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S09.E08: Showdown at Villa Rosa

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33 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Let's be real.  Who is benefiting more from this stupid charity spin class, Teddi or Lisa?  I'd say more people are paying attention to it for LP/VPD than allin by Teddi.  Teddi isn't doing these events out of the goodness of her heart.  She's doing them hoping that LVP's name brings attention to her business.  And her petty speech at the end was ridiculous.

If you liked Teddi’s petty speech, you’ll LOVE Teddi’s petty Bravo blog!

I know “hubris” is not the word I’m looking for, but the ancient Greeks must have something that would work. 

ETA I love the ad I’m seeing on the page. “Have your dog trained and safely contained in seven days.” 

Edited by ivygirl
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All the housewives are jealous harpies. The way they treat LVP, they are no friends. All they do is speculate and blame her for everything because they are morons. Teddi is disingenuous trash. Kyle is a cowardly backstabber. Dorit is just a fool. Lisa Rinna just drips with jealousy. Even Erica is obsessed with perpetuating rumors. She is a sham.  

  • Love 23
18 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I hope it's not a bad omen for Rinna & Harry, but she mentioned how she doesn't know why they're still together since they don't have much in common.  Then she mentioned how excited he was to leave and go camping.  I know she said it in jest, but remember when Ramona of NYC kept bragging about how she & Mario were so happy, then bam, splitsville!   

Don’t worry- it’s not over until there’s a vow renewal. Maybe that’s what she’s planning for next season’s storyline (if she makes it until then).

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12 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Kyle was in his house insulting his wife.  Ken is always right there with LVP and her business endeavors.   He had every right to be there to defend her.  Kyle wouldn't leave when LVP said to go, so she needed to hear it from Ken.  Goodbye, Kyle.

TO ME, a man who constantly involves themselves in women business is a bitch. Defending her is one thing, but to get up in another woman’s face like that is too much. Then again, Ken acts like he wants to be a housewife anyway. Does he ever go out with his own friends? He got in Yolanda’s face the same way. IJS Kens finger would’ve been slapped out of my face. His house or not. On the OC, when (I forget him and his wife name) was yelling from upstairs that the other new girl was a bitch or whatever, people were saying he was out of line. I know everyone loves Lisa, but she should rein him in because if a story came out that Ken assaulted a woman, I’d believe it based on his actions on this show. No man should be in a woman’s face like that simply because she called his wife a liar. It’s not like Kyle laid hands on her. Also, Ken was in the mix before LVP said for her to leave. 

Edited by FancyNancy
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On 4/2/2019 at 7:34 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

The accusations that Dorit is a "puppy dumper" and the disbelief that people could be threatening her kids is precisely why Dorit was right to be upset about this article. Many people lose all sense of rationality when it comes to animals. I have no doubt people are saying horrible things about Dorit's kids because that kind of thing happens all the time online with stories about pets, as Teddi rightly noted.

It's possible and in fact quite likely that everyone - including LVP - acted badly here. At some point, it becomes too fantastical to believe that LVP isn't planting stories. She obviously has good connections to the tabloids. (As someone in public relations, I can say that Kyle is right to say that you should always look at who a story benefits to see who pitched it and yes, she was correct that LVP is the one who benefited from it). I don't know why she just doesn't admit it.

Yes, the original sin here is with Dorit, who handled the situation with the dog badly. But I would have a difficult time trusting LVP, given her propensity to use the tabloids as tools.

The article isn't why Dorit is being called a puppy dumper.  She's being called a puppy dumper because she dumped a puppy off to an unvetted "loving" home and it ended up in a shelter.  

On 4/2/2019 at 8:07 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Sure, they all do. They're all in media, they're all living in the tabloid capital of the country, so, sure, yeah, they do. It's LVP's willingness to use the tabloids to attack people she's upset with while insisting she's not upset that is the problem. Because again, it indicates that you can't trust what she's saying to your face.

I am curious as to why you think she is innocent. Who else would have any earthly reason to tall to Radar Online about this story, especially months before it aired? It either had to be her or someone closely connected to her.

Also, her reaction to Kyle says to me that she did it and she got caught. I think that if she didn't do it, she would have reacted much more calmly.

Or her reaction to Kyle wasn't calm because she was emotionally frayed due to still grieving for her brother that committed suicide.  

On 4/2/2019 at 9:33 PM, bravofan27 said:

Because of Lisa V actually advocating, and winning, for policy change, I am remarkably impressed. She's not just out there shaming people and waxing poetic about how precious dogs are to make herself seem like a savior. She actually got her cause heard in congress (NOT EASY AT ALL) and the bill passed. Truly impressive to actually make widespread change happen. Now hopefully the law will be enforced and not just something on the books. 

That was awesome though. I was really happy for her. 

How exactly is this "law" going to be enforced?

20 hours ago, Castina said:

Just for fun let's accept that every cast member is right, that Lisa V "manipulates" them into creating story lines or spreading gossip.  

So what?  Don't do it?  What the hell happened to free will? 

I mean seriously, if she is a sniper from the side and you are all aware of it then why do what she (allegedly) wants you to do?  

It's because they want to do what they are doing and when it all goes sideways they start crying that the devil made them do it.  Well if someone whispers "bring that magazine on vacation so we can get Maurizio cheating gossip on the show" don't do it.  Tell them to do their own dirty work.  If someone whispers "bring the dog on tv and we can talk about it" don't do it.  Tell them to do their own dirty work.  

It just seems like a simple solution. Follow your conscience. I'm a pretty average person and if I don't want to do something, if I think it's cruel, or gossipy and not worth the air it takes to give it breath, I find it really easy to just not do it.  

These ladies do what they want to do. End of. 

btw....just read this article Camille shared on her twitter account:


I am not a dog person, have no pets so I'm not into this story because of any love for animals.  But reading the article it does make me wonder if there is more behind the story of the dog then we are hearing.  Teddi alludes to being told a far worse story which is why she got involved.  It seems the behavior of the dog on return is curious. 

If Lulu/Lucy did have fear issues like the article states and those issues were present while she was with the Kemsleys, and they ignored the signs of her saying "back the fuck off, I'm scared," then it isn't crazy that one of them got a nip.  Honestly, PK's "horrible bite" on his nose looks exactly like what you'd get in that type of a situation if you were an idiot and put your face right up in a scared dog's grill.  Just the kids being kids and moving around too quickly and unpredictably could have instilled the fearfulness.  One of mine had a major aversion to being picked up or having anything near her stomach because she had a rash on her belly as a puppy and the medicated wipes I needed to use on it probably stung.  She's desensitized now, but will still sometimes flip out if you touch her belly while she's sleeping.  I was still trying to get a handle on her issues when it was time for her to be spade and having a dog with those issues with an incision on her belly was very difficult.

19 hours ago, Booger666 said:

I have missed some episodes so may have this wrong, but didn’t Rinna tell Eden that Kim’s addiction was so bad she was at death’s door expecting or hoping Eden would take it to Kyle?  I think Kyle asked Rinna point blank if she said that and Rinna lied.  Does anyone remember how this played out?  If like I remember, I would put Rinna in the manipulative category.  But I get what you are saying, she is often more in your face about things than the other ladies.

Not only the Eden thing, but there have been many times when Rinna has flat out lied and she has admitted as much and said that she will say whatever she wants whether it is true or not.  I believe it was sometime around the coke in the bathroom accusations that she said she'll just make shit up when she's angry.

18 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Okay, then, well, I'm back to thinking that it doesn't reflect poorly on VPD if Dorit isn't providing them info. If I'm Lisa, I want the world to know that. So she had every reason to want to get the story out there. From a PR perspective, she should have been very straightforward about what happened and why she is unhappy about it. I don't know why she's going this "no, no, I would never do such a thing! How dare you suggest otherwise!" root instead. 

It reflects poorly on VPD because that dog should have never been placed in Dorit's home.  She should have never been given a small dog nor a puppy.  It is questionable if she should have been given a dog at all.  Ostensibly the screening wasn't properly done because she was Lisa's friend.  

10 hours ago, Jel said:

Why would a grown man even take a picture like that? What did he feel he needed the proof for anyway? 

I've gotten a dog bite before from breaking up a fight.  I took a picture to send to my mom with the message "look at what an asshole my dog is."  I've also taken pictures of a gaping wound while waiting for an ambulance so I could send it to my parents and siblings to gross them out.  Same as my sister sending pics of my BIL's broken wrist bent at weird angles while he was waiting for it to be set.  

9 hours ago, renatae said:

The Cambridge online dictionary definition is: the action of influencing or controlling someone or something to your advantage, often without anyone knowing it.

Subterfuge is not necessary to qualify as manipulation. Rinna sitting there with her malignant stare telling Kyle she was the only one who could confront LVP was definitely manipulative. She did it in front of most of the others. She put Kyle into a position where she would seem weak not to do as Rinna said. In an instant Kyle went from fence sitter to standard bearer.

I feel the same about Erika's words to the effect of "you have to bring this out," also done in front of others. Peer pressure influences on an even higher level than words spoken in private. It's a lot easier to say "No thanks," and walk away when you don't feel a whole tableful of conspirators is waiting on you to agree with them. That's how ideas like "it's a consensus" manage to morph into "proof."

I heartily agree with your last sentence as well.

So is Rinna always starting fights during meals to avoid eating manipulative?

6 hours ago, smores said:

Giggy also has some skin issues, alopecia and allergies, and I believe she's said they have to medicate him for the allergies.  I have no idea how dogs react to antihistamines, but I'm guessing it likely can knock them out the way it does people.

My dogs take antihistamines during seasonal flare-ups when steroids would be overkill.  The first day or so they might be a little lazier than usual, but then they get used to it.  Antihistamines are not the standard of care for most allergies and skin problems in dogs though.  The newer medications like Apoquel and Cytopoint are more targeted and have fewer reported side effects.  Certain corticosteroids are also more common for treatment of acute flares, but not for long term treatment (at least they shouldn't be used for daily long term treatment).  For allergies immunotherapy can also help reduce symptoms.  If Giggy's shit is really crazy though they might also have him on a pain killer like Tramadol and that could cause some drowsiness.  Why yes, I do spend a lot of time (and money) at the dog dermatologist.  

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5 hours ago, smores said:

Dorit also seemed totally shocked and horrified about all the threats to her children, but, then look at what was shown on the screen.  No threats.  Listen, I'm not trying to change your mind, it's cool that you don't think it's her.  I do.  Maybe it was PK and she didn't know.  But, either way, it will be interesting to see if we ever get to the bottom of the mystery.

I'm not and haven't made any sort of statements about LVP or how I think she's acted.  I think Rinna trying to push the pill thing is beyond the pale, simply because if you know someone has died of an overdose, that's just unspeakably cruel to do.  There are a select handful of people in this world that I can't stand and would be totally happy if I never had to see or hear from again, but I can't fathom doing something like that to them.  I've lost close relatives, not to overdose, they just died, and it was SOOO hard.  The thought of ever using that sort of pain against someone . . . I just can't imagine how fucked up you'd have to be to do it.  I really don't see any word other than manipulative, honestly, because it's a deliberate thing to do.  And again, that's not judging anyone else's behavior or measuring it up against another person's.  That's just saying, fuck Rinna for this shit.  

1. You're arguing semantics re Dorit. First of all, we likely didn't see all the messages, comments and social media directed at Dorit. Second of all, even if they weren't direct threats to her children, they were IMO inappropriately bringing her kids into the conversation. I think it completely defies logic to think that Dorit would expose both herself and her family by talking to Radar about it but any port in a storm, I guess.

2. I didn't say it wasn't cruel behavior. I didn't defend Rinna's actions. I said it wasn't IMO manipulative. Cruel and unkind, sure, but not particularly manipulative. 

I think they all manipulate stories, angles and etc to a certain degree.  I pretty much think anyone on camera is going to do it to some degree. They're trying to make themselves look good and stay on top of the game.  It's literally their job.

I think a lot of Lisa's manipulations boil down to talking about big things off camera with people, and attention seeking housewives  are eager to claim the spotlight by introducing the topic on camera.  If Munchausen had worked out well for Rinna, I doubt we'd see her sheepishly admit, "Well, I didn't even think of it.  LVP did."

Same with doggy gate.  If this had gone well for Teddi, I don't think we'd see the queen of accountability telling everyone they could look at her John Blizzard texts.

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6 hours ago, geauxaway said:

LOVE KEN!!!  He did right by his love.  I’m impressed that Lisa’s name was mentioned on the CSPAN feed.  That is nothing to sniff at!  BRAVAH!! 

Fuck off Dorit! 

It's all okay because it's Ken. I'd love to see the outrage if it had been any other RHWOBH husband throwing LVP out of their house.

I can see Mauricio throwing Brandi out of his house. I don't think he would have treated LVP that way. It's funny how quick Ken said their 12 year friendship was over, it almost seemed staged to me.

Edited by Mr. Minor
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48 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

It's all okay because it's Ken. I'd love to see the outrage if it had been any other RHWOBH husband throwing LVP out of their house.

I can see Mauricio throwing Brandi out of his house. I don't think he would have treated LVP that way. It's funny how quick Ken said their 12 year friendship was over, it almost seemed staged to me.

Ok! It wasn’t even that serious. You’d think Kyle walked in and dropped kicked Lisa. 

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13 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I think Kyle genuinely thought/thinks she could make up with LVP.

I wonder if she thought that Andy would effectuate one of his miracle reconciliations (complete with hugs) at the end of the Reunion, and she and Lisa would be friends again.  I think even if Lisa DOES attend the Reunion, she'll leave the set before the end.  There will be no Andyvention for you Kyle.  Sorry.  

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15 hours ago, Jel said:

I agree with your post, Alonzo Mosley FBI, but don't you think it would have been better if the corrector had corrected the correctee, correctly? It's not pronounced sabatOOer in English or French. I mean, if you're going to correct someone on tv have the decency to be right, amirite?

And, if you meant that it was great because Erika herself pronounced it incorrectly and the haha, dumbass Erika! joke flew over my head...well I'll just casually whistle as I slowly back out. 😉

hahaha naw you're good- I am going with the fact that Erika was using phonics for poor, illiterate and slow Dorito. I think Erika knows how to pronounce it since it rhymes with (Agent) Provocateur! 

15 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I disagree - I think the 2 Johns could have a Thirst Off - in fact it might play out on Season 1 Episode 1 of Vanderpump Dogs

Bwaaha good point you are so right. If it came down to a thirst off my opinion is Sessa has more to lose since he is higher up the Alpo food chain than Blizzard- it's more Blizzard looking for his 5 mins. 

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4 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

I don't think Lisa is perfect. She's bossy, controlling, spoiled and may very well be a bit of a manipulator. What bothers me is;

1. ALL the women are IGNORING or condoning Dorit's part in this whole thing. Had DORIT done the right thing and brought Lucy back to VPD, NONE of this would have happened. The guilt for this whole thing lays at DORIT's feet, but none of them are willing to acknowledge even a tiny bit of responsibility on Dorit's part.

2. The same way I described LVP above can be said about ALL of the HW.

Yes, yes, yes. This has been my opinion since the start! 


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15 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out what  Kyle was trying to stand up for - the issue that is so important as an example to her girls.   If she wants to show that she stands up for what's right, maybe she should  resist  mob mentality and go with evidence and proof before accusing a person of anything.   Maybe she should have said STOP GOSSIPING  and maybe she should stop gossiping herself.  

Oh face it production leaked the story!

The only  wrongful act was the disposal of a dog and then of course screaming at someone in their own home trying to coerce a confession.  

Erika is disgusting.  She  should be a little sensitive to the issue of evidence and the idea a person is  innocent until proven guilty after living so many years with a lawyer. But no, if you suspect something then it's true.  I suspect she's an idiot and has no scruples whatsoever.  I guess that's true based on her own logic. 

When this all broke out at the dog center,  Kyle was MAD that LVP was NOT calling out Dorit!  She felt it was UNFAIR that Dorit got a FREE pass. See where I'm going with this?   Hey, just maybe Teddie and Kyle wanted to use this dog thing against Dorit to get rid of her once and for all, and when Lisa wouldn't back them up they decided to turn on Lisa to punish her.  

ITA. Kyle was jealous that Lisa wasn't mad at Dorit bc Kyle was getting grief for not attending Tom Tom. Kyle could've leaked the story as well. They are all petty bitches.

Someone above mentioned how LVP makes them all kiss her heels and how her English humor is really just mean spirited, and I agree.  I have been over her for the most part for a few seasons, but I am on her side this season. I believed she clearly was prodding Brandi to bring out the tabloids and got Rinna to bring the Munchausen on screen. With Brandi there was clear manipulation IMO. She fed Brandi a bunch of dirt about Kyle and Mauricio, and then she dumped her when things got sticky and let her float in the wind. No more daily phone call sessions. With Rinna, I think Rinna brought up that she and her hair dresser diagnosed the Munchausen, and she LVP and Kyle would talk about it and LVP encouraged Rinna to talk about it on screen, but it was Rinna who decided to talk about it on screen. Same with Camille and a the Taylor abuse. These women talk about things off screen with LVP, and she tells them to talk about it on screen. They do; she shuts up. The one I had a problem with was Brandi bc I think the Mauricio stuff (and the surrogate stuff) was really dirty and LVP didn't want her hand associated with it. 

But this season, LVP talked openly with Dorit herself onscreen about Lucy the dog, about Dorit rehoming without telling them and told Dorit that Teddy knew. So bleh. LVP knew it was going to be public bc it was filmed. She didn't need Teddy or ROL. Dorit herself told Erika on camera. It wasn't a big secret. Kyle brings it up in front of Rinna, Rinna brings it up...everyone is bringing it up. But LVP brought it up directly on camera to Dorit. LVP didn't hide it. She even let Dorit know they were annoyed at the restaurant and mentioned the $5000. Teddi was thirsty as F*ck to jump on the chance to screw Dorit - just like Rinna with the munchausen. Teddi was the only one obfuscating her actions. LVP admitted to Kyle on the bus that she said, "I don't care who knows, just go get the dog out of the shelter." This isn't the usual LVP manipulation IMO. 

I think they chose the wrong season to hang LVP or "Bring Her Down" Stupid cows. 

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38 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

hahaha naw you're good- I am going with the fact that Erika was using phonics for poor, illiterate and slow Dorito. I think Erika knows how to pronounce it since it rhymes with (Agent) Provocateur! 

Bwaaha good point you are so right. If it came down to a thirst off my opinion is Sessa has more to lose since he is higher up the Alpo food chain than Blizzard- it's more Blizzard looking for his 5 mins. 

I don't know if you listen to Ronnie and Ben from Watch what Crappens - but I'm hearing their voice impression of Countess Luann saying this:

John Sessa is LVP's "Partner". Yeah Partner In Crime, case closed...Am I right girls? One, two, three, four..Money Can't Buy Yoo Clah Asss

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38 minutes ago, jinjer said:

ITA. Kyle was jealous that Lisa wasn't mad at Dorit bc Kyle was getting grief for not attending Tom Tom. Kyle could've leaked the story as well. They are all petty bitches.

Someone above mentioned how LVP makes them all kiss her heels and how her English humor is really just mean spirited, and I agree.  I have been over her for the most part for a few seasons, but I am on her side this season. I believed she clearly was prodding Brandi to bring out the tabloids and got Rinna to bring the Munchausen on screen. With Brandi there was clear manipulation IMO. She fed Brandi a bunch of dirt about Kyle and Mauricio, and then she dumped her when things got sticky and let her float in the wind. No more daily phone call sessions. With Rinna, I think Rinna brought up that she and her hair dresser diagnosed the Munchausen, and she LVP and Kyle would talk about it and LVP encouraged Rinna to talk about it on screen, but it was Rinna who decided to talk about it on screen. Same with Camille and a the Taylor abuse. These women talk about things off screen with LVP, and she tells them to talk about it on screen. They do; she shuts up. The one I had a problem with was Brandi bc I think the Mauricio stuff (and the surrogate stuff) was really dirty and LVP didn't want her hand associated with it. 

But this season, LVP talked openly with Dorit herself onscreen about Lucy the dog, about Dorit rehoming without telling them and told Dorit that Teddy knew. So bleh. LVP knew it was going to be public bc it was filmed. She didn't need Teddy or ROL. Dorit herself told Erika on camera. It wasn't a big secret. Kyle brings it up in front of Rinna, Rinna brings it up...everyone is bringing it up. But LVP brought it up directly on camera to Dorit. LVP didn't hide it. She even let Dorit know they were annoyed at the restaurant and mentioned the $5000. Teddi was thirsty as F*ck to jump on the chance to screw Dorit - just like Rinna with the munchausen. Teddi was the only one obfuscating her actions. LVP admitted to Kyle on the bus that she said, "I don't care who knows, just go get the dog out of the shelter." This isn't the usual LVP manipulation IMO. 

I think they chose the wrong season to hang LVP or "Bring Her Down" Stupid cows. 

Good post. I think it is pretty spot on. Based on LVP's past "cheeky" or throw away comments, meant to incite or prod someone else to voice what she will not, One of the Johns heard LVP make a comment like, "maybe we can get Teddy to call Dorit out. She does not like Dorit". And John Blizzard gets the ball rolling. Everyone one is so anxious to do her bidding, especially a new young employee who is in " look mom, I'm on TV" world.

I dont honestly think it was anyone else who sold a story, leaked, etc. Well, maybe Brandi !  I think it was one of the Johns.

LVP may be guilty of egging Teddi on a little bit, but I think Teddi and John Blizzard got this ball rolling.

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1 minute ago, missyb said:

Good post. I think it is pretty spot on. Based on LVP's past "cheeky" or throw away comments, meant to incite or prod someone else to voice what she will not, One of the Johns heard LVP make a comment like, "maybe we can get Teddy to call Dorit out. She does not like Dorit". And John Blizzard gets the ball rolling. Everyone one is so anxious to do her bidding, especially a new young employee who is in " look mom, I'm on TV" world.

I dont honestly think it was anyone else who sold a story, leaked, etc. Well, maybe Brandi !  I think it was one of the Johns.

LVP may be guilty of egging Teddi on a little bit, but I think Teddi and John Blizzard got this ball rolling.

Yes to all of this, but let's not be too hasty to exonerate Rinna!  She's involved somehow, and early involvement or late, the whole thing definitely has, as Higgins put it, the Rinna stink all over it.

  • Love 13
15 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

But the Yulin thing that Lisa's fighting to end is not simply about consumption the way the US eats pigs and cows*; that so-called festival encourages and celebrates taunting, abusing, and torturing the animals first.

And if she left it at that, I would be fine with it. 

But her cause expanded, and does include consumption the way the U.S. eats pigs and cows, calling for a worldwide ban on eating dogs and cats.  The House Resolution she was popping champagne corks about "urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade."

In fact, the Yulin festival was mentioned in the original version submitted, but in the version that was passed, there's no mention of it at all, and only an oblique reference to adrenaline causing more tender meat, among much discussion of the meat trade's cruelty to dogs and cats (but not to animals worldwide, including in factory farms in the U.S.).

She's making millions selling dishes made of all sorts of animals in her restaurants, and as far as I can tell, eats those animals herself.  That's fine, but I do think it denies her the authority to dictate which animals people in other countries consume.


12 hours ago, smores said:

I also don't particularly take issue with her working to stop the end of dog meat sales and not fighting to change how veal/other meat is produced.  To me, that's the same argument as if someone is particularly passionate about say, plastic in the oceans.  They dedicate their time, money and resources/efforts to that particular cause, which is their right.  But, it's not exactly fair to then say, oh, but that means you don't care about starving children in our country.  Everyone gets to pick their "thing" for lack of a better term.  I, personally, am someone who directs more of my charitable efforts towards childhood hunger.  That doesn't mean I don't care about animal abuse. 

But childhood hunger and animal abuse are different causes. 

If you said you wanted to abolish hunger in children between the ages of 4 and 7, I think it would be reasonable to wonder why you're okay with hunger in babies and 10-year-olds.  If you said it's because you like children between the ages of 4 and 7 better than you like children of other ages, I think you might be judged harshly.  Sure, it's your money and you can do with it what you want, but there's something a little icky about protecting this small segment based on your personal preferences (and unlike Lisa Vanderpump, you presumably don't eat or profit from the ones you're choosing not to protect).

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And if she left it at that, I would be fine with it. 

But her cause expanded, and does include consumption the way the U.S. eats pigs and cows, calling for a worldwide ban on eating dogs and cats.  The House Resolution she was popping champagne corks about "urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade."

In fact, the Yulin festival was mentioned in the original version submitted, but in the version that was passed, there's no mention of it at all, and only an oblique reference to adrenaline causing more tender meat, among much discussion of the meat trade's cruelty to dogs and cats (but not to animals worldwide, including in factory farms in the U.S.).

She's making millions selling dishes made of all sorts of animals in her restaurants, and as far as I can tell, eats those animals herself.  That's fine, but I do think it denies her the authority to dictate which animals people in other countries consume.


But childhood hunger and animal abuse are different causes. 

If you said you wanted to abolish hunger in children between the ages of 4 and 7, I think it would be reasonable to wonder why you're okay with hunger in babies and 10-year-olds.  If you said it's because you like children between the ages of 4 and 7 better than you like children of other ages, I think you might be judged harshly.  Sure, it's your money and you can do with it what you want, but there's something a little icky about protecting this small segment based on your personal preferences (and unlike Lisa Vanderpump, you presumably don't eat or profit from the ones you're choosing not to protect).

Excellent post! Wish I could like this 100 times.

I do think you pick what causes mean the most to you. There is only so much one person can do. But it’s not that hard to be a vegetarian, and there are completely vegan restaurants out there, especially in bigger cities like Los Angeles. And believe me, vegan food can be delicious! Especially when someone has the resources to go to the best restaurants or hire a chef. I do not have the wealth these women have, and I still opt to go to vegan restaurants even if I’d be saving so much more money getting a burger and fries from McDonald’s. So while I appreciate what anyone does for animals, I personally care about all of them, whether or not they’re the cutest or ones I’d want as pets. That adorable puppy that was posted a few pages back made me instantly melt and want her. I know most animal photos don’t have that exact effect on me. But my heart does break just as much when I know a chicken, cow, pig, you name it, is treated terribly. They feel every bit the pain those beautiful dogs and adorable cats feel. 

I am not one of those vegetarians that pushes my lifestyle onto others. I even hesitate to call myself vegan, because there are times that can be tricky (being unsure what something’s made of, maybe having to brush cheese off your food, wearing old leather stuff or being gifted it, etc). However I don’t eat meat (nor sell it in restaurants), no eggs, don’t buy dairy milk, eat at vegan restaurants anytime I’m only getting food for myself or can convince someone the food is good lol, do my best to be vegan when I’m out socially or at someone’s home, look for nonleather handbags and shoes. I’m not perfect, but I really do the best that I can and think there are many out there who can do more and not seem so hypocritical in regards to animal rights. 

Edited by RealHousewife
  • Love 7

I am not on Dorit's side, and I think the other women have been incredibly messy with this. But, come on, when you have...

Adrienne, Kyle, Brandi, Yolanda, Kim, Eileen, Lisa Rinna, Teddi, Erika, Dorit, Taylor, even Camille (who is supportive of LVP this season), even friend-of Marisa Zanuck...

All saying that LVP has a tendency to be two-faced and manipulative, I think this is more than just jealousy. LVP said it herself when she was underhandedly bringing up the Mauricio cheating rumors on camera: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." There is a lot of smoke coming from LVP. And it's hard for me to buy it's just some big conspiracy from every other cast member.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And if she left it at that, I would be fine with it. 

But her cause expanded, and does include consumption the way the U.S. eats pigs and cows, calling for a worldwide ban on eating dogs and cats.  The House Resolution she was popping champagne corks about "urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade."

In fact, the Yulin festival was mentioned in the original version submitted, but in the version that was passed, there's no mention of it at all, and only an oblique reference to adrenaline causing more tender meat, among much discussion of the meat trade's cruelty to dogs and cats (but not to animals worldwide, including in factory farms in the U.S.).

She's making millions selling dishes made of all sorts of animals in her restaurants, and as far as I can tell, eats those animals herself.  That's fine, but I do think it denies her the authority to dictate which animals people in other countries consume.


But childhood hunger and animal abuse are different causes. 

If you said you wanted to abolish hunger in children between the ages of 4 and 7, I think it would be reasonable to wonder why you're okay with hunger in babies and 10-year-olds.  If you said it's because you like children between the ages of 4 and 7 better than you like children of other ages, I think you might be judged harshly.  Sure, it's your money and you can do with it what you want, but there's something a little icky about protecting this small segment based on your personal preferences (and unlike Lisa Vanderpump, you presumably don't eat or profit from the ones you're choosing not to protect).

I do get your points, and I think they are valid. But whenever I read an argument that's "well yes that person is doing X, but what about Y and Z" my heart sinks a little because I feel like, if you follow that to its logical conclusion, we arrive at a place where no one should bother doing anything about anything because they aren't doing everything. I believe that is a mistake.  Not everyone will start out as a vegan restauranteur.  Some people think it's morally okay to eat meat if the animals are raised humanely or live in the wild and are hunted only for food.

I think if Lisa is passionate about dog cruelty, then she's at least on the ride side of the entire argument. There's that much at least. And being there I'd say increases the likelihood that she'll evolve her thinking and perhaps go further into all animal rights areas.  She's not perfectly correct, but she's definitely an ally.  I think it's simply prudent to keep allies allied, you know? *

I see this like  breast cancer -- it's the glitziest of all cancer fights. The fight against it gets all the love and all the attention, and what about the very cruel adrenal cancer or pancreatic cancer...they aren't really talked about much. But that doesn't take away from the fact that it's incredibly awesome that so many people are working to bring attention to find a cure for breast cancer.  And I hope and pray that a cure is found because then the breast cancer researchers can work in other areas as well. A rising tide will, eventually lift all boats.

* Plus sometimes the arguments devolve into a whole absurd thing about the morality of vegans feeding their rescue cats meat, which cats need to live, because nature is not, and has never been, pretty.  Pretty much every nonplant on this planet eats some kind of life form. Stupid showoffy plants with their light eating and their oxygen production!

  • Love 21
Just now, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I am not on Dorit's side, and I think the other women have been incredibly messy with this. But, come on, when you have...

Adrienne, Kyle, Brandi, Yolanda, Kim, Eileen, Lisa Rinna, Teddi, Erika, Dorit, Taylor, even Camille (who is supportive of LVP this season), even friend-of Marisa Zanuck...

All saying that LVP has a tendency to be two-faced and manipulative, I think this is more than just jealousy. LVP said it herself when she was underhandedly bringing up the Mauricio cheating rumors on camera: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." There is a lot of smoke coming from LVP. And it's hard for me to buy it's just some big conspiracy from every other cast member.

For the record, I do eat meat.  I can do it only by willfully ignoring how the meat gets to my plate and exactly what it is I'm eating, and I would be an instant vegetarian if I had to kill my own meat, or even watch the process.  So I'm a massive hypocrite, but at least I admit it, and I definitely don't tell other people what they should or should not eat based on whether I have a soft spot for the animal they're taking a fork to.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

For the record, I do eat meat.  I can do it only by willfully ignoring how the meat gets to my plate and exactly what it is I'm eating, and I would be an instant vegetarian if I had to kill my own meat, or even watch the process.  So I'm a massive hypocrite, but at least I admit it, and I definitely don't tell other people what they should or should not eat based on whether I have a soft spot for the animal they're taking a fork to.

And that’s fine, most of my friends are meat eaters. Not judging ya! I just love that you admit all the animals are equal, because so many people don’t.

I see where you are coming from Jel. We should all just do our best. 

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

For the record, I do eat meat.  I can do it only by willfully ignoring how the meat gets to my plate and exactly what it is I'm eating, and I would be an instant vegetarian if I had to kill my own meat, or even watch the process.  So I'm a massive hypocrite, but at least I admit it, and I definitely don't tell other people what they should or should not eat based on whether I have a soft spot for the animal they're taking a fork to.

In my mind, and I'm not sure it's entirely rational because I haven't thought about it that much, but...in my mind, I feel we humans owe a greater responsibility to dogs since we humans contributed so much to their evolution to the creatures (zoinks, I'm LVP!) they are now.  I don't mean just through selective breeding, I mean going way back to neolithic times. We made them love us, and they do.

  • Love 16
18 hours ago, Jel said:

Oh hey, was this the YOU'LL SEE -- YOU'LL SEE IT ALL epi that Teddi promised us?  Still waiting on that. Better set my watch to nevah time.

It's kind of funny and kind of cringey that the supporting cast assumed everyone would side with them. It really shows how far their heads are up their own asses. I think Juneau Gal was spot on when she talked about how watching a mean girls gang up, complete with sets ups and accusations and mocking and facial expressions is just not fun, especially when their victim is someone who is grieving. 

God, what must they think of the fans of this show if they think we would enjoy that and side with them in this situation. Quite telling really. 

Therein lies the problem

We were set to meet at 4:00 PM

I PM'd you at 4:06 PM to let you know I was here

Then you PM'd me back at 4:48 PM from your phone letting me know that you were still 15-20 minutes away from your computer.


  • LOL 15
26 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I am not on Dorit's side, and I think the other women have been incredibly messy with this. But, come on, when you have...

Adrienne, Kyle, Brandi, Yolanda, Kim, Eileen, Lisa Rinna, Teddi, Erika, Dorit, Taylor, even Camille (who is supportive of LVP this season), even friend-of Marisa Zanuck...

All saying that LVP has a tendency to be two-faced and manipulative, I think this is more than just jealousy. LVP said it herself when she was underhandedly bringing up the Mauricio cheating rumors on camera: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." There is a lot of smoke coming from LVP. And it's hard for me to buy it's just some big conspiracy from every other cast member.

I don't generally think "where there's smoke there's fire" is the best argument because while it's sometimes true, lots of times it's confounded by things like confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance and herd mentality.  I for sure think that's what's happened on this show re: LVP.

I think it's true that she's, like most of them, sometimes a bitch and sometimes a cagey mofo. But I also think that she gets singled out for it (ie Lisa is manipulative! Like that's just a fact, like the sun rises in the east) for it, not because she's the only one who does it, but because she's better at persuasion. She's a victim of her own success.  Lisa tells X to do Y (because Lisa wants it out there, but doesn't want to say it herself!). So why does X do Y? What's in it for them? Fan approval, production approval, LVP approval? I never understand why they do the thing they later complain about.

The women who "get manipulated" by Lisa agreed to do the shitty thing that they later accuse Lisa of manipulating them into doing. Didn't that used to be called "passing the buck"?

  • Love 19
5 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I am not on Dorit's side, and I think the other women have been incredibly messy with this. But, come on, when you have...

Adrienne, Kyle, Brandi, Yolanda, Kim, Eileen, Lisa Rinna, Teddi, Erika, Dorit, Taylor, even Camille (who is supportive of LVP this season), even friend-of Marisa Zanuck...

All saying that LVP has a tendency to be two-faced and manipulative, I think this is more than just jealousy. LVP said it herself when she was underhandedly bringing up the Mauricio cheating rumors on camera: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." There is a lot of smoke coming from LVP. And it's hard for me to buy it's just some big conspiracy from every other cast member.

Oh, I agree. I've known this forever about her. Everyone has their flaws and that is one of hers (well, it's both a flaw and an asset, a double-edged sword) but I think part of the reason they're so determined to point out hers is because all the other cast members have kinda had their flaws acknowledged and ripped apart by viewers of the show, but Lisa is constantly seen as perfect, viewers aren't as ready to acknowledge her flaws, for whatever reason. I think that pisses off her co-stars and makes them resent her and want to fixate on any and all wrong she does.

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