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S03.E05: Jeremy Bearimy

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Of course Michael's first instinct is to kill the humans because human bodies are just goo and juice. I love Janet: "Our bad, guys." So the 800+ reboots were 300 (earth) years.

Jeremy Bearimy = wibbly wobbly timey wimey. But with a dot, which is Tuesday, July, and also never.

Poor Chidi having a breakdown in front of his students. "You put the Peeps in the chili pot and add the M&Ms!" Eleanor tearing up after being told she's a good person and that the guy she helped hopes his daughter grows up to be like her was sweet. And it made her realize the point of helping others isn't to get a reward (admittance to The Good Place) but simply because it's the right thing to do. 

Janet really didn't like Jason and Tahani getting married. I'm assuming Larry Hemsworth isn't going to be thrilled either.

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1 minute ago, Chaos Theory said:

I love the idea of the group realizing that nothing they do matter.  They are doomed regardless of their actions but they still decide to be good people and more then that help other people get into the good place.  The whole idea sounds like something the show has been working toward from the beginning.

This proves Michael's premise that humans can be good without moral desert. As far as they know, there isn't any for them. However, I suspect it will make a compelling case to present to Judge Gen. I don't know where the six will eventually end up, but, at the very least, they'll be able to avoid eternal torture. 

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1 minute ago, Chaos Theory said:

Chidi's nihilistic breakdown was the best park of a stellar episode.

I love the idea of the group realizing that nothing they do matter.  They are doomed regardless of their actions but they still decide to be good people and more then that help other people get into the good place.  The whole idea sounds like something the show has been working toward from the beginning.

I agree that this is a recurring theme for the show. To me it sounds like what Eleanor did in season 1 when she gave up trying to get points and decided to leave for the bad place. Her point total briefly jumped because she gave up trying to get points. The points counter may have been faked by Michael (I can't fully remember) but it was the same general idea.

This also reminds me of this old interview with Mike Schur. He talks about how he would wait until the barista was looking to leave a tip so he could get "credit." I actually think his idea is a little too strict. Maybe the absolute best people wouldn't care about others seeing their good deed, but the effect is the same for the barista. It's still a good deed to put money in the tip jar. The idea that the Good Place/Bad Place system is too strict and too unforgiving is another idea that keeps popping up on the show. Maybe the cockroaches/soul squad know too much to ever truly be selfless in their good deeds, but maybe it shouldn't matter if they also do a lot of good in the world.

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32 minutes ago, phalange said:

Janet really didn't like Jason and Tahani getting married. I'm assuming Larry Hemsworth isn't going to be thrilled either.

Tahani apparently didn't give a moment's thought to Larry and her imminent marriage after the revelation (nor did Chidi to Simone).  I think Larry could do better, if he can get that chip off his shoulder.

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11 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

I suspect that when Michael told them that they had no chance of getting into The Good Place, it was a gambit.

He knew that by telling them that, he'd be putting them in a position where they'd actually be able to acquire points.

 Didn't Judge Gen tell him that a few weeks ago? That if he tipped off the humans they could never get in to the Good Place? I think Michael believes that. Having it be a big lie feels too easy.

  • Love 15

Poor Larry. He wont take this one well even a little bit. Not only dumped, but dumped for a guy from Florida, a place that high class banks have to shut the building down in case of their citizens gain entry. 

So many great scenes and lines. Loved Chidi having a meltdown (even if it was also kind of sad), loved Janet's reaction to Tahani and Jason being married (although I do want them to get back together damn it!), loved Michael's reaction to the cockroaches coming back (bless his big happy demon face), loved Eleanor doing the right thing just because it was the right thing, I just loved seeing everyone back on the same team, trying to figure things out again. 

The explanation for how the afterlife works being Jeremy Bearimy is just the kind of random absurdist wackiness that makes me love this show so much. 

I think the stuff with Eleanor returning the wallet is a good follow up to the end of last season, where Elanor got her second chance, tried to go good things...and it was hard and made her life seemingly worse, so she just about gave up on being good. You cant just be good because you have to be good to get something, you have to want to be good for its own sake, even when its tough. 

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, RainbowBrite said:

This felt so much more like seasons one and two, so I'm very happy.


1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

Chidi's nihilistic breakdown was the best park of a stellar episode.

I love the idea of the group realizing that nothing they do matter.  They are doomed regardless of their actions but they still decide to be good people and more then that help other people get into the good place.  The whole idea sounds like something the show has been working toward from the beginning.

And so much this.

When the magic door closed, I was prepared to be disappointed that we were still going to be on Earth, but this episode was so good. Even when in the throes of a nihilistic breakdown, Chidi still has stomach pain. Of course, Elinor was there to diagnose the source this time. 

The bank manager's line about not even being allowed to have someone from Florida inside the bank had me howling out loud. B/w this show and B99, I never get tired of the potshots taken at Florida. 

I'm so happy that the entire Soul Squad is back together and w/ a plan on what they can do going forward. Still, I hope that one day we get to see the reappearance of nihilistic Chidi. He's a hoot. I can just imagine him going back to the store only to have the cashier tell him that he's not getting the car back. 

  • Love 13

Dammmmmmmmmmmmnnnnn, Chidi.


Maybethe real Good Place was in front of our tvs all along.

I am so delighted that the show still knows how take a can of gasoline and a blow-torch to its plot. They burn through it like nothing and we're all the better for it.

Janet is all of us wishing our exes the best in their new relationships

  • Love 14

"Sir, you can't shop here without a shirt."
I get it, Supermarket Lady, but I hope you lost some points because of that. Now I want to know how S1 Eleanor knew Chidi was "surprisingly jacked," because GIRLFRIEND WAS RIGHT.

I feel like Earth Jason is (for lack of a better term) stupider than S2 Jason, but I also think this illustrates how unfair the afterlife ranking system is. Jason isn't the best person, but he has had nowhere near the same advantages as the other three in the Soul Squad. He's never going to change the consciousness of a nation, but much like Eleanor, his heart shines through when he's surrounded by others who think they're worthy of the Good Place or are trying to be. When he noted how much just one bundle of the cash would have changed his life, I was touched and thought it might be the canniest observation the show has ever had ... and then he shared pretending to be a dog so he could see a vet.

As for the rest of the episode, we're getting closer to the show I fell in love with in the first two seasons, so I'm happy. Although while I'm not a shipper, I'm still annoyed that we spent an entire season watching Eleanor and Chidi make their way toward one another, only for it to have gone nowhere for at least four episodes. I hope this signifies the last time the Soul Squad has to catch up with the viewers.

Edited by jmonique
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Chidi was hands down the highlight of tbe episode, from the confrontation with the dealer to the shirtless action to his peep chili to his meltdown. Oh God. Peep chili. I'm dying. And the look on the supermarket lady's face when he grabbed the shirt and put it on.

Eleanor is trying to be a better person but she's still Eleanor when she says that the wallet guy was a dork with a very untalented daughter. Lol. 

Poor Larry Hemsworth. 

Edited by Minneapple
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First I had to deal with D'Arcy Carden being out of control hot in Existential Crisis and now I have to process William Jackson Harper being swole AF!

For fork's sake, everyone in this cast is sexy!

On a less thirsty note, Chidi's existential breakdown was hilarious. I knew he wouldn't handle it well, but he really was 100% done. I loved every minute!

It was sweet to see Tahani decide to do good after learning of her unavoidable fate, and it was even sweeter she listened to Jason's suggestion to give life-changing money to random people on the street.

Eleanor is so clutch saving Chidi from the abyss. Her convincing the others to save souls is taking the show in yet another unexpected direction, and I can't wait to see it all unfold.

Edited by steelyis
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Wow, this episode was much better than the last one. I guess any time Eleanor cares, I totally buy it.

I am glad that Chidi just had a breakdown in the supermarket, because I was worried he was going to die, Eleanor-style.

And the violin player was Megan Amram! (It helps that I remember her playing the violin from An Emmy For Megan.)

I wonder if the dot in the i from the Jeremy Bearimy afterlife timeline will play a part in future scheming.

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2 hours ago, Dots And Stripes said:

 Didn't Judge Gen tell him that a few weeks ago? That if he tipped off the humans they could never get in to the Good Place? I think Michael believes that. Having it be a big lie feels too easy.

Gen said the humans couldn't get into the Good Place if they knew about it because if they knew about the Good Place and the point system, then they would do a bunch of good things only to earn enough points to get into the Good Place and not just because doing good things because it's the right thing to do. Michael not only told the humans about the Good Place and the point system, but also that because they know about the point system they can never go to the Good Place. This means that if the humans still choose to do good, they are doing it only because it's the right thing to do. They are doing good for purely selfless reasons. The idea is that Michael told them the truth because he is trusting them to keep doing good, even if they "know" it won't save them from hell. And that might earn them enough points to get into the Good Place. It's a hell of a gambit, but it might work. And it's the only chance they have since they saw the doorway.

  • Love 15
5 hours ago, Mockingbird said:

Though I wonder how much of his breakdown was motivated by the possibility of making William Jackson Harper walk around shirtless...


That would be enough inspiration for me.  Holy hell! I now resent ever shirt William Jackson Harper has ever worn.

5 hours ago, RainbowBrite said:

This felt so much more like seasons one and two, so I'm very happy. 

So much this.  I adored this episode.  It was everything I love about this show.  I love the core six together and on the same page.  I haven't loved the last two episodes much, but this episode was an example of why I never doubt this show.  Even its worst episodes are still good and move the story.  But its great shows shows (which is the majority) are just magic literally and figuratively. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 9

Everything involving Chidi and his meltdown was pure gold, but the highlight has got to be the chilli with the peeps and M&Ms, and him singing about it with his version of "You Put the Lime in the Coconut" about it.  In front of his class.  Pretty much in tears there.  William Jackson Harper was fantastic (and, yes, he's apparently very buff once you remove all of those sweaters.)

Tahani and Jason giving money away was also great.  Loved that whatever bank Tahani uses refused to let people from Florida in.  I'd almost feel bad about all of the slams, except... well, it's Florida!

I loved that Eleanor is still annoyed and, well, Eleanor even when she is doing good, but it is still a big step for her (well, since she doesn't have her memories anymore about the past seasons.)

Janet was not happy about that marriage reveal, even if it was platonic.  But poor Larry Hemsworth!  He will not take this well.  I at least hope he gets to the Good Place, but even then, I feel like he would go there and get a nice house, only for Chris to get the biggest mansion in the neighborhood, and everyone wants to hang with him instead.  Larry just can't win!

So, it looks like it's going to be about the main six helping other people do right to get to The Good Place.  I wonder who they'll try to help?

  • Love 6

Eleanor and Tahani's realization that they wanted to do good and help others reminded me of Angel's epiphany:


Angel: Well, I guess I kinda worked it out. If there's no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Cause that's all there is. What we do - now, today. I fought for so long - for redemption, for a reward, and finally just to beat the other guy, but I never got it.

Kate Lockley: And now you do?

Angel: Not all of it. All I want to do is help. I want to help because I don't think people should suffer as they do. Because if there's no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world.

When Chidi took off his shirt, I told Mr. EB, "If I were a dude with that body, I would NEVER wear sweaters!" Later when Chidi put on that wine t-shirt at the grocery story, Mr. EB said, "So you would wear shirts like that all the time?"

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, Rockstar99435 said:

Gen said the humans couldn't get into the Good Place if they knew about it because if they knew about the Good Place and the point system, then they would do a bunch of good things only to earn enough points to get into the Good Place and not just because doing good things because it's the right thing to do. Michael not only told the humans about the Good Place and the point system, but also that because they know about the point system they can never go to the Good Place. This means that if the humans still choose to do good, they are doing it only because it's the right thing to do. They are doing good for purely selfless reasons. The idea is that Michael told them the truth because he is trusting them to keep doing good, even if they "know" it won't save them from hell. And that might earn them enough points to get into the Good Place. It's a hell of a gambit, but it might work. And it's the only chance they have since they saw the doorway.

Gen told Michael the humans can’t get in to the good place once they know the system. Michael told the humans they can’t get in to the good place once they know the system. It’s not Michael’s lie, it’s the truth. Even if Michael somehow thinks he came up with a brilliant trick, it strikes me as a simple cheat rather than a hell of a gambit. Just tell them there is no reward for them feels more classic sitcom than brilliant lie. It just seems so obvious. They can’t be motivated by a reward? Fine, tell them there is no reward for them. It’s too easy for me to find it a satisfying turn of events, if that is where the show is heading. I think (and hope) there is something bigger.

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@ElectricBoogaloo I kept thinking about the Angel line as well and it fits the current concept so well.  “If nothing you do matters - all that matters is what you do.”  I know the show pivots a lot (With Tihani’s fiancée showing up it looks like it already is) but I hope the show keeps with the current idea for the rest of the season.  Doing good even though they all expect to go to hell.  Excuse me...the bad place. 

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

Poor Larry Hemsworth!

Chidi is like a real life Ned Flanders!

No kidding!!!


Damn Chidi!!


I tend to agree though with the sentiments expressed by others recently that the sooner they get off earth and back to the afterlife, the better.  Rather limited on what they can do on earth, despite their plan to help others, so not sure what to think of where this is going. 

Plus I can't imagine Michael just being allowed to be down on earth like this with no consequences to him for very long

Good lines about Florida. 

Poor Janet too!!!  Once again Tahani and Jason end up married. 

Michael typing was hilarious. 

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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Damn Chidi, why are you hiding that under sweater vests. I was hoping he would be wearing T-shirts from now on. 

I loved Eleanor's reaction to the man being more thankful for his kids stick drawing, then mentioning it again later. I'm so happy they have learned and are going to help other people. 

I loved Janet's increasing frustration with Michael's hunt and peck typing. They'd be there for an eternity if she let him do it. 

While I liked Janet's strangled reaction to Tahani and Jason getting married, it's getting a little tiring since Jason seems to have no feelings for her. I also liked Janet finding her birthday on the Jeremy bearimy. Although it probably would've worked better if it was the dot, on a Tuesday, July and never. 

Edited by Sakura12
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