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Loathesome!: Characters We Hate

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Lily from How I Met Your Mother. A know-it-all who has to stick her nose in everybody's business. It's her way or the highway. Robin has a secret, but she kept pushing with "where's the poop" Ugh!

Phoebe from Friends. On the surface,you think she's this hippy free spirit, but she's really mean. Especially to Monica. She told Chandler that Monica wanted to hook up with Joey in England and she did it with this gleeful look on her face. She knew it was a secret or Monica would have told Chandler herself. Another time, they were doing karaoke and Monica's shirt was see though and instead of telling her friend, she just let Monica be on display in front of strangers.

I'm seeing a tread. I guess I can't stand people who the audience are suppose to think are nice, but are really jerks underneath.

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It doesn't have to be an UO, right?

Here are mine...


Pete Campbell from Mad Men.  I cringe watching the series, period, but I cringe even harder when this guy's on screen.


Annie from Copper.  Nothing against the fine young actress that played her, but, man, that was one creepy, annoying character.


Kate from Lost.  Never understood how such an unpleasant character could be one of the major characters (major enough to be submitted in the "best actress" category for awards).


Thirteen from House.  One of my biggest regrets was not to see her die from her illness on the show.  Now, the actress is a media darling, and she's everywhere...  Yikes...


Mr. Bates from Downton Abbey.  I wouldn't be unhappy if he got swallowed by a huge sink hole next season.  Anna so deserves better.  He should take Thomas with him when he goes down.

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Back in the day, I was not a fan of Horshack. He was funny maybe for the first season -- and that's pushing it. After that, he just grated on my nerves.

I really hated Erica Kane on AMC. Towards the end, she was such a joke and a tween wanna be. The writers missed the opportunity to create a mature, well rounded woman.

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I always hated Horshack.  So annoying.


Phoebe on "Friends" was an awful character.  Mean-spirited and bitchy at the core.


I hated Fox Mulder.  What a downer, and not in an amusing way, and I haaated the way they had to "go there" with him and Scully.  Ruined the whole show for me.

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Olivia Benson from Law and Order: SVU is the dumbest detective I've ever seen. I can't even put how much I hate her into writing. She's the biggest hypocrite! I can't stand the fawning of males on her and I can't stand her attitude for the mentally ill. She will railroad someone because of thought crimes and legal loopholes, but people who enact well thought out, malicious revenge plots a A-Okay depending on her judgement of their reason. There's a reason I call it Special Vigilantes Units.


Not even Mariska Hargitay turn on Power Rangers Turbo can make me like anything about this character.

Edited by PrincessEnnui
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I hated Barbarino in equal measure to Horshack. Epstein was the only one I could tolerate.

Boom Boom was okay when he didn't overdo the Jive talk to the silly cliched extent they often had him do it.  


Beau was the worst.  


I always wondered what happened to the girls though (Hotsie Totsie, Bambie, and Angie Grabowski). They just seemed to come and go randomly.

Okay, I know that had Hotsie get pregnant, but have no clue about the others.

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I never particularly cared for Morgan on Chuck; but when he got let in on Chuck's secret identity it became unbearable.

Funny, I thought Morgan became more and more bearable as the seasons went on (I still have one season left to watch) and Jeff and Lester are the unbearable ones, with only rare moment's of "ok, that was funny/nice/sweet". 

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Any characters played by Julianna Marguiles, Mariska Hargitay or Lauren Graham would land on my "Most Hated' list by virtue of being played by those blights on the acting world, but my #1 answer would have to be Tia Texada's character, Cruz, on Third Watch.  Anyone else remember her?  She was a nasty, insufferable bitch who shot Faith in the head, yet TPTB clearly adored her.  By the end of the series, they had her get raped and gave her cancer and had her heroically get blown up in order to redeem her.  Still didn't work.

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Ugh, I hate when shows do that. TIIC did something similar to Mellie on Scandal this past season, but I was wondering why she never told Fitz, especially when he would've cut his father out of their lives permanently for far less.

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but my #1 answer would have to be Tia Texada's character, Cruz, on Third Watch.  Anyone else remember her?  She was a nasty, insufferable bitch who shot Faith in the head, yet TPTB clearly adored her.  By the end of the series, they had her get raped and gave her cancer and had her heroically get blown up in order to redeem her.  Still didn't work.

OMG! Tia Texada, hated her character with the heat of a thousand suns. She was the worst. And they introduced her character after they had introduced another SGT in the previous episode who you could respect. And her character just ruined one of the better male/female non-sexual friendships on tv at the time. 

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Latka Gravas (Taxi) and Steve Urkel (Family Matters) were supposed to be goofy but loveable characters and they irritated the hell out of me. They just weren't believable even in a fictional setting. Unlike Rev Jim who for some reason I just adored.  I'd also like to add Sue Sylvester to this list as well. Although I like Jane Lynch, I hated Sue. I know Glee is a dramedy and not to be taken completely serious, but Sue's character was way too cartoonish and she got away with far too much crap. I'm no Jane Lynch stan, but I felt she was better than what she was given scriptwise.  


Rachel Berry (Glee), Grace Adler (Will and Grace) and Rebecca Howe (Cheers) were tedious, self-absorbed, greedy women. Carla Tortelli (Cheers) was an impetuous, inconsiderate and just all around annoying.  Kate Beckett (Castle) is just boring. Why the writers decided to give her an ongoing backstory I'll never know. After five and a half seasons, I couldn't take any more. There are more, but I'll stop for now.

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OMG! Tia Texada, hated her character with the heat of a thousand suns. She was the worst. And they introduced her character after they had introduced another SGT in the previous episode who you could respect. And her character just ruined one of the better male/female non-sexual friendships on tv at the time. 


Exactly - Faith and Bosco destroyed for her?  WTF?  Oddly enough, I have a friend who visited the set quite a bit and she said Tia Texada was one of the nicest people around, while Molly Price (Faith) was a tyrant.  Not that it makes Cruz any less hateable, I was just surprised to hear that.

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I agree that Cruz was awful, but she stayed mostly in Bosco and Faith's storylines. Those two were about my least favorite characters on the show and I just tuned out during most of their stuff. So, Cruz was just annoying in a vague way for me. So while I'm on the subject, I hated Bosco and Faith and they way the show became all about them the further along it went.

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House from House -- He went from a self-absorbed doctor, to a self-absorbed, sleeping with prostitutes, taking hard drugs ass hole. HATE the character with a PASSION.


The Fowl One (Diana Fowley) from The X-Files -- HATED her with a PASSION as well. Evil to the bone for the most part, and I really disliked her.

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Kate on Lost is big one for me. She was everywhere, every guy though she was wonderful/beautiful and she always had to know everything about everyone. She had like 3000 flashbacks and none of them were interesting. I actually hate her so much that every time I do my Lost rewatch, I always skip Kate centric episodes. Also Evangeline Lilly is a crap actress. 

I second that (minus the part about the actress, I honestly don't think it was her fault). I also skip all her flashbacks. And I hated how she seemed suprise that Sawyer had moved on after three years. I honestly wish she died instead of Juliet.


I also couldn't stand Dukat (DS9). I know he was the vilan but still he litterally wouldn't shut up lol. There was on episode where he and Kira are stuck together in a ship and he actually talks the whole episode, that is by far the most boring episode.


Honorable mention: Winn (DS9) though your not suppose to like her ;). And the actress is great in this role.

Edited by blueray
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Rachel Berry from Glee. I hate her so, so much. Ever since the third episode(?) when Mr. Schue gave Tina 'Tonight' to sing, and Rachel through a hissy fit and stormed out, and then made everything about her. I hated the amount of solos she had in the first few seasons,

I'm glad I stopped watching in the middle of season 5 (I liked the newbies and would much rather watch them), 'cause I couldn't stand to watch all the broadway/tv show crap going on with her.

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I was going to say Kate Austen, but everyone else has summed up my feelings so nicely.

Honourable mention has to go to Theon Greyjoy from Game of Thrones. Disloyal little punk. Right from the beginning with his attitude toward Jon and then the Direwolves. As far as I am concerned, he deserved everything he got from Ramsay.

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Tobias Funke on Arrested Development. In a show filled with weirdos, he goes out of his way to be aggressively, unpleasantly weird. I ended up quitting the show midway through season two because I couldn't stand him.


Jeanie Boulet on ER. She'd go after her husband Al every chance she got for his cheating on her, while conveniently forgetting her own affair with Peter Benton. Hypocrite Alert!


Speaking of ER, let's not forget the joyless shrew known as Jennifer Greene.


Claire Howell on Oz. Unpleasantness personified, with never a good word or kind gesture for anyone.


Steve Billings on The Shield. In a show filled with believable characters who all had their good points and bad points, Billings was a useless tool 99% of the time. That the other characters recognized this and commented on it doesn't make him any less annoying.

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Tobias Funke on Arrested Development. In a show filled with weirdos, he goes out of his way to be aggressively, unpleasantly weird. I ended up quitting the show midway through season two because I couldn't stand him.
It was the never-nudism that got me with that guy.  Nothing on that show ever made any sense, so I don't know why it was that thing that I thought was so ridiculous, but it was.
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Jeanie Boulet on ER. She'd go after her husband Al every chance she got for his cheating on her, while conveniently forgetting her own affair with Peter Benton. Hypocrite Alert!

Claire Howell on Oz. Unpleasantness personified, with never a good word or kind gesture for anyone.

Jeanie, while a hypocrite, I understand a little bit because while they were both sleeping around, AL was the one who brought home HIV

Claire Howell...the biggest disappointment for me when it comes to Oz is that the bitch survived to the miserable end

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Oh bless a character hate thread.


I agree with poster who mentioned Gabby Dawson(Chicago Fire). As the show goes on she gets shoved more and more down our throats. I have tried to hate her because Monica Raymond so pretty, so so pretty. However, I am waiting for one of two things to happen that will cement my hate either love triangle with her and the two male leads or they'll reveal that Shay has been secretly in love with her.


From Smallville, both Lana Lang and Lois Lane. I really can't go into all the reasons for my hatred because thinking about them is starting to make my left eye twitch. I would add Clark Kent to the list but I had quit watching the show in season 7 before I really hated him because an American male hating Superman is just wrong.


Laurel Lance (Arrow), bad writing plus bad acting equals a character easy to hate.

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Megan on Mad Men.  She sucks the life out of every scene she's in, and she's in every scene.  I hope the back end of the final Mad Men season is Megan-free.  There's a whole Mad Men thread dedicated to Meghan hate, so, heh.

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Oh Mad Man, I've watched so few episodes, I am almost embarrassed to post this. I can not stand Peggy either. Dumb as a box of hair. Judgmental and snide. Ugh.


I hate Megan too. Horrible creature! [/M'aiq the Liar]

Edited by PrincessEnnui
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Chloe Sullivan on Smallville, That wench got on my nerves from the pilot all the way to the last time she showed up. Should have been killed off in the third season (I think). It go t so bad that they regressed the hero of the show to give her something to do and to have some substance. It was sickening.  She acted as if there was something wrong with Clark that he wasn't in to her, like he was obligated to be. She was a jealous, know-it-all, insecure harpy that too much time was devoted to during the run of the show. I even stopped watching simply because of that character...which leads me to


Felicity Smaok (or however its spelled) of Arrow. Can't stand that character either as I see the similarities, so I have stopped watching that show. I just hate those kinds of characters. 

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It kinda looks like there's much more women than men mentioned in this topic. Interesting. I wonder if it supports the idea that most male writers have no idea how to write interesting and relatable female characters.


My own list:


Ross Geller (Friends). Insufferable, hypocritical and annoying. Also pretty misogynistic, if you watch closely. Like a typical Nice Guy, acts entitled to things he doesn't have. I hated him so much I was rooting for Rachel/Joey in the end just in spite of Ross/Rachel (which, in itself, was a horrible relationship which made both characters worse). Well, you all know how it ended. 


Xander Harris (Buffy). The OP summed up my feelings on him perfectly, so there isn't much left for me to say, but he's yet another fine representative of the Nice Guy trope. Moreover, he's treated absolutely every woman in his life pretty terribly: Willow? He acts/is oblivious to her rather obvious crush on him in the first seasons, then dares to feel jealous of her and Oz, then makes out with her while they're both with another people. Anya? I'll just name one episode: "Hell's Bells". Buffy? It got better with time, but in the first two seasons he's so jealous of her being with Angel he never respects her choice to the point of lying about the re-souling ritual in season 2 finale. And the worst thing is, nobody ever really calls him out on his shit.


Duncan Kane (Veronica Mars). A mess of a character who stood out on the otherwise well-written show. Bad acting didn't help, either. Duncan was originally the heroine's primary love interest... who, in backstory, had dumped her a year ago out of nowhere and didn't speak with her after that while hanging out with the guy (his BFF) who constantly insulted Veronica and her family. He often acted irrationally (although he had some sort of vaguely defined mental disorder, but it was never clear if that was the case), sometimes being friendly with her, sometimes distant, which never made sense. Then, between seasons one and two, he basically stalked her for a few weeks while she was dating his best friend until they broke up, after which he happily hooked up with her again. Oh, and then he turned out to have impregnated another girl while he and Veronica were off. 

Thankfully, he was written out in the middle of season two, which made the second half much better.


Laurel Lance (Arrow) was already mentioned, and is a horribly written, badly acted mess as well. The writers seem to have a hard-on for her for some reason and constantly talk up her actress (even calling some of her scenes "Emmy-worthy") and tease her becoming a superheroine instead of her sister, who is much more capable and likable. She's also involved into a dysfunctional romantic relationship with the lead character, who had cheated on her many times in the past (even with her sister) and then she dumped her boyfriend (his best friend) for him, which ended badly as well.


Neal Cassidy and Belle (Once Upon A Time). One was the main character's babydaddy who, in backstory, hooked up with her while she was 16-17 (while being physically mid-20s, mentally 200+), dumped her and made her take the fall for his crime. She ended up pregnant and in prison. Yet the show presented that as an act of necessity because some other person Neal had zero reason to trust told him Emma (main character) had a destiny to fulfill (unclear how getting to jail was supposed to help, though). Also, he doesn't really apologize even after reconnecting with her, but just a short time later, she confesses her love to him while thinking he's going to die. And a half-season later, he does die, completely by his own fault, yet is treated as a hero. The heroine's parents even name their second child for him! (Imagine how awkward having a baby brother named for your babydaddy is...)


Belle, on the other hand, is just a generic love martyr female character with no agenda, existing only to prop Rumplestiltskin, a villain, who's both physically and mentally much older than her. She forgives all his mistakes and evil deeds because "he has a good heart". The actress also isn't good.

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Buffy? It got better with time, but in the first two seasons he's [Xander] so jealous of her being with Angel he never respects her choice to the point of lying about the re-souling ritual in season 2 finale. And the worst thing is, nobody ever really calls him out on his shit.

Actually, that's not what happened. Xander lied about the souling spell because he (rightly, IMO) suspected that Buffy would hold back in her fight against Angelus if she knew that Willow was trying to restore Angel's soul (with an assist from Jenny Calendar, whose neck Angelus snapped in order to prevent said souling spell's components from being gathered) from the hospital bed she wouldn't have even been in if Buffy had given Kendra the freedom to slay first and ask questions later. I don't hate Buffy (often), but "Nobody hurts my boyfriend!" pretty much says it all, especially once said boyfriend has turned into a psychopathic monster.

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Willow? He acts/is oblivious to her rather obvious crush on him in the first seasons, then dares to feel jealous of her and Oz, then makes out with her while they're both with another people.


THIS.  I hated how at the beginning of season 2 Xander nearly kisses Willow, then pretty much forgets all about it and continues to act oblivious to Willow's feelings and it isn't until she's going out with Oz that he suddenly decides he was in love with her...and we all know what happened from there.


Also hated how he continued to bait Cordelia after they broke up and went back to their hate/hate relationship and how jealous and possessive (at least in thoughts) he got when Cordelia got a crush on Wesley.  Yes maybe it was petty that Cordelia started busting his chops after they broke up again, but even Buffy and Willow pointed out that maybe Xander shouldn't antagonize her back.  The right thing to do would have been to say, "I know I hurt you and I understand that you hate me, but I don't hate you either, so I'm not going to do this with you anymore" but that would have required Xander to act like a grown up.  He does get a gold star for buying Cordelia's prom dress as a peace offering (and keeping quiet about her being broke); but he could been more mature about the situation long before that piont. 

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Owen Harper. He's a rapist. I don't know what else to say. The writers played off him raping two people in the pilot as a joke. Wasn't funny to me. And does he ever, ever get called on it? Nope. Even if I write off that scene as writers being morons, he's still a complete jerk. The way he treated his co-workers, his temper tantrums, shooting Jack in the head! There was nothing to like about the guy. They clearly thought the character was witty too, but everything he said was just too nasty to even chuckle at. And I'm supposed to forgive all this because his fiancé died. That doesn't scratch the surface of everything Jack lost and he didn't treat people like crap because of it. I just really hate the guy and for the life of me, can't figure out what Tosh ever saw in him.

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THIS.  I hated how at the beginning of season 2 Xander nearly kisses Willow, then pretty much forgets all about it and continues to act oblivious to Willow's feelings


Or, y'know, Willow could have actually used her big girl words and told Xander she wanted to try taking their friendship to the next level instead of A)waiting for him to drop into her lap and B)passive-aggressively Nice Girling at him when she finds out he's dating Cordelia. "You'd rather be with someone you hate than be with me."? Ugh. If Buffy was not obligated to go out with Xander just because he liked her, then Xander was not obligated to return Willow's feelings. Maybe he thought that by not acknowledging them, they'd go away because he didn't see her that way. And I'm not counting the ridiculous Clothes Fluke because by then Cordelia was being prepped to go to L.A. and be in the spin off.

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The two and a half men ... any incarnation.  Ug.  How that show keeps going is beyond me.


As I said on another thread, Delenn from Babylon 5.  Particularly annoying because I enjoyed everyone else.  Is anyone old enough to remember the sound a record makes when the needle scratches it?  It was like that for me, every time she came on screen.  I hated the actress on Lost as well (crazy French explorer woman).


And oh, I hated Sisko on Deep Space Nine.  I couldn't watch the show because he.spoke.like.this.

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"Nobody hurts my boyfriend!"

To be fair, Buffy said this before Angel lost his soul and the threats to her and hers were all external and without emotional connection.  She also recognized that her asking the group to try and recurse Angelus (which was part getting him back and part saving the world) was a mistake and took the guilt for Kendra's murder, Willow's concussion, Giles' kidnapping and torture and Xander's broken arm on her shoulders.  She would make more mistakes where Angel was concerned but she would never come close to uttering such a sentiment again until the Woobification of Spike in the last seasons.

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Owen Harper. He's a rapist. I don't know what else to say. The writers played off him raping two people in the pilot as a joke. Wasn't funny to me. And does he ever, ever get called on it? Nope. Even if I write off that scene as writers being morons, he's still a complete jerk. The way he treated his co-workers, his temper tantrums, shooting Jack in the head! There was nothing to like about the guy. They clearly thought the character was witty too, but everything he said was just too nasty to even chuckle at. And I'm supposed to forgive all this because his fiancé died. That doesn't scratch the surface of everything Jack lost and he didn't treat people like crap because of it. I just really hate the guy and for the life of me, can't figure out what Tosh ever saw in him.

I guess they were going for charming rogue? because there doesn't seem to be a single woman on the show who doesn't fall for him outside of the pilot. But, yeah, I just found him kind of gross and unpleasant even beyond the pilot. And the attempt to redeem him in s2 just felt too little too late. It made me very sad that Tosh got saddled with him as her crush for almost the entire duration of her time on the show not only because she deserved so much better, but because it just seemed to stunt her character development.

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Owen Harper. He's a rapist. I don't know what else to say. The writers played off him raping two people in the pilot as a joke. Wasn't funny to me. And does he ever, ever get called on it? Nope. Even if I write off that scene as writers being morons, he's still a complete jerk. The way he treated his co-workers, his temper tantrums, shooting Jack in the head! There was nothing to like about the guy. They clearly thought the character was witty too, but everything he said was just too nasty to even chuckle at. And I'm supposed to forgive all this because his fiancé died. That doesn't scratch the surface of everything Jack lost and he didn't treat people like crap because of it. I just really hate the guy and for the life of me, can't figure out what Tosh ever saw in him.


I hated Owen so much I found his angst over getting zombified hilarious, and his death scene was a Hell Yeah! moment for me.


As for Penny on The Big Bang Theory, she's a talentless, alcoholic bimbo with a two digit IQ and a massive sense of entitlement.  Leonard could do a lot better, in fact he has.  Priya, the doctor, the comic book artist, etc. were all far more intelligent and classy.

Edited by Mulva
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Nothing like an upcoming Walking Dead marathon to remind me how much I hated Lori.  It's not so much as the fact that it didn't take long for her to sleep with Shane when she thought Rick was dead, but how she turned on Rick when he told her that he killed Shane.  And this after 1) Shane tried to kill Rick to have Lori from himself and 2) Lori had told Rick flat-out that Shane was a threat.  Geez!  And then at the beginning of season 3, she does another 180 and starts moping about how Rick can't stand her because of the way she treated him.  Talk about a fickle bitch.  


Also hated Andrea.  How someone so stupid lasted so long in the zombie apocalypse is beyond me.  So yeah, I don't miss either one of those useless female characters...especially now that we've got Michonne.

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I friggin' despise Amy Pond, and I have the UO that she's up there with Peri as one of the Doctor's worst companions. Why do people love her so much? Because she has red hair (so did Mel and Donna)? Because she was Scottish (so was Jamie)? Big flippin' whoop! That's enough for me to like a character! I found Amy to be a whiny, uninteresting, useless, nasty little piece of work, and if Rory had any sense he would have dumped her vacuous, insensitive, miniskirted ass ages ago!

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I friggin' despise Amy Pond, and I have the UO that she's up there with Peri as one of the Doctor's worst companions. Why do people love her so much? Because she has red hair (so did Mel and Donna)? Because she was Scottish (so was Jamie)? Big flippin' whoop! That's enough for me to like a character! I found Amy to be a whiny, uninteresting, useless, nasty little piece of work, and if Rory had any sense he would have dumped her vacuous, insensitive, miniskirted ass ages ago!

I think you stumbled into the real reason people love her at the end there. She's much hotter than those others.
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Emily/Amanda from Revenge. Yea she's the lead character but I can't stand her. Yea the Graysons are horrible but she's doing the same thing she criticizes them for. So she's being a big hypocrite and doesn't help that she's so monotone everytime she speaks. Her revenge plots have killed innocent people and ruined their lives. Since her father has been exonerated and alive its pretty much useless now. Her father isn't innocent in all this, he had an affair with Victoria knowing she was married. I'm hoping in the end Victoria comes out on top and was happy Daniel shot her ass, too bad he didn't succeed all the way. Don't get me wrong I don't like Daniel either.

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Ditto on the Amy Pond hate.  The fanbois despised Donna, who was brave, strong, and accomplished things while they drool over Amy Pond's legs and you'll never convince me that it's for any other reason than looks.

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Ditto on the Amy Pond hate.  The fanbois despised Donna, who was brave, strong, and accomplished things while they drool over Amy Pond's legs and you'll never convince me that it's for any other reason than looks.



Thanks for backing me up, Mulva. I adored Donna, she's one of my favorite companions, and she at least contributed something. Same goes for Rose, Martha, and even the sometimes controversial Clara. What the fuck did Amy ever do?

She gave birth to fucking River Song (do NOT get me started on River Song). 

Steven Moffat writes decent stories, but 99% of the time he cannot write women to save his soul.


I also wanted to state my eternal loathing of Don Draper. A lying, gaslighting, whoring, boozing, dull as sand, not even all that good looking waste of a human being. I'm a straight, red-blooded woman, and I would never give Don the time of day if he were a real person. A humorless lump with no interests and who can't even make interesting conversation? I'll pass, thanks.

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I hate Adalind on Grimm so much. Especially since she tried to sell her unborn child to two different women. After the baby is born she wants everyone to believe that she is a loving mother. She hasn't been punished enough for trying to kill Hank and Juliette. I also dislike the much loved Fritz from the Closer. I thought he was passive aggressive when dealing with Brenda and not disclosing his alcoholism would be a deal breaker with me.

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Tara from Sons of Anarchy.  I'm glad she's dead, because she may have been one of the dumbest characters in the history of television.  I'm going to be a successful doctor and a biker's old lady!  No you're not, honey.  No one does that.  Pull your head out of your ass.


Thank you! I'm not glad she's dead (I don't think she deserved to die, especially not in that brutal way), but I am happy her character is no longer on the show (though, unfortunately for me, her ghost is going to cast a long shadow on the final season).


I found her completely unlikeable and could not understand how people saw her as the moral center of the show. Were we watching the same show?? This is a person who jeopardized her career and her life because of high school love. I found nothing romantic in watching a grown woman who left her small town to create a career for herself come back and act like a dickmatized fool for a scumbag. And not only did she stick around, she became involved in the criminal activity and herself became an awful person. And to make matters worse, she knowingly kept her children in a dangerous situation (and had the gall to criticize Wendy for putting Abel in danger--oh the hypocrisy). 


Unlike many viewers, I actually liked her the most in this past season, when she finally wised up and decided to take her children out of Charming. 

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I think I tend to hate a lot of the main characters: Jerry from Seinfeld (how is he funny?? Can someone please explain that?); House from House; Olivia Benson from L&O: SVU; Goren - L&O: CI; and Grissom from CSI.


A lot of the others have already been mentioned: Sonny/Carly/Jason, the trifecta of evil, upon who's alter many great characters have been sacrificed and Willow who I just always hated.


I also did not like Falsone form Homicide. He was just a little rat faced bastard who strutted around like he was such an awesome cop. I wanted someone to run him over with one of the crappy Chevy Caveliers they always seemed to drive (It was also around the best show ever began to suck, so some anger he may not be directly responsible for).


And a major hate, and also a major UO: I despised Pacey Witter from Dawson's Creek. Despised. To the point where I can't really stand Joshua Jackson and his little scrunched up ferret face.

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The only thing worse than a freeloader is an entitled freeloader...so fuck you Jack McFarland ( Will & Grace), Lynne Searcy (Girlfriends) and Denise Huxtable (The Cosby Show...to a lesser extent)! Your supposed "creativity" and "free-spiritedness" (did I just make up a word?) don't make up for the fact that you tend to be shitty friends/children

Edited by spaceytraci1208
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