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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'm a July baby as well and I always hated having a summer birthday because I never got to have a little celebration at school like all my other classmates. Mind you, this was back when Moms could bring in punch and cupcakes for their kids' class without being arrested and thrown in jail for serving sugar on school property. The birthday kid also got to wear a cool paper crown for the day. I'm 37 and still feel slighted, lol.

  • Love 15

I'm a July baby as well and I always hated having a summer birthday because I never got to have a little celebration at school like all my other classmates. Mind you, this was back when Moms could bring in punch and cupcakes for their kids' class without being arrested and thrown in jail for serving sugar on school property. The birthday kid also got to wear a cool paper crown for the day. I'm 37 and still feel slighted, lol.

Yup...July birthday, too, and completely deprived of the school, Girl Scout, etc. special day attention. And then I handed the same thing to my July son. Sigh.

  • Love 3

Jessa is five foot two. I was basing this on my personal experience with my aunt, my grandmother, and some of my cousins who were/are all five foot two or under. The folk theory is the baby has less far to travel if the mother is shorter. It could be nonsense. I'm now thinking Jessa will give birth on her birthday (no real reason just because).

Jessa is actually around 5'5". Very average. She towers over Michelle, who is about 5'1" these days. We know Jana is 5'4", and Jessa is noticeably taller. She might even be as much as 5'6".

  • Love 2

Hey, 5'1" is a towering monster to a 3 year old.  I always tell everybody I'm taller than I look.  (I'm not).  And my favorite story is that when I wake up in the morning, I'm 5'9".  I get shorter during the day.  By the time I'm ready to go to bed at night, someone has to pick me up and put me up there like a puppy.  I would have said Jessa was about 5'6 without actually knowing for sure.  [still noting she has the feet of someone 6'5 - good foundation!]

  • Love 3

Just  to cover all the bases...I'm 5'3", my babies were born, in order, 8 days late, right on target, and a week early. My birthday is Jan 2 (I was actually born about 2 months early as a survivor of unexpected identical twins), which I hate as it falls exactly at the point that everyone is drawing that sigh of relief at seeing the holiday season ending.

  • Love 2

Did the duggars actually say somewhere they hoped it wasn't born on Halloween?

No we are just speculating since they don't believe in Halloween but a November 1st birth would go along with their "story" that the baby was born on their first very special, precious, neat anniversary! Oh and if Baby Pebbles is born on November 1st Bin will have to become Catholic since it's All Saints Day. lol

  • Love 3

I'm late to chime in on this, but here it goes...


I've checked with two of my friends - one, an OB-Gyn with 30 years in the trenches delivering thousands of babies, and the other a CNM who also has two nursing degrees (BS and then an MSN) since 1997 and both have assured me that height has absolutely nothing to do with delivery times, early or late. It's just an old wives' tale that turns out to be false, despite the ones that have turned out to be real - like that baby boys lead to longer, harder labors, generally, because they are bigger and have larger heads. Sorry to be a party-pooper here...


Anyhoo, the medical science is that no matter your height, the length of the birth canal from uterus downward is going to be about the same regardless of how tall you are. The difference in cases of VERY tall to VERY short is negligible - perhaps an inch or two. When you consider that once a baby is clearly "on the way out" in a v-birth an inch or two wouldn't make any difference at all. 


I'm only posting this because I see so may things posted as "fact" that just aren't, and can make regular folks feel bad about themselves for no reason !  This includes the unfortunate retelling in the last two days of the clearly false, totally discredited myth that wearing a bra causes cancer !!! That little nugget of misinformation was proffered by none other than Gwyneth Paltrow on her "Goop" website.  So great that a millionaire, elitist, unicorn-tears-drinking hipster doofus can scare the shit out of the bra-wearing population...




  • Love 16

I'm a July baby as well and I always hated having a summer birthday because I never got to have a little celebration at school like all my other classmates. Mind you, this was back when Moms could bring in punch and cupcakes for their kids' class without being arrested and thrown in jail for serving sugar on school property. The birthday kid also got to wear a cool paper crown for the day. I'm 37 and still feel slighted, lol.


THIS THIS A THOUSAND TIMES THIS.  I'm 64 and still pissed about this.  Plus if you try to have a party half your friends would be on vacation.  And let's not forget the birthdays you would be on vacation and strangers in some campground would have to stand around your cake to block the wind long enough for your family to sing.  Not that I'm bitter or anything.  :)

  • Love 18

THIS THIS A THOUSAND TIMES THIS.  I'm 64 and still pissed about this.  Plus if you try to have a party half your friends would be on vacation.  And let's not forget the birthdays you would be on vacation and strangers in some campground would have to stand around your cake to block the wind long enough for your family to sing.  Not that I'm bitter or anything.  :)

I can understand how you feel, however there is an upside somewhere isn't there?  Like you didn't have to go to freaking school on your birthday for instance  I didn't care for school but had to go on my November birthday and always felt that the summer born lucked out in that department.

  • Love 4

THIS THIS A THOUSAND TIMES THIS.  I'm 64 and still pissed about this.  Plus if you try to have a party half your friends would be on vacation.  And let's not forget the birthdays you would be on vacation and strangers in some campground would have to stand around your cake to block the wind long enough for your family to sing.  Not that I'm bitter or anything.  :)

That is so sad. On your next birthday, I will in spirit purpose to gather us all round the virtual School of the Dining Room Table, set up the video camera, and make a long speech about all of the character traits that make you our special flower (but they'll be actual character traits that you actually have.) Then we will play screechy Happy Birthday violins and you will be the guest of honor, first to be served your tater tot casserole on a paper plate. Then it's off to the petting zoo! Or maybe you'd like a tour of the local fire station? Or the Creation Museum? The point is, it's YOUR DAY. YOU will wear the mustard sweater of grace. <3 <3 <3

  • Love 20

I was born on Hallowe' en. Everyone assumes it's great, but it's not. When I was a kid, I could never have a party on my actual birthday because all the kids I would have invited were busy trick or treating. As an adult, my birthday consists of handing out candy to the neighbourhood kids. Because of my birth date, the Duggars would probably think that I'm spiritually corrupt. May be that's a bonus.

I think all holiday birthdays are rough. Of all the holidays, I think I got it good---Jan 1st. As a kid, I could never have a party on my birthday and I was lucky that I never got jipped with presents---as an adult, it kinda rocks. 

I'm a July baby as well and I always hated having a summer birthday because I never got to have a little celebration at school like all my other classmates. Mind you, this was back when Moms could bring in punch and cupcakes for their kids' class without being arrested and thrown in jail for serving sugar on school property. The birthday kid also got to wear a cool paper crown for the day. I'm 37 and still feel slighted, lol.


I have a June baby and her school celebrates her birthday in May before school is out; we send in Capri Suns and Cupcakes. 

  • Love 4

Clearly I'm doing something wrong. I had two unmedicated home births and no one paid me to see it :-)

I did too, 3girls....and wound up with 3 beautiful, healthy girls. The first was born in the hospital and it went so well, I decided to go for home birth for the next two.  With a dr. and a nurse midwife present, by the way.  I would NEVER have delivered with Jilly Muffin as my midwife.  Nor would I have allowed filming for any amount of money.  I don't really care how babies are born as long as both mother and baby survive and thrive.  Whatever works for the Mom is okay by me, but I do think that the Duggars take too many chances with their children in ways too numerous to count.  

  • Love 8

I did too, 3girls....and wound up with 3 beautiful, healthy girls. The first was born in the hospital and it went so well, I decided to go for home birth for the next two.  With a dr. and a nurse midwife present, by the way.  I would NEVER have delivered with Jilly Muffin as my midwife.  Nor would I have allowed filming for any amount of money.  I don't really care how babies are born as long as both mother and baby survive and thrive.  Whatever works for the Mom is okay by me, but I do think that the Duggars take too many chances with their children in ways too numerous to count.  


Right there with you - one hospital birth followed by two home births. And a CNM both times. Never in a million years would I trust Jilly Muffin to deliver. The sad thing is that it's not even all her fault. She doesn't know what she doesn't know. All of her so-called mentors are the same nut jobs she is. They tell her 'do this and you'll be ready' and she believes them. She hasn't been taught to question, research, or think so it doesn't occur to her there is a reason there is a radical difference in the training of a lay midwife and a CNM or that there is a reason CNMs are licensed in all states but many prohibit lay midwifery. 


I was so sad when Anna ended up having to go back to Arkansas during her pregnancy, for a lot of the obvious reasons, but also because her midwives in DC are extremely competent and experienced. I really wanted quality health care for her. I doubt she got that when she came back.

  • Love 3

At this point I don't care when Jessa has her baby or what the sex is or what they name it. I'm waiting for either Jill or Amy to make a pregnancy announcement and steal Jessa's thunder. If Jill isn't pregnant she might release a hundred new baby Izzy pics the way Jessa did with her wedding photos. *grabs popcorn and eagerly waits...*

  • Love 13


I'm waiting for either Jill or Amy to make a pregnancy announcement and steal Jessa's thunder.

What if they don't consult each other and both announce THE SAME DAY? Poor Jessa! Ha, she has it coming. So do Jill and Amy, for that matter. The only real entertainment this bunch has left is tearing each other down.

  • Love 6

Was she alone or did she have an accountability partner...er, friend, with her? Serious question.


I also need to know. (Side note: I live in NW Arkansas and visit Fayetteville fairly often and haven't had a Duggar sighting yet. I'll purpose to visit Target more often now. We do need a new comforter, so I have a reason to go. If I see Jessa Blessa I'll report back.)

  • Love 5

I'm still hoping for a Halloween baby. Then again, we'd never know, would we? I'm sure Jessa Blessa and Bin would purpose to shade the truth ("lying" is just so -- so BLUNT) about the baby's true birth date and say that little Apocrypha was born on any other day of the year. Jesus would want them to.


We can only hope that one of their family members is so overcome by joy that they post a dated pic on social media. ;-)

  • Love 5

Jessa's latest (and last?) pregnancy selfie. IMO, it looks like the crib bedding in the lower left quadrant of the picture is for a boy.  



ETA: Is she not wearing her wedding ring? I'm assuming her pregnancy fingers have become too swollen... or the cheap gum ball ring fell apart. 

Edited by Guest

Jessa's latest (and last?) pregnancy selfie. IMO, it looks like the crib bedding in the lower left quadrant of the picture is for a boy.  



ETA: Is she not wearing her wedding ring? I'm assuming her pregnancy fingers have become too swollen... or the cheap gum ball ring fell apart.

If she is in front of a mirror it looks like the wedding ring is on the other hand.

  • Love 2

Jessa's latest (and last?) pregnancy selfie. IMO, it looks like the crib bedding in the lower left quadrant of the picture is for a boy.  



ETA: Is she not wearing her wedding ring? I'm assuming her pregnancy fingers have become too swollen... or the cheap gum ball ring fell apart. 

good observation about the bedding!!!

  • Love 1

she looks good with her hair out of her face, hope she pops tomorrow, it would be ashame for her to loathe her baby because it was born on the Devils play day.


Wearing her hair up seriously transforms her face. All that scraggly hair in her face is not a good look. I still kind of wish she'd worn her hair up for her wedding, especially with that gorgeous dress.

  • Love 7

Yes, I never understood why Jessa or Jill didn't get classy up-dos instead of just wearing their hair exactly like they always do. I've seen them with their hair up plenty of times after the weddings so it's clearly not a foreign concept to them. Maybe it was a final act of obedience to daddy; Boob prefers their hair down and wavy, remember.

  • Love 3

For whatever reason, Jessa tends to wear her wedding ring on her right hand. I've noticed it quite a bit in her selfies.

Is that the spare bedroom in the mold house? If not, then Jessa got all new furniture and bedding for her Master. It looks like Baby Seewald is going to be a boy.

  • Love 1

For whatever reason, Jessa tends to wear her wedding ring on her right hand. I've noticed it quite a bit in her selfies.

Is that the spare bedroom in the mold house? If not, then Jessa got all new furniture and bedding for her Master. It looks like Baby Seewald is going to be a boy.


All snark aside, I hope they have a boy. It is a big deal in their world, and Jessa has already been one-upped by Jill who 1) married first 2) got pregnant first and 3) had a boy.


I think it's also in the best interest of the child. A boy in that society will at least have a few options in life and won't have to grow up cleaning house and raising his siblings.


I also think it's completely irrelavent whether or not the child is born on the 31st. The only way he would ever know about Halloween would be if he actually went to school, or had friends outside the cult. In that case, he might be a little depressed when the other kids were talking about costumes, and parties, and all the candy they hoped to get -- but that would be true regardless of whether it's his birthday or not. And, of course, he will never go to school.


Mostly, I just hope that she drops the damn baby already. She's been pregnant longer than an elephant.

  • Love 8

When did false eyelashes become a regular daytime thing? Like, a going to my baby shower in an ugly sweater kind of thing?

I had surgery last winter and every sweet young nurse who checked in with me looked like she was about to hit the red carpet afterward.


I don't know, but I generally feel as grumpy about them as I do about clothing with sequins and/or bra-baring cutouts in the daytime, this ain't a nightclub, ladies.  Also, it's like there's no point to being a woman with "natural good" eyelashes anymore.  (I mean, I am not that woman, but I'm also not coordinated enough to put on falsies, so...)

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 5

Because the boys in Duggar world have so many options? Josh is the eldest child and look how he turned out. Look at Bin.


Relatively speaking, I think they do. Josh got to take a job and move away from Arkansas. Joseph is actually in college (Clown College, I know, but away from home). David Waller has a job and lives in Chicago.


The options for girls are stay at home, take care of kids, clean the house, and wait for God to send you a mate so that you can marry and stay at home, take care of kids, and clean the house.

  • Love 14

good observation about the bedding!!!

It looks to me like she picked out baby bedding to match the rest of the room, sorta. Kinda blue gray neutral-ish.

I hope she moves the crib to another location before the kid gets too big. Babies and window blinds cords are a bad mix.

  • Love 3

What's with the skin-tight pregnancy clothes already?  Is it just me or do most normal women wear pregnancy clothes that are more modest and less tight?  I loved being pregnant (a couple of decades ago) and I enjoyed wearing nice maternity clothes, of course you could tell that I was pregnant which was fine with me but I didn't wear anything skin tight.  The only pregnant women I've seen wearing skin tight clothing are the Duggars.  It's just weird.

  • Love 13

What's with the skin-tight pregnancy clothes already?  Is it just me or do most normal women wear pregnancy clothes that are more modest and less tight?  I loved being pregnant (a couple of decades ago) and I enjoyed wearing nice maternity clothes, of course you could tell that I was pregnant which was fine with me but I didn't wear anything skin tight.  The only pregnant women I've seen wearing skin tight clothing are the Duggars.  It's just weird.

I think it is the new trend. My FB feed is filled with tight shirts over baby bumps, the difference being the Duggar girls appear to just stretch every day clothing of their bumps, not form fitting maternity wear.

All snark aside, I hope they have a boy. It is a big deal in their world, and Jessa has already been one-upped by Jill who 1) married first 2) got pregnant first and 3) had a boy.


I think it's also in the best interest of the child. A boy in that society will at least have a few options in life and won't have to grow up cleaning house and raising his siblings.


I also think it's completely irrelavent whether or not the child is born on the 31st. The only way he would ever know about Halloween would be if he actually went to school, or had friends outside the cult. In that case, he might be a little depressed when the other kids were talking about costumes, and parties, and all the candy they hoped to get -- but that would be true regardless of whether it's his birthday or not. And, of course, he will never go to school.


Mostly, I just hope that she drops the damn baby already. She's been pregnant longer than an elephant.

I don't know, Josiah's & JD's lives don't look very different from Jana's & Jinger's right now.

  • Love 1

I live by the beach and I've seen pregnant women wear bikini's which I think is super cool and when I was pregnant in the summer I wore clothes that were above the knee and matching shorts and shirts combo or short dresses.  They have such really pretty maternity clothes.  Skin tight shirts over long skirts just seems weird. It's like look I'm pregnant and that's the only thing you should notice about me and in case you don't I'm going to put my hands on my stomach to make sure you notice. OK we get it you're pregnant but have some style about it.  They just think that they are so wonderful for being pregnant, come on you're not the first or only people on earth to do that. 

  • Love 9

More form fitting is the norm today, but that doesn't mean stretched to the max a la Jessa.  She takes ti to the extreme and doesn't look very good, IMO, as a result.  For all the Duggars are supposed to know about sewing and other household arts, Jessa didn't get the lesson about "ease" in garments.

  • Love 2

So with that new picture you guys are making me change my whole outlook of her having a Baby Pebbles to Baby Bam Bam.


I just don't know how I feel about that. I think Jessa would have loved a girl to dress up. Boys just aren't as much fun to dress up. I imagined Baby Pebbles in cute dresses all the while her nails being painted to match her outfits, etc. lol We all know that Jessa would have put her missioncation skills to good use with a girl.


Now with a boy will she just leave him to be taken care of by Bin while she gets busy posing for more selfies? Remains to be seen!

  • Love 3

Could be they went with relatively neutral sheets and such, and they genuinely don't know what they're having.


We didn't know until the dr pulled my son out whether he was a boy or a girl. I called him Schrodinger's Baby. 


All our stuff was neutrals, yellow/green/brown/blue.

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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