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S02.E09: Number Two


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3 minutes ago, Katy M said:

OK, this one got me.  I'm a little confused about some of the flashback stuff, though.  Like what the takeaway of some of it was supposed to be. Specifically Kate watching Jack and Rebecca hug.  I would think there would be easier ways to prevent a package delivery than physically chasing it all over the place, though.  

Kate seemed jealous of the hug, made me a little uncomfortable.  They have her relationship at that age, be very close, almost too close to Jack.

Edited by debraran
  • Love 11

This was pretty good, actually. There's some things I didn't like, but most of it was quite good. 

Chrissy Metz really made me feel for Kate, as she struggled to deal with her grief over losing the baby. I thought that it was just sad to see her go to the buffet, struggling to figure out a proper way to deal that wasn't about eating.

I know there are probably better ways to get the package (for example, just waiting on the front step), but I thought it was sweet of Toby to do whatever it took to stop the package from arriving at all. It probably wouldn't work in the real world, but we already know Toby makes these big gestures, so I've had to accept that I'll be annoyed at some of his big gestures. This, however, wasn't one of those moments. I thought it really reflected well on Toby. Speaking of that, I also loved his speech to Kate as soon as she tried the "you didn't lose the baby" TV trope. I'd like to think that line isn't delivered all that much with real life couples. I know a family member who lost her twins and, to my knowledge, she didn't say anything like that.

But man, the Rebecca/Kate moments here were fantastic. It was so nice to see them finally connecting in the present day. I loved that Rebecca related losing Kyle to Kate because I thought it was needed. I guess that means Rebecca did tell Kate and Kevin at some point about Kyle. I also liked their flashback scenes. I think this season has officially redeemed themselves with the treatment of Rebecca last season. Man, they really shit on her character last season, but proved that they can balance things out more with more Mom Rebecca moments. I did like Rebecca finding out about Kate's singing as a teenager. I am going to guess that Kate might either get in but turn it down after the loss of Jack, or she doesn't get in, which adds to the loss of Jack.

I will say, I laughed and I teared up a little at Rebecca's Great Onion Story. Sure, she acted inappropriately, but I do think grief makes people do things that they wouldn't normally do. We've seen Rebecca do a lot, but we've never seen her irrationally lose it on a person like this. And I think that's the point. She bottled up her grief for six weeks, and it made her eventually explode in that grocery store.

I didn't get emotional here like I did for Kevin's episode, but I did like it all the same. I do think I was hoping for more. I'm not even sure what I wanted more of. 

  • Love 9

At the beginning of the episode Toby annoyed me with his exaggerated smoothie making, but he redeemed himself after the miscarriage. For once he made it about Kate and not about himself.

Since Kate was waiting tables and taking night classes at 28, it seems safe to say that she didn't go to Berklee. I wonder whether it was because she didn't get in, the family couldn't afford it after Jack died, or she was just too distraught to focus.

I liked Kate and Rebecca connecting, but the Yellow Onion Debacle was too much. If I had been the other lady I would have just given Rebecca two onions from the bag to avert a public scene.

I liked that Kate walked away from the buffet. She realized that binging won't do anything to soothe her pain. That's growth for her.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 10

was kinda indifferent to this episode



good on toby calling kate out on her behaviour acting like he didn't lose something

toby threatening the guy about the package was stupid

rebecca shouldn't have nosed through kate's things,


the onion thing was really stupid, also how did the lady not see that rebecca had grabbed them but then went to her kids?

  • Love 8

Im kinda disappointed with Kate’s flashbacks, but I do like how the hug conversation came back around with Rebecca hugging Kate. I hope this means their relationship is on the mend. I did really think her flashbacks would be about Jack’s death. Handsdown, I thought Jack was dying tonight, so I think thats why I was so disappointed.

Ive always liked Toby, and tonight he did good. I did laugh at Kate putting his head on her chest, and then him asking to switch spots. I also liked the look of relief on his face when Kate said she wanted to try again. 

So now, we can guess that Randall’s flashbacks will also be the same time period as Kevin and Kate’s. Does thay make these episodes into Bottle Episodes (well half of them)? They probably shot them all together right?

  • Love 4

OMG! I didn’t cry. Not even once. Is there something wrong with me? It was well acted and sad but I didn’t cry. Maybe, I’m cried out. Maybe, I’m saving them for the holidays. Anyway, I thought it was written well and I liked that Kate didn’t blame Toby. I’m looking forward to seeing Randall’s episode. Hopefully, Deja’s real mother will take her back and we can all move on without Deja around. She’s such a wet blanket. 

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, balmz said:

the onion thing was really stupid, also how did the lady not see that rebecca had grabbed them but then went to her kids?

I don't think it matters whether she saw.  If Rebecca had hold of the onions, it wouldn't take her any longer to retain hold of them to get back to the babies.  If not, it really wouldn't take more than a second longer to grab them, then go back.  She left them on the shelf and therefore they weren't hers.  The question is why was there exactly one bag of onions there?  I've literally never seen that with pretty much anything, unless it's something that they're discontinuing. There's either at least a few of something, or none.  Was there some kind of crazy run on onions that day that the store was just not expecting? Were there no more in the back?  

  • Love 20

I was also wondering why Kate was staring at her parents while they were hugging.

So glad that Kate and Rebecca had their moment.  That did make me cry a little, I admit.  I felt bad for Rebecca during most of the episode, because she was trying so hard to be there for Kate.  Some of that was teenage hormones, but Kate can be pretty awful to Rebecca as an adult.  So that hug was cathartic to watch.  And I was glad that they sidelined Jack for this one.  So often he's the perfect father, the rock of the family, I nearly expected him to save the day once again.  It was long overdue to have Kate and Rebecca bonding, even if it was over their respective tragedies.

Good for Toby for standing up to Kate about his involvement in the pregnancy, and how their excitement didn't make them lose the baby.  Kate was wrong for that one.

Not as cohesive as last week's, but this one did give a more hopeful ending.

Edited by Amethyst
  • Love 7

This was easily Toby's best episode ever. He didn't make any stupid jokes, he was kind, considerate, caring, but not willing to have his own feelings pushed aside. It was perfect, and all things the actor excelled at. Honestly, I haven't liked the actor this much since he tried to help El on Stranger Things. I know these episodes are Emmy bait, but if he got a nomination for this, I'd be fine with it.

Rebecca showing up to help Kate was the perfect example of Rebecca pushing boundaries in a way that worked. She's always trying that in flashbacks and at the club, but this was the time when it was what Kate needed and I enjoyed that. Also liked her little touch of exasperation when Kate joked that Randall had too much room in Rebecca's heart.

Thought Chrissy Metz did good work, but I wasn't overwhelmed. I like that they decided to try again. She had adorable chemistry with her mom and Toby in the last scene on the couch. It felt very natural.

"Your turn, Number 3" was the cheesiest ending this show has ever had.

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 19

Aw Kate and Toby. How sad. 

Is Kate the only one that Rebecca has a pet name for? I can't remember if she calls the boys anything. What a sweet kind moment between Kate and Rebecca. I don't think we ever really had one of those between the adults. There always seems to be a slight attitude on someones part.

I love that Toby and Kate talked things out and handled everything like grown ups. They both had their parts where they talked about their pain but came together in the end.

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, Katy M said:

yeah, I totally get that, but I dont' understand why it ended up in the Kate-focused episode.  

It appears that we are seeing the same day or days from different perspectives of all three of them. 

17 minutes ago, SnoGirl said:

So now, we can guess that Randall’s flashbacks will also be the same time period as Kevin and Kate’s. Does thay make these episodes into Bottle Episodes (well half of them)? They probably shot them all together right?

Yep, I agree, though I would not call these "bottle episodes" as they usually have only one or two main characters and one main location (the bottle).

13 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I don't think it matters whether she saw.  If Rebecca had hold of the onions, it wouldn't take her any longer to retain hold of them to get back to the babies.  If not, it really wouldn't take more than a second longer to grab them, then go back.  She left them on the shelf and therefore they weren't hers.  The question is why was there exactly one bag of onions there?  I've literally never seen that with pretty much anything, unless it's something that they're discontinuing. There's either at least a few of something, or none.  Was there some kind of crazy run on onions that day that the store was just not expecting? Were there no more in the back?  

Thinking the same things!  More thoughts - Were there more onions?  If so, why didn't the manager say so?   And we saw Rebecca dissolve into tears and crumple to the floor, what happened next?  It sounds as if she just got up and went home.

7 minutes ago, chaifan said:

I'm getting a little chuckle out of this considering it's two days before Thanksgiving, and I spent an hour in the grocery store tonight where there could have easily been a No! They're my onions! scene going on.  (Seriously - the onion section was quite sparse.)  Happy Thanksgiving!  ;) 

Hee, so true!  Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

OMG! I didn’t cry. Not even once. Is there something wrong with me? It was well acted and sad but I didn’t cry. Maybe, I’m cried out. Maybe, I’m saving them for the holidays. Anyway, I thought it was written well and I liked that Kate didn’t blame Toby. I’m looking forward to seeing Randall’s episode. Hopefully, Deja’s real mother will take her back and we can all move on without Deja around. She’s such a wet blanket. 

Honestly, I have to agree with you. I get that she's playing a girl from an abusive environment, but we're supposed to somehow believe this dour girl could be on the drill team/cheerleading team? She seems to have zero personality and no purpose beyond being a plot point for Randall and Beth's marriage.

It's also more realistic that she doesn't stay with them if/when her mother comes back. Maybe the next foster kid will actually be someone interesting.

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 5

I loved this episode and cried a lot. I knew Rebecca would show up, because that's what moms do. She could hear it in Kate's voice that she was failing at keeping it together. I don't know about you guys, but if I'm teetering on tears, all it takes is a visit (or sometimes a call) from my mom to let all the tears flow. 

I definitely want to know more about Kate. They have to find something other than "she sings" to flesh her out. Teen Kate is my favorite of the teens, while 8 year old Randall is my favorite of the elementary school versions of the big three. Teen Kate has the same dimples and speaking voice as adult Kate. Such. Good. Casting.

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

I took it to mean that Kate hoped to find someone who loved her like how Jack loved Rebecca.  It seemed she wasn't as focused as her weight as a teenager compared to being adult (and wasn't nagged about it when she was younger.)


I don’t think she was that overweight as a teenager.  The actress playing her didn’t seem that heavy.  Especially compared to now.  

I just didn’t feel all that emotional in this episode because I just feel Kate is all about herself.  Like she feels nobody else goes through anything remotely close to what she has.  Toby was ok this episode but his rant to the Fed Ex guy was just not something people would do in real life.  People don’t speak in long monologues about their lives to strangers.  

Edited by Laurie4H
  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

Honestly, I have to agree with you. I get that she's playing a girl from an abusive environment, but we're supposed to somehow believe this dour girl could be on the drill team/cheerleading team? She seems to have zero personality and no purpose beyond being a plot point for Randall and Beth's marriage.

Her purpose is to be the reason Randall gets to go around making big "save the world" speeches.

We really have not had a chance to see Deja's personality, though I do think the actress is doing a good job with what she has been given especially in the non-verbal reactions.  I do find myself wondering what is going on with Tessa and Annie.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, elle said:

Her purpose is to be the reason Randall gets to go around making big "save the world" speeches.

We really have not had a chance to see Deja's personality, though I do think the actress is doing a good job with what she has been given especially in the non-verbal reactions.  I do find myself wondering what is going on with Tessa and Annie.

That's kind of the point though. Why should I care about Deja when she has only existed as a plot point for Randall instead of being an actual person?

Providence did a storyline with a wayward teen getting fostered by the lead. They killed her off, but I actually cared when they did because they made the teen an actual person.

Edited by methodwriter85

At least this episode had a more hopeful ending, unlike last week, where it ends with Kevin on the road to an overdose. I admit to tearing up a few times, and this was a great episode for Toby, but it wasn't as good as last week. last week, I really felt like I understood Kevin more than I had in the past, and I both felt pissed off at him, and felt sorry for him, but this week, I still feel like I dont know Kate that well. I get what her issues are (weight, her mom, self contentedness), but this episode didn't really add to it. There wasn't anything I found out here that we didn't already know, and I didn't feel like she was really pushed to the brink of self acknowledgement the way Kevin was last week. 

Toby was great the whole episode, the best I think he has ever been. You could see how upset he was, and how much he tried to help Kate. He also had a great speech after Kate dropped that awful "You didn't lose the baby" line, which I've heard before in miscarriage episodes, and I always hate it. Its true that its probably very hard to lose a child who was in your body, but its still so selfish towards a person who contributed 50% of that baby and who you are supposed to love and be your partner. I did really love the Kate/Rebecca stuff, that was really amazing and touching and yes I teared up. I dont care that she screws up a lot, I love Rebecca and she tries so hard and loves her kids so much damn it! I was so glad Kate didn't get snippy with her, and was just happy to see her mom. It was a really great, relatable moment. 

*sniffle* Mom love. Now if only someone would hug Kevin before he drops dead in his bathroom. Seriously, I worry about him. Kate will be alright, but I am not so sure about Kevin. 

  • Love 13

Was that Sublime's Doin' Time that young Kate was singing?  If so, they finally got a nod to 90s music.


13 minutes ago, milner said:

I really didn’t like Tobey literally towering over the UPS guy telling him he was “big and powerful “.

I didn't like that, either.  "I'm usually pretty funny, but I'm also big and powerful."  I just felt really bad for the UPS guy, because what if he had told Toby to get lost?  Would Toby have beat him up or tried to get him fired?  Who knows, but I can understand the poor guy not wanting to find out.

  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

That's kind of the point though. Why should I care about Deja when she has only existed as a plot point for Randall instead of an actual person?

Providence did a storyline with a wayward teen getting fostered by the lead. They killed her off, but I actually cared when they did because they made the teen an actual person.

I agree with you that Deja and her mom for that matter exist only as a plot point for Randall.  While I would like to see this particular story go away, I strangely like Deja, or the actress makes me like her. Still,  I do not wish to watch Randall or Beth pontificate or moralize all over the place next week.

Since we will get to see the road trip for Randall with Jack, I wonder if the travel/time questions will be answered.

  • Love 9

Is the idea that the shower curtain rod was unable to support Kate's weight, and so she fell, and that fall caused the miscarriage? If so, I wish they hadn't gone there. Couldn't she just have a normal miscarriage?

As for the Toby thing, the writers probably thought that showing him physically threaten a much smaller person for just wanting to do their job would be a great example of what a dreamboat he is - but I could have done without it. Carl should have just called security.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

Is the idea that the shower curtain rod was unable to support Kate's weight, and so she fell, and that fall caused the miscarriage? If so, I wish they hadn't gone there. Couldn't she just have a normal miscarriage?

As for the Toby thing, the writers probably thought that showing him physically threaten a much smaller person for just wanting to do their job would be a great example of what a dreamboat he is - but I could have done without it. Carl should have just called security.

I thought she just fell while leaning over the tub, not that she was actually putting her weight on a shower curtain rod. I don't think a shower curtain rod could support any adult's weight. But I agree, I wish they'd had her miscarry without it being a fall or something that could potentially have been prevented.

During that scene in the grocery store, I kept thinking about the fact that Rebecca kept turning her back on the babies in her cart. She stopped the cart, turned her back to it to walk to the onions. If she had pushed the cart all the way to the onions, there would have been no issue. Then she had her back turned while she was yelling at the manager. Obviously we know nothing bad happened to them, but mothers doing things like that is usually how a kidnapping storyline starts. I don't mean that is an attack on Rebecca, I just thought it was weird.

And also, couldn't they have shared the damn onions? Rebecca said she only needed 4 ounces and that was a pretty big bag.

  • Love 9

I've been out of town and will have to purchase the onions for my stuffing tomorrow. I hope there's no battle royal. :)

I really only connected to the mother/daughter bonding at the end, which is long overdue. Mostly the rest showed the typical Kate and Toby traits that annoy me. Now that they've lost a baby in the obligatory scenario, I suppose there will be  little bundle of joy next time. At least all the mother-blaming directed at Rebecca last season has been remedied. The writers must have gotten some fan feedback.

  • Love 9

Eh. I don’t know how I feel about this one. Last week was so good and I’ve never been a Kevin fan before and I find Justin okay(although he is quite funny and charming in the BM Christmas) but last week was so good, this didn’t move me much and I feel bad saying that as someone who has never experienced a miscarriage maybe that’s why. 

But also.. I just have never connected to Kate the character. Even Kevin while annoying at many, many times and me finding it hard to connect to his stories a lot last season, there were times when I did connect to him and I’ve explained that he feels like to me as a viewer the middle child, maybe because I am actual middle child, I feel his pain sometimes as he seems to be an afterthought. 

I just find it hard to connect to Kate, I want to but I don’t. A part of me wishes that she still wasn’t into singing during her teenage years because not having your career set plan at that age is normal but nope.. just like Randall and Kevin, she’s already got a set plan too: music. It would have been nice if she was a bit aimless for a bit. I just want to find something to connect to with the character. 

This also seems to be a problem I’m having this season with Randall. I was very emotionally invested in Randall’s story last season but this season I’m not so much.  Nothing about the new story is intrigues me.  

  • Love 7

This episode cemented everything I felt about Toby, he's bloody great! I love the way he is with Kate, and for Kate. Stopping that parcel being delivered, was just one thing .Let's face it, Kate's a prickly thing, and has been since childhood.( my daughter is very much the same way)

The miscarriage touched a nerve with me, I'm not sure you ever forget that first pregnancy.

Rebecca and Kate, no words, sometimes a mothers hug says it all.

The writers of this show are something else, each week they bring something into this show, that we have been through, or know someone that has. 

Edited by NeverLate
  • Love 2

George Gershwin wrote "Summertime" in 1934 for the 1935 opera Porgy and Bess.  Sublime used the opening line for their song "Summertime (Doin' Time)"  Kate sung the original lyrics:


And the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high

Oh, Your daddy's rich
And your mamma's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't you cry

One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And you'll take to the sky

But until that morning
There's a'nothing can harm you
With your daddy and mammy standing by

And the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high

Your daddy's rich
And your mamma's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't you cry

  • Love 19

Wow, I probably will get a lot of criticism for this post but I am getting tired of the way this show subliminally and overtly has Rebecca being the perfect mom. She says all the right things to Kate and to Randall. It sometimes seems like I am in a parenting class with an actor modeling proper parenting behavior. 

Rebecca says things about arms being open wide, I am the one who has to do it not you (I am paraphrasing), it goes on and on. Maybe others think Rebecca makes mistakes and is not so perfect, but when she is on her "mom" game for the most part she does not seem real. It is obvious her lines were written by a scriptwriter.  And Kate does not even appreciate the mom she has. 

Who had a mother like Rebecca? I sure didn't. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 11

I liked the episode but it was kind of boring. I loved Rebecca going to see Kate tho and def cried. 

Teenage Kate was a total jerk but that’s how most teenage girls are with their moms or atleast I was. I was actually worse. Not sure why adult Kate is such a jerk still. Her hero father died so I get it a bit but I don’t see why she was always so mean to Rebecca in adulthood. Most ppl get over teenage stuff unless it’s super serious.

O yay Randall’s episode next week. Except not yay cause Randall is already too much the focus of so many episodes. O and he suddenly thinks he has the right to some child he’s been fostering for a couple months. Helping out is great but being a stupid entitled know it all prick is the worst. I am not looking foreword to next week.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, ctmd said:

Randall has always been a well-developed character (bordering on "magical Negro" trope, since he seems to just touch everyone's lives in wonderful ways, all full of wise tales from his past)

I am glad I am not the only one who felt like Randall is bordering on the "magical Negro", I loved his character the first season but he is grating on me lately.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Wow, I probably will get a lot of criticism for this post but I am getting tired of the way this show subliminally and overtly has Rebecca being the perfect mom. She says all the right things to Kate and to Randall. It sometimes seems like I am in a parenting class with an actor modeling proper parenting behavior. 

It's interesting you say this. Last season I thought they continually showed Rebecca in a light (didn't mention she knew Randall's father, had the audacity to go on tour) that actually had most of the audience actively rooting against her and saying she didn't deserve Saint Jack. I was furious and literally didn't watch many episodes because it felt like they just had set her up so the audience could root against her and were surprised when the audience did so.

And, I wondered how they would course correct that.  Now, I'm at least enjoying her portrayal more this year, as we have moved away from her being unworthy of Saint Jack and seeing that perhaps she wasn't always wrong and that the kids are overly harsh to her in the present, but I can see how this episode could have stretched the reality in the opposite direction.   Perhaps, at the end of the day, they've overcorrected? 

Edited by pennben
  • Love 18

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