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S25.E06: Week 6

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4 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Oh, Katie was a goner from the moment she said she would stay here until the end if he wanted her—and Matt looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

To be fair, Matt looking like a deer caught in the headlights might be his default expression. Please note the appropriate use of the word “like” in that sentence. 😜


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Heather is showing up in a wedding dress and Cinderella slippers. What could go wrong?

The ladies complain about the last two rose ceremonies being canceled—but are confident that they’ll have more time than ever tonight.

Cue the hysterics!

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5 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

massage therapists are licensed professionals and putting a professional in this position had to have been awkward.

Except it's more probable the "massage therapist" was one of Fleiss's PAs.

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1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

So wait, she said she just wanted to "meet" Matt, but it seems like they know each other? Why is this happening!?!

She is friends with Hannah B who is friends with Tyler C who is friends with Matt.  Their paths may have crossed at some point.  

1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

Except it's more probable the "massage therapist" was one of Fleiss's PAs.

Matt said she was a hired actor.  

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Hahahah this chick is going to be all "I cant believe they're all so mad at meeeeee!" when the other girls get pissed at her for showing up practically in a wedding dress to demand a place on the show over halfway through. And no Katie this time to play mediator! 

At least this might mean we can take a break from all of their petty rivalries to work together against a common enemy...and not the producers, its probably going to be Heather. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

Hahahah this chick is going to be all "I cant believe they're all so mad at meeeeee!" when the other girls get pissed at her for showing up practically in a wedding dress to demand a place on the show over halfway through.

Oh, she'll be fine. She was asked to come to the show, was given a script to follow. She was hired to put some DRAH-mah into this dreckful season. Only the b-ettes and Matt didn't know she was coming, CH and everyone else did. Although Matt sure knows who she is. He pretty much blew her scripted excuse for crashing the party, "I have to meet Matt before he choses his wife, I think I'm the one for him." Problem is, she and Matt have known each other for some time.

So much fakety fake BS.

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46 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Oh poor Katie got the but. That sucks, I like Katie a lot, she seems like a really cool person. Matt's loss I guess, Katie would probably get bored with him anyway. 

I’m the opposite. She reminds me of the girl in high school who would run to get a teacher if someone was smoking in the bathroom.  She’s attractive but not a head turner like a lot of the women.   She’s basic and not really the type men notice.  There will be a lot of pretending by the men if she’s the Bachelorette.  

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I find it interesting that seemingly out of nowhere, Serena C. confronted Katie about not being there for the right reason and now Katie is gone.  I would bet good money that the producers put her up to it.  In the early seasons, they used to show the Bachelor/ette in a room with pictures of the contestants and Chris would ask how he/she felt about certain contestants. I think that is still done, however, it's no longer shown.  Matt clearly couldn't see Katie as the one, so they decided to let her go out with a bang.  I hope Serena C. is next.  

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I've been semi-liking Serena C., but less as the weeks have gone by, and I guess it was her turn to play the mean girl now. I'm ready for her to go. I don't see the least bit of connection with Matt.

I still think Tyler is very cute, but the fakery of his prank massage was annoying. Whether the masseuse was really an actress or not, it would be crossing a very red line to perform those actions on someone who wasn't in on it.  Heather's "surprise" appearance, too--- yeah, Chris, go "up the hill" to "get clearance" about her obviously well-choreographed entrance. 

I think Pieper is beautiful, but as another poster said, when I see her name spelled out it forces me to think PIE-per instead of Piper. She's probably had to correct people all her life. 

I don't want to see Michelle complain about Heather's arrival as she herself was part of the revolving door of new girls. Is there anyone else left from the second batch besides Michelle?


ETA: I wish we had seen more of Magi. I don't remember her having any interaction with Matt, other than in one of those end-credit scenes. She must have a fascinating story, coming from Ethiopia and becoming a pharmacist. 

Edited by Arkay
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I'm tired of Heather already. 

Can I marry Katie? She seems great, lots of fun and generally pretty self assured. Serena's anger seemed to come out of nowhere (even Kit VOed that she didn't know why Serena was so pissed at Katie) and I appreciate that Katie had no fucks to give about whatever Serena was pissed about. I had a feeling, though, when she got the one on one that Matt was going to tell her I'm Just Not That Into You and send her home - he's seemed like he likes her well enough but never seemed as into her as some of the others (although I'm still baffled as to why/how Kit is still there). She'd make a fun bachelorette.  

The carnival date looked awesome, but did they go on any of the rides or just play the games? 

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Jimmy Kimmel just ran clips of Tyler and Matt that had me laughing out loud for real. (Literally LOL!) It pretty much cemented the spec here about Matt more happy to see Tyler than any one of the women.

It's my thought that whomever Matt chooses, if anyone, he ends up with Tyler after it's all over.

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

She is friends with Hannah B who is friends with Tyler C who is friends with Matt.  Their paths may have crossed at some point.  

Precisely why this whole set-up is so ridiculous. Hannah could have introduced Heather and Matt at any time outside of the show. If she was willing to test and quarantine to meet Matt anyway, why not do it without coming on The Bachelor? Could it be for the sake of appearing on TV and getting a free vacation at a resort? 

Matt's laugh when he saw Heather was clearly a laugh of recognition, and obviously he knew her name. You have to be smarter, show. 

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2 hours ago, rebel2u said:

Uh oh--The girls are being mean to Heather.

Where is self righteous tattletale Katie when you need her?

Probably in New York getting fitted to be the next Bachelorette.

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Gawd, it's like watching a bunch of middle school mean girls competing to be head cheerleader.  None of them are mature enough to get married.  At least not successfully.

The producer manipulation is so transparent now it takes all the fun out of it. Cue old love interest/prior contestant showing up to create 'the most dramatic season ever!'.  So lame.  So every season.  As if Heather could just show up without being quarantined ahead of time for days/weeks.  This show's slip is showing.

I do think it's hysterical the way they have them drive up probably for about fifty feet to make the entrance to whatever the drama or date of the moment is. 

When was the last time we actually got a legit two on one date? I don't recall one the last few seasons. Was the Jesenia vs MJ convo the two on one for this covid season?  I hope not. Unfortunately they can't actually strand anyone on those this season.

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It’s time to concede that Matt has been woefully miscast as The Bachelor.  Charm and guile are beyond his modest gifts.  Banter is thin on the ground.  Even basic physical attractiveness has been undone by his shrunken, folded-in body language and near-constant hangdog expression.  Humor, especially the self-deprecating kind, is absent.  Like others who can’t laugh at themselves, he’s ironically become a joke.  A consolation prize.

The silver lining:  Matt should attend the casting call for ‘America’s Next Top Funeral Director’ where his lame patter, frequent clasping of hands and licking of lips and eyes welling with tears would earn him high marks for fake sincerity.  And which casket were you thinking of, Mrs Jones?

Matt is still talking about ‘finding a wife’ as if shopping for a car battery.  The sugar-and-spice showdown between Jessenia and MJ is being resolved.  Jessenia is whispering intentionally, nodding her head like a drinking bird toy and playing the innocent which the gormless Matt eats up.  It’s the worst sort of telenovela except us poor English speakers can understand her insipid dialogue.

MJ has acquired Anna’s Palsy – a Bachelor-specific condition in which the facial muscles that enable smiling become paralyzed.  It’s all frowns and poker faces now from MJ who declares mental and emotional exhaustion.  That should really tickle any male’s fancy.

2-on-1 dates in which at least some fun was on offer have apparently been scotched in favor of a 2-on-1 dramafest with, inexplicably, a rose to be awarded.  What if both of them failed the test?  MJ is dispatched and Jessenia gloats a little too quickly and loudly after her dodgy dewy-eyed performance.

CH declares that Matt is also exhausted.  These people appear to be young and fit but apparently sitting on one’s backside is physically taxing for them.  Serena C is clearly an also-ran and a snake.  Rather than inflicting venomous bites, she’s a passive-aggressive constrictor determined to wrap herself around Katie and slowly stop Katie’s breathing.

Matt is apologizing.  Again.  This milquetoast says ‘sorry’ more often than your drunken sister-in-law who spilled red wine on your new carpet.  The RC is mercifully brief thanks to a dwindling number of Bachelorettes but not brief enough to spare us several vignettes of Ryan in floods of tears.  Have we seen Ryan and Matt alone together at all?  If not, it’s a rather extreme reaction to the Bachelor's head on a swivel and the (bad) luck of the draw.  Katie is more sinned against than sinner.  She may not be quite the Billy Budd figure but at least we can say she’s making the right enemies in Victoria and Serena C.  Katie lets her embrace linger but, sadly, it’s not long enough to keep Serena C from getting the last rose as Serena slots into the earache role vacated by Victoria.

The next morning begins with a headcount by the gimlet-eyed Katie as the rest contemplate the value of a one-on-one – always pronounced ‘wunawun’ in Bachelorese – and the odds of getting same.  Today it’s Pieper’s turn and that scraping sound you hear is Serena C gritting her teeth.  Another not-really-spontaneous encounter is staged and Katie must fend off another attack but at least the practice is keeping her sword edge keen.  Katie is becoming quite adept at identifying and dismissing false premises but Serena steams in with one anyway.  Nasty piece of work, that Serena, made worse by our familiarity with the archetype in workplaces, social settings and families.  Like Victoria, Serena goes for the self-soothing of stroking her hair – an unconscious signal of defeat.  Could anyone blame poor Abigail for reaching up and switching off her cochlear implant during this overlong set-to for a bit of quiet?

Meanwhile, a stunning blonde has arrived.  Heather from Colton’s season apparently.  Given Colton’s appalling Bachelor epilogue, she’s had a lucky escape.  But she’s been informed that she’s a perfect match for Matt.  So much for luck.

Chris Harrison, camera crew in tow (of course), comes to chat with Heather.  Insert Bachelor-themed joke about barriers going up and down.  While the lowly guard is masked up, Heather is not, making the surprise cited by Chris rather less surprising since they obviously intend for her to join the cast.  If Serena C thought Katie a threat she ain’t seen nothing as and when Blondie strides in.

Nemacolin founder Mr Hardy’s fleet of vehicles is getting its share of camera time.  First a red Porsche, now a white Benz war wagon.  A deserted and therefore rather spooky fun fair has been set up for the Turtleneck Twins.

Did I forget to FF my DVR?  Is this a mascara or a toothpaste commercial?  Oh wait – it’s neither.  It’s blonde Heather in her quarantine suite.  Carry on.

Back inside, Katie steals a march on Serena C and the rest for the ‘wunawun.’  Sorry, Serena, he’s just not that into you.  And neither are we, as it happens.

Pieper begins the Ritual Of Never Eaten Dinners by – what else? – crying.  It’s a particularly weepy season.  Matt’s already had so many declarations of love directed his way he might think he woke up as David Cassidy in 1972.  Speaking of pretty-boy musical types, Temecula Road (me neither) are here to entertain.  The male guitar-playing third of the act has the Gibson logo blacked out on what is obviously a Gibson Hummingbird acoustic – identifiably by the, er, hummingbird on the pickguard and Gibson's trademark holly inlay on the headstock.  But taping over logos and labels seems to be an obsession on the part of producers who are happy to traffic in ‘promotional consideration’ when it benefits them but not the other way round.

Next day’s group date is an old Bachelor chestnut – bowling.  A ‘big personality’ like Jenna Cooper of previous years isn’t here to entertain between frames but Serena C winding up on the losing side is worth a chuckle.   Alas, the blue team are given a reprieve but it’s just as well as we might get more of Rachael in her leather trousers.  Kit chimes in with the world’s most unenthusiastic ‘yay’ and Katie is nonplussed.

We really must ask if Matt’s wardrobe has, in fact, been filled with clothing from the 1977 Sears Wish book.  He’s got a floral shirt on that wouldn’t have been out of place on the Mike Douglas show.

Serena P is a bit of a dark horse – fair play to her for keeping herself to herself.  Everyone’s getting a face full of Matt – he’s really taking this ‘group date’ thing literally. 

Oh no – he’s reciting the winner’s podium positions again.  Is this a Matt invention or a producer invention?  Getting mentioned early may seem a good thing but it’s merely confirmation of runner-up status.  Matt hands the rose to Michelle but he may as well had her a plane ticket – she’s a dead cert for the last rounds.

Tyler and his ill-fitting t-shirt are here to greet Matt and to resupply him with cliches:  ‘stay open’…’just be you’…’walk away with no regrets.’  Matt’s Katie date begins with her working those dimples for all they’re worth.  Katie originally introduced herself in risqué fashion and Matt’s labored explanation of the day spa date sounds increasingly like an invitation to join a threesome with lunkhead Tyler – Katie’s expression is priceless and her relief is palpable when she learns it’s merely a prank.  The dinner date has Matt in more tragically awful clothing – this time it’s a sparkly gold sweater from the last season of The Rockford Files.

Katie is speechifying.   Matt looks confused.  Perhaps there are too many words of more than one syllable being used.   Matt picks up the rose but doesn’t offer it.  Now Katie looks confused.  Now Katie is being driven away.  And looks even more confused.  You were plucky to the last, pet.

Serena C has just a few minutes to exult over her vanquished rival before a Rival with a capital R enters in the form of a knockout blonde in a knockout white dress.  Heather interrupts Pieper whose eyes scan up and down like an X-ray machine.  An angry vein pops out across her forehead and she returns to the great hall to inform the others.  And for once, that hissing sound isn’t from the cymbals in the musical accompaniment.  It’s from the cats as they unsheath their claws ready to draw blood from Heather.

Edited by Rainsong
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1 hour ago, atlanticslide said:

I'm still baffled as to why/how Kit is still there.

I didn’t like Kit at all in the beginning, but she has really grown on me.  At 21, she seems more mature than many of the older women.

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4 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Are they going squatch hunting? What a carnival in the middle of the woods?! Who’s going to stop the rides so they can get on them? 

All the carnivals were canceled due to covid, so a carnival company was happy to put up some rides.  Carnival rides have to be inspected, though, so maybe it was all for show. They just did the game booth.

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The big question...have any of the contestants figured out that all this fake drama means that this season is boooring?

Matt leans away from half the women he's talking with...he's definitely transparent with the body language.

I could look at Tyler all day long, but just in what I saw tonight, I wasn't that impressed. Granted, it was a short brotacular visit, but he said "like" more than the girls did. Its a total pet peeve of mine (and I used to say it all the time when I was younger). I wasn't really paying attention to HB's season so maybe he came off more intelligent there. 

The carnival date was the best one so far. 

Matt does not seem like a bad guy, but he just doesn't translate well on TV. Maybe he's introverted, maybe he's just uncomfortable, I don't know. He definitely lit up with Tyler. 

[People make fun of his kissing all the time, but every time he laughs, it sounds SO fake. Poor Matt, lol.]

But seeing all these women break into tears and angst over not getting time with him was just hilariously pathetic tonight. Maybe it's just the absurdity of this whole show in the middle of a global pandemic or because we've seen so little chemistry between Matt and any of the women with all the focus on the mean girls, but it just struck me as more pathetic than usual.

I'm so embarrassed for these women.

Serena deciding to go for the pro mean girl stance..interesting choice. Even mean girl adjacent Kit couldn't understand what her issue was.

Run far from this show, Magi and Katie! You're free now.

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4 hours ago, DEL901 said:

The process didn’t work for Tyler.  He didn’t even get invited to the fantasy suite.   

The process made him famous and even gave him the opportunity to date Gigi Hadid for a couple of weeks. It worked exactly how Tyler wanted it to work.

3 hours ago, Katie111 said:

I also like non-Asian Serena.

Both Serenas are Asian. Serena P. is half-Indian.

3 hours ago, EllenB said:

I think I read that her fancy clothes were all borrowed or thrift finds. I want to see more of her in a better situation.

I've read that some of the women spend tens of thousands of dollars on clothes to wear on the show, so props to Katie for being more sensible than that.

55 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I do think it's hysterical the way they have them drive up probably for about fifty feet to make the entrance to whatever the drama or date of the moment is.

I thought so too at first, but now the short glimpses of fancy German cars have become the highlight of each episode for me.

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7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

They aren't even trying to hide the stupid producer manipulation anymore, this is just embarrassing. It was bad enough when they brought in a bunch of new women for drama's sake, but if they set up this "this rando shows up from Colton's season and wont leave unless we change every rule this franchise has ever had to let her in super late into the season" scenario and go with it, I am going to throw something. Or, more likely, the women in the house are. 

Colton's season is a bit of a blur, no wonder I forgot her. I started tuning out a bit after the 87th virgin joke. 

My theory is they were considering her for the next Bachelorette or Bachelor in Paradise and wanted more camera footage of her to decide.  I vote no on both counts, but I am an ornery old cuss.

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Matt is wearing the “fast food teenage worker scowl of perpetual indifference”.

I mean, I don’t necessarily blame him, but he and I should not be sporting the same look when watching what is happening....

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9 hours ago, Thumper said:

I think Tyler would have noticed or felt “man hands” after the female “massage therapist’s” hands.

I would have jumped through the roof if he crept up on me like Nosferatu and laid those space alien hands on me. I have weird long fingers, but his are twice as long and it’s creepy as hell. Now I know why people are creeped out over my hands. 

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I get so annoyed that the Bachelor both thinks we want to see a love story and that we also need unnecessary drama.  First of all, we never get to see a love story anymore because they cloud the show with the stupidest interruptions and think that people enjoy it.  All you have to do is look at any other social media and you see people saying the same things we do here-- get rid of Heather, we don't care, etc.  

And the drama they add in just makes it like one of those dreams that you never accomplish what you want to because you can't make it to your destination--there is always something stopping you or in the way.

I think they need to decide what they want.  Either let us see some relationships form or make it another type of show altogether.  But we have had enough this season.  Bringing Heather on is just stupid, and noone cares.  They must think Matt is very boring if they have to keep adding things to liven the show up.

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7 hours ago, Rainsong said:

We really must ask if Matt’s wardrobe has, in fact, been filled with clothing from the 1977 Sears Wish book.  He’s got a floral shirt on that wouldn’t have been out of place on the Mike Douglas show.


Rainsong, this is hilarious. The Mike Douglas show! A blast from the very distant past.  


7 hours ago, Rainsong said:

Did I forget to FF my DVR?  Is this a mascara or a toothpaste commercial?  Oh wait – it’s neither.  It’s blonde Heather in her quarantine suite.  Carry on.


Did they have to set the camera filter on blinding light? Ouch. If they want Heather for the Bachelorette they sure are not helping her case by making her terribly annoying. 

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Random thought but I hate when women jump up to hug and wrap their legs around the man.  It’s so cliche.  Katie did it twice.  It always seems like the older contestants are let go.  Katie is 29 which is very young but it seems like 23 year olds are the norm.  
So we are supposed to believe that someone that looks like Heather, or anyone for that matter, has to drive onto a set to meet Matt because he is such a catch.  There is nobody else out there for her?  It’s so ridiculous yet many people believe it.  I think some viewers are that gullible.  I’m speaking about people I know. 

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@CrazyDogThanks for validating the Matt's kissing technique is talked about by others!  It's really strange and I cringe every time he plants one!!!I

He curls up his lips, opens his mouth and sucks her in!  Uggg!

I've watched every Bachelor show but this is a first I've been so focused on 'the kiss'!

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I have to give Tyler credit . He could have easily been the bachelor anytime after Hannah’s season , but chose not to be . Hell , he could still be the bachelor whenever he wants .  I’m guessing he blew up so much in followers and getting deals after Hannah’s season that he didn’t really need to be the lead plus one of the biggest supermodels in the world was hanging out with him . But I’ll still give him credit for not being the biggest famewhore like the others because he’s laid pretty low since his season , and being the lead usually shoots you in the foot because people love the person until they become the lead , then they are automatically “ boring” or not doing a good enough job . 

Very off topic , but Katie resembles Jenna Fischer so much to me . They have very different coloring but similar facial features . I like Katie and think she would make a good lead . She has a good personality and no idea why that girl ( Serena ?) was coming after her for standing up to bullies. 

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I liked Heather well enough on her first season, but going from "Never Been Kissed" to "Only Getting Kissed By Colton" seems to have jarred something loose in her brain pan.  I'm not sure there's a way to make her not look nuts, but if there is, production didn't find it.

I'm getting exhausted by the pretense that she just showed up out of the blue and shocked everyone.

  • That was NOT security camera footage. And why would you have two security cameras in the guard shack anyway?
  • Chris is not that good an actor.
  • She showed up because Hannah B said they'd be a good match? I wouldn't trust Hannah B to help me pick a shower curtain, much less a life partner. Unless I wasn't worried about my shower curtain having another bathroom on the side.
  • Matt, who never watched the show before and never met Heather in real life, knew her name when she walked in.

If they had showed Heather driving up on like ep 2, then every week we get some deranged video from Heather In Quarantine, it could have at least been fun.  But no.  I understand now why Mr Hannah G said they did her wrong.

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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

But I’ll still give him credit for not being the biggest famewhore like the others because he’s laid pretty low since his season , and being the lead usually shoots you in the foot because people love the person until they become the lead , then they are automatically “ boring” or not doing a good enough job . 

Yes, having Gigi Hadid into you makes the Bachelor route unnecessary. But also, after the Gigi thing ended, Tyler's mom had an aneurysm and passed away last spring right before the pandemic hit. She was still in her 50s so he's been dealing with a lot emotionally in the past year.  They were close, and he has two younger brothers who he's been sticking to because of everything.

However, it was kind of a thing that Matt James was not initially supportive of Tyler and Hannah B. getting back together after she dumped him at Final 2. But Hannah came down to Jupiter for the funeral and she and Matt James befriended each other and Hannah ended up living with Matt and Tyler during the quarantine. Hannah and Heather are besties so that is how Matt knows Heather. But yeah. Heather could have met Matt before if she really wanted to. Maybe Matt just didn't want to. Anyway, they were all over Instagram as they styled themselves the Quarantine Crew. So if you were looking for Tyler and Matt content it was all over the place.


Edited by TheFinalRose
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Matt needs to quit kissing on TV.  We don't want to watch.  He opens his mouth and tries to suck in the woman's face while keeping his eyes open.  It reminds me of Rodney & Desiry on Marrying Millions.  I hate the camera on them when they kiss.  Yuck!

I did see Jimmy Kimmel with his clip of Tyler & Matt.  It was hilarious.  It is so true how that is the happiest we have seen Matt.

I think Katie friend-zoned herself with Matt early on.  He kept her around because he was comfortable with her.  It was like having his buddy around.  But the chemistry was not there.  I almost think she is too old for him.  He needs someone immature like himself.

Some people get more attractive as you get to know them.  Sadly for Matt he is the opposite.  I am really wondering why I ever found him attractive at first.  All his flaws are just out there in the open.  He does not have the charisma to be the leading man.  He works better as the sidekick like with Tyler.  

I miss the 2 on 1 dates.  They seem to do them less often as the seasons go on.  I have always enjoyed them.  I would rather watch those than the one on one dates.  I found myself wondering last night if Matt had to keep Pieper around because the band was in the next room.  What happens if he sends her home?  Does he have to go in the next room and listen to the music alone?

Mean Serena sure seemed upset with Katie.  I think she might have been feeling guilty.  She probably laughed along with the mean girls and was scared Katie knew it.  She wanted Katie gone before she could rat her out.  I don't even remember Matt and Serena C spending alone time together.  Not sure why she thinks they have a connection.

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3 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I would have jumped through the roof if he crept up on me like Nosferatu and laid those space alien hands on me. I have weird long fingers, but his are twice as long and it’s creepy as hell.

This made me laugh so hard, I surprised myself. Thanks for making SOMETHING about this episode funny.

Best read this morning, though, goes to @Rainsong, for another brilliant post and the use of "gormless" in a sentence. Bravo!

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3 hours ago, alexa said:

And the drama they add in just makes it like one of those dreams that you never accomplish what you want to because you can't make it to your destination--there is always something stopping you or in the way.

LOL  Alexa! You must have been watching my dreams through my vaccine microchip.  Let me know if you find out my locker combination.

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13 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Katie wore a down puffer coat for her romantic date.  l like her more now.  

Katie also wore a rumpled loose mockneck sweater that completely concealed her assets.  A little cleavage might have saved her.  In an interview before her date, Katie said that she was a "good person" and that's why Matt had picked her.  She seems to have been under the illusion that women on the show are chosen for their virtue and moral fiber.  This would explain why she was also so invested in ratting people out.

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