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S16.E09: A Little Avant Garde


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I'm glad Claire got kicked off, she cheated, plus I couldn't stand her and her sister. I still feel the whole mess could have been handled differently. Moving on...

The avant-garde challenge is never my favorite. To me avant-garde = Halloween costumes. They've had some cheap product placement's this season. Dixie and now Shopkin's which are cheap toys. 

Even not understanding avant- garde I think Amy and Brandon's were boring next to everyone else's. 

Zac: maybe Amy is not a one day challenge type of designer. Ya think! Can you design some wak-a-doo outfit in one day Zac? I doubt it. I thought everyone did a pretty good job and no one brought a tape measure home, Kentaro reminded everyone. Ha! 

Oh and double elimination. Batani I can understand. Was Amy ever in top three? Guess it was time for her to go. 

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, Bebecat said:

I guess the right one won? Sorta? I hate avant though, at least on PR. Bye cheater.

Yeah, I'm not fashionable, I can't sew, and I still take my popped buttons home at Thanksgiving for my mom to sew back on, so I can never really get too worked up over who wins and loses in an avant garde challenge.  Particularly since the show has never been able to really articulate what it is, and the judges never really explain to my satisfaction what makes one avant garde and the other a hot mess.

I did feel bad for Amy, even though I thought she should have gone home.  It's got to be a gut punch to have the person next to you be sent home, thinking you're safe, and then have Heidi say you're out as well.

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, PreviouslyTV said:

Which is probably just as well, because...Shopkins.........avant-garde challenge.

View the full article

OK, so I haven't read the full article yet (I'm on it, I promise!!!) but I'm glad I'm not the only one whose skin crawled seeing that fuckstain's name on the screen. 

Edited by bitchin camaro
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Wow, so much blah blah blah before FINALLY getting to the heart of the issue. Yes, Michael and Margarita, I’m sure you feel guilty. You both handled it badly. But there would have been nothing to handle if Claire hadn’t cheated. It’s on her. I can’t believe the way Claire kept whining “it was a TANK!” well, sweetie, if it was just a TANK, then you should have been able to create that without having to measure your own. If a tank is impossible for you to do on your own, you don’t deserve to be there.

Loved Kenya’s unenthusiastic reading of the line: “Pilot Friction Pens are amazingly dope.” I’ll bet the look she had on her face is the same as when she vomits.

3 minutes ago, bitchin camaro said:

He did not incorporate any of the ideas of his young partner. Wasn't that the whole challenge?

Was it? I didn't get that feeling. At Mood Tim basically told Brandon to do whatever he wants.

I wish Amy would have gotten a chance to get more feedback, but her look was terrible for a doll challenge! Beige and black? What was she thinking? And Batani’s looks were usually pretty bad. So I agree with the double auf.

  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, Nordly Beaumont said:


I wish Amy would have gotten a chance to get more feedback, but her look was terrible for a doll challenge! Beige and black? What was she thinking? And Batani’s looks were usually pretty bad. So I agree with the double auf.

Brandon's look was beige and green(ish). I'm not sure why that's any less suited to a doll challenge than Brandon doing whatever he wants.

Edited by bitchin camaro
  • Love 8

This should've been a "No Winner" challenge. Margarita's design was just a boring and sloppy white dress. Michael's had that weird glitter hose or snake around the waist and looked like something Mom from Futurama would've worn to a gala. Brandon once again asserted himself as a one-trick pony and Kenya's was unwearable because it was way too long. Kentaro's sucked too.


I can accept the double elimination and am not surprised that Tim didn't use the Save. If he used the save, it would've looked like he was playing favorites and Tim tries to stay impartial, unless a designer is being an ass (lol, Kenley Collins) or isn't taking the competition seriously like Swapnil Shinde.

Edited by MuMuGuy
1 minute ago, bitchin camaro said:

Brandon's look was beige and green(ish). I'm not sure why that's any less suited to a doll challenge than Brandon doing whatever he wants.

I saw the colors as cream and mint green, and I didn't think his was particularly doll-like either. I just see mint green as at least being color you might see in Shopkin doll outfit. Beige and black I can't see at all.

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

Good god, everything tonight was trash, especially the toilet paper look.   Thank god I only saw the runway show......but then again that had to be the worse part. 

Thank you, I thought I was blind. What a parade of crap. Michael’s insane alien suit won? And how was Margarita’s hot mess any better than Batani’s hot mess? 

  • Love 12

Sadly, Michael was NOT going for Marvel's Disco Dazzler, which would have been my choice. Claire's twin would NEVER leave so undramatically! So much potential for tears and throwing of measuring tape! Happy for Ayana's win, in that her creation looked like a huge plastic toy that will be easy to reproduce. (Even Barbie would think that the pink was too much, however.) Saw Amy leaving the minute we got the images of her daughter and Heidi pulled the "one or more" line. Kentaro's tape measure line was wonderful, as was him calling himself a butterfly trapped in a spider web at Mood.


  • Love 7
53 minutes ago, Beaner said:

You guys. I missed the first 20 minutes. It couldn't be helped. I'm dying. Claire is gone due to cheating with a ruler? Please tell me what happened. Gracias. ❤️

There was a big discussion about Claire copying her designs, and finally it came out that she had brought a tape measure to her hotel room and was measuring there, which is against the rules.  So it wasn't about the designs at all.  Why didn't they just start with the complaint about the tape measure instead of this big back and forth about copying?

I agree about Brandon doing the same thing each week.  Anyone else would have been called out on it.  I like Brandon, but I want to see him do something different.

  • Love 15

I truly wonder if Margarita and Michael wouldn't have been so "THIS WASN'T MY INTENTION" if they hadn't received such a cool response from the judges on the runway when they initially brought up the cheating allegations. They were sort of dismissive of it all, which I think sent them both into a panic mode and made them want to spin this in the best possible light for themselves.

Edited by BloggerAloud
  • Love 19

Amy and Bettani were Aufed for being dull and whacked,  respectively.

IMO,  Ayana should have won. Every judge raved over her pink avant-garde Bo Peep creation. 

But Michael's  sleeker and shinier Disco dress will probably be easier to reproduce in doll-size.

As for "The Case of the Mysterious Measuring Tape": Claire? Just no.   M&M? In the immortal words of a Manson girl: "Charlie doesn't like a snitch."

Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 14
5 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Amy and Bettani were Aufed for being dull and whacked,  respectively.

IMO,  Ayana should have won. Every judge raved over her pink avant-garde Bo Peep creation. 

But Michael's  sleeker and shinier Disco dress will probably be easier to reproduce in doll-size.

They are reproducing the design??!! 

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, Beaner said:

He did not incorporate any of the ideas of his young partner. Wasn't that the whole challenge?

The only idea his young partner had was chocolate, and more chocolate.  It would've been pretty unfair if he'd had to design something brown, covered in brown splotches which is what she wanted.  I think Tim was aware that this particular 'superfan' wasn't filled with inspiration which is why he told Brandon to do his own thing.  Creating something 'avant-garde' is tough enough, doing it in shades of poop and dirt would be near impossible.  As it was, his dress looked pretty awful and just more of the same from him.


They are reproducing the design??!! 

Yep, they are going to make a Shopkins doll wearing a version of it.  Making a silver jumpsuit is going to be simpler and cheaper than recreating that huge pink cupcake with a bow and leggings and I expect that played a big role in the decision.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 17

Came back to see who won and I'm pretty disgusted to hear it was Michael.  During the opening portion of the episode, they showed his . . .uh, blanket pants? outfit against Batani's and I think Mr. Magoo could see hers was so much better.  So I think they auf'ed her and kept him for cheating drama continuity.



Brandon's Dixie cup should have a little strap hanging down.


(I bought a box of those cups.  I always offer work crews coffee and the Dixies are like Starbucks cups--go cups with a sippy-lid.  But they're also environmentally unsound styrofoam, so in the future I'm just going to have to stock up on regular travel mugs and do the dishes. Bummer.]

  • Love 10

Amy has proven the adage "those who can, do, those who can't, teach."  Nothing against her personally but she does not have the vision to be a top designer.  She might have great technical skills but she never showed herself to have the imagination or creativity.  She was never got a lot of critiques but almost always, the best thing said was her clothes were well made.

That said, older contestants almost always have a problem on the show.  Some, like Laura Bennett, are exceptions but the time restraints and challenges with pressure definitely get to older contestants first.

  • Love 11

Shopkins?  *chorus of crickets in my brain*


Batani really did not capitalize on her second chance.  That dress looks like the pile of wrapping paper left in the aftermath of Christmas.

Oh so right!  In fact I'll go the step further and say this is the folded up crap you've had leftover in the wrap box from ten years ago from a gift someone gave you.  You saved it thinking you would use it for something else, but really, you just need to pitch that shit.  Not surprised she was auf'ed - but what a shame, because I think she never reached her potential.  Her or Amy.  I liked Amy, I would totally take a class she taught, even if I wasn't a fan of her designs.  I have to wonder sometimes with shows of this nature how much better someone would be if the challenges were different.  

Alrighty, back to the real reason we watched  - bye bye Claire.  There had to be some level of offhand calculation on her part, they all sign waivers and agreements and I don't know what all to be on the show, they aren't allowed phones or phone calls unless it's being filmed, there's no magazines, social media and whatever else.  She had to know that taking the tape measure from the workroom back to the hotel room was a big time no no.  I always say they aren't sorry they did it, but they sure are sorry they got caught.  Her facial expressions betrayed that, though I didn't get the feeling she was trying to play innocent.  It just comes down to that she and her sister used PR for attention, and the producers either knew that and didn't care, or were just that oblivious.  

I like avant garde when it's really avant garde,  something totally fantastic and barely wearable, when it's more a piece of art.  I didn't get that vibe from any of the designers. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, candall said:

I'll say one thing for Claire, though--when push came to shove and Tim walked through the door to ask her if she had a tape measure, she stood up and owned it. 

She didn't stand up at all until Tim sent her to the workroom.  She didn't even look at Tim when he was asking her those questions, and seemed bored by the whole thing.  Maybe her flippant attitude was her way of being nonchalant.

  • Love 18
41 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

The only idea his young partner had was chocolate, and more chocolate.  It would've been pretty unfair if he'd had to design something brown, covered in brown splotches which is what she wanted.  I think Tim was aware that this particular 'superfan' wasn't filled with inspiration which is why he told Brandon to do his own thing.  Creating something 'avant-garde' is tough enough, doing it in shades of poop and dirt would be near impossible.  As it was, his dress looked pretty awful and just more of the same from him

Now THIS is where you could get a team win! Roughly the same shape as Ayana's, the sparkly essence of M & M, and you open up and get the chocolate that Brandon's fan wanted!


31 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

NorthstarATL,  Michael,  not Ayana,  won. 

I completely misremembered that! Maybe I was still annoyed with Michael over Tapegate?

  • Love 7
24 minutes ago, Miss Ruth said:

She didn't stand up at all until Tim sent her to the workroom.  She didn't even look at Tim when he was asking her those questions, and seemed bored by the whole thing.  Maybe her flippant attitude was her way of being nonchalant.

Sorry, I should have indicated "figuratively."  I was remarking that she stood up (figuratively) and took her licks. (Also figurative.)  She accepted responsibility for her actions and the consequences.

She did not appear bored, flippant or nonchalant to me. 

  • Love 5

 I wonder if the cheating had been mentioned earlier to some production members, but they were told that nothing would be done at this point, since they wanted to maximize drama... Or Margarita and Michael figured Claire and Shaun would get the boot early enough that they didn't care to 'tattle' figuring they'd get offed... but the for Claire to win and get money etc was the last straw. Though I do think there is more producer monkeying than anything in why things played out the way they did.  But Claire was clearly cheating and deserved to get booted!
She was so dismissive that she ONLY measured a tank and a crotch on a pair of pants... like that's not the point, it's against the rules no matter what you measured. And as others have said, if a tank is so simple... why the heck did you need to measure it???


I want to see more crazy for the avante garde challeng... I think Ayana's was perfect, and it was super shopkin-y (I have kids, our house is covered in shopkins). Michaels was all glitter penis, but the being re created in a doll makes sense why he one, a silver jumpsuit is easy.

Amy and Batani deserved to be aufed, their designs were boring and didn't go far enough.

I wish Kenya's peplum had been even more crazy... I was expecting a giant avante guard peplum and she could have taken it even farther.  The other designs were okay... but could have pushed the limits a bit more.

Edited by roctavia
  • Love 14
48 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

The only idea his young partner had was chocolate, and more chocolate.  It would've been pretty unfair if he'd had to design something brown, covered in brown splotches which is what she wanted.  I think Tim was aware that this particular 'superfan' wasn't filled with inspiration which is why he told Brandon to do his own thing.  Creating something 'avant-garde' is tough enough, doing it in shades of poop and dirt would be near impossible.  As it was, his dress looked pretty awful and just more of the same from him.

I think a couple of medium brown straps (yes, the three colors do go together) down the back would have been a nice tribute to his partner, but that's just me. Nonetheless, it didn't really meet the requirements for the challenge.

I still don't think he should have gotten the $25k since he wasn't in the top for the Dixie cup win.

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