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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Nina is supposedly doing a story for Crimson.  A story about Nixon Falls.  She could be shown calling in to the office briefly, which would help.  The story is drawn out enough to make one forget.  

A person who has the marker will definitely get the disease, then?  I recall Arlo Guthrie was at risk for it.  Maybe that was before the marker could be tested for.  Now per google, Arlo does not have the gene, so he must have gotten tested.  He had two sisters who died of it, though.  

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5 minutes ago, Kim0820 said:

A person who has the marker will definitely get the disease, then? 

Yes.  I don't know what the usual life expectancy is, but Faison lived for-fucking-ever AND it's a soap, so I don't think Britt necessary will be dying anytime soon.

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9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Prior to her Huntington’s test, the doctor diagnosed her tremors as being caused by something else. Sorry, I can’t remember what. But it wasn’t Huntington’s. That’s when she decided to go ahead and have the test, to see if this was something she still needed to dread.

I still think they’re telegraphing a tragic death for Britt. There’s been too many “as long as I live” anvils, and her demise would give Jason something to brood about. I’d be shocked if she survived the summer. Maybe if Brason 2.0 is popular enough they’ll stretch her story into next year. I like KT, so I hope they change their minds and keep her around. 

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You know, I really liked yesterday's (Tuesday) episode because it looked like we are finally turning things up on Peter stuff (I ff'd through Nixon Falls though) and it felt like a tense episode. I'm not sure why the writers kept Maxie's circle small with her attempted getaway. She should have involved Robert, Mac, Spinelli and any other ally (though I can see why she didn't trust Anna), instead of the harebrained scheme with Brooklyn

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Jesus. I just saw Scarlett Fernandez' (Charlotte) tweet from yesterday.  Holy crap, poor kid. No feeding herself, or doing anything that requires privacy. I guess Charlotte will be "thrilled about her new sibling" from upstairs in her room, for a long time. 

Count me in on the Jason-Britt Love Train. I'm also hoping that if the writers had thoughts about KT being a short term return that ends tragically, that they are rethinking their position. SB hasn't shown this much interest in a pairing since....I don't know when. If Britt's fucking father can live with Huntington's long enough to torture everyone, Britt can continue for awhile as well. 

Christ on a cracker, is Snidley Whiplash McSmirk going to eat a bullet anytime soon? I'm sooooooo weary of The Peter Show. 


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13 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:


The kiss...was fine?  But did anyone else thinking the lighting of it was weird?  Our holy hitman's face was bathed in light while Britt's was almost completely in shadow.

That seems like perfect symbolism for how the show views Jason and any woman who unfortunately gets attached to him (except Robin.)

22 hours ago, perkie1968 said:


Jason and Britt, sitting in a tree.  K.I.S.S.I.N.G.  And not Covid kissing either.  I'm starting to feel cheated out of my NAva lovin'.  

I'm so pissed about this. Nava was the one pairing I would be excited to see go back to normal and not this "fade to black" kissing stuff. Not that I blame Maura West or MC if they're still feeling nervous about COVID and would prefer to be cautious.

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13 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Prior to her Huntington’s test, the doctor diagnosed her tremors as being caused by something else. Sorry, I can’t remember what.

He said that there was a possibility that her tremors was caused by stress but he could not rule out HD, presumably because he didn't do a genetic test.

90% of HD is heredity, and up to 10% is random gene mutation. It is a dominant gene which means that you only need to get it from one parent (as opposed to a disease like cystic fibrosis when you need the gene from each parent).

When it was discovered that Faison had HD, Obrecht wanted Britt to get tested, and Britt reported back that she doesn't have it. In the current storyline, Britt told Jason that she didn't get tested after all, she was too afraid to and just told her mother that she didn't have it.  That's not uncommon, some people just don't want to know. I remember when I working on an undergrad paper and was surprised that the author of some of my references stated publicly that she wasn't going to be tested because she didn't want to know.

Onset of HD is usually ages 30 - 50 which Britt hits. Prognosis is 15 - 20 years from onset of symptoms and affect mental as well as physical abilities. There are treatments that can ameliorate it but no cure.

Why couldn't Peter be the one who inherited it instead?

14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ok, maybe it’s my own fault for only half watching this POS while doing other things, but what happened in the stairwell??

It hasn't happened yet. Yesterday's show opened with "Six hours previous" to the fall down the stairs. I hope Peter broke his neck.

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On 5/25/2021 at 5:18 AM, Asp Burger said:

Aw, Braising are getting a Liason club remix. Jason's going to ease Britt's troubles by helping her paint uh, examine the wind? Diagnose the wind? Consult on the wind?

Not even close. The "paint the wind" idea started because Elizabeth wanted rides on Jason's motorcycle when she was a teenager mourning Lucky.  Jason and Britt were talking about the peace of nature, not focusing on wind.  They got into that situation because they've been working together for months, and now are on the run. Elizabeth started to get close to Jason when she knew him mostly as her best friend's brother. Britt and Jason don't have that kind of history.

21 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

...when was the last time Jason had an actual onscreen kiss?  I truly cannot remember

Which makes me wonder if Steve Burton  just doesn't like kissing the actress who plays Sam?

I assume the last time was a half-assed/unenthusiastic kiss Sam/Kelly. I assume they're not just not friends and were still way over doing love scenes together when Burton returned.

Contrast that with Jason's "I want you" looks and maneuvers with Britt today. I don't think I've seen Burton smile that much in some years. These two are doing a good job of selling the "I'm into you" feelings about each other. His WTF look when Britt got up right after the sex made me laugh. She's still in fear of Huntington's mode. Jason's tender "I'm not leaving you" - yowsah.

I will give the Show credit that Gladys getting shot either by Cyrus's goons or Carly's team shocked me.  Brando is showing that he used to be a soldier. No surprise Cyrus captured Spinelli.

"Mike" saving Nina from Big, Bad Elijah and then all the rest with the trooper is so much...UGH.  Is it possibly he's more obnoxious when he's being someone other than Sonny?  That Sonny-Nina kiss - my eyes, my eyes! *shudder*

I guess the Maxie-nurse in a cabin scenes are supposed to be a redux of Nina kidnapping Ava and inducing labor? Maxie fighting back was good, though. I don't believe the nurse would get back up so fast after being burned.



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I'm loving Amanda Setton more and more.  That scene between Brook Lynn and bodyguard Yuri was unintentionally funny and needed in the middle of the Nixon Falls nonsense.

BL:  It's bad

Yuri (in thick Russian accent):  Bad is not good

BL: Can you fix it for me

Yuri:  For you, anything.  

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2 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I guess the Maxie-nurse in a cabin scenes are supposed to be a redux of Nina kidnapping Ava and inducing labor? Maxie fighting back was good, though. I don't believe the nurse would get back up so fast after being burned.

This entire part of the story is ridiculous that Maxie has no less than four or five immediate family members that are international spies and/or police commissioners and they know Peter is dangerous and yet not one of them is protecting Maxie and she is now kidnapped.

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5 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

This entire part of the story is ridiculous that Maxie has no less than four or five immediate family members that are international spies and/or police commissioners and they know Peter is dangerous and yet not one of them is protecting Maxie and she is now kidnapped.

This is all on the writers. Robert told Anna or someone, that he went to Maxie, offering to help her and to keep her safe, but she basically told him to mind his own business and that she had a plan and could take care of herself. She told the same thing to Anna.

She's not a child; but she is acting like an idiot, thinking she could do this on her own.

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3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This is all on the writers. Robert told Anna or someone, that he went to Maxie, offering to help her and to keep her safe, but she basically told him to mind his own business and that she had a plan and could take care of herself. She told the same thing to Anna.

She's not a child; but she is acting like an idiot, thinking she could do this on her own.

Oh, I'm not blaming Robert, Anna, Mac, Felicia, etc. I'm blaming the writers that have had to invent every stumbling block in the book because they want this Peterich story to go on for five hundred years.

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19 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Can he keep him?

The first thought that went through my head was that if Carly was truly the big mob boss that she wants to be, she wouldn't trade Spin for Gladys.  She would just tell Cyrus to kill him if he wanted to.   Computer hackers are a dime a dozen nowadays.  Heck, how many times did young Cameron manage to hack into the hospital server for the teens activities.  


If Maxie managed to knock Chloe out, and Peter is unconscious at the bottom of the stairs, there is no one around to know where Maxie is.  

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Michael continues to be the worst. Did he really believe that when Chase was apologizing for taking up Willow’s attention, he meant from Michael’s boner. Once again we’re reminded how worthless the character of Wiley is. 

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22 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

If Maxie managed to knock Chloe out, and Peter is unconscious at the bottom of the stairs, there is no one around to know where Maxie is.

I have a feeling Maxie’s safe house is close to Jason and Britt’s safe house. Maybe there’s a safe house version of Airbnb. 

Edited by absnow54
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I missed the first half hour because of no electricity and arrived with Sonny kissing Nina. Please, no more of that. At least she pushed him away. Also, please no more of that.

Why is Chase sleeping in the den or the living room, or whatever? They didn't bother giving him a bedroom?

BLQ and Yuri. I like Yuri a lot as a background character with his thick accent and wanting to fix the crib so that nothing happens to the baby. He is a sweet sweet man.

I don't care about this Britt/Jason pairing because I really hate Jason. Britt's personality will get sucked into his void and that will be that.

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Usually soap sexy times are a little cringey for me but Britt/Jason was ok.  Britt’s reaction right after was everything.  “Thanks!”  I know why she was so aloof but I still found it extremely funny.

Poor Yuri.  “Bad is not good”. Hee!

God dammit this show and the Nixon Falls bullshit.  Sonny was like “Now I’m no lawyer or anything...” and I literally screamed HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT????

I have no idea why Brando was all thankful when Carly said she had men guarding Sasha.  I mean, she also head men guarding his mother and look how that turned out.

Edited by mostlylurking
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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Why is Chase sleeping in the den or the living room, or whatever? They didn't bother giving him a bedroom?

I saw this part. Chase was too tired to move. He was going to rest a bit and eventually fell asleep. 

I'm glad Brook Lynn told Michael that Chase wasn't stupid and would pick up on Millow's lingering looks. And Michael just gave her the same stupid look he ALWAYS does! Why does he always look so stupid and baffled?!?! CD needs to pick a new look to give.

And did y'all see idiot Willow looking all uncomfortable when Chase put his hand on her knee?!?!!  MORON! WAKE UP!!! Of course he's gonna touch you. Heck, he may want to kiss you, cuddle w/you, or have sex w/you. He thinks you're his girlfriend you idiot!!! Because that's what you've led him to believe and what you actively want him to think!!!!  

Millow's plan is insensitive and cruel as well as lame. How far is Willow gonna take this charade? She just needs to tell Chase the truth and be done with it. l'm beyond over this "triangle." It's not interesting on any level, and I can't imagine any fanbase is happy right now.

Honestly, GH has been boring me lately so I missed the earlier scenes w/this Yuri guy. I liked his brief scene today. He seems sweet. I still think Valentin and BL could work together. I like their chemistry. 

Edited by lala2
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That was kind of a lot for a Jason love scene, wasn’t it? Granted I haven’t seen all of them but most of the ones I’ve seen have been fairly tame or FTB ones and this one also went on for a long time. 

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18 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

That was kind of a lot for a Jason love scene, wasn’t it? Granted I haven’t seen all of them but most of the ones I’ve seen have been fairly tame or FTB ones and this one also went on for a long time. 

Longer than the one with him and Robin at Montauk?!!!


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1 hour ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

In my (admittedly rated R) opinion, soap operas have been lacking in love/sex/romantic scenes for a long time (even pre-pandemic).  

yeah. I am very team smut.... and it's very lacking in my soaps.

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I thought Steve Burton didn’t do shirtless? Wasn’t that a violation of his morals, or his protein water contract, or something? 

I guess he just needed to be paired with the right Kelly.

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After they made a big deal about the bullet going through Jason and being left in the parking garage, they only have one square of gauze on Jason?  Entry wound, exit wound.  Is that so hard to remember?

And whatever happened to Britt's resolve never to have kids?  Did she run out and buy condoms or just cross her fingers?  I hope she didn't send Jason, because he only buys defective condoms.

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7 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:


I don't care about this Britt/Jason pairing because I really hate Jason. Britt's personality will get sucked into his void and that will be that.

Britt/Jason is just giving me vibes of Robin/Jason, part 1 and Jason/Sam, part 1. Difference was I liked both of those pairings and I liked Jason during the Robin years - he wasn't the saintly hitman with the heart of gold who kindly lays out a tarp when he's about to kill people just yet. Sam was also spunky and allowed to call Jason out on his crap when they first got together. And SBu smiled with her as well, so his behavior with Britt isn't exactly new nor would I expect it to last.

5 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Okay it's has to have been years since we saw Jason shirtless!! 

I'm pretty sure Jason has been shirtless at least once since SBu came back. Not in a love scene capacity, but at some point. I remember because I had the same "how does someone with an alright body make me want to cringe so bad" reaction.

What the hell was with that noise Nina made when kissing Sonny? I would gag too if I was kissing him, but that wasn't the noise she made. And Sonny had basically no reaction to it at all.

"You can go now." Ava and Nik don't need your permission to be at the hospital, bitch. Excuse me, Madam mob boss bitch.

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I will say Maxie and her baby plans have been entertaining - nothing at all has gone right and I have no clue where they're going with her and Brook Lynn. But at least things are moving now.

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Wow. Cynthia W. did a great job of playing total terror with Eli, and then shock and relief when Smike showed up. I do wish she could have fought him off herself. Eli actor did a nice job with that scene too.


Hmmm... Say what you will about Burton, but he is super hot. Still. 🔥And he really seemed into the love scene. Never saw him smile like that. at least not lately. (Not creepy smile, human smile!)

Edited by seasons
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I didn’t mind the Brita/Jason love scene either.  Especially afterwards when he looked confused and a little bit lovestruck when she was like ‘wham bam thank you man’.  Of course that won’t last because like y’all have said, any ounce of her personality/independence will be sucked into the void.

I loved BLG and Valentin!  

Bon fromage!

Yes, who doesn’t love cheese?

😂❤️ 🧀 

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7 hours ago, seasons said:

Wow. Cynthia W. did a great job of playing total terror with Eli, and then shock and relief when Smike showed up

and I thought they were both awful. CW has been hamming it up for months and those bug eyes drive me nuts. There was nothing realistic about her acting. And if she really wanted to get away from Elijah, she could have kneed him in the groin and run. Or slammed hard  into his instep with her shoe.   But we couldn’t allow that because then Smike couldn’t come to her rescue and kiss her. 🙄

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17 hours ago, lala2 said:

And Michael just gave her the same stupid look he ALWAYS does! Why does he always look so stupid and baffled?!?!

I assume this is a rhetorical question.

11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I thought Steve Burton didn’t do shirtless? 

I guess he just needed to be paired with the right Kelly.

A) The last time I recall that he did a shirtless scene where he seemed genuinely into the woman, was with Becky Herbst for the Liason NOP during which Jake was conceived. And, Jason seemed smitten with Elizabeth when they were seeing each other secretly when Jake was a baby. I still remember the straddle.
(Burton and Herbst being long-time friends in addition to colleagues IRL may have something to do with it.)

B) Hahahaha!

11 hours ago, ciarra said:

After they made a big deal about the bullet going through Jason and being left in the parking garage, they only have one square of gauze on Jason?  Entry wound, exit wound.  Is that so hard to remember?

And whatever happened to Britt's resolve never to have kids?  Did she run out and buy condoms or just cross her fingers?  I hope she didn't send Jason, because he only buys defective condoms.

A) Have you forgotten what show you're watching? Did you miss when TC's Nikolas had brain surgery, and the gauze was on his neck?

B) i was also wondering about the birth control and condoms situation.  This show does not need another baby just so Britt can agonize about her disease, Carly and Sam can wail and gnash their teeth at Britt, and Jason can say the same old stuff but not change his lifestyle during the drama/pregnancy storylines with his past lovers. The father of Kim's baby was most likely Franco after the spontaneous "Drew" and Kim sex (although that was completely dropped), and now Sasha is pregnant from the spontaneous sex with Brando at his garage because she says she wasn't regular about her birth control.  

11 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Britt/Jason is just giving me vibes of Robin/Jason, part 1 and Jason/Sam, part 1. Difference was I liked both of those pairings and I liked Jason during the Robin years - he wasn't the saintly hitman with the heart of gold who kindly lays out a tarp when he's about to kill people just yet. Sam was also spunky and allowed to call Jason out on his crap when they first got together. And SBu smiled with her as well, so his behavior with Britt isn't exactly new nor would I expect it to last.


Britt/Jason is giving me some Robin/Jason vibes and a bit of Elizabeth/Jason vibes (taking care of him after he got shot), but not Sam. Sam may have called him out on crap and showed some spunk, but she (and Sonny) needed him from the start. Sam moved in with him because she was pregnant with Sonny's kid and had no place to go, no income, etc.  She eventually became a PI, but even then getting involved with Lucky was to provoke Jason. Even after Jason "died,' she was fixated on the memory of him during her relationships with other men, and thought she had him back when she and Drew got together. 

Britt's only connection to Sonny and Jason prior to this storyline was about Britt's continued concern for Sonny's nephew, and whatever she may know about her father Faison's actions re: Jason.  Britt is an independent doctor who doesn't need Jason's money or his home and her experience with danger is craziness above what Mob people are used to, as she said. She needs his protection now as a result of being his ally in trying to take down Cyrus after he asked for her help. She has not been a person constantly begging for his attention, unlike Carly and Sam for decades. That may change, now that she's feeling vulnerable in addition to fearful because of her disease diagnosis and the threat from Cyrus. 


Edited by Bringonthedrama
spelling matters
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I hate that a show thought once did a prominent storyline about HIV and unprotected sex, has all of these people getting oops pregnant. The worst is Sonny and the multiple unplanned kids he had after his best friend Stone died of HIV. But then, Sonny is always the worst.

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I find it hilarious that this show wants us to believe that there are enough employees at Aurora to make a full baseball team.  Sam's on the team but is she even working for Aurora these days?  I thought she gave the CEO position to Michael, who never seems at work either.  

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I'm late watching yesterday's ep.

Nina is an idiot, not that this is news. Did she really think Elijah would be a-okay once he saw those papers? Did she really think carrying them around in her purse was safe? Ugh, it's all so plot-pointy. 

Their shouting match was so hammy.

Poor Chase.

3 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

i was also wondering about the birth control and condoms situation. 

There was talk about consent but not BC. You need both, Show!

Ugh, the Nina/Mike kiss. Thank Jasus she ended it quickly.

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Sam and Dante have no chemistry for the most part. Also wasn't that scene a Lante scene originally? Am I the only who sees this?

Roger a doctor? Is Liz gonna be stuck again?


Edited by Hater
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Unintentionally funny 

Roger Howarth character: I can deliver your baby, I'm a doctor

Maxie:  You're sure your not some crazy mountain man nut job

RH: You're the one giving birth in the forest, mam'

Maxie:  Good point.  Also, don't call me mam' 

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Am I supposed to be impressed that this show is combining the redo's of the Nina-drugging-Ava-into-labor-story, Maxie-giving-birth-on-the-side-of-the-road AND Nelle-giving-birth-in-the- woods all into whatever this is supposed to be about Maxie finally birthing Baby Lou?

The fact that they aren't even acknowledging the idea that the new RoHo doctor character looks exactly like "redeemed" former serial killer Franco Baldwin who is supposed to be dead raises the ick factor about a thousand percent. Why was he even shirtless?

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I was wondering if Franco's new character would either be the one to discover Maxie in the woods, or shove Peter down the stairs.  But a shirtless guy claiming to be a doctor named ... Austin?...offering to deliver Maxie's baby and Maxie not appearing to notice that he looks exactly like dead Franco? The "you're not some crazy?" line or whatever she said didn't do it for me.  Ok, Show.  Hey Maxie, your kids don't have an 'attachment to nature' - you're giving birth alone in the woods because you're an idiot.

Now I'm really wondering if the person in scrubs with purple sneakers, is Elizabeth. If she got angry enough in the stairwell and he got in her face and she pushed him hard, I could see him falling down a stairwell.

Sam's scene(s) with Dante were just embarrassing.  She looks, and sounds, ridiculous giving him crap and her makeup, hair, and clothes should be a sweaty, nasty mess if she's been sliding that much on the field. The looking into each other's eyes is just an eyeroll moment for me. 

Jason all but tells Britt he's falling for her, and then runs out the door because Carly needs him to fix her latest screw up. Of course. Different day, same old story.  I did however like Nik blasting Carly for being a "widow, not a Mob boss" who messed up. I also liked Ava's "you don't get it" line to Carly.

Is that silver rattle Peter is taking for Louise supposed to be familiar? I laughed at his fantasy of Maxie happily handing him the baby. 

Why did ABC cut off right before the dramatic end, and not show previews?

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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11 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

How did the episode end? Mine cut to commercials right after Britt was remembering her sex scene. Carly was trying to stop Cyrus’s people. 

Cyrus' minion found Nik hanging around and Cyrus figured it was an ambush, orchestrated by Carly.  He said he was leaving with Spinelli.  

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I told Nina that she should have mailed those plans to Mike after wiping off her fingerprints. Then not only would his have legitimately been on the papers, they would have been in the post office during her picnic with Elijah instead of in her purse. But does she listen?

Not the brightest bulb but at least Maxie knew enough to run away from the nurse who was okay with drugging and kidnapping her for Peter. I don't think that she had a choice about Shirtless Hitchhiker, the baby was coming on her own. I hope she remembers what happened with the last man who helped her give birth outdoors.

Did the fake passport for Maxie say "Jennifer Branff?"

SBu is doing more acting with Britt than he's done in the last five years.  I like that the writing touched upon whether Jason actually likes being a serial killer.

The Dante/Sam contrast to Britt/Jason shows how very lame the former is. It's not even sexy teasing, it's just mean (honestly, why couldn't she have given him a bottle of water?) and then Dante looks after her affectionately. He looks like a masochist.

13 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

How did the episode end? Mine cut to commercials right after Britt was remembering her sex scene. Carly was trying to stop Cyrus’s people. 

Cyrus was about to take Spinelli away again because Nik appeared and "the deal's off". Why not just shoot Spinelli then to show what a bad guy you are and not to mess with you? Cyrus is so lame because they won't let him actually be a mobster.

Also, why isn't Ava covering her hair? That platinum crop is a dead giveaway that she's not Gladys.

13 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Am I supposed to be impressed that this show is combining the redo's of the Nina-drugging-Ava-into-labor-story, Maxie-giving-birth-on-the-side-of-the-road AND Nelle-giving-birth-in-the- woods all into whatever this is supposed to be about Maxie finally birthing Baby Lou?

Add to that the Lante scene with Sam and Peter with Faison's poison, and it seems like all they can do nowadays is to go into the script vault.

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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I hope she remembers what happened with the last man who helped her give birth outdoors.

Yes, she got involved with him and had his baby.  Let's not repeat that mistake! Also, it's so ridiculous that Maxie, the heart transplant recipient has had two baby outside on the ground with no complications.  


7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Also, why isn't Ava covering her hair?

I assumed she was going to put on a scarf, otherwise that's just stupid.  

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