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S25.E08: Week 8

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57 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Is Rachael's dad a person of color? I would think not, given the controversies around her. But it seemed like he could be. 

I thought he might have some Mexican heritage, although the name Daryl is certainly not a Hispanic name. Can't go by the last name because that can come from generations past.

It's interesting that Matt, the first Black Bachelor, is actually biracial and apparently so are three of his final four contestants, the other being white. Since he was raised by his single white mother, I wonder how much he identifies as being black. Of course he should pick whomever he "loves," as did Rachel and Tayshia. 

I liked Serena's personality but it's been obvious she wasn't so into Matt. I'm glad she was blunt. I don't feel that he's into Bri, and I'm torn between if he genuinely sees himself with Rachael or Michelle. Even given that at this point he doesn't know Rachael's history, he and Michelle just seem so much better suited, yet he seems much more attracted to Rachael. 

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Good for Serena.  The premise, that each of the final women are expected to be ready to get engaged, after knowing someone a few weeks, and not dating exclusively at all , is unrealistic.  

Serena won me over when she said she didn't like the "tantric yoga", and now again, when she decided not to compete with other women for a "prize"  that she didn't want. 

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I know parent-shaming if frowned upon, but there's a lot of it to go around this episode. First, the parents who signed the release forms for their elementary-school-aged children to appear via Zoom and ask cutesy scripted questions of Matt about Michelle. I'm sure when those kids are older they'll be embarrassed and wish their parents hadn't let them do that.

Secondly, Bri's mother for dragging an infant on a cross-country trip during a pandemic. Lady, you're not 13 anymore; it's time to act like a responsible adult.

3 hours ago, Thumper said:

Kinda loving Serena P’s positivity and fun!  Food is good. 

Usually it is, but that poutine looked like it had been sitting out for hours. Congealed gravy is about the least appetizing food item I can think of.

3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Are false eyelashes a requirement now on these reality shows?  Whatever happened to plain ol' mascara?  

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Serena's false lashes look terrible. They're too much for her delicate features, plus she seems to apply them incorrectly; they're almost perpendicular to her eyelids, there's no curl whatsoever. In the WTA preview her lashes look much more natural, so hopefully she took some pointers from the makeup artist.

3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Then SHE walks HIM out? WTH.

That was awesome! From now on, whenever a contestant leaves of their own accord, they should walk out the lead.

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

Good for Serena.  The premise, that each of the final women are expected to be ready to get engaged, after knowing someone a few weeks, and not dating exclusively at all , is unrealistic.  

Serena won me over when she said she didn't like the "tantric yoga", and now again, when she decided not to compete with other women for a "prize"  that she didn't want. 

Also unrealistic for a man to propose when the day before he was still dating more than one woman and thought he was in love with both. 

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5 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Are false eyelashes a requirement now on these reality shows?  Whatever happened to plain ol' mascara?  

I wish I had even 5% of the false eyelash and hair extensions business this show generates.

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Shallow observation, but based on the fact that I watch this show, what else is there? Anyway, Serena and Bri’s moms are both gorgeous. 

If there are future seasons of this awful train wreck show that I don’t know why I keep watching, Matt has definitely proven that they cannot choose a lead based on social media presence alone. He checks everything off on paper, but has zero personality. Instead of being a potentially fresh presence, he is every bad cliche without any of the wit or fun.

Also, I 100% blame Shonda Rhimes for the stupid ‘my person’ crap. 

Last note- this false eyelash/eyelash extension trend needs to end. 

Edited by rlc
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I would fully support Serena P for Bachelorette.  That was awesome.  However, I think that many of us saw it coming after she not only told Matt she didn't like the yoga date, but especially after she successfully avoided one of his kisses.  

Every time I see Bri it's like a shock as I totally forget she is there.  So, this is going to be super rude, but could her baby "sister" be hers?  Okay, remember-I told you it was going to be super rude.  I also think Bri is thinking about self-eliminating after receiving the third rose (could that be why Matt is crying in the previews?).

Michelle was absolutely gorgeous at the rose ceremony.  

I have no idea why the producers were so sold on Matt that they didn't even make him be a part of Clare's season and instead just swooped in to make him the Bachelor.  Yes, I know it was in response to BLM, but they have had many wonderful past contestants who are African-American and who have shown some personality...

Oh, and Matt's beard in the preview?  Not my preference, but I wonder if it indicates he is no longer with his F1 as he has completely changed his look (it also looked like he shaved his head).

Women Tell All may just end up being epic.

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10 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Plus insisting a toboggan is a freaking hat.

Looks like I'll be skipping next week. I'm not up for the WTA crap fest since this entire season has been a crap fest with women yelling at each other for no reason other than they are suppose to.

The credits clip reinforces my feeling that Matt is a dick and a jerky creep. Why am I even watching this.

I hope @JenE4 is okay. I missed her tonight!

Aw. I missed you guys, too! It was my daughter’s birthday. (She’s 13, and her only comment on this show is that she would only go on it to refuse a rose at the first rose ceremony.) I am about to watch and make my comments now before work even because I’m always so excited about watching and chatting...but now that I hear how terrible the show was, you’re making me second guess my plan. Well, if the choice is watching the show or starting work early, terrible show it is...

Well, the coming up shows Rachel crash-landing on her smug-ass face from a freaking plane, so this show can’t be all bad! Though, the heightened emotions of fear and concern and pumping adrenaline might make Matt think he’s in love. So, kudos on sacrificing your face to trick him into loving you, I guess.

I don’t think I’ve seen Bri before. Though, I have a vague memory of perhaps saying last week that I’ve never seen Bri before. So, I guess I was aware of her existence, but I can’t tell you a thing about her or any interactions with Matt.

It’s the periwinkle sweater twins, Matt and Michelle. Ok, for the first time ever Matt actually made me laugh by saying his future kids would likely rip past him on their bikes and kick him over. Miss Young’s note to Elise pepping her up for her test made me tear up a bit. What the hell is wrong with me? Whoo. I hope some of these dates turn Wrong Reasons soon.

Ok, I’m going to stay in my Right Reasons bubble a bit longer. I like Matt and Michelle together that they’re both driven about helping children. Wait, Michelle has a secret sob story from 10 years ago?! What is she crying about? 

A wild animal emerged from the woods and shredded up Rachel’s sweater. I love the foreshadowing: “What could possibly go wrong?” It gets better! “If I die, I’m glad I’m dying with you.” Alas, we know Racist Rachel has survived since she’s all in the media, but let me have this moment of anticipatory schadenfreude. Oof! That crash looked worse than the preview. I actually feel a tiny bit bad now, since I assumed the opposite. But karma for being a terrible person. I called it that the crash would make him think he’s in love!

Rachel’s mom reminds me so much of the older lady dating the younger Belizean guy on 90 Day Fiancé. Dad is the requisite naysayer—but he came around. Wait, her name is spelled Rachael? We’re too far in to learn a new spelling, but I’ll try. She actually asked whether HE asked for her hand in marriage. That’s a big nope!

Oh, Bri was the first 1:1. That’s probably why I don’t remember their date—it was too long ago. Thankfully they’re re-enacting the date where he almost killed her?!?? Um, this doesn’t seem to be a wise decision—or a good memory to recapture. Oh, now I do remember him flipping over an ATV with someone—who was apparently Bri—so I guess this reenactment was good for reigniting my memory at least.

It’s a 4-foot tall stuffed rabbit. Perfectly normal “hostess gift.” Oh, there’s a baby! I’ll assume the rabbit is for the baby—despite the fact that a newborn couldn’t possibly play with this giant rabbit and it would only serve as a smothering hazard.

Matt does not reciprocate Bri’s feelings. “Thank you for telling me.” And “Are you kicking me out?” because he couldn’t get out of there fast enough. He also told mom that his feelings for Bri are different from the other 3–but it didn’t necessarily sound like in a good way. I think she’s out next.

What a twist on The Bachelor Handshake! Matt ran to Serena, but then she hung on him for a solid 5 minutes. This talk with Sis doesn’t sound very reassuring: He checks off all the boxes. He looks good on paper. You don’t look smitten. Suddenly I have a lot of doubts. There’s something causing a deep doubt. This would make my daughter’s day if someone actually refused a rose at the rose ceremony on her birthday! Oh, god damnit, Chris is making Matt talk to Serena BEFORE the rose ceremony just so she can’t refuse the rose at the ceremony! Why wouldn’t the show want someone to refuse a rose?! That would be Dramatic! Serena looks miserable. She’s just not into you, Matt. Yep, we all saw this coming. Serena is walking HIM out and HE gets the SUV ride of sadness. Ok, it’s not a “No. I will not accept your rose.” But I’ll take it.

Bri, you know you only got the consolation rose. Oh, she actually DOES know that! Whelp. Sorry.

@saber5055, these previews look amazing! But I’m Here for the Wrong Reasons.

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

Every time I see Bri it's like a shock as I totally forget she is there.  So, this is going to be super rude, but could her baby "sister" be hers?  Okay, remember-I told you it was going to be super rude. 

Why on earth would she be??

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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

So, this is going to be super rude, but could her baby "sister" be hers?  Okay, remember-I told you it was going to be super rude. 

I guess it's possible, but it seems like a heavy lift for a lie with little payoff at the end.  I think Occam's Razor points at the baby really being Bri's sister.

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13 hours ago, Thumper said:

But if Serena had such a heartbreaking recent relationship, WHY would she go on a show like this???😢

To be honest, after almost a year of isolation and not really being able to travel or spend much time close to anyone, I'd do this show too if given the chance, if only for the opportunity to go hang out in a luxury hotel with a bunch of people in a beautiful location, maybe do some dumb and/or fun activities, and occasionally make out with a boring-but-decently-attractive guy.

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15 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Oh wow.  Michelle bringing her students into this? Too much pressure on Matt and, frankly, unfair to him. 

Stupid trick, Michelle.

I agree, it was like the scene from Kindergarten Cop, with Arnold trying to deal with those kids. 

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It was kinda fun  to see Matt driven away after Serena gave him the boot..  I was waiting for him to break down and start bawlin.."why me, i thought she loved me", I'll never be the same boo hoo"..lol  Plus where did they drive him too? the local singles bar?  His thought being " hey, the night aint over yet, im sure there is a thigh to rub somewhere nearby".. 

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3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

So, this is going to be super rude, but could her baby "sister" be hers?  Okay, remember-I told you it was going to be super rude.  

That was not rude. I have a feeling a lot of viewers are wondering the same thing.

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57 minutes ago, Adeejay said:


4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

So, this is going to be super rude, but could her baby "sister" be hers?  Okay, remember-I told you it was going to be super rude.  

That was not rude. I have a feeling a lot of viewers are wondering the same thing.


I’d agree but she did talk about her mom getting into a new relationship and having a baby on her one and one date.  She talked about how she felt alone since then because her and her mom were always a team growing up. 
(why I remember all that and not the password I re-set yesterday is a mystery)

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Yeah. I do think the home town date was confusing in that regard because they kept talking about momma and sister and it was hard to tell who was who.  It was the previous talk during the date that clarified things.

Plus, the baby looked to be pretty young and something about the way the mom was dressed just looked to be someone rocking a recent post-pregnancy bod.  Her outfit looked to be flowy and comfortable. 

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

That was not rude. I have a feeling a lot of viewers are wondering the same thing.

I just don't get why would anyone would wonder if that was Bri's child instead of her mother's though. That seems like an absolutely bizarre assumption. If her mother had Bri when she was 13, she'd only be in her 30s by now, which is a totally reasonable time to have a baby, and didn't Bri tell Matt that her mom had recently gotten married or was in a serious relationship and starting a "new" family? And I was going to say as well that while there's no one singular pregnancy look that every woman necessarily has, Bri's mom looks more like someone who's recently had a baby than Bri does. 

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I can’t get over viewers fawning over Serena P. just because she said, “you are not my person.” I don’t think that makes her intelligent and outspoken. All that tells me is that she has been watching way too many Shonda Rhimes Productions. 

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6 minutes ago, atlanticslide said:

I just don't get why would anyone would wonder if that was Bri's child instead of her mother's though. That seems like an absolutely bizarre assumption. If her mother had Bri when she was 13, she'd only be in her 30s by now, which is a totally reasonable time to have a baby, and didn't Bri tell Matt that her mom had recently gotten married or was in a serious relationship and starting a "new" family? And I was going to say as well that while there's no one singular pregnancy look that every woman necessarily has, Bri's mom looks more like someone who's recently had a baby than Bri does. 

I thought it because I didn’t know about the previous conversation with Matt.  Probably wasn’t paying attention!  Thanks to those who explained it. 

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16 minutes ago, atlanticslide said:

I just don't get why would anyone would wonder if that was Bri's child instead of her mother's though. That seems like an absolutely bizarre assumption. If her mother had Bri when she was 13, she'd only be in her 30s by now, which is a totally reasonable time to have a baby, and didn't Bri tell Matt that her mom had recently gotten married or was in a serious relationship and starting a "new" family? And I was going to say as well that while there's no one singular pregnancy look that every woman necessarily has, Bri's mom looks more like someone who's recently had a baby than Bri does. 


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34 minutes ago, atlanticslide said:

I just don't get why would anyone would wonder if that was Bri's child instead of her mother's though. That seems like an absolutely bizarre assumption. If her mother had Bri when she was 13, she'd only be in her 30s by now, which is a totally reasonable time to have a baby, and didn't Bri tell Matt that her mom had recently gotten married or was in a serious relationship and starting a "new" family? And I was going to say as well that while there's no one singular pregnancy look that every woman necessarily has, Bri's mom looks more like someone who's recently had a baby than Bri does. 

My feelings exactly. She did say on her 1-on-1 that her mother had her at 13. She did say that they were a team and she felt that her mother having a baby sort of shifted their relationship. The mother would still be just young enough to have another child even if her first is 23 years old. I recall being impressed with how Bri turned out, since that's frequently not the case with a very young teenaged mother and no father in sight. 

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1 minute ago, Arkay said:

My feelings exactly. She did say on her 1-on-1 that her mother had her at 13. She did say that they were a team and she felt that her mother having a baby sort of shifted their relationship. The mother would still be just young enough to have another child even if her first is 23 years old. I recall being impressed with how Bri turned out, since that's frequently not the case with a very young teenaged mother and no father in sight. 

ETA: that's another reason I was disappointed for Bri if she truly quit her dream job for Matt. Even if a grandmother or someone helped raise her, there were probably financial struggles. I cannot imagine quitting a job for a nebulous relationship under any circumstances, anyway.

3 minutes ago, Arkay said:

My feelings exactly. She did say on her 1-on-1 that her mother had her at 13. She did say that they were a team and she felt that her mother having a baby sort of shifted their relationship. The mother would still be just young enough to have another child even if her first is 23 years old. I recall being impressed with how Bri turned out, since that's frequently not the case with a very young teenaged mother and no father in sight. 

ETA: that's another reason I was disappointed for Bri if she truly quit her dream job for Matt. Even if a grandmother or someone helped raise her, there were probably financial struggles. I cannot imagine quitting a job for a nebulous relationship under any circumstances, anyway.

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5 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Aw. I missed you guys, too! It was my daughter’s birthday. (She’s 13, and her only comment on this show is that she would only go on it to refuse a rose at the first rose ceremony.) I am about to watch and make my comments now before work even because I’m always so excited about watching and chatting...but now that I hear how terrible the show was, you’re making me second guess my plan. Well, if the choice is watching the show or starting work early, terrible show it is...

Well, the coming up shows Rachel crash-landing on her smug-ass face from a freaking plane, so this show can’t be all bad! Though, the heightened emotions of fear and concern and pumping adrenaline might make Matt think he’s in love. So, kudos on sacrificing your face to trick him into loving you, I guess.

I don’t think I’ve seen Bri before. Though, I have a vague memory of perhaps saying last week that I’ve never seen Bri before. So, I guess I was aware of her existence, but I can’t tell you a thing about her or any interactions with Matt.

It’s the periwinkle sweater twins, Matt and Michelle. Ok, for the first time ever Matt actually made me laugh by saying his future kids would likely rip past him on their bikes and kick him over. Miss Young’s note to Elise pepping her up for her test made me tear up a bit. What the hell is wrong with me? Whoo. I hope some of these dates turn Wrong Reasons soon.

Ok, I’m going to stay in my Right Reasons bubble a bit longer. I like Matt and Michelle together that they’re both driven about helping children. Wait, Michelle has a secret sob story from 10 years ago?! What is she crying about? 

A wild animal emerged from the woods and shredded up Rachel’s sweater. I love the foreshadowing: “What could possibly go wrong?” It gets better! “If I die, I’m glad I’m dying with you.” Alas, we know Racist Rachel has survived since she’s all in the media, but let me have this moment of anticipatory schadenfreude. Oof! That crash looked worse than the preview. I actually feel a tiny bit bad now, since I assumed the opposite. But karma for being a terrible person. I called it that the crash would make him think he’s in love!

Rachel’s mom reminds me so much of the older lady dating the younger Belizean guy on 90 Day Fiancé. Dad is the requisite naysayer—but he came around. Wait, her name is spelled Rachael? We’re too far in to learn a new spelling, but I’ll try. She actually asked whether HE asked for her hand in marriage. That’s a big nope!

Oh, Bri was the first 1:1. That’s probably why I don’t remember their date—it was too long ago. Thankfully they’re re-enacting the date where he almost killed her?!?? Um, this doesn’t seem to be a wise decision—or a good memory to recapture. Oh, now I do remember him flipping over an ATV with someone—who was apparently Bri—so I guess this reenactment was good for reigniting my memory at least.

It’s a 4-foot tall stuffed rabbit. Perfectly normal “hostess gift.” Oh, there’s a baby! I’ll assume the rabbit is for the baby—despite the fact that a newborn couldn’t possibly play with this giant rabbit and it would only serve as a smothering hazard.

Matt does not reciprocate Bri’s feelings. “Thank you for telling me.” And “Are you kicking me out?” because he couldn’t get out of there fast enough. He also told mom that his feelings for Bri are different from the other 3–but it didn’t necessarily sound like in a good way. I think she’s out next.

What a twist on The Bachelor Handshake! Matt ran to Serena, but then she hung on him for a solid 5 minutes. This talk with Sis doesn’t sound very reassuring: He checks off all the boxes. He looks good on paper. You don’t look smitten. Suddenly I have a lot of doubts. There’s something causing a deep doubt. This would make my daughter’s day if someone actually refused a rose at the rose ceremony on her birthday! Oh, god damnit, Chris is making Matt talk to Serena BEFORE the rose ceremony just so she can’t refuse the rose at the ceremony! Why wouldn’t the show want someone to refuse a rose?! That would be Dramatic! Serena looks miserable. She’s just not into you, Matt. Yep, we all saw this coming. Serena is walking HIM out and HE gets the SUV ride of sadness. Ok, it’s not a “No. I will not accept your rose.” But I’ll take it.

Bri, you know you only got the consolation rose. Oh, she actually DOES know that! Whelp. Sorry.

@saber5055, these previews look amazing! But I’m Here for the Wrong Reasons.

Wow!  Don't hold back!  Meow!

Edited by rebel2u
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What a lackluster episode.  I had to read through this fabulous thread to even remember some of the highlights (lowlights?), lol.

6 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Well, the coming up shows Rachel crash-landing on her smug-ass face from a freaking plane, so this show can’t be all bad! Though, the heightened emotions of fear and concern and pumping adrenaline might make Matt think he’s in love. So, kudos on sacrificing your face to trick him into loving you, I guess.

What on earth happened there? That was so odd - the instructor didn't look concerned (not a great brand highlight for him), we saw no medic checkup, anything. Just a dazed stunt double Rachel lying there with grass in her hair, followed with a quick edit of a combed and gussied up Rachel moving on with her date. And apparently a face full of bruises that she had to cover up? Whatever happened, that slam into the ground looked painful, it was just weird how it played out. 

6 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I don’t think I’ve seen Bri before. Though, I have a vague memory of perhaps saying last week that I’ve never seen Bri before. So, I guess I was aware of her existence, but I can’t tell you a thing about her or any interactions with Matt.

Every time they show her, I draw a blank. She's beautiful and seems nice, but she's getting lost in the drama.

Matt...sigh. I still feel a bit bad for him. Are we sure Hannah and Tyler just didn't punk him by telling him to go on the show? He could be this dull in real life, but I'm guessing he's just slightly introverted, and like most normal people, is really awkward having "deep" conversations in front of a room full of camera people, and the future audience. He defaults to the script, as most leads do, and stumbles a bit in the artificial situations. During the rare times where he seems to forget the cameras are there, he seems more fun and comfortable.

I like Serena a lot, but she needs to run far from the Bachelor franchise. 

Rachel's dad was hot, and I realllly didn't want to think that about any of the families, let alone Rachel's. 

Michelle's family was awesome, but like Serena, I think she's far too good for this trainwreck of a show.

Heather for Bachelorette - she's already at home in the franchise.

I normally skip the WTA, because I don't love watching people scream at each other, but I am IN next week. Looks awesome and terrible. So much vocal fry to be had.

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5 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I can’t get over viewers fawning over Serena P. just because she said, “you are not my person.” I don’t think that makes her intelligent and outspoken. All that tells me is that she has been watching way too many Shonda Rhimes Productions. 

Cosign.  She's gorgeous and all with a killer smile, but why compete when you're still hurting over the last relationship?!  Pieper should still be there dammit! 

And UO, but I didn't find the tantric yoga date inappropriate...hell, she and some of the other girls had no problem jumping up and wrapping their thighs around Matt's waist whenever they greeted him.

Am I the only one that noticed Matt practically ripping Bri's arm off by snatching the car door when she tried to open the door for him at the end of their date?  

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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5 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

UO, but I didn't find the tantric yoga date inappropriate...hell, she and some of the other girls had no problem jumping up and wrapping their thighs around Matt's waist whenever they greeted him.

There's a huge difference between physical contact that one willingly engages in, and physical/sexual contact that a woman is told to engage in as part of a date, on a TV show.  Its not really a matter of whether the tantric yoga was inappropriate,  its that it made her uncomfortable. 

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I think the single location and lack of amazing travel opportunities is having the reverse effect on these bachelorettes.  They're not getting as starry eyed and fantasy driven as the ones in the past. When you're living in a LA mansion with a fabulous pool, traveling around the world, staying at 5 star resorts, and partaking in once in a lifetime experiences in exotic locations it's easy enough to become hooked on the one you're with. Maybe not so much when you're spending 6 weeks in the same hotel (of which you're relegated to only a tiny portion of) and your fantasy dates include visiting...the back of the resort.

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On 2/22/2021 at 10:07 PM, CraftyHazel said:

In the southern US, a toboggan IS a hat.

I know, right? That's just...what they're called here. 

I'm married to a Brit, though. We still fight over jumper/sweater, flannel/wash cloth, boot/trunk, torch/flashlight, biscuit/cookie, trainers/tennis shoes, dummy/pacifier, and nappy/diaper. 

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  I'm impressed with Serena for picking up on her doubts and calling it quits- he mistook a toboggan for a tuque AND he likes tantric yoga. 

To quote the late and great Kenny Rogers:

"You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run"

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On 2/23/2021 at 8:05 AM, rlc said:

Also, I 100% blame Shonda Rhimes for the stupid ‘my person’ crap. 

So glad to know I’m not the only one...although I didn’t know for whom to place the blame.

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19 minutes ago, Twiz44 said:

So glad to know I’m not the only one...although I didn’t know for whom to place the blame.

Obviously on your lobster!

friends tv GIF




ETA: there is no spoiler.  I can’t delete it!

Edited by LBS
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25 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

Am I the only one who hates when teachers have their students participate in this farce? If I were a parent I would say hell no to that.  I was embarrassed for her.  

I know Michelle thought it was cute, but I thought it was stupid.  

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11 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I know Michelle thought it was cute, but I thought it was stupid.  

Not to mention, imagine if they were honest in answering the questions?

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Not yet -- he was dating 25 other contestants, but right now he's dating 4 of us...and even though I've only had a few one on one dates, I've never felt so connected before so I'm totally ready to get married!"

Seriously, if my kid had her as a teacher I would request my kid switch classes. I would never trust anyone's judgment who thinks this is the show for them.

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1 hour ago, Boo Boo said:

Am I the only one who hates when teachers have their students participate in this farce? If I were a parent I would say hell no to that.  I was embarrassed for her.  

I don't understand how they are HER students.  Wasn't this filmed during the school year?  Even with remote learning, teachers are TEACHING. 

And I thought the questions were scripted.  

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