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S36.E01: Can You Reverse the Curse?

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A group of new Survivors attempt to “reverse the curse” of bad past game decisions. Also, one castaway will be the first to visit Ghost Island, and panic sets in at the first tribal council of the season.

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So the orange team is not as weak as I first thought. Good job voting off big mouth Gonzalez. I don't think Donathan and Jacob will last too long. 

Edited by Straycat80
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I loved the scene when the two guys were walking back from somewhere (sorry, not up to snuff on names yet) and he said he felt like they were two guys in a candy store picking out gummy bears for each other. 

I liked the snuffer that Jeff used at tribal. Poor Gonzales. She was blindsided and did not look happy. It’s a don’t look too strong or too weak in the beginning when everyone is sizing the other people up. She looked and acted too strong. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Word flow.
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1stly, thanks for the double episode. 2ndly, was the 1st RC the 1st challenge to not be completed? 3rdly, these guys are like me, really bad liars, reason #1 I could never be on the show.  I liked the flaming eyes and the vote urn at TC. I have no likes and dislikes on this cast yet. 

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Yay! Survivor's about to start! I'm always happy when a new season's about to start. I'm curious to see how they're going to play these past mistakes.  Maybe the first immunity challenge will be a memory challenge on bad decisions and bad luck from past seasons.

Hello Jeff!  Goodness, what is with that woman's striped leggings? What is she, bee legs? Domenick on Naviti, I'm thinking who does he look like? And I realized it's Michael Costello from Project Runway (younger version).

This reward challenge is so complicated. Not the challenge itself, but all the twists and turns on the hour glass and prizes. That sure isn't much rice for 10 people.  Wow, Sebastian is fast. Now Michael is faster. At least the keys aren't that deep in the sand, unlike that sand-digging challenge from the Khao Rong season. Ooh, Mr. Truth Teller, Domenick, is going to be a troublemaker for Naviti. He doesn't look so much like Costello with his buff off.

Well, that one guy is not going to tell his age in order to preserve his credibility, but lying about it isn't how you prove credibility. Donathan is from Kentucky - is gay – has the accent and spits out a "Honey"! Seems like he's being following in the footsteps of a baking champion named Jason. CBS borrows stereotypes from the Food Network! Domenick also has a Rob Mariano vibe. Sebastian and Chris become best friends and form the Gummi alliance!!

Why hello Bob Harper! Fancy seeing you on CBS, don't you belong on NBC? You have a very cute dog.

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Not sad too see Seth Rogan Jr...I mean Jacob...go. He was hella annoying giving up the legacy advantage secret for nothing. Good riddance.

Glad Donathan survived. He could very interesting.

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1 minute ago, Wings said:

Funny.  Deciding who to vote out Donathan or Gonzales a dark haired girl says Donathan is small if we need to stuff someone into anything! 

I also thought that comment was weird. 

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I really like that we have 2 and not 3 tribes.  That to me is always a big distraction.

I'm not liking this already.  Picking "leaders" and others put on the "block" right away.  The female puzzle solvers taking the heat from the whole tribe when they lose.

Paints a target on somebody needlesssly.  I would have been ducking too even though I'm pretty good with puzzles.

Mr. "Truth teller" gotta go.  It's hard to blame somebody for a "wrong decision" made with almost zero info.

18 years old.  Sets up for the dumb moralizing (again) whenever alcohol is involved in the reward.  

Donathan.  The only gay man in Eastern KY.  OK then.

Fisher bros realize New Tony is a problem, but target themselves by bro-ing up maybe too soon.

Desperate Jacob.  Understands he's not one of the beautiful people, then reinforces their perceptions by idol hunting.

Wendell is a lawyer turned furniture designer?  Student loans? Getting a bro-mance with New Tony.  ick

Was the weight in the sled or the pieces?  

Jacob mouths off and gets sent to "Ghost Island" and immunity.  Interesting strategery.  The rest of us want to know what it's about, too.

Interesting how it's set up.  Again, one does not have enough information to make an informed decision, so the whole thing is really a crap shoot

If they are all against you, your one vote won't matter, so go for it.  But who to give it to is an almost impossible call this early in the game.

I'm liking Stephanie at TC.

Bye bye Gonzo.  You were a nasty little piece of work.  Campaigned your ass right out of there.  SAD!

New Tony finds an idol.  Surprise!

Staple guns, girlfriend.  KYMS

Jacob, keep your fake idol in your pocket.  Showing it off this early just invites a blindside.  Tell them you chose wrong at the key thingy and you got nothing.

Your deception skills are not what you think they are.  

Fighting crabs Chris and New Tony.  I'm glad Chris isn't buying the BS, but can't let on.

I hate that this whole game has come down to all these bleeping idols.

Good on Donathan getting it done.  Where did James rent all those fake muscles?  People who can't swim should go on Big Brother

"I'm going to use this fake idol to take control of this game"  ROTFLMAO

Ghost Donathon.  You just moved that fire, you didn't start it.  But I like his innocence.

"The strong and the beautiful"  lol  I would have loved to see Alpha Brendan go.

Jacob seemed to have a good grasp on the game, but alas...

Votes showed the women could have gotten James out, but chose not to, for undisclosed reasons.

"Something's gotta change."  Do I smell an early swap???

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So Jacob lost his shoes in the ocean. At least it wasn’t his underwear. Maybe loss of clothing is a secret Ghost Island dumb thing twist. Jacob is so sketchy, looking for an idol. How dare he!! Now he looks a little like Mustache Joe on Top Chef with lighter hair. He even moves kind of like Joe. At least he didn’t spill the rice out, but sock rice is not too appetizing.

Oh, the old net bridge, haven’t seen that for a while (not). Jeff is already losing his voice and it’s only Day 3. He will be mute by the time it’s final tribal. This immunity challenge is going to be brutal. Nice, guys wearing tight underwear. Just what we want to see.  Actually Wendell and Domenick are doing well at the blocks type of challenge – they’re used to working spatially with carpentry work and making furniture.

Ghost Island is kind of cool. That wouldn’t be the Sugar Shack, would it?? This is a fun advantage challenge. Hey Jacob, go for it! The one on the left has the key!! I wonder if both had the key.  So he’s going to give the advantage to Morgan. (I keep on thinking of Morgan from the first Brains, Brawn and Beauty.)

I’m rooting for Laurel. She lives in Minneapolis – hope she goes far!

Oh no, not that standing up and whispering crap at Tribal! I wish Jeff would put a stop to that. Looks like a stupid game of telephone. I hope Gonzalez is voted out. She is pretentious, curtseying at Jeff: Oh, aren’t I cute? I’m trying to be a Survivor Character! Ha! And she’s voted out!

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It looks like Stephanie Johnson is play hard but smart. She got rid of the person who knows about the Legacy Advantage & she has more information going forward. Maybe, the tribe switch will help her even more. 

Also, James Lim can’t swim down 4 feet? How is that possible? Just sayin.........

Edited by ByaNose
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Once again impressed by the orange team not being dumby's. It always amazes me when people, Jacob in this case, say they are such big fans of the show and make a fake idol, blab about it, blab about advantage found...duh! He deserved to get booted. 

Kind of liking Donathan right now. Not sure he should be considered a hero just because he drove down in a few feet of water to open a cage door. 

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Malolo is disintegrating fast at the Immunity challenge. What’s with Donathan not even trying? Well he finally faces his fear and does it, but I think he was kind of lame all along. He’s not a hero, he just finally sucked it up and helped his team. Brandon is lame, too, throwing the ball with just one hand. Seems like Malolo is not very good at trying hard.  Donathan goes to Ghost Island! Naviti chooses the weakest tribe member to save.

So far I’m not really that for or against someone.  Domenick just pulled a Ben, finding an idol in the dark. So Andrea didn’t get to keep her idol? That’s too bad. Having different-looking immunity idols will make it easier to fool people with a fake idol. – And Jacob is doing just that!! Actually it looks like Domenick’s idol. So did Survivor shop at Michael’s for idol making kits to stock Ghost Island? Oh oh, Jacob says he has good deception skills. Which means he’s primed for a major blunder! I have a feeling no one is believing him about the idol.  And I was right.

Ha, Domenick lies about having a real idol. Well, Jacob did too, for that matter. Let’s see whose lie works better. Oh, this is funny! He is making a fake idol with the real paperwork.  Now I feel like Domenick is trying too hard buttering up to Chris.

Now is Stephanie pranking Jacob? Oh, he shouldn’t have told her about his fake idol. He told her too much. I hope Michael is voted out. He’s got the arrogance of a pretty face who thinks that people who aren’t as pretty are beneath him and less deserving.

Now that is one cute baby calf!!

The voting urn is cool with its shell cover. And Stephanie did prank Jacob.

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Lessons learned: Don't be a woman asking people to use your last name, because that is a privilege for guys only*. Do not be a neurotic superfan with goofy hair. I know, Gonzales and Jacob played a heavy part in their respective downfalls, but I feel that If there are such beings as Survivor Gods, they really listened to Probst's prayers. In return, they gave unto him a single message: "Brush your teeth and use mouthwash. Otherwise, people will smell bearded Marine on your breath."

First impression was that Ghost Island was the Land of 1,000 Idols. And then one of the alphas found an idol wedged in a tree. In the dark. Because the production team doesn't give a fuck about trying to make things difficult. Then Donathan (cannot get over that name) cracked the wrong urn, and the gimmick was rendered moot. Also funny to see Jacob and the girl he gifted thrill about touching something from Survivor history. Hey, if we get a highlight of somebody fucking up, and Erik is in the footage, and it's not his Fans vs. Favorites misplay? That's rare. Poor guy. I did get a laugh about "It's a fucking stick!"

And Probst loves creating narratives, basically compelling an exhausted Donathan to take over for a useless James. "DONATHAN, YOU HAVE COME ALL THE WAY FROM EASTERN KENTUCKY TO PLAY THIS GAME! THIS IS YOUR MOMENT!!!!" *clunk* "And Desiree gets the third ball in, and I'm starting to dream about taking a nap with my head on her chest!"

*Yes, I know we had the season of the two Kellys, but last names were needed because there shared a first name, last initial, and "worth" at the end of their names.

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Just now, Lamb18 said:

Oh, this is funny! He is making a fake idol with the real paperwork.

I really didn't get the point of that at all.  Dom seemed like he was overthinking the whole situation, and Chris knew it was shady.

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It's baaaack! I could be jumping the gun here, but I think I'm going to enjoy this season. I surprised by actually enjoying the Ghost Island aspect, and all the callbacks really. It's fun. 

I have so many thoughts, but I'm going to try to be coherent, so I'm just gonna break things down by tribe. (And, no, I never bother to learn the actual tribe names. )

As for purple, who's winning everything so far, I'm not a big fan of the Chris-Sebastian duo. They just seem like arrogant douche Bros. Because of that, I kind of want to root for Domenick, even though he's a loud mouth and already blundering. DON'T. TELL. PEOPLE. ABOUT. AN. IDOL. (even a fake one) I think I might like Kellyn. She seems sweet, but ready to play. Time will tell. Being that this tribe never went to tribal, I don't feel I know them as well as the other. 


Orange team - NOT sad to see Gonzales go. The way she stood up at TC and started whispering was so obnoxious. That's not a thing now, come on. I think Stephanie was smart to consider strong vs. manageable. 

But I think I'm kid of bummed about Jacob going. I don't know...he's a total buffoon, but at least he was interesting! I think if he hadn't come back with his OBVIOUS fake Idol, he might have had a better chance. 

Brendan and Stephanie seem like the sharpest ones on the tribe. I especially like Stephanie. 

Donathan....your name is confusing, but you made me tear up a bit. Well, it was really more about the support of his tribe. Really nice to see. I think he has a really big heart and they all know that. It's just really nice to see the nerds and wimps and outcasts overcome their fears and push themselves. I don't know how long he'll realistically last, though. 

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Well, I'm glad the mean girl was eliminated first. I cosign the idea that whispering at Tribal should be banned. I felt for poor Donathan; talk  about feeling like the kid that doesn't get picked for the team!  However, as sorry for him as I was, I resented Jeff trying to narrate some kind of a comeback story for him the next day during the challenge.   Jacob's self fulfilling prophecy became his downfall. Instead of announcing to everyone how useless he was and practically demanding that they send him to Ghost Island, he might have just kept a low profile.  Then badly lying about the fake immunity idol - that immediately put a target on his back!  Well, maybe he can now be known as "the worst player in Survivor history".

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Who on that Malolo tribe thought it was a good idea to team up Donathon and James in that challenge? I mean the tow of them had to know their limitations and you'd think they would suggest teaming up with others instead.

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9 minutes ago, ElleryAnne said:

Somewhere Probst is planning Survivor Gross Island: "This is the authentic dirty sock that Jacob dumped the team's rice into while searching for an idol..."

Still nowhere near as gross as the cloth of spaghetti from last season.


10 minutes ago, ElleryAnne said:

James, OTOH, is gorgeous.  Thank you, show, for not taking away my eye candy.

Right? I hope he sticks around long enough to reach the "scruffy but somehow that makes him hotter" stage of the game.

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7 minutes ago, ElleryAnne said:

Somewhere Probst is planning Survivor Gross Island: "This is the authentic dirty sock that Jacob dumped the team's rice into while searching for an idol..."


I was legit trying to figure out which would be worse - no rice (thanks, J'tia) or dirty, sock rice. 

5 minutes ago, LanceM said:

Who on that Malolo tribe thought it was a good idea to team up Donathon and James in that challenge? I mean the tow of them had to know their limitations and you'd think they would suggest teaming up with others instead.

James said he'd been "an athlete" for many years. I'm not sure exactly what his problem was, but maybe he assured his tribe he could do it? 

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They've had some hokey themes before, but this one really puts the me in meta.

Best moment of the show was James (I think) mentioning the "information imbalance" aspect of Ghost Island, and Professor Probst being legitimately impressed by it.

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41 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Wait wait wait.  Back the fuck up.  Chris is a male model?  For WHO?!?

Instead of an Immunity Idol, I was hoping Domenick would stick his hand into a tree and pull out fire ants.

From Chris' bio

"My greatest accomplishment was being on a 5th Avenue Versace billboard! " Uh huh.

New Tony.  Fire ants.  Oh yeah!

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42 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

She got rid of the person who knows about the Legacy Advantage & she has more information going forward

Ironically, just like the OG Game Changers legacy advantage, with Jacob in the Sierra role, and Stephanie in the Sarah role.

I don't mind if Michael lies about his age, but his job caption says he's a real estate agent. So, is he actually an 18 year-old real estate agent? Or is that his fake job to go with his fake age?

Hey, the gamebot was the second boot! That never happens (or not recently, anyway).

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41 minutes ago, LanceM said:

Who on that Malolo tribe thought it was a good idea to team up Donathon and James in that challenge? I mean the tow of them had to know their limitations and you'd think they would suggest teaming up with others instead.

I completely agree and thought the same thing.  The last girl to go, from the same team, was also not a strong swimmer.  Another girl, from the other team, said she wasn't a good swimmer.  How are people who can't swim on Survivor?  I don't understand people who can't swim.  My 6 year old niece would have rocked that challenge, except for the ball toss for she's very tiny.

Looks like a good season though.

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13 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

From Chris' bio

"My greatest accomplishment was being on a 5th Avenue Versace billboard! " Uh huh.

New Tony.  Fire ants.  Oh yeah!

Male Model:



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"fraught with peril"?  Overhype much, Peachy?

Brendan poses like a model.

jeez, all of that stuff in the first challenge was a little confusing.

The "purple" looks more like lavender, to me.

I didn't like Chris from the first moment I saw him. But I also really don't like Dominick.

Damn, Donathan is a good old boy gay guy, isn't he? But not stupid.

Ew, Jacob is disgusting. But he was smart to want to go to Ghost Island, because it's likely to have a hidden idol.

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Chris has got a douche face.

I disliked Domenick but ended up liking him due to my strong immediate dislike of the yoga bros - Chris and Man Bun.  

I like Stephanie well enough but she needs to cut about a foot of dead ends off of her hair, and stop constantly stroking it.

Desiree's bra is not going to last much longer.  I can't believe she didn't bring something more substantial.

As sad as it is that Donathon has never seen a black woman before and considers an Asian man "exotic", at least he rejoiced at meeting people different from him.

I think James simply panicked when he was trying to dive down, and he was using up all of his energy by treading water.  He should have clung to the dock to get his breath back and then attempted to dive down.  I like him but the yoga bros are gunning for him.

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First up the most obvious question must be asked...did Jeff and the producers go knocking on the door of all those past SURVIVOR contestants and ask for all those original trinkets back? And did they have to get the records from the Glaser Foundation and track down all the stuff auctioned off and buy them back?

Okay...breaking this down

*Sad that all the interesting people so far are on the team that is losing

*It was so sad that it came down to Gonzalez and Donathan because I didn't want to lose either one of them. Gonzalez was smoking hot eye candy and I liked Donathan's naivette and enthusiasm for meeting diverse people.

*I really, really wanted frizzy headed Stephanie to be a target for the first vote. INSTA-DISLIKE for her. She's sneaky, trying to hard to be a puppet master early on and I really don't get where Jacob was coming from pegging her as some raving beauty? Are you serious? Her body is off the charts but that's it.

*My DVR cut out but I am assuming Gonzalez didn't get a final words clip which is a really lousy thing to do to the first boot.

*Like Laurel but am disheartened that apparently she's falling in with the unpopular "losers" instead of being in a dominant alliance.

*Glad Jacob went out....I had a sinking feeling they were trying to make him the next "character" of the season ala Cochrane and the guy with the red Gilligan shirt last season but after he went out I realized....its the vile Stephanie that looks like the one they are going to be fixated on.

When Desiree was sinking those baskets I thought she was "going full Dora Milaje" and she sinks the winning basket. Wakanda Forever!

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3 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Desiree's bra is not going to last much longer.  I can't believe she didn't bring something more substantial.

I've read that production dictates the castaways' clothing.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

 Domenick on Naviti, I'm thinking who does he look like? And I realized it's Michael Costello from Project Runway (younger version).

[....]He doesn't look so much like Costello with his buff off.

THANK YOU: I had the reverse. I (think it was buffless ... back at camp. Maybe it’s the opposite, but, yeah, he looked like two different people. Or four(2x2..) he almost looked like a Big Brother Face Game mashup to me, and my first thought was, damn, dude looks just like Mark Cuban mixed with ... someone younger I can’t think of. And Michael Costello nails it. So, in his one look, he’s like Cuban and Costello has a baby or  BB remix.

And then he turned or took his buff on or buff off or whatever, and he lost the Cuban, and maybe the Costello, and possibly another decade off his face, and then I wasn’t sure who he looked like, but it wasn’t Costello or Cuban ... or Domenick. At least not the guy I’d just seen in the previous conversation; I literally was trying to remember if we’d seen this guy before. 


Re: “Donathan”: I’m choosing to believe that his name is really Donald Jonathan, and he decided to turn himself into his very own celebrity couple portmanteau. Because, I don’t think it’s right* to snark some poor soul for their parents’ need to destroy their child’s future and/or the English language with made-up names and kre8if spellings. But, if it was self-given? All bets are off.


*Doesn’t mean I *don’t*, just that I feel kind of bad for them and for doing it. (Dear future parents: just know that, after they check to see how many of their incoming sixth-graders are old enough to drive, teachers will spend the first time they see their class lists comparing and competing with their colleagues over who has the kids with the most jacked up names. Don’t do this to your children (I win forever after having twins with the same name (double whammy, like a Mark-Paul type of name, so the family had enough to spread around, but, nope, both were, like, Mark-Paul (actual name has been changed to protect multiple identities)).

Maybe Donathan can fall in love with a Ronald and we can just call them Donald. Or Ronathan.

Damn, he’s like his own, personal game of Hannah Bannah Fo Fannah...He hears U2 live: Bonathan. He sees the East Tip Of Kentucky Tucked Between West Virginia and Default Virginia Community Theater’s production of Bye Bye, Birdie: Conathan. He... already got Donathan covered, so I can stop imagining his shipping The Donald. He realizes how long I could go on if I really wanted to hit up the whole alphabet: Eonathan. Etcetathan. (Title of Game is: Hooked on Fonathan. No, seriously, I am, help me stop!)

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42 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Ironically, just like the OG Game Changers legacy advantage, with Jacob in the Sierra role, and Stephanie in the Sarah role.

I don't mind if Michael lies about his age, but his job caption says he's a real estate agent. So, is he actually an 18 year-old real estate agent? Or is that his fake job to go with his fake age?

Hey, the gamebot was the second boot! That never happens (or not recently, anyway).

I think he actually is a realtor, or at least has his real estate license.

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"What if we need a little person to maybe shove in somewhere?" -Stephanie

This may be my favorite quote ever, it's so stupid it almost goes all the way 'round and becomes clever. Overplaying thy name is Stephanie. When that consideration comes to mind when weighing two options? Overplaying.

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Still nowhere near as gross as the cloth of spaghetti from last season.

Ugh, that is not a ghost I want to revisit!!

29 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

"fraught with peril"?  Overhype much, Peachy?

Well... can we have a little peril? I'd like to go back and face the peril.

I liked this one, and it shows again that more random unknown people make the most interesting tribes, not people that have played 30 times. Though the mighty spectacle of advantages and hidden idols makes me think Julie Chen will show up and overthrow Probst to host 'The Most Twisted Season Ever!'

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It looks like Naviti is a well organized tribe in terms of challenges. Speaking of them, I have to say that I'm disappointed that Domenick found an idol. Something about him I can't stand. I know it's only the beginning of the game, but something says "winner" to me, but I hope I'm wrong.

On Malolo, I like Stephanie, which I thought I would dislike. I like Libby, but she didn't do or say much at all yet. 

Glad Gonzalez got booted. Same with Jacob, he was very annoying and quite stupid.

I'm liking the actual island of Ghost Island, so far.

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I thought I saw a bunch of Donathan's tribemates waving him in when he went past the buoys without even trying, and it wasn't just his decision to give up. I think they assumed that James was going to get them quickly and he would slow them down while he swam to the platform.

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Of course the guy I hate finds an idol.

Hm.  I liked Brendan, till he started throwing around words like "nerd".

Desiree is a boss.

Do they really think they need subtitles for Donathan?  I'm offended, and I'm not even Southern.

OMG, Stephanie needs to go before I reach through my screen and throttle her for that annoying vocal fry.

I wonder what these people are thinking now that they know that Jacob poured their rice into his dirty sock.

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