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Anna Yolei

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  1. I would too but from the shit ass writing we get, I fear whatever story she's given would ruin all the good will people have for her as one of the only characters in canon ever allowed to chose herself without begging for scraps and to stand up for herself without putting other women down (minus the three weeks she spent punishing Aggie for Nick's sins). Knowing these jackwagons, they'd have Bridget taking Finn away from Hope, and I don't think I need to explain why THIS out of all Logan rivalries is especially cursed. That said, it'd be cool to see her miracle baby Logan Knight appear down the road.
  2. I genuinely do not remember Ashley Jones doing all that much in that story, TBH. Granted, I try to block out that dragged on story as much as possible.
  3. I can't even recall the last major story KKL was even apart of? That schmoopy keyhole thing in Rome? Gag me with a spoon. That said, better Annika Noelle than JMW. John McCook had his meaty near death story which I hated about as much as Mintgate, but if they wanna give him an Emmy for it, I won't complain about it.
  4. Going on fourteen by this July. Contrast that to Ridge, who by that same point in the show had been a widow, had learn to outgrow his screwing EVERY hot woman (and just bounce between two, but I digress), and by 2001 had seemingly chosen Taylor and their family for good. I don't need to see him with either woman, but I hope this isn't idle talk and Bell is actually going to DO something about it. It's long overdue and Scott Clifton is capable of much better. It isn't. I figured Bell would pull this shit. I'm not sitting shiva over it because Zende's entitled behavior and oblivious attitude stinks to high heaven but the should've been blasting all the multiple of other rapists on this show too.
  5. It seems pretty blatant that they will at this point. Its not anything I ship because Finn is still such a blank canvas of a character but I'm here for anything that cracks Steffy's botoxed face at this point. Much like every decision made with Kim Matula's Hope, it was a list opportunity not to SORAS RJ sooner so he could reject his Marone sibs and drag them for slagging Hope. Maybe he and Aly could've been besties who would've later gone over the revived Spectra fashions and made that great.
  6. Eh, I'm pretty sure that Brash and Sassy line Victoria Newman introduced as a teen in the 90s is still going strong and she's what, mid forties? :p I do think it's time to cut the line because of the other reason, though: she's obviously no longer a virgin and has long since outgrown its main message. The Watsonian reason is the Team Steffy fanbase who skin him alive if he ever stood up to her on any Logan's behalf. The Doyalist reason is I'm sure Finn sincerely still thinks we'll of Steffy and believes his slag wife might be capable of change, which...lol.
  7. To this day I am baffled why anyone thought this was a good idea, real life pregnancy or no. I suppose they were trying to shore up more legacy kids down the road but she and JMC have zero romantic chemistry. He's probably the only person KKL has had less chemistry with than Thorston frigging Kaye. Although, I will nitpick here to say we were blessedly spared Eric and Katie getting together, despite the show chem testing that shit in 2017. Hard pass. Coincidentally, I just watched the Catalina episodes from season 7 with Scott's death and I gotta say she doesn't come out of that smelling like a rose at all. My memories of Lauren were long after her hellacious bad girl days and largely after she married Michael, but I'd heard stories of how terrible she was. Granted, she didn't know how sick Scott truly was but using a soon-to-be ex-husband who she had cheated on to do her dirty work of outing her nemesis and being mad Scott didn't tell her she had visited him, regardless of what Sheila had done, was absolutely a choice™. People compare Steffy to Brooke, but I think she's closer to 1980s /90s Lauren: a rich, entitled slag with the world at her feet but revels in being cruel. But thankfully, they've allowed Lauren to grow past that, but Bell seemed determined to keep Steffy this same petty little twit until she's in the retirement home.
  8. To make sure the job is done. She even more than the Forresters have a right to hate Sheila for switching her kid and if she'd emptied a full round of brass into the casket, I'd hardly blame her for it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Frankly, the bizarre thing is that no one's looped Lauren in sooner about Sheila. He was, but he wasn't anywhere in her circle. He was mostly between Amber, Phyllis, Nikki and I think Victoria too. Little Eric was born three years before Hope was, yet in his last appearance on Y&R in the fall of 2009, he was right about the age he would've been in real life, but Hope was aged up to 18 on B&B the following January 🤪 If they want to put Hope in Finn's orbit, I'd welcome Eric III to court Steffy and she can follow in her mother's footsteps of sleeping through two whole families.
  9. I wouldn't say he deserves Ivy either after the shit way he dumped her but of the present viable options, it's the one that hasn't been milked to death. But my preference would be for TIIC to find out who Liam is outside of his romantic options. After 14 years on the show, we still don't have an answer to that. I know Scott Clifton has some wish list stories he'd like for his character and I'd put money on every last one of them being more entertaining that his ping pong routine. And also the pain Brooke caused all *always* assisted mutually. She never needed to drug Eric or Ridge or Thorne to get them in the sack and if not for Deacon being Bridget's husband first, I wouldn't be slagging her over that either. Every time I remember this story, I get mad all over again. Also LMAO what feelings? I'm not convinced that his interest in the World's Most Bestest Intern wont disappear the day she and RJ breaks up and he gets to wave it in his face. Far be it from me to defend Thope but they did have a relationship that they came by fair and square. This OTOH? Absolutely not. If the show is at all interested in breaking their 40 week long streak in low ratings w the 18 to 35 demographic, they'll drop this crap too.
  10. !!! Is John Finnegan Jr waking up to the type of unholy slag he married? 👀 Oh ho ho, I might dust off my Paramount Plus account to watch this! *Snort* Was it Beth cutting Thomas out of all the family photos? I hope it's that. Knowing this show, it's just gonna be her parent trapping Lope, and just.....no. Well damn, that's a fast turn around on Hinn but after this last week, I'm shipping it out of spite, chemistry be damned. I'd say I wouldn't want Hope's reputation ruined but it's pretty much tainted anyway after dating a child abuser, so why not go full dark no stars?
  11. It's not entirely unbelievable that he did. He's certainly proven himself capable of far worse manipulation. But I can attest to the fact that it's a pretty horrid feeling to be stuck in the middle of your parents hatred of the other. My mom and aunt forced me to call my dad by his first name to cut the bond and while my dad absolutely didn't deserve my love and affect for a host of reasons, that's not something you put an 11 year old child through. It just isn't. Given all the turmoil Douglas has lived through and him probably having clued in on the history between his two grandmother's, it's equally possible he though this up also as a way to avoid conflict much like asking to live with Steffy temporarily. And that's honestly worse. 😂 I know this is the very obvious joke that should be made but let's not give these idiots any ideas or reasons to showcase those two more often than their contracts require 🤪 I keep forgetting about that mess of a story until it's shoved back in my face. :| Edit: I forgot if it was here or another board but I realized he's the only one of his material half-siblings who wasn't married or tried to be married fresh out of high school. Largely because the show has done fuck all with him until now, but breaking the cycle is breaking the cycle, I guess 🤷‍♀️
  12. Now THERE was a relationship where Hope strung Wyatt along and switched him out like swapping baseball cards when Liam was five minutes late to a wedding. I can't tell you how much that storyline ruined Hope for me and I was skeptical I even wanted her back when AN was cast. I miss the backbone that KM!Hope had for legitimate foolishness but God was she an absolute pill for all of 2014 without Steffy as a foil. Hope has not treated Thomas as though she was settling or weaponized him to make Liam fall in line. In fact, he's been the absolute *least* relevant factor in their relationship. The same way Steffy jet set off the Europe with Kelly without letting Liam know when JMW left for one of her pregnancies, cuz everyone is a spineless jellyfish in her world 🙃🫠 Is water wet?! My god, no wonder Stephanie was so frustrated with Eric and her male children because they all have two brain cells to share between them :|
  13. As you said, it's never made a lick of sense that either of these Southern California natives--Angelinos at that-- have ever been this hung up on marriage. In fact, I seem to recall a huge part of the popularity Steam had in the early years was largely due to Steffy speaking for the audience to point out (albeit for self serving reasons) that there was zero reason to rush into marriage at their age. Obviously, B&B will forget about that rather major story beat here, but you would think even aside from Liam's brand of BS that after the marry-go-rounds they witnessed between their parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles that Hope and Steffy would just nope outta marriage at all.
  14. In hindsight, the Oliver actor seems wooden and stiff, but eh, he's young and was no better or worse than Ronn Moss himself was at that age.
  15. All of this. @bluvelvet hit all the correct points that this has not being an easy thing for Hope to do and anyone else would see the big picture. Hell, in any other quarter-way competent soap opera, she'd be facing a custody battle and/or having fights with Beth, as she's about the same age or older than Aly was when she made her thoughts on the Thaylor nuptials abundantly clear. Hope didn't reject him--she rejected marriage for entirely understandable reasons, not all of which had to even do with their history. Hey, speaking of long term secrets being kept, I guess short of Courtney Hope returning to B&B and/or Caroline returning from the dead, I guess no one will ever let let Thomas know how Steffy ruined his relationship with Sally? She could've sat back and ate her food and none of us would be here if she had. It can never be said often enough how Hope should've been done with him at so many points in their relationship, of which the WTD thing being the most recent of those waypoints. I feel like enough time has passed to bring Oliver back and let them have a true shot with one another.
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