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S10.E04: War and P.O.S

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When they walked into that meal and someone made a comment about Bethenny’s fuzzy white jacket including the word PETA I was amazed that nobody spoke up to Sonja who came in wearing a real fur left over from her Grand Dame days. They were probably trying not to egg on the Monster. 

When Carole was sitting at the bar with Tinsley (ordering Bloody Marys) she was still wearing the tattoo bodysuit. She had a sweater on so it only showed on her legs. I hope she wore underwear for wearing that two days in a row. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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As far as Dorinda vs Sonja goes I think getting divorced and having a husband pass away are two very different kinds of traumas. It's very painful to split up from someone you love and seeing them move on, a 'torture' as Bethenny said, yet having a beloved spouse pass away is, of course, a terrible thing to happen to anyone. It would be like comparing losing arm or your leg, both horrible in their own ways.  I think the difference between Dorinda and Sonja is not only how Dorinda talks of her husband and Sonja talks of the lifestyle that has come and gone, but Dorinda refers to it as the past and talks about it as what it is- the past. Sonja will talk about the yacht as if she still has it at that very moment instead of talking about as something she DID have. Another example is 'I party with John Kennedy Junior and Madonna all the time!' Yeah.... he died almost twenty years ago, honey. I'm sure she did party with them all the time once, but she talks abut it as if it happened yesterday and not decades ago, that must drive the other women crazy!!!

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No one does insultaments (insulting compliments) like the NY ladies - 

"Sonja is a really good person but you know she's gained a ton of weight"

"It's quite an accomplishment. I'm so proud of you. For someone who has never exercised a day in their life it's impressive"

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I'm having a hard time with the clothes these women wear sometimes. At the party at Ramona's OMG, most everything was hideous. Carole's body suit, no words. Romana's dress was fugly and the arm things didn't fit right. Lu was wearing something a 78 year old would wear. Beth looked ok, except for the english sheepdog she was wearing when she walked in. Not only was Dennis' sweater ugly, it was too small. 

The battle of which is worse, death or divorce, will never have a resolution, so they all need to STFU about it. 

I don't know if something's wrong with Sonja, but her jealousy is showing. And her TH in the red dress, what is up with her makeup. It looks like her eyebrows are really low on her forehead and her lipstick was applied by a 5 year old. 

Ramona's house is straight out of the 80s.  

And it was beyond rude for Ramona to move her chair to the other end of the table at brunch. Yes that text was awful., but Ramona acts like a child. 

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16 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

But Sonja doesn’t talk about her ex-husband. She talks about the lifestyle and frequently references it as if it just happened. Yes, some divorces suck but come on, this was 12 years ago and she is stuck.  She talks about partying on a yacht with John John like it was last year and he died in 1999. We all threw a bit of a side-eye at Lu when she was engaged to Tom and she said they were a perfect match because they both enjoyed skiing. She didn’t talk about how he made her laugh, how she fit in his arms, the normal lovey-dovey stuff.  

Here is my thing with Sonja...  I don’t think she has a true mental illness BUT just because someone is mentally ill doesn’t mean you give them a pass on saying hurtful things or being a horrible person.  Supposedly she has anxiety.  That doesn’t justify her behavior.  Whether or not you are mentally ill, you need to be held accountable for your actions.  If you say something hurtful, you apologize.  If you are living in delusion world, you need to be called out on that.  Giving them a pass on everything makes their situation worse, not better. 


Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Bethenny needs to understand that some items just cannot be replaced. What if Ramona's glasses were heirlooms handed down or had some other type of sentimental value? Not everything in this world has  price tag and can be replaced.

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21 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Ramona's house is straight out of the 80s.  

But it's not on the highway! 

Montauk Highway or not, I thought Beth's investment property was lovely.  I hope we'll get to see the finished product.  What a life---being able to plop down 2M & renovations without batting an eye.  

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1 hour ago, Juniebaby said:

Montauk Hwy. isn’t really a highway but it is a main thoroughfare in the Hamptons therefore it’s very busy day and night and has constant traffic in the summer so that’s why it was a reasonably priced house for the area.  Ramona was right, but she’s such a snob the truth got lost in her obnoxiousness.  

True, and one likely wouldn't want it to be their main residence. However, Bethenny clearly called it an investment property that she intends remodel and rent out. It's perfect VRBO/Airbb property, within walking distance to town and on a known street.

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2 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

But it's not on the highway! 

Montauk Highway or not, I thought Beth's investment property was lovely.  I hope we'll get to see the finished product.  What a life---being able to plop down 2M & renovations without batting an eye.  

I know, right? And Dorinda said something about how her life was once grand, but it's not anymore. I thought wow, if Dorinda's life isn't grand, then what is mine? 

Edited by jennylauren123
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Did anyone else notice that Carole was carrying the remaining cake around with her to lunch the next day? It was sitting on the bar when she and T were getting the place cards and then I think I saw it on the table. She was so tacky about the dinner party but she drags the cake around the next day.

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3 minutes ago, jennylauren123 said:

I know, right? And Dorinda said something about how her life was once grand, but it's not anymore. I thought wow, if Dorinda's life isn't grand, then what is mine? 

Maybe she didn't mean the money but not having Richard to share it with. That's what I get upset about, not having my husband with me at home, parties, dinners, and everyday. Even with a great support system you can still be lonely. 

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14 hours ago, TomGirl said:

With all their (many!) faults, these are attractive, wealthy and mostly successful women.  I’m amazed they can’t find any men better than the likes of Tom, Dennis, John, etc.  Not one man on this show is attractive or otherwise appealing (except boy toy Adam).  I don’t get it.

I don't get it, either. For women, competition is fierce in NYC. Especially if you are in the over 50 crowd.  I have a brother that lives in Manhattan, he's nothing to get excited about. Average job, average looks, no money to speak of. He's a good dancer and a nice conversationalist, that's about it. He's in his 60's.  Women in the over 50 crowd are falling all over him all the time. Women with careers and money of their own. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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30 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree 100%. I also want to point out that I've never heard Sonja say one specific thing about her ex-husband. She keeps saying they had "a beautiful marriage". But she doesn't say why. She doesn't ever talk about who he is/was as a person. I know his name, and nothing more. From the tidbits we've gotten about Richard from Dorinda, I'd definitely say I know something about him. 

Agreed...I don't even remember what Sonja's ex's name is. She never mentions him in any meaningful way that I would remember his name. Now, to be fair, maybe they did have a wonderful marriage (outside of possibly some infidelity going on) but you still have to be accountable for what you give people. If Sonja is upset that people think her marriage was superficial and not this meaningful marriage that she very vaguely describes it as, that's because she has set the tone in the way she chooses to talk about her former marriage. When the only specific examples of happiness you had in your marriage is all explained via materialistic things, it's not crazy for people to get the impression that you were more in love with the man for the lifestyle he could provide than the man himself. And in many ways, I don't think the tendency is unique - likely why divorce rates are so high. Sometimes people fall more in love the circumstances than the person and what they think is enough to survive forever simply isn't because time will reveal all. It always does. So Sonja is not some unique case in the way she equated happiness and love to the life she lived rather than the person she lived with. And this wouldn't be an issue if Sonja as a stand alone always fawned over her former marriage and her ex husband. But it's bleeding in to all other areas of her life and instead of getting real help, she continues to use her experiences as her excuse.

But to be clear, I do see a difference in Sonja's demeanor and I do think that her situation is heavily burdening her. She's not the same person as she was in her earlier seasons but I think being free of those demons is to take the first step in taking accountability for her mistakes and putting aside her pride. She wants to put up a facade about her life when it's falling into shambles and she's using her next big get rich quick scheme (toasters, fashion lines, movie productions, wine, etc.) in hopes that she'll strike big and finally have the money and can afford the life she wants the world to think she has. Now she has nothing else lined up and her financial situation is being exposed via lawsuits and she's run out of places to hide. But I'm not right now convinced that she's doing the most for her own recovery and wellbeing if she's unwilling to throw her hands up and say 'I made mistakes and I'm learning the hard way but I can't let that be the reason that I'm inconsiderate toward others', then I'll throw my support her way. Do all depressed people act like assholes? No. Because even when dealing with a mental illness, you still have to work on your mental health.

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14 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think in order to be her friend you have to be her size.  I did chuckle about the green sparkly outfit, it seems a bit much for the Hamptons, I think Lily Pulitzer, Izod, Ralph Lauren not Bob Mackie, lol.

Carole's tattoo body suit is really ugly not to mention she has truly aged out of that look.  She could have worn the black leather shorts 47 other ways to make a better outfit.  What sort of memorabilia would one have if one has not run the marathon?  Maybe she wanted a life size cardboard cutout of her crossing the finish line?  So we have learned that a buffet style dinner is not an acceptable celebratory dinner.

Beth's BF's Gucci sweater is fugly, I didn't like on Marlo either, sometimes I feel like designers make something awful, charge a ton of money for it and sit back and laugh when someone buys it.  Beth knocking Ramona's wine glass saying it's from the 70's, (and I hate that I am taking up for the twitchy Ramona) but those are pricey stems that I would love to own.

Of all the changes Ramona has made to her house I wish she would have changed the tile back splash in her kitchen, that looks dated.  Did Ramona select a painting from the artist?

Sorry if it seems like I am drinking Haterade while writing this post.

Allow me to introduce you to the Balenciaga dad sneaker for $900:



8 minutes ago, Reality police said:

Did anyone else notice that Carole was carrying the remaining cake around with her to lunch the next day? It was sitting on the bar when she and T were getting the place cards and then I think I saw it on the table. She was so tacky about the dinner party but she drags the cake around the next day.

It looked as though she brought the cake to lunch so that people could partake and she wouldn't have to bring days-old cake back to the city. 

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12 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

You could be right.  He does seem like he cares for her but I've never gotten the feeling that there was much depth to it.  Plus, he looks like he smells of old school machismo.  But I'm basing that on a small on-screen presence.   

From what I remember of Dorinda's first season on the show - both she and Ramona talked about Richard's passing. Dorinda couldn't get out of bed, she cried 24/7 and wouldn't even leave her apartment. John was allegedly friends of Dorinda & Richard. She cried on his shoulders all the time. I always saw it as John made his move really quick with Dorinda - 6 months after his death. If she is still grieving to this day - and there are times she is really weepy - can you imagine what she was like 6 months after his death?

John is an opportunistic pig that took advantage of a grieving woman. He knew then she lost the love of her life.

Dorinda - saying I love a bald man and the cameras panning over to John - serious shade from production - I did feel bad for him at that moment.

However, he should have never started dating her in the first place. It's his own fault for staying in this relationship so long - she has been consistent from the jump - she doesn't want to get married, she is past having more kids, she still feels Richard is/was the love of her life, every anniversary of his death she wears her wedding ring.

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1 hour ago, esco1822 said:

Ramona did actually tell Carole she was hosting a party in her honor specifically for her finishing the marathon. The words "marathon themed" were not uttered but that's just semantics. She also called it a "sit-down" dinner multiple times which generally doesn't imply a buffet. I know there are a lot of Carole haters on this board but seriously, if your friend told you she was throwing a party in your honor, would you be totally cool with that friend inviting HER friends, not yours and having no visible recognition of the entire reason she was throwing the party? It would be one thing if it was just the girls out to dinner and Carole was toasted and given a cake. If she complained about that, yeah, I'd be on board with calling her ungrateful. That's not what happened though and Carole was entirely right that Ramona was having a dinner and used Carole as an excuse to have it. Carole didn't ask for a party to celebrate her accomplishment, it was offered to her. Don't tell me these women don't know how to throw a theme party, they do it all the time.  If it's a party, make it look like a party. If it's just a dinner, call it a dinner. If it's honoring someone in particular, invite THEIR friends, not yours. It's not that hard. 

Carole did insinuate that she wanted someone to throw her a party and Ramona's 'hey I'm throwing you a party' followed right after. In fairness, I thought Ramona said she was hosting a dinner in Carole's honour, not an actual party which does in fact make it different...but Carole had already suspected that Ramona had already planned the party and made it about Carole after Carole brought up wanting a party so I'm not sure why she was so surprised. I don't think Ramona's comments implied a theme party at all, regardless of semantics. It could have just had a banner that said 'Congratulations' and do something a little special that separates the guest of honour like wearing a sash or a tiara, presenting a trophy or something fun like that. It's poor etiquette to have a party in someone's honour and there are guests who don't know the guest of honour at all. In fairness, I never called Carole ungrateful but I did mistake the way the event was presented to Carole. While I disagree about the place needing to be decked out to represent a theme, I do agree with the rest of it though. Ramona was too quick - she should have said nothing and then surprised Carole with a toast, some cake and fun trophy acknowledging her achievements. That way the night may not have been designed specifically for Carole but it would have a been an unexpected gesture that had no expectations and would have likely been received differently.

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11 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Agreed...I don't even remember what Sonja's ex's name is.

Morgan.  It's the only part of his name that Sonja cared about, so why should we care any more than her?

I agree with everyone saying that B's boyfriend seemed so much less substantial in person.  The voice didn't match his face.  He is definitely better looking in still photos. 

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Dorinda needs  to take her own advice. She constantly lives in the past with Richard. She continues to talk about him even though she's been with John for a long time. She reminds me of my Mom's friend. The first time I met her she talked in length about her dead husband. Even though she has remarried for a long time now. The way she spoke about  her deceased husband's death it sounded recent even though he had died over 35 years ago.  

Losing a spouse to death is difficult but to diminish Sonja's experience of losing a spouse over divorce is short-sighted. Divorce is extremely stressful. Take a look at what Bethenny went through, or even Ramona, who had a very public scandal with dirty dog Mario screwing his mistress in their Hampton's home. That shit can take a long time to get over especially if the ex is vindictive. 

However, I think Sonja misses the lifestyle, the parties, the endless amounts of cash rather than being with old man Morgan. She misses flouncing about saying she's Lady Morgan. She unwisely spent her money on stupid deals, and dumb ideas (toaster oven) and now her only asset is a home that is falling apart. The delusion is strong in that one.  She has been using unpaid interns  so she can mask this illusion of believing she's still somebody although she has the help using magic marker to hide the scuff marks out on her old designer bags and shoes. 


A couple of funny quotes:

Ramona: "You need to move on!"

Sonja: "You need to move on from that dress, that's for sure."


Dorinda:  "Liar Liar, ho on fire."


Bethenny: "We'd have to go back to the fucking 70's to find this glass" 

Edited by Barbara Please
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Wasn't there a Bethenny comment her first season back about just having a party for party's sake?  Maybe last year there was a comment about Tinsley throwing Sonja a thank you party?  If Carole was being clever it backfired.  They have already had the post race discussion, so I doubt anyone wanted to hear about it again.  Repetitive discussion seems to be this season's hot button.

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Is this the tread that has the Stephon re-capper? I need a Stephon type recap of this episode.  STAT. 

I just love these girls, the light bulb moment with Luann was great!  I do want to know more about Rocco....interesting.....

@Barbara Please - Sonja's dig back to Ramona about the dress....was just fabulous.

Edited by TV Diva Queen
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Now I really want to know the truth:

1. Is Sonja's divorce due to the rumors that she was partying all over France, sleeping around, while old man Morgan was laid up in the hospital and she refused to come home to be by his side and that was the last straw for him?

2. Or was it a perfect, happy, beautiful marriage that all of a sudden one day fell apart for no apparent reason and Sonja has no idea what happened? 

I vote for #1


Lol it’s both.

#1 is the reality and #2 is the way it went down in Sonja’s delusional mind.

I think she has something far worse than anxiety. I think she may have cognitive processing issues or schizoaffrctive disorder. I think she truly has trouble distinguishing what’s real from her own delusions.

Edited by Silo
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1 hour ago, Mozelle said:

Allow me to introduce you to the Balenciaga dad sneaker for $900:

Oy.  How hard does a designer have to try to make a pair of shoes look like an off brand from Pay-less?

1 minute ago, Silo said:

Lol it’s both.

#1 is the reality and #2 is the way it went down in Sonja’s delusional mind.

I think she has something far worse than anxiety. I think she may have cognitive porocessing issues or schizoaffrctive disorder. I think she truly has trouble distinguishing what’s real from her own delusions.

And to think on Scary Island she was the voice of reason.

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9 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

A lot of thoughts about this episode and so much has already been said so I'll just do some quick bullet points:

First off STFU Carole about the marathon party!  Gah she was becoming a pill complaining about how Ramona didn't really intend to throw her this party.  Girl you got a cake, enuff already!

It's none of Sonja's business how Tinsley get money or maintains her lifestyle.  She isn't her account nor her mother.  And how tacky to keep bring up the idea that Tinsley's bf paid for her gift card.  That was a GIFT Sonja, just accept it and move it on--how rude/tacky to keep questioning how it was paid for!

I wonder if Sonja is bitter because Tinsley has more money to fall back on - and also if there was a time when Sonja asked Tinsley for financial help. I’m positive Sonja never let Tinsley forget staying with her rent-free - which led to the $2000 per month check. Bethenny should have minded her own business there, since Tinsley wanted that “debt” out of her life (as she said).

Edited by nexxie
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Oh boy, I live for RHNY - I honestly don't remember Sonja being so mean spirited before - maybe she was and I didn't notice her backhanded insults ?  I did think Dorinda

was out of line at the marathon dinner - she pretty much started it.  I also think Sonja misses the lifestyle she had more than her husband. I do believe she ran around on him and he finally had enough and left her for her friend.  Not a Bethanny fan. but enjoyed her this episode  

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5 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Oh boy, I live for RHNY - I honestly don't remember Sonja being so mean spirited before - maybe she was and I didn't notice her backhanded insults ?  I did think Dorinda

was out of line at the marathon dinner - she pretty much started it.  I also think Sonja misses the lifestyle she had more than her husband. I do believe she ran around on him and he finally had enough and left her for her friend.  Not a Bethanny fan. but enjoyed her this episode  

I also think that Sonja is coming to the realization that Quincy is 17/18 yo and maybe her alimony/support stops soon and will truly have to be on her own.  

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15 hours ago, TomGirl said:

With all their (many!) faults, these are attractive, wealthy and mostly successful women.  I’m amazed they can’t find any men better than the likes of Tom, Dennis, John, etc.  Not one man on this show is attractive or otherwise appealing (except boy toy Adam).  I don’t get it.

Welcome to New York! :)  The struggle is real.

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2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

When Carole was sitting at the bar with Tinsley (ordering Bloody Marys) she was still wearing the tattoo bodysuit. She had a sweater on so it only showed on her legs. I hope she wore underwear for wearing that two days in a row. 

I didn't notice that, will have to re-watch, if so, that is pretty gross that she slept in it or just threw it back on the next day - it was ugly enough the first time, didn't need a repeat 

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13 hours ago, breezy424 said:

What the heck did Carole want?  What do you want a marathon themed party to encompass?   Running shoes on the table with empty cups?  I'm at a total loss and I'm pretty good at a theme party

Everyone show up in running gear. Oh, or better yet, 1980s workout gear.


This is a better look than most of them were wearing anyway. 

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16 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think in order to be her friend you have to be her size.  I did chuckle about the green sparkly outfit, it seems a bit much for the Hamptons, I think Lily Pulitzer, Izod, Ralph Lauren not Bob Mackie, lol.

Carole's tattoo body suit is really ugly not to mention she has truly aged out of that look.  She could have worn the black leather shorts 47 other ways to make a better outfit.  What sort of memorabilia would one have if one has not run the marathon?  Maybe she wanted a life size cardboard cutout of her crossing the finish line?  So we have learned that a buffet style dinner is not an acceptable celebratory dinner.

Beth's BF's Gucci sweater is fugly, I didn't like on Marlo either, sometimes I feel like designers make something awful, charge a ton of money for it and sit back and laugh when someone buys it.  Beth knocking Ramona's wine glass saying it's from the 70's, (and I hate that I am taking up for the twitchy Ramona) but those are pricey stems that I would love to own.

Of all the changes Ramona has made to her house I wish she would have changed the tile back splash in her kitchen, that looks dated.  Did Ramona select a painting from the artist?

Sorry if it seems like I am drinking Haterade while writing this post.

I thought the same thing.  Just because something is new doesn't make it better.  Worth a lot or not a lot, they were Ramona's and she liked them.  

Hated the sweater also but man he was a good sport.  I was on twitter and someone mentioned the Lu situation with him and how she looked when she found out who Beth's date was so I was ready.  It was hilarious!  

I am not sure what is up with Sonja.  Is it drugs?  Is she having early onset Alzheimers?  Is she faking all of this because her life isn't that interesting so she thinks faking being nuts will get her more time and secure her apple?  It is beginning to feel like we are watching someone truly lose their mind and its not entertaining.  I feel similar to her as I did Kelly.  Once you discover how truly ill they are it fails to be entertaining and its best for THEM to get off the show.  Or she is just a lying asshole and therefore should not be rewarded with her apple.  I am very over Sonja.  Also, re Sonja and her getting bent about Ramona not stopping the rumors of her cheating on Old Man Morgan.  Wasn't it just a few years ago she was defending spreading rumors about Carole and Lu to her thirsty facialist?

Lu, while I generally don't like her there are times when I am struck by her failure to get ruffled and have some respect for her.  As a distant friend she may not be too bad.  I can never decide how I feel about her.

Carole, man, I generally like her but that outfit was horrid.  I was curious about what Ramona could have done to present more of the marathon theme.  I like your idea about a life sized cut out (or standee) of her crossing the finish line.  It can have its own spot at the reunion.

Tinsley, I get she prob pays her own way (or our trust does) but no need to get offended.  Just tell Sonja she WISHES she could find a dude who she finds attractive to pay her way and let it go.  No one really pays attention to or believes what she says anyway.  I get she prob tantrums a lot.  Once you are an adult its time to find a new go to move.

I liked B's house ad I like how she was honest about the creative styles of all the HWs at Ramona's.  

Dorinda, stop drinking.  Also, a bit of advice, don't fawn over another guy right in front of your boyfriend.  Unless you two are into that.  I do not find her entertaining when she makes a scene.  I think she has gotten too much kadooz for that so now she does it all. the. time.

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16 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m afraid to tell you that sometimes it’s true but it can be overplayed. 

Yes indeed!  Those white hot bands of anger that flash over you can be a real bitch.  Luckily they do not last long.

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4 hours ago, nexxie said:

I wonder if Sonja is bitter because Tinsley has more money to fall back on - and also if there was a time when Sonja asked Tinsley for financial help. I’m positive Sonja never let Tinsley forget staying with her rent-free - which led to the $2000 per month check. Bethany should have minded her own business there, since Tinsley wanted that “debt” out of her life (as she said).

Is it really for free if production paid Sonja another location fee every time Tinsley filmed in her house? Maybe Tinsley didn't pay rent, but Sonja got compensated.

Sonja is generally bitter and envious of anyone who is doing better. Pirate vs pirate. Tipsy Girl vs Skinny Girl. Luann lands Tom, the prize, vs Rocco and Frenchy fighting over Sonja and Sonja starts grousing about Luann's small murky diamond. Tinsley is with Scott vs Sonja claiming Tinsley is a trust fund brat and a kept woman. Sonja is quick to drop a dime on someone to Page Six. She's always talking about her yacht, chalets, chateaus villas, friends, and lovers of yesteryear. Furthermore Tinsley does have a pretty decent relationship with Topper, which is a stark contrast to Sonja and J.A. Tinsley and Sonja both fucked up their marriages, but Tinsley never ended up in massive amounts of debt, still gets semi-sympathetic articles about her, and might have an easier time re-entering society. Sonja refuses to accept that her own dumb choices have landed her in her present situation, which is why she's bitter and lashes out at those around her.

Edited by HunterHunted
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16 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

OMG how many meals can these gals be forced to sit through together in the span of one weekend ? 

Sonja isn’t herself she is off I don’t like the pile on it is nearing KKB Scary Island territory. Sonja is unhealthy right now, Luann is the only one seeing the forest thru the trees. 

Dennis is still married. Luann was right at the reunion. Bethenny was then, and still is dating a married man. Period. Close your legs to married men. 

Ramonas house is a trip so dated! Tara meets South of Montauk Highway 1996. 

I didn't read past the 1st page before posting but I am seeing that a lot of us think there TRULY is something wrong with Sonja.  

I swear every time I see or read Montauk all I can think of is the Montauk Monster.  Yeah I watch a lot of weird tv.

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can someone please tell us (in order), the best area/town/neighborhood, to live in the Hamptons?  Maybe a top 5 or 6.  with all these shows I watch, you'd like I'd know by now.  :) 

Ramona could have used today's Google image for her marathon themed party.....

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15 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

I loved Bethenny's take down of Ramona's glasses. Even better was Ramona taking it in stride.

I think I finally have their relationship figured out.  They fight like family, say awful stuff to each other but they really don't hate each other.  I think it is a sport between the two.  They exasperate each other, but there is something that keeps them from truly breaking apart.

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Does anyone know what product Dorinda (or her makeup artist) is using in her THs? Her skin (and I have noticed it on some other HWs as well) looks gorgeous and dewy. I assume it is a special product as in her many of her regular scenes her face looks like mine - minimally made up, and not glowing. I did love her TH where she was laughing so hard she could barely talk. Hilarious, and the Doris I like. Mean Doris - not so much. 

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15 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Why does Sonja remind me of Lola from Barry Manilow's song "Copacabana"?  I can totally picture her, sitting in the corner, "in the dress she used to wear, faded feathers in her hair, and drinks herself half-blind".

I see her more as the muse for Jack in Titanic who would wear her moth eaten clothes and all her jewelry while he drew her in a Paris bar (I have seen it 5 million times, why can't I remember her name???)

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't get it, either. For women, competition is fierce in NYC. Especially if you are in the over 50 crowd.  I have a brother that lives in Manhattan, he's nothing to get excited about. Average job, average looks, no money to speak of. He's a good dancer and a nice conversationalist, that's about it. He's in his 60's.  Women in the over 50 crowd are falling all over him all the time. Women with careers and money of their own. 

I once had a male patient who lived in one of those up scale retirement communities.  He talked about how he never made a meal because of the competition amongst the single women.  He wasn't bragging but I think he juggled at least seven women.

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1 hour ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I also think that Sonja is coming to the realization that Quincy is 17/18 yo and maybe her alimony/support stops soon and will truly have to be on her own.  

I wonder if Quincy carries the heavy burden of knowing she will be supporting her mother all of her life.  I'm sure Sonja is living vicariously through her.

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