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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Jessa really had a very dysfunctional upbringing.  Looking at her now with her pouty lips and selfies, you forget the mess that she grew up in. The huge TTH is not where she spent her first 12 years...she was in a small house and little money with a lot of siblings.   

Truthfully, Jessa is doing pretty well considering her background, including Josh.  She is reasonably happily married and seems to love Spurgie very much.   

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, queenanne said:

I'm absolutely sure it's just because it's hip.  Michelle went to the hospital because her own mother probably went to the hospital, and her peers.  If it's "a fundie thing" at all, it's coincidental and self-directed because the practitioners happen to be fundies.  There is no mass "because that's the way it would have been done in Galilee" or similar nonsense.

I'm pro-out-of-hospital-birth (depending on the medical circumstances and caregivers, of course), but I continue to believe the main reason that the Duggars do them is because it gives them more freedom to film.  Most hospitals I am familiar with have become very strict with allowing access to the maternity ward itself (for baby-snatcher reasons), have rules about how many people can be in the room at one time, and make the patients sign an agreement not to photograph or film the actual delivery (for hospital attorney reasons).

  • Love 5

Trendy is not the reason for their home births!  Anna actually had a female OB  (Dr Sarver) and when she went into labor and Dr Sarver was out of town Josh did not want any part of the male doctor on call checking out his wife's private parts....They did a home birth and their ratings soared...Now they all do home births...Bigger ratings equals more money in Boob's bank account!

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

More likely they won't go to the hospital because they can't afford it. No one has a job and that means no insurance. I've always wondered what the hospital bill was for Jessa's blood transfusion and who ended up paying for that. I can't imagine it was cheap. 

I'm betting Boob had to cover it. Otherwise it would've been horrible P.R. if it became public that the Duggars screwed the hospital that saved their daughter's life. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

Trendy is not the reason for their home births!  Anna actually had a female OB  (Dr Sarver) and when she went into labor and Dr Sarver was out of town Josh did not want any part of the male doctor on call checking out his wife's private parts....They did a home birth and their ratings soared...Now they all do home births...Bigger ratings equals more money in Boob's bank account!

Soooo...a female doctor is the only acceptable option when it comes to access to a woman's (or wife's, at least) private parts, but they will not approve of any such education for their own children outside of what appears to be pretty basic midwife training. 

Does that mean the female doctors they seek are, by definition, outsiders to the cult if not downright heathens? Did they insist on an all-female crew for all of Michelle's hospital births? There's simply no way that birthing 19 children, most of them in a hospital, adds up with disapproval of education for women along with an insistence on keeping the ladybits from the eyes of any male but the husband. 

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Soooo...a female doctor is the only acceptable option when it comes to access to a woman's (or wife's, at least) private parts, but they will not approve of any such education for their own children outside of what appears to be pretty basic midwife training. 

Does that mean the female doctors they seek are, by definition, outsiders to the cult if not downright heathens? Did they insist on an all-female crew for all of Michelle's hospital births? There's simply no way that birthing 19 children, most of them in a hospital, adds up with disapproval of education for women along with an insistence on keeping the ladybits from the eyes of any male but the husband. 

They spout disapproval of formal education for their kids, yet Michelle was beaming with pride over Jill's certificate, practically calling her an MD.

In emergency situations they have no choice who works on them. Males must have been present for some of the Duggar 19 and Jill's emergency OB was a male. And even if they use Duggar approved OB's they have no control over anesthesiologists and nurses and such. I'm assuming somewhere along the way of Michele's, Jill's and Jessa's birth experiences some of the folks who assisted in delivering the babies were gay. Yehp Duggar ladies, think about that for a bit.

  • Love 5

We need Erin (Bates) Paine  to knock some sense in Jessa & Jill.  Erin had  the older male Christian  OB (same doctor for her mom & Whitney) deliver her babies & the family seems to love him.  Erin, Whitney & Alyssa have all delivered in the hospital.  Erin was making sure she was getting an epidural for Brooklyn's birth since she didn't have time to get one for Carson's.   

  • Love 4

I had a co worker - Catholic. Seven children. Her husband didn't want her seeing any woman doctor because any woman doctor could be gay and then there would be the temptation to be inappropriate with the wife's hoo-ha. Because we know male doctors have never done that. Crazy stuff abounds. 

  • Love 17
6 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

I had a co worker - Catholic. Seven children. Her husband didn't want her seeing any woman doctor because any woman doctor could be gay and then there would be the temptation to be inappropriate with the wife's hoo-ha. Because we know male doctors have never done that. Crazy stuff abounds. 

Because doctors and other folks who see it all day are so easily swayed en masse... that's some special kind of crazy there, lol. A friend of mine was once a bouncer- simply a bouncer- for a strip club. He was so sick of seeing naked women he didn't have sex for 8 months after he quit.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

I had a co worker - Catholic. Seven children. Her husband didn't want her seeing any woman doctor because any woman doctor could be gay and then there would be the temptation to be inappropriate with the wife's hoo-ha. Because we know male doctors have never done that. Crazy stuff abounds. 

Maybe he knew that a lesbian would know her way around the hoo-ha and give his wife something he was never able to give her?

Going back to lurking...

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Anybody think Jessa has discovered the joys of amazon and gets things new and doessn't save the difference?

Absolutely. I also think Spurgie's outfit is either a gift or bought new. I bet Jessa interpreted it as meaning Jesus, since I doubt she's ever heard the actual song.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, winsomeone said:

I certainly hope that if she has twins, she rethinks having a home birth.

Multiples are higher risk pregnancies.  I guess in her mind, the babies will be smaller if there are 2, and after birthing a Spurgeon near 10 lbs, she probably thinks this is a walk in the park.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, winsomeone said:

The ad for the new show, shows Jessa getting a sonogram, and proudly saying they hear two heart beats.

Hers and the fetus. Duh. She  just compared 34 week pics, and if anything, she looks a little smaller this time.

God, are people really this stupid?

  • Love 12
On 24/12/2016 at 8:35 PM, lookeyloo said:

I had a co worker - Catholic. Seven children. Her husband didn't want her seeing any woman doctor because any woman doctor could be gay and then there would be the temptation to be inappropriate with the wife's hoo-ha. Because we know male doctors have never done that. Crazy stuff abounds. 

Mrs Mel Gibson?

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Hers and the fetus. Duh. She  just compared 34 week pics, and if anything, she looks a little smaller this time.

God, are people really this stupid?

yes, yes they are haha. Seriously what is the fascination with 'teasing' the public about twins? Its stupid .

  • Love 9

Okay, see I've been sitting here snickering evilly at the prospect of La Jessa, Queen of All Things Selfie, having three babies under the age of two. Good-bye, perfect makeup and false eyelashes and coiffured waves, hello haggard hollow-eyed pony tail and on a good day, teeth that are brushed.

Selfie that, sweetie.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

Okay, see I've been sitting here snickering evilly at the prospect of La Jessa, Queen of All Things Selfie, having three babies under the age of two. Good-bye, perfect makeup and false eyelashes and coiffured waves, hello haggard hollow-eyed pony tail and on a good day, teeth that are brushed.

Selfie that, sweetie.

Nah, Jessa will look perfect with three kids, Johanna and Jenni will look like raccoon-eyed wrecks since they'll be doing the work.

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Okay, see I've been sitting here snickering evilly at the prospect of La Jessa, Queen of All Things Selfie, having three babies under the age of two. Good-bye, perfect makeup and false eyelashes and coiffured waves, hello haggard hollow-eyed pony tail and on a good day, teeth that are brushed.

Selfie that, sweetie.

Yet, it appears she gets up every morning and spends her days at the TTH. Her and Ben are both stay at home parents, and Jessa's parents and sisters don't work. Who knows she probably throws their laundry in for Grandma to do.

However, I agree with @Sew Sumi, Her bump is rather small to be carrying twins.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Okay, see I've been sitting here snickering evilly at the prospect of La Jessa, Queen of All Things Selfie, having three babies under the age of two. Good-bye, perfect makeup and false eyelashes and coiffured waves, hello haggard hollow-eyed pony tail and on a good day, teeth that are brushed.

Selfie that, sweetie.

"Nah, Jessa will look perfect with three kids, Johanna and Jenni will look like raccoon-eyed wrecks since they'll be doing the work"

You beat me to it, @JoanArc! LOL

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

"Nah, Jessa will look perfect with three kids, Johanna and Jenni will look like raccoon-eyed wrecks since they'll be doing the work"

You beat me to it, @JoanArc! LOL

I mean, Jessa raised them, so they're just returning the favor. No one in this family raises their own offspring for the entirety of their childhoods anyway. Plus Jessa trades entirely on her looks. Ain't nothing getting in the way of her moneymaker.

  • Love 5
51 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

I mean, Jessa raised them, so they're just returning the favor. No one in this family raises their own offspring for the entirety of their childhoods anyway. Plus Jessa trades entirely on her looks. Ain't nothing getting in the way of her moneymaker.

Her moneymaker looks won't last long if she keeps pumping out kids at this pace.  She'll be borrowing Michele's frumpy blouses and black tights.

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, Zahdii said:

Hopefully, the next thing she says is "Just kidding!"

Not in my "hopefully." In my hopefully, I hope the next thing she says is, "Three!"

Well, not for the kids' sake, I guess. But would I love to see Bin and Ducklips stuck with this several thousand miles from any aunt-moms. Oh, yes.

12 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Nah, Jessa will look perfect with three kids, Johanna and Jenni will look like raccoon-eyed wrecks since they'll be doing the work.

And Jana. Don't forget Jana.

  • Love 4

I do have to say that Ben and Jessa look and act like they adore Spurge.  They seem to be holding him because they want to, not have to; they play with him; talk to him, all things you never saw Boob and Meechelle, or the sister moms do.  I've yet to see Jill or Derick look at Iz the way Jessa and Ben look at Spurge.

  • Love 14

I have to disagree with this. I see a lot more positive posts about Jessa/Ben and Spurge than Derick/Jill Izzy and I think that a lot of it has to do with the fact that people seem to find Spurge cuter than Izzy. Spurge is a clean baby in cute clothes. Izzy is a giant dirty baby in a diaper. Jill isn't clean and well-put-together in her own life, and I'm not terribly surprised that Izzy is dirty, too.

We see lots of pictures of Spurge, but taking pictures of your baby in a cute outfit isn't interacting with him. We also see lots of pictures of Derick reading to Izzy, so it is at least possible that he is interacting with his son in a normal way.

I do think, though, that Jill is going to need to up her game. They want to make money being on television and optics do matter. If you want to be a pretend missionary in Danger America, your fans may acccept that your baby is naked and dirty, but if you're going to loll around the TTH all day, you need to give hima bath and put him in some cute clothes. There will be eight Duggar grandchildren in a few months and having the biggest, dirtiest child isn't going to get you air time for much longer . . .

  • Love 13

i don't think Izzy looks dirty, I've seen a couple of pics of him looking like he's been playing and got dirty but for the most part he looks clean 

I like seeing kids look like they've actually been allowed to play and explore and get dirty


I have a family member who never ever allowed her kids to get the tiniest bit dirty. They weren't allowed to play in dirt like normal kids ever 

I was told by a micro biologist once that kids need to play and get dirty, in dirt, the outdoors and just on floors, in order to build up their immunity

i do agree that Spurge gets more positive comments because he's cute 

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

True--Spurgie is deliciously adorable and Izzy isn't cute at all.  Do I go to Hell for saying that??

Personally I find Spurgeon to be weird looking in most pictures (there's a couple where he's cute), and I usually think Izzy's pretty cute. People have different perceptions. 

  • Love 6

Once again I think that Jessa is being PR savvy. She posts pics of Spurgie doing cute baby things while wearing cute baby clothes. And who doesn't love a mop of curls on a little one?

Jill on the other hand, posts pics of Izzy wearing a coat indoors eating a sandwich. Or pictures of him wide awake standing corralled in a playpen. 

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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