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S07.E23: Ready Or Not

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6 minutes ago, Christina said:

On the aftershow, Nessa asked viewers to tweet which Teen Mom 2 mom has changed the most. None of them. They are all in the same place they were in when they started. 

And the viewers voted Jenelle. WTF?!

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@SnarkKitty that's very true. Does he have a legal right to be in the basement, yes. But showing up there randomly is fucking unhinged, no matter how you spin it. Javi already has a penchant for drama and immaturity...No, he's not some abuser and Vee was right in what she said, but still, not a good time to necessarily be around Isaac until things calm down and you get your shit together. 

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Even if Javi was being immature or inappropriate, it was so horrible for Kail to bring Jo into her fight with him and ask him to join her in disallowing visits with Isaac.  That was heartbreaking- for Isaac, of course.  Kail is so manipulative.  And Vee saw right through it.  As you all said - Vee FTW!

I just watched the after show, and Nessa, the host, is awful, and such an ass kisser to these ladies.  I miss Suchin Pak.  Random observation - they were showing some old pictures of Kail through the years, and when they put up a picture of Kail at school with two African-American guys, Nessa lowered her voice and said "oooh," as in a scary tone, and asked what was going on.  Did anyone else catch that?

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Miss Vee, snarking about karma!


i don't think Kail's her favorite


and how about Jace hugging his Memere when she was upset?  (No, those things shouldn't have been said in front of him). And then she says she's " done w/everyone" but assures Jace "not you."  Like is this the first time anyone made this  kid feel wanted in his life or what?? 


A lot lot of honesty all around in this episode....although I'm not sure I would've been quite so kind to the fake baby....that thing was even more annoying than Adderall the Shriek-y.

Edited by teapot
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3 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Unfortunately it seems like Jo is relishing the payback a bit. I hope he outgrows that, Isaac needs a continued relationship with Javi.

Unless I blanked out I didn't get that read at all. He is downright scared to get involved in the drama or badmouth kail because he doesn't want to rock the boat. If anything he's enjoying the more time with his kid he's getting.

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My 9-year-old-son watching this tripe:

Jenelle: Mom, I think this girl might be legit crazy. 

Kail: I can't stand any of these people, except for the dark head girl feeding the baby. She seems okay. 

Leah: Why do they keep showing a grandma with all the girls if this is called "Teen Mom"?

(He was shocked as hell to find out that Leah IS the mother.)

Chelsea: They seem normal. Bet they never get any magazine articles, huh?

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Even though I feel that Javi had no business sneaking back into the house after he agreed to move out and returned the key to Kail, I just can't quit chuckling at her saying she called the cops and they told her, "Too bad, so sad." Then, when Javi was refusing to give Lincoln back because he was taking him to get a haircut like he had been asking Kail to do for a few weeks, I chuckled more since I'm pretty sure Kail thought she was the only one with petty control problems, but she may be meeting her match in Javi.

Javi feeling hurt and angry because he wasn't allowed to keep seeing Isaac makes me want to say, "That's what you get for your behavior toward Jo and for showing up unannounced and uninvited to Kail's home, which you knew would cause a disturbance in front of him," but at the same time, he's right in that he did work hard to establish that relationship, at the urging of Kail, and he has never shown any behavior that suggests he would try to harm Isaac. The punishment to Isaac is greater than to Javi.

The only reason I don't think Chelsea has changed much is because her life has been moving at the same speed and trajectory since 16 and Pregnant. She doesn't seem that different to me. 

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Vee is 100% correct about Kailyn, and as much fun as it was to see someone finally tell Kailyn off, unfortunately it shouldn't be Vee.  Vee and Joe are the only mature, stable parents that Isaac has (and he's actually a great kid) so they need to handle Kailyn carefully.  They should just nod and smile when she goes of on Javi.   They don't need Kailyn coming after them and restricting their time with Isaac when she's done fighting with Javi.   It sucks - a lot - but unfortunately for the sake of the Isaac, they need to put up with a lot of Kailyn's craziness.  I guess the only good thing is that all of this is documented and someday hopefully Isaac will realize how much they have done for him (recently; I know Joe wasn't the greatest as a teenage dad but he's really matured in the past few years.)

I think although it would be a pain in the a** Joe should require the drop off between Isaac and Javi to be at his house temporarily until Javi and Kailyn can manage to spend 5 minutes together without attacking each other.  Javi should be around Isaac, but Isaac is sensitive so I wouldn't want him to witness any more exchanges between his mother and soon to be ex-stepfather.   There's no need to supervise his visitation, just to ensure the drop off/pickup occurs without vitriol.

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I may be in the minority, but I absolutely adored Chelsea and the "rent-a-baby."  It was just such a cute thing to do, and they all seemed to get on board with that.  Probably my very favorite TM moments ever.

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I only saw 20 minutes of the ep, but I was lucky enough to see Queen Vee. There was really nothing subtle about the shade Vee threw at Kail. You could tell by the look on her face that she really wasn't in the mood to hear any of Kail's bullshit, but if she had to hear it, she wasn't going to bite her tongue. Kail made a slight face when Vee said, "YOU'RE fine..." Like someone else said earlier, Jo will let Kail vent simply because he doesn't want to rock the boat for the sake of his son. However, I wish he would've pushed back when Kail made that ridiculous comment about how he should say something to Javi.

I know getting married and having a child is a major/different life experience, but I wonder if Javi has ever been dumped or had a long relationship that ended? I totally get why he is upset, but he's not handling it the right way at all. It sucks and it hurts, but you kinda have to suck it up, especially when you have children. Everyone on the planet can see he's better off without this woman, but it's just not sinking in for him. And when she doesn't give a fuck about him, there's no way he can hurt her the way she hurt him. So he needs to stop trying to do that.

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Kail's house "used to be a dope-ass crib, and now it's garbage."  Looks like it fell apart rather quickly once Javi's mom was no longer housekeeper.

I worry for Vee's safety now.  She speaks the truth but you can't speak truth to Kail  as she is the spoiled little boy in that Twiligt Zone episode "It's a Good Life."

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Did anyone else think that Chelsea and her friend had such a weird way of speaking?  It wasn't vocal fry, but they sounded exactly alike. Any speech therapists out there with insight? I do like that they are very good people and good parents. Love seeing Pete the pig!

I thought Janelle was horrible to Barb and would much rather see Barb on camera. What broke my heart was Jace's face when Janelle was trashing Barb at her house. He looked stunned, sad and not sure what to do. The producers need to give Janelle less screen time! How dare she try to cut Barb's screen time. And why are the producers commenting or trying to provide insight when they clearly aren't therapists or psychiatrists. I felt like the producer was just trying to make excuses and subconsciously coerce Barb to reconsider giving Jace to Janelle.

Lastly, it's pretty clear that Javi is just so so angry. The cheating, losing his house and family, all that he thought he was coming back home to. I wonder if Kail was stringing him along and he came back thinking they could have patched things up, but the reality of the situation was completely different. She was cheating.  I think they need to go to therapy together. Do they have parenting therapy? Vee is the best.

Edited by bounnatalie
forgot to give Vee props
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36 minutes ago, bounnatalie said:

Lastly, it's pretty clear that Javi is just so so angry. The cheating, losing his house and family, all that he thought he was coming back home to. I wonder if Kail was stringing him along and he came back thinking they could have patched things up, but the reality of the situation was completely different. She was cheating.  I think they need to go to therapy together. Do they have parenting therapy? Vee is the best.

Also keep in mind that off-camera Kail is going back and forth with Javi trying to get him to do the Marriage Bootcamp show, feeding this dummy lies about their relationship.  Of course she doesn't say any of this infront of her fuckbuddy JC. 

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In his right mind, sure, Javi treats Isaac great. But in his angry, vengeful pissed at Kail mind? He does dumb shit to get at her first, and thinks of the kids second. Like, I'm an adult and I'd have been freaked the fuck out by him popping out of the fucking basement! What the hell?? You know damned well he was trying to catch someone there, or he'd have knocked on the door. Whether you still own the house or not, you returned the keys and agreed you don't live there anymore, that shit's not cool. And he stumbled all over his excuse for coming in through the basement to his boys "I hopped the fence because her car was in the garage so I didn't know she was home." No lights on? Can't see anyone through the window? GTFOH!

So much this.  As someone who's gone through a divorce and stayed in the house through the process, I can tell you that it's extremely disconcerting to know that your ex can show up at any time.  Even in the most amicable of break-ups, it feels like an invasion.  It's not like Kail has the same rights to Javi's home.

Yes, she is terribly manipulative, but Javi is no saint and we've had occasion to see him be more than a bit unstable.  I don't blame Jo for being concerned about Isaac, especially considering how sensitive Isaac is.  Let's remember, Javi & Jo have always never been good, so it's no surprise that he sides with Kail.  We might also not be aware of things Isaac may have told his dad about Jo and some of the recent fights.  In any case, I do not blame Kail for calling Jo when Javi broke in theough the basement.  That's what he asked to her to do, to let him come & get Isaac so that he's not there for fighting.  

Janelle is utterly ridiculous.  How can she not see how upset Jace gets with all the yelling?  I feel terrible for that kid.

I originally scoffed at the fake baby training with Cole & Chelsea.  However, teaching Aubs how to hold it and getting their pets used to the sounds now, without all the post-baby stress and tiredness, is actually a pretty good idea.  

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It's obvious to anyone that Jace wants to be with Barb.   He had such a huge, genuine smile when she showed up as opposed to the stressed out look he always has when he is around Jenelle and her shit show.  My heart breaks for this kid.  I hope no judge will ever turn him over to Jenelle as he would miss his Meme so much.

Vee has no time for Kail's drama and I love it.   Jo sometimes still seems to fall in line with Kail but he's in a tough spot.  If he pisses off the beast, he may face her wrath so he has to play the game.   He's lucky Vee puts up with it.  She may not forever.  

Addy seemed extra bratty the past two episodes.    

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Chelsea plotlines are just the sweetest but the most boring thing ever. It's like every week is one minute of a tv show plotline stretched out to it's max. We're pregnant. We built a crib. We found out the sex. We told everyone the sex. And her voice still drives me Insane.

Janelle is actually the worst. Why would anyone seeing how she reacts to any amount of stress want her raising a child let alone 3. 

Only jo and vee are paying attention and taking the kids into full account. Javi and kail are just super petty about everything. Just raise your kids and stop pushing buttons. Damn.

Leah looks someone threw swap meat clothes and a wig on a junkie every time she  dresses up on the show. Just gross.

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That plastic baby would have resulted in a cop being called to my house, when a neighbor swore they heard a newborn's cries in the night from my garbage can. I hate stuff like this, because it invents something that's proven to be completely a non-problem. If we needed dolls / models to figure out how to be parents, then our species would be extinct. We're here, so we figure it out, and nothing is stronger than your DNA. No, not everyone's a natural parent, but of all these girls, do we think CHELSEA is the one who's going to have trouble enough that they buy a fake baby? No. That's clearly "look, you guys are cute, and I love you to death, but my boss is going to be pretty pissed if I come back again and all the footage we have is us having a barbecue and going happily to an Aubree t ball game. Let's think of something."

Leah: cool week. You decided to not go to beauty school. I love that the girls didn't give a rat's ass about it. I did love that Leah thought her best answer was "I love making girls all over the world feel beautiful, inside and out, that's why I want to go to beauty school!" Dumb ass, you're not applying to an actual academic institution. I'm pissed at her because I had a ton of jokes lined up for her "I GOT INTO BEAUTY SCHOOL!" party she was going to throw herself, and she ruined them. "What'd you do, open the door?" GOLD. Bitch.

Jenelle...I am not ashamed to say I actually teared up when Jace and Meme were at the car, but because Jace has to hear his grandmother defending his best interests against the desires of her own daughter, who has a total freakout when she realizes she's not the director or editor of this program. Again, touch my cameras, you're in breach of contract, and you will be fired summarily. Jace or ANY child should never hear those things, and Barb's legit heartbreak at it was gut wrenching. I hope that custody shit is solved quick, because the lingering is actively damaging Jace. That poor dude. I have more to say on this segment, but we'll get back to it. 

Kailynn: something doesn't sit right with me. No, it's not cool to break into your own house (shouldn't have given back the keys and left, shithead, but whatever). I highly doubt Isaac's "you're not supposed to be here" was a panicked freakout as Sterling and Kailyn want us to believe, though. And if Javi was calling to pick them up and she wasn't answering the phone, and he knew she was home...let's just say both these people are assholes. But the all time LITERAL SIDE EYE win forever is to Vee. Jo, you shouldn't have gotten looped into the drama any further than "I will talk to Javi and figure out what I want to do next with Isaac," not just say "Ok Kailyn." 

The problem with this show now, and it's going to be exacerbated soon enough, is that most of the footage is going to be varied custody transfers and forced conversations in gas station parking lots. 

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10 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Leah looks someone threw swap meat clothes and a wig on a junkie every time she  dresses up on the show. Just gross.

Meat-Meet. It's a typo that is appropriate. Don't change it!  

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2 hours ago, bounnatalie said:

Did anyone else think that Chelsea and her friend had such a weird way of speaking?  It wasn't vocal fry, but they sounded exactly alike . Any speech therapists out there with insight? I do like that they are very good people and good parents. Love seeing Pete the pig!

I thought Janelle was horrible to Barb and would much rather see Barb on camera. What broke my heart was Jace's face when Janelle was trashing Barb at her house. He looked stunned, sad and not sure what to do. The producers need to give Janelle less screen time! How dare she try to cut Barb's screen time. And why are the producers commenting or trying to provide insight when they clearly aren't therapists or psychiatrists. I felt like the producer was just trying to make excuses and subconsciously coerce Barb to reconsider giving Jace to Janelle.

Lastly, it's pretty clear that Javi is just so so angry. The cheating, losing his house and family, all that he thought he was coming back home to. I wonder if Kail was stringing him along and he came back thinking they could have patched things up, but the reality of the situation was completely different. She was cheating.  I think they need to go to therapy together. Do they have parenting therapy? Vee is the best.

Omg! It was driving me crazy. It seemed so fake that I thought they  were putting it on, at first. But,  no,  it was like they were feeding off each other, lol. I love Chelsea and her baby talk is silly but Chelsea and her friend's vocal fry made my ears bleed. 

Preach Vee!! I loved it.  I loved that Vee could barely control her face while kail spewed her bullshit. 

Vee can't stand kail and who can blame her. Kail made jo and vee miserable because jo didn't want kail. 

Javi shouldn't have been sneaking in the house....   Kail is a trashy beast. And maybe should have not  had her new man in the house when her husband first got home. Everyone makes decisions and Kail decided to rub that shit in Javi's face.  so,  yeah he's pissed. He still needs to try to keep his anger away from the kids. 

Poor Jace. 

Is Jenelle not allowed to interact with Nathan? David seems to do all the drop offs with the roll. 

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IMO Javi was inappropriate when he showed up at the house unannounced and started going through Kailyn's things. Would Javi ever hurt Kailyn or the boys? Absolutely not- BUT he can't let his hurt feelings over the divorce make him act like that. In his defense we do know in real time that Kailyn was convincing him to do Marriage Bootcamp and insinuating that they could get back together, which was kind of cruel considering we all know she wasn't having it. Vee was right- Javi is just hurt, and he's immature and handling it inappropriately. 

The hug between Jace and Barb saved the entire episode. Whatever mistakes Barb made she loves that boy fiercely and he loves her. When he's with Jenelle he looks petrified. 

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MTV totally made Chelsea get that fake baby. For a storyline. She really has nothing else going on. Personally, I'd rather see her driving Aubree to school for the 104567894th time than listen to that obnoxious baby. But that's just me. I just feel like that's a better idea for a NON-pregnant person. Preferably a teenager. Chelsea and Cole are definitely having a baby, and they'll be fine when it gets here. No need to keep a pregnant woman up all night to turn a key in a plastic baby's back. I don't begrudge them scrambling for SOMETHING to film, but I do begrudge them annoying me in the process. I hear enough screeching during Jenelle and Kail's segments; I don't need it with my girl, Chelsea. 


Leah's beauty school thing is a total farce, right? I know she started school this fall, but I didn't think it was BEAUTY school. Am I missing something? And given her lack of recent Snapchat selfie's detailing her quests to buy notebooks and make it to class on time, I wouldn't be surprised if she already dropped out anyhow. As Germy urged her not to do. You could see him thinking, "Jesus God, Leah, finish SOMETHING for once in your life". A college course. A job. A MLM scheme. A marriage. SOMETHING. 

I laughed so hard when she was like, "If I didn't get pregnant, I would have gone to college". Um, yea right. Leah does not strike me as the type who was EVER bound for higher education. And that's cool. It's not the be all/end all. I didn't go. I think sometimes these girls think they HAVE to say shit like that, because of their fans and the expectations of the show. Just admit you aren't made for college, but DO find something to do with your life. 

Her kids had the best reactions. She's all rambling on in the car about empowering women and making little girls feel beautiful inside AND out, and Addie's response is to loudly announce she has to pee. Then at the park, she's trying again to seek validation from her daughters and Gracie straight up tells her, "I don't care". They know she's full of shit. Those girls may be too much at times, but they serve it up to their mama and I LOVE IT. 


Javi and Kail....sigh. I don't even know where to start. Maybe with - why is Sterling in Kail's phone as "baby momma"? Might explain why she can't hold onto a dude. 

No, really. It's hard to know what the real story is with these two. Kail tells this big dramatic tale about Javi breaking in in the night and scaring them all, but she conveniently leaves out the part about ASKING him to take the boys, then not being willing to wait when he was stuck in traffic, and running off back home. I'm not saying that makes it okay. But then again, it is his house. We've seen how she was holding onto his stuff and wanting to control the entire situation from the moment he got back. She's infuriating. 

Javi isn't handling stuff right. But I see HIS issues are more being really hurt and acting out emotionally. Whereas with Kail, I feel she is intentionally trying to wreck things and ruin lives. She is just out for Kail. 100%

And the worst, THE WORST, was her interfering with Isaac's relationship with Javi. Now Javi can't see him on his own? That is fucked up! You are not punishing Javi, you are punishing Isaac. And she got Jo all wrapped up in it. I think she overdramatized things on purpose in order to get him on her side. Notice Vee didn't even really think it was a big deal. 

I was actually loving Vee in that scene at Jo's house. She had a total "no fucks given" face on and she was quasi challenging everything Kail said. Vee is over it. And Jo needs to be careful that he doesn't cater too much to Kail. I get why he does it. But it's not fair to Vee, just because she's the more easy going baby mama. 


I covered a lot of Jenelle's shit already in her thread, after seeing the sneak peak. But I seriously don't know how this bitch is going to claim she is fit to be a mother when she can't even arrange drop off and pick up of her children without freaking the fuck out. Her mother is old(ish). Cell phones are unreliable. But she just starts screaming at Barb instead of having some grace and realizing there was a misunderstanding. 

Then she decides she's going to "punish" Barb by trying to cut down on her camera time. Because THAT'S what Barbara cares about. And all the while her kid is doing his zone out face, trying to find a way to disconnect from all this anger and chaos. Jace hugging Barb as she started to cry just broke my heart. 

When Jenelle threatened to by more distant if she didn't get her way, I was like - "you promise?" Because that would really be best for everyone. 

And David can save his shit about how Jace is so much better at their house. For one, he's never even been IN Barb's house. So how would he know? But even IF Jace is their version of "better behaved" over there, it's because A. He's afraid of you and B. You just plant him in front of the video games all weekend and don't say "no" to anything. If Barb has trouble, it's because she's trying to get the kid right after being bribed and spoiled all weekend. 

Finally, Nathan - that is not a shirt. It's just not. 

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Can we PLEASE talk about the garment Nathan was wearing at the gas station? I mean I guess it USED to be a shirt, but now,, what the fuck is it? It literally covers maybe 20% of what a shirt would cover. It's closer to a cape backwards than it is to his old bibs. That shit is fucking ridiculous. It covers less than a wrestling singlet. Cool,. bro, you work out. We got it. Adults are way less impressed by that, either gender, than you think they are. 

And while I'm on it, what the fuck is that back tattoo OF? Did he get injured horribly in service, and needed that to cover up some weird scars? If so, I get it. If not, there's literally no explanation for it. Imagine what he told the tattoo artist? Like describing it during the design phase? Artist: "So let's talk about what you're looking for, man!" Nathan: "I'm thinking...lines!" Artist: Oh, yeah, we'll do some lines, of course, sharp lines, that's my stock and trade, but like what do the lines MAKE? Are we talking like maybe something to commemorate your service? Like something you'd think an ancient warrior might have on his shield? Or maybe nice sharp lines that make an animal's face, or maybe words?" Nathan: "Nah, I'm thinknig just like these LINES man. Big, thick lines, in a random design, on my back. Because did you see my back, it's fucking ripped bro!" (turns around and shows him the shirt he's wearing has no back because he cut it off." Artist: "Uh...okay dude...so are you going to pay cash? I don't take checks."

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9 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

feel Jo, caught between a rock and a hard place. Tried to keep the relationship with Isaac and Javi intact, spoke to Javi like a man and said to keep the drama away from his son. Only to have Javi pull that stupid shit. While Kail did bulldoze Jo into it, you could see he grudgingly agreed, however reluctantly, just because he couldn't predict either what kind of fuckery Javi might pull next. Dude forced his hand.

My cable kept cutting out so I missed part of this scene. Did the incident start with Kail asking to change visitation, Javi agreeing, and then Kail abruptly calling it off and Javi lets himself into the house?  If yes, I wonder if Jo knew Kail was messing around with Lincoln's visitation schedule and what Jo's reaction would've been in light of that knowledge. 

Edited by Booger666
Fix typo
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8 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Just got done watching this episode.

Leah - "I would've went to college if I hadn't gotten pregnant." Good one, Leah. She couldn't pass a fourth grade grammar test, much less handle college. She looked positively dumbfounded when she realized beauty school actually entailed work. Her jaw dropped and her eyes glazed over when she heard 1800 hours and 4 days per week. Of course she passes it off saying it takes too much time away from the girlses.

Kail - loved it when Javi was saying to his friends he found the house in a mess when he did his walk-in through the basement door. Of course he did, his Mother the maid has left the building. That was a perk that went when Javi did. Jo and Vee shouldn't get sucked into Kail's drama. They should remain neutral especially if they want Isaac to still have a relationship with Javi. Kail is pressuring them to side with her, hope Jo & Vee don't fall for it.

Jenelle - first of all, lose the glasses. They're just an affectation to make her look smarter, a prop she uses and discards at will to bolster her image. It's definitely not working. UBT wastes no time trashing Barb and letting us in on how few brain cells he really has.  He says "Jace acts a lot better here than he does at Barb's house." How the hell would he know? He's never been inside Barb's house, how could he possibly know how Jace is when he's with her. What a dumb thing to say! The rest of her segment made me want to put my fingers in my ears and sing the rainbow song to myself. Jenelle has no filter, the way she talks to her mother in front of her kids. I wish I could haul her in for child abuse. No child should be around her.  Again, I just wanted to put my arms around Jace and hug him.

Isn't it up to MTV what they film? Barb is under contract too, so she's obligated to appear and has every right to do so. No matter what that vindictive little shrew of a daughter says. I wanted to give Barb a hug too.

Chelsea - her scenes were a welcome break from the rest of them.

Leah saying "I would have went to college if I didn't get pregnant" was the best laugh I've had in weeks. Girl, take a seat.

Kail is using her kids to blackmail her exes, basically. She uses them as pawns, she doesn't give a shit about them, their needs, or their feelings. I used to be meh on Kail, I thought her unpleasant but not as horrible as some of my fellow posters did. Now I utterly loathe her. Her constant whinging, her need to be FIRST, to be ON TOP, to be holding all the cards, her living everyone else's life for them, her utter mean spiritedness, her surliness--gah. I can't with her. Honey, if you want people to be on your side, maybe try being nice. You don't even have to be nice for real, just act nice. Act like you care about them. You'd be amazed. Remember when Kail had nowhere to go after she fucked up her relationship with Jo's parents? Her mother took her in for a bit. But Kail was sour and ungrateful and wouldn't even wash a dish. And her mother's new dick du jour got sick of it. She could have tried to help around the house, kept her room neat, and been pleasant and/or unobtrusive. She just can't help herself.

UBT says Jace is well behaved when he's with him and Jenelle the hosebeast and he is probably correct. The poor little kid knows he has to keep quiet and he does. He never utters a peep. Probably because he's terrified. The look on his poor little face when Jenelle was yelling at Barb will haunt my dreams. And can we spend a moment laughing our fool heads off at Jenelle's delusional hissy fit about filming with Barb? Honey, you are not in charge here. You are merely the shitshow being exploited. Though the fact that you think you have any clout is highly amusing and shows how well you are being manipulated. Well played, MTV.

I love Chelsea. That is all.



7 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I know from watching Housewives (knew it would come in handy some way!) that trying to limit a cast member's screen time is a common reality show tactic.  Yes, Barb has her own contract, and the producers are in charge of filming, but I can totally see Janelle using this vindictive tactic against  Barb or Nathan or anyone who might paint her in a negative light, thinking she can control the narrative.  Only she's not smart enough to realize that she's no Lisa Vanderpump (Housewife) - cuz it didn't work, and the producers still got their scene with Barb, which, ironically, played out worse for Janelle.

Not only does Janelle not appreciate how much her mother has done for Jace, but she doesn't seem to realize that Jace would have gone into foster care if not for Barb, and then her entire Teen Mom "career," and all its opportunities and riches, all the money, the fame, the land (!), would never have happened.  Without Barb and Jace, there would have been no storyline for Janelle, and therefore no MTV stardom.  And she has the nerve to call Barb out for wanting some compensation for filming?! 

My god they are such fucking divas, Jenelle and Kail both. They have delusions of grandeur approaching Farrah-like levels. Jenelle doesn't want Jace the person. She wants to win. She wants to win because UBT wants to win. UBT is seriously creepy--he has all these kids, they're like notches in his belt. In his own weird prehensile brain they're trophies, proof of his manliness or something. He give me the shudders.

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6 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm also convinced Kristen the producer is on crack. The fight with Barb had nothing to do with Jenelle wanting Jace back, that's just her fallback excuse for everything.

I'm really sick of the producers and Drew and everyone at MTV seemingly trying to guilt Barb into giving Jace back. Like that will solve everything! Instead of destroying both her and innocent, little Jace. 


1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Also keep in mind that off-camera Kail is going back and forth with Javi trying to get him to do the Marriage Bootcamp show, feeding this dummy lies about their relationship.  Of course she doesn't say any of this infront of her fuckbuddy JC. 

Kail has become more camera aware than ever the past 2 seasons and I truly believe there is a LOT she is up to when the cameras aren't around. 


16 minutes ago, imjagain said:

Is Jenelle not allowed to interact with Nathan? David seems to do all the drop offs with the roll. 

She claims she has David do drop off and pick up with both Barb AND Nathan because it's a way of avoiding a fight. But I think, especially with Nathan, it's more about dominance. She wants Nathan to be intimidated by David. David likely wants that as well, and probably suggested it in an underhanded way. 

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I noticed that Leah said that she wanted to go BACK to beauty school.  I don't remember her going before, I remember he enrolling in some kind of medical/dental assistant program...?  Anyway, I may be old fashioned but it seemed inappropriate for her to bring a small child to her meeting/interview.  At the very least she could have brought a coloring book/crayons or SOMETHING to keep the child occupied while she had an adult meeting.  Loved Jermy snarking "just finish this time", LOL!  All her scenes with her girlses, playing at the park, etc. seem so fake and staged.

The second Chelsea mentioned that robot baby I silently screamed "NOOOO!"  I hate those things!  I never knew before I had my own babies how stressful babies' cries are, at least to me.  It's a good thing I didn't have one of those robot babies before I had my own or I would never have had children!  Luckily we all survived and I'm so grateful for my two boys.  Chelsea, Cole and Aubrey all handled it very well.  And yes, Chelsea's friend sounded like she was imitating, almost mocking Chelsea's way of speaking.  Very weird.

Kail and Jenelle's story lines are both so disturbing, they are definitely hard to watch.  All the kids are the losers here, they are in such tumultuous chaotic lifestyles that they have no control over.  No one should be surprised when they lash out later in life.  I'm wondering, if the court awards Jace's custody to Barb, can Jenelle come back and try again later?  Jace may be in the middle of this tug-of-war until he becomes an adult.  This will not end well.

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Jennelle attempting to limit Barb's filming...oh, ho boy!  Jennelle took the cameras down in *her own* car but Barb wasn't in there.  Those cameras Jennelle took down in the car had nothing to do with filming Barb.   I like how the film crew allowed her to continue taking the cameras down in her car while they filmed Barb with their big regular cameras.  lol

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Jo is going to lose his family trying to play nice with that Megladon. I know he just wants to co-parent with her as smoothly as possible but he  knows better than anyone how Kail operates.  It's Kail's way or no way! People are tools to be used to her benefit; their thoughts and feelings don't matter!

I hope Kail called Vee about her karma comments and Vee stood by what she said and if she doesn't like it, oh well! 


Barb needs to make choice: Jace or Jenelle. I hope she chooses Jace and cuts off all contact with that vile waste of matter. 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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Jenelle better be glad that she and I live on opposite sides of North Carolina, because if our paths ever crossed I promise it would get ugly. She is such a horrendous person. How dare she call her mother a bitch when she knows how hard Barb has worked for Jace? She knows damn well that Barb has done right by that little boy, and that Jace adores Barb. Yet all she does is shit talk about Barb when Jace is in earshot. Jenelle doesn't care at all about her words hurting Jace. Hell, I don't think she cares much about Jace at all. He's nothing but a prize that she wants to steal from her mom in order to cause Barb pain.

Vee is the best. I loved her saying that karma was coming for Kail. Can we get replace Kail with Vee? I'd much rather watch Vee, Jo, Isaac, and Vivi than look at Kail's overinflated lips and gross tattoos.

Chelsea and Leah's scenes were boring in this episode. I do think going to school would be good for Leah, so I hope she gives it a real shot.

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22 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Jennelle attempting to limit Barb's filming...oh, ho boy!  Jennelle took the cameras down in *her own* car but Barb wasn't in there.  Those cameras Jennelle took down in the car had nothing to do with filming Barb.   I like how the film crew allowed her to continue taking the cameras down in her car while they filmed Barb with their big regular cameras.  lol

Quoting myself because I have more to say.  Jennelle taking the cameras down in her car only *limited* the filming of herself.  It was like the film crew let her go on w that nonsense because she was distracted while they continued to film Barb. lol

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6 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

Question? Could Janelle really get Jace back? Will the way she is acting and the filth she talks about Barb have an influence on the courts?

I want to ask that too but I've been too scared cause I don't wanna know the answer. *Puts hands over ears*

1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Looking at it objectively, though, I have to say I think Nathan would take David apart at the joints. He's a former military service member, he's trained in hand to hand combat, he's a gym rat, AND he's an idiot, which means he'd just keep going until he were dead. David likes to let Jenelle think he's a badass, but really, if Kaiser were not with Jenelle, I think Nathan and David would have already gotten into it, and I'd have put my money LARGE on Nathan. He knows to take a tall guy like that down as quickly as possible, then his height advantage is null, and that's where shit gets ugly. ETA the only people I think David beats up are women. I know for sure Nathan has had hand to hand combat training against other men. David has been to jail a couple times, but that doesn't mean you're a badass. It means you're a DUMBass. 

All of that + Roids and booze= I'd put my money on him too. 

And judging by that SC court-run-by-puppets and his record, he wouldn't get convicted. ;) 

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2 hours ago, neece26 said:

It's obvious to anyone that Jace wants to be with Barb.   He had such a huge, genuine smile when she showed up as opposed to the stressed out look he always has when he is around Jenelle and her shit show.  My heart breaks for this kid.  I hope no judge will ever turn him over to Jenelle as he would miss his Meme so much.

Vee has no time for Kail's drama and I love it.   Jo sometimes still seems to fall in line with Kail but he's in a tough spot.  If he pisses off the beast, he may face her wrath so he has to play the game.   He's lucky Vee puts up with it.  She may not forever.  

Addy seemed extra bratty the past two episodes.    

If I were Vee it would definitely be rough to deal with Jo backing up Kail even to keep the peace. There would definitely be some not-on-camera conversations about that...

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19 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

If I were Vee it would definitely be rough to deal with Jo backing up Kail even to keep the peace. There would definitely be some not-on-camera conversations about that...

Anyone catch that look Kail gave Vee when Vee first spoke to her.  ? Jo created that tension in the last episode. I have a feeling Kail and Vee will have some words soon.  

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44 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Quoting myself because I have more to say.  Jennelle taking the cameras down in her car only *limited* the filming of herself.  It was like the film crew let her go on w that nonsense because she was distracted while they continued to film Barb. lol

But in Jenelle's narcissistic world, if SHE won't film with Barb, the stuff they film with just Barb won't be interesting enough to make it to air. 

Personally, I'd rather watch Barb and Jace fishing than ANYTHING with Jenelle and her serial killer boyfriend. 

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Just now, Mkay said:

Anyone catch that look Kail gave Vee when Vee first spoke to her.  ? Jo created that tension in the last episode. I have a feeling Kail and Vee will have some words soon.  

I get that he wants to keep the peace he's finally achieved but he has to back up Vee too. I hope he does behind the scenes and just plays nice for the show? 

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