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S01.E04: The Separation of Church and Dan

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I'm preaching to the choir here, but this ep would have been better before Halloween and the election. But what can we do--nothing.  I loved all of it except Geena somehow not knowing Mary and DJ haven't been to church in 2 years. I find it hard to believe with the skype calls that Geena wouldn't have asked how Sunday School was going, etc. Church seems really important to her. Anyway, it was a good device to get them all in the church.  Dan was perfect, struggling and ultimately finding his own way foreward. And the bike is finally being ridden!

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I really feel like Becky is a completely different character than the one Lecy Goranson played as a teenager. In fact I noticed the change when Sarah Chalke took over. The way the character was written she became something of a dummy, frankly. I could never see Goranson's Becky content to live in a trailer and work at a Hooter's type restaurant. Becky just seemed so much smarter originally, and now it feels like they're still writing the dumbed-down version of Becky that Sarah Chalke played.

That said I do enjoy the character and got a laugh out of her showing off the tennis bracelet some guy in her support group gave her. I just can't reconcile the way she turned out with the way she was in the early years of the original show.


Yeah, when she took a beer out of the fridge before going to church, that should have been foreshadowing of the later episode where she admitted she had a drinking problem.

I wondered if that was a beer or a soda. If it was a beer that sure is a big red flag she's got a serious problem. 


My only complaint is Geena. The writers need to help this character,  quick. She can't always be angry/stern. 

Yeah - they haven't done much with Geena and what they have done makes her seem like kind of a shrew. We had quite a discussion on this forum the last time she lectured the Conners about their lack of faith and a lot of people came to her defense and said it seemed like they took it in stride like it was just good-natured kidding. I take the opposing view that she's insulting these people by suggesting they are inferior because of their lack of belief and need correcting. This is the second time she has chastised them about their souls and I find it offensive.

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18 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Really enjoyed this episode. It felt easy. I laughed throughout the episode.  My only complaint is Geena. The writers need to help this character,  quick. She can't always be angry/stern. 

Agree! And her and DJ have absolutely no chemistry. Obviously, the show wanted to include DJ since he was an original character and was in the show through it's entire run, however, I'm not feeling him, Gina or Mary. If they put Jerry "on a boat somewhere" and Andy doesn't even exist, they could have easily had DJ (and Gina) deployed and just have them make occasional appearances. Mary is an unnecessary character, IMO. 

Yay, for no Harris!

Lecy sounded way more natural this episode.

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19 hours ago, tessaray said:

I wonder if it was a mistake to hold this one back when it so obviously was the follow-on to the season opener.  We could have really used those scenes before now, especially the one between Dan and Becky. 

So it *was* supposed to run earlier? OK, that explains it. We kept saying that it was weird how Dan was now so upset at Roseanne's passing, when he seemed better with it in earlier episodes. I know that grief has stages, but the way this was portrayed came out of left field.

4 hours ago, qtpye said:

Is it me or is the Becky character becoming the sleeper break out character of this show?

She has improved since the reboot. Her comment about getting her jacket was the LOL line for us.

Overall, this ep had some good content but seemed really uneven. The church plot revolved around a totally different reason to go, driven by other characters, while Dan was trying to find answers. Seems like the connection should have been more to Dan, even if he rejected it. And then the election voting thing was from a totally a different show, starring Barney Fife.

Geena and her church attitude would work my last nerve. You can go if you want, for whatever reason you choose. But don't insist everyone else should agree with you. Mrs. Ottis and I are on different sides of Geena's POV (she is more Geena, I am more Darlene), and we have had that discussion for our kids. It wasn't fun, and Mrs. Ottis is nowhere near the fanatic that Geena is.

Edited by Ottis
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1 hour ago, willowk said:

I loved all of it except Geena somehow not knowing Mary and DJ haven't been to church in 2 years. I find it hard to believe with the skype calls that Geena wouldn't have asked how Sunday School was going, etc.

And wouldn't her family have mentioned, "You know, D.J. doesn't bring Mary to church"?  Her family would have been the easy solution to this "problem" all along; D.J. shouldn't have to take her if he doesn't want to go, but if Geena wants Mary to still attend in her absence, she could go with her grandparents.

I think it was nice of them to go this one time as a favor to D.J., but I'm glad Dan didn't go; that wouldn't have been believable.  I hope Darlene asked her kids if they wanted to go, rather than told them they had to, and can't imagine her handling it any other way, but I don't remember if Harris and/or Mark were there.  If one or both wasn't, that implies they were given the choice.  Mary seems old enough now that she should be able to decide for herself, too, but I'm not good with kids' ages, so I don't know how old she is.

I like the increased diversity this time around, and I know Geena is going to be very much a secondary character since she's D.J.'s wife and D.J. is inevitably going to get the least focus of the three Conner "kids," but they have got to flesh her out a little bit beyond "bossy bible thumper," because if that's all there is to a black female character, that is a problem.

And could they please throw in a line explaining why she's home, when in the first episode she was only home on bereavement leave; there was no indication then her tour was almost up.  She's the family's main source of income and benefits, so is her pay the same here at home, or did she get paid more when she was on duty in Afghanistan?  Again, I know they're not going to get too much into D.J. and Geena's life, but a line here and there that doesn't take up a lot of time (or require acting chops Fishman doesn't have) would help us build a picture.

Edited by Bastet
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Hopefully they will explain Geena's presence more in the future. This was supposed to be the second episode (they shuffled the episodes around) so I guess she could have still been home on bereavement leave.

Mark was at church - he was sitting next to Aunt Jackie, I believe. Darlene explained to D.J. that Harrison had something else going on at that time.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who is not warming up to Geena. I liked her fine last season during the video chat and I felt DJ love and missed her. But now that she's here in person, I don't feel any warmth or love between them. Not even friendship or humor. I'm going to say it. I don't like her personality. Sad, because I was looking forward to her character being in the show.

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5 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is not warming up to Geena. I liked her fine last season during the video chat and I felt DJ love and missed her. But now that she's here in person, I don't feel any warmth or love between them. Not even friendship or humor. I'm going to say it. I don't like her personality. Sad, because I was looking forward to her character being in the show.

Shes been overseas for 2 years, Possibly in a war zone? They may very well have real issues. This happens a lot when someone comes home.

To the poster who mentioned leave. She may not have had any simce ahe was deployed. She may in fact have months of it saved up and that could be  why she’s still home.  I was stateside in Gulf War 1 but in a needed job, I wasn’t allowed leave for a long time,  I ended up having a bunch accrue.

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2 hours ago, willowk said:

I'm preaching to the choir here, but this ep would have been better before Halloween and the election. But what can we do--nothing.  I loved all of it except Geena somehow not knowing Mary and DJ haven't been to church in 2 years. I find it hard to believe with the skype calls that Geena wouldn't have asked how Sunday School was going, etc. Church seems really important to her. Anyway, it was a good device to get them all in the church.  Dan was perfect, struggling and ultimately finding his own way foreward. And the bike is finally being ridden!

Right?  Geena would definitely know her daughter was not going to church. I dont want to focus on how bad the writers are doing with Geena, but I can't help it. Everyone else seems to be finding their groove. And I'm really getting into the show. This episode was the best yet. 

I agree I busted up laughing when Becky went flying across the kitchen saying was grabbing her jacket ?.

Someone mentioned how different Becky was as compared to who she became.  I've been thinking about this( I'm bored ) . While I always thought Young Becky was  book smart, she made some dumb mistakes that changed the direction of her life. While Darlene took steps for her future (college), Becky was a lot of talk and not lot of action. She seemed content (she complained alot) being married to Mark.

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Count me as one who disliked Jackie in the mall.

Didn't much care for her in church either.  If you want to enjoy Laurie Metcalf in church, coming to you from Gomorrah California, watch the Big Bang Theory, "The Rhinitis Revelation". 

I really want a big pretzel! 

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25 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

Shes been overseas for 2 years, Possibly in a war zone? They may very well have real issues. This happens a lot when someone comes home.

Since this is a sitcom with professional writers, they should address it, even if it's DJ throwing out a line. I don't play guessing games. Right now I just find her harsh and off-putting.

Maybe they will address it in a future episode. 

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5 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

Since this is a sitcom with professional writers, they should address it, even if it's DJ throwing out a line. I don't play guessing games. Right now I just find her harsh and off-putting.

Maybe they will address it in a future episode. 

Yes, Im womdering if they might. If not, shes just not working

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I enjoyed this episode and LOL'd a lot at the pivotal lines mentioned above.  Although I'm not a pink hat wearer as Jackie is (last season's (Roseanne) pink hat, not this episode's church hat) , the mall scene just proved to me how much the furor has gotten out of hand.  I hope they're done with politics.  I agree that this had to be a switcheroo episode that would have aired after The Conners premiere, but ABC thought better of too much politics and wanted Johnny Galecki in right away for the viewership grab.

Dan's grief seemed real and was well acted.  I'm enjoying Becky a lot.  Geena is bossy and judgmental and not a warm character.  I don't feel any chemistry between her and DJ.  Mary is cute, but the whole DJ, Geena and Mary part of the family isn't that interesting to me.

I loved the end scene with "Working In The Coal Mine".

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I thought this episode was fantastic.   I laughed, I cried, I thought about it all day and I watched again.   

One little odd thing I noticed (beyond the fact that this ep was clearly supposed to be shown after the premiere) is right when Mark comes in he seems to be looking directly at the camera.   Is it just me?  I feel like someone should have caught that lol.   

Anyway like I said, I loved this entire ep.   I don’t have any problems with Geena but I agree she is seem one note.   We need to see more.  I love Darlene but maybe there can be an ep or two that doesn’t focus so much on her, so we can learn more about the other characters.  

Jackie was amazing in this episode.   I loved her from start to finish.   She was so classic Jackie.  

Dan and Becky had me crying throughout.   Wow.   So much to unload.   Also?  Sara Gilbert was clearly the “breakout” star in the original, and now she understandably is the focus and center, but Lecy Goranson is absolutely the breakout star this go around.     

Its so weird, this doesn’t feel like a normal sitcom to me anymore.   It’s not.   It’s a show about a family that I love and am interested in seeing every week, and I just want to know everything about their lives.   

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On 11/13/2018 at 11:35 PM, Bastet said:

Dan, the father, asking Becky, the daughter, for advice on dealing with the loss of a spouse was wonderful.  The beer swig was perfectly timed.

Agreed.  The veteran actors on this show, other than the departed Roseanne, has always been so top notch.  Even OTT Jackie works, thanks to Laurie Metcalf's talent.  It's a pleasure watching them work, even when the material is weak.  And it can't be said enough - John Goodman is a national treasure.  The man's not capable of a bad performance. I actually thought ABC should have let this show die, really pleased that they are proving me wrong.

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17 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is not warming up to Geena. I liked her fine last season during the video chat and I felt DJ love and missed her. But now that she's here in person, I don't feel any warmth or love between them. Not even friendship or humor. I'm going to say it. I don't like her personality. Sad, because I was looking forward to her character being in the show.

I agree, and I didn't even mind her comment a couple of eps ago about everyone going to hell, either. That felt like a long-running family debate that everyone hears, says their part, shrugs off/laughs and moves on.

But this past ep, insisting people go to church because Geena does, that was crossing the line for me.

16 hours ago, snarkylady said:

Count me as one who disliked Jackie in the mall.

Didn't much care for her in church either. 

Too much Whacky Jackie. A little is OK. 

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28 minutes ago, HyeChaps said:

And Mary’s hair looked great!


It did, and that little bit about a 10 step simple method that takes 3 hours was hilarious, including Darlene’s self deprecating response.  I love this family. 

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3 minutes ago, Ottis said:

But this past ep, insisting people go to church because Geena does, that was crossing the line for me.

Geena didn't insist anyone go to church except Mary.

It was DJ who asked the rest of their family to attend church.

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On 11/14/2018 at 1:04 AM, chocolatine said:

love everything about Dan in this reboot. The way he processes his grief is very realistic for men of his age and background, and John Goodman is such a great actor that he never misses the mark.

And I was coming here to post that something this season feels off to me with JG. I get that he's in mourning, but JG just seems... deflated? Again, I know Dan's supposed to lost and sad but it seems like the joy of playing Dan is missing. (Sorry, I'm not expressing myself very well)

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27 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

And I was coming here to post that something this season feels off to me with JG. I get that he's in mourning, but JG just seems... deflated? Again, I know Dan's supposed to lost and sad but it seems like the joy of playing Dan is missing. (Sorry, I'm not expressing myself very well)

I think I know what you mean. He seems oddly static. Maybe he needs Roseanne to bounce his energy level up but I don't think that's it. He used to have tremendous energy with Jackie, Darlene and even Becky at times. I don't know what it is but I'm definitely not feeling it with him.

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On 11/14/2018 at 11:34 AM, andipandi said:

This was a great episode. I agree they should have kept the order, as Dan's grief is so raw here. I also thought Becky's beer during her talk with Dan was foreshadowing.

I wish they wouldn't write Jacky to be so cringeworthy. I cringed at church, I cringed at the mall, although less. If you don't know the church practices, you shut up and follow along.

Yeah, I don't understand why they aired it out of order anyway.  Unless there were production problems, but I doubt that was the reason.   I suppose they thought the other episodes were more appealing, and were trying to gain some momentum, but that seems ridiculous too.

Agree about Jackie.

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38 minutes ago, rmontro said:

Yeah, I don't understand why they aired it out of order anyway.  Unless there were production problems, but I doubt that was the reason.   I suppose they thought the other episodes were more appealing, and were trying to gain some momentum, but that seems ridiculous too.

Agree about Jackie.

Same here about Jackie.  Only part of the episode that felt off to me.


5 hours ago, QQQQ said:

And I was coming here to post that something this season feels off to me with JG. I get that he's in mourning, but JG just seems... deflated? Again, I know Dan's supposed to lost and sad but it seems like the joy of playing Dan is missing. (Sorry, I'm not expressing myself very well)

It didn't feel or seem that way to me. I felt similar to him when I lost my uncle a couple of years back. It took a bit for me to not feel down/deflated. That kind of loss takes time to get over. Thought his performance seemed believable.

Edited by AntiBeeSpray
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I really enjoyed this episode and found myself laughing quite a bit while watching. 

I loved all of Becky's scenes but I think the one I most enjoyed was her telling Dan how older men give her tennis bracelets and she's currently wearing a bracelet with Tiffany on it, but it's actually the dead wife's name... Her delivery just cracked me up, heh. 

I also liked the ending with everyone singing. I may have joined in...

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On 11/15/2018 at 5:10 PM, peacheslatour said:

I think I know what you mean. He seems oddly static. Maybe he needs Roseanne to bounce his energy level up but I don't think that's it. He used to have tremendous energy with Jackie, Darlene and even Becky at times. I don't know what it is but I'm definitely not feeling it with him.

I recall people saying that in season 10 of Roseanne, too. I feel like we're just getting an older John Goodman. To me, he's still terrific, but has aged in a way that's realistic for playing an aged Dan, given how lackluster his life has been (if you don't include dying and winning the lottery and anything else that we pretend didn't happen). Even before Roseanne died, we saw they were counting pills his kids are struggling, his wife was in pain, he's got some ailments, and he's still doing drywall (honest work but he's got to be physically tired and also drained from not having steady income).

Edited by love2lovebadtv
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On 11/14/2018 at 3:43 AM, SirFilligryFlirt said:

I tried to look it up, but have had no luck. Was the guy with the long hair the same guy who was a poker buddy in the original? He wore a backwards cap if I am remembering correctly. In this episode they called him Dwight, which I know he isn't the original Dwight. It's driving me crazy! Anyone know? 


ETA: Found it! I guess it wasn't the guy from the first run. In last night's episode, Dwight was played by Stephen Monroe Taylor.  Still want to know who the guy in the original is though.The oddest most random things that get stuck in your head I swear..  https://2paragraphs.com/2018/11/who-is-dans-poker-game-friend-dwight-on-the-conners/


That also threw me off.  Of all the names in the world, why did they recycle one when this guy couldn't possibly be playing the same character?  Too young and completely different in looks.

I can't remember the actor's name, but the original Dwight (the one that had the crush on Jackie) was also in Shawshank Redemption and Kinsey.

And I just remembered where I've seen the current Dwight (been bugging me since I first saw him).  He was one of the convicts, in Charlie Sheen's prison support group in Anger Management.

Edited by Sile
to add the Anger Management role
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On 11/14/2018 at 1:43 PM, iMonrey said:

I take the opposing view that she's insulting these people by suggesting they are inferior because of their lack of belief and need correcting. This is the second time she has chastised them about their souls and I find it offensive.

This seems to be the only thing she does. I agree with the poster who said the DJ Character improved last night. But they just keep making Geena this one trick pony. Although I did love Darlene's comment about thinking it was funny Geena thought she could do Mary's hair when she can't even do her own.

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6 hours ago, Sile said:

That also threw me off.  Of all the names in the world, why did they recycle one when this guy couldn't possibly be playing the same character?  Too young and completely different in looks.

I can't remember the actor's name, but the original Dwight (the one that had the crush on Jackie) was also in Shawshank Redemption and Kinsey.

And I just remembered where I've seen the current Dwight (been bugging me since I first saw him).  He was one of the convicts, in Charlie Sheen's prison support group in Anger Management.

Maybe nuDwight is old Dwight's son? Father and sons don't always look alike.

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I had to admit, I yelled out "noooooooo" when Dan was prepping the Harley for sale, and I was also telling Darlene to "shut up" with her gloom and doom. Her father just lost his wife. Why berate him into giving up the "seed upon which this family was born," or whatever Dan's line was back in Season 2 when he and Ziggy restored the bike. 


I know it shouldn't matter, but I wish they'd address Mark's death. Even as just a passing throwaway line. I guess we can rule out "motorcycle accident," because if that were the case, Darlene would have thrown that in Dan's face when she was brow beating him. And I think a drug overdose is out, out of respect for Glenn Quinn and his actual cause of death. 


And yeah, we don't need Wacky Jackie. Metcalf can tone that down and still be great.  Wacky Jackie was annoying in the original show. And count me in as also not really feeling Geena so far. 


Speaking of Ziggy, I know that the characters parted on bad terms when he backed out of the bike shop deal, but it would be cool to have Jay O. Sanders show up. Ziggy hears about Roseanne's death and shows up to check up on his old friend. 


And is anyone else having a hard time imagining Chuckie as anything but a surgeon, now? Just me? Okay. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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10 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:


And is anyone else having a hard time imagining Chuckie as anything but a surgeon, now? Just me? Okay. 

How did I not make that connection?  I am embarrassed! 

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On 11/14/2018 at 3:38 PM, juliet73 said:

Agree! And her and DJ have absolutely no chemistry. Obviously, the show wanted to include DJ since he was an original character and was in the show through it's entire run, however, I'm not feeling him, Gina or Mary. If they put Jerry "on a boat somewhere" and Andy doesn't even exist, they could have easily had DJ (and Gina) deployed and just have them make occasional appearances. Mary is an unnecessary character, IMO. 

Yay, for no Harris!

Lecy sounded way more natural this episode.

I think the show needs DJ, mostly for the family connections. He still feels natural when he's going back and forth with Becky and Darlene, and I think he makes them seem more real, as otherwise they both run the risk of being a little too "I'm in a sitcom."

I also like Mary. It's nice to have a kid on the show who is just a kid, and not an obvious construct, as Harris and Mark are. 

I do wish we got more of Gina. Even an episode that had a major subplot about her only featured her in two scenes. I don't feel like she and DJ are a believable couple - we never get those little moments. They rarely even hug and I don't think they've ever kissed. The closest we got was when he embarrassed her at church. I did like that.

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4 minutes ago, Pete Martell said:

They rarely even hug and I don't think they've ever kissed.

They leaned in for a kiss after that funny moment in the first episode where they were sitting on chairs behind the couch - D.J. said she could have warned him the couch was wet before he sat on it, and she with perfect snarky delivery replied, "Yes, I could have" - but the show cut away before they connected, which was disturbing.

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On 11/15/2018 at 7:47 AM, Dee said:

Geena didn't insist anyone go to church except Mary.

It was DJ who asked the rest of their family to attend church.

Geena was irritated Mary hadn't gone to church in two years. DJ was expected to take her to church. Mary plus DJ =  "people."  Geena did not give the impression in any way that anyone who *didn't* want to go to church was A-OK.

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21 minutes ago, Bastet said:

They leaned in for a kiss after that funny moment in the first episode where they were sitting on chairs behind the couch - D.J. said she could have warned him the couch was wet before he sat on it, and she with perfect snarky delivery replied, "Yes, I could have" - but the show cut away before they connected, which was disturbing.


Also she called him “Baby” or some other term of endearment in church (while telling him “raise the roof” hasn’t been a thing since 2005 lol)-  they seem believable to me it’s just we hardly see them at all.  


At the filming I went to they were recording Holiday Greeting messages for abc or twitter or something and they had a lot of chemistry together and were quite the dashing couple in their dressy wear.  

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55 minutes ago, Ottis said:

Geena was irritated Mary hadn't gone to church in two years. DJ was expected to take her to church. Mary plus DJ =  "people."  Geena did not give the impression in any way that anyone who *didn't* want to go to church was A-OK.

Geena was irritated DJ didn't make provisions for Mary to attend church.

Nowhere did she say DJ himself had to attend church too.

And Geena clearly had no problem with the rest of the Connors not attending church, hence her lack of issue with their own individual spiritual practices.

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5 hours ago, Concerned said:

Wonder if the “say hi to mom” comment when Dan was on the bike is a foreshadowing of John Goodman leaving the show. He’s a pretty in demand star to hang around while they squeeze the last drops out of this lemon.

Even hate watching counts as far as audience numbers go so if you really think this show is a lemon and want it off the air you might want to consider not watching it.  Just a thought.  Anyway to your point - I doubt very much they are foreshadowing the Death of Dan.  They killed off Roseanne because sending her off to join the Peace Corp or whatever would have been really a dumb way to get rid of a main character.  Killing off Dan might be an end game move for the closing down of the series - I doubt it but it's certainly possible - but I don't think for one minute any of the PTB are planning to kill off Dan Conner.

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3 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

And is anyone else having a hard time imagining Chuckie as anything but a surgeon, now? Just me? Okay. 

Well, whenever Chuckie is at the bar I keep thinking, "you shouldn't be there, you're an alcoholic."

(Because his alter ego, Richard Webber on Grey's Anatomy, is an alcoholic)

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I prefer to believe that John Goodman is using his entire body to act bereaved, but the guy looks exhausted. People may have noticeably loose skin after dropping a lot of weight, but they typically have more pep and are lighter on their feet. John really seems tired and ill to me. I hope he's okay on one hand, but congrats to him on the other if he's simply acting.

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4 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I prefer to believe that John Goodman is using his entire body to act bereaved, but the guy looks exhausted. People may have noticeably loose skin after dropping a lot of weight, but they typically have more pep and are lighter on their feet. John really seems tired and ill to me. I hope he's okay on one hand, but congrats to him on the other if he's simply acting.

I was almost shocked when he hopped up and tricked the kids. I was feeling like he was just dragging himself around up to that point.

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On 11/13/2018 at 5:38 PM, tessaray said:

Is it bad that I laughed at Darlene's "Say hi to Mom" when Dan was going off to ride his motorcycle? 

Count me (and my wife) among the "bad ones"!

On 11/13/2018 at 7:08 PM, Luciano said:

I cackled when Jackie explained why she went to church: "I take my mother to services every Sunday just to remind God she's still here in case He forgot to take her."

We laughed at that too!

On 11/13/2018 at 8:35 PM, Bastet said:

I’ve never been to a support group, but shouldn’t they have let Dan indeed just take the step of showing up and listening, and then speak if/when he wanted, rather than forcing it?  He might have stayed, and may even have wound up sharing.


On 11/14/2018 at 7:53 AM, qtpye said:

why the heck would someone as religious as Geena want to be with DJ? Would it not be important to her that her spouse also be a "man of faith"?

My wife is a black baptist (she HOWLED at Jackie's hat -- her mom would have worn that!!!) and she loves this white atheist.  Religion is only one component,  Even religious people may find other attributes that surpass the lack of faith.  (Although she does try to get me to go to church functions All The Time!!!)

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ok, maybe just me. i get atheists don't dig the whole church thing. BUT i also get courtesy is NOT a natural thing also, ie my holding doors for people is not natural, i do it as a procedure that is considered within social norms. if one is going to church, one is implicitly accepting and following the social norms, even if not believed within the self. so....i do not get the outrage at atheists in following church customs. what harm is this causing you? you do not believe in a higher power, so there's no judgement. i get the feeling OOOOOOH some judgment i am atheist, therefore in church i am being judged...how? who the heck is watching you? (not judging, i'm technically agnostic, but the weird emotionalism attached to an atheist attending a church ceremony always fascinates me.)

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2 hours ago, Colorado David said:

ok, maybe just me. i get atheists don't dig the whole church thing. BUT i also get courtesy is NOT a natural thing also, ie my holding doors for people is not natural, i do it as a procedure that is considered within social norms. if one is going to church, one is implicitly accepting and following the social norms, even if not believed within the self. so....i do not get the outrage at atheists in following church customs. what harm is this causing you? you do not believe in a higher power, so there's no judgement. i get the feeling OOOOOOH some judgment i am atheist, therefore in church i am being judged...how? who the heck is watching you? (not judging, i'm technically agnostic, but the weird emotionalism attached to an atheist attending a church ceremony always fascinates me.)

What "church customs" are you referring to here?

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