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Brain Bleed: The Shows We Hate & The Reasons We Hate Them

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I like the show OK, but it's probably better to pick and choose the episodes than to try watching them all. A surprising number deal with husbands killing/trying to kill wives, or wives doing likewise. It's a neat underside of 1950's domesticity, but it does get repetitious. The best part for me is seeing late great A-list stars, or people who later became A-list stars.

That's good advice! Even some Amazon reviews have said that some episodes are better than others.

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Parenthood.  If I ever met that Braverman family, I'd line them up so I can slap then one by one a la Airplane.  The exceptions are Jabbar, because he is awesome, and Victor, who had no choice but to be adopted by these lunatics.  I would also have Kristina get back in line several times, one slap isn't enough for the smug, know-it-all, condescending creature that she is.

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Transparent:  It's supposed to be a comedy, right?  So when does it get funny?  Normally, I'll hang in there a while if 1. I see some potential (meaning a couple of smiles or giggles from me), or if people insist that it gets better if I just give it a chance (but, no one in my circle of friends watches it).  But, I don't think I can watch much more.  It's been three episodes and I haven't laughed or even smiled once.  I find the overall tone to be gloomy to downright sad and depressing and, so far, I don't see any redeeming qualities in any of the main characters.

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Mr. Robot:   I like Christian Slater and Rami Malek was very good but...a lot of it was just so dull. Who thought twenty-somethings raging against the machine could be so boring?  All that baby nihilsm just had me rolling my eyes. There's the scene where they let the dogs out of the cages..to do what? Wander around un-cared for? I get that was the point, but such self-centered cluelessness isn't compelling.    I ended up not caring about anyone except Flipper. 



I thought I was alone in having this opinion about Luther.  Some of the very few stand-alone episodes were quite good (the Sean Pertwee one is outstanding), but the recurring villainess just annoyed me, and I stopped watching about half-way through the first season.

Ack, she was terrible.  If the show comes back and she's involved I won't be watching, even though I loved Idris Elba in this.  The last season with the over-emphasis on her is just the worst.

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X Files -I like Supernatural, Roswell,Smallville, Men in Black and so many other shows that would be considered similar to this one. And I wanted to witness this great Murder & Scully chemistry everyone talks about. Tried,  cant finish single episodes let alone 8 seasons, I did not find the two leads appealing. 

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Speaking of sitcoms: the critically revered, cult favorite Arrested Development. There's stuff I like about it, but you're supposed to flat out LOVE it and think it's one of the very greatest things ever to grace our screens, and I just can't bring myself to adore it like I should. 

That's what irks me, too, about Friends: a lot of its marketing (as with many other shows [comedies, mostly] that have been judged in popular opinion to be the greatest of all time, and have received accolades accordingly) is that if you don't think that this is one of the funniest shows you've ever seen, you don't have a good-enough sense of humor. The people who market it and similar shows have a right to believe that if they so desire, but as I said before, shows like that, Seinfeld, and Everybody Loves Raymond have never been high up on my list of favorites, let alone been there at all (just my opinion). 

Edited by bmasters9
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I am currently trying to watch "Gilmore Girls," because it's on when we get home and it's a fave of DW's, but...ugh, what insufferable, hipster, spoiled, self-important and, somehow, still boring, characters. I don't think I'm supposed to be cheering on Lorelai's mom - evol rich, suffocating parental unit, but dang, was I ever. She's the only character I halfway like.


I loved the first few seasons of the show when it aired, but I CANNOT watch it now.  Hate everything about it - Lorelai, the strummy music, the quirky townsfolk.  I can't.  I truly ask myself what I was thinking with this show.


True Detective. I'm surprised nobody else listed this. Maybe i was watching too late at night but I'd get confused and lose interest.


My god, I tried to get into this show, but McConaughey killed it for me.  


Daredevil.  I heard so much about how good it is, how much better it is than the other superhero shows, so I was curious.  I didn't even make it to the end of the first season.  So very bored.  Even when Vincent D'Onofrio showed up as Kingpin, I was underwhelmed.


I think Daredevil started out interesting, but derailed halfway.  D'onofrio's Kingpin was basically a child having a perpetual tantrum, and then the best friend was also childish and kind of pouty and entitled despite being a jokester, and I found myself wishing that Matt and Claire could have gone off and been on a different show.  Oh, and Ben.  Maybe he would have lived if he didn't have to deal with Karen's manipulative ass.  


But beyond all that, I think live action comic-based/superhero TV shows rarely, if ever, work long-term. DC AND Marvel should stick to animation.  Well, DC at least.  I don't think Marvel is any better with their animated shows. 


I really wanted to like Empire, but whoo boy, it is awful.  Plus, I have never understood how Terrance Howard got any work as an actor.  I always feel like he's playing himself.   


I wanted to like Blindspot, but Jaime Alexander and Sullivan Stapleton apparently suck the life out of each other and from the supporting cast.  Makes me wonder if they screen-tested together. Plus, the execution of the tattoo gimmick...nope.


I wanted to like How To Get Away with Murder, but Viola Davis bugs me as the lead.  I know that's hugely unpopular, but there it is.


I REALLY like Nicole Beharie, but I cannot abide Sleepy Hollow. I keep hoping to hear of its cancellation, so another show can scoop her up, and I can watch it. Lyndie Greenwood is cool, too, so maybe they can co-star together in a different vehicle.     

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The first season of sleepy hollow was awesome. Then Katrina sucked the life out of it, then cook finale with her going back in time but it was just one episode. And it didn't really make sense why she'd have her memory and Katrina would and Ichabod wouldnt. Fell asleep during season premiere. Not a good sign, it moved insanely fast its first season. I miss that.

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Gilligan's Island-- I had purchased the full-series release of this 1964-67 CBS comedy lately at the Wal-Mart in Simpsonville, because I thought that the critics who incessantly trashed it might have been wrong, and perhaps I might find it funny. Well, it seems that the critics might actually have been right all along-- I'm 11 episodes in on the first season, and I'm just not into it. The lack of chapter stops (each episode being one full chapter) has very much contributed to the boredom, in that you can't just skip the title track and get right into the episode-- if you press skip, you're out of the episode entirely. 

Edited by bmasters9
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Gilligan's Island-- I had purchased the full-series release of this 1964-67 CBS comedy lately at the Wal-Mart in Simpsonville, because I thought that the critics who incessantly trashed it might have been wrong, and perhaps I might find it funny. Well, it seems that the critics might actually have been right all along-- I'm 11 episodes in on the first season, and I'm just not into it. The lack of chapter stops (each episode being one full chapter) has very much contributed to the boredom, in that you can't just skip the title track and get right into the episode-- if you press skip, you're out of the episode entirely. 

I think Gilligan's Island is the type of show you need to be a kid to enjoy. Or you remember it fondly from childhood and are willing to overlook the absurdities of the  premise and the plots. (Why can't the Professor build a seaworthy raft? Why does everyone except Gilligan and Skipper seem to have brought along a huge wardrobe for a three hour tour? Why does everyone always have perfect hair? What were a millionaire couple doing on that tour anyway? etc, etc.)

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I think Gilligan's Island is the type of show you need to be a kid to enjoy. Or you remember it fondly from childhood and are willing to overlook the absurdities of the  premise and the plots. 

That's a great point! Speaking of needing to be a kid to enjoy it, I fortunately have someone who likes it more than I do-- my nephew Eli in Alabama. I'm seriously considering giving that full-series DVD release to him. Like I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners, it has become very much deadwood to me. 

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The walking dead. I get its appeal, not for me

The wire. The problem here is its a good show. I just heard so many people say illite rally it's the best tv show in history. It's good, but no, sorry, not the best show in history. Not even the best show of its time, in my opinion.

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When Modern Family and The Middle debuted in 2009, I thought, "Wow! Two family sitcoms that actually feel fresh!" I didn't become a loyal viewer beyond the first season, though. I still catch the occasional episode, but to my mind all sitcoms--especially those about families--eventually fall back on the same tired tropes, or the characters become caricatures.

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Can this also be about shows for which you ceased getting the DVD releases because you didn't feel that they would be worth the money anymore? If so, then original-recipe Hawaii Five-O is the prime example. I had been regularly getting the releases of the same through the seventh or eighth season, and then stopped because I had heard that the last four seasons had dropped in quality (although I did get that last one [the final season, 1979-80] as a sort of curiosity piece just to see how bad it really was). 

Edited by bmasters9
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Sad to say for me it's Doctor Who.  I caught up on the Nu-Who on Netflix with Eccleston and Tennant and just fell in love with Matt Smith but I struggled with Peter Capaldi and gave up completely sometime around Danny's death. I don't even miss it, which is kind of sad.


Also, Bones I caught up on Netflix. Got up to season 9(?) and just couldn't go on. It was getting so repetitive and just wasn't interesting anymore.


I'm starting to feel that way about Gotham.  I'm just not that interested in Jim Gordon as a main character but part of that could be the actor who I just don't find interesting. With Supergirl on at the same time it's easier to give up.

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Bones - After the producers screwed the fans around with that episode where Booth & Brennan got together in fantasy/alternate universe, I became more of a casual viewer, and then her being pregnant without us ever seeing them really become a couple was the end for me.


Grey's Anatomy - Not because they killed McDreamy (I really didn't like him) but because last season proved that the show isn't worth watching without Sandra Oh.  Not even for Justin Chambers.

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Also, Bones I caught up on Netflix. Got up to season 9(?) and just couldn't go on. It was getting so repetitive and just wasn't interesting anymore.

I'm approaching the end of the seventh season (1963-64) of Perry Mason, and I'm considering stopping with that one. I don't know if the eighth and ninth seasons (1964-66) will have enough good episodes to make those worth the money that I've spent for the volumes of the first seven. 

Edited by bmasters9
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Bones - Season four was my last. The only procedural show I ever watched because I was interested in a post-Angel David Boreanez. But being a procedural, an expiry date was imminent. They seemed to be going into a new phase at this point, so I took that opportunity to jump ship. 


Lost - After the show ended, I binge watched seasons 1 and 2. I enjoyed both, but after all I've read about what the show became I still haven't found the energy to care about going back there.


Survivor - I watched from the first season until the first All-Stars (season 8). The one person in all stars who I didn't remember winning that season pretty much was a sign that I should move on. 


Big Brother - I started with the much different season 1 and watched all the way through season 14. The show became boring, stale and obnoxious. And the last few seasons I only watched the live eviction episodes.


The Real World/Road Rules Challenge - The original generation being over taken by a new group of sluts just didn't do it for me anymore. I think the last one I mustered through was Cutthroat. Though I was glad to read Paula and CT finally won a challenge. And with the show now including sluts from any number of shows, I don't think I'll ever bother again.


How I Met Your Mother - I watched through part of season five. Barney and Robin. No, thank you.


The Office - I think I watched until season 5 with this show, too. I don't know why I stopped. I just lost interest, I guess. I'll just blame Toby. I mean, he really was awful in every way.

Edited by Amello
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Seasons 4 and 5 of Lost are excellent, especially 4. I'd actually roll it back to late season 3, probably starting with "The Man from Tallahassee." I ignore season 6 after the big reveal in the Giant Toe of Destiny.


Two series I have left mid-stream: Bones because they turned her into a moron, and House because I hated Cuddy and after a while didn't care what happened to any of the characters. Oh. Thought of another: The Mentalist. Red John should've been the guy in the mall and I call shenanigans on the relationship crap.

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Sad to say for me it's Doctor Who.  I caught up on the Nu-Who on Netflix with Eccleston and Tennant and just fell in love with Matt Smith but I struggled with Peter Capaldi and gave up completely sometime around Danny's death. I don't even miss it, which is kind of sad. 

I watched the first 2 episodes this season then keep forgetting its on every Saturday and have been meaning to catch up via On Demand but haven't. I can't get as excited about the show these days like I did during the earlier days even though I like Peter Capaldi in the role.

Another show for me is the Amazing Race, maybe it's more because I can't get used to it being shown on a different night than Sunday.

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Bones - I gave up when they made Zach an apprentice to a cannibal. It just seemed the storyline was thrown together and really did not seem in character for Zach, but what do I know? Also, I never was a Booth and Brennan shipper. 


Doctor Who - I gave up after a few episodes last season, because I thought Twelve was a dick. I enjoyed Capaldi's previous work so I thought I would like him as the doctor. I am at my table for one for liking Clara, so I tuned in again this season and found Twelve to be a bit less of a dick.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - I still do not care about Skye/Daisy.

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Person of Interest -  I was mad they killed Carter.


Grey's Anatomy - I cancelled it around -- season 7? 8?  But I have always kept up with the generic storyline.  I have since given it a reboot this season tho. I am liking this season so far.


American Idol - When Simon left.  The show seemed more invested in their celebrity judges than they were in their contestants.  Part of the charm of the early shows was that nobody knew who Simon or Randy was.  And Paula was pretty much a has been.  They were as much unknowns as the singers were.  Now the show seems more invested in promoting the judges. No thank you.


Bones - Dropped it out of boredom around season 6-ish and was kinda sad they killed off one of my favorite squinterns, Vincent Nigel-Murray.


Orange is the New Black - Not really cancelled more on Hiatus as I may pick it back up  next year.  Maybe.  I only made it through two episodes of Season 3 after completely loving Season 2. Have had no desire to start the next episode.


Masters of Sex - could not make it past the second episode of this most recent season.  Gave it up.

Edited by DearEvette
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The Twelfth Doctor is exceedingly watchable with minimal Clara.


Thought of another: The Mentalist. Red John should've been the guy in the mall and I call shenanigans on the relationship crap.


Where were you at the other place when I was posting about the same thing and everyone "reported" me because they didn't like my opinion?

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Grey's Anatomy - I cancelled it around -- season 7? 8?  But I have always kept up with the generic storyline.  I have since given it a reboot this season tho. I am liking this season so far.


Masters of Sex - could not make it past the second episode of this most recent season.  Gave it up.


I gave up on Grey's somewhere around the plane crash when I realized I was cheering for them all to be dead and took it as a sign it was time to bail.


I think that the producers of Masters of Sex had the first season all nicely mapped out and then no idea of what to do with ths show after that, and then Allison Janney got a regular network gig, effectively killing one of the more interesting subplots for me. They've tried to reboot a few times but it's just never worked right after they blew their plotline load on season 1. 

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Where were you at the other place when I was posting about the same thing and everyone "reported" me because they didn't like my opinion?
Heh. I often avoid forums for shows I'm watching to avoid spoilers and assholes, and once I stop watching I stop visiting forums for the show altogether. 
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Downton Abbey


The first season or two were interesting, and the scenery and especially the clothes were the best eye candy on tv. Then self-anointed writing genius Julian Whats-his-face started running out of ideas, changing characters' personalities as needed to fill plot holes, and recycling old plots ad nauseam. Money seemingly falling from the sky when it was most needed, Matthew's miraculous recovery, Mary's endless parade of incredibly boring suitors, and OMG the bloody Bateses and their centuries-long crime and punishment story line. Geez, Fellowes, you call this WRITING???


I think I bailed at the end of Season Three, before my brain completely turned to mush. My DVDs of the original Upstairs Downstairs are much more interesting. The writing is coherent, the characters are well-drawn and consistent, and when Lady Margery went down with the Titanic, she STAYED down. 

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I tried to binge-watch Breaking Bad on Netflix but just gave up mid-way through season 3. On paper, the show seemed interesting. The execution just fell flat for me. I can't pinpoint exactly what it was, but I had no interest in continuing past that and most of the time would find other things to do when I tried to get myself to finish the series.


I also tried to get into Bones for David Boreanaz, but I just couldn't. I found the show boring from the start, I saw no chemistry between him and the lead actress. Watching the Sleepy Hollow portion of the recent crossover just reminded me that I haven't missed anything. Emily Z. is a terrible actress and they still seem as stilted and uncomfortable around each other from when I first watched. I saw more chemistry with Nicole Beharie and David in their 5 minutes on-screen together.

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Despite adoring Matt Smith as Eleven, I gave up on Doctor Who during the second half of season 7. I just can't stand Clara. I gave season 8 a try figuring I might like the different dynamic between her and Twelve, but nope. I'll try again when she's gone. I've liked every single one of the other companions in NuWho's run, so it really bums me out that her tenure has been the longest of all of them.

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True Blood - Never watched the last season and it appears I didn't miss anything. All that Bill is a god thing was like whaaa and I got sick of Sookie. It's a shame, I really liked the show at the beginning but it went way off the rails.

Big Love - I hate what they did to this show. I loved everything about it. The last season sucked and I couldn't even finish it.

How I Met Your Mother - Couldn't bring myself to watch it anymore. Just got gross and I was starting to hate watch, then just stopped.

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Bones: I used to love this show, but I stopped watching around when Bones was pregnant (not sure what season that was like 6 or something). But honestly I was struggling to watch long before that, because of what they did with Zack. I really liked his character and while it was a great twist, I was disappointed that it led to him being off the show. It got to the point where I just didn't care about what happened anymore and I slowly stopped watching. I'm honestly surprised that it is still on.


True Blood: I liked this show for the first few seasons, but then there was many characters to the point where the story never moved forward. And I can't pin point a reason why I stopped watching other then that, but I never felt like I needed to go back and finish the last few seasons.


Grimm: I loved this show until the season 3 finale (which I openly hate). Last season had some good episodes but just as it was making a recovery,  they slaughtered it with the Adalind pregrant with Nick's baby crap. And then there is the whole Juliette thing that just dragged on and on. This season I found myself debating if I care enough to watch it.  So far I haven't, and I'm not sure if I miss it. Has it gotten any better?

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Has it gotten any better?

In some ways, yes, in others, no.  You'd probably be really angry with the Adalind/Nick/baby story line and there is no evidence yet that Juliette is really dead.  But, the wesen uprising looks like it could be really good, but after the writers dropped the mystery of the keys, and the mess they made out of the royals, it's probably too much to hope for. 


I gave up Bones, too.  I was struggling to keep watching it at one time--I forget which season--the baby had already been born--but it was getting more and more ridiculous and I finally stopped after they had Hodgens (I think that was his name--Angela's husband) nurse whatever bug sack that was in his neck until it hatched.  It wasn't only gross, but it was incredibly stupid. 

Edited by Shannon L.
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Bones - I gave up on this show as well. I started watching it on Netflix but gave up after about three seasons. The title character "Bones" is tolerable at best. I did not see at all what Booth sees in her. I actually liked him best with his baby mama or even Cam. At least I could see why he'd have an attraction to these ladies and why they'd be attracted to him. Also if there had to be a love story on the show I preferred Angela/Hodgins. The cases of the week got old too as did the storyline character twists. I also gave up the show when they made Zack the apprentice of a cannibal.

Once Upon A Time - I thought the first two seasons were excellent, but when they got to the Peter Pan season, S3 (?), they completely lost me and I stopped watching.

The Flash - Last season was descent enough, but by the second half of the season I started to see cracks in the story. There's no depth to the storylines, not that it needs to be TWD or GOT, but a little substance will go a long way in making the show interesting. I was hoping things would improve this season, specifically for Iris who I feel can and should have more to do than stroke Barry's ego and smile and look pretty in the background. When I saw that there would be no change and that the show was in fact adding more characters without writing for the ones they already had, I completely lost interest the show and removed it from my DVR.

Homeland - The first season was excellent. The second season was ridiculous but at least entertaining. Season three was a bit of a mess and season four completely lost me with the first couple of episodes. Someone said the new season was great so I gave it another chance. I didn't even make it through the first episode before turning it off due to straight boredom. So I'm done with this one too. It was fun while it lasted.

I totally agree with whoever mentioned Breaking Bad. I watched this on Netflix as well. The first season or two was okay, but by Season 3 I was over the show. I didn't find anything interesting or compelling about the show and was downright sick of Walter White. Needless to say I didn't finish the series.

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Oh yeah, Once Upon a Time! It was fun when we were discovering who all of the characters were in fairy tales and became steadily less interesting after that until it became nothing more than a Disney commercial. So I stopped watching.

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Another one who cancelled Bones here! I don't remember exactly when. I think it was after the baby was born? I think the season/a few episodes after the British intern was killed off. I didn't quit because of that but it's the last thing I remember. It just got tedious.

Criminal Minds was cancelled a few episodes into season 10. Although a Very Special Episode featuring an off-screen killed off past regular did surface before my eyes, it was the last episode to be aired.

Cancelled The Strain right before the first season ended. The season finale never made it to air.

Edited by joelene
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I doubt I've canceled it, but this was the first season I skipped Project Runway. It used to be my favorite show, and while I still enjoy it, I don't really care for the amped-up focus on draaaaama over design. When it started this season, I actually chose The Making of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (Stop it. lol) over it on Thursday nights. My plan was to catch up On Demand, but when DCC stopped, Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder started. I knew I'd never catch up, so I just let it go without watching a single second this season. And honestly, I haven't missed it. Maybe that's a sign. 

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Scandal. This show broke my heart. I was so excited to watch a drama about a smart and successful black woman who's also flawed and has complicated relationships. And there was lots of political drama, sexy love scenes, etcc.  But after season 3, with B316 and Papa Pope and Huck going crazy and licking Quinn, it became too OTT and lost any appeal for me. Shonda wanted every episode to have something Shocking! and Crazy! and Don't miss the last 2 minutes!  rather than focusing on creating a good story and interesting characters week after week. So I watched the show till the end of season 3, but it really lost me in the middle of Season 2. 


Castle. Another show that I loved, but the show's writers and creators lost their motivation? Magic? Skills? after season 5. Castle stopped being funny and charming--he became this puppy dog that let Beckett mistreat him. And Beckett? She's no longer the smart but vulnerable detective I loved. She became this self-righteous, sanctimonious, know-it-all. And don't get me started about the supporting cast. It's like the writers don't know what to do with Alexis or the rest of the gang. 

Edited by topanga
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Brooklyn 99 - I went into it a bit reluctantly, since I'm not much of an Andy Samberg fan, but really enjoyed the first season since the entire cast was involved, and I really like Andre Braugher.  Come season 2, I found the episodes piling up on the DVR, planning to watch "eventually".  Well, "eventually" turned into "never", and about half way through the season, I deleted the saved episodes and dropped it from my DVR schedule.

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I could not possibly list them all. (Is it that unusual to drop shows or are you guys just listing the ones that got you the most disappointed?)


Lemme at it. This season:


Haven. Nathan has been unwatchable for awhile, but now Audrey got there too: they are now a totally self-involved couple in a show for shippers. I liked the show and wanted to finish it, but really can't take this focus on the crap love story.


Grimm. Adalind and her rape baby are not the stuff of romantic plots. Fuck you, show!


Scream Queens. I said no Ryan Murphy again, but was curious. 5 episodes later I realized that I was tuning in with no enjoyment, and have been hate watching for awhile.


Quantico. This is the stupidest show I've seen in quite awhile. I thought Priyanka Chopra being so utterly hot would be enough, and I'd just watch on a tablet during lunch breaks, but by episode 3 I found the show too offensively stupid.


The Librarians. I've never liked this one, and in fact I'd already dropped it after the pilot when it first aired, but I marathoned season 1 recently because I was told Cassandra was Amy Acker-lite (I blame the extended PoI hiatus for this.). But the first episode of season 2 was just horrible, and Cassandra and Ezekiel are really fuckin' annoying.


Code Black. It's not you, show, it's me. I have little interest in non-serialized shows, but became interested in CB when I heard it was based on a documentary. Yeah, no, it's a medical drama with the familiar beats and there is already soapy drama. Nothing wrong with that, but it got me so bored that I don't even remember what's the last episode I saw or what happened in it.


And then there were the shows I dropped after just one episode - Blindspot (damn, I was waiting for this with bated breath, but that awful camera work and editing are just no), Rosewood (most punchable character on TV), Minority Report (boring procedural, what a waste).

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Scandal:  Olivia's on-again-off-again toxic relationship with Fitz made me want to punch them both. 

HTGAWM:  I lasted one episode, but couldn't deal with the fantasy law world they created.  Either it's lazy writing, or you don't think there are actual professionals -- or even intelligent people -- watching, so you don't even try to get the details right.    

Downton Abbey:  At some point, it began to feel like they'd lost their own plot, and couldn't figure out who they wanted these characters to be. Bye. 

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Sleepy Hollow - about 2/3 into season 2 I realized they switched leads on me and I wasn't watching what I had originally signed up for so I quit it. 


HTGAWM - I've been trying to hang in there for Viola but it really is all just claptrap drivel and I just can't find a damn to give about anything that happens to any of these people.  Just seems like sensation just for sensations sake. Every episode teaser seems to end in you won't be believe the jaw dropping OMG thing that happens next (eye roll).

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Downton Abbey


I think I bailed at the end of Season Three, before my brain completely turned to mush. My DVDs of the original Upstairs Downstairs are much more interesting. The writing is coherent, the characters are well-drawn and consistent, and when Lady Margery went down with the Titanic, she STAYED down. 


Call me shallow, but anyone who uses a Lady Margery reference, let alone an Upstairs/Downstairs one, is my new best friend. :)

Edited by A Boston Gal
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