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S12.E11: Love Him and Leave Them

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14 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

She's got a short video of the proposal on her Instagram account.  She looked so happy and truly surprised!!   I'm hoping that Bravo & Andy were kind to her about leaving.  I understand that she had a contract, but because of the nature of her relationship with Scott, I agree with Tinsley that she needed to act on her own instincts and make the move at that time.  This show was certainly not worth hanging around NYC for, especially with how she was treated this past season.  Who needs that shit when you've got happiness waiting a few states over!! 

Both Bravo and Andy posted nice messages on her IG account tonight.  Sonja made a complete ass out of herself under the same post tonight.  

Leah and Tinsley are on WWHL tonight.  I’m wondering how long it takes Dorinda to drag Tinsley while she’s on.  

Sonja really should be on her last lap this season. 

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I'm very happy for Tinsley.  AND jealous!  But being jealous of a nice person is kind of fun, because she deserves it.  She's a nice person, and she deserves happiness.  That's how my Pollyanna brain works.

Can Bethenny come back?  That's my selfish moment.

Whoa was that Leah's vagina in the preview?  LOL

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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22 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I’m wondering how long it takes Dorinda to drag Tinsley while she’s on.

She’s been tweeting nasty stuff towards Tins and Ramona since the show aired tonight. Hilariously, from those tweets, tonight I found out that Dorinda can not spell the word “pivot.” Perhaps if she got off her high horse for a second and got a dictionary she would realize that neither “pivet” nor “privet” make sense for  Ramona’s behavior. Either that or I’m wrong and essentially hashtagging someone being a type of shrub is a super sick burn? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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That blue gift bag Ramona was carrying when they met at Blood Manor...what was up with that?  One minute Ramona had it, then Sonja, and then at some point before drinks it disappeared altogether

Was Leah wearing a see through top lace top with nothing underneath it when she was in the apartment with Tinsley and Dale?  

52 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Sonja is trying to hone in on Ramona’s party for free.  So tacky.  Every year Ramona has a birthday party, and she was never asked to share with Sonja before.

My thoughts exactly. I was glad Ramona is the way she is and was immediately able to shut that down. Let Dorinda throw Sonja a party if she feels so strongly about it.  

Dorinda was totally obnoxious during that party planning segment.  Again carrying on because she had to travel outside of her Manhattan bubble.  It's like a 45 minute trip and it was during a job she gets paid for.  

I really want to have a look inside Sonja's refrigerator and cabinets.  What does she eat when the show is not filming? Production has been making a point of showing her chow down this season whenever there is food available.  

Leah won't have to wait too long to be a cougar.  She's only 2 or 3 years away from 40.   She never passes up an opportunity to play the ageism game which is one of the primary reasons I dislike her on this show. 


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Bye Tinsley, good luck and happy trails.  I hope you get what you want in Chicago.  I hope you and your suitcases of ‘glam’ apparatus and your crates of glue on spider lashes live happily ever after in Scott’s Koupon Kabin  Kingdom.  I am beyond thrilled that I will not be watching you screeching like a 5 year old, or alternately, twirling with tutus and tiaras like a 5 year old anymore.  I am also eternally grateful I won’t be seeing Tinsley’s “Mommmmeeee”, Dale, the Stepford Wife prototype, again.  

Romona’s Bday extravaganzas get more cringey every season.  This year’s theme is her ‘coming out party’ because she’s coming out as single???  Huh? Hasn’t she been single for a while?  She’s been “out” troweling every bar and screwing every man she nabs on the UES for several years already!   Why can’t she just be honest and tell the clucking hens to STFU, “I am throwing myself an extravagant, over the top catered affair to make up for my horrible childhood. I am inviting dozens of female acquaintances so I can surround myself with imaginary BFF’s to keep reminding myself people really like me.  It’s my party, and I will self-promote if I want to!”

It probably costs more than I'll make in a lifetime, but damn, Leah’s apartment is small! That kitchen is so tiny...I could never cook or bake in there like I do in my kitchen! And mine is only 8’x8’, but I have good counter space.

UGH! Why do we have to watch Luann’s behind-the-scenes cabaret crap?  Bad singing was one thing, but now we will subjected to bad comedy?  If those auditions were any indication, I’d say it’s more of a ca-BORE-ay show! (Thank you, I’m here all week! Try the veal!)


Edited by BusyOctober
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7 minutes ago, ichbin said:

Leah won't have to wait too long to be a cougar.  She's only 2 or 3 years away from 40.   She never passes up an opportunity to play the ageism game which is one of the primary reasons I dislike her on this show. 

Calling a woman a cougar is ageist and sexist in itself.  There's no such term for a 40 year old man.  I didn't take her making that crack as being ageist.   She was joking and saying she was aspiring to be like them.

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19 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I miss Bethenny.  She would’ve asked Tinsley a bunch of rapid fire questions about the decision to get back with Scott, but no way in hell would she have fallen in line with Dorinda.  

LOL yup.  Asking questions and interrupting people when they try to answer, that's her thing!  (I miss her too)

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3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I’m on Moaners side on this one. If you don’t want to share your birthday party with someone you shouldn’t have to. Shut up Dorinda. 

I have a very dear and idiosyncratic friend whose birthday is the day after mine and he always wants to co-host a party, and every year I decline! I am a Ramona about my birthday (I think it’s because I am a twin and a summer baby), but I also love parties where everyone mingles and does their own thing while my friend’s parties every year have a theme and an itinerary. Dorinda was being ridiculous. HOWEVER, she was cracking me up with how exasperated she was the whole time, because it was such a Ramona move to invite her and Sonja and then not tell them that the warehouse is an hour away in Long Island until they’re in the car! (Dorinda: I would have brought my contacts!)

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4 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Yeah, but it would have been all about how Bethenny is taking up for Tinsley, and Bethenny thinks Tinsley deserves a break, and Bethenny feels bad for Tinsley - it's always all about Bethenny all the time - even when she's pretending it's about other people... (can you tell I don't miss her haha)

I’m an unapologetic Bethenny fan.   All of the woman are self absorbed.  

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Luann totally did that guy in the bathroom at Boutique. Isn’t that what “I used to party with you at Boutique” means? Her cringey body language was funny.

Dale needs to put her doll down. Her doll would be  Tinsley. I love Tinsley I want her life (so does Dorinda) and she looks happy. Her mom limits her independence. Cut it out Dale. 

Dorinda is a drunk angry bitch. Bitches can’t even be happy for Tinsley ! The age difference between Tinsley and Leah versus the others is not working . 


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I enjoyed this episode. While there was a fair amount of drinking, there was not so much out and out drunkenness. And despite what we may think about the various “businesses” of the housewives, it was so much more interesting to see Lu’s cabaret planning and Sonja’s “fashion” line planning than the usual drunken screeching fights.

Two thoughts:

1. Although Lu, Ramona and Sonja made nice with Tins in the end, I couldn’t help thinking that something must have happened behind the scenes for them all to be so dismissive of Tinsley’s relationship with Scott. I don’t think it was just jealousy.
2. Why do so many of them think that Sonja must be cared for? Lu is including Sonja in her act as a “good thing”.  Dorinda thinks Ramona needs to make the birthday party Ramona is planning and paying for a joint party with Sonja. I think Ramona probably does have more friends in teal life than the others have.


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When Tinsley talks about Scott to the other ladies it is like high school boyfriend drama, break up, sort of get back together, rinse and repeat and the ladies a bit weary of it so while I don't blame them for being over it they did not have to follow Dorinda's lead and pile on and dismiss it out loud.

Tins may be officially engaged but are their wedding plans in the works?  Maybe when People has photo's of the wedding Dorinda will lay off of her.

Ramona and that birthday party, she does this every year why is this news to Sonya and Dorinda? It is a day that is all about Ramona, she is not looking to share the spotlight.  I thought that guy that showed up at the bar (during drinks with Tinsley and Lu) was the party planner...something quite creepy about him and that guy behind him was weirdly making sure he was in the shot.

Are we not getting Halloween at Bluestone Manor this year?


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58 minutes ago, janiema said:

1. Although Lu, Ramona and Sonja made nice with Tins in the end, I couldn’t help thinking that something must have happened behind the scenes for them all to be so dismissive of Tinsley’s relationship with Scott. I don’t think it was just jealousy.

They're all vying for wedding invitations because you know there will be a proper raw bar at cocktail hour.

But seriously though, I think your assumption is correct. Tinsley just traded one gilded cage for another. She never talks about what a great person he is or anything genuine about him. She just says "I love Scott. I want Scott." I think she loves and wants the trappings of the cage he offered her. Anybody with money can lure someone with the promises of a closet and a glam room and an over the top proposal. That don't impress me much. I mean, if he hates the spotlight so much, what does she need a glam room for if they're going to lead a life out of it, really. 

What really bothers me is he told her to get on a plane and come to Chicago with the dogs and she ran. And everyone thinks that's so great. Why didn't he get on a plane and go to her? That's what a real gentleman would do. I *do think he's controlling and I see a lot of his actions with the grand gestures and the ultimatum in my own experiences with narcissistic ex-boyfriends, and I have a lot of expensive jewelry to prove it. He's no prince charming. If he was truly in love with her, he would have never let her go in the first place. 

I agree there is a degree of jealousy with the other women because she's still young and fit and pretty. And she's also worth more than what she's settling for, and I think they see that. But the problem is she's never stood on her own two feet, and to be honest, I don't think she ever wanted to. I'm just surprised how impressed the general population is with Scott, and that I'm one of the few people on here who sees through it. 

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11 hours ago, laprin said:

I think they are always jealous when a woman can afford to walk away from the show. They debase themselves weekly to keep that apple. Lu, Dorinda and Ramona don’t have better options that can pay their bills. 

LuAnns cabaret act doesn’t look too promising.  She’s resorting to Sonja taking her dress off.  It doesn’t look like she has too many things to work with.

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Sonja getting into Century 21 is a big deal.  It put to rest all the questions Bethenny and her team had for Sonja in seasons seven and eight.  But I won’t believe it until the products are actually on the shelves and turning a profit.  Still, it’s the best development for Sonja in half a dozen seasons.  

I rewatched the episode, and I couldn’t believe how gauche half the cast was acting...

Luann is one step away from becoming a grifter.  She wants Sonja to do her cabaret, but only wants to pay her a stipend for hair and makeup?  This is some Real Housewives of Atlanta, Kim vs Kandi shit right here.  Like, you can’t ask someone to perform for you and not pay them.  That’s not how any of this works.  Luann has been cheap since season three when she left Bethenny with the bill for the surfing lessons.  Then, again, in the season when Bethenny was bleeding, Luann met Bethenny at a restaurant, talked over her a mile a minute, and left Bethenny with the tab for the drinks.  That is not acceptable at all, and shows really poor character to me.  

Luann is a taker, and I really think a lot of this stems back to her childhood when she was one of seven children and she had to scrape and claw to get anywhere, and it’s really time to grow a little, because you’re not in that home in Berlin, CT with nine people sharing one bathroom anymore, Lu.

I also thought it was very crass of the party planner to expect Dorinda and Sonja to get into a picture with him and Ramona so that he could post it to social media so that he could build his business on their names when all he had given them was macaroons.  Ramona said she was getting a deal on the party, so of course she should have helped the guy’s social media campaign, but if I were Dorinda or Sonja, I never would have pimped that guy’s product for free, and the way he so casually demanded they do it, like, “Hey, Sonja and Dorinda, come over here.  We need a picture for social media” was gross.  He couldn’t even be bothered to ask.  

All these people have to learn elegance (ma friends!)

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Every week the Beverly Hills gals sit at tables laden with scrumptious food and take not one single bite.  They should invite Sonja sometime as guest.  Free food is her jam. I bet she loves Costco.

Tins, you’re a pretty girl, but lose the heavy fake lashes. I think they’re finally going out of style now (along with claw like fake nails hopefully).


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10 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Bye Tinsley, good luck and happy trails.  I hope you get what you want in Chicago.  I hope you and your suitcases of ‘glam’ apparatus and your crates of glue on spider lashes live happily ever after in Scott’s Koupon Kabin  Kingdom.  I am beyond thrilled that I will not be watching you screeching like a 5 year old, or alternately, twirling with tutus and tiaras like a 5 year old anymore.  I am also eternally grateful I won’t be seeing Tinsley’s “Mommmmeeee”, Dale, the Stepford Wife prototype, again.  

Romona’s Bday extravaganzas get more cringey every season.  This year’s theme is her ‘coming out party’ because she’s coming out as single???  Huh? Hasn’t she been single for a while?  She’s been “out” troweling every bar and screwing every man she nabs on the UES for several years already!   Why can’t she just be honest and tell the clucking hens to STFU, “I am throwing myself an extravagant, over the top catered affair to make up for my horrible childhood. I am inviting dozens of female acquaintances so I can surround myself with imaginary BFF’s to keep reminding myself people really like me.  It’s my party, and I will self-promote if I want to!”

It probably costs more than I'll make in a lifetime, but damn, Leah’s apartment is small! That kitchen is so tiny...I could never cook or bake in there like I do in my kitchen! And mine is only 8’x8’, but I have good counter space.

UGH! Why do we have to watch Luann’s behind-the-scenes cabaret crap?  Bad singing was one thing, but now we will subjected to bad comedy?  If those auditions were any indication, I’d say it’s more of a ca-BORE-ay show! (Thank you, I’m here all week! Try the veal!)


Haha .. that guy promoting her says she started Cabaret?  Is he for real ?  She believes him too.

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40 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I'm just surprised how impressed the general population is with Scott, and that I'm one of the few people on here who sees through it. 

I’m not impressed with Scott either, but it took me awhile to see how strange the situation is.  I never thought he was a good looking guy.  He seems bland to me.  I think it shows a lack of boundaries that his first date with Tinsley lasted five days and then he dumped her like a hot potato.  Everyone said at the time that Tinsley wanted a husband and Scott wanted a girlfriend, which is what made them incompatible, and I guess there is some evidence of that.  

Let’s look at Tinsley’s history:  her first marriage had to be annulled (before she got remarried and divorced) because Tinsley and Topper weren’t allowed to be married at boarding school.  Very strange.  Then she’s arrested for trespassing on Nico Fanjul’s property when there was an order of protection against her (that she claims to have not known about) at the age of 40.  Then there was Chad, who was 23, who Tinsley met, jumped in his lap and made out with and went on more dates with serious PDA.  Later on that season, she continued that MO with Scott, and last season she did the same thing with a guy Bethenny introduced her to in Miami.  That’s a lot of baggage going on.  

On this episode, I realized how unhealthy this dynamic between the two of them is.  The chyron told us that Dorinda’s tea party had been “last week,” which was when Tinsley was very upset that the trip to Niagara Falls had been revealed because she was completely convinced this thing with Scott wasn’t going to work out.  

The next week she is moving to Chicago and saying if she doesn’t take this opportunity “now,” she’ll regret it?  So, as of last week, Tinsley was emphatic she and Scott weren’t seeing each other, and this week she has to run like a thief in the night to be with him in Chicago?  It doesn’t make any sense to me.  It sounds like Scott is telling her “jump,” and she’s saying “how high?”

I don’t give Tinsley the benefit of the doubt that she is an adult and she knows what is best, because as I outlined above, she has made some really poor relationship choices as an adult.  Do I care?  Does it keep me up at night?  Nooo...but this is a reality show, so I comment on the reality I see on my screen and I form predictions and make opinions.  I think Luann’s relationship with Tom was unhealthy, and I can name a thousand different reasons, and of course it’s their choice, but I still get to comment on it.  If I knew any of them in real life, I would keep my opinions to myself, but I would also create distance.  I wouldn’t want to be there for the fallout.  

I’m not even going to get into the pathology that would have to take place for Tinsley to be jumping at the opportunity to be with Scott in order to get away from the toxic women on the show.  If Tinsley, at 44, can’t walk away from an unfavorable situation without a man waiting in the wings to swoop her up, then I have no words.  

Excellent point made up thread about whether a date has been set.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they wound up not marrying at all.  What has changed with Scott?   We don’t know, because Tinsley doesn’t talk about it.  And if they do marry, I’m not sure I see the marriage lasting more than a couple of years.  I doubt these two will grow old together.  I have a feeling that Tinsley Mortimer will be trying to make yet another comeback in New York in her early fifties.  

These are all just predictions.  I hope they get married and live happily ever after.  I hope I’m wrong.  I have just never seen this relationship have a healthy moment.  Way too much breaking up and getting back together over a period of years for me to think there’s something lifelong and lasting here.  I also don’t know why she professes to love him, the same way that Luann didn’t really have good reasons as to why she thought she and Tom were a good fit when asked at the season eight reunion.  And their marriage lasted seven months.  Too many parallels here for me not to see a red flag.

 I think it was at the season ten reunion that Andy asked if Tinsley and Scott were seeing other people while they were apart and Tinsley said that Scott was seeing other people, and she just had to be mature about this one thing for the first time in her life.  Scott was like 37 at the time, about 15 years too old to need to sow his wild oats before settling down.  The fact that Scott was seeing other people when Tinsley was waiting in the wings means that he had a problem settling down with her, specifically, and It wasn’t because he was too busy to date, or too mentally unhealthy to date, or too wounded from a past relationship, etc.  So, given that there is no evidence that Scott has changed since then, because Tinsley doesn’t talk about him (she’ll talk about her feelings for him, but she would rarely talk about Scott), I am left to the conclusion that this is a bad idea.  Given that an engagement is not a legal arrangement, I wouldn’t believe there had been a solid change unless they walk down the aisle.  And even then I still put it at less than 50-50.

Selfishly, I want it to be a good idea and for them to ride off into the wild blue yonder so that she doesn’t come back to RHNYC like Bethenny, but there is too much from Tinsley’s past with Scott and other partners that give me pause.  I get the impression that a lot of the decisions Tinsley makes are alcohol-fueled.  I think she’d be a much different person if she didn’t drink so much and I would trust her decisions more. 

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12 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

I honestly believe he was self-conscious about being filmed and didn’t want his personal business in the show, which Tins basically confirmed last year.

IIRC, Scott called her when she was at a dinner party with the ladies (back when Bethenny was still on the show) and he didn't want to have a conversation over the phone with her being on camera.  Correct me if my memory has failed me again!!

5 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Does anyone know how Tinsley & Scott are doing?  I don’t have Instagram or Twitter.

I check her Instagram page from time to time, but up until this episode was shown, she was very quiet about their relationship.  I'm sure she wasn't allowed to spoil anything on social media. 

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14 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Wait. I don’t understand how, if it only required a few minutes of sleuthing here, the buyers at Century 21 didn’t realize they could contact alibaba directly.

It's not to have a way to source the clothes for less, it's more to "glam-up" their image, I guess (Yes, I know 😄, but seen with through my professional background in MKTG & COMM here, in Europe, that makes sense, lol !)

Edited by Diane Mars
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2 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

IIRC, Scott called her when she was at a dinner party with the ladies (back when Bethenny was still on the show) and he didn't want to have a conversation over the phone with her being on camera.  Correct me if my memory has failed me again!!

The ladies made Tins call Scott despite her saying how mad he would be. She did it and yes, you’re correct, he didn’t want to have a conversation over the phone while she was on camera. Can’t blame him. 

From her IG and WWHL appearance, Tins and Scott seem happy and she has no regrets. Good for her. I appreciate that she gives credit for the life she has now to the show and credits Carole for the introduction despite Carole’s denial of their friendship. It’s ok though since Sonja is taking full credit for everything, as she does.

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