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S22.E04: Week 4

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37 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Oh, and those ladies weren’t disappointed that Chris fucking Hanson showed up instead of Cardigan man.  Chris is a walking streak of sex and I would accept every Rose he has to offer, and so would they.

Seriously? Omg he makes me puke, fakey man..( eww, shudder) 


Tonight... Drink every time I say.. “You know what I mean?”

I like he can laugh at himself! I like a guy that can do that...☺

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Bekah is starry eyed yet tough. Arie looked taken aback at her age but she clearly looks younger than everyone there.  14 years at those ages is too big to overcome.  


Maybe he's keeping Crystal because he knows the drama will be on her and not on the Bekah relationship?

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9 minutes ago, NeverLate said:

I agree, but I quite like Tia, she was pretty drunk though.I thought he might be better, when we saw him actually talk to the women. I like him so much better than Nick, now he gave me the creeps! 

I thought she might be, but Krystal must be. At one point I was sure Arie was going to say bye bye porn voice! 

I can see why Arie likes Tia as a friend but I don't see any chemistry between them.

I think Krystal is too. When she started complaining about the other women being mean to her and then pulled him aside at the RC (which had to look desperate) when he wanted to get on with it she was sealing her fate in my opinion. No man likes to hear complaining and desperation is not a good look. Confidence is sexy to a man. Which is why he's so attracted to Bekah in my opinion.

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I was just thinking oh deer gahd if he sends home Bekah all we have left is Krystal to make up hours and hours... yikes. Because when it comes to Bekah, like her or dislike her at least she's interesting and has an allure to her and it's obvious there's a connection there. My 'a line to far' moment wouldn't be with a 14 year age difference it would be with someone who carries around taxidermy.

It's amazing how insecure and needy Krystal is. Hey hon, you DO realize you're a contestant on the TV show and NOT the director, right? You don't get to call 'cut' and whisk the bachelor away during a rose ceremony. She is one sad little puppy.

But then we all thought the 2nd time she 'stole' him would set warnings off but I'd guess the producers didn't think so. I can see Arie saying "Well can I at least give her the last rose and make her sweat a little?"

Edited by Wandering Snark
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11 minutes ago, betha said:

Darn, I had Caroline in my top four. She was growing on me too, and resembles Linda Cardellini. 

I liked her as well. I' m guessing she'll be on BIP...

Edited by NeverLate
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I actually think Bekah looks 15 and is just pretending to be all growed up. Not impressed with her giddy up scissors legs greeting for the one on one date. He’d be bored by her and vice versa if she’s F1.

Arie really got some good looking b’ettes imo, even the ones I don’t like. Seinne is Miss America beautiful and smart—I hope we see her in the future if she’s not F1. 

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When they went into the concert room they showed the sign that said Ari and Seinne.  I thought who in the heck is that?  Another country twang group?  Then I’m like oh, yeah, Ari.   Lanco?  Never heard of them but what is with the country music?  Is the show’s primary audience southern and Midwest?  

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Somehow, Krystal has turned out to be my favorite character on the show this season.  Let's face it--Arie isn't "looking for love", he's looking for fame and fortune.  I can't really root for him, or get too invested in who he picks.  I need something to keep my interest!  Krystal may be this season's villain, but she's really good at it.  Her THs are cutting but not cruel, she's condescending to the other ladies' faces, but not enough to really solicit outrage, she's sneaky, she's desperate, she's insecure, and she attributes all her own shortcomings to her "competition".  She's exactly what this show needs. 

I think she's a flake and phony-baloney, but she's also the prettiest contestant on the show this year.  I hope she lasts for a long, long time.

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3 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Chelsea's 'talking head" at the end was the best part of the show!  Pro-Glam, for sure!   Her comments about the 'younger ones" was funny

Ya the "millenias"..like herself!! That was quick-witted of her.

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I think it really depends on the individual, but I got married at age 22; and I know quite a few people who’ve also gotten married right around that same age or younger. And out of all of them, only one couple divorced. 

That said, do I think Bekah’s ready to marry? No. And especially not to a guy fourteen years her senior. But then again, I don’t really think Arie’s ready for marriage either. 

I finally figured out who Krystal looks like - Laurie Holden from The Walking Dead. 

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58 minutes ago, backformore said:

I figured out who Bekah reminds me of - Leslie Caron



She reminds me of Emma Samms.



And Krystal reminds me of Amy Smart.

Edited by dcinmb
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 chipmunked-face  Becka was so obnoxiously playing to the camera it was hard to watch.  I laughed out loud when he said she was the most fascinating person he had ever met.  Serious?  A 22 year old babysitter is the most fascinating person you ever met?  I hope he was forced to keep her and is not really considering her because she is only there for the cameras.

And Krystal thinks their jealous because of her flawlessness? You might be considered good looking down at the trailer park but most of those women got you beat in the looks department.  

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2 hours ago, Lemons said:

 chipmunked-face  Becka was so obnoxiously playing to the camera it was hard to watch.  I laughed out loud when he said she was the most fascinating person he had ever met.  Serious?  A 22 year old babysitter is the most fascinating person you ever met?  I hope he was forced to keep her and is not really considering her because she is only there for the cameras.

And Krystal thinks their jealous because of her flawlessness? You might be considered good looking down at the trailer park but most of those women got you beat in the looks department.  

We're used to seeing some real bubble-headed young twenty-somethings on this show. Bekha isn't an airhead -- she is "cool" -- or thinks she is. My guess is that she doesn't like popular culture, she's into artsy things, rock climbing.. because that is "cool." Along with that, she thinks she's smarter than everyone else. She's one of those people who thinks she has it all figured out. No one understands life the way she does. Older people just don't get it. There is such an air of pretension with her, because she's in that phase of life when you think you know it all. When she's 50, he's going to look back at her 22 year old self and laugh. Arie is fascinated because she says the "cool girl" things and wears her worldly-wise pretension on her sleeve. If she were in college, she'd have a poster of Audrey Hepburn on her wall and be studying drama. She's deep, and she's going to make sure you know it. 

Krystal is flat-out insecure. Everything she does and says comes from a place of worry that she's not as awesome as she says she is. If she were confident about herself, she never would have pulled Arie aside. I wish the other bachelorettes would figure that out and try and poke the bear a bit with her. Watch her explode in a fit of insecurity. 

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Arie seems to enjoy many of the women, and certainly enjoys kissing them, but so far he doesn’t seem smitten by any of them.  I don’t see any evidence of real excitement or interest on his part.  He asks them the requisite questions, but then seems pretty disinterested in what they have to say.  I’m thinking there must be lots of stuff they’re not showing us, to keep us guessing.

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36 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

There is such an air of pretension with her, because she's in that phase of life when you think you know it all.

Yes, Bekah thinks she is stunning the world with her cool and perky self. Arie is completely bowled over and   "challenged," by her.

However, I don't think it's  the 14 year age difference that's killing them, but the 14 point IQ spread with Arie on the low side. Everything Bekah says is planned and calculated to impress, but Arie just can't keep up and she constantly has to point out the lack of logic in his side of the conversation.  This is ruining the whole Audrey Hepburn  love story that she is trying to convey to the audience.  Audrey's co-stars were always way too old for her too, but Cary Grant and Humphrey Bogart were  always very clever and suave.  It's a shame really.

But enough with the shame shaming!  Can't we have anything?  If we can't glam-shame how will we make fun of the 3" eyelashes, the clipped on extensions, or the  contouring  that looks like mud streaks? Last season we couldn't grammar-shame, at least we have that back.

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Yes, Bekah looks much younger than the other women, but that's because most of the other women actually look like they are 35-40 years old.  Bekah looks like she's maybe 25 at the youngest, but acts like she's a teen.  She's cute, but is no beauty.  Jackjill, I think you nailed it with your  description of Bekah.  Arie  may only be 36, but he apparently doesn't remember anything about 22 year olds other than they are really young.  Bekah thinks she has depth, but she is a pseudo intellectual. She actually is as superficial as the other women.  The difference is she tries to appear deep and mature.  The other women embrace their superficiality.  Neither she nor Arie are ready for marriage.  Marrying at 22 is one thing, but marrying someone 14 years older than you when you are that young is not likely to end well. Just 10 years ago, Bekah was only in middle school for crying out loud! She needs to grow up first and experience life before she settles down.  Is she even financially independent? Does she have her own health insurance or is she still on her parents' plan? 

Krystal is either a producer plant or is she the most insecure woman I have ever seen on this show, which is saying a lot. At 29, she should be well past this whiny stage.  Girl has sociopathic tendencies and Arie better stay clear for his own sake even if he is only on this show for  fame.

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7 hours ago, betha said:

Darn, I had Caroline in my top four. She was growing on me too, and resembles Linda Cardellini. 

And yet, Arie kept women that we still haven't even heard talk, yet. 

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So, when Maquel (had to look up her name) left, they seemed to suggest that she might be coming back (after the funeral, I suppose), didn't they?  But, by the end, since she wasn't mentioned, I assumed that she wasn't.  I've only watched the show for the last couple of seasons -- has anyone ever left for a legitimate reason (e.g., family emergency) and been allowed to return?

And, isn't Maquel 23?  All the talk about Bekah being too young -- I wonder if they would have been saying the same thing about Maquel.  I wonder what age they think is no longer too young.  I know that there are a couple of women left that are in the 25-26 range.  For me, there's not that much difference between a 14-year age gap and a 10-year age gap.  Because, as we all know, there are plenty of mature 22-year olds and plenty of immature 26-year olds in the world.

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I think that a woman returned during Jesse Palmers season.  She showed up at the Willard Hotel in Washington . She had been eliminated a few weeks earlier. She offered Jesse a room key but he never showed up

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Arie will not choose either Bekah OR Krystal, is my partial prediction. Arie mentioned the world-view changes one goes through between Bekah's decade and his; and he doesn't want a wife who will stalk his house showings, all needy and breathy and pouty.

Nor will we see "Mixed-Race Engaged Couple, Redux."

Thus, I give the editors kudos for the massive distraction from whomever Arie does choose!** I can barely picture any of the rest!

**I haven't read any Spoilers, so I could be as wrong as rain! 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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2 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

She needs to grow up first and experience life before she settles down.  Is she even financially independent? Does she have her own health insurance or is she still on her parents' plan?

Yeah, when Arie was asking her if she's still going to want to go clubbing on weekends, I was thinking to myself: Dude, she was just able to get into the club legally last year; can she just live?

I don't think of Bekah as a pretentious 22 year old. She's just a 22 year old; that pretentiousness is a natural part of that stage of life. She's so confident because her belief system hasn't been aggressively tested yet so everything seems so black and white. As you get older, you find yourself in situations with all these grey lines where you're wrong and you learn not to be a know-it-all. That said, she was at least raised right because some 20-somethings (cough *Krystal) have had their life course rocked and turned upside down by that age and that leads to insecurities or just looking to someone "wise" like Arie to protect them. Can you imagine if Bekah was that kind of 22 year old? I wouldn't even be able to watch the season. At least we know if/when she's eliminated, she'll be fine.

1 hour ago, MMLEsq said:

So, when Maquel (had to look up her name) left, they seemed to suggest that she might be coming back (after the funeral, I suppose), didn't they?  But, by the end, since she wasn't mentioned, I assumed that she wasn't.  I've only watched the show for the last couple of seasons -- has anyone ever left for a legitimate reason (e.g., family emergency) and been allowed to return?

Ed from Jillian's season left for what he said was a work emergency. (He apparently went home to breakup with his real girlfriend.) Then he came back. Won. Went on to be part of other bachelor-adjacent shows and turned out to be a drunk, cheating louse. Please stay away Maquel.

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At this point we're really down to about five contenders once you subtract the three obvious characters and the two African-American ladies and Marikh, because THIS guy is not doing a mixed-race engagement.  Also subtract Jacqueline (who's gorgeous) because outside of the RCs, the two have never spoken.  So it's Remaining Lauren, Minnesota Becca, Kendall (also very pretty), Tia (who doesn't do it for me), and Jenna.  We're moving pretty rapidly here.  

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1 hour ago, MMLEsq said:

And, isn't Maquel 23?  All the talk about Bekah being too young -- I wonder if they would have been saying the same thing about Maquel.

Not only is Maquel 23, she's also very recently divorced, so while there can be speculation that Bekah is not ready for marriage, it's a fact that Maquel isn't. But since she left the show, and Arie didn't seem that into her to begin with, that's a moot point.

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krystle looks like Britt’s older, blonder sister who has been tending bar at the run down, smoky strip club by the airport for the past five years.  

Seriously - I agree!  There are some moments where Krystal looks like she is about 55 years old.  She has that look of an older woman trying to look young, but she IS young.  Weird.

Honestly I am not surprised Arie kept Bekah.  He seemed to really like her a lot, I might even say she is a front-runner at this point.  And he has sent a lot of the older girls in the 30 range home.  I think his preference is tracking younger.

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Bekah looks like she belongs at Disneyworld playing one of those Disney characters.  Maybe Minnie Mouse?

I've noticed that a lot of these women have bad skin--Krystal comes to mind since her face is shown so much.  I guess it's from spackling on so much makeup.  

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13 hours ago, mcmrdh said:

tias nose bugs  me.... there, I said it

I think she had a bad nose job. It's too small for her face and when the surgeon removed the crook it just left the other part so it looks pointy and out of proportion.

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When he cuts women I'm still having a hard time working up too much of a lather about it because I still have no idea who most of them are. This is the Krystal show with a side of Bekah the Younger.

I think Arie is genuinely into Bekah. He has no intention of marrying anyone he picks so why not keep the hot young thing so long as she understands what she's getting into. I think he likes her partly because she gets it. This is a TV show and she will be just fine when he dumps her. In contrast he had to get rid of Bibi because I don't think she quiet got that he wasn't going to marry her even if she "won" so it was better to cut her early.

He really only seems interested in a handful of them, the rest are true cannon fodder and can go in any order. I think Tia's a friend at this point, no spark but he enjoys her company. Bekah's the "challenge" that he will dump as soon as he figures her out or she challenges him a bit too much. Becca is the normal one he can talk to and has an easy rapport with, but she might not be enough of a challenge for him. I think he likes to think of himself as smarter than he is. Krystal will stay until she is up against the ones he actually likes but while there is still fodder around he will be a good little boy and keep her around like Production wants. I can't tell if he's into taxidermy girl (is that Kendal?) or not. I am. I like her. She's weird, but a fun kind of quirky weird that doesn't feel put on.

Seinne is too good for him. He probably knows this. I would love to see her as Bachelorette (I think, sadly, being the lead usually leads to me hating them by the end) but IDK if they'd go ethnic twice in a row, though throwing pasty Arie in between might help. Other than her, I can't think of a contender for B-ette out of this crop. Maybe Bekah, but she is pretty young and IDK if she necessarily wants a career in Bachelor Nation as much as she wanted name recognition to get into something better. I suppose Tia might be a contender, she's like a way less obnoxious Raven so that could work in her favor. I still can't really tell the blondes apart which doesn't bode well for any of their chances, except fucking Krystal which NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!

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38 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

I think she had a bad nose job. It's too small for her face and when the surgeon removed the crook it just left the other part so it looks pointy and out of proportion.

If that's a nose job then if I were her I would sue the surgeon. I don't think it's too small if anything it dominates and overshadows the rest of her face. She has thin small lips and her nose makes it seem more so. I wouldn't judge her at all if she did want a nose job but surely a even slightly decent surgeon would not have left her nose like that.

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13 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Listening to Arie like talk to like all these women you know, like grates on my nerves. Like, I don't know, you know what I mean? Like, you know, I don't know, what if he like paused like a few times to like gather his thoughts, you know, before he like started rambling to like every woman, you know?


Seriously, how is Arie different than JP (other than no accent)? He has no interest in getting to know these women, has nothing interesting to say, and when women are talking to him you can see him checking them out and just waiting for when he can make out with them. Sienne is definitely too good for him (and so are most of the other women). 

I'm really not enjoying Arie as the Bachelor. He's got very little of interest to say and I'm so tired of watching him paw the women while they're talking. It's one thing if it's a flirty conversation, but he could have someone sitting there talking about a dead relative and he'd still be rubbing his hands all around her head and neck. It doesn't look natural either, its almost like he watched the infamous kissing against the wall scene and tries to replicate his own moves in every single interaction.

I thought Seinne was a goner, Arie looked as checked out as he did with the girl who went home last week. He's really bad at feigning interest, aside from Bekah and Krystal and maybe one or two others, he really doesn't try very hard to contribute to the conversation.

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It’s only episode 4 but the production team is by accident or, more likely, by design abandoning its stated remit of marrying off the Bachelor.  They also hope for conflicted feelings on the part of TB and fierce competition for his affection on the part of the women who are expected to silently pine for him, preferably on a dock, balcony, promontory or any other beauty spot where they can be photographed in profile.  Instead, TB producers are drawn to the fool’s gold of bitchiness among the mostly idle Bachelorettes who must endure long hours of boredom.  The teasers focus on the bitchiness.  The bulk of the footage focuses on the bitchiness, even when the Bachelor is present on a group date or even when the Bachelor is off on a 1-on-1 date.  The meanwhile-back-at-the-ranch editing is tedious in its predictability and repetition.

It should also be remembered that for every seemingly declarative sentence spoken by a Bachelorette on camera there is a producer feeding her lines, asking her questions and generally ‘talking her up’ in order to get her to say something inflammatory or critical.  TB ends up caught in a trap of futility as he pleads with any and all of them to ‘avoid the drama.’  Given the on- and off-camera machinations of the production, this is akin to asking them to avoid breathing.  Criticism of the participants’ words and actions is a given but the biggest problem for TB and TB’ettes is that they aren’t permitted to spend much time together.  The obvious question is:  why not?  Is the Big Date Card Reveal with its grim smiles, frowns, sidelong glances and unenthusiastic clapping more important than matchmaking?

Why can’t TB spend the first week on two 1-on-1 dates per day, thus getting to know 10-14 B’ettes in depth along with the audience?  Dates need not be epic budget-busting day-long Cinderella turnouts but more of a pretext for a conversation.  At the risk of undermining this argument, obviously the intent of the producers is Pavlovian conditioning of TB’ettes by withholding contact with Arie until they are pacing the floor.  Many in the audience – and no doubt the B’ettes themselves - are enthralled by the visuals – mountain peaks, hot air balloons etc etc.  But is the veneer of romance more important than actual romance?  The show’s success stories are trotted out over numerous seasons that follow but wouldn’t there be more of those stories if the format were tweaked?  In other words, do they want to hit home runs or just look good swinging the bat?

A small witches’ coven has assembled over coffee to decide which evil spell to cast over Bekah M, who they have decided is too young for Arie.  It doesn’t seem to faze the producers who give us lingering full-body ‘hero’ shots of Bekah as she swims and poses in her bikini.  Caroline the Realtor displays her mathematical brilliance by calculating that 14 yrs is ‘a little bit longer’ than 11 yrs.

The larger group, including Bekah, have gathered to marvel at (all together now) ‘how real it is.’  Krystal has taken a vote of one and has elected herself Arie’s spokeswoman.  She’s proud (?) of him for sending someone home.  She will be the voice of reason and reality.  The mind boggles.

CH arrives in another dodgy plaid shirt to send them to Lake Tahoe which, admittedly, doesn’t need careful cropping of the picture to look appealing.  Is there anyone among us who doesn’t think of Disney’s Country Bear Jamboree when we see a buffalo head mounted on a wood-paneled wall?  There is the obligatory ‘bed test’ shot as one girl falls back onto it.  Seinne has appeared immune to criticism and jealousy so far but that status goes out the window quickly as the others cook up revenge fantasies about her being sent home in a repeat of The Wreck Of The Lauren S.  Parasailing leads to champagne on the beach.  Despite Arie’s obvious and stated interest his body language is rather ambivalent…he places an ‘arm barrier’ with elbow crooked between the two of them and frequently looks down and away.  It was probably inevitable that Seinne would mention race but in this situation it really is unnecessary in the strict sense of the word.  He doesn’t care.  And isn’t that the objective?  And why the disproportionate importance of seeing characters who ‘look like me?’  This phrase appears in countless news stories and articles.  Does one need to be a 19th century debutante to appreciate Jane Austen and/or to identify with the characters?  Does one need to be a Mohican to appreciate James Fenimore Cooper?  Emulating fiction just seems to be a fool’s errand when reality is so much more detailed and fascinating than fairy tales.  A biracial couple turns exactly zero heads in a busy public casino.  Again, isn’t that the objective?  Focus on the here-and-now in the Land Of The Giant Wine Glass and get on with it.

Say it with me:  Lanco who?  Lanco the mystery musician adopts an affected ultra-twangy accent to signify ‘this is officially country music’ but the accent always sounds like Californians and Yankees who attempted (and failed) to sound Southern in ‘Steel Magnolias.’  There is a nice Duesenberg guitar onstage, though.

Pity poor Maquel.  The rare presence of a mobile phone and a call from home should have been a red flag since we’ve been told that contact with the outside world is limited.  It’s an odd edit and a bit cruel to all concerned when the rest of them aren’t given a chance to say tearful goodbyes.

The less said about the group survival date the better from the bug & worm eating to the tortured discussion and simulation of consumption of bodily waste.  Arie pulls Kendall aside for a perfunctory kiss – he’s obviously determined to taste every flavor in the ice cream parlor before it’s all over.  The end of the orienteering task is the beginning of The Krystal Wars which occupy fully the second half of the episode as her chirpy personal trainer façade crumbles and insecurity born of her difficult childhood emerges.

Lauren B remains a bit of a dark horse but that intrigues Arie who treats her to a furry blanket, a fireside chat and an incongruous and somewhat desperate peck on the cheek while she’s in midsentence.  To echo Arie’s question, is Kendall an odd duck pretending to be normal or is she a good catch and a cool chick pretending to be quirky in order to stand out?

Marikh is a boring tongue-clucking melt but at least she is quick and courageous enough to interrupt Krystal’s bizarre stream of consciousness soliloquies and her vapid ‘I feel like…’ prefaces to every sentence.  Unfortunately, during the end credits Marikh also gives Chelsea a paranoid ‘Were you talking about me?’ interrogation predicated on a bizarre misunderstanding involving a compass and a mirror compact.  Whut-EVERRR.

Articulate Arie attempts to get to the heart of the matter by asking Tia ‘Like, what, um, like what are some, like, things that are going on?’  Tia and Caroline’s claws are extended and fangs bared fully at this point but at least they attempt to take on the enemy (Krystal) face-to-face.  Caroline’s eyebrow is cocked so high it gets caught in the crossbeams of the lodge. 

Arie adjudges the day to have been (wait for it) eee-mazing.  Again!  The shawl collar sweaters have got to go, Mr Rogers.  Tia’s ability to rise above the drama, for once, has earned her a rose even if the rose has wilted and resembles a pinwheel now due to the heat from the fire and the klieg lights.  Surely the rose budget for TB would allow a replacement with a healthy rose to avoid unfortunate symbolism?  At this point Brittany’s molars have been worn flat as she grits her teeth through it all.

A good TB rule of thumb is:  if the teaser edit portends disaster then it will be a triumph and vice versa.  Therefore, Bekah’s age revelation gets played up as a deal-breaker (not least by Bekah’s competition) but Arie remains hopelessly infatuated and rationalizes it all away.  If he’s completely honest he would admit that being pursued by a doe-eyed sweet young thing is a massive boost to his gray-headed ego.  Attraction or no, he should probably stop saying things like ‘Life is slowing down for me’ and ‘I’m getting a little more boring.'  Not the best chat-up lines.  Also, the mail-order bride talk sounds cynical in the extreme.  This is one dinner that will remain untouched.  Bekah’s date rose was never in doubt even with the misleading tension-filled music. 

Krystal cements her place as designated villain with a classic rosa caerimonia interruptio.  Did it have any effect?  Would the rose have gone to anyone else otherwise?  And what the hell are Ashley and Marikh still doing there?  We know from the first episode’s trailer that Jacqueline will have her moment in the spotlight…she might even be a late-breaking contender.  Once her fate is sealed Caroline quickly removes her vertiginous painful-looking heels.  She’s another in a long line who couldn’t stay away from house catnip and TB noticed.  Meow!  Brittany’s patience was exhausted anyway.  The mini-car certificate was her ticket to the Friend Zone and while rejection is never fun it will take her all of five minutes to recover.

Let us gather on the other side of the server upgrade.  Courage, friends!

Edited by Rainsong
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4 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

I thought Seinne was a goner, Arie looked as checked out as he did with the girl who went home last week. He's really bad at feigning interest, aside from Bekah and Krystal and maybe one or two others, he really doesn't try very hard to contribute to the conversation.

I completely agree. I did like Arie on Emily's season and I find him attractive, if somewhat greyish looking. My HD screen is definitely not doing him any favours. There's a grey tinge to his skin that makes me concerned for his health.

I didn't think he was that into Seinne either. The only conversation where he's sounded natural was with Bekah, to the point that I was convinced he was a real person instead of a slurping cardboard cutout. I missed most of the Becca cinderella date, so I can't speak to his interaction with her. He seems to enjoy Kendall a little bit as well.

I don't think he's actually enjoying being the bachelor. I can't say if he's in it for fame or the "right reasons", but he seems pretty disconnected. Even the constant kissing seems producer directed, with very little interest on his part. 

I can buy that he's very tactile, but he doesn't seem like the type to like multiple women fawning over him. I've started to think he was blackmailed into doing this show again. 

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2 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

I'm really not enjoying Arie as the Bachelor. He's got very little of interest to say and I'm so tired of watching him paw the women while they're talking. It's one thing if it's a flirty conversation, but he could have someone sitting there talking about a dead relative and he'd still be rubbing his hands all around her head and neck. It doesn't look natural either, its almost like he watched the infamous kissing against the wall scene and tries to replicate his own moves in every single interaction.

I thought Seinne was a goner, Arie looked as checked out as he did with the girl who went home last week. He's really bad at feigning interest, aside from Bekah and Krystal and maybe one or two others, he really doesn't try very hard to contribute to the conversation.

See I saw this completely different. I thought he seemed much more into the conversation than he had with previous women. He seemed more engaged to me.I think he has a resting face that comes across as maybe bored or checked out when in reality he's just listening. Funny how people can see the same thing and get different takes from it.

On a separate note I've noticed that PTV has not had any recaps this season. They had went to podcasts for a couple of seasons but I haven't noticed anything at all so far unless I've missed it. Has anyone else noticed this or know why? I used to love their written recaps. They were always hilarious.

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I didn't think he was that into Seinne either. The only conversation where he's sounded natural was with Bekah, to the point that I was convinced he was a real person instead of a slurping cardboard cutout. I missed most of the Becca cinderella date, so I can't speak to his interaction with her. 

On the Becca cinderella date, he spoke to her exactly as he did to Seinne, and to almost all of the women when he interacts with them one-on-one...as if he were interacting with them at a lunch/dinner for a job interview.  I have specifically noticed the difference many times in how he talks to Bekah, where he sounds like a normal person speaking to someone in a casual way.

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2 hours ago, lids said:

Yeah, when Arie was asking her if she's still going to want to go clubbing on weekends, I was thinking to myself: Dude, she was just able to get into the club legally last year; can she just live?

Good point.  One way to look at age differences is instead of starting from birth, start from a more significant age, like 18 or 21, and count from there.  That's why a 14-year age difference can be quite significant between a 22-year-old and a 36-year-old, but not that significant between a 40-year-old and a 55-year-old.  Compare how many years of adulthood people have under their belt.


2 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

Seriously - I agree!  There are some moments where Krystal looks like she is about 55 years old.  She has that look of an older woman trying to look young, but she IS young.  Weird.

Maybe that's why she reminds me so much of Ramona Singer on the Real Housewives of New York City.


13 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Oh, and those ladies weren’t disappointed that Chris fucking Hanson showed up instead of Cardigan man.  Chris is a walking streak of sex and I would accept every Rose he has to offer, and so would they.

Chris Hanson?  I think you meant Harrison.  Bekah is young, but she's not that young.  And let's not give Fleiss any ideas.

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14 hours ago, NeverLate said:

I think Arie talking with Bekah, was the real Arie we haven't seen. He knows if it doesn't work out, she has much more dating she can do. He wants to start a family, and why he is on the show.

Exactly.  As I said a week or so ago, Arie reminds me of DWTS pro Maksim Chmerkovskiy when he was the Bachelor on the Ukrainian version of the show a few years ago, long before Maks met and married his fellow DWTS pro Peta.  Maks said basically the same thing about the very pretty and popular bachelorette (Yana) who ended up in his Final 2 -- that he liked her, but because she was so young (she was about Bekah's age, if I remember correctly) and had much more dating that she needed to do before she'd really be ready to settle down and start a family, he didn't feel that he was the right man for her, which is why he sent her home instead of the woman he did pick at the end.

14 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Oh, and those ladies weren’t disappointed that Chris fucking Harrison showed up instead of Cardigan man. Chris is a walking streak of sex and I would accept every Rose he has to offer, and so would they.

As a matter of fact, many people have encouraged Chris to step down as host and be the Bachelor ever since he got divorced a few years ago (although I seem to recall that he hasn't exactly been wanting for dates since his divorce) just for that very reason.

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The more we go on with Arie the more he reminds me of Ken Marino's character Mark Orlando in the amazing Bachelor parody series "Burning Love"


Arie's not malicious, he's just sort of dimwitted and and wants to make out a lot. But has absolutely no charisma, which makes him in over his head as the lead of a TV show haha. I don't sense actual interest in getting to know the women, let alone getting married to any of them. So often he just repeats things that the women just said, but in a very vaguely "concerned" tone to replace any actual emotion haha it's pretty funny but makes for a pretty boring season so far.

Edited by huskerj12
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When Arie was having his external monologue about bekkah’s age, I saw her whole demeanor change. She went from sex kitten to immature high schooler in .02 seconds. Then when she realized he wasn’t going to boot her, her face changed back to her role. I still maintain she’s an actress and is putting this on her resume. Her answers to his questions... I wake up early to go climbing! But wouldn’t it be worth it in the end, even if it didn’t work out!!... answers a 22 year old would give. One who watches too many movies.

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9 minutes ago, sistersledge said:

When Arie was having his external monologue about bekkah’s age, I saw her whole demeanor change. She went from sex kitten to immature high schooler in .02 seconds. Then when she realized he wasn’t going to boot her, her face changed back to her role. I still maintain she’s an actress and is putting this on her resume. Her answers to his questions... I wake up early to go climbing! But wouldn’t it be worth it in the end, even if it didn’t work out!!... answers a 22 year old would give. One who watches too many movies.

I'll admit I was barely paying attention to their conversation (despite the tedious buildup, a 22 year old telling a 36 year old her age isn't really high drama IMO), but she acted like somebody trying not to get fired rather than losing someone she really cared about. Maybe I misread it, but I think she just wants more air time. 

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The things I've learned thus far from this snoozer of a season (good LORD he's boring!!!!)

1. ARIE LIKES 'EM YOUNG!!! DAMN YOUNG!!!! Any man who is a man at the ripe old gray haired grandpa sweater wearing age of 36, finds out the girl he's horny for is only 22? Would back up so fast there'd be skid marks. Not our Arie, oh no, still caressing her faces, kissing her face, touching touching touching. So she's 22? Arie likes 'em YOUNG young...she's like...perfect...for him.

2. Arie's dumb as a box of rocks. So he only has chemistry (as it were) with the other dumb chicks. Seinne is so far out of his league and he knows it. In the real world, a class act like that wouldn't even reply to his insta likes...(did I just type that? Eesh).

3. This season's batch of bimbos are dull dull dull. Even the made-up-producer-fed-"drama" is dull. SO BORING this season.

4. These children (with the exception of baby beckah) can. not. act.  They suck at it. NONE of these children are into Arie and it shows. Their fake angst is just painful to watch.


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