than Zac, because I thought his opinions made more sense to me. I always love PR though, so glad its back in all its catty glory. And Tim, my respect for you has lessened every year, but stop talking about brazilians and vaginas. Thank You.

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I want to see more of Fade, since PR has seen fit to rob me of any crazy hilarious Russians and their syntax this season.


I want to see more of him, and for that same reason!  I also really liked the dress he made, and wish I'd had a chance to get more of a look at it in the workroom.

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I wonder if Julie Bowen's comment about Angela's garment had to do with the fact that Angela is of Asian descent. (Yeah, she's Chinese and not Japanese, but it's not like Ms. Bowen would know the difference). I didn't particularly like the look, but it in no way resembled something a Geisha would wear, so the comment seemed very out of place. Maybe even racist?

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Oh, PR... how you disappoint yet again... but I should have known what to expect. Every since the brown Gretchen season, judging has seemed to live in opposite land half the time. (not that judging was perfect before that...) I don't claim to be high fashion, but seriously... the winning dress was fug, even if the designer is nice and has a good attitude. Count me in the group of people surprised with that dress being on the top. Even during the critique they said the construction wasn't great... but "it surprised me"   so suddenly that means it wins? We've seen plenty of surprising "You're out" designs over the years.


I agree with pretty much everyone else in that I wish the production monkeys would work harder to avoid the drama. NOBODY cares/watches for the drama! (well a good bunch of us don't watch for the drama anyway) A little bit of drama here and there is fine, these shows always have a touch.. but seeking it out is super annoying. I want to watch people design clothes and see how they make them and fit them and come up with ideas. I don't give a crap if someone working next to them thinks they've picked the ugliest fabric on the planet or stole someone's sewing machine.


I wish they would go back and rewatch like S1-2 and just do those same challenges with the same parameters again- am I crazy or did they used to often get 2 days for a challenge instead of just 1? It would be a lot more fun of a show if they had time to actually make something.


Overall, there were some interesting looks tonight... I wouldn't have picked the top three they picked, but I did like Char's outfit of those top choices. I mostly agree on the bottom, but there were some of the middle ones that I probably could have swapped out for the slit pants girl- that was edgy and surprising even if it needed some tweaks... :P  It wasn't a winner, but not the worst thing we've seen on PR.

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Sorry, as nice as Sandhya is, that dress looked like Grandma's old couch that her cats have been peeing on and clawing at for years. If that's what passes for a winning design, then really, just roll a die for a winner, Heidi, and don't try to bullshit a rationale for the choice.

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Korina was kind of bitchy but at least she had self-confidence (and the talent to back it up; that jumpsuit was so strong on the runway!).


Ugh, I was so bored by the jumpsuit. The tail, or whatever it was, was lame. It had no movement except when the model held it out—that the model felt the need to do that told me that the garment wasn't successful. And seriously, is Korina the lost Kardashian sister? As if we needed another one?


Julie Bowen—I love her as an actress, but as a fashion person? She is the opposite of fashionable, in my opinion. She is a beautiful woman, but she always looks so ill at ease when she is dressed up. As if she isn't comfortable in her own skin, let alone her clothes. What an odd choice.


Project Runway was wise to take some time between seasons—my curiosity was piqued, and I almost forgot that I had sworn off the show after the lame winners and clearly manipulated judging of recent years. Good thing this episode reminded me!


I was disappointed with the outcome tonight. The young man who was eliminated (name escaping me for the moment) was appealing on a number of levels, not the least of which was that he was HANDSOME! And Mitchell (is that the right name?)—lame. His outfit screamed cheap.


I hate the make-up segments. I hate the hair segments. Not particularly a fan of the "judges take a closer look" segments. This show can and should be an hour long!

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I hate the make-up segments.


And Mary Kay is the make-up sponsor now.  Just like in Under the Gunn.  Words.can't.even.  Did L'Oreal jump off the sinking ship, or did PR get more dollar bills from MK?

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Sandhya seems nice and I liked the clothes she auditioned with, but yikes, that dress she sent down the runway was ugly! I was really surprised it won, aside from the fact that it certainly made a statement on the runway. Looks like it has put a target on her back.

Love Char and her outfit. Definitely rooting for her right now. She seems grounded and I like her style and attitude.

So glad Amanda was voted back in and not Ken (or Alexander). I wasn't a huge fan of her actual runway garment but it wasn't hideous. The whole thing felt very 90's to me.

I'm not quite sure why Mitchell was included in the final group (of desingers) at all, and I thought he should have been auf'd-- so now he'll probably be around until the bitter end. I liked Jefferson's ideas, but I didn't love those shorts. Not sure Angela desevered to be in the bottom three, and the geisha hooker line was totally inappropriate-- it feels like she was there to amp up the fact that she is inexperienced and nervous.

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Amanda must come from a land of very gloomy spring.

Sandhya is adorable, and I want to sit and giggle with her. We can tear fabric together, and make fun of her cute husband while he pretends to work.

The preview show hinted at lots of talent, so I'm determined to remain optimistic. Listen show, these are talented, serious, hard-working designers who deserve challenges to inspire their best.

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Nina lost all credibility with me back when she championed Ra'mon's neoprene toilet dyed mess.  Back then, Tim had some teeth and dared Nina to wear it.  Now he rolls over for the "judges".  Zac Posen is just Mizrahi light to me.  I hate to say it, but I miss Kors, that little weird orange man.  At least he knew how to balance out ready to wear sportswear with couture.  The judges now seem to be a schizophrenic mess of "super edgy" (gads, I hate the word "edgy"), with wearable, depending on what strikes them at the moment.


But really, as nice and lovely as Sandhya comes across, her dress was an exhibit for Law & Order: SVU.  She couldn't properly set finishing seams in the time allowed, so she did the shred effect.  On a two day challenge.  WTF is she going to do on an one day challenge? 


IMO, the wrong guy was sent home.  Jefferson's outfit was fine, but not great.  But it was better than the girl version of the Jimmy Dean sausage sun outfit Mitchell made.  YMMV.

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did PR get more dollar bills from MK

Or is Heidi driving a pink Cadillac?

Posen is still boring. Nina is still annoying. And I miss old Tim.

Now Mitchell doesn't know what the judges are looking for--and whatever it is, I'm not looking for him to deliver it.

I suspect I'll check back in a month or two and see how Char is doing.

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I can't help feeling they kept Mitchell for the back stage drama he is starting to create.  He's already teamed up with Korina to snark about Sandhya.   Meanwhile Jefferson was shown as a nice man who was building a friendly rapport with other contestants.  

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I don't even remember Amanda, but I hated her outfit. Because nothing says spring like black, gray and gray. However it seemed like the judges felt obligated to put her in the top 3 (anonymous runway show, my ass). 


Luckily, having seen one of Amanda's outfits you've pretty much seen them all. Which is convenient for the judges and for people who missed her the first time.


I thought it was kind of hilarious that one of the contestants actually said out loud that her brother got her the job.

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First, thank you for not bringing back Ken. Second, in the other thread I said I was looking forward to seeing how the modesty designer did this season, that's over already LOL. 


Sandhya winning caught me off guard, but so many people said they didn't get her look, I should have known she was the winner. I didn't care for Char's outfit at all, it was too much fabric with too much color for me. There's still too many designers for me to separate all the looks at this point.


I had no problem with what's his name going home, I hate drop crotch pants, so I wasn't looking forward to seeing them all season. Both the shorts outfits were crap. 

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I can't help feeling they kept Mitchell for the back stage drama he is starting to create.  He's already teamed up with Korina to snark about Sandhya.   Meanwhile Jefferson was shown as a nice man who was building a friendly rapport with other contestants.  

Yeah, I think it was totally production-driven this week as to who got the boot.  Mitchell's not just drama, and built for more drama after his facial expressions on the runway while Sandhya got praised.  He's a character type they've used before, so they know what kind of stories they can build around him.  Hopefully this plays out quickly and he can go home soon.


I can't help but wonder if Sandhya's description of her dress and the connections between culture and fashion helped push her to the win, because I'm one of those who thought it wasn't very pleasant to look at. or particularly interesting.  I feel bad saying anything negative though after the previews.  And, I don't know if I mind thinking that her story sold that dress to the judges.  Part of the goal of fashion is to sell, I suppose it doesn't really matter why people buy, right? 


Overall I thought the clothes were mostly interesting.  Here's hoping the drama doesn't drag down the show.

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Sorry, as nice as Sandhya is, that dress looked like Grandma's old couch that her cats have been peeing on and clawing at for years. If that's what passes for a winning design, then really, just roll a die for a winner, Heidi, and don't try to bullshit a rationale for the choice.



This!  Such a perfect description.  This was a Heidi pick.  Nina liked it for its originality, but preferred Char's and Amanda's garments better.  Heidi has been moving toward wanting to be shown something different for awhile now, so she'll pick wacky outfits over well made fashion, because she's "never seen it before."  Sigh.


She couldn't properly set finishing seams in the time allowed, so she did the shred effect.  On a two day challenge.  WTF is she going to do on an one day challenge?



It was a one a day challenge.  I pine for the days of two day challenges.  


I like Julie Bowen as an actress, but not as a judge.  She was terrible.


And finally, what the hell with the grand prize from...Red Robin?  Isn't that a chain restaurant like Applebee's or something?  W.T.F? (to quote Nina).  What happened to editing positions at fashion magazines or jobs with fashion houses?  Red Fucking Robin?  Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Edited by RealityCreator
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I am obsessed with Carrie's hair.  I could just stare at it for hours.  I hope she just got a bad edit tonight, because her construction skills seem strong, and I want her hair on my screen every week, but if she is a mean girl, it will take the pleasure out of it.


I loved Fade's dress.  It was my favorite.  I loved how he worked the patterns on the skirt.


I would wear Amanda's design, which means it does not belong on the top in a show that is supposed to be fashion forward.  It was nice, but not exciting.


The winning dress was terrible.  I thought it would be in the bottom, and deserving of an auf, but figured she would be saved because it was at least interesting, unlike the annoying dude with the yellow top and bike shorts that should have gotten das boot.  I didn't like Jefferson's design, but I liked him and was sad to see him go. 

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I can't help feeling they kept Mitchell for the back stage drama he is starting to create.  He's already teamed up with Korina to snark about Sandhya.   Meanwhile Jefferson was shown as a nice man who was building a friendly rapport with other contestants.

I totally agree. And it's sad because, as Nina said, Jefferson's outfit was a miss, but at least he showed daring, which makes you want to see more from him, but Mitchell's was bad, and it will probably continue to be bad, and she's not interested in what else he's got.

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Well...as usual, I'm totally confused and apparently not fashionable.


I didn't think Jefferson's high waisted shorts were all that bad.  I really didn't, and I liked the contrast between the print and the solid, which I think had something to do with the way the waist was placed.  I don't think they were the best look, but I thought they were maybe in the middle.


I think Char should have won, and I think its Heidi's influence that had Shandaya winning.  Just like with Patricia.  Heidi just likes odd and novel things.  Nina likes a finished look, and I more often than not agree with Nina.  I thought Char's was beautiful, but she will have to watch out with the circle skirt, there was another on her rack for judging, so I just hope that doesn't become her thing like Miranda and those pencil skirt/crop top combos.  But Char's top was gorgeous, and I loved floved Zac's idea that it could become a gown.  Yes Zac!


Interesting to hear that at some point in the season Tim is going to call people out for bullying....perhaps trying to redeem himself after Under the Gunn?

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My favorite moment of the night was, when Julie Bowen was going on and on in the deliberation, Nina pretty much threw her shade and rolled her eyes.  I don't care if that was just editing monkeys or if it really happened.  I hated her as the guest judge; she has no fashion credentials that I know of and she pontificated louder and longer than any actress guest judge that I can remember.


Yes to this!  This is why I do love Nina Garcia, I know she is a bitch, but for some reason I just love her, especially in moments like that.


Although, note to Julie Bowen, if you've seen every season of PR you should know that the most successful guest judges are those that aren't straight up bitchy.  One of my favorites, strangely enough was I think John Legend, or some other male singer, because he just seemed so nice and supportive and had a real point of view.  He wasn't in any rush to call anyone out...



I want to see more of Fade, since PR has seen fit to rob me of any crazy hilarious Russians and their syntax this season.



Right???  MIchael Kors called, he wants his bitchy mean girl act back.


Oh, Sandro was such gold, I love that crazy little Russian.  And I actually also liked his clothes.


I also miss M Kors all the time, for him, bitchy mean girl worked, he always made me laugh.




My favorite look was Fade's. Very surprised when it came out because it didn't seem to be his aesthetic, but I thought that was a fabulous dress.


I don't even remember Amanda, but I hated her outfit. Because nothing says spring like black, gray and gray. However it seemed like the judges felt obligated to put her in the top 3 (anonymous runway show, my ass). 


I really like Fade's too!  Amanda seems more about just doing what she wants to do.  I guess her edgy rocker chick doesn't really do spring colors.


And Mary Kay is the make-up sponsor now.  Just like in Under the Gunn.  Words.can't.even.  Did L'Oreal jump off the sinking ship, or did PR get more dollar bills from MK?


Listen, I'm just happy its the Aldo wall, and not the Belk wall again.  The Belk wall was just awful, and I was scared they were going to have a Walmart accessory wall this year.  I'm sure PR got more money from Mary Kay, or maybe they had to give them the makeup sponsorship at a good price because you know Mary Kay had to be pissed about being the makeup sponsor for Under the Gunn when that show was such an abysmal failure.


I hate to say it, but I miss Kors, that little weird orange man.  At least he knew how to balance out ready to wear sportswear with couture.  The judges now seem to be a schizophrenic mess of "super edgy" (gads, I hate the word "edgy"), with wearable, depending on what strikes them at the moment.




I miss MK too!  But I loved his bitchy mean girl act, and behind that I felt like most of his critiques were dead on.  I can handle bitchy mean girl, because thats what the contestants signed on for, when their outfits are good they are given praise, when they are bad, they got the MK treatment.  But I think bitchy mean girl when you don't know anything about fashion/design (Julie Bowen) is not so cool.



And finally, what the hell with the grand prize from...Red Robin?  Isn't that a chain restaurant like Applebee's or something?  W.T.F? (to quote Nina).  What happened to editing positions at fashion magazines or jobs with fashion houses?  Red Fucking Robin?  Oh how the mighty have fallen.


I think they also get a refrigerator full of food from Samsung?  PR is really reaching, and I'm not exactly sure what Red Robin gets out of it, except maybe some "uniform accessory" designed by a PR winner?  Oh, they also get to stay at Best Westerns in all of the major fashion cities......


I loved Fade's dress.  It was my favorite.  I loved how he worked the patterns on the skirt.



I agree, that dress should have been on top, I think Amanda should have just been safe.  She did what she wanted to do, not what the challenge called for.

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I think they also get a refrigerator full of food from Samsung?



I'm sorry, I think you meant a "Samsung Food Showcase."


I usually like Julie Bowen, but she did come across as a little mean. I think she gets nervous when she goes on an unscripted show and forgets to filter herself. She did the same thing when the Modern Family cast was on Inside the Actor's Studio.

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Mitchell and his Wet Seal shorts ensemble home

Ha! I called it Deb, 5-7-9. It was so twee.

Char is my favorite so far. She seems super- cool and I loved that skirt. Korina seems like an asshole and Angela needs to toughen up a lot.

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I don't understand how Sandhya won.  I'm glad she wasn't auf'd (because I loved the garments she showed during her audition) but that dress was seriously hideous.  I was very disappointed.  Loved both Char's and Amanda's garments and would have been happy with either of them winning.  As for the bottom three, while I agree they all did belong in the bottom, I wish the judges had decided to keep Jefferson and let Mitchell go.



I suspect its because Sandhya's outfit was interesting and different.  Her dye job was amazing. She transformed fabric that should be made into elderly ladies' house coats into something eye catching and even pretty.  Sandhya took crappy fabric and made something people will stop, look at, and discuss.  Char's, while much much prettier, was more conventional.  Pieces similar to those have seen seen regularly on runways and in stores.  Amanda's was well made but this was a spring challenge.  Amanda's model looked like she was ready for fall or to audition for a sci-fi miniseries.


The South Florida mean-girl-guy (Mitchell) should have gone home.  His tshirt and shorts were simple and yet still a hot mess.   Jefferson missed the mark by a mile (cover the waist, let the butt cheeks hang out?  Come on, dude.) but there was more thought and skill in his pieces.  And honestly, if you changed the colors into earth tones, it was pieces like  this that won Gretchen her season.  I think they kept Mitchell for his drama.

Edited by terrymct
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I thought Julie Bowen was good. Frankly I'm sick of designers and fashion "experts" being the judges. They are so "bored" by wearable clothes that the contestants have to go off the rails in order to be noticed. I'd much rather have a non-fashionista be one of the judges.

I guess I'm two for two in unfavorable opinions because I liked Sandhya's dress. Would I wear it? No, but that goes for 80 percent of everything that's shown. I thought she showed some interesting techniques (dying, piping and ragged edges). I actually thought the worst was the guy that used the same fabric as Char's skirt for a dress and paired it with an un-tailored black jacket. It looked like something you'd find on the Kohls clearance rack. It had no style and showed no technique.

I really didn't understand why Korina kept saying her father was Native American. Wouldn't that make you Native American too (unless is was a step-father type thing)? I thought that was weird.

I hope Mitchell has something else up his short shorts because I thought he had nothing but a snarky attitude. He deserved to go home. His outfit was a mess.

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Disliked Amanda then; really dislike her now, from her aesthetic to her voice. She is being presented, and acts, like the Queen Bee. And her pants looked to me like an old hippie design.


I didn't like the winning design, but at least the rest got a good idea of what NGCDoMCM appreciates---and it isn't "safe" and it isn't "seen it before."

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I have missed Michael Kors so much over these few seasons.  Mainly, because he really is an all around designer.  His look is very clean lines, but he does ready to wear as well as couture, so he really does know the industry.  


I really liked a dress that had the black/white fabric for most of the dress, but a really colorful neck line/area.  I was surprised that dress, German guy's dress and the older (for this group, not real life) man's dress with jacket.  Sorry about the lack of names, but there are still too many designers for my ability to connect names to faces.


I'm already tired of Mitchell (and couldn't believe that he was even selected to be on the show-his example outfits just seemed so wrong; and, really, going before the judges for the final cut in that outfit?).  I really wanted the modesty.  Mitchell's stuff we see all the time at malls, the beach, etc...


I felt really bad for Angela, but agreed that she was bottom 3, and also that she was safe.  I really thought the Indian designer would also be bottom three, but I like her and hopefully she'll get stronger as the competition goes on.  Even though they should all know that they only get 1 day for a challenge, I can only imagine that it is just crazy the first time they really experience it.


And, Julie Bowen?  I couldn't believe it when she went on and on during just her intro.  Nobody else has ever done that.  I don't necessarily like her as an actress, but now I see that the aspects of her acting that I don't care for (nervous ticks, rapid all over the place speaking, etc.) are actually her own ticks, etc.  


As for Tim, I was in disbelief when I watched the previews for the season and he started talking about bullying.  Really?  Calling someone else out?


edited due to Mitchell's name not being Michael...

Edited by seacliffsal
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Mitchell is this seasons Josh McKinley......Flamboyant, obnoxious and far less talented than he thinks he is.  His game is to out-shout anybody that dares to challenge him, then dissolve into "poor me" tears when he's called on his shit.  NOT looking forward to him.

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My favorite 10 seconds of the show:  Korina's silence when she found out Sandaya had won.


I loved Sandaya as a person . . . but count me among those who didn't "get" how she won.  It's going to be an interesting season.

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