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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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2 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Heathen, the woman in the photo Kokapetl posted is Cindy, Michelle's long-time friend. I guess it was posted here to reference how Michelle looked in the picture that included Joe, Kendra, Garrett, and the Caldwells.

This is what she said: Cindy has the shiny giant cheeked dermatology victim look, but Michelle looks natural. 

I went back three pages to be sure. The only photo of Mullet I saw had Christina Caldwell in it and was a few posts before the comment about dermatology victims. 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Heathen said:

This is what she said: Cindy has the shiny giant cheeked dermatology victim look, but Michelle looks natural. 

I went back three pages to be sure. The only photo of Mullet I saw had Christina Caldwell in it and was a few posts before the comment about dermatology victims. 

I don't believe she was referencing a photo of Michelle's friend Cindy; merely mentioning that Michelle's skin looks more natural than Cindy's. I don't think anyone mistook Cindy for Christina Caldwell, although I could be wrong. 

Anyway, I agree that Christina appears pregnant. Not surprising, considering how young she still is! I'm sure Mechelle is green with envy, but also content knowing that Christina will never hit 19 or anywhere close.  

  • Love 4

When Jessa went over to Joe and Kendra's to bring snacks and hang banners with several of the Lost Girls, she stepped in the front door and immediately said, "Don't touch that Jos ... Don't touch any glass.  We're not here to make a mess.  We're here to hang banners."  Josie was touching something on a table next to the front door, and pulled her hand away.  As they were exiting, Josie was moving pillows from a chair to the couch.  

  • Love 12
44 minutes ago, lilwhitelion said:

When Jessa went over to Joe and Kendra's to bring snacks and hang banners with several of the Lost Girls, she stepped in the front door and immediately said, "Don't touch that Jos ... Don't touch any glass.  We're not here to make a mess.  We're here to hang banners."  Josie was touching something on a table next to the front door, and pulled her hand away.  As they were exiting, Josie was moving pillows from a chair to the couch.  

I imagine little kids in that zoo environment do what they can to get attention. 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I've decided if I ever get pregnant, I'm hiring Christina Caldwell to be my birth coach. Good Lord, that woman is a rockstar. Given her demeanor, I have a feeling she was a huge influence in making sure Kendra had real prenatal care and delivered at the hospital. And no Duggars were present (aside from Joe, lol). Huge contrast to Joy and Jessa being suffocated by ten women surrounding them as they writhed miserably on their beds.

Could you imagine Michelle coaching her the way Christina did? Christina provided such helpful, sane support. 10 Duggars wouldn't have been as useful.

  • Love 13

The last thing I'd want to see immediately after bringing home my new baby would be a plate of cookies.  The baby is out but the belly is still jelly!  I would prefer a prepared meal!

It's interesting that they never filmed them actually making cookies plus brownies.  So in just 2 hours they made 2 banners, mixed up cookie batter, mixed up brownie batter, baked them all, cooled them on racks, and packaged them up.


I bet it was a brownie mix for sure, and frozen cookie dough.

  • Love 6

Josie could just be a "busy child," as my mother would say (and often did, about my little sister).  There's also a difference between touching glass/breakable items, and moving a few throw pillows.  I'm sorry, but I think it's a pretty, ummm, big stretch, shall we say, to use moving a pillow from a chair to the couch a couple feet away as evidence of developmental delays, lack of manners, disobedience, and so on.  Reasonably sure that lots of very intelligent, well-adjusted, well-behaved kids have been known to move a throw pillow or two when visiting a close relative's home.

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I noticed Jana and Jessa were somewhat lukewarm when they got the text that Garrett had arrived. What was up with that? 

I wonder if they were put off/upset by the fact that none of THEIR family was invited to the HOSPITAL delivery and they were delegated to waiting for phone updates from Kendra's sister. Here's hoping Jinger follows the same path as Kendra.

  • Love 15
41 minutes ago, MichaelaRae said:

Joe was very supportive - he doesn't seem to have gotten the Boob smug gene, at least so far. He was attentive, he was about Kendra and his child and not himself. His biggest concern was feeling anxious about seeing his wife in pain, like Bin (who I have issues with but he genuinely seemed distressed each time Jessa labored and the pain she was in), which would seem to indicate an innate empathy I fear is lacking in many Duggars and Duggar adjacent (I'm looking at YOU, Dillweed.) And what Bitter Apple said - if I were in labor (or in any physical pain whatsoever), I'd like Kendra's mum there to talk to me. Her voice was almost hypnotically soothing. As a 46-year-old woman who still looks to her mummy whenever I'm in distress, it is lovely to see that kind of it's-not-about-me (I'm looking at YOU, MECHELLE!!!) concentration from a mother to a daughter. 

And look -- clean, neat house with clean, neat people. Joe and Kendra are like the anti-Duggar Arkansas Duggars (Jinger and Jeremy, of course, are the out-of-state anti-Duggar Duggars). 

  • Love 16
12 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I've decided if I ever get pregnant, I'm hiring Christina Caldwell to be my birth coach. Good Lord, that woman is a rockstar. Given her demeanor, I have a feeling she was a huge influence in making sure Kendra had real prenatal care and delivered at the hospital. And no Duggars were present (aside from Joe, lol). Huge contrast to Joy and Jessa being suffocated by ten women surrounding them as they writhed miserably on their beds. 

I also loved how everyone ignored Michelle as they were wheeling Kendra out of the hospital room to go home! 

I noticed Jana and Jessa were somewhat lukewarm when they got the text that Garrett had arrived. What was up with that? 

Go figure Josie just had to go and mess up the couch pillows after Jessa specifically told the kids not to touch or move anything at the cabin. I know I'm supposed to feel bad for her because preemie and delays and all that, but that child has no manners whatsoever. 

Both: Serious lack of give-a-shit (after all, that family has had how many babies born in the last ten years alone? 13, I think). 

Jessa: Maybe some jealousy (attention or because she wants more children). 

  • Love 8

Jordyn and Josie (Jim Bob and Mullet)

Mackynzie, Michael, Marcus, Meredith, Mason (Smuggar and Ofsmuggar)

Israel and Samuel (Derelict and Jilly)

Spurgeon and Henry (Ben and Jessa)

Gideon (Nostrils and Joy) 

Garrett (Joe and Kendra)

? (Jeremy and Jinger) 

That's 13 born and one due shortly. I'd have a hard time summoning up any enthusiasm, too. 

I had to test my memory skills. Don't ask me their middle names, though. 

Edited by Heathen
  • Love 7

Since Joe was so worried about Kendra's pain during childbirth, perhaps they will not have 20 children and use some common sense.

I also found it unappealing that Jessa would leave all desserts for Kendra and Joe when they returned home from the hospital. I think a bunch of sugar isn't what I would want. I agree that a good, HOMEMADE meal should have been left for them to enjoy....perhaps a nice casserole. (Not Jessa's icky ground beef & potato one.)

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

Kendra is such a breath of fresh air.  I felt so bad watching her suffer so much, but she bounced out of that hospital like nothing had happened.  She really does have a sweet personality. It’s so wild to me that she passes out when she’s in pain, but it’s also so adorably Kendra. 

That sounds really inconvenient, lol, and might just limit the size of their family, because does that mean he has to follow her around with arms outstretched any time her contractions start?  I'd be scared she'd collapse with the baby, either in or out.

  • Love 4

It was hard to see such a young woman in pain, but I do think Kendra has the maturity to be a good mom.  I had tears as I watched their baby arrive.  But I even cry at stupid sitcom births.  You could feel the love from her mother and sister as she labored - and from Joe.  I think the Caldwells will be a good influence on him.  I too hope that they will keep their number of children at a more reasonable level. 

  • Love 11

So did Jessa and company really drive from TTH (or the big house as she called it) to JoKen’s cabin? Maybe it’s not as close as I thought. I also noticed the cabin was very nicely decorated, clean and not overloaded with Hobby Lobby junk. Maybe we will see them stockpiling meals in the episodes leading up to delivery like we did with Joy. It was odd to see Jessa deliver just desserts.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Thinking Josay licks and touches as a self soothing mechanism...

So if you don't want her spittle on things then put gloves on that child or sew her hands in her pockets...

Or get her the help she needs. It infuriates me that JB & Michelle have totally ignored Josie's needs in order to perpetuate their fantasy that Jesus personally intervenes in every aspect of their lives to make it perfect.

  • Love 17

I want Mrs. Caldwell to talk me through making dinner. 

Joe seems like a gem. Poor thing stared down Kendra’s mom and hung on her every word. He does have a blinking tic, though. And I’d kill to buzz his and JD’s Charlie Brown heads. But I can see why he’d be the family favorite. 

That cabin is adorable, and seems to have a beautiful view. I’d have two kids max in that place, though. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, BetyBee said:

It was hard to see such a young woman in pain, but I do think Kendra has the maturity to be a good mom.  

She does seem to be mature for her age, and when you watch the birth special with her mom, you can see where she gets it. It's hard for me to believe Christina is only 37 years old! She was just so impressively calm, collected, and sensible. Maybe Joe/Kendra and Jinger/Jeremy will turn out to be the two most successful couples we'll see out of the bunch. JD/Abbie have potential too, maybe.

  • Love 6
57 minutes ago, graefin said:

She does seem to be mature for her age, and when you watch the birth special with her mom, you can see where she gets it. It's hard for me to believe Christina is only 37 years old! She was just so impressively calm, collected, and sensible. Maybe Joe/Kendra and Jinger/Jeremy will turn out to be the two most successful couples we'll see out of the bunch. JD/Abbie have potential too, maybe.

I bet the Caldwells' home is clean and neat, too. We really do learn from our parents (and some of us unlearn, but it's hard to buck that example). 

  • Love 4

Thanks for posting links, folks. Agreed that Kendra's mom is AWESOME. Totally level-headed and sensible.

Why did Jessa not bother brushing her hair?? </shallow>

Oh, also: Did Kendra not use any pain meds? I don't recall anyone asking "how is your pain? would you like some pain relief?" though it may have happened off camera. Hoping that the Caldwell clan is not of the "you must simply endure labor pain" camp.

Edited by LilJen
  • Love 6
32 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

And did you notice the HUGE pan of brownies?  Yeah, they baked enough for when the whole clan came over to perform the traditional Duggar Baby Stressing Out Ceremony.  

Even so, when Jill and Derick posted their Congratulations! video on YouTube four days after the birth, they still hadn't seen the baby.  It's also very telling that this is the only video of congratulations that was posted.  Not even Michelle and Jim Bob made one, which is super strange.  It's like the whole Duggar clan boycotted this birth.

  • Love 16
15 minutes ago, Mollie said:

Even so, when Jill and Derick posted their Congratulations! video on YouTube four days after the birth, they still hadn't seen the baby.  It's also very telling that this is the only video of congratulations that was posted.  Not even Michelle and Jim Bob made one, which is super strange.  It's like the whole Duggar clan boycotted this birth.

It would be pretty typical JB/Duggarish to be that petty and vindictive over not having been included in favor of the wife's own family, wouldn't it?

  • Love 17

I had to watch Part 2 again so I could see Austin's expression, or rather his lack of expression.  He refused to look at the camera or his helpmeet and his discomfort reminded me of the last 19 kids before the molestation scandal broke.  Jana also was very "on remote control, say the right words".

I did laugh when the lost girls were leaving the cabin and Hannie bumped Jenni out of the way with her hip!

 I did not like when Kendra said Garrett was a strong name and Joe said it was a good name for a strong leader.  How many times have we heard Michelle talk about these fundie boys as becoming strong leaders and one after another, they maybe mow lawns?

  • Love 16

Kendra’s mom is a real mom, MEchelle could (but won’t) learn so much from her. I truly hope Joe becomes more like the Caldwells.

It looks like Mrs. Caldwell taught Kendra how to keep a clean, uncluttered home. I wonder how Kendra deals with the chaos at the TTH.

Joe was a sweetheart during labor and delivery. Fingers crossed that he remains that way. Mrs. Caldwell and Lauren were so helpful and calm. It was about Kendra, not getting their mugs on TV.

Thank Goddess there was no stink bus arriving at the hospital while honking, and full of Duggar vermin.

Austin is officially out of fucks to give, no fake smile for the camera. Did Joy take a dig at her husband? Kudos for not keeping sweet.

Did MEchelle worm her way in the JoKen car for the drive home? Please, enough of that precious, sweet stuff. The Caldwells come across as genuine. They don’t have to fake it. Boob and Mullet must be very upset that their fake mugs were not wanted.

JinJer, take notes and keep bucking the Duggar way of life.

  • Love 21

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