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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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25 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

As an RN and a mom, I think the U.S. has done lost its goddamn mind when it comes to how pregnant women are treated here. I personally felt like the minute my pee stick turned pink, I lost all my autonomy and became a giant incubator. No alcohol, cigarettes, or street drugs, fine. But the rest of the banned list was ridiculous. No soft cheese. No lunch meat. No bagged salads or soft-serve ice cream. No caffeine. And god forbid you have to take prescription drugs for an actual medical condition. I took phenergan for hyperemesis and on the rare occasion I mentioned that to somebody you would think I had confessed to smoking meth. “You’re taking... pills?” they would gasp while clutching their pearls. “Can’t you just tough it out? It’s only 9 months!” My iron had gotten so low I needed IV treatment, and my hair was falling out from vitamin deficiencies, but damn it what if my baby was born with a tail or something?

Fortunately I had an awesome OB who had been practicing for 40 years and who told me I could have a cup of coffee every day and that I should just take the damn phenergan and stop puking 17 times a day and that he didn’t really care that much if I ate Brie as long as it was pasteurized. But other people were in-freaking-sane. I had a lady come up to me at the park, look at my coffee, and snarl “I hope that’s decaf.” Just absolutely insane. 

My daughter was fine, btw. Except for the tail. 

It was bad in the 80's too, when my daughter was born.  Only Tylenol was OK to take for pain.  Never mind when I had a migraine, and Tylenol didn't do squat.

Coffee actually made me nauseous in the first few months.  It started to taste good again after, and I had one morning cup a day.  My daughter was just fine, too.  

I do remember having to take prenatal vitamins with iron for anemia, and they totally constipated me.  I don't remember any food being off-limits, just no alcohol.  Luckily I had quit smoking 5 years earlier.  Yes, moms can be VERY judgmental.

  • Love 10

I'm a registered dietitian, almost 38 weeks pregnant, and I totally agree that 90% of pregnancy restrictions are ridiculous. I've had people comment on me eating a steak cooked medium and soft (pasteurized) cheese. I'm like, hold on peeps, you missed out on the lunch meat, bagged spinach, and  a few sips of wine at a wedding. Living on the edge over here. ?

But I don't think I'd be skiing or snow tubing, at least after the first trimester. In the first trimester the baby is tiny and very protected by the pelvis...when did Kendra and Joe get married? Are we thinking she's 3-4 months along?

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, CatS said:

But I don't think I'd be skiing or snow tubing, at least after the first trimester. In the first trimester the baby is tiny and very protected by the pelvis...when did Kendra and Joe get married? Are we thinking she's 3-4 months along?

She's due in June. I haven't seen exactly how far along she is. She could be close to 4 months if JoKen were successful on the first try. I'm guessing she was 12 weeks though when they announced.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

As an RN and a mom, I think the U.S. has lost its goddamn mind when it comes to how pregnant women are treated here. I personally felt like the minute my pee stick turned pink, I lost all my autonomy and became a giant incubator. No alcohol, cigarettes, or street drugs, fine. But the rest of the banned list was ridiculous. No soft cheese. No lunch meat. No bagged salads or soft-serve ice cream. No caffeine. And god forbid you have to take prescription drugs for an actual medical condition. I took phenergan for hyperemesis and on the rare occasion I mentioned that to somebody you would think I had confessed to smoking meth. “You’re taking... pills?” they would gasp while clutching their pearls. “Can’t you just tough it out? It’s only 9 months!” My iron had gotten so low I needed IV treatment, and my hair was falling out from vitamin deficiencies, but damn it what if my baby was born with a tail or something?

Fortunately I had an awesome OB who had been practicing for 40 years and who told me I could have a cup of coffee every day and that I should just take the damn phenergan and stop puking 17 times a day and that he didn’t really care that much if I ate Brie as long as it was pasteurized. But other people were in-freaking-sane. I had a lady come up to me at the park, look at my coffee, and snarl “I hope that’s decaf.” Just absolutely insane. 

My daughter was fine, btw. Except for the tail. 

I don't remember any foods being on the list back in the days when my kids were born (between 1985 and 1991), and with the first one, I remember my doctor telling me that a glass of wine a couple of times a week was OK (I probably had some once every month or two). When I was pregnant with my third, I actually did end up getting a nasty case of food poisoning after some bad potato salad at my cousin's wedding, but luckily we all came out of it unscathed.

Now that my daughter is pregnant, she tries to adhere to most of the list, but will have the occasional bagel with lox, or a piece of soft cheese. And she had half a glass of wine with dinner for Thanksgiving and Christmas. She also mixes half regular coffee with her cup of decaf in the morning (I drank a cup of coffee every morning with alll three of my pregnancies - I don't recall that being discouraged back then either). I'm sure there are probably a lot of people who would judge her for that, but she really doesn't discuss her choices with anyone but a few friends who are similarly inclined. And her doctor seems to view the food choices more as guidelines than hard and fast rules, so she's not stressing about it too much. Less than 3 months to go now! :)

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 11

For me, the thing is - if Kendra and her ballerina skirt (my 5-year old niece has one just like it) is shown tubing while pregnant, then what are they not showing us?  It truly would not surprise me one iota if Joe posted a video on Instagram of Kendra on her sled, flying off a hill, screaming in glee with a caption like #Airtime!! or #Kendracanfly!!

I honestly feel like these Duggar and Duggar-adjacent women have it stuck in their brains that because they are pregnant, everything will be just dandy.  I don't know if a single one of them is capable of thinking of anyone but themselves.  The bun in the oven is just a number.

  • Love 10
37 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Yup, exactly.  The US has lost its g——n mind over a good many things surrounding pregnancy and anything else to do with women.  Before the ACA, individual coverage in Texas for pregnancy wasn’t covered “because we don’t count it as a person until Baby is born.  Texas was one of 4 states.  I asked the gent at the insurance company I was shopping around with why in the hell not if “personhood “applied in 46 other states.  I told him that speaks volumes to hypocrisy because it meant insurance companies in Texas would have to PAY, and if Texas planned to restrict MY choices wrt to family planning and reproductive rights, they needed to put their money where their mouth was or to shut it.  That was something I wasn’t aware of what was being done to women here, until it came from an insurance company, and it left women stuck in a huge donut hole if they had any complications.

We’re already living The Handmaid’s Tale. We hear of “the sanctity of life” and “religious freedom” ad nauseum as the moral high ground for not providing services (including birth control), quite often from the Duggars and their ilk. Women are seen as nothing but an incubator to them, but we see just how pro life the Duggars are when they foam at the mouth about their tax dollars going to pay to prevent another pregnancy or medical care for mother and child, access to nourishing food, education etc.  it’s pretty clear all they wanted to do was fill their quivers with little thought as to the consequences of doing so.  3 cats are too much work for me, so I can’t imagine having to raise a passel of kids while clamoring for love offerings. 

They have no qualms about using the ER as it suits them and sticking TLC or their state’s tax system with their bills. Kids are nothing but a number to most of them, as we can see from all the neglected, feral children under 18 in that house.  All the little girls are enslaved, while the boys don’t have to do diddly squat.  With the esteem at which they purport to hold women who have lots of kids, that doesn’t translate into any form of reverence or respect for the woman who somehow has to smilingly and uncomplainingly “do it all”.  The men are usually lazy slugs who do jack diddly squat, and don’t necessarily have to hold meaningful employment (looking at you, Derick). If Joe could find a decent employer, he seems like he would work really hard and earn a good living.  Perhaps he’s canny enough to realize that what Boob provides, means the family kitty has to cover 30 plus now.

And the other points about what you can and can’t have during pregnancy and other people judging your choices to eat or not to eat a particular food would have absolutely driven me around the bend.  

I would like to build a shrine in your honor of your post. To be honest about it, I do not think Joe could hold onto meaningful employment if his life depend on it. What exactly does Joe do besides getting the little woman pregnant.

On 29/12/2017 at 9:19 AM, BitterApple said:

I agree. I don't wish anything bad on them, but given Boob's cheapness and the family's flippant attitude towards safety, it wouldn't surprise me to see an article on Duggar Aviation ending with the line "the NTSB is currently on scene and investigating."

Their particular model of plane has a market price that’s half that of similar aircraft because it’s notoriously unforgiving. I honestly think there’s a significant chance that someday their cheap plane will crash and kill ten Duggars. 

  • Love 11
35 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I would like to build a shrine in your honor of your post. To be honest about it, I do not think Joe could hold onto meaningful employment if his life depend on it. What exactly does Joe do besides getting the little woman pregnant.

Joseph works at the used car lot with Josh.  Without an adequate high school education and no GED, he probably couldn't even qualify for a job at a fastfood place.  Being self employed is really his only option.  Kendra's preacher dad also owns and works at a used car lot.  

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, Genevrier said:

Honestly, Darwin Award has crossed my mind more than once with these people. I am also given to darker humor.

Though I wish no harm upon them, they are of the mind that ALL regulations, even safety are the devil’s workshop. Add Boob’s cheapness to his distaste for regulations and safety, and there’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. 

Safety and environmental regulations are there as a moral high ground, because causing injury or sickness to another person isn’t right. There are those out there for if they had their way, want to be allowed to do what Norway did with Snøvhit, but minus the stringent requirements the Norwegian government made the operating company follow.  I’d like to  challenge the present director of the EPA to go and drink some of the water he would allow to be released.  He would change his tune in a hurry. It’s not moral to willfully endanger the public safety, as per the code of ethics I have to follow as a practicing engineer.  Profits don’t come first in the code I must practice by, but we can strike a balanced ensure adequate safety.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, Mollie said:

Joseph works at the used car lot with Josh.  Without an adequate high school education and no GED, he probably couldn't even qualify for a job at a fastfood place.  Being self employed is really his only option.  Kendra's preacher dad also owns and works at a used car lot.  

It's crazy, because to my understanding the town they live in only has something like two or three thousand people. How do they sell enough clunkers on a monthly basis to make a living? I can't imagine their profit margins are anything spectacular.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16
9 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Has she announced when she is due?

I don't think SHE has said anything, but speculation is June. I don't think she's that far along. I think they announced the second the pee stick showed a pink line so people wouldn't forget about the Duggars during this overly long break between seasons. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

I would like to build a shrine in your honor of your post. To be honest about it, I do not think Joe could hold onto meaningful employment if his life depend on it. What exactly does Joe do besides getting the little woman pregnant.

Bows humbly....you’re too kind.  I’d like to hope Joe has other plans for his life, but we shall see.  I think it’s fair to let the jury stay out.  Hopefully, he’s no worse than his brothers in law.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I don't think SHE has said anything, but speculation is June. I don't think she's that far along. I think they announced the second the pee stick showed a pink line so people wouldn't forget about the Duggars during this overly long break between seasons. 

I could see both being true. On the one hand, the first trimester is different for different women. Some women gain a little, some a lot, some none at all, and some lose weight. I knew women who've lost weight due to morning sickness. 

Jill announced her pregnancy at about 8 weeks. Jessa started the trend of announcing at 3 months. I could see Joe and Kendra announcing earlier to try to drum up publicity for themselves. 

  • Love 1
23 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Bows humbly....you’re too kind.  I’d like to hope Joe has other plans for his life, but we shall see.  I think it’s fair to let the jury stay out.  Hopefully, he’s no worse than his brothers in law.

He and Kendra mentioned ministry once, I think. 

What that means is anyone's guess, of course. 

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

She's due in June. I haven't seen exactly how far along she is. She could be close to 4 months if JoKen were successful on the first try. I'm guessing she was 12 weeks though when they announced.

Im also due in June and 16 weeks today. Def have a small bump but strangers can't tell. (and I def would not be tubing- not at this point for sure) . I could maybe see early first trimester- (I did a crossfit competition at 4 weeks myself, I eat all the cheese, lift heavy, ect)-but the fall risk would of tubing freak me out for sure at this point in pregnancy.  Im getting very aware of my teeny bump.

If she is due at any point in June she could be between 13-19 weeks right? Im trying to remember when she did her announcement ...

ETA Id also love to see a three month comparison of Joy and Kendra. I just looked up Joys 3 mo announcement pic. She really did look much farther along

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Mollie said:

Joseph works at the used car lot with Josh.  Without an adequate high school education and no GED, he probably couldn't even qualify for a job at a fastfood place.  Being self employed is really his only option.  Kendra's preacher dad also owns and works at a used car lot.  

I’ve always wondered just how many used cars are being bought in that little corner of Arkansas, that all of these families pretend  to be supported by them, and they supposedly keep several men employed?  

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yeah, that's Dillon. 

And yes, Deanna is hugely endowed on top of being obese. She can't be comfortable at all. 

OW. I wonder why she doesn't pursue reduction surgery. 


Do you suppose her nephews hear "NIKE!" whenever Aunt Deanna is around? Or does it not count if it's a relative? 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Temperance said:

I could see both being true. On the one hand, the first trimester is different for different women. Some women gain a little, some a lot, some none at all, and some lose weight. I knew women who've lost weight due to morning sickness. 

Jill announced her pregnancy at about 8 weeks. Jessa started the trend of announcing at 3 months. I could see Joe and Kendra announcing earlier to try to drum up publicity for themselves. 

The speculation began with the awkward family photo where you could only see Kendra's head. They were more than happy to keep the speculation going.

I realize the irony. The June due date came from InTouch. Ha. They're still reporting on the Duggars.

Kendra doesn't seem to have the puff out your belly and arch your back pose down pat yet. If a female member of the Duggar clan doesn't arch their back and puff out their belly, are they really pregnant?

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, flyingdi said:

Now I know who Joy takes after in body shape since her sisters are so tiny.  I call BS on the clothes sharing thing.  Joy should not be wearing the same t-shirts as say Jinger.

A properly fitting bra would work wonders. When one has a very large chest you have to invest in bras. Deanna is a very pretty woman, but she looks uncomfortable here. 

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I doubt her “heart for grandchildren” is, either.

There is one thing I have learned on my many years on this planet. Anyone that keeps professing they have a "heart for children" loudly and proudly does not. This is not exclusive to Michelle.

And they sure as hell do not care about their grandchildren.

  • Love 15
16 hours ago, charmed1 said:

Who is that in the back? Is that Amy’s husband? What’s with the shades? He looks like a sketch artist’s rendering of a robbery suspect.

I did a double-take when I saw the pic.......he looks like no fewer than 75 young guys I know. It's a very popular look.


Kendra's posture is already taking a hit....and she's gotta get a few pointers from Jessa on how to highlight the bulge properly, including jutting, cupping, and pouting. Don't worry, she'll get lots of practice....she has 30+  reproductive years left.


16 hours ago, Heathen said:

OW. I wonder why she doesn't pursue reduction surgery.

Not that Deanna is an overly big woman or anything, but my friend had BR and they made her lose weight first. IIRC, it was to see how much of it was fat that could be eliminated before the surgery.

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