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S06.E16: Sur Going South

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9 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I don't think Lala uses the bottle all the time.  I did do a double take but it is not unusual for adults to still sleep with their childhood teddy bears or blankies.  My niece is 30 years old and has three children and she still has her blankie. Actually I don't think you can call it a blankie anymore it is now a bunch of threads that is held together by other threads,  She brought her blankie with her to the hospital when she had each one of her children.  She was adopted and has a lot of abandonment issues so it is a comfort object for her.


I think a blanket/blankie is WAYYY different than a baby bottle.  Most people have a comfort item from childhood.  A baby bottle is for babies, that is it.  It is really weird to drink from a baby bottle.  If you like to use a non-spill bottle, get that.  

I used to really like Lala, so I gave her a lot of slack.  But - I was listening to her on Heather McDonald's podcast and she is really annoying with her "honey, baby" and "girl, I'm urban" business.  Heather asked her about that and she is claiming she is like that due to listening to gangster rap since she was 6 - which I do not believe.. but also a lot of people love gangster rap but don't say things like, "you know we gansta."  I am cringing for her, she looks ridiculous.  


2 hours ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

I think it was always needy, desperate, and insecure, as no one needs to act that superior and talk about their own intelligence that much who isn’t insecure. The way she talks down to women and tends to stick with the guys also says a lot, IMO. The self-professed “Cool Girl” is never that cool, 


The worst kind of "cool girl" (gag) is a fake cool girl.  She is trying really hard to be that girl, and when you try for it, you lose all cool points.

She really thinks she is the most intelligent, like when she was talking about the "whittling" or whatever.  She is very pleased with herself.


I wonder if they were still filming when Rob broke up with Schaena, I would like to see that.  I have a feeling he waited until the show started, and they were probably done filming.

Edited by heatherchandler
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Jax continues to be the worst. The Toms obsession with him is just as pathetic as Jax himself. Tom Sand. always freaks out when someone dares to call Jax out on his shit. Jax could murder someone and Tom would blame the victim.


I dont know why Brittany stays with him. Does she think it will keep her on the show?


Im guessing Stassi is right and there is not job position for him. 


Lala drinking from a bottle was so weird. I cannot believe that I had the same thoughts as Schena on that. WTF. who does that as an adult.


The topic of James bullying was brought up so randomly. 

Lala was so on point about James/Jax. He is so desperate to have Jax approval/attention. Though god knows why.

Katie and Schwartz in bed with that pizza was so gross. And they do have a weird relationship with Stassi. Who goes on someones HM and who lets their friend tag along on said HM. 

Toms crush on Lisa is amusing/cute.

Sadly I can somewhat related to Kristen. I get anxiety when I travel too. I hate new places and being out of my bubble. But I sure as hell dont react like her. 

Edited by backhometome
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Lala with the bah-bah - seriously ? She wants to be all gangsta like but suckles the bottle like a 1 year old, whats next a binky ?  Other than air time, why was Kristen even there ? If two of my ex's were on a trip, that would be the last place I would want to be. Ariana, you know the one that invented the bob is just insufferable, she is the buzz kill of this group. And Scheana, again with Rob is fantastic is just so annoying, no wonder he dumped her.

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Of course Scheana has to stir the pot in Mexico. I’m glad that James told Jax what was going on re: the setting up of Brittany with Adam. He chose a place when they were alone, Jax was relatively sober and everyone couldn’t jump in with their opinions. They are being a little hard on him as it is his birthday. Not that he doesn’t deserve some of what they’re saying but it’s time timing that seems off to me. I’m sure it’s done on purpose to make the trip have good drama for filming and everything is exacerbated when they are drinking so heavily. 

The girls were cute going skinny dipping. Wow Stassi had a good point about how much Kristin was drinking. 

I wonder how Lala’s boyfriend likes her sucking on a bottle when she has anxiety. Weird almost a fetish. 

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Okay, i really feel like I need to time myself mounting a tv because I feel I can beat Rob! 

If I were one of them I would just start reciting all the facts about Rob when she starts talking about him.

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Okay, i really feel like I need to time myself mounting a tv because I feel I can beat Rob! 

You need to do this! Film it, put it on SM, and tag her! 

Seriously.....who thinks about timing their SO when doing a manual labor task anyhow????

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3 hours ago, backhometome said:

Tom Sand. always freaks out when someone dares to call Jax out on his shit. Jax could murder someone and Tom would blame the victim.

The Jax/Sandoval relationship is so weird. Let's not forget Jax screwed his girlfriend while he was sleeping in the next room! How do you forgive that?? Tom seems more in love with him now more than ever...... and yes, I do think he is in some kind of warped love with Jax. 

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Jax is a tool, but Brittney needs to not take relationship advice from the Vanderpump crew. They all justify cheating on their significant others with a variety of excuses, and Scheana's "she needs to see her options" is just another one of those. I personally think that Brittney needs to dump Jax, but if she's going to stay with him, then she has to (in my opinion) commit to towing the line in the relationship. She can't go out on blind dates with other dudes (couched as a group outing) because she chose to stay with her cheating man. 

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Okay, i really feel like I need to time myself mounting a tv because I feel I can beat Rob! 

If I were one of them I would just start reciting all the facts about Rob when she starts talking about him.

Do it! Post it, tag Scheana, and we’ll all find you and comment that we LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEE biakbiak and how AMMMMAAAAAZING it is that you can mount a TV so quickly!

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I have to admit -- the Lala bottle thing was weird, but I also totally get it in theory and might try it myself if I could deal with warm milk. Maybe because getting under a weighted blanket and putting on a favorite show does worlds for my anxiety, and could see how the bottle would be a comforting addition.

I thought Brittany looked stunning in her green dress with her tan, and was glad to see Jax complimenting her for once.

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So according to Lala, Scheena just needs to take time for Scheana and just focus on herself for 5 minutes.  Is Lala  Reiki Master and we just didn't know it?  Maybe her practice focuses on bottles instead of crystals.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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I love Lala this season but like many others I found the botte extremely disturbing. It brought to mind a comment Nene Leakes on RHOA made when Phaedra hired that gross stripper ReDickulous to perform at a party: “I walked right out, took my eyes out of my head, put them in my purse, and drove my car blind.” I want to do that so I can un-see Lala with that bottle. Eww

So now we know a bit more about why James is the way he is. Even though he can be very obnoxious and childish, I have a soft spot in my heart for him.

Brittany is an idiot and at this point deserves what she gets from Jax. Maybe she’s holding on because none of the other boys in the so-called cool group are available or would be interested in her country, not-so-bright ass and humongous tits.

It’s hard to decide who’s more pathetic: Brittany or fucking deluded Scheana. I hope Shay is get a good laugh out of the fool she is making of herself going on and on about Rob

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9 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

So according to Lala, Scheena just needs to take time for Scheana and just focus on herself for 5 minutes.  Is Lala  Reiki Master and we just didn't know it?  Maybe her practice focuses on bottles instead of crystals.

Gangsta Reiki. She’s the 11th member of the Wu-Tang Clan.

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9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

The worst kind of "cool girl" (gag) is a fake cool girl.  She is trying really hard to be that girl, and when you try for it, you lose all cool points.

Exactly! Someone needs to tell Ariana that cool is a verdict, not an intention...

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This show isn't feeling like much fun anymore.  I get they are harmless party animals paid to engage in "wacky hijinks" but their hijinks are getting less and less wacky (to me).  WRT the Jax job deal in Tampa, Brittany, you have zero say so.  If he goes, he goes.  Nothing you can do about it.  Jax assuming she would join him?  Oooookkkkaaaayyy.  He doesn't want her to join him (and he isn't going anywhere).

Tom Sw really needs to quit drinking.  Katie needs to quit eating her feelings.

I could go on and on about all of them but they are appearing sadder and sadder to me.  They used to be fun and now they are pathetic. 

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8 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Of course Scheana has to stir the pot in Mexico. I’m glad that James told Jax what was going on re: the setting up of Brittany with Adam. He chose a place when they were alone, Jax was relatively sober and everyone couldn’t jump in with their opinions. They are being a little hard on him as it is his birthday. Not that he doesn’t deserve some of what they’re saying but it’s time timing that seems off to me. I’m sure it’s done on purpose to make the trip have good drama for filming and everything is exacerbated when they are drinking so heavily. 

To be fair, they've been celebrating his birthday for weeks now. He can't get a pass forever. But I do agree that Scheana needs to butt out. I don't think she really cares about Brittany (if she did, she wouldn't be trying to throw her together with Jax 2.0) but instead is taking a stab at Jax because of what he said about Rob not loving her.


I wonder how Lala’s boyfriend likes her sucking on a bottle when she has anxiety. Weird almost a fetish. 

My first thought when I saw the bottle shtick, was that she was letting us into whatever weird fetish she and the Myman get up to behind closed doors. Or maybe she was trying to give Scheana some tips on how to be a better sugar baby. Turns out she's just a grown woman who hasn't outgrown childhood habits. But then again, that really isn't out of place with this crowd.

Edited by rho
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Can you get a contact high from watching these chucklefucks? If so, at best, I'm going to have alcohol poisoning; at worst, liver failure.  These idiots drink a SHIT TON.  Bad enough if you're James and Brittany (in your 20s) but most of these fools are in their 30s and it's really getting gross to watch. 

I like James, I can't help it. His American imitations are hilarious. I felt terrible for him, recounting how bullies broke his leg.  That's beyond atrocious. 

The Nugget needs to STFU and take something like 3 dozen seats. If I were Stassi (thank God I'm not), I would kill fucking Kristen, pulling that shit. But of course the Nugget has to complain about Stassi because that seems to be her third job (behind working at SUR and talking about her ugly hooha.)  

Scheana is delusional.  She's so about Rob all the time, of course they broke up. Girl reeks of desperation.  And she's horribly tacky about the way she talks about Shay. Look, I was married to an absolute ass and I don't talk about my ex that way, if ever. Nobody knows exactly what went on with their marriage but Shay seemed like a decent enough guy who had a problem with pills and didn't want to be on tv.  Scheana acting the way she is surely had Rob thinking twice (or eleven times.) 

Lala with the baby bottle. NOT normal. Does James know about this? I would LOVE to hear his take on it. You know it would be hilarious.

Are Kristen travel anxiety issues like the Nugget's vajayjay issues?  Like they suddenly appeared because she needed camera time?  Man, Kristen will come up with any excuse for being a lush.

I used to adore Schwartzie but his sloppy drunk act is turning me off big time. Now he just seems pathetic. Anyone but Lisa and Ken would back out on a deal with the Toms.

Brittany should have tossed Jax out after the whole Faith reveal but she's chosen to stay so Scheana needs to back off.  And while I think cheating is terrible, I also think it's terrible to continue to bring it up and use it as an excuse. Brittany, if you're going to stay with Jax, you need to stop throwing the cheating in his face daily. You can't say you're not moving to Florida because he cheated, you shouldn't be taking him on a birthday trip because he cheated, you deserve to go out with the girls because he cheated, he should get the Taco Bell because he cheated, etc. Enough! I hate to say that I'm with Jax on most anything but I'm in agreement with him here. 

I love vacation episodes but I have to wonder why on earth these fools went to Mexico when they could have stayed in LA, gone out, gotten drunk, gotten into a fight and gotten drunk. And how do they all always manage to get the same vacay time off? 


ETA: Like @WhosThatGirl, I also died laughing over Stassi recounting how she, Rachel and Katie left Kristen in Copenhagen and went to Paris because Kristen was being such a PITA.  Yeah, I would NEVER do that to my friend, and would be pissed if someone did that to me, but hearing that it was done to Kristen was hilarious!

Edited by psychoticstate
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Having seen both Kristen and Stassi while drunk, I wouldn't be surprised if Kristen was being more honest about their fight being an issue because of how both of them were acting. However, I also wouldn't be surprised that Kristen was being incorrigible. I have no clue how Kristen (or Shwartz for that matter) haven't had any incidents of alcohol poisoning because they really don't seem to know any limits. When I watch this show, I sometimes have to remind myself that my taste in fun has matured in the sense that I don't see spending a good deal of money going away to a foreign place with a great ton of history and unique experiences only to spend my nights drinking and clubbing which is no different of an experience that I could get back home. Then I also have to remind myself that these people are within my age range and somehow still are in that phase of life. Different strokes for different folks but at the rate they do these things, I can't understand how they still find it as entertaining as they do.

Not only is Scheana's Rob fetish embarrassing but now we've gotta deal with her repeating shit? He can't be that amazing if you have to repeat the same accomplishments over and over. 

My favourite TH was Schwartz admitting that he's jealous that Sandoval has LVP's number and that he's too shy to ask for it. His adoration for LVP seems 100% genuine and I think it's adorable. 

As much as Ariana complains about how the other girls behave, her TH commentary mocking Stassi demonstrates that she isn't really any more mature than the other women. It goes to show that her dislike and inability to get along with them is not purely a matter of how the girls behave, but by her own desire to feel like she can be the ego that takes down the other egos around her. 

I think Brittany should dump Jax but even I have to defend the way Jax addressed the situation because he's 100% right. How are you going to get on a man for being an unfaithful partner yet you're trying to encourage his girlfriend to entertain romantic options while she's still in a relationship with him? Jax not deserving someone like Brittany is no reason to be willing to die on a sword of hypocrisy. Brittany made her decision and while I support her friends being honest about how they feel about Jax and their relationship, it's not cool to meddle the way Scheana did or the way Stassi supports that meddling. They all have their own fucked up relationships. I'm not sure how much room they have to get that involved in trying to fix someone else's romantic situation. 

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2 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I know I shouldn’t find it funny they left her in another country but it made me laugh for a good five minutes. These people are not great people but seriously, they make tv fun!

I'm laughing now just thinking about it.

Kristen annoys you?  Leave her ass in Copenhagen!  Ha!   Leaving Kristen in Copenhagen is going to be the new "It's not about the PASTA!" 

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59 minutes ago, albarino said:

This show isn't feeling like much fun anymore.  I get they are harmless party animals paid to engage in "wacky hijinks" but their hijinks are getting less and less wacky (to me).  WRT the Jax job deal in Tampa, Brittany, you have zero say so.  If he goes, he goes.  Nothing you can do about it.  Jax assuming she would join him?  Oooookkkkaaaayyy.  He doesn't want her to join him (and he isn't going anywhere).

Tom Sw really needs to quit drinking.  Katie needs to quit eating her feelings.

I could go on and on about all of them but they are appearing sadder and sadder to me.  They used to be fun and now they are pathetic. 

I agree. I want to watch good-looking 20-somethings make dumb decisions that they'll get over in a month. I don't want to watch dejected 30-somethings make destructive life choices that will stay with them. None of these marriages are healthy. None of these people are healthy. Whatever your feelings are of Jax, it's not fun watching a 38-year-old go around constantly talking about how uneducated he is and how directionless his life is. They've introduced a lot of new SUR staff, they either need to start a new show or fade out old cast members. 

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I thought the random object of the week was going to be Lala’s baba (WTF???) but then Ariana starts playing a penis flute and muses that somewhere in Playa Del Carmen there’s an artisan widdling penis flutes. I died. Then cut to later that night Sandoval rocking the heck out dancing up a storm while playing the penis flute in da club—just living his best life, as Sandoval is wont to do. Penis flute for the win!

The editors did us a disservice by ONLY interspersing that one scene of Scheana regaling the gang with Super Rob’s timed chore records. I mean, we ONLY get two clips of the TV hanging story?? We should have seen at least SEVEN clips. I timed it.

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This episode was like a public service announcement for legal marijuana ~ obviously they couldn’t take any weed with them into Mexico, so they drank even more than usual, and suffered anxiety attacks, reverted to infancy sucking on a bottle, had irrational disagreements and fights, blacked out, grew maudlin reflecting on the pains of youth, etc..... Pretty sure they are all weed smokers and/or edible eaters. Drunks are awful to be around, but usually weed smokers are peaceful. 

The Jax storyline seems off.  Was this filmed shortly after his Dad died? He should move on but obviously he won’t. Jax and Brittany don’t even seem like a real couple. 

Kristin is crazy! Wonder why Carter ( her security blanket) didn’t go with her? 

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12 hours ago, Stan39 said:

I agree. I want to watch good-looking 20-somethings make dumb decisions that they'll get over in a month. I don't want to watch dejected 30-somethings make destructive life choices that will stay with them. None of these marriages are healthy. None of these people are healthy. Whatever your feelings are of Jax, it's not fun watching a 38-year-old go around constantly talking about how uneducated he is and how directionless his life is. They've introduced a lot of new SUR staff, they either need to start a new show or fade out old cast members. 

The draw to reality TV has been casting people who have the potential to be train wrecks and it doesn't matter how young or old you are, it's horrible how fascinating we find it yet still even though we know it's bad we still can't look away. As big of a hit as Jersey Shore was, I don't think any other reality show featuring young dysfunctional people was as close to being as successful as that show. They tried to recreate it but it didn't work. But then look at the number of reality shows centred around older dysfunctional people and the success rate and longevity is far more impressive. I would be interested to know what the viewer demographics are for Bravo because I feel like all or almost all of their shows centre around individuals who are in their late twenties or older...all ages where you expect to be past your college party days yet all of their shows feature at least one person who doesn't seem to want to grow up and they act and party like they're still a freshman in college. You may get one prominent cast member younger than 25 but they often don't seem like the party animals of the group, lol.

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On 3/26/2018 at 9:17 PM, tinaw said:

Stassi has an abnormal obsession with Katie and Tom. 

She goes on their honeymoon with them. Now she sleeps in their bed with them in mexico

Who DOES that?

Who ALLOWS that?

I personally wouldn't give a shit about the latter, other than not having enough room.

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I’m just jealous they’re in my age range and can still drink so much. I’m such a lightweight now. I guess I’m kind of like Stassi in the sense that I’ll have my fun but I really want to be in bed by 1 at the latest.

I suffer from GAD so I’m not sure what to think of half the cast saying they have anxiety. I’m sure some legit do, but I have a feeling like it’s become the new mental disorder for everyone to say they have so they can have an excuse for popping xanax and being a regular consumer of pot. Just being on that show would give me even more unnecessary anxiety. I’d be a wreck. How can anyone with anxiety handle the personalities and friendships of these people? Yikes. 

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On 3/26/2018 at 9:33 PM, Emmeline said:

I just looked up his age and he was born in 1957, which makes him only 60.  He has an easy life and I’m sure the best medical care.  It could be the dogs death but it seems like he was miserable even before that.

Maybe he just hates the cameras. (In addition to his hip problems.)

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3 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I’m just jealous they’re in my age range and can still drink so much. I’m such a lightweight now. I guess I’m kind of like Stassi in the sense that I’ll have my fun but I really want to be in bed by 1 at the latest.

I'm younger than most of them (WAYYYY younger than Jax!!) and I still like to be in bed by 10:30 at the very latest. I don't know how they all drink nonstop, stay up all night, lounge around all day and still look like that.

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50 minutes ago, rho said:

I'm younger than most of them (WAYYYY younger than Jax!!) and I still like to be in bed by 10:30 at the very latest. I don't know how they all drink nonstop, stay up all night, lounge around all day and still look like that.

They look like that now but it’s sure to catch up with them at some point. 

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2 hours ago, Joan van Snark said:

To be honest I don't really think any of them is all that amazing looking.  

I think they all have horrible skin. 

13 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

This episode was like a public service announcement for legal marijuana ~ obviously they couldn’t take any weed with them into Mexico, so they drank even more than usual, and suffered anxiety attacks, reverted to infancy sucking on a bottle, had irrational disagreements and fights, blacked out, grew maudlin reflecting on the pains of youth, etc..... Pretty sure they are all weed smokers and/or edible eaters. Drunks are awful to be around, but usually weed smokers are peaceful. 

I think it shows that they're too dependent on their usual medications and can't function without being drugged.  They were all having serious episodes!  I thought it was sad. 

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I'd say that Sandoval might be the best looking but that front tooth gap just turns me off lol.  Actually I think the new bar back Adam is pretty hot.  SOMETIMES Schwartz is kinda cute but sometimes he looks like he isn't far off from the triplets....

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13 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I suffer from GAD so I’m not sure what to think of half the cast saying they have anxiety. I’m sure some legit do, but I have a feeling like it’s become the new mental disorder for everyone to say they have so they can have an excuse for popping xanax and being a regular consumer of pot. Just being on that show would give me even more unnecessary anxiety. I’d be a wreck. How can anyone with anxiety handle the personalities and friendships of these people? Yikes. 

I'm so tired of people saying they have an anxiety disorder when they're just feeling a little anxious or nervous about something.  They're Not The Same Thing!!!!!  I've had depression for a long time, but only recently experienced a bout of anxiety and I definitely know the difference.  Thankfully, it lasted less than a month, but it was effing awful.  People with anxiety would definitely NOT be able to do what the people on VR do, no matter what medication they're on, or how much weed they're smoking.  I have a naturally hyped-up disposition, so I get nervous and anxious when I think that I haven't done something or didn't do it well enough, but again, that is NOT anxiety, that's just me being hyper conscientious.  I really feel for people who have actual anxiety disorders. 


9 hours ago, Joan van Snark said:

To be honest I don't really think any of them is all that amazing looking.  

NONE of them is amazing looking.  They're merely okay-looking.  Also, with all the boozing, they look worse and worse every episode.  It's LA.  Everyone is thin and at least mildly attractive.  Some of them may have worked as models, but surprisingly, not all models are actually attractive.  They may have good proportions and photograph well, but some models are rather bizarre-looking.  They're definitely not universally-appealing, or classically handsome/pretty.

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2 hours ago, SarahPrtr said:

NONE of them is amazing looking.  They're merely okay-looking.  Also, with all the boozing, they look worse and worse every episode.  It's LA.  Everyone is thin and at least mildly attractive.  Some of them may have worked as models, but surprisingly, not all models are actually attractive.  They may have good proportions and photograph well, but some models are rather bizarre-looking.  They're definitely not universally-appealing, or classically handsome/pretty.

To be clear, I don't think any of them are amazing looking. I am just jealous that they survive off of alcohol and taco bell and somehow don't weigh 200 lbs. 

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That's no pooch on Schwartz, that's his liver trying to escape.

Almost as shocking as LaLa with the baby bottle - almost - was that Scheana didn't tell any of the chucklefucks about it the first chance she got.


Lisa looked pretty, and more natural, cooking in the kitchen.

And, SEXY. Ken was about the pasta, but I bet he was ready for some of Lisa's dessert, too.


How many times are we going to hear about Rob putting a tv on the wall in seven minutes? Like really. 

If we've repeatedly heard the story, then can you imagine how many times she's told it off camera? I'm sure Rob can't hear it enough, though.


She wants to be all gangsta like but suckles the bottle like a 1 year old, whats next a binky ?

You never know...


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On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 1:59 PM, Mindthinkr said:


I wonder how Lala’s boyfriend likes her sucking on a bottle when she has anxiety. Weird almost a fetish. 

When the "man" is around I'm betting she is sucking on something other than a bottle.

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6 hours ago, jaync said:

That's no pooch on Schwartz, that's his liver trying to escape.

Almost as shocking as LaLa with the baby bottle - almost - was that Scheana didn't tell any of the chucklefucks about it the first chance she got.

And, SEXY. Ken was about the pasta, but I bet he was ready for some of Lisa's dessert, too.

If we've repeatedly heard the story, then can you imagine how many times she's told it off camera? I'm sure Rob can't hear it enough, though.

You never know...


This is really funny. Thanks!

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The baby bottle didn't phase me too much. I mean it was odd but wasn't full of illegal substances (that we know of) and she wasn't hurting anyone. What befuddles me is it was on the night stand the next morning practically full. So what was the point if she didn't really drink it? I think it was producer driven fuckery.

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I think Lala is very beautiful especially without all the pounds of makeup. Brittany is pretty in a hometown, wholesome way. 

I also think Sceanna used to be very attractive before she lost all that weight and had all those strange cosmetic procedures. Now she’s giving off more of a terrestrial vibe. 

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I always think they look amazing on Watch What Happens Live.  Dressed beautifully, make-up perfect, hair flawless.  Stassi always looks stunning but on the show they are such sloppy, drunk messes.  I can't believe they are still alive after drinking that much and Katie with the eating laying down.  Jaysus Crusts.

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On 3/26/2018 at 11:42 PM, rho said:

I have so many questions! Where did Lala even find a bottle? How are her teeth not entirely fucked up from sucking on bottle into her 20s? Is her mouth just full of cavities? Should she offer Kristen a warm bottle to help calm her the fuck down? What's more relaxing for a grown ass woman with debilitating anxiety, cigarettes or warm bottles? 

I think it was all bullshit pandering to the camera like she’s just such a cute wittle baby girl. Creepy glimpse into her relationship too, possibly. I also noticed the bottle was still full the next day, furthering my thought it was all for the camera. Stupid stuff like this is why I can’t get behind Lala. She’s just so full of shit.

On 3/27/2018 at 6:21 AM, sadiebyuca said:

I'm feeling bad for Jax.  I think he's losing it because he can NOT convince Brittany to dump  him.  He's tried it all and that girl just won't leave him.  

I couldn’t feel less bad for him. He should grow a pair and dump her then. He hasn’t even TOLD her how he feels, so I don’t see how he’s “tried it all,” he’s just been a POS doing what he wants. He’s disgusting.

On 3/27/2018 at 7:23 PM, albarino said:

This show isn't feeling like much fun anymore.  I get they are harmless party animals paid to engage in "wacky hijinks" but their hijinks are getting less and less wacky (to me).  WRT the Jax job deal in Tampa, Brittany, you have zero say so.  If he goes, he goes.  Nothing you can do about it.  Jax assuming she would join him?  Oooookkkkaaaayyy.  He doesn't want her to join him (and he isn't going anywhere).

Tom Sw really needs to quit drinking.  Katie needs to quit eating her feelings.

I could go on and on about all of them but they are appearing sadder and sadder to me.  They used to be fun and now they are pathetic. 

Yeah, I’m starting to not be able to enjoy the show any longer. I also think they’re putting on acts more than they used to. They’re trying too hard (see: Lala with the bottle for example). I disagree that Katie has a weight problem though. She dresses horribly but she actually has a flat stomach.

On 3/28/2018 at 7:44 AM, Juliegirlj said:

This episode was like a public service announcement for legal marijuana ~ obviously they couldn’t take any weed with them into Mexico, so they drank even more than usual, and suffered anxiety attacks, reverted to infancy sucking on a bottle, had irrational disagreements and fights, blacked out, grew maudlin reflecting on the pains of youth, etc..... Pretty sure they are all weed smokers and/or edible eaters. Drunks are awful to be around, but usually weed smokers are peaceful. 

Maybe but why wouldn’t they just get weed in Mexico? It’s never been very challenging for me/my friends and small amounts are even decriminalized there. 

3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I also think Sceanna used to be very attractive before she lost all that weight and had all those strange cosmetic procedures. Now she’s giving off more of a terrestrial vibe. 

That means “of the earth” so I think you meant extraterrestrial...like ET. Truth. ? 

27 minutes ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I always think they look amazing on Watch What Happens Live.  Dressed beautifully, make-up perfect, hair flawless.  Stassi always looks stunning but on the show they are such sloppy, drunk messes.  I can't believe they are still alive after drinking that much and Katie with the eating laying down.  Jaysus Crusts.

Professional stylists can do wonders!

Edited by Rebecca
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I don’t think any of the cast members are attractive in their current state. As much as I dislike her, I think Ariana is beautiful but I don’t like the short hair on her. Brittany is pretty when she’s thinner and without the oversized breasts that make her look fat on top of the weight gain. Brittany’s main issue is that when she gains weight she gains it heavily in her face. Scheana used to be pretty before she lost all the weight and tweaked her face. Stassi has good angles but I never found her all that attractive. She’s also currently too thin and would look better with a few more pounds. Kristen is ugly, though the plastic surgery she had a few years ago improved her face considerably and she sometimes has good angles. I thought she looked almost pretty at the reunion two or three seasons ago. Katie is plain. I don’t think she’s ugly or pretty. Schwartz is cute but nothing special, and I’ve never understood the attraction to Sandoval. Jax was good looking in season one but the weight gain, drugs, and age have made him unattractive, not to mention his personality. 

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Reality television is wonderful.  Especially since we get to debate the fascinating question:

Fetish or affectation?  Such a rewarding conversation; all sides make sense. 

Maybe these guys drink less than we think when the cameras are off?

They are relatively young with decent metabolisms (and workout habits) so it isn’t terrifically strange.

IMHO, Katie has the prettiest face.  She covers it with her hair and ruins it with her consistent sneer but her features are good.  When her hair is swept away from her face, you see her beauty.

Ariana cut her hair and she, too, hides her face with it.  It’s like those awful shoulder showing sleeve things they all wear.  Something they do.  

Like this show alot.  Always have.

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